You've been struck by, a Space Criminal

Yeah, makes sense.

[X] Assume a casual posture, unthreatening and unthreatened.
-[X] Observe that they don't appear to be guards, and ask what their business is freeing political prisoners.
--[X] If asked, introduce yourself as Annie.

[X] Courier Vessel

What are the typical physical stats of those races compared to humans?
1) How long has it been since our incarceration?
2) Do we know if this place has any other inmates?

You're pretty sure it's been like, a minute since you were shoved into this cell. Maybe a couple weeks on transports.
Your knowledge of the facility and who might be here is essentially non-existent.

What are the typical physical stats of those races compared to humans?

Mostly equivalent~ish. Mechanically Nemit have a higher Charisma Cap. Humans actually have the highest Intuition Cap out of any known species, at 6, for everyone else it caps at 4-5. Humans are weird.

a/w will throw in another vote for funsies.

The Democratic and Aligned Federation of Systems is a noble institution with more than a dozen member species with equal status. What? No, you shouldn't read into the fact that 90% of the crew of all of their ships are from a single species, or 99% of their command structure. Equal. Status.
What Species is the de facto controlling Species of the Federation, not that there's a leading species, don't be absurd?

You're pretty sure it's been like, a minute since you were shoved into this cell. Maybe a couple weeks on transports.
Well, that gives me the willies. A minute is not enough time for the vessel that brought us here to leave, and this vessel to arrive, see that the coast was clear, and check it out. They would have had to be simultaneous for that to happen, which is implausible in the extreme.

Thus, I conclude that the most likely explanation is that we were in stasis. Given the fact that that there hasn't been enough time experienced between our incarceration and release for the authorised personnel to leave and the unauthorised personnel to arrive, we have sufficient grounds to suspect it IC.

Do our surroundings look at all different than they did "a minute ago"?

Drawing a blank on the aliens, sorry.
[X] Assume a casual posture, unthreatening and unthreatened.
-[X] Observe that they don't appear to be guards, and ask what their business is freeing political prisoners.
--[X] If asked, introduce yourself as Annie.

[X] Courier Vessel

If someone wants to give me a list of languages I'll update the sheet tonight or tomorrow. I guess we're going with manual learning? Do the major powers have trade languages?

Incidentally, this looks like a good start to the story - @deadcrystal I think you captured what I was going for with Annie quite well, though she isn't quite as much of an adrenaline junkie as she sounds in her intro.
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Do our surroundings look at all different than they did "a minute ago"?

You've kind of had a hood on for rather a lot of the time, they took it off as they shoved you into the cell. Knowledge basically consists of:
You are in a facility of some kind.
You are in a heavily reinforced cell.
You might conjecture the existence of other cells.
You might further conjecture the existence of corridors.
You would hazard to guess you're some way away from home space, or changing from so many ships to other ships might have been fairly pointless.
You may have spent some relatively short period of travel time in stasis, not a huge amount but the few flashes of ships you saw were rather unfamiliar.
All in all you know sweet FA. It's not a nice feeling.

Can we choose ANY race? Hooo boy.
[X] Jawas wi

Invent one :p
Would much rather use original species than rob them wholesale from other media. 90% of species exhibit a humanoid frame, though appearance and internal biology vary wildly (Farscape school of alien design rather than Star Trek rubber foreheads). 90% of species are broadly speaking, capable of breathing the same atmosphere (Though Nitrogen breathers heavily outnumber Oxygen breathers).

@StillReflections assume that each Major Power will have between three and ten commonly used languages. Human interaction has fairly obviously been mainly with Concordat and Hierarchy species, so they're more likely to be languages you'd have picked up. More far-ranging languages would have likely come from from computer files. Most spaceships have quite large linguistic databanks and can translate ship to ship and ship to surface exchanges.
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I don't know what they meant, but I'm in favor of this one.
[] Javas, a race of small psychic avians capable of telepathy and telekinesis.

Actually, I can think of a suggestion for the Federation race:
[X] The Angions- A race of bipeds that straddles the animal and plant kingdoms, having characteristics of both. Their barky, flowering exterior belies their endoskeleton, and the fact that much of their flesh and organs is animalian, or combines both animalian and plant-like traits. they like to say "Hoom" a lot, as well.

With their strong tendencies against haste and rash action, a ponderous, semi-plant species would be a hood fit.