You've been struck by, a Space Criminal

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You know, looking back on things, on your circumstances and choices. Prison is pretty high up on...
Post 0 - Prison Decision


Slaaneshi Cultist
The Warp
You know, looking back on things, on your circumstances and choices. Prison is pretty high up on the list of places you'd really not rather be. Pretty high indeed. You're going to have to see about breaking out, because, hoo boy, they're certainly not going be releasing you any time soon. And hey, you'd never intended to end up in prison. There would have been something to go for it that, say, getting imprisoned under a false identity so you could break someone else out as part of a job. At least then you'd have made some godamned money. No, you had to actually get caught. Ugh. This was the worst. Frell Prison.

Welcome to Space Criminal! In this you'll be playing a rogue of unclear depravity, your first order of business being to get the heck out of prison, then get a ship, then actually get back on track. Primary setting influence for this is Farscape, which I'll probably steal the odd word from, and a touch of Riddick flavour.

First thing first of course, where are you imprisoned? The higher security the prison then the greater the severity of crime that landed you there, or the bigger the people you pissed off, or even just the worse your luck is. Decide what landed you there, and the combined points from the causes will determine where you are. The higher the prison security the more starting character creation points you'll have, but the harder the breakout and possibly the more issues you'll face after your escape.

Apply them in order to determine final score

Did a Crime (0-7 Points)
What constitutes a crime, and how severe it is will vary depending on what jurisdiction you're in.
0- Did no crime at all
1- You dine and dash once and this is what you get?
2- It barely even counts as smuggling if the cargo isn't even illegal, surely?
3- Hey now, you're the victim here, if someone is just going to leave their valuables in a tri-lock safe, in a private suite, you're just supposed to leave them there?
4- Okay, so maybe you did sort of murder them a bit. In your defence if they'd handed the money over you probably wouldn't have shot them
5- Look. Look. Look...okay no, you don't really have an excuse for the high explosives, and that whole thing with the hospital, but be lenient anyway?
6- Hey now, it was an entirely legitimate business deal. You can't be blamed for what they used the viral warheads for after they bought them.
7- There are thousands who still dream about the nightmares you unleashed across their skies. They can't grasp the scope of your vision.

Made an enemy (0-3 Points, cannot increase above double max security by more than one)
1- Word in the judge's ear
2- Hey what do you know, law enforcement have a couple unsolved cases that took place whilst you were on planet, guess we know who did those now, don't we?
3- Funds exchanged, paperwork altered, prison transport redirected

Bad damned luck (0-2 Points, cannot increase above single max security by more than one, cannot land you at score 7)
1- Not technically wrong, but presented in the worst possible light
2- Look, the automap malfunctioned, you aren't involved in this arms deal at all

Starting locations, security rating ranges from 2-7
Medium Security (2)
Intake Processing - Haloss Prison Complex - Qvern - Ittelet System - Concordat Space

High Security (3)
Isolation - J Johns Memorial Prison - Eos - Prozia System - Terran Confederacy Space

Maximum Security (4)

AftSector 7 - The Mendicant - Hierarchy Outlands

Double-Max (5)
Cocytus Block - Tartarus Facility - Gehenna - Xibalba System - Frontier Territory

Triple-Max (6)
Cell Block C - HadoPelagia - Caustia - Roil System - Badlands

Unclassified (7)
Horizon Chamber - The Maw - The Harrow - Tormented Space

Other creation!
[] Character Name
[] Description
Race- Human (LOCKED), a relative oddity in two fifths of the galaxy, and a near total unknown in the remainder.

I will happily be taking submissions for alien races, including any details you wish to include.

System base stats will be based on shadowrun.
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Post 1 - Character sheet
Name: Annie Arenyoke
Description: Tall woman with long black hair.
You don't understand! I had to destroy that heavily populated world!
Body- 1/6
Agility- 1/6
Reaction- 1/6
Strength- 1/6
Willpower- 1/6
Logic- 1/6
Intuition- 1/6
Charisma- 1/6
Edge- 3/7 (3)
Initiative = R+I
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Post 2 - World Info
Galaxy details, information and lore

Each controlling a very rough fifth of civilised space, these are the movers and shakers of the Galaxy.
The Hierarchy - Hey, you didn't know aliens had read 1984 and made a tribute band. Or entire society. You're exaggerating maybe more than a bit, but still.
Concordat - They say that unless you're from the Concordat you can't understand it. Which could very easily be true. A collaboration of maybe a dozen species and power blocks, continually vying politically with each other to be on top whilst still remaining cohesive. Somehow.
Nemit Diaspora - Administered, sort of, by what might be called a Venetian system of Nemit Merchant Princes. Absolutely incomprehensible from the outside and running, as far as anyone can tell, on a complex mix of economic power, social status, and kudos.
The Glorious and Eternal Frohz Imperium - Hidebound, Archaic, Traditionalist, and exceedingly militarily powerful. How an Emperor even exists, let alone operates on a galactic stage is an absurdity. Still works somehow.
The Democratic and Aligned Federation of Systems - A noble conglomeration bound to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. To then drown those new worlds in red tape, regulation, and ethics committees. Not very fun. They do not know how to party.
Terran Confederacy - The largest single political group of humanity, sitting at the fringes roughly between Hierarchy and Concordat Space
Humans - Little known species from frontier space, unstable and intuitive, largely unfairly thought of as a species of lunatics and mystics
Outlands - Areas within a Major Power's influence, without technically being part of their zone of control
Frontier Space - Areas outside of the influence of any Major Power, frequently sought after by the Major Powers to gain resources
Badlands - Notably lawless and dangerous areas of Frontier Space
Tormented Space - Uncontrolled and incomparably dangerous areas of space, frought with anomalies and unclassified dangerous species
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[X] Character name: Annie ArenyokeArenyoke, Arenyoke Annie? You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a space criminal!
[X] Description: Tall woman with long black hair.
[X] Race: Coboldt tall, blue-skinned humanoids. (I'll leave specifics beyond that up to the QM.)
[X] Did a crime:
-[X] 7: You don't understand! I had to destroy that heavily populated world!
[X] Unclassified
-[X] The Maw

I'm not sure whether to go for high or low shenanigans, really.

Last time I went maximum shenanigans it turned out pretty well indeed, so I'm going to go with maximum shenanigans.

@deadcrystal, is this a correctly formatted vote?

Edit: changed to an accordion since spoilers were fucking up for me.
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[X] 4- Okay, so maybe you did sort of murder them a bit. In your defence if they'd handed the money over you probably wouldn't have shot them
[X] 2- Look, the automap malfunctioned, you aren't involved in this arms deal at all
[X] Triple-Max (6)
[X] Irvine Nannar
[X] Tall, large ears, somewhat overweight but muscular underneath.
[X] Name: John Smith

[X] Description: Of average height. Black hair and equally dark eyes, with the barest hint of a stubble. Lean and agile.

[X] Race: Human

[X] Did a crime:
-[X] 7: Hey, you hadn't known that your common cold was fatal to the natives of that one planet- resulting in an epidemic that wiped out one of the galaxies oldest races to extinction...

[X] Unclassified
-[X] The Maw
[X] 7- There are thousands who still dream about the nightmares you unleashed across their skies. They can't grasp the scope of your vision.
[X] Unclassified
-[X] The Maw
[X] Irvine Nannar
[X] Tall, large ears, somewhat overweight but muscular underneath.
[X] 7- Let's see, cannibalism, mass slaughters, nuked a city and had the city councils faces attached to balloons. Oh! There was the orphan meat dragon! I really liked that one. "That's enough"
[X] Unclassified
-[X] The Maw
[X] Carl
[X] Relatively average appearance, his most defining trait is his hat.

That is absolutely a correctly formatted vote, you are however locked to Human (Possibly modded, but that's a different matter). Humans are a fairly insignificant species all told, that most people have never seen before, so don't worry about being generic.
Ah, right, it was late, and I misinterpreted this passage:
Race- Human (LOCKED), a relative oddity in two fifths of the galaxy, and a near total unknown in the remainder.

I will happily be taking submissions for alien races, including any details you wish to include.

i made the minimum necessary changes to bring my vote back to valid. If anyone has any particular appearance in mind, I might be persuaded to take it up.
Also, shouldn't it either be Classified or is it Unclassified as in "We created this rank for this man"?
Post 3 - Character Design
Skewfiend's vote handily takes that one, now for the actual meat of character creation. @Skewfiend I only just noticed the invisitext, godamn you. Damn you to heck. That was a really clever reference to the song.

I was tempted to do it in a series of votes, circumstance tilting your character towards one thing or another, but I think total free reign will honestly will give you a lot more room to make the character you want. Like I mentioned, going to be using the stats from shadowrun (5e) for this and I'll get into the options there in just a sec, firstly though. (Only for the stats and basics of rolling, SR does suffer from a bunch of overcomplicated unnecessary bloat I'll happily totally ignore)


History: You don't understand! I had to destroy that heavily populated world!
What exactly did you do?
[]Write-in (Absolutely throw in a general history here if you like) (Note, The Maw is not a recognised prison by any government anywhere, very few people know it exists. Whoever saw you sent there had to want a; there to be no chance you'd escape, b; there to be no chance anyone could find you, c; not to just kill you, d; would have reason to think they might wish to retrieve you at some point)

Linguistics: It's a big damned galaxy and there are a metric fuckton of species and languages, which can present an understandably large difficulty. How do you manage?

[]Implant: Microcomputer hooked into your auditory network, can store up to ten languages and allows for on the fly receipt translation. The most common translation on a personal scale. Take additionally a single other alien language at rating 4. After all, they have to understand you as well.

[]Translation Microbes: Complex microbial colony that colonises at the base of the brain stem, allows understanding of the majority of all languages. Less than a tenth of sapient species can tolerate translation microbes, and they aren't typically seen outside Concordat space, rumour has it they're actually illegal in Federation space. Take additionally a single other alien language at rating 4. After all, they have to understand you as well.

[]The Hard Way: Just learn languages yourself. Karma costs for learning languages are halved, can gain languages up to rating 2 via exposure without cost. Start with an additional 15 karma for spending on language skills only.

Veteran Criminal: You've been knocking around for a while, and you've picked up a few tricks here and there. Security rating of The Maw is 7, start with an additional 70 karma and 7 special points. Alternatively trade this karma in blocks of 10 for an additional attribute point, or an additional 2 skill points.

[]Pure Experience: 70 Karma, 7 Special Points
[]Pure Skill: 14 Skill Points, 7 Special points
[]Pure Power: 7 Attribute Points, 7 Special Points
[]A mix: Specify

Specials: Because riding around the galaxy doesn't just knock the rust off your skills, occasionally you pick something a bit more unusual up.

[] Pilot Multi-Tasking (2 Points): Sometimes you need to get out of dodge in a hurry. Sometimes you don't have the luxury of choice in your choice of escape vehicle. And sometimes the entire crew of a ship has caught a sudden case of death. Whatever the reason, you've learned how to make do when circumstance demands. Allows you to pilot a class 2 spaceship solo without penalty (Normal operating crew 4-5). Allows you to just about get a class 3 spaceship moving, if you can wrangle the computer system well enough (Normal operating crew 15-20)

[] A touch of luck (1-4 Points): Because, what you've found, more than anything else, is that you're far luckier than you have any right to be. Increases Edge by one point per point of special.

[] Secret Cache (1-3 Points): Trying to run everything perfectly is all well and good, but sometimes, no matter how great your plan things will go horribly wrong. It pays to have to have something squirreled away, in case of emergency. Know the location of a secret stash of equipment and money you put by in case of emergency.

[] Unique Tech (Variable, one only): A life on the move and you end up visiting interesting places and meeting interesting people. Places like secret research facilities hidden inside a large asteroid. People like crazed scientists plotting to seize control of their local planet. Look, mistakes were made, people died, you didn't make any money, but you do have this funny little doohickey you picked up.
-[] Phasic Displacement Engine (4 Points): You can walk through walls! Well, okay, wall. Provided it isn't too thick, and it isn't made of too dense a material, and there are no weird energy effects. Takes 8 hours to recharge, lasts three seconds at most, cannot be improved. Concealed by merit of being grafted to your spinal column.
-[] Write-in: Be inventive! Keep it pretty low-key, but mostly keep it flavourful

[] Expert Skill (1 point per skill selected): Allows you to start play with a skill above 6. Normal Skill maximum is 12, this also allows it to reach 13.

[] Exceptional Attribute (1 point per attribute selected, two attributes at most): Increases an attribute maximum to 7.

[] Something Else: Something you feel I've forgotten that really ought to be an option.

Normal attributes start at 1 for free, and have a normal maximum of 6. Skills all start at 0 and have a starting maximum of 6, except language where you have a free Native rating in your native language. (I'm presuming English)

You have 24 Attributes points available, and 46 Skill points available. Spend all attribute and skill points before spending karma. Skill specialisations cost 1 skill point and give a +2 dice pool bonus.

Body- 1/6
Agility- 1/6
Reaction- 1/6
Strength- 1/6
Willpower- 1/6
Logic- 1/6
Intuition- 1/6
Charisma- 1/6
-Melee Weapons
-Small arms
-Heavy Weapons
Other - Specify
New Attribute Rank =5*new rank
New Skill Rank =2*new rank

Please vote by Plan, for convenience, will happily answer any queries.
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Skewfiend's vote handily takes that one, now for the actual meat of character creation. @Skewfiend I only just noticed the invisitext, godamn you. Damn you to heck. That was a really clever reference to the song.
:D *bows*

Take additionally a single other alien language at rating 4. After all, they have to understand you as well.
Is this an established setting or something? Because I don't think you have actually told us anything about what alien languages there are, so asking us to pick one is a little weird.

Is there a shadowrun player in the house?

Because a 'Fiend cannot into Shadowrun. All I know about it could be written on a single finger from a married bachelor.

The character I had in mind was something like a military figure of some description who razed a heavily populated world to the ground to counter some threat that hey believed existed, but their superiors evidently did not.

For the unique tech, us having something like an in-eye HUD linked to a computer wired up to our brain could be cool.

I might do a complete vote later, when it is less late, and I am more human, but here's some progress towards one:
[X] "Plan" Skewfiend
[X] Anna "Annie" Arenyoke is a hard woman, but not an unkind one. She is absolutely ruthless and unrelenting when she sees the need, and is utterly unwilling to suffer fools or cronies lightly, but is genuinely caring, and does her best to do what is right. Even if that involves burning down worlds. She has an unaccountable fondness for small furry creatures, baked goods and heavy ordnance.

[X] Anna Arenyoke was a celebrated general whose career ended in ignominy when she had a heavily populated world razed to the ground with orbital bombardment in response to having received word that a group of unbelievable fast-spreading and nigh-undetectable psychic parasites had got loose among the population. She deemed the populace of the world an acceptable sacrifice to prevent them from spreading beyond the world, but her superiors, and the general populace disagreed, especially seeing as all evidence had been effaced along with the threat. She was sentenced to death by a military tribunal, but was deemed a valuable enough asset to keep in indefinite detention against the remote possibility of her being needed again.

[X] Implant.
-[X] An additional alien language. :V I will choose one if and when I am furnished with a list.

Veteran Criminal:
[X] I don't know the system well enough to make this call.

[X] Unique Tech
-[X] Onboard Computer: Annie has an computer integrated into her brain, expanding her computing power in various ways.

[X] Expert Skill (Automatics)

[X] A touch of Luck (However much is left)

[X] Yeah, I have no idea, sorry.
Is this an established setting or something? Because I don't think you have actually told us anything about what alien languages there are, so asking us to pick one is a little weird.

It is not, so ballpark decisions are fine and I can work out the fine detail. There's no single lingua franca so if you wanted to pick out a Major Power and just say a majority language from there that's more than fine.

Is there a shadowrun player in the house?

Heh. Yeah I am rather a huge shadowrun fan, it's the system I've played most with and I kind of love the setting. Don't need to worry overmuch the only thing I'm really porting from it are character stats and the basic roll system (i.e. attribute+skill, roll that many d6, see how many 5s and 6s you get).
It is not, so ballpark decisions are fine and I can work out the fine detail. There's no single lingua franca so if you wanted to pick out a Major Power and just say a majority language from there that's more than fine.
Which would be helpful if I knew what the major powers were. :V

You haven't actually told us anything about the setting except that there are a lot of aliens and humans are a rarity.

Edit: Actually, if no players show up that understand shadowrun, can we just ask you to make a build based on what we have described?
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Which would be helpful if I knew what the major powers were. :V

You haven't actually told us anything about the setting except that there are a lot of aliens and humans are a rarity.

Point! Kind of trying to avoid overload both because I don't want to get bogged down in Lore before we really get started and also because what your character knows depends on well, what your character knows.

Each controlling a very rough fifth of civilised space, these are the movers and shakers of the Galaxy.
The Hierarchy - Hey, you didn't know aliens had read 1984 and made a tribute band. Or entire society. You're exaggerating maybe more than a bit, but still.
Concordat - They say that unless you're from the Concordat you can't understand it. Which could very easily be true. A collaboration of maybe a dozen species and power blocks, continually vying politically with each other to be on top whilst still remaining cohesive. Somehow.
Nemit Diaspora - Administered, sort of, by what might be called a Venetian system of Nemit Merchant Princes. Absolutely incomprehensible from the outside and running, as far as anyone can tell, on a complex mix of economic power, social status, and kudos.
The Glorious and Eternal Frohz Imperium - Hidebound, Archaic, Traditionalist, and exceedingly militarily powerful. How an Emperor even exists, let alone operates on a galactic stage is an absurdity. Still works somehow.
The Democratic and Aligned Federation of Systems - A noble conglomeration bound to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. To then drown those new worlds in red tape, regulation, and ethics committees. Not very fun. They do not know how to party.

Very broad notes there. Hierarchy and Concordat are the closest two, Terran space sitting roughly between them. On the exact opposite end of the galactic disk is the Federation, leaving the Diaspora and the Imperium in the middle ground, so to speak.

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Well, I think tentatively placing our origins as being from the Federation might be the best fit, given that they seem the most likely to be butthurt about razing a world 'to be sure'.
Another SR player has arrived. I'll need to dust off the 5e books - it's been a while - but I'll be happy to throw together a build for Anna. You have her as a disgraced general, was she an armchair general or the sort who came up from the bottom and routinely got her hands dirty so to speak?

Also, it isn't a big issue, but I'd personally prefer that we learned our languages the hard way; better from a roleplaying standpoint, and that's what I tend to do with my characters. Hardly a huge issue, and not nearly enough to put me off the quest, but eh.

Anyway, Let me know if there are any areas that you want Anna to be particularly good at, and I shall oblige...

EDIT: Do knowledge and language skills get (Int+Log)*2 points free or are you having us draw from the 46 skill points for them as well?

Also, are we also going to have to purchase Qualities with Karma? And where will you draw them from if so? I need to know if I should keep a reserve or not.

[More or Less Done]
-[X] Plan Skewfiend/StillReflections
Anna Arenyoke
Human Female
Veteran Criminal: 50 Karma/ 7 Special Points/ 2 Attribute Points
Background Notes:
Anna was born into a prominent family in the [insert home power], and grew up among the uppermost echelons of society. As a child, she had more than a few hobbies that her family considered more than slightly unseemly for a young lady of her station - hence her familiarity and skill in classical longsword fencing and shooting things - and tried to strongly discourage. As a result, she perhaps predictably joined the Navy as an officer as soon as she was old enough to sign on. In the military she found her calling, she had a talent for leadership and battle that placed her on the fast track to command and a mere two decades later was a decorated Admiral [or General, depending on home power's military structure] leading a fast-response fleet. Then things went to hell. Her fall was just as meteoric as her rise, and now she is alone - cast out by her family, abandoned by the nation she fought and bled for and reviled by all but a few of the men and women she served alongside...


Body: 4/6
Agility: 4/6
Reaction: 5 [6]/6 [7]
Strength: 3/6
Willpower: 3/6
Logic: 6/6 [8]
Intuition: 4/6
Charisma: 5/6

Edge: 5/7

Unique Tech: Prototype Neural Computer Implant (+2 LOG cap, +1 REF, +1 REF cap, eidetic memory) [4]
Expert Skill: Automatics [1]
A Touch of Luck [2]

Qualities [*will be copy/pasting from sourcebooks]
The Ambidextrous character can handle objects equally
well with either hand. Without this quality, any action performed
solely with the off–hand (i.e., firing a gun) suffers
a –2 dice pool modifier

Analytical Mind describes the uncanny ability to logically
analyze information, deduce solutions to problems, or
separate vital information from distractions and noise.
It's useful in cracking cyphers, solving puzzles, figuring
out traps, and sifting through data. This quality gives
the character a +2 dice pool modifier to any Logic Tests
involving pattern recognition, evidence analysis, clue
hunting, or solving puzzles. This quality also reduces the
time it takes the character to solve a problem by half.

It's more about force of personality than actually being
pretty—sometimes a character just has a presence
about them that keeps people from shooting straight.
The character can use their Charisma attribute instead
of their Willpower attribute while using Full Defense.

A character with a Bad Rep quality has a dark and lasting
stain on her reputation. She may be a former Knight Errant
cop known to have been particularly brutal in dealing
with shadowrunners. Or word on the street might be that
she once killed a member of her own runner team. If she's
Awakened and comes from a polluted region, it may be
generally accepted that she's a toxic shaman. Whether
she is actually guilty of any wrongdoing is not relevant.
What people believe she has done has permanently
tainted the way they see her and how they deal with
her. Whatever the reason, the character starts play with
3 points of Notoriety (p. 372) that can only be removed
or decreased by confronting and resolving the source of
the bad reputation. Only then may the Bad Rep quality be
bought off with Karma.

Active Skills

-Athletics 3
-Stealth 5

-Unarmed 2
-Melee Weapons 5 [spec: longswords]
-Small arms 4 [spec: heavy pistols]
-Automatics 7 [spec: assault rifles]

-Con 2
-Negotiation 3
-Intimidation 4
-Etiquette 3

-Groundcraft 2
-Spacecraft 5 [spec: ultra-light, heavy capital]

-Computer 5
-Electronics 3
-Medicine 2 [spec: field medicine]

Knowledge Skills

-Physics 4 [spec: astrophysics]
-Weaponry 2
-Spaceships 4 [spec: warships]
-Underworld 2 [spec: pirates and raiders]
-Military 4 [spec: strategy; spec: tactics; spec: logistics]

Language Skills [Natural Learner]

-English [native]
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Do knowledge and language skills get (Int+Log)*2 points free or are you having us draw from the 46 skill points for them as well?

Also, are we also going to have to purchase Qualities with Karma? And where will you draw them from if so? I need to know if I should keep a reserve or not.

It has also been a while since I last played or ran shadowrun myself, I knew I'd end up forgetting something :p
Yeah you'll get the free knowledge points, and yes you can also purchase qualities with karma.
You can grab qualities from 5e and any splat books as you please, barring setting specific ones (unless you can reasonably justify why they would appear outside SR), bear in mind I won't be running this with anywhere near the granularity of SR itself, so if you find a quality to reduce penalties whilst running or something like that, feel free to leave it alone.
It has also been a while since I last played or ran shadowrun myself, I knew I'd end up forgetting something :p
Yeah you'll get the free knowledge points, and yes you can also purchase qualities with karma.
You can grab qualities from 5e and any splat books as you please, barring setting specific ones (unless you can reasonably justify why they would appear outside SR), bear in mind I won't be running this with anywhere near the granularity of SR itself, so if you find a quality to reduce penalties whilst running or something like that, feel free to leave it alone.
Awesome, I'll get started then.
[X] "Plan" Skewfiend

Except for Linguistics
[X]The Hard Way: Just learn languages yourself. Karma costs for learning languages are halved, can gain languages up to rating 2 via exposure without cost. Start with an additional 15 karma for spending on language skills only.

Because I find variability to be more effective.