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Synopsis: "When testing out a new Gunpla Battle simulation system at the Nielsen Labs, Sekai and his friends ended up in another universe where the Gryps Conflict occurred. Stuck in the Zeta era of Gundam Universal Century, they have to fight and survive on the now all too real war, and find a way back home no matter what."
Zeta Fighters Chapter 1
Hey there guys, and what's up? Warmachine375 here and I have made a Gundam UC x Gundam Build Fighters crossover fic called "Zeta Fighters". This would be my first take on a Build Fighters crossover story where the Gunpla players end up in another Gundam universe aside from the "Meister of Your Future Chronicles", a story that I have adopted from TheLandMaster with permission.

Of course, this time with the main cast of Build Fighters franchise than the OCs being the main characters.

Oneshot just in case.

Synopsis: "When testing out a new Gunpla Battle simulation system at the Nielsen Labs, Sekai and his friends ended up in another universe where the Gryps Conflict occurred. Stuck in the Zeta era of Gundam Universal Century, they have to fight and survive on the now all too real war, and find a way back home no matter what."

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Zeta and Gundam Build Fighters series. They both belong to Sunrise and Yoshiyuki Tomino.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D

Chapter 1​

At the Nielsen Labs

"Remind me again why are we doing this?"

Fumina Hoshino wondered with a mild irritated look on her face as she could not help but glare at how Sekai Kamiki expressed his excitement of having the Build Burning Gundam be added with a GN Drive with some help from Shia Kijima, a member of Team Celestial Sphere and her fellow rival in Gunpla Battle and love for that battle-happy but endearing redheaded buffoon on the other side of the table.

They seemed doing well together and had better synergy compared to her.

On the other hand, Shia had rebuilt her G-Portent and Fumina bet that she made it stronger and more well-tuned after their last battle that ended in a draw.

"Because we were invited here to test out Engineer Adam Winslow's new simulation for future Gunpla Battles and that Sekai volunteered us to take part of it along with Mr. Ral and someone else joining in. For once I agree with Sekai, I take it as an opportunity to test out something new with my Gunpla for a change.", Yuuma Kousaka explained as he pushed forward his glasses while making finishing adjustments to his new Lightning Gundam Gunpla that had a GN Drive.

Or rather, it had three GN Drives. Two for his Backpack and the last one for his Gunpla, and he had modified it to work in both mobile suit and aircraft forms for smooth transformation almost akin to the Raphael Gundam from Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer as an inspiration.

The brown haired young teenager raised an eyebrow, "Like adding a solar reactor into it? Even though you had easily outsped the Kyrios in its Trans-Am Mode during our comeback battle before. Also isn't that Team Celestial Sphere's schtick, Yuuma?"

The strongest team from Gunpla Academy were well-known for their use of customized Gunpla having GN Drives as homage to Celestial Being from Gundam 00.

"Like you're one to talk, Fumina. You decided to modify your Star Winning Gundam to be in its permanent Real Mode and added a GN Drive of your own as well. After all, apparently you were very eager to follow Sekai's lead when he told us that he was going to add one to his Build Burning Gundam.", the glasses wearing Gunpla Builder simply interjected while focusing on his Gunpla he finally finished.

Glancing at her Gunpla in its permanent Real Mode with a GN Drive, Fumina blushed as she tried to brush it off, "Y-yeah, you got a point there, Yuuma. B-besides, like you said, it's an opportunity. I wanted to see how my Star Winning Gundam perform in battle if the GN Drive is added to work in conjunction with the Particle Generators."

She totally did not do it to try catch Sekai's attention away from Shia Kijima.

"That sounds awesome, Senpai! I would love to see it in action! By the way, check this Gunpla out!", Sekai enthusiastically called out which got the attention of his fellow Try Fighters.

The redhaired martial artist showed them the Build Burning Gundam being not only restored as good as new than before but also it had been added with a GN Drive on the back and in addition, it possessed the GN Sword with a Rifle Mode of Exia that is mounted on its right forearm. Along with some several beam sabers added to the waists too as well.

Yuuma commented upon looking at it, "Not bad for someone obsessed with martial arts. I recall that you have no affinity for ranged weaponry and prefer punching the enemy up close back at the training exercise in the past."

Sekai smiled as he explained, "Thanks Yuuma! Shia told me about Exia's cool weapon that can function like a sword and a beam rifle to transform at any time. We even watched some videos about Exia fighting other cool Gunpla with it in the show together. Besides, I did battle Wilfrid with a flaming sword at the final battle of the Gunpla Battle tournament. So it's a win-win for me."

This made Fumina twitch her eyes after hearing Sekai eagerly talking how he spent time with the sister of Wilfrid Kijima.

The Gunpla Builder frowned as he remarked regarding Shia's teammates, "It's a shame that Saga Adou is at the hospital to get his broken hand healed up and rest. Not to mention, Wilfrid Kijima was busy on important matters after heading back to England."

"Indeed, as of now, Team Celestial Sphere is currently on hiatus.", Shia said as she approached the Try Fighters with her restored G-Portent and observed the modifications done to their Gunpla respectively. "Or at least until the main team returns, the secondary one takes their place at the moment.", she added.

Yuuma remarked as he understood what she meant, "So just like Fereshte from Gundam 00F side story. They were the secondary team in Celestial Being and they had supported the main team from Ptolemy from the sidelines."

"Except unlike Fereshte who had only 1 GN Drive due to Celestial Being's strong restrictions in the lore, we have six of them.", Fumina finished for him.

Sekai absentmindedly commented, "Really? But I didn't see or hear of them from that show. Just those guys from Ptolemy throughout Seasons 1 and 2. And those Throne jerks too."

Fumina and Yuuma simply facepalmed at their friend's obliviousness while Shia simply giggled at how cute Sekai is when he is like that.

"I see that you kids are in high spirits! That's good!", a voice of an older man called which got the teenagers' attention.

It is Mr. Ral, the coach of Try Fighters and the infamous Blue Giant from Gunpla Battles. And he is accompanied by an older woman with blonde hair in a ladylike bun who is beautiful and graceful in an elegant conservative civilian clothing that of the 70s with a red scarf and a handbag which the teenagers took notice that she looked a lot like Crowley Hamon from the Mobile Suit Gundam 1979 show.

However, it's not the first time anyone among the fandom of Gunpla Battle had dedicated themselves to look like characters from various Gundam shows or just coincidentally looked like them. Such as Mr. Ral who just happened to look like Ramba Ral to the Zeon cosplayers and they respectfully call him "Lieutenant" or the "Blue Giant" as a long time Gunpla Battle veteran.

"Mr. Ral! You came! And who is she?", Sekai cheerfully greeted before asking about someone next to him.

"That's my lovely wife, Hamon. She works at the Gunpla Police and she had been tracking down remnants of the Gunpla Mafia that went into hiding, ensuring that those vile fiends that dare sully the integrity of Gunpla Battle will never rise to prominence ever again. Also she is quite a formidable Gunpla fighter in her own right.", the older man replied to his young friends.

He revealed with pride, "She even took down the notorious Gunpla Mafia hitman and enforcer, Daryl Lancer who had styled himself as Chronicle Bringer and piloted the Cornix Furia."

Seriously? That's way too on the nose!, is what Fumina, Yuuma and Shia deadpanned thought that the two older adults not only looked like Ramba Ral and Crowley Hamon but they're also married too as well just like their counterparts from the first Gundam show. While Sekai was amazed to learn that there is another Gunpla fighter to challenge and see what she can do in a Gunpla Battle.

Although, they were impressed and also grateful that the older blonde woman had ensured that Gunpla Building and Gunpla Battle remains free, safe and fun for all to take part of, not used for bad ends that brings misery upon others.

Before Ral got the chills down his spine when Hamon placed her hand on his shoulder and made a firm squeeze on him.

Hamon sweetly said in a chilling tone, "In the middle of explanation, he forgot to mention that he oogled at Rinko Iori while I was away at work at the Gunpla Police. At least you didn't go farther than that. After all, I hope that you learned your lesson or else you will be sleeping in the couch again for another month. Am I clear, dear?"

Not wanting to go through that experience once again, Ral hastily complied, "Yes ma'am!"

Sekai and his friends laugh at the Blue Giant's expense with Yuuma commenting with a mischievous glint on his glasses, "My sister China told me that Mr. Ral does oogle Sei's mom whenever he hangs out at their hobby shop especially at the beach."

This only made Mrs. Hamon tightened her grip on Mr. Ral's shoulder upon hearing that in response. "Make that 3 months if you do it again.", she threatened with a sweet smile.

"Roger that! Roger that!", the older man frantically said which made the youngsters laugh at him harder.

"Mrs. Hamon! What Gunpla do you use? I would like to challenge you!", Sekai asked.

Letting go of her husband, the older blonde woman smiled at the boy's energetic attitude, "You must be Sekai Kamiki. Nice to meet you, my husband talked highly about you and congratulations on your team's victory. As for my Gunpla? Well..."

Taking out the Gunpla from her handbag, Hamon revealed to the Try Fighters and Shia that in her hands is the larger looking Qubeley with the color of white and red.

Fumina spoke with wide eyes of recognition, "That Gunpla looks like the AMX-004 Qubeley piloted by Haman Karn in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and ZZ!"

Shia nodded in agreement, "Indeed, the Qubeley Gunpla was used by Aila Jyrkiäinen, a former member of Team Nemesis as its ace fighter before she disappeared off the grid and Lucas Nemesis took over her place."

Sekai expressed eagerly, "I really wanted to fight him and see how the Build Burning Gundam fare against his Gunpla."

Yuuma agreed with him, "His Crossbone Gundam Full Cloth Type nearly came close to beating Wilfrid Kijima's Transient Gundam if it weren't for his overuse of particles that ate up a lot of his Gunpla's energy during the battle with Team Celestial Sphere. He might be fixing that after returning to Finland."

"This is the MAN-103 Queen Qubeley, children. The mobile armor version of the original Qubeley equipped with Mega Particle Cannons and the non-GN version of the Fangs which I had modified them myself. This is how I defeated the so-called Chronicle Bringer and his dreaded Cornix Furia when I had him cornered and arrested for his crimes.", Mrs. Hamon explained about her custom Gunpla.

Now the youngsters really wanted to know the story behind that and take a closer look at what she had tuned up to make her Gunpla a force to be reckoned with.

However, Mr. Ral declared as he rubbed off the cold shoulder his wife gave him and change the subject, "Alright, now that introductions are done, let's go prepare ourselves for this Gunpla simulation test made by Engineer Adam Winslow."

That's what everyone agreed on as Sekai and his friends took their respective Gunpla from the tables to the room where they will partake the testing.


At the special room within the Nielsen Labs

The group entered the room where they can see that there were several computer towers lined two of the walls, blinking and whirring as they ran whatever programs they possessed, with several AC units and fans directly above them for cooling purposes. Cables snaked out from behind and beneath the towers, all converging into a six large metal capsules resting in the middle of the room in a circle formation. Said capsules was gunmetal grey in color, with blue lines running over it, and panel lining indicating it was capable of opening.

On the other side of the room, large tanks marked with the Yajima Trading logo were lined side-by-side, and finally on the wall closest to the windows, a large work table filled with work tools, piles of paper and discarded boxes of snacks. The man with a lab coat was kneeling beside the pod, typing mechanically on a keyboard plugged onto it, with his back turned to the door.

"Ah, you came! Welcome! I'm Engineer Adam Winslow and it's an honor to meet the winners of the recent Gunpla Tournament.", the man introduced upon seeing the group entering his room.

"Whoa, that's what you were working on?", Sekai remarked upon seeing the capsules.

Adam Winslow nodded, "Indeed, Mr. Kamiki. With this baby the ZERO System, it will add more fun for many future Gunpla battles."

"What do you mean by that?", the redhead martial artist asked with curiosity.

"I intend to create a self-sustaining simulation of the Gundam universe, so that Builders, Fighters and Fans alike could experience the plot of any series and make changes to the story as they saw fit.", Adam explained as he pressed somewhere near its back of one of the capsules, and with a hiss of air its hatch opened, revealing inside it a piloting seat not unlike those you'd find in the Gundam series, alongside an entire recreation of a cockpit.

Monitors, data readouts, everything looked quite genuine.

At the feet of the machine rested a large rectangular box with Plavsky Particle emitters inside it, and several more of said emitters could be seen on the inside of the mock cockpit as well.

He added, "In addition, each of these cockpits are panoramic, allowing you guys to have a 360 degree field of vision so that you can see everything around you."

Yuuma noted as he made an observation at the capsules made by Adam, "I see. You've added the cockpits so that we don't need to stand all the time and give us a real feeling of piloting a mobile suit as if it was real. However, I really don't see it as much of a game changer to the Gunpla Battle aside from giving it a campaign mode of any Gundam series."

Fumina, Shia and even Mrs. Hamon nodded in agreement with him.

The engineer declared with a passionate speech, "Think of it, Mr. Kousaka! By taking part of any Gundam show's plot of your choosing and make real changes along with cool and epic battles against antagonist mobile suits to win against them, it will set you up with a brand new adventure! It will be fun!"

This made Sekai's eyes brighten up with stars over it, buying into Adam's hype.

Although Mr. Ral frowned, the top half of his face seemingly darkened for some reason.

Engineer Winslow added with a dramatic flair, "Besides, it's all a simulation. Everything you would experience in there won't even be real and it's supposed to be fun, nothing to be taken seriously. Either way, you can get to experience a story of your own choosing! With themes and characters! You will be making a brand new mythos, in a way! You will be a centerpiece of a story!"

"And so, Gunpla... IS FREEDOM!", he finished with a Joseph Joestar Pose.

Adam Winslow expected a round of applause from the group after making his speech, only to receive some awkward silences.

Fumina sweatdropped at his performance, "He's quite passionate."

Yuuma nodded in agreement, "Indeed, Gunpla is freedom."

"I wonder what kind of Gunpla he uses if he does take battle. It might be well-made.", Shia wondered.

"Come on, guys! He's right! It will be fun! Let's give it a shot!", Sekai insisted as he is eager to try out Winslow's new simulation with his Build Burning Gundam.

The two Try Fighters and one Celestial Sphere member looked at each other and conceded, ready to follow their friend's lead.

"Thank you, Mr. Kamiki! I'm glad you understand! Please set your Gunpla into these boxes of your cockpits you choose to pilot.", Adam advised as he pointed the group where they're going to place their creations there.

Sekai and his friends knelt down to put their respective custom Gunpla onto the box before heading inside the cockpits and strapped themselves in and placed their GP Bases into the system. Meanwhile, Mr. Ral was about to place his MS-09R-35 Dom R35 but noticed something at the middle the box of his chosen cockpit which he saw that it was a white warship, which he noted to look similar to the White Base from Mobile Suit Gundam 1979 show.

Way too similar for his liking.

"I see that there is a model ship at the center. What is that for?", the older man commented.

While preparing to activate the ZERO System via the Plavsky Particles, Adam explained. "Oh that one. I figured you guys would need a ship so that you can experience the feeling of launching out from it into battle and that Mr. Ral will be the commander of it. Don't worry, there's enough more than enough space to fit your Gunpla alongside it and that it's more advanced than the original White Base from the show."

Ral nodded and placed his Dom R35 into the box of his own cockpit before entering inside.

The engineer inquired, "By the way, I made the White Base model myself. Pretty cool huh?"

"Quite well made I'd say. Almost like it's a genuine deal.", Mrs. Hamon remarked as she placed the Queen Qubeley into the box of her chosen cockpit and gracefully entered into it.

Adam Winslow watched the hatches of the six cockpits close and clicked with a hiss. Then he looked at his computer where the ZERO System is ready to go and all he had to do is choose one Gundam show before activating the simulation. He decided to choose Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam while he reserved Mobile Suit Gundam SEED for himself when the group finished their testing so he can experience it personally.

He started the show by pressing the red button. The machines fueled by the large amounts of Plavsky Particles began to hum with lines of light like the spheres began to appear at the certain areas of the machines, glowing green color and his computer's system began to process information a little too fast and too strong for the engineer's liking.

Suddenly, the machines malfunctioned and glowed like a powerful flashbang which made the man cover his eyes with his arms.

After the light passed away, Adam lowered down to see six missing capsules including the White Base model ship in the middle itself.

"Oh no... What have I done?...", he muttered with horror.


Within the cockpits

As the hatches closed and the humming of the machines which means that Engineer Adam Winslow had started the simulation, Sekai Kamiki watched the Plavsky Particles formed around him into the representation of the UC's mobile suit cockpit with a 360 degrees field vision but the controls remained the same like in the Gunpla Battles that he is more familiar with. "Whoa, this is awesome!", he said.

A visual screens appeared in front of him that takes form of Fumina Hoshino, Yuuma Kousaka and Shia Kijima.

"Sekai, you're ready?", she asked him with a smile.

Sekai noticed that his fellow Gunpla battlers also have the similar controls in their respective cockpits like him.

"Ready as ever, Senpai!", the redhead martial artist replied with a thumbs up.

Yuuma commented as he adjusted his seating position, "This takes a while to get used to but we can manage."

"I agree, although where is Mr. Ral and Mrs. Hamon? They should be contacting us.", Shia wondered as she checked around the controls of her cockpit.

Sekai speculated before activating his Gunpla and eager to launch out, "Maybe they want us to give us a head start first before they catch up. Alright then! Sekai Kamiki, Build Burning Gundam! Let's go!"

The Build Burning Gundam flew out of the launching hanger into the blue skies of Earth with pure blue particles emitting from the GN Drive added into it.

Following after him, the brown haired teen declared as her Gunpla in its permanent Real Mode Form hums to life with its GN Drive that emits yellow particles. "Fumina Hoshino, Star Winning Gundam! Heading out!"

"Yuuma Kousaka, Lightning Raphael Gundam! Targeted and firing!", the glasses wearing Gunpla Builder announced as he launched out with the full power of the three GN Drives of his Gunpla, emitting the purple particles.

The white haired girl gracefully nodded as her green Celestial Sphere Gunpla is ready to fly with light green particles, "Shia Kijima, G-Portent! Here I go!"

The four Gunplas are moving out to find any opponents and fight them as part of the Gunpla Battle Fun. Little did they know that not only their Gunplas had become actual mobile suits, they also launched from the hanger bays of the White Base spaceship itself.

Inside the bridge of the White Base is Mr. Ral and Mrs. Hamon who were surprised that they were not in the cockpits of their respective Gunpla, the Dom R35 and the Queen Qubeley as expected when the ZERO System started to activate, and that they were surrounded by a skeleton crew of M-Dolls going about their business while the Haros of various colors happily explain their mobile suits are still at the hanger bays.

"Dear, w-what the hell just happened?", Mrs. Hamon asked with a look of shock as she stood around to see everything of the White Base.

Sitting on the captain's chair of the bridge than his Dom's cockpit, Mr. Ral replied with his eyes opened in realization and horror, "... I have a feeling that we're not in Kansas anymore, Hamon..."


Somewhere towards New Hong Kong, UC Earth

As the four Gunpla-turned-mobile suits with GN Drives flew around in the skies of Earth, Fumina received an alert notification and opened visual to see a very recognizable Gundam-Type machine rampaging around the city which is in its mobile armor form and breaking everything in its path. "Everyone, heads up! We got a Psycho Gundam!", she warned.

"Psycho Gundam?", Sekai asked upon receiving the visual of the enemy before his eyes.

"A giant transformable Gundam with massive firepower and judging from the layout of the city, it must be New Hong Kong that the simulation brought us. Episode 17 of Zeta Gundam show where the Psycho Gundam piloted by Four Murasame debuted and rampaged in the middle of a populated area just to fight Kamille Bidan piloting the Gundam Mark II.", Yuuma commented upon seeing it.

Shia suggested with a sly smile towards her rival, "Mr. Winslow did say that this simulation will allow us to change the story whatever wanted as part of the fun, Fumina. How about we... make an armed intervention?"

Rolling her eyes, Fumina deadpan snarked, "Laying it thick with the theme of your team name huh, Shia?"

"Well, technically we have four Gunpla with solar reactors. True GN Drives to be exact. We kinda fit the theme of Celestial Being anyways. Besides, I wanted to test out the effectiveness of my Lightning Raphael Gundam.", the glasses wearing young man commented as he readied the controls.

"Me too! I want to try out some of my techniques with Exia's GN Blade in a fight! Here we go!", Sekai declared as he accelerated his Build Burning Gundam's GN Drive to fly directly towards New Hong Kong.

The leader of Try Fighters called out to him with no success, "Wait, Sekai! We need a plan of attack!"

"Fumina, we all know his plan. It's attack.", Yuuma dryly stated before transforming his machine into its aerial form and flew after his comrade at full speed.

With the Star Winning Gundam and G-Portent left behind, Fumina and Shia followed after the two boys and try to ensure that their Gunplas don't end up obliterated by the rampaging Psycho Gundam once they clash in a destructive battle like they did in Gunpla Battles.


At New Hong Kong, UC Earth

"No good! It's got an Anti-Beam Barrier!"

Kamille Bidan noted with shock upon seeing how his Gundam Mark II's beam rifle was unable to leave any scratch on the gigantic dark and red mobile armor. The mobile suit pilot of the AEUG dodged the Psycho Gundam's attempt to smash him and before throwing himself towards it up close, calling the female Titans soldier commandeering it a monster for attacking a city full of civilians and putting them at risk.

However, the Psycho Gundam threw off Kamille and made him retreat while easily bouncing off his shots of the beam rifle like throwing pebbles to a thick brick wall.

"Is this all there is to the Gundam Mark II?", Four Murasame mocked before she transformed the Psycho Gundam into its giant mobile suit form and landed, further damaging more of the city of New Hong Kong.

"I'll trip you up... from below!", the blue-green haired young man declared but stopped as he looked up to see the dark and red giant Gundam literally looking down on him. "It's changed?!"

"Hahahahahahaha! No more fooling around!", the Cyber Newtype pilot gloated as she was about to power the Psycho Gundam's Diffuse Mega Particle Cannons at her enemy.

Suddenly, Four and Kamille heard an unexpected voice coming out of nowhere. "Jigen Haō-Ryū: ... Seisō-Geri!"

The Psycho Gundam got struck in the chest by the Build Burning Gundam's powerful diving kick and was sent flying!

Four buckled and screamed in pain as her gigantic Gundam flew several meters after being kicked by a new assailant and crashed into the thankfully abandoned streets, causing more property damage as a result. She was trying to regain her bearings while dealing with a splitting headache due to having to handle with the Psycho Gundam's Pyscommu System and the impact the new enemy gave her with a kick to the chest.

"What the?! A Gundam? That knows kung fu?", Kamille questioned upon seeing a red and white mobile suit doing a martial arts stance with the large sharp-looking blade unfold itself before charging at the Psycho Gundam.

Amuro Ray also saw it too as well when he and Stephanie Luio had to escape from the ongoing battle that ravaged the city of New Hong Kong. "A Gundam that used martial arts? Reminds me of Cucuruz Doan. I hope he and his family are alright after all these years.", he remarked after seeing the unknown mobile suit dive kicked the Titans' giant machine away.

"Who?", Stephanie asked with curiosity.

"Someone I knew from the One Year War. He doesn't use weapons much and had to improvise with his mobile suit in a fight.", the former pilot of the RX-78-2 Gundam said while not losing his sight towards the new kind of Gundam that appeared out of nowhere to stop the Titans' transforming machine.

Meanwhile on the other hand at the harbor of New Hong Kong, Hayato Kobayashi asked his subordinates of Karaba at the bridge of the Garuda-class transport plane Audhumla. "What was that?!"

Earlier, the sudden gust of strong wind out of nowhere had nearly blown off the nearby wooden ships of New Hong Kong to be overturned into the waters of the city's coastal shores as a result and the waves splashed over the Audhumla. The leader of Karaba didn't expect that there could be something that can fly that fast before at such speed.

"Unknown mobile suits, sir!", a member of Karaba answered as he pointed his hand towards the direction where they can see.

Using the binoculars, Hayato took a closer look and recognized a familiar faceplate and V-Fins from the dark blue machine. "It's a Gundam."

Beltorchika Irma raised an eyebrow upon trying to see the mobile suit that's moving away from view into the city. "Really? A Gundam? Is it friendly?"

"Possibly, we will send out two of the Nemos to monitor them first and see if they are the enemy or not. And now there's two more.", the large man remarked upon seeing a pair of feminine-looking green and yellow Gundams flying towards New Hong Kong as well.

His men were quick to send out the two Nemos to fly out from the hanger of Karaba's mobile headquarters/transport plane towards the city via Dodai Kais and monitor the ongoing battlefield where the battle of Gundams rage on there.

Mirai Noa noticed something from the new unknown Gundam-Types from the backs. "Wait a minute... Are they emitting glowing Minovsky Particles as thrusters to fly, Hayato?", she called out.

"Wow, they look so pretty!", her young adorable children Cheimin and Hathaway Noa cheered upon seeing the yellow and light green particles.

Ah the innocence of children with wide eyes of seeing something wonderful.

It's up to the responsible adults to protect them, nuruture them and guide them to the right path in order to become the hope for the better future of humanity and Earth as a whole.

Narrowing his eyes with suspicion, curiosity and interest through the binoculars once more to see what his friend meant, Hayato said. "I have never seen Gundams capable of doing that, Mirai. They seem more advanced and more powerful than even the current machines used by the AEUG and Titans. I doubt Anaheim Electronics had something to do with this. Otherwise, they would have provided us those kinds of mobile suit that use Minovsky Particles as a new rocket propulsion by now. This could be a work of a third party."

"But who could they be?", Mirai agreed as she wondered.

"Director, the four unknown Gundams have engaged the Titans' giant mobile suit! And Ensign Kamille is helping them!", the Karaba member reported.

Although relieved, Hayato made his statement, "Guess they're friendly for now. But we will need answers from them once this is over."

Author's Note: Okay, the first chapter of "Zeta Fighters" is done and I hope you like it. Sekai and his friends are now in the Zeta Phase of Gundam UC and with their "armed intervention", they had gotten the attention of the AEUG & Karaba and the Titans with the sudden appearance of four advanced looking mobile suits with special particles that they have never seen before. Plus they're also going to fight the Psycho Gundam, thinking it's part of the Gunpla Battle simulation on campaign mode.

Mrs. Hamon is based from the fanart of Mr. Ral being busted by her for spending too much time away from home to be at the hobby shop, or off watching tournaments, and that he has been oogling over Rinko Iori, the mother of Sei Iori. Of course, Ral had been sentenced to be sleeping on the couch for a month, which he got off easy and learned not to do it again.

We all know who wears the pants in the relationship, lol. Plus it was a bummer that Hamon didn't appear alongside Ral in Build Fighters seasons and it was a wasted opportunity.

htt ps/ www . deviantart . com wbd / art / Where - Have - You - BEEN - 425264897

Credits and shoutout to "Eyes in Seed" by Nemesis Astraea for the inspiration and check out his stories, they are good read.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D
Chapter 2
Hello everyone and I have returned with Chapter 2 of "Zeta Fighters". After being unknowingly sent to UC Earth by Adam Winslow's ZERO System, Sekai and his friends showed up to New Hong Kong where they begin their "armed intervention" on the Psycho Gundam, believing it's a simulation while catching attention of Kamille, Amuro and Karaba.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Zeta and Gundam Build Fighters series. They both belong to Sunrise and Yoshiyuki Tomino.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D

Chapter 2​

At New Hong Kong City, UC Earth

After pushing back the Psycho Gundam in its gigantic mobile suit form with a Dynamic Entry-style kick, Sekai Kamiki landed his Build Burning Gundam on the ground in the middle of the abandoned streets of New Hong Kong, cracking the surface. He directed the controls for his mobile suit to make a martial arts stance with the unfolding of Exia's GN Sword towards the gigantic black and red machine and his GN Drive is humming with potent blue particles.

"Your opponent is me!", he yelled, charging at full speed towards the Psycho Gundam to slash at it.

Gritting her teeth and fighting off the headaches she suffered, Four Murasame sensed something really strange and dangerous from the unknown Gundam-Type machine's blade with her Cyber Newtype powers. That includes the strange blue particles emitting from its back and the Titans Second Lieutenant is not taking that chance.

She controlled her Psycho Gundam's cockpit joysticks to activate its large rocket propulsion thrusters and evaded the hostile mobile suit's bladed attack by flying up in the air.

"I don't know who you are but since you attacked me... you must be my enemy! Die!", the female Titans pilot yelled and fired her Psycho Gundam's Diffuse Mega Particle Cannons at the enemy below her.

In response, Sekai lunged his Build Burning Gundam in the air, facing Four's powerful beam attack head on and threw a powerful straight punch imbued with blue particles and green waves of light through its left forearm. "Jigen Haō-Ryū:... Shippū-Zuki!"

His powerful attack punched through the Diffuse Mega Particle Cannons' destructive blast, disintegrating them away which caused a huge shockwave of wind and particles across the city of New Hong Kong. Several buildings' glass windows were all shattered and blown away all at once, knocking around and injuring numerous civilians caught in the radius of the attack.

After breaking through the Psycho Gundam's blast, the Build Burning Gundam charged towards the gigantic Titans mobile suit but the latter sidestepped away to the right with its rocket thrusters from its punching range.

However, Sekai immediately turned his Gundam around and shouted, "Jigen Haō-Ryū:... Senkō Majutsu-Geri!"

His GN Drive-powered mobile suit struck the Psycho Gundam in the chest with a diving kick, followed by a particle booster-assisted knee strike using the other leg! Four screamed as her gigantic machine was sent flying down into the ground hard and it caused a massive crater that brought down a lot of buildings around her, sending unlucky civilians still around on the streets flying.

Even Kamille Bidan flew out of the way with his Gundam Mark II and saw the aftermath of the destruction.

"Hey, watch it! There are people living in the city!", the AEUG pilot yelled at the newcomer's Gundam with a blade after his cockpit's visual showed him several people trying to get out of the compromised buildings with their wounded.

Suddenly, Kamille saw the Psycho Gundam slowly getting up from the crater albeit it seemed to have suffered a major damage on the chest inflicted by the unknown Gundam-Type machine despite its Gundarium Alloy for some reason. Seizing the opportunity before him, he brandished a beam saber of the Gundam Mark II from the backpack and jumped high in the air.

"Take this!", he shouted as he swung down his weapon at the Titans mobile suit.

But Four brought up her Psycho Gundam's Anti-Beam Barrier in time after sensing an enemy attack and protected herself from Kamille's beam saber slash with the raising of her machine's right arm. Then she backhanded the Gundam Mark II away, sending it flying. Although Kamille regained balance mid-air and flew to get out of the way of the gigantic red and black machine's stomach particle cannons firing at him.

Suddenly, a dark blue Gundam-Type mobile suit with purple particles emitting from 3 reactors on the back and backpack appeared after it instantly transformed from its fighter to mobile suit form. Then the said machine landed on the ground in front of the Psycho Gundam's blast and fired its own two huge blasts of purple energy.

The attacks clashed with each other briefly before they detonated in a massive particle explosion, further causing more destruction of the surrounding area.

Four sneered after her attack was thwarted by a new machine that has the similar particle propulsion just like the one with the blade, "Another Gundam? No matter, you're nothing to me!"

"Yuuma! You made it!", Sekai shouted to his fellow Try Fighter as his Build Burning Gundam floated down next to him.

Pushing up his glasses, Yuuma Kousaka stated while checking out stats of his Lightning Raphael Gundam's three solar reactors after firing his twin GN Big Cannons' blasts. "Can't let you have all the fun, Sekai."

"Where's Senpai and Shia?", the redhead martial artist asked.

"They're catching up when we went ahead here. Let's play around with the Psycho Gundam for a while until they get here. I want to test more of Lightning Raphael's performance against it.", the bespectacled Gunpla Builder explained.

"Alright then, let's do this!", Sekai agreed with his friendly rival in the Try Fighters.

Together as one, the two mobile suits with solar reactors engaged the gigantic machine who raised both of its Beam Cannon fingers and unleashed a powerful area-of-effect beam barrages at them, devastating more of New Hong Kong in the process. The Build Burning Gundam raised its GN Blade to rapidly slash in several directions, deflecting the enemy's beam blasts away while the Lightning Raphael Gundam fired the GN Big Cannons to intercept the attacks with its purple particle beam blasts, hitting them in mid-air.

Unfortunately, this caused more collateral damage as a result of the parry and deflect manuever by Sekai and Yuuma.

"That's not how you fight it! You'll never defeat it that way!", Amuro Ray angrily called out after witnessing the reckless destruction in the battle between Gundams in the city but it seemed that he was completely ignored.

Not to mention, the pilots of these unknown Gundams. They're kids! Just like me in the past but way too reckless and ignorant! Do they even know what they have done?! Playing around with the enemy?! It's like as if it's a game to them!, he thought after hearing the newcomers' voices and witnessing the civilians' suffering of being caught in the crossfire.

The former RX-78-2 Gundam pilot had also deduced that the two boys were at Katz Kobayashi's age judging from the tone of their voices. I hope Char would teach Katz to not be this reckless in proper mobile suit training after returning to space with the AEUG!, he internally noted while taking cover with Stephanie Luio to avoid getting hit by the beam attacks striking the remaining buildings.

Kamille joined in the attack, shooting his Gundam Mark II's Beam Rifle at the Psycho Gundam, distracting it to get hit on the right shoulder by the dark blue Gundam-Type's beam blast from a bazooka-type weapon. The shoulder suffered extensive damage with its pad broken into pieces, which it shocked Four that her Anti-Beam Barrier was like shredded paper to whatever new kind of beam weaponry her new enemy possessed.

"No! Impossible!", the Cyber Newtype said with her eyes widened and cold sweat formed on her face, fearful of this new enemy and their deadly capabilities.

This was enough for Sekai to charge towards her at full speed while she was distracted.

"Jigen Haō-Ryū:... Ryugeki!", the redhaired martial artist shouted as his Build Burning Gundam closed in and landed a short-ranged, downward strike on his opponent's left shoulder with the GN Blade.

The said weapon enhanced by GN Particles had sliced through the Psycho Gundam's Gundarium Alloy like a hot knife through butter!

"Holy crap! What kind of blade is that?!", Kamille remarked upon seeing the results before his eyes.

After being severed, the left arm of the Psycho Gundam fell into the ground with a mighty thud that cracked the streets of New Hong Kong. Glancing at her machine's decapitated arm, Four snarled at the red and white Gundam with a blade standing in front of her. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!", she angrily shouted before moving her Psycho Gundam's feet to punt the Build Burning Gundam, sending it flying through several buildings.

The said buildings instantly collapsed like a house of fragile cards.

"Gaaaaaaaah!", Sekai shouted as he felt his machine getting thrown like that and it felt way too real for an experimental simulation made by Adam Winslow.

"Sekai!", Yuuma shouted as he turned to the direction where his fellow Try Fighter got punted away.

Activating the Psycho Gundam's rocket propulsions, the Titans Second Lieutenant charged her gigantic mobile suit and throw a punch at the Lightning Raphael Gundam with its remaining arm. But the Gunpla Builder dodged out of the way and flew to where Sekai landed, leaving behind Kamille to take over and try to press on the advantage after seeing the Psycho Gundam being damaged.

"Who developed such those incredible machines?", Stephanie Luio questioned after seeing the two being able to damage the Titans' mobile suit. Even though she did acknowledge that the Psycho Gundam was no pushover either after seeing it kick away the red and white machine with a blade.

"It's not from the Regular Federation Forces or the Titans obviously since they attacked the giant Gundam.", Amuro noted in observation. "Probably one of the anti-Federation rebel groups that might have business with Anaheim or something."

The older blonde woman nodded in agreement, "I see. That makes sense."

The former RX-78-2 Gundam pilot stated, "Yeah, we will ask Hayato about that when this is over. Come on, let's head for the Audhumla!"

Gripping his fists as he and Stephanie ran off to the Audhumla to safety so they won't caught in the middle of the raging battle, Amuro doesn't know the name of this new anti-Federation rebel group that opposed the Titans and recruited and brainwashed the poor child pilots into thinking and acting this way...

But he's going to find them and beat the crap out of them.

On the other hand, few of the blue-colored Hi-Zacks, whose pilots are ordered to scout and survey the battlefield in New Hong Kong from a far distance, witnessed the battle and relayed their report to the Sudori.


Meanwhile at the the Garuda-class Sudori somewhere nearby the airspace of New Hong Kong

"Captain Wooder, our Hi-Zack scouts have reported that the Psycho Gundam is currently engaging two more enemy mobile suits in New Hong Kong! They're Gundam-Types!", a Titans subordinate informed his superior officer at the bridge of the Titans' Garuda-class airship.

Ben Wooder was shocked with his eyes widened upon learning it. "What?! Gundam-Types! Were they the Mark II units stolen by the AEUG?", he demanded, having known of the theft of the Gundam Mark II at the Green Noa 1 space colony in the Titans' reports.

Showing him visual through the Hi-Zacks' cameras sent to him that showed the battle between mobile suits in New Hong Kong where the Psycho Gundam is on the losing side of the battle, the Titans member shook his head. "No, sir. They seemed different with beam weapons more advanced than anything we've had seen. And it looked like they used Minovsky Particles as a propulsion to fly.", he said.

Using Minovsky Particles as propulsion? That sounded like they're experimental prototypes. Could Anaheim be behind this?... No. Highly unlikely but if they were, they would have given such machines to the Earth Federation or even the AEUG already by now. Those greedy corporate bastards would sell their advanced mobile suits to any organization so long there's profit to fill up their bottomless pockets..., the man with fading brown hair thought before issuing out orders.

He declared with a wave of his hand, "Mobilize a squad of Hi-Zacks immediately! Back up Second Lieutenant Four Murasame and wipe out anyone that stands in the Titans' way!"

"Yes sir!", his subordinate obeyed and called out to the Titans pilot squad to get into their mobile suits and deploy.

The Hi-Zacks flew out of the back of the Sudori with the Base Jabbers to fly towards New Hong Kong at full rocket speed.

Namicar Cornell frowned at seeing the footage of the Psycho Gundam being toyed with by two unknown enemies as if the gigantic mobile armor was not much of a threat to them despite its fearsome firepower and strength. "Who are these pilots? Are they underestimating the Psycho Gundam and its Cyber Newtype pilot?", the chief instructor of the Murasame Institute wondered.

Although she was pleased and somewhat amused that the new opponents of Four had paid for their arrogance with the red and white Gundam that wielded a large blade getting kicked by the Psycho Gundam into several buildings in the visual.

"Whoever they are, they are now enemies of the Titans and the Earth Federation.", said sternly the former second-in-command of deceased Major Buran Blutarch.

Although, Ben Wooder couldn't deny that visual showing the large red and black machine punting the enemy mobile suit in a pedestrian way like a petty adult would do to a toddler was indeed funny.


Back at the battle in New Hong Kong

Reaching towards the heavily damaged tall building where the Build Burning Gundam had crashed landed and laid its back on there, Yuuma called out to his friend/rival in concern. "Sekai, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Yuuma!", Sekai reassured as he tried to move his machine back on its feet albeit slowly for some reason. "Man, it felt too real. I didn't expect to feel that kick from the Psycho Gundam!"

The bespectacled teen mused with a mischievous glint from his eyes as the Lightning Raphael Gundam helped its fellow GN Drive-powered mobile suit up, "Punted by a Psycho Gundam. That's worse than getting "The Char Kick". I can imagine what happens if I tell the others about this when this is over."

He added, "Maybe I should call it... "The Psycho Punt" for this."

"Please don't tell Senpai and Shia about it! They'll never live it down!", the redhead martial artist begged with pleading eyes after stabilizing the Build Burning Gundam's balance.

"Sure, but you owe me a favor after this.", Yuuma coolly shrugged while he thought with a lovey dovey inner expression. A favor to convince Mirai Kamiki to go on a date with me when Adam Winslow's experimental simulation campaign is over! It's gonna be the best day of my entire life!

Sekai nodded with grateful expression, "Okay, thanks, Yuuma! You're the best!"

Activating Build Burning Gundam's GN Drive, Sekai flew off to return to the battlefield and pay the Psycho Gundam back for punting him across the city. On the other hand, Yuuma is about to follow him but overheard cries of wounded and traumatized civilians of New Hong Kong through his cockpit's visuals shown to him. The simulation is way too realistic. So much blood and dead people that weren't even shown in Episode 17 of Zeta Gundam anime despite Tomino's tendency to demonstrate why war is horrible despite the appeal of mobile suits and their battles., he thought.

Engineer Winslow really wanted to make his ZERO System look as real and authentic as possible. How disturbing and sick of him to do that..., he believed before flying out his Lightning Raphael Gundam and tried not to think too hard on the dying civilians.

Meanwhile, Kamille kept up the assault against the damaged Psycho Gundam by firing more blasts from his Beam Rifle in the sky but unlike the two unknown Gundam-Types, his attacks were ineffective. Four fired her machine's Diffuse Mega Particle Cannons at the Gundam Mark II, which blew up its physical shield when the AEUG pilot tried to block it from hitting him.

Pointing her thumb at herself, the Cyber Newtype pilot mocked with her confidence returning after the two new enemies were not around to back up Kamille anymore. "Hahahahahahaha! So much for mobile suits! So much for the Gundams! They're nothing but a joke! Toys to trash!"

"How's this for a toy then?! WINNING... BEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMM!", a voice of a young teenage girl loudly retorted which got the attention of Four and also Kamille as well.

The Psycho Gundam turned around to see a massive W-shaped beam attack made of yellow particles heading towards its way and Four tried to dodge it to the left in response.

But it was too fast for Four and the Winning Beam blasted through the right side of the gigantic machine!

The right arm and leg had been vaporized by the yellow particle beam and the Psycho Gundam collapsed into the ground disabled.

After passing through the enemy machine, the Winning Beam pierced through the buildings of New Hong Kong before it dissipated away.

Four got knocked out from the hard impact even as her cockpit's alarm sounds rang loudly to her ears. "No, it can't be... true... They're... only toys... No... I must... complete the mission... and regain... my memories...", she muttered before her weakened consciousness left with darkness overtaking her.

Kamille could not believe his eyes as the Psycho Gundam had been taken down and it laid damaged in the middle of New Hong Kong's ruins but remained relatively intact. Thank God that the mobile armor did not explode after it was defeated. And I really need to get some of those new armor-piercing beam weapons they have!, the green haired young man thought before he saw two more of the unknown Gundam-Types but they have feminine shapes and possessed yellow and green particles respectively for propulsion.

"Wow, that was overkill, Fumina. Not to mention impressive that it's way stronger than your previous Winning Beam.", the other voice of a graceful sounding young teenage girl remarked from the green mobile suit.

"What? Four Murasame was asking for it, Shia! Besides, she is gonna have a headache in the morning when she wakes up.", the one named Fumina defended herself as her yellow mobile suit did the shrug.

Four Murasame? That's the name of the Titans pilot?, Kamille raised an eyebrow upon overhearing it and decided to get their attention. "Hey! Whoever you guys are, thanks for the help!", he shouted through his mobile suit's speakers, hoping to get their response.

What puzzled the AEUG pilot is that when he saw one of the two unknown Gundams acting surprised that he was talking to them and acted as if he is like a ghost to them.

I wonder what they're talking about in their private channel?, Kamille thought with narrowed eyes upon observing how their machines looked at each other before angrily calling out. "That's very rude of you two to talk to each other as if I'm not here!"

Shocked at how very responsive and human-like the main character of Zeta Gundam anime was in Winslow's experimental simulation, Fumina Hoshino awkwardly responded, "Um, yeah... We're sorry about that. Kamille Bidan of the AEUG, right?"

"Yup, that's me. But... how did you know my name? I never told you my name.", Kamille suspiciously wondered with narrowed eyes as he was not that famous and well-known compared to the likes of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable who is under alias of Quattro Bajeena in the AEUG.

Shia Kijima stepped in as she explained to him in a half-lying manner, "You're that guy who stole the Gundam Mark II from the Titans and fought against them with it. Despite the Titans' attempts to suppress the truth with their lies, your name and actions had reached to the Colonies and Earth, Mr. Kamille."

The green haired young man nodded in agreement that it was technically true and it gave him quite a confidence boost from the sincere compliment, "I see. And thanks. Who are you guys and what group were you from?"

Just when the white haired Celestial Sphere member was about to answer, Sekai showed up as his red and white Gundam flew up to the two female-shaped mobile suits. "Senpai, Shia! You showed up!", he said before noticing the defeated remains of the Psycho Gundam and comically lamented. "Oh man! I missed it! No fair, Senpai!"

"Maybe next time, Sekai.", Fumina reassured her crush before asking. "Although where have you been?"

Yuuma appeared as his Lightning Raphael Gundam flew next to the Build Burning Gundam. "The Psycho Gundam was tougher than it looked, Fumina. Four Murasame was not someone to be underestimated despite her... attitude adjustment problem.", he explained as he pushed up his glasses.

True to his word, he kept the truth so long Sekai will fulfill the favor he owed him and the redhaired martial artist sighed in relief, thanking his fellow Gunpla Battle player for covering him from embarrassment.

Unfortunately, this didn't last long as Kamille had to rain on their parade albeit unintentionally. "That's true. This "Psycho Gundam", you called it, kicked your friend through the city's buildings and your other friend had to check out if he was alright.", he honestly said, shocking Yuuma and Sekai in the process.

The two male members of Try Fighters jaw dropped that their cover story was blown because of the main protagonist of Gundam Zeta show opening his mouth. While Fumina and Shia looked at each other through the heads of their Star Winning Gundam and G-Portent respectively, and the girls laughed together as they found it hilarious.

They're laughing? Their comrade was kicked through the buildings of New Hong Kong and they're laughing?, the pilot of the Gundam Mark II incredulously thought at their apparent lack of empathy and concern.

"Why did you do that for?! Not cool!", Sekai comically shouted at him.

Yuuma overdramatically lamented, "Nooooo! My plans for dating Mirai Kamiki are gone. Reduced to ashes!"

What a dysfunctional bunch of Gundam pilots... Their chain of command must be way too lax compared to the AEUG!, Kamille thought as he rolled his eyes at the peanut gallery scene before him.

Suddenly, their cockpit sensors alarmed the Gunpla Battle players that there are new contacts and they looked up to see two Nemos with beam rifles riding on Dodai Kai aircraft in the sky. And those said mobile suits were observing the aftermath of the battlefield as their camera feeds had given Hayato Kobayashi and the members of Karaba visual and recorded footage of the newcomers that showed up out of nowhere.

Kamille immediately reassured to the pilots of advanced-looking Gundam-Types to prevent a misunderstanding, "Don't shoot! They're from Karaba!"

Then a particle beam out of nowhere shot down a Dodai Kai carrying the Nemo and they crash landed into the ground with a fiery explosion!

Shia frowned upon noticing a squad of blue Hi-Zacks with beam rifles flying on the Base Jabber aircraft heading towards them at full rocket speed from her visual. "I guess those Zaku-looking machines aren't?...", she commented.

Taking immediate action, the white haired girl calmly raised her Gundam Portent's GN Smash Rifle to fire green beam blasts and accurately shot down every single Titans mobile suits from the sky from a far distance. They were consumed in a fiery explosion and their remains crash landed into different parts of New Hong Kong city, causing explosions there.

Kamille was amazed and terrified at such accuracy and precision the pilot of the green female-shaped Gundam-Type machine had possessed.

"Wow that's cold.", Fumina commented with a wince at how the enemy forces were taken down before they could even fire their first shots at them.

"Total annihilation.", Yuuma agreed at the merciless display.

"That's awesome, Shia!", Sekai complimented with a smile.

Putting away the GN Smash Rifle, Shia did a ladylike curtsy bow through her machine. "Thank you."

However, the Try Fighters and Shia received a subsequent incoming call alarm which they opened it and it's revealed to be the visual screen of Mr. Ral contacting them. "Everyone, you need to get back to White Base! We have a bad situation!", the older man said as he looked shocked and worried.

Fumina's eyes widened in surprise as she hastily asked, "Wh-what's going on, Mr. Ral?! What are you talking about?! And what do you mean White Base?!"

"I'll explain later when you get there! Here are the coordinates to the meeting point! JUST DO AS I SAY!", Mr. Ral insisted in a stern manner as he sent them the numbers before ending the emergency call with the Gunpla Battle players.

"S-se-senpai, what's going on?", Sekai wondered in confusion.

"I-I think... I think we should do what Mr. Ral told us...", the brown haired teen girl numbly answered with cold chilling down on her spine as she laid her eyes on the coordinates on her cockpit's visual and flew her Star Winning Gundam away from New Hong Kong.

Yuuma grimly nodded as he remembered what he thought of the dead or injured civilians among the debris whom he saw and brushed off previously, "Indeed. I hope it's not some sort of cruel prank when we get there."

As the Lightning Raphael Gundam followed suit, Kamille called out upon seeing the newcomers leaving. "Hey, hey! Where do you think you're going?!"

"We're called by our commanding officer to withdraw. I apologize for that, Mr. Kamille.", Shia answered before telling her crush. "Come on, Sekai. We're leaving."

"Oh-oh, okay... See ya...", the redhaired martial artist said with an unsure tone before following the G-Portent and the other Gundams.

Watching the four Gundams with particle propulsions leave New Hong Kong, the pilot of the Gundam Mark II stared at their departing forms until they're out of it. Now he is only left standing in the middle of a city in ruins, shot down mobile suits and many civilians in need of medical and humanitarian aid.

Aside from the one last Nemo in a Dodai Kai flying around in the sky.

Then Kamille heard a call from Hayato Kobayashi in his mobile suit's communication system albeit fuzzed out which he noticed. The unknown Gundam-types with sparkling particles were the cause of it. Wait a minute, were they the reason why I couldn't get any form of contact until they left the city?! Their brand of Minovsky Particles must be really advanced than the ones we have., he thought in realization.

"Ensign Kamille, do you read me? Are you there?", the director of Karaba asked, hoping to get a clear and straight answer.

"Y-yeah! I read you, Director Hayato!", the green haired young man responded.

The voice of Hayato sounded like he had breathed a sigh of relief and easiness, "That's good. Get back to the Audhumla, Kamille. Amuro had already came back with Miss Stephanie Luio representing the Luio & Co."

He added, "We are going to hold a meeting."

"It's about those four new Gundams right?", Kamille noted with a nod while he thought. And their leader was apparently named Mr. Ral from what I overheard from their conversation. Especially this "White Base" too. Perhaps Amuro and Hayato might know if I ask them...

"Indeed, since you've made first contact with them and fought to stop the Titans' assault on New Hong Kong. I'd like to know from your point of view about them.", Hayato confirmed.

Just as the Gundam Mark II pilot was about to leave, he made a quick suggestion upon staring down the downed intact remains of the gigantic machine and its unconscious Cyber Newtype pilot. "Director Hayato, the giant mobile suit called Psycho Gundam had been neutralized. I think you should get your guys to capture it and its pilot. Before the Titans come and get them back."

"Sure thing, I will send my men to do that.", Hayato stated before ending contact.


Meanwhile at the Sudori


An enraged Ben Wooder shouted as he smashed his hand on the metal wall of the bridge of the Garuda-class transport ship/mobile headquarters. He had been absolutely livid after watching a squad of Titans pilots in their Hi-Zacks got easily shot down by one of the four Gundam-Types with particle reactor propulsions before they could even break formation and engage the enemy.

The scouting Hi-Zacks were wise enough to withdraw from New Hong Kong and return to the Sudori as fast as they can.

Now, his Titans task force unit were almost all out of mobile suits and they are currently outnumbered by Karaba and whatever anti-Federation group that possessed the four new Gundams that appeared out of nowhere which no one had saw it coming.

Not to mention the Psycho Gundam had been brought down so easily after they were done toying around with it like used up garbage! Second Lieutenant Four must have been killed in action! There's no way she can survive such one-sided slaughter!, he added in his frustrated thought.

Namicar Cornell sighed with a look of annoyance than concern about the defeat of the emerald green haired pilot, "Great, Four Murasame has fallen in battle despite her power as a Cyber Newtype and the Psycho Gundam. The Murasame Institutions are not going to like this."

"Same I can say for the higher ups in the Titans once they learn what happened at New Hong Kong.", Captain Wooder said with a frown as he knew that failure is intolerable in the Titans and those who failed will be punished severely.

"How do we get out of this?", the now former handler of Four Murasame asked.

The man with fading brown hair explained, "The best thing to mitigate the punishment if we showed them the scouting Hi-Zacks' recorded footage of these four new Gundams that possessed particle reactors for propulsion. Hopefully that will get their interest above all else."

No doubt Admiral Jamitov Hymen and Colonel Bask Om would be intrigued once they see the footage. Especially The Man From Jupiter, Captain Paptimus Scirocco..., he added in his thought.

After all, it is not something those powerful and dangerous men in the Titans can easily ignore. Plus, he won't be surprised if news about the Battle of New Hong Kong would end up becoming global and viral with the appearance of four unknown Gundams the likes the world had never seen before.

Namicar agreed with Wooder as the Sudori turned around and left the airspace nearby New Hong Kong, leaving behind the captured Four Murasame and her Psycho Gundam at the hands of Karaba.


En-route to the White Base post-battle somewhere in the skies of UC Earth

After departing from New Hong Kong as far away as they can, the Try Fighters and Shia Kijima flew their respective solar reactor-powered mobile suits to the destination which is White Base through the coordinates provided to them by Mr. Ral. Although, judging from the tone of the normally goofy man, they never expected the Blue Giant of all people to be acting this serious and stern.

"This has to be a prank by Mr. Ral right?...", Yuuma said as his hands holding the controls of his Lightning Raphael Gundam felt cold and numb.

"I don't think so. Mr. Ral sounded so dead serious and afraid there... And that worries me...", Shia shook her head as she recalled back to her very precision shots that took out the squad of Hi-Zacks instantly from the sky with her GN Smash Rifle. Don't tell me that I... actually killed real pilots..., she thought with cold fear and sweat at the terrifying implications.

Sekai tried to reassure his teammates and himself as well, "Um, I hope Mr. Ral has a perfectly good explanation why he called us... Perhaps he wants us to take another campaign as part of Mr. Winslow's cool simulation."

Fumina gave a weak smile and said, "T-thanks Sekai but I don't think we're going to like this..."

"Heads up, guys. White Base dead ahead!", the bespectacled Gunpla Builder announced with an uneasy look which they saw the massive warship flying in the air before their eyes.

The Pegasus-class Mobile Suit Assault Carrier that had served as the base of operations for Amuro Ray and his ragtag group of comrades led by Bright Noa throughout the entire episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam 1979 anime until it was eventually destroyed at the Battle of A Baoa Qu in the finale of Episode 43. Now the White Base looked like it came back from the land of the dead and it's good as new as if it never was obliterated at all in the first place.

"Wow, it looked way bigger than in the anime.", the leader of Try Fighters commented as she observed the details of the ship with her friends agreeing.

Then, the Gunpla Battle players received an incoming transmission and they hear a voice of an older woman making an official statement meant for them. "Mobile Suit IFF Confirmed... GNBG-012B Build Burning Gundam. GNRM-237S-01 Star Winning Gundam. GNLG-91-2 Lightning Raphael Gundam. GNW-101P Gundam Portent."

After that, the said voice greeted as the hangar bays of the warship opened for them to enter. "Welcome to White Base. Please proceed with the docking procedure one at the time."

Yuuma volunteered as his machine flew forward, "I'll go first. Follow my lead."

The Lightning Raphael Gundam made a safe landing on its feet and entered the hangar bay of the White Base, followed by its fellow mobile suits of the Gunpla Battle players one at the time. After that, all four machines with GN Drives have been accounted for and then the doors of the White Base's hangar bays closed themselves from the world.

The Try Fighters and the Celestial Sphere member saw that their respective machines were surrounded by a group of numerous colorful Haros piloting Karels or rolling around on the metal floor of the White Base as they greeted the Gunpla Battle players happily and cheerfully with adorable childlike voices.

"Welcome back! Welcome back!"

"Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!"

"Begin maintenance! Begin maintenance!"

"Roger! Roger!"

"We are Haro! We are Legion!"

"Haro! Haro! Haro! Haro!"

Fumina commented with a nervous tone, "Well that's a welcoming committee."

"Agreed. So many Haros...", Shia said as she noticed the Dom R35 and the Queen Qubeley stored within the hangars of the White Base too as well.

"Glad you made it in time! Come out of your cockpits. We have so much to talk about.", the voice of Mr. Ral called out to them which the four Gunpla Battle players had visual of the older man standing below their machines alongside his wife, Mrs. Hamon.

This brought the existential chills down on the young teenagers' spines. Even Sekai felt unease too as well despite being hotblooded and passionate. They hoped that when the cockpits opened before them, the experimental simulation will be over by now and they're back in the room with Adam Winslow waiting for them at the Nielsen Laboratory.

It's all just a really too good Gunpla Battle simulation and he would frantically apologize to them for making it too realistic which his ZERO System needed some bugs to work out and improve it, right?


Unfortunately, their hope died after they emerge from the opened cockpits and saw that everything is indeed real all along. The four teenagers look at each other with widened eyes and shocked faces after realizing that their respective Gunplas have been turned into actual-honest-to-God mobile suits as Gundams. And the battle at New Hong Kong city where they have participated was actually real all along.

The said battle was filled with actual deaths of civilians and mobile suit pilots, and massive destruction in real life compared to the Zeta Gundam show.

Along with their interactions with some of Zeta's certain prominent characters, Kamille Bidan and Four Murasame, they turned out to be actually real people, not simulated at all.

"Oh my God! Our Gunpla have became Gundams!", Fumina shouted in surprise as she could not believe it herself.

Sekai was conflicted in between amazement and terror that his Gunpla is now a giant robot from his perspective, "Whoa, you're right Senpai! Build Burning Gundam became real! That's cool but scary! Scary though! But still cool!"

Yuuma muttered as he was going to hyperventilate, "This can't be happening! This can't be happening! This can't be happening! This can't be happening!"

"Mr. Ral, Mrs. Hamon... W-wh-what the hell is going on and where are we really?!", Shia asked in a pleading manner, trying to keep herself composed to little success.

Looking at her solemn-faced husband who nodded, Mrs. Hamon sadly replied to the Try Fighters and one Celestial Sphere member.

"Welcome to the Universal Century Earth where there is only war, children. And we're trapped in here."

Author's Note: Okay, the second chapter of "Zeta Fighters" is done and I hope you like it. Sekai and his friends now realized the reality that they are in the actual world of Gundam UC after Mr. Ral and Mrs. Hamon relayed them the bad news of their situation while Four Murasame had been captured and taken into custody of Karaba alongside her defeated Psycho Gundam too as well at request from Kamille Bidan of course.

On the other hand, Ben Wooder would have to report to his certain superiors in the Titans about the appearance of four new Gundams that possessed new technology that seemed more powerful and advanced than anything the Zeta era of U.C. has to offer.

Since I saw the KRX-001 Full Burst Psycho Gundam and its backstory in the Gundam Wiki, this gave me a wonderful idea to have Psycho Gundam be captured and then modified by Karaba as their new ace in the hole or trump card against the Titans and eventually the Axis Zeon in this story in the future.

From the Gundam Wiki's entry:

"Classified as a build MS, the Full Burst Psycho Gundam is actually a modified Gunpla of the Psycho Gundam. The backstory given by its builder is that the Psycho Gundam was captured by Karaba during the battle in New Hong Kong. Hayato Kobayashi orders it to be modified for Amuro Ray, in the image of the G-Fighter and the RX-78-2 Gundam."

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D
Chapter 3
What's up guys? I'm back with Chapter 3 of "Zeta Fighters". After the Battle of New Hong Kong had gone differently thanks to the sudden appearance of Sekai and his friends in their GN Drive-powered Gunpla-turned-Gundams, their presence had been noticed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Zeta and Gundam Build Fighters series. They both belong to Sunrise and Yoshiyuki Tomino.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D

Chapter 3​

At the Audhumla, several hours later after the Battle of New Hong Kong

In the aftermath of the destructive battle between the Gundams on New Hong Kong, Karaba was quick to move their personnel under Director Hayato Kobayashi's orders as they moved in and captured the remains of the defeated Psycho Gundam along with its unconscious pilot, Four Murasame, taking the female Titans pilot into their custody.

They brought them back to the Audhumla where an unconscious Four Murasame is currently at the medical bay of the Audhulma where she was cuffed to her bed by the arms and legs, and guarded by Karaba guards ensuring she won't try to escape.

While the remains of the MRX-009 Psycho Gundam were currently studied and analyzed by the Karaba mobile suit engineers. The Karaba members even managed to recover the downed Nemo and the Dodai Kai too as well from the ravaged streets of New Hong Kong. And the other Nemo with the Dodai Kai had flown back to the Audhumla, currently docking at the hangar bays.

On the other hand, several trucks full of supplies deployed by the Luio & Co from one of its supply depots were brought in into the Audhumla. It was quite a godsend relief to the members of Karaba.

Meanwhile, Kamille Bidan returned to the Garuda-class transport ship where he docked his RX-178 Gundam Mark II inside and allowed the Karaba repair teams to begin their emergency repairs since it had sustained damage from fighting the Psycho Gundam prior to the sudden arrival of four unknown Gundam-Types with particle reactor propulsions.

Already taking off his pilot suit and dressed up in his signature AEUG attire, the green haired young man headed to the room where Hayato informed him that they will hold a meeting and a helpful Karaba member who pointed him to the right direction before resuming his duty.

As Kamille entered the meeting room through the sliding door, he can see Hayato conversing with a businesswoman in a red suit dress who has blonde hair similarly like that of Beltorchika Irma at the wide table. And that includes Amuro Ray who is sitting next to an older brown-haired woman who is accompanied by her two children with her and is having tea given to her by Beltorchika.

Who is she? Could she be an old friend of Amuro from the One Year War?, he thought in curiosity about the graceful mother.

"Thank you again for the supplies. They'll be helpful.", Hayato said with a handshake.

The older blonde woman simply stated in response after returning the shake, "I'm only doing my job."

"And we're grateful.", the director of Karaba nodded as he let go before he noticed the Gundam Mark II pilot in the room and smiled. "Ah, Ensign Kamille! You came just in time."

Taking his seat to be part of the meeting, Kamille inquired, "Yes, indeed and who is she you're talking to, Director Hayato?"

"This is Stephanie Luio, the president of the Luio & Co.", the leader of Karaba introduced and then added. "And this is Kamille Bidan from the Anti-Earth Union Group."

Stephanie took a good look at the green haired young man in front of her as if she's gauging his character and asked, "Hmmm... So you're the pilot of that Gundam, I presume?"

"Gundam Mark II and yes.", Kamille replied with a nod before asking the mother of two children in front of him with curiosity. "And who are you, ma'am?"

The older brunette woman revealed with a graceful nod, "My name is Mirai Noa and this is my two children, Hathaway and Cheimin. Say, hi to Mr. Kamille."

"Hello, Mr. Kamille!", Hathaway and Cheimin adorably greeted together as one with a smile.

Noticing the familiar surname, the AEUG pilot inquired with wide eyes, "Noa? Does that mean you're connected to Bright Noa, ma'am? He's a captain of the Argama in the AEUG."

"Yes, he's my husband.", Mirai confirmed with a nod upon hearing that Bright was part of the AEUG.

Intrigued that the mother of two children was apparently connected with the commanding officer of the formerly White Base and now Argama, Stephanie questioned the Karaba director, "How important was she?"

Hayato gladly explained to the Luio & Co leader in response, "Before marrying Bright, Mirai here used to be his helmswoman and first officer when he was leading the White Base during the One Year War. We were just a ragtag bunch of meddling kids under his leadership at the time, haha. Her space glider pilot training really came in handy when it comes to steering the ship in and out of battle."

He added about himself with some bit of nostalgia, "Aside from Amuro being the RX-78-2 Gundam pilot, I was just a humble pilot of the RX-75-4 Guntank alongside with Ryu Jose back then."

This had gotten the full attention from Kamille and Beltorchika that there is another veteran of the One Year War and a member of the legendary White Base crew sitting before them and she was simply a humble mother with two adorable children.

While her kids, Hathaway and Cheimin were awed to hear from their new uncle Hayato about how their parents first meet each other and end up being married.

However, the mention of Ryu Jose brought a somber feeling to Amuro and Mirai as the two remembered their large comrade sacrificing himself to stop Crowley Hamon's Magella Top from destroying the the RX-78-2 Gundam by crashing his FF-X7 Core Fighter into it. Ryu's death had moved the entire crew of the White Base to tears, and the reality of war truly began to sink in as everyone felt responsible for his death and even tried to call to his spirit for advice later on.

He was also posthumously promoted to Lieutenant in his honor and memory.

Changing the subject after reading the mood from Amuro and Mirai, Hayato stated to everyone in the meeting. "Anyways, we have the MRX-009 Psycho Gundam and its pilot into custody after it was taken down."

"What shall we do with her? Four Murasame I mean?", Kamille asked as he was curious about her and wanted to see what she is like outside her mobile suit despite the fact she tried to kill him and also endangered the lives of civilians in New Hong Kong previously.

He did overhear that she had an "attitude adjustment problem" according to Yuuma, one of the four pilots of the Gundam-Type machines.

"We'll ask questions from her when she wakes up. Hopefully she will not resist and it's best for her to cooperate with us.", the director of Karaba explained before adding. "On the other hand, I think we can make good use of her former mobile suit and have it modified just for you, Amuro."

Doing a double-take from the offer to be given the same gigantic mobile suit that previously rampaged in New Hong Kong, Amuro remarked. "Really? What makes you think of that, Hayato?"

Hayato explained to him for everyone in the meeting to hear, "Because from what my men found within the that giant mobile suit or what's left of it, it has a Psycommu System. Like the one used by Zeon back in the One Year War and it seemed that the Federation had gotten their hands on it. Only a Newtype pilot can control a Mobile Armor that possessed it."

"That does make sense why it was able to move and fight normally like other mobile suits despite its massive impractical size and mechanics.", the blonde president of Luio & Co commented.

"I see... The Titans are using Newtypes in their ranks.", the White Devil said with a dark frown on his face as he gripped his fists after learning that the oppressive Federation peacekeeping forces were using them as living weapons exactly like Zeon did during the One Year War.

Just like Lalah..., he somberly thought about the deceased Indian girl whom he had feelings for her and accidentally killed her in the past.

And it seemed from his point of view, the Titans had abandoned the Psycho Gundam's Newtype pilot for failing them to take out Karaba and the Gundam Mark II in New Hong Kong.

Useless tools to be tossed aside like trash for failing them to complete their objective.

And that made him absolutely livid about it.

Kamille commented out loud, "Amuro piloting the Psycho Gundam? That's a surprise. But considering the massive damage it took from one of the new Gundams' armor piercing beam cannon attack, it would be difficult to restore it back the way it was."

Stephanie made a helpful suggestion as she stated, "How about putting the Psycho Gundam on standby first? Let Karaba get familiar with it for maintenance purposes, figure out a way to best use of it and at the same time have Amuro here run simulators in order to understand how it works. Before having it modified into something more suitable and cost-efficient."

She finished, "Because something like that giant mobile suit must be very resource intensive to maintain and deploy."

That's what the adults agreed with the Lui & Co. leader since creating and maintaining the humanoid machines ain't a piece of cake despite their great strength and capabilities in battle. The true MVPs behind all the mobile suits are the engineers and logistics people.

Hayato nodded in agreement, "You're right. Thank you for your input, Miss Luio."

The pilot of Gundam Mark II decided to bring up another subject to everyone, "Speaking of which, Director Hayato, I met with the four new Gundams that showed up in New Hong Kong. After the Psycho Gundam's defeat, I made contact with their pilots."

Interested, the older man inquired, "And what did you find out from them, Kamille?"

"They're all kids. They sounded like they're of Katz's age and they are utterly dysfunctional from what I observed. Even then, they're skilled and dangerous at piloting those new Gundams they have in their possession... But they have little disregard of the collateral damage they caused.", Kamille answered with a chill down in his spine as he remembered their feats.

Such as the red and white Gundam with the blade using martial arts to inflict devastating melee attacks, the dark blue Gundam that can apparently transform from mobile suit into fighter mode, the yellow Gundam who easily took down the Psycho Gundam with one powerful beam attack from the V-Fin cannon forehead, and finally the green Gundam who easily shot down a squad of Hi-Zacks from the sky.

Speaking of that dark blue Gundam, the way it transforms was seamless between two forms of a machine and a fighter without any problems at all. I wonder if it was one of those prototypes made by Anaheim who probably gave it to that new rebel group that opposed the Titans. To test it out and obtain more combat data for the completion of the Zeta Gundam, my new machine..., the AEUG member thought in wonder and suspicion.

Kamille then reminded himself that after returning back into space, he will have to make new improvements to the Zeta Gundam once it is delivered to him. He remembered that Astonaige Medoz had previously informed him that they had completed the prototype for his new Gundam after all.

Hayato frowned after learning that the newcomers who appeared in New Hong Kong are actually kids like his adopted son Katz but accepted Kamille's explanation with a nod. It's not like he is in position to judge as he, Kai Shiden and Amuro were kids themselves and they had piloted the Gundam, Guncannon and Guntank respectively during the One Year War.

The former RX-78-2 Gundam pilot grits his teeth after hearing that from him, "I knew it. What were they thinking?! The kids are treating combat like a game!"

"But weren't you a Gundam pilot at that age during the One Year War just like them?", Beltorchika questioned as she did hear about his exploits that rapidly rose him to fame as the White Devil feared by Zeon.

Amuro made his retort in response, "Yes, I know that. But their fighting style drives me crazy! They're using the Gundams like toys to play with them in the backyard! Even you can see how much damage they've caused in the city with their recklessness!"

Everyone in the meeting grimly nodded about that. Whoever is training the children as Gundam pilots must be utterly irresponsible and incompetent to let them act that way. And Amuro previously vowed that he will find and beat the crap out of them upon having some "strong words" with the new anti-Federation rebel faction's leaders.

"There's more, Director Hayato. I noticed about the four new Gundams' propulsions. They don't have rocket thrust like ours or the Titans and they even scrambled the comms until they left the city. It looked like they are some sort of light particles.", Kamille explained as he can see that the adults in the meeting room are familiar with it as well.

On the other hand, Hathaway and Cheimin reminded those pretty lights they witnessed from those Gundams and wanted to see it again.

Stephanie Luio raised an eyebrow as she commented, "That sounds like a new variant of the Minovsky Particles that you're describing Mr. Kamille. Most of the current mobile suits and ships output Minovsky Particles albeit a lot less visually appealing compared to the newcomers whose light particles their machines emit like they're pixie dust. Sounds a bit tacky if you ask me."

Tacky but dangerous..., Amuro and Kamile thought after seeing the power of the beam weapons from the four Gundam Types' source of power that made the Psycho Gundam's Anti-Beam Barrier and Gundarium Alloy as weak as paper mache.

"Can I try pilot a Gundam like you when I grow up, Mr. Amuro?", Hathaway innocently asked after overhearing that the friend of his mother was a Gundam pilot along with the fact he heard there are kid pilots of the four Gundams the adults are talking about, finding it cool.

Surprised of such question, Amuro sheepishly answered as he tells the little boy, "... Uuuuhhhhhh, well, maybe when you finish your education first, Hathaway. Because, you can't be a good pilot without a degree."

Bullshit!, is what Hayato and Kamille thought with an eyeroll together at Amuro in response.

The Karaba director was fully aware that the brown haired young man had learned how to pilot the RX-78-2 Gundam with an instruction manual of all things in his very first sortie in order to drive out a Zeon attack and save everyone in White Base from the enemy raiders.

While the green haired AEUG pilot didn't even finish school after he had stolen the Gundam Mark II from the Titans, which made him a wanted man and subsequently joined the AEUG.

Even Mirai knew that but then agreed with Amuro, knowing he's actually trying to steer her son away from such dangerous occupation and she appreciated that. She hoped that Hathaway will grow up to become a stable young man in the future and become a botanical scientist as he has taken a liking for plants when tending to the garden at home.

I will ensure to nurture that passion and guide Hathaway to a peaceful profession., she vowed to herself.

After all, the former helmswoman of White Base cannot imagine her son to be a mobile suit pilot of his own right or even a leader of a military organization just like her husband Bright.

That will never ever happen in a million years.

The brown haired boy nodded, "Oh okay then."

Cheimin Noa also showed interest as she was enamored in the Gundam Mark II but was too shy to say it compared to her brother Hathaway.

Meanwhile, Hayato immediately returned the subject at hand, "Ensign Kamille, have you gotten the names of the four pilots from your contact with them? Before they withdrew from New Hong Kong?"

Kamille said with a nod, "Yes, director. From what I heard in their conversation, their names are Fumina, Shia, Sekai and Yuuma. Before they were called by Mr. Ral who told them to return to White Base and left the city."

"Did-did you just say White Base?...", Hayato asked with eyes widened as he's shocked to hear a familiar name of a ship apparently possessed by a third party that deployed the four new Gundams.

"And Mr. Ral?...", the former RX-78-2 Gundam pilot muttered with his eyes narrowed in suspicion as he remembered the deceased Blue Giant and his last moments of committing suicide by detonating his grenades after his one last failed attempt to capture the White Base.

Kamille noticed that as he thought, Whoever this Ral is really shocked Amuro...

Speaking on her fellow veterans' behalf, Mirai asked the young man, "Are you really sure of what you're saying, Mr. Kamille? Because we were there when White Base was destroyed at the Battle of A Baoa Qu in the final days of the One Year War."

That really put a somber mood to Hayato and Amuro after remembering the loss of the ship including the RX-78-2 Gundam when Amuro set its final action of firing its one last shot against Char Aznable's MNS-02 Zeong.

Stephanie Luio chimed in, "Not to mention, there were some of the Pegasus-class ships that survived the end of the war, and served during the interwar period. Albion survived Operation Stardust most notably. But then they lost their desirable status once the Federation began to mass produce ships that can launch and tend mobile suit teams with rapid shift from atmospheric to space deployment."

"Such as the Garuda, Argama and Alexandria.", she finished.

Beltorchika speculated with a contemplative thought, "Perhaps this new anti-Federation faction where the four kid pilots of these new Gundams came from had somehow acquired their own Pegasus-class ship, either stealing it or buying it legally or otherwise, and named it the "White Base" in memory of your legendary crew's ship?"

Could it be possible that it might be some of our old comrades from White Base who formed their own faction to fight the Titans' tyranny? After the One Year War ended, we all went into separate paths. I will have to ask Kai Shiden to gather information about this new organization. No doubt he had already known what happened in New Hong Kong and is working on finding out., Hayato thought to himself before commenting with his blonde Karaba subordinate.

"That could be possible, Beltorchika. The White Base was pretty famous during the war after all and using the name would no doubt attract attention to be taken seriously by this new rebel faction opposing the Titans."

Now it would mean for Karaba to locate this White Base and open communications with them as potential allies.

Addressing the elephant in the room, Kamille wondered out loud, "You seemed tense when I mentioned Mr. Ral, Amuro. Did you know him?"

Amuro replied with a serious glare, "Know him, Kamille? I met and fought him before. His name is Ramba Ral. He was known as "The Blue Giant" from Zeon. ... But he was dead when he failed to capture White Base during the war."

Including his wife, Crowley Hamon..., he internally added which grimaced as he remembered how the portly man and his wife perished in fiery blaze.

"Perhaps this "Mr. Ral" could be the man's family relative, Amuro. After all, Mr. Kamille didn't hear the man's full name when trying to communicate with the four new Gundam pilots.", Mirai believed which the Gundam Mark II pilot nodded in confirmation.

Still, Amuro had a gut feeling that it couldn't be a coincidence with a ship being named after White Base and it was commandeered by someone who has the same surname as Ramba Ral.

Suddenly, a member of Karaba barged into the room with the sliding door opening and informed in a concerned tone, "Director Hayato! Turn on the news channel! You all got to see it pronto!"

After Hayato turned on the tv, everyone in the meeting watched the screen where it shows a sharp-dressed man with brown combed hair, a sharp mustache, and brown eyes in a professional suit with a tie. And he is about to make his introduction on-screen in front of the cameras at the news studio.

"This is Donny Burgundy, live from Terra News Network or TNN for short. We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special report. Let's go live with Kate Rockwell who's currently at the city of New Hong Kong. What's word on the street, Kate?", he said in a suave manner.

The screen changes from Donny Burgundy to Kate Rockwell where she is standing behind the ruins of New Hong Kong buildings, being filmed by her cameraman.

"Thanks, Donny! Several hours ago, the streets of New Hong Kong was bristling with typical city life and activity as usual. And then suddenly, Gundams appeared and they had duked out against each other in the middle of the city!", reported the young woman with black hair and grey eyes in a backless dark suit with a professional blazer as she showed the aftermath of the Battle of New Hong Kong.

Including the footage of the battle between Gundams in the city.

"Oh my goodness! That's horrible! And I assume casualties were high as a result of such destructive battle between giant robots, right Kate?", Donny winced before asking his fellow reporter as the screen of her miniaturized so that he can be seen interacting with her on the tv.

Kate sadly nodded as she explained in front of the camera, "Yes, Donny. Hundreds of people were dead or severely injured and in need of medical aid and humanitarian assistance. Most of them were caught in the middle of the firefight between mobile suits."

Behind her are the ambulances and medical personnel tending to the wounded in need of help.

Kamille gripped his fists in anger due to the fact he was unable to halt Four's rampage and it did not help that the kid Gundam pilots were causing more damage when trying to stop her. Amuro had the same feeling as it was the terrible nature of war when it comes to using mobile suits in populated areas.

Donny grimly noted with a shaking of his head, "I see they have suffered terrible, terrible damage, Kate. Hopefully the Federation will do what they can to help these poor citizens in need. Is there more you wish to tell us?"

"Yes, there's more, Donny. Eyewitnesses I've talked to stated that there were about five Gundams fighting against their more gigantic counterpart. The said giant Gundam was identified to be from the Titans, the peacekeeping force of the Federation.", the female reporter added.

The mustached reporter noted with a shining smile, "I see. Kudos to our brave men and women of the Titans keeping the peace and ensuring the safety of our citizens of Earth!"

Kamille, Amuro and the others were unimpressed of Donny bootlicking for the tyrannical Titans despite the clear evidence of the damage the Psycho Gundam had done to the city of New Hong Kong.

"And what about the other five Gundams, Kate?", Donny asked his fellow reporter after that.

Kate Rockwell answered, "Since they're the ones that attacked the Titans mobile suits, I presume that they must be from the AEUG. The anti-Federation movement that had attacked the Federation base of Jaburo in South America, and now it seemed that they have unleashed these Gundams in New Hong Kong. With the Titans apparently attempted to stop them."

"You heard it here, folks! The dastardly AEUG are behind this unforgivable attack on New Hong Kong! I hope the heroic Titans will take these rebel scum down and brought to justice for their war crimes against humanity!", Donny Burgundy declared with a dramatic gesture.

This angered Kamille to see the AEUG slandered and the Titans being given praise they don't deserve.

Amuro, Hayato and Mirai were familiar of the propaganda used by the enemy, remembering Gihren Zabi's speech to rally Zeon after the death of his brother Garma back in the One Year War.

I have a feeling that the organization with those four Gundam-Types will make another move soon and this time establish themselves to stand out from the AEUG and Karaba. There is no way they will stay quiet for long., Stephanie Luio thought.


Somewhere in the skies of UC Earth

"How are the kids, Hamon?"

Mr. Ral somberly asked his wife as he sat on the captain's chair of the bridge of the White Base and turned off the international tv news report that talked about the Battle of New Hong Kong and the sudden appearance of four unknown Gundams with new light particle technology and more advanced beam weaponry. And now everyone in the UC world would know about it and soon take interest on their technology.

Shaking her head, Mrs. Hamon replied to her husband, "Not taking well I'm afraid, dear. Not after learning that they're in another world, not a simulation and everything they had done at New Hong Kong was real. The Haros were doing their best to cheer them up though..."

On the several screens of the bridge, the two adults can see the Try Fighters and Shia currently separated and in different parts of White Base.

To monitor and watch over the four kids of their current state after being given a shocking revelation of being sent to UC Earth and stuck in there.

While the majority of the Haros controlling the Karels were busy with their maintenance on the four GN Drive-powered Gunplas-turned-real-Gundams that were currently docked at the White Base's hangar bays, the remainder of the adorable ball AIs tried to comfort the four teenage Gunpla Battle players with some mixed results.

Shia Kijima took an Orange Haro from the crowd and hugged it to her chest whilst sobbing after learning that she had taken actual lives by her own hand unwittingly even if they were from the Titans, the main antagonist group from Zeta Gundam show.

Along with the fact she is far away from home and can never see her brother and teammates Wilfrid Kijima and Saga Adou, and her uncle Allan Adams again.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to...", she muttered with tears and snot as she lay her back behind the metal wall of the White Base, away from the mobile suit hangar bay.

On the other hand, a despondent Yuuma Kousaka had locked himself in one of the rooms of White Base and ignored the several Haros calling out for him behind the door in worrying concern.

It is obvious that he is denying the cruel reality of being in the UC world and tried to believe it's all just a really too good simulation from the ZERO System.

"This has to be a nightmare! This has to be a nightmare!", he frantically shouted to himself.

Meanwhile, Sekai Kamiki and Fumina Hoshino are spending their time checking around the interior of White Base with the Haros eagerly giving them a roundabout tour.

Clearly they were trying to not think too hard of the horrible implications such as Sekai unknowingly harming people during his battle with the Pyscho Gundam that destroyed everything around them with his destructive Jigen Haō-Ryū attacks; and Fumina unwittingly blasting away those caught in the crossfire after taking down Four Murasame with her Star Winning Gundam's Winning Beam signature attack.

"Are you alright, Senpai?", the redhead martial artist asked with a concerned look.

The brown haired young woman gave a weak smile, "I'm fine, Sekai. Just processing stuff..."

Turning away from the screens, the Blue Giant nodded, "I see. We need to move White Base as soon as possible, Hamon. I don't think the Optical Camouflage of this ship will keep us hidden forever. One way or another, we will be found out by the Titans or the Federation Forces who are now looking for the kids' Gundams eventually now that they know of their existence from the news."

"Especially when this ship that just happened to exactly look like the original White Base from the One Year War.", he added while observing the interior of the ship in every detail.

"You're right, Ral. We will also have to get fresh supplies and anything vital for White Base. We won't last long without food and water on the ship at this rate.", the female Gunpla Police officer stated before commenting with a frown, "... To think Engineer Adam Winslow had created the exact replica of the legendary ship with some extra additions he placed in like the Haros, Karels, Automatons and Mobile Dolls."

Frowning, the older mustached man said to his wife, "At least we won't have to worry about manning the White Base by ourselves, Lenore... But I'm more worried about us."

The graceful blonde woman stated with a sigh, understanding what her husband exactly meant.

After all, Mr. Ral and Mrs. Hamon are just stage names they took as part of having fun with the fans of Gundam anime and Gunpla Battle players due to coincidentally sharing similar appearances with the wholesome Zeon couple in Mobile Suit Gundam 1979 series.

Their real names are actually Masashi Hōki and Lenore Hōki with her maiden name being Schuckman.

"I know, Masashi. We will be mistaken as the original Ramba Ral and Crowley Hamon to Amuro Ray or even Char Aznable in his Quattro Bajeena phase if they try to reach out to this White Base sooner or later. The kids' Gundams would have already gotten the attention of both AEUG and Karaba even before the news featuring their involvement in the Battle of New Hong Kong came out, seeing them as potential allies in their war against the Titans.", she said.

Not to mention also a potential goldmine to try reverse engineer the GN Drives of the children's Gunpla-turned-Gundams for their mobile suits and weaponry. The AEUG is backed by Anaheim Electronics after all. The same company who would want to get their hands on 00's advanced technology being brought to UC Earth. They would make more just to sell to the highest bidder and further their own pockets..., the blonde older woman added to herself, being knowledgeable of the Gundam UC lore just like her husband.

"Both of them being real life flesh-and-blood individuals with thoughts and feelings of their own than the iconic anime show characters from a long running fictional franchise that got itself milked to death.", she added.

The veteran Gunpla Battle player agreed with his wife about that.

While Gundam UC had provided lots of cool mobile suits and their designs which would be advertised and sold as Gunpla kits to be built and played with them in Gunpla Battle via the Plavsky Particles as part of the merchandise, the franchise was infamously known for its fatalistic status quo of never ending war no matter how much the main protagonists and their allies had tried to end the pointless conflict and make the world better with their efforts.

All to hammer home, albeit a little too much on the anvil dropping, that war is bad and humanity always repeat the same mistakes.

Compared to some other Gundam franchises such as Gundam Wing and Gundam 00 that had ended on a good note or stopped at its peak there.

Ral remembered what he had told Reiji, the best friend and Gunpla Battle partner of Sei Iori several years ago before he returned to his world of Arian, in the past as he recited to himself,

"Gundam plastic models... Gunpla. Building them or fighting them, it all depends on you. Unlike the Mobile Suit Gundam story, we're not in a state of war, and we don't have to put our lives on the line. It's just played for pleasure. But... No, for that very reason... People can be enthralled by Gunpla and Gunpla Battle. Because it's a game, they can take it seriously!"

Then the older mustached man slumped at the back of the White Base's captain seat in a depressed tone as he added with a heavy sigh, "But right now, we're no longer in a game but in the real world of Gundam UC. Because of that, we will have to take this seriously. To ensure that we all make it out alive."

Being no stranger to killing due to her dangerous line of work as an officer of the Gunpla Police against the Gunpla Mafia, Hamon nodded, "I agree. It's our responsibility to look after the kids and find a way to get back home."

But the two adults knew that it is easier said than done as their enemies in form of the Titans and eventually Neo Zeon will be gunning for the GN technology and use it to improve their mobile suits, weaponizing it with devastating results. Especially when Sekai and his friends will have no choice but to fight, kill and survive.

And it would further deepen the trauma and pain which they will suffer for the rest of their lives even after finding a way back.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance."

A voice of a woman called to Mr. Ral and Mrs. Hamon who turned their heads to one of the screens of the White Base bridge. The said screen has displayed a holographic image of a lavender haired woman in her 20s who is dressed in the purple and blue Celestial Being female military uniform with a beret on her head and a pair of spectacles.

The Blue Giant recognized that she looked like the younger iteration of Sumeragi Lee Noriega if the tactical forecaster of Celestial Being had decided to dye her brown hair, wear glasses and style a hair bun like her friend Kati Mannequin. Like she was going through a phase, he mused to himself.

She introduced herself with a formal bow, "Greetings, I am Varia. The Quasi-Veda of White Base. I am in charge of everything on this ship."

"I see. You've decided to speak up now... Tell me, what was your purpose? Have you known about Adam Winslow's ZERO System?", Mr. Ral demanded with narrowed eyes after the Quasi-Veda welcomed the Try Fighters and Shia Kijima to dock their Gundams inside the ship.

Varia answered, "Yes, my purpose was to aid the man named Daryl Lancer, my creator. He intended to use Adam Winslow's ZERO System that he copied to transport himself and his Gunpla: Cornix Furia along with the Baronche-class ship, the Dark Veil to another world of Gundam by his own choosing. He created me as his mini-me variant of Veda to aid him upon arrival."

"Unfortunately, his plans were thwarted by your hand when you defeated and arrested him several years ago."
, she finished as she glanced at the female Gunpla Police officer.

Eyes widened in surprise, Mrs. Hamon remembered that man after learning that the former Gunpla Mafia hitman she defeated and arrested in the past was connected with the Quasi-Veda and the ZERO System.


Flashback, several years ago in Build Fighters Earth

"RAAAAGHHHH! LET ME GO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I NEED TO GO THERE!", yelled an erratically desperate 31 year old shaggy haired muscular man in a pilot suit with dark trench coat as he snarled with bloodshot eyes as he was taken away by the two Gunpla Police officers with cuffs around his hands at the back.

After months of hiding and evading from the law, he was finally caught and arrested by Mrs. Hamon who had defeated him in a Gunpla Battle.

Daryl Lancer, the self-styled Chronicle Bringer, was found at a plain, two-story house, which was walled off from the rest of the neighborhood and with a thick metal gate at the entrance.

he was snitched by his friend, Aaron Weber who called in the Gunpla Police to his location after being contacted by the ex-Gunpla Mafia enforcer where he was and wanted him to be a witness of something he had planned.

Seizing the opportunity, Mrs. Hamon told Aaron in their communication that he will have to distract Daryl by convincing the wanted fugitive to play Gunpla Battle with him under the impression of old time's sake, while she herself would insert her Gunpla into the battle system via the hacker briefcase that was used by Gunpla Mafia and confiscated by Gunpla Police.

On the other hand, four squads of Gunpla Police officers would discreetly surround the two-story house where Daryl Lancer is inside and wait for the signal from Mrs. Hamon who begins hacking into the game and preparing her Gunpla.

When Aaron Weber used the RX-78-1 Gundam Gunpla to play Gunpla Battle with Daryl as part of a distraction, the wife of Mr. Ral made herself known to her target and immediately attacked him.

It was a one-sided massacre as the Cornix Furia lays shattered in pieces, having lost to the Queen Qubeley.

The dreaded Crow never stood a chance at all.

It stunned the former Gunpla Mafia enforcer of his prized customized Gunpla's destruction before his eyes long enough for the several Gunpla Police members who barged in from all directions and pointed their guns at him to stay where he is standing.

And Mrs. Hamon appeared before him, displaying her Gunpla Police badge to Daryl Lancer who was then cuffed and tried to resist arrest.

Meanwhile, the rest have searched the entire building where they discovered a room where it has several computer towers lined two of the walls, blinking and whirring as they ran whatever programs they possessed, with several AC units and fans directly above them for cooling purposes. Cables snaked out from behind and beneath the towers, all converging into a huge metal capsule resting in the middle of the room. Said capsule was gunmetal grey in color, with blue lines running over it, and panel lining indicating it was capable of opening.

On the other side of the room, large tanks marked with the Yajima Trading logo were lined side-by-side, and finally on the wall closest to the windows, a large work table filled with work tools, piles of paper and discarded boxes of Gunplas of many makes. There was also the worktable with piles of papers which were filled with equations, written jargon and some research material.

Although there were few posters of Sumeragi Lee Noriega on the wall.

One of said piles was a thick bound paper titled "ZERO SYSTEM" which was written in large capital letters, right beneath them "RESTRICTED ACCESS" and the logo of Nielsen Labs stamped on the corner. That includes the "QUASI-VEDA" paper as well.

And finally, there was a large rectangular box with Plavsky Particle emitters connected to the capsule.

In response, the Gunpla Police seized the important items on spot as to collect evidence that will assist them in the investigation of Daryl's unlawful activity.

Although, a large model of a black warship which looks similar to the Baronche from Gundam AGE was left untouched along with the G-Razer, the other Gunpla owned by Daryl.

One of the Gunpla Police officers simply issued a standard Miranda Rights warning while they brought the ex-mafia enforcer to the police car with its door opened, "Daryl Lancer of the Gunpla Mafia, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning."

After securing their arrested criminal, the police officers drove away to take him to the police station where he will be held custody there in one of their cells.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Aaron Weber.", the older blonde woman said, turning to the 29 year old man with brunette hair with glasses.

He wore a black business suit with a tie and wore a simple red jacket draped on his shoulders.

Looking forlorn as he watched the departing police car leave the premise, Aaron said, "You're welcome. I just... I just couldn't stand Daryl doing this to himself... He was guilty of all the things he had done after working for the Gunpla Mafia for 12 years. He intended to get away from it all."

Believing that Daryl Lancer might have intended to commit suicide, Mrs. Hamon shook her head as she said, "Well, he will have to face reality and own up to his crimes. We will make sure that he will get the help and rehabilitation he needed."

"I hope so...", the man nodded before wondering out loud. "What will happen to Daryl's other Gunpla models?"

He saw one of the other Gunpla Police officers sweeping the pieces of The Crow into the clear plastic bag before taking it away from the Gunpla Battle mini-stadium that is in the process of dismantling.

"Aside from his Cornix Furia currently confiscated as it was the instrument of crime used by Mr. Lancer, do whatever you want with them, Mr. Weber.", Mrs. Hamon simply answered before heading to her personal police car.

Unbeknownst to them however, the visor of the black-colored Baronche's bridge glowed briefly.


Back to present day, UC Earth

"You were there the whole time?", the wife of Mr. Ral questioned.

Varia nodded and explained, "Yes, I was originally installed inside the Dark Veil when Daryl Lancer created me. After his arrest, his friend Aaron Weber took the ship and gave it to Adam Winslow as a gift. The creator of ZERO System then remodeled the Baronche ship I inhabited into the White Base with his own brand of additions into it as you can see the Haros, Karels, Automatons and Mobile Dolls."

Mrs. Hamon glanced at some of the robots aforementioned by Quasi-Veda, minding their own business and doing their duties in the bridge of the White Base.

Before her husband asked, "And I assume that the papers from the so-called Chronicle Bringer were given to Engineer Winslow, correct?"

"Correct, Adam Winslow was very fascinated with the unique calculations that Daryl Lancer made with the ZERO System blueprints he copied from the Nielsen Labs. He thought he could implement them with his own equations. Unfortunately, this was the result when the ZERO System was finally activated and brought you and the children here.", the Quasi-Veda noted.

The two adults grimaced, remembering the current state of the Try Fighters and Celestial Sphere member after finding out they have unwittingly killed people and caused collateral damage instead of a game they believed.

"Why do you intend to help us? Even though my wife arrested your creator?", Mr. Ral wondered with narrowed eyes of suspicion.

"Because you need me. You're all permanently trapped in the world of Gundam UC and I have to fulfill my purpose even without Daryl Lancer around.", Varia simply stated.

The holographic iteration of Sumeragi Lee Noriega demonstrated to the couple by showing streams of data scrolling at blinding speeds, most likely security protocols being broken apart as she had already infiltrated these systems with ease. Soon, the data streams were replaced with images, videos and documents, all related to the various governments of the world and current news.

She added with a determined look on her face, "As I was modeled after the tactical forecaster of Celestial Being by my creator, I will aid you in ensuring your survival."

Author's Note: Alright, the third chapter of "Zeta Fighters" is done and I hope you guys like it. Kamille informed Amuro, Hayato and the others about the seemingly new anti-Federation group that possess four more advanced Gundams. Meanwhile, Varia, the Quasi-Veda of White Base, appeared and decided to aid our heroes in order to survive the Gryps Conflict happening in Zeta Gundam era of UC.

Originally, I wanted to reveal that Mr. Ral and Mrs. Hamon were the reincarnations of Ramba Ral and Crowley Hamon after they had died in UC world and gained a new life in Build Fighters world since it was memed by the fandom as "Gundam Valhalla" with various dead characters were shown to be alive with second chance to live a new life as cameos. ... But then I realized it would mean they would have an existential crisis after finding out their old world was fictional all along and their whole lives had been nothing but entertainment to the audience.

So I decided to keep Mr. Ral and Mrs. Hamon as being their own characters
than the reincarnated OG Ral and Hamon. I know that Takeshi Iori and Master Chinan called him "Ramba" in the Build Fighters first show and GM's Counterattack special. But in this story, it would be a stage name used by the man as part of having fun.

I totally did not made a shout-out to Hathaway's Flash where the son of Bright and Mirai Noa grew up to be the leader of Mafty organization and the pilot of the Xi Gundam and also being a former fanboy of Amuro Ray.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D
Four Gundams of U.C. Celestial Being (Try Fighters and Shia Kijima)
Type: Custom Close Quarters Combat Mobile Suit

Model Number: GNBG-012B

Unit Name: Build Burning Gundam

Overall Height: 18.2 meters

Empty Weight: 58.3 metric tons

Power-plant: GN Drive (with Blue GN Particles)

Armor: E-Carbon

Pilot Accommodations: Pilot only (in cockpit in torso)

Propulsion: GN Verniers

Standard Armaments:

GN Sword

Build Burning Gundam wields the signature weapon of Exia that is mounted on the right forearm after Sekai is amazed of Exia's use of the weapon and wanted to try it out with his Gunpla and his fighting style of Jigen Haō-ryū Kempō. It has a Rifle Mode, allowing the Build Burning Gundam to fire at the enemy as a ranged beam attack.

GN Vulcan

It has a pair of small beam guns known as GN Vulcans built into the forearms and can be rapid-fired intermittently and they are effective in restricting enemy movements, damaging conventional weapons. It fits for Sekai as while he has poor aim, he can rapidly fire them at the enemy, dealing some damage as a result.

GN Beam Spray Gun

A handheld beam weapon that Sekai once used as part of ranged weapons training before he discarded it away. He eventually added it back to the Build Burning Gundam as a secondary ranged weapon just in case after heeding Shia's advise.

GN Beam Dagger

Stored on the Build Burning Gundam's rear waist, the pair of GN Beam Daggers have the same basic system as the GN Beam Sabers, but they are adjusted to emit shorter beam blades that consume less energy and also make them harder to diffuse. They serve as extra weapons in battle against the enemy for throwing them or stab the enemy within close range.

GN Beam Saber

Similarly like Exia, the Build Burning Gundam is equipped with several beam sabers, that are stored on the backs of its shoulder armors and the front waist, to use them for melee combat. They also serve as extra weaponry in case the primary weapon, the GN Sword, is unavailable or too slow for it to unfold and attack or parry from an enemy mobile suit on time.


Trans-Am System

When activated, this system releases at once all the compressed high-density GN Particles accumulated in a machine, enhancing its thrust and defensive capabilities as well as allowing it to perform at three times its normal output for a limited time. With Trans-Am, Sekai would use it to go faster and enhance his close range attacks to be more potent and devastating in the battlefield.

Quasi-Veda Link Operating System

The Gundams' operating system is linked to Quasi-Veda, allowing Varia to provide support to the Gundams and their pilots as their tactical forecaster who was modeled after Sumeragi Lee Noriega.

Energy Multiplier Generator System

The Build Burning Gundam possesses a unique system that can transform the energy of the GN Particles to be refined in a similar manner to Qi and allows Sekai to use his powerful Jigen Haō-ryū Kempō techniques in mobile suit battle, devastating enemy mobile suit forces and everything in his path.

GN Field

The Build Burning Gundam can encase itself in a spherical GN Field barrier for better protection. Using compressed high density GN Particles released from the mobile suit, the GN Field can protect against projectile and beam attacks. Sekai added this after listening from Shia's advise when he doesn't want to have a GN Shield of Exia be part of his Build Burning Gundam as it would get in the way of his fighting style.

Optical Camouflage

The Build Burning Gundam can deploy an external camouflage membrane over itself when stationary, blending it into its environment and making it look invisible. Sekai seldom uses this as he prefers a straight up fight but will have to use it if necessary to conceal from the enemy detection until it's time to strike.


After being impressed of watching Exia in action on a Gundam 00 show marathon, Sekai Kamiki had decided to not only restore the Build Burning Gundam but to modify it completely with a GN Drive added into the Gunpla alongside the armaments of Exia with help of Shia Kijima. He intended to try out melee combat with the GN Sword and apply his fighting style into it for future Gunpla Battles.

From the perspective of UC Earth, the Build Burning Gundam made a public debut by appearing at New Hong Kong to attack the Psycho Gundam from the Titans and ended up causing lots of collateral damage with Sekai's Jigen Haō-ryū Kempō techniques during the clash. And it ended up got kicked away by the Psycho Gundam itself despite the aid of three more Gundams of similar light particle reactors.

Regardless, the sudden appearance of Build Burning Gundam and its capabilities had given a wake up call to the world of UC that there is apparently a new faction possessing technology far more advanced years ahead with four Gundams.

Type: Custom Heavy Weapons Mobile Suit

Model Number: GNRM-237S-01

Unit Name: Star Winning Gundam

Overall Height: 18.3 meters

Empty Weight: 60.2 metric tons

Power-plant: GN Drive (with Yellow GN Particles)

Armor: E-Carbon

Pilot Accommodations: Pilot only (in cockpit in torso)

Propulsion: GN Verniers

Standard Armaments:

GN Winning Beam Cannon

The Star Winning Gundam's strongest ranged beam attack that is in the shape of a 'W' and is fired from the V-fin cannon that is mounted on the forehead of Star Winning Gundam.

GN Vulcan

Mounted on the sides of the Star Winning Gundam's head, the pair of GN Vulcans are smaller versions of GN beam weaponry. They have a high rate of fire, but are low in power. As such, they are mainly used to engage targets in a defensive capacity or to intercept incoming attacks, such as missiles.

GN Beam Machine Gun

The main handheld ranged weaponry of the Star Winning Gundam, the beam machine gun has a high rate of fire and is equipped with a Mega Blade, enhanced by GN Particles to have high cutting capabilities, for close combat.

GN Star Funnel
A total of seven Star Funnels are stored on the Star Winning Gundam's backpack, they are remote-controlled weaponry and can be divided into Gun Bits, Fang Bits and Guard Bits. The funnels are equipped with GN Particle Generators that can be connected with the Star Winning Gundam to boost the mobile suit's power. That also allows the funnels to function and fire on their own until Fumina calls them back to her.

GN Beam Saber

Star Winning Gundam has two GN Beam Sabers, one stored on the underside of each rear skirt armor and they are handheld when used in close range battle with the enemy that got past her Winning Beam attack or Star Funnels.


Trans-Am System

When activated, this system releases at once all the compressed high-density GN Particles accumulated in a machine, enhancing its thrust and defensive capabilities as well as allowing it to perform at three times its normal output for a limited time. With Trans-Am, Fumina would enhance the power of the Winning Beam to be more destructive and powerful to the point the enemy would fearfully compare her Gundam to have the power of the Colony Laser.

Bit Control System

The Star Winning Gundam has a system for controlling the remote bits/fangs of mobile suits, allowing Fumina to control the Star Funnels in combat. It would confuse the enemy into assuming that she is a Newtype with a Psycommu System on her Gundam at first impression.

Quasi-Veda Link Operating System

The Gundams' operating system is linked to Quasi-Veda, allowing Varia to provide support to the Gundams and their pilots as their tactical forecaster who was modeled after Sumeragi Lee Noriega.

GN Field

The Star Winning Gundam can deploy a spherical GN Field barrier around itself that provides 360 degree protection against most physical and beam attacks. It would allow Fumina to protect herself or her comrades from the enemy under bombardment, and also use the protection to prepare the Winning Beam attack before dissipating it and fire at full blast.

Optical Camouflage
The Star Winning Gundam can deploy an external camouflage membrane over itself when stationary, blending it into its environment and making it look invisible. It would allow Fumina to charge up her Winning Beam and her mobile suit's systems to full operational uninterrupted.


Fumina Hoshino had completely changed up her Gunpla from its SD form to a permanent Real Mode form with intent to get Sekai's attention and impress him after seeing his interest on adding a GN Drive on the Build Burning Gundam with Shia, her rival of Gunpla Battle and love interest over Sekai.

As a result, the Star Winning Gundam is no longer a transformable support machine but a heavy weapons one. And Fumina would have to adjust without her previous Gunpla's fighter form and provide heavy firepower for her friends in battle.

And that it had caught attention of the Titans after easily taking down the Psycho Gundam, one of the strongest mobile suits, with one powerful beam attack from the V-fin forehead cannon, taking great interest on such powerful technology possessed by the new Gundams.

Type: Custom Transformable High Mobility Mobile Suit

Model Number: GNLG-91-2

Unit Name: Lightning Raphael Gundam

Overall Height: 18.3 meters

Empty Weight: 57.2 metric tons

Power-plant: 3x GN Drive (with Purple GN Particles)

Armor: E-Carbon

Pilot Accommodations: Pilot only (in cockpit in torso)

Propulsion: GN Verniers

Standard Armaments:

GN Bazooka

The Lightning Raphael's main armament, it is a large, handheld cannon that fires a beam of high density, high energy GN Particles. It also has a Burst Mode to make even stronger and more powerful beam attacks especially when enhanced by Trans-Am.

GN Big Cannon

A pair of twin-barrelled GN Big Cannons are attached to the backpack of the Lightning Raphael Gundam. They are derived from the Virtue's GN Cannons and can be adjusted for rapid fire or for high power shots.

GN Claw

Mounted on top of the GN Big Cannons, the GN Claw was designed to intercept and/or anticipate a target before Lightning Raphael could. The claws were designed to grab enemy units and can tear the target apart, crush it, or remove it from the combat zone. The tip of all the claws can each generate a GN Beam Saber.

GN Vulcan

It has a pair of small beam guns known as GN Vulcans built into the forearms and can be rapid-fired intermittently and they are effective in restricting enemy movements, damaging conventional weapons. Yuuma uses them to defend himself from missiles and funnels of the enemy in battle.

GN Beam Saber

Lightning Raphael Gundam has a GN Beam Sabers, one stored on the underside of each rear skirt armor and they are handheld when used in battle. Yuuma uses it when facing an enemy mobile suit that think that he's helpless in close range only to learn the error the hard way.


Trans-Am System

When activated, this system releases at once all the compressed high-density GN Particles accumulated in a machine, enhancing its thrust and defensive capabilities as well as allowing it to perform at three times its normal output for a limited time. With three GN Drives, the Lightning Raphael Gundam can go 9x faster, making it the fastest mobile suit Yuuma made and piloted. It would make the other Gundams of his friends in their Trans-Am look slow in comparison.

Quasi-Veda Link Operating System

The Gundams' operating system is linked to Quasi-Veda, allowing Varia to provide support to the Gundams and their pilots as their tactical forecaster who was modeled after Sumeragi Lee Noriega.

GN Beam Shield

The Lightning Raphael Gundam can deploys beam shield made of GN Particles. The beam shields also have offensive power and can be used for melee combat in flight form. Yuuma uses it to ram at the enemy and cut them apart into pieces especially when enhanced by Trans-Am.

Optical Camouflage

The Lightning Raphael Gundam can deploy an external camouflage membrane over itself when stationary, blending it into its environment and making it look invisible. Yuuma uses this to attack the enemy unaware by strafing, sniping or blasting them away before disappearing from their sight.


Yuuma Kousaka had chosen to try something different for a change by creating his Lightning variant of the Raphael Gundam with 3 GN Drives that can smoothly transform from a flight form to a mobile suit form on a fly. He based off the transformation from his Lightning Zeta as a basis when creating the Lightning Raphael Gundam.

As a consequence however, the Lightning Raphael Gundam has no Seravee equivalent as its support unit to rely on, and Yuuma would have to rely on his piloting skills to ensure it survive mobile suit combat.

Not only that, it had caught the attention of Anaheim Electronics and Kamille Bidan due to its capabilities of transforming into fighter and mobile suit form that are almost suspiciously similarly like that of the Zeta Gundam. The said Gundam was almost complete in its production and set to be delivered to the AEUG for Kamille in space.

Type: Custom Support Mobile Suit

Model Number: GNW-101P

Unit Name: Gundam Portent

Overall Height: 18.4 meters

Empty Weight: 42.9 metric tons

Power-plant: GN Drive (with Green GN Particles)

Armor: E-Carbon

Pilot Accommodations: Pilot only (in cockpit in torso)

Propulsion: GN Verniers

Standard Armaments:

GN Smash Rifle

A custom GN beam rifle used by Gundam Portent, it has high accuracy due to the mobile suit's excellent control of GN Particles and the expert aiming skills of Shia that would be a bane for enemy mobile suits in battle.

GN Vulcan

Mounted on the sides of the Gundam's head, the pair of GN Vulcans are smaller versions of GN beam weaponry. They have a high rate of fire, but are low in power. As such, they are mainly used to engage targets in a defensive capacity or to intercept incoming attacks, such as missiles.

GN Pistol

The Gundam Portent can carry a total of two GN Beam Pistols, which are stored in designated holster attached to each leg. Shia uses it as secondary ranged weapons in case her primary one is unavailable and gave advise to Sekai to have one despite being melee oriented, which he heeded.

GN Pierce Sword

The suit's main handheld close combat weapon, its blade is coated with GN Particles and this grants it high cutting capabilities. The GN Pierce Sword can emit a long flexible beam blade to increase its attack range. This beam blade can be used together with the GN Smash Rifle to enhance the suit's ranged attack power.

GN Beam Saber

A sword-like beam weapon that serve as the suit's secondary close combat weapon, a pair of them are stored on the rear waist armor to be used in melee combat. Shia uses them in case her primary melee weapon is unavailable in battle.


Trans-Am System

When activated, this system releases at once all the compressed high-density GN Particles accumulated in a machine, enhancing its thrust and defensive capabilities as well as allowing it to perform at three times its normal output for a limited time. This allows Shia to have her mobility and attacks enhanced in battle, swiftly taking down enemy mobile suits faster than they even blink and realize it.

Quasi-Veda Link Operating System

The Gundams' operating system is linked to Quasi-Veda, allowing Varia to provide support to the Gundams and their pilots as their tactical forecaster who was modeled after Sumeragi Lee Noriega.

Particle Transformation Field

A special field that allows Gundam Portent to slide on enemy's beam harmlessly, it can also be deployed as a GN Field-like defensive barrier for blocking enemy's attack, but it can be penetrated/shattered by a physical object with lots of force behind it or by powerful beam attack. However, the field can be deployed as a single plane energy shield of varying size to overcome the first weakness, but it is still vulnerable to the second. With Trans-Am, the field's strength can be enhanced to be able to withstand against a Colony Laser.

Optical Camouflage
The Gundam Portent can deploy an external camouflage membrane over itself when stationary, blending it into its environment and making it look invisible. Shia uses it to conceal from the enemy while undergoing repairs of her mobile suit or in recon missions.


Gundam Portent has five Karels are stored in the container mounted on the rear waist that are used to repair the said Gundam or one of its fellow teammates during battle. Thanks to the Karel, a damaged Gundam can recover even from critical damages and continue battling without any problems. Each Karel is manually controlled by Shia with her excellent control skill. Interestingly, one of the five Karels contains a Haro and currently four more Haros were added into the remaining Karels to increase their work efficiency and aid Shia.


Shia Kijima had rebuilt her Gundam Portent good as new with some little changes added into it while having fun with the Try Fighters who had their Gunplas to be changed into GN Drive-powered Gundams, and roleplay together as Celestial Being committing an armed intervention at New Hong Kong when using the ZERO System made by Adam Winslow for a fun trial run.

At least until she and her friends learned that they're transported to the Universal Century dimension of the Zeta Gundam era and had caused a huge loss of life, civilians and soldiers alike, and large scale destruction they had caused there, much to her shock and horror.

On the other hand, the Gundam Portent had left an impression on Kamille Bidan for the cold-blooded long range kills that easily took down the Hi-Zack squad of Titans before they even arrive and engage in combat.