Hey, it's better than a 64 page monologue.
This is such a low bar it's almost insulting. To heal my wounded ego, I shall write a 65 page monologue to describe how deeply my feelings were hurt. I will call it "Atlas Twitched Slightly, But, Like, Just Barely, So It Wasn't That Big A Deal"
This is such a low bar it's almost insulting. To heal my wounded ego, I shall write a 65 page monologue to describe how deeply my feelings were hurt. I will call it "Atlas Twitched Slightly, But, Like, Just Barely, So It Wasn't That Big A Deal"

Name of your trash Isekai Light Novel:V

Though it's still not as trash as Ayn Rand's the Fountainhead.
I am happy that this is being made.

There's not a lot that gives me more schadenfreudian joy than seeing people making films based on Ayn Rand's works, those love letters to capitalism and the drive to make more money as a moral good, and then seeing the project flop, being a net loss of money instead.

I do hope it flops badly, because the source material deserves nothing less.


I wouldn't quite call it karma, but it is... poetic.
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New idea:
Michael Bay's The Fountainhead.
So... I'll just state outright that I haven't read Rand and only have a vague idea of what's wrong with her work, particularly Atlas Shrugged. Granted, how exactly are Rand's books seductive to people engaging in the creative purpose? Is it the call to independent creation, unbound by social mores and restraints, coupled with the idea of complete, individualistic ownership as the primary rule of society, whereupon selfishness is considered good and helping others is considered a bad thing that restrains individual ambition? Whereupon meritocracy rules and the weak are justly pathetic for their inability to accumulate capital, and so are creatively deficient (for not realizing a path in the true meritocracy, where everything is deserved)?

Is that about right? To be frank, all my knowledge of Rand and Objectivism comes from references in discussions where she's brought up (usually in a poor light), given the social circles I'm a part of.

If so, I can see how many folk are attracted to her work, even as it leaves out the implications of how society would be like with her philosophy realized.

That said, how's Fountain Head like? Granted, what exactly is so attractive about the book?
Fountainhead is, in Rand's own words "a description of the perfect man". It follows a rather assholish architect whose architecture is disliked by the general public, despite it being in his mind "objectively better", and mostly details his "woe is me, society and the media are out to get me" ramblings. It's a pretty trash book, Rand wrote exclusively political essays and political essays pretending to be fiction, but well demonstrates objectivism, the belief that it's your moral imperative to be a selfish asshole, art is objective, and that communism is bad, m'kay.

It's "seductive" because empowerment of the individual, something present in all Randian works, is pretty great, all told, and can cover up what's batshit insane about objectivism. The Fountainhead itself is about an artist persecuted by society for being unique and making art misunderstood by society at large. It gives the message that "no, your art is perfect, it's society's failing if it's not appreciated," something really attractive to struggling artists.

Rand, and objectivism are an extreme, almost McArthurian reaction to the rise of communism and the threat of the Soviet Union, and have become rather outdated without either.
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Is this the same guy who made Sucker Punch as a passion project while openly admitting he had no idea why he felt compelled to do so?

If so I wouldn't find it that odd. Some people just have strange wims and go off in odd directions. The potential failure of this fills my heart with preemptive and potential joy though.
What I don't get is that Snyder is an action director. I don't think he's ever made a dramatic film in his life. His entire style is devoted to creating very intense action. How is he going to direct a film about a book with no action and just has a bunch of people sitting around talking about nothing?
Well, its better suited to Snyder's style and approach than the superheroes are.
I disagree. While his scripting and editing needs a ton of work the actual visuals in his films are incredible. Especially in how he handles Superman fighting people on his natural level. Until Man of Steel came out I don't think any film had really managed to capture visually the sheer power of Superheroes fighting. Marvel still barely even tries with their limp and empty fight scenes. There's real weight to how he shoots these incredible beings beating the shit out of each other.
I think most of my knowledge of Rand comes from watching other people play Bioshock games.
My other thought: Is this even a serious project, or is it just make work to keep Zack busy and out of the public eye until the heat from Justice League bombing dies down?
So I misread that as "The Justice League Bombing" and thought that likening that movie to a terror attack was maybe going a bit far but fortunately I realised my error.
This could actually be legit amazing.
The book has demeaning depictions of women, at least one exploding building, and a bunch of other things Michael Bay loves doing in his movies. I mean it's not like he could make it worse, right? Even then it might be more fun to watch.
The book has demeaning depictions of women, at least one exploding building, and a bunch of other things Michael Bay loves doing in his movies. I mean it's not like he could make it worse, right? Even then it might be more fun to watch.
Counterpoint: Michael Bay almost always makes bank. Do you really want the movie adaptation of "The Fountainhead" to be commercially successful? Because with Michael Bay directing it, there's a higher chance it won't bomb.
Counterpoint: Michael Bay almost always makes bank. Do you really want the movie adaptation of "The Fountainhead" to be commercially successful? Because with Michael Bay directing it, there's a higher chance it won't bomb.
I can't see how that would happen.

And even if it did it would be hilarious and probably due to people watching it because of how bad it is.
The only thing that could make a ten minute on screen monologue about how awesome the rapist protagonist is would be constant parallax, interspersed with disorienting panning shots with like three different visual layers with maximum movement.
So yeah, I wanna see Bay try his hand at this. :p
For those wondering how to shoot this. As an action movie. Except it's mostly talking...dramatically!

The same way Doctor Strangelove created comedy. Silly characters in a serious situation with it being treated with the gravitas you'd expect. Just, it's doctor strangelove.
What I don't get is that Snyder is an action director. I don't think he's ever made a dramatic film in his life. His entire style is devoted to creating very intense action. How is he going to direct a film about a book with no action and just has a bunch of people sitting around talking about nothing?

One of Snyder's things is his love of dream sequences and dream-like logic. It's telling that when he had to cut out 30 minutes from Batman VS Superman, he kept all the hyper-symbolic dream sequences in and removed scenes that clarified the plot instead. 95% of 300 is a propaganda tale from blatantly biased narrator. Sucker Punch has a daydream within a daydream. Even Man of Steel has scenes that care more about symbolism than reality. Personally, I expect a gorgeous movie that looks like a hallucination, where it becomes increasingly hard to tell where Rourke's delusions end and reality begins.

Basically, take something like this, and make it even more ~symbolic~

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One of Snyder's things is his love of dream sequences and dream-like logic. It's telling that when he had to cut out 30 minutes from Batman VS Superman, he kept all the hyper-symbolic dream sequences in and removed scenes that clarified the plot instead. 95% of 300 is a propaganda tale from blatantly biased narrator. Sucker Punch has a daydream within a daydream. Even Man of Steel has scenes that care more about symbolism than reality. Personally, I expect a gorgeous movie that looks like a hallucination, where it becomes increasingly hard to tell where Rourke's delusions end and reality begins.

Basically, take something like this, and make it even more ~symbolic~

These were supposed to be superhero movies... No wonder Marvel is taking over the cinema.
These were supposed to be superhero movies... No wonder Marvel is taking over the cinema.

It doesn't help that Batman VS Superman is rediculously biased toward Superman. Batman is portrayed as a traumatized neoconservative billionaire. Kryptonian 9/11 broke him.

And now Batman's convinced they need to have preemptive strikes to defend American from the Kryptonian menace. Just compare his quote about Superman against Dick Cheney's 1% Doctrine.

If there's a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping al-Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response.

Meanwhile, the Kryptonian immigrant is a shown to be an investigative journalists concerned with police brutality, vigilante justice, journalistic integrity, and the urban lower classes.

And is willing to save the guy who kidnapped his mother and devoted the last year to ruining him in the media from Doomsday's fists.

And in the final battle, his Lady of the Lake goes to retrieve Rhongomyniad the Kryptonite spear so he can impale Doomsday, the last alchemical creation of Krypton, upon it. Doomsday manages to survive long enough to kill Superman with his bone sword, just like how Mordred killed Arthur with his sword after being impaled upon a lance.

Not only that, after Superman dies, Snyder puts three crosses behind him to represent his sacrifice.

So according to Zack Snyder, Batman VS Superman is about neoconservative billionaire fighting an Kryptonian immigrant who is the merger of King Arthur and Jesus. Talk about biased.

EDIT: So Warner Brothers told Zack Snyder to make a superhero movie. But Snyder made a hyper-political myth about how traumatized conservatives (Batman) and nihilistic tech giants (Zuckerberg Lex Luthor) will bring Doomsday to America. And the only way to stop Doomsday is for immigrant Jesus (Superman) to change the hearts of traumatized conservatives (Batman) to feel more empathy. Only then can they team up with serious investigative journalism (Lois Lane) and feminism (Wonder Women) to stop America's Doomsday. And he had the audacity to release the movie in 2016, six months before the election.
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I can just imagine the climax:
The villain stands on the hero's throat
Hero: Save...Rand
Villain: WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAM(Voice crack)E?!
It doesn't help that Batman VS Superman is rediculously biased toward Superman. Batman is portrayed as a traumatized neoconservative billionaire. Kryptonian 9/11 broke him.

And now Batman's convinced they need to have preemptive strikes to defend American from the Kryptonian menace. Just compare his quote about Superman against Dick Cheney's 1% Doctrine.

Meanwhile, the Kryptonian immigrant is a shown to be an investigative journalists concerned with police brutality, vigilante justice, journalistic integrity, and the urban lower classes.

And is willing to save the guy who kidnapped his mother and devoted the last year to ruining him in the media from Doomsday's fists.

And in the final battle, his Lady of the Lake goes to retrieve Rhongomyniad the Kryptonite spear so he can impale Doomsday, the last alchemical creation of Krypton, upon it. Doomsday manages to survive long enough to kill Superman with his bone sword, just like how Mordred killed Arthur with his sword after being impaled upon a lance.

Not only that, after Superman dies, Snyder puts three crosses behind him to represent his sacrifice.

So according to Zack Snyder, Batman VS Superman is about neoconservative billionaire fighting an Kryptonian immigrant who is the merger of King Arthur and Jesus. Talk about biased.

EDIT: So Warner Brothers told Zack Snyder to make a superhero movie. But Snyder made a hyper-political myth about how traumatized conservatives (Batman) and nihilistic tech giants (Zuckerberg Lex Luthor) will bring Doomsday to America. And the only way to stop Doomsday is for immigrant Jesus (Superman) to change the hearts of traumatized conservatives (Batman) to feel more empathy. Only then can they team up with serious investigative journalism (Lois Lane) and feminism (Wonder Women) to stop America's Doomsday. And he had the audacity to release the movie in 2016, six months before the election.

I mean, I can (partially) agree with the message, but why did he thought it had any place on a movie about guys in spandex fighting crime?
Some of the best superhero comics are about something more than just punching. Watchmen, for example.

Snyder had some dream that really didn't click with people, given its lackluster editing and some iffy writing, but I can't fault him for wanting that to be the message.