Do our surroundings look at all different than they did "a minute ago"?
You've kind of had a hood on for rather a lot of the time, they took it off as they shoved you into the cell. Knowledge basically consists of:
You are in a facility of some kind.
You are in a heavily reinforced cell.
You might conjecture the existence of other cells.
You might further conjecture the existence of corridors.
You would hazard to guess you're some way away from home space, or changing from so many ships to other ships might have been fairly pointless.
You may have spent some relatively short period of travel time in stasis, not a huge amount but the few flashes of ships you saw were rather unfamiliar.
All in all you know sweet FA. It's not a nice feeling.
Can we choose ANY race? Hooo boy.
[X] Jawas wi
Invent one
Would much rather use original species than rob them wholesale from other media. 90% of species exhibit a humanoid frame, though appearance and internal biology vary wildly (Farscape school of alien design rather than Star Trek rubber foreheads). 90% of species are broadly speaking, capable of breathing the same atmosphere (Though Nitrogen breathers heavily outnumber Oxygen breathers).
@StillReflections assume that each Major Power will have between three and ten commonly used languages. Human interaction has fairly obviously been mainly with Concordat and Hierarchy species, so they're more likely to be languages you'd have picked up. More far-ranging languages would have likely come from from computer files. Most spaceships have quite large linguistic databanks and can translate ship to ship and ship to surface exchanges.