Your Hero* Macadamia - A BNHA/MHA Quest

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It all began in Keikei city in China, with the news that a bioluminescent baby was born! After that, "exceptional" individuals began popping up all over the world.

Time passed, and the "exceptional" ones became the norm.

Fantasy became reality. At present, 80% of the human population consists of superhumans with special abilities. The world was in chaos, and a profession that was once only dreamed about…

Entered the spotlight.

You are Oroku Saki, and your life has never been easy. You're satisfied with that; if each step forward is a battle, then you plan on winning the war.

You're a character person in the world of My Hero Academia, and this is your story. Quite possibly your hero Academia. Quite likely your hero academia, at this point.
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Character Creation


the Soup Store
It all began in Keikei city in China, with the news that a bioluminescent baby was born! After that, "exceptional" individuals began popping up all over the world.

Time passed, and the "exceptional" ones became the norm.

Fantasy became reality. At present, 80% of the human population consists of superhumans with special abilities. The world was in chaos, and a profession that was once only dreamed about…

Entered the spotlight.

You hum to yourself as you think about Quirks. They've always been a particular interest of yours. They're amazing, and honestly society as a whole is a little bit Quirk-obsessed. Nobody knows where they come from, not really, although the general consensus is that they're the next stage of human evolution. Or rather, the current stage of human evolution, given that 80% of the human population has them.

While every Quirk is unique, some seem to be… simple, even 'samey', like all those Fire Quirks. Some can be very strong, fiendishly complex, or both. Some can be 'weak', but even a 'weak' Quirk can be very useful if leveraged correctly.

Either choose 1 from Quirk type, Quirk strength, and 1-2 from Quirk particulars, or go for a write-in description.
[] QUIRK PLAN plan-name
-[] Prefab
--Quirk type: --[] Mutant, --[] Emitter, --[] Transmutation, --[] Special
--Quirk strength: --[] Infinitesimal, --[] Low, --[] Medium, --[] High, --[] Plus Ultra
--Quirk Particulars: --[] Fire, --[] Energy, --[] Water, --[] Plants, --[] Earth, --[] Strength, --[] Air, --Light, --[]Dark, --[] Sonic, --[] Intellect, --[] Growth, --[] Perception, --[] Esoteric
-[] Artisanal
--[] Write-in

Your own Quirk is amazing -- you love it. It's part of you, like a limb, or a second head. But as much as you love your Quirk, it isn't all that you are. You're a multifaceted human being, not just a power with a conveniently blank wielder.

[] CHARACTER PLAN plan-name
Name: -[] Write-in, include pronouns

Parents: -[] 2 parents, -[] Single parent, -[] Orphan, -[] Raised by animals, -[] Write-in, subject to veto

Siblings: -[] No sibling, -[] 1 sibling, -[] 2 siblings, -[] 3 siblings, -[] 2d20 siblings

Backstory, pick 1 or 2: -[] Bullied as a child, -[] Popular kid, -[] Low-income household, -[] Sickly child, -[] Villainous upbringing, -[] Heroic upbringing, -[] Sheltered rich kid, -[] Diagnosed as Quirkless, -[] Horrible upbringing, -[] Country kid, -[] City kid, -[] In witness protection, -[] Write-in, keep it short, subject to veto

Bond, pick 1-3: -[] Love heroes, -[] Hate heroes, -[] Scouted by heroes, -[] Scouted by villains, -[] Scouted by vigilantes, -[]Scouted by cultists, -[]Obsessed with strength, -[] Law, -[] Chaos, -[] Fish fear you, -[] Cooking, -[] Photography, -[] Video games, -[] History, -[] Pet cat, -[] Pet dog, -[] Pet... animal? Probably? - [] Childhood best friend, -[] Childhood enemy, -[] Haunted, -[] Substantial debt, -[] Write-in:

You smile to yourself; you're happy with your life. It hasn't been a particularly long one, or a particularly fulfilling one, but it's yours and that's what matters.

You'd always thought that 'life flashing before your eyes' thing was bogus; turns out your were wrong. At least you can face death knowing that you've got no regrets. Okay, you have a lot of regrets, but at least you're wearing clean underwear. You try to process the situation you've found yourself in.

[] Large-scale villain attack
[] Small-scale villain attack, with you as the target
[] Natural disaster
[] "Natural" disaster
[] Anvil falling on your head
[] Pushed small child out of way of truck, only to be in the truck's path yourself

SO, my first Quest. Part of me really wants to do a CK2-style quest, but. I've never done anything like this before, haven't even DM'd in D&D, so. I'd say I'm going easy on myself, but I suspect that, in fact, no I'm not. But here we go, because I desperately want to try doing a Quest. (If you choose both 'law' and 'chaos', I'll just treat that as a choice for 'chaos', because that's a very chaotic decision. Pretty much every other combination is fine, though. Even, like, 'raised by animals' 'heroic upbringing' 'photography' I'll figure it out and have fun doing it.)

So, one plan for quirk, one plan for character, and then one vote for the situation. I hope the way I've written up votes isn't confusing, I think this'll be the only time I'll format them specifically like this. It's just... character creation. I often spend over an hour on it in video games. Important: You can absolutely choose an existing character btw. From BNHA, or from something else, though if I don't recognize them. Well. I won't know them. Feel free to ask if I know a character before making a plan. If you make shaggy from scooby doo I'll love you forever, though if you go with the 'unlimited power' meme it'll be a strained love, like how you love your cat despite the fact that he chews on your feet in the night.

[] QUIRK PLAN Use the Force
-[] Prefab
--[] Quirk Type: Emitter
--[] Quirk Strength: Medium
--[] Quirk Particulars: Perception, Esoteric

-[] Tenko Shimura, he/him
-[] Orphan
-[] 1 sibling
-[] Diagnosed as Quirkless
-[] Villainous upbringing
-[] Hate heroes
-[] Chaos
-[] Video Games

[] Natural disaster
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[X] QUIRK PLAN: Absolute genius
-[X] Prefab
--[X] Quirk Type: Special
--[X] Quirk Strength: Plus Ultra
--[X] Quirk Particulars: Intellect, Perception

[X] CHARACTER PLAN: Yagami Light
-[X] Yagami Light, he/him
-[X] 2 parents
-[X] 1 sibling
-[X] Diagnosed as Quirkless
-[X] Heroic upbringing
-[X] Write-in, The villains must be destroyed
-[X] Obsessed with strength
-[X] Pet... animal? Probably?

[X] Large-scale villain attack

It would be interesting to see Light in an MHA setting, and especially to play him.

I wanted to add to the background of Diagnosed as Quirkles, but I don't know if MHA is capable of identifying quirks that do not have an obvious manifestation.
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I wanted to add to the background of Diagnosed as Quirkles, but I don't know if MHA is capable of identifying quirks that do not have an obvious manifestation.
It partially depends on the uselesss toe joint; if he didn't have an obvious Quirk but also didn't have the toe joint that 'proves' Quirklessness, they would've been willing to keep testing for something subtle, though likely at his parents' expense. And if he claimed he had increased perception, they'd likely be able to test for that. But it he kept quiet about his Quirk/didn't realize it was a Quirk, he easily could've been diagnosed Quirkless.
(No Ryuk? :eek:)

Also, forgot to hit the 'open voting' button thingy, woops
It partially depends on the uselesss toe joint; if he didn't have an obvious Quirk but also didn't have the toe joint that 'proves' Quirklessness, they would've been willing to keep testing for something subtle, though likely at his parents' expense. And if he claimed he had increased perception, they'd likely be able to test for that. But it he kept quiet about his Quirk/didn't realize it was a Quirk, he easily could've been diagnosed Quirkless.
I think that Light was not so popular, and the opportunity to surprise enemies is too priceless. So I will change Popular kids to Diagnosed as Quirkless.
Is it possible to mine it as a childhood best friend? For example, a person with a quirk of dematerialization and invisibility.
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I think that Light was not so popular, and the opportunity to surprise enemies is too priceless.

Is it possible to mine it as a childhood best friend? For example, a person with a quirk of dematerialization and invisibility.
For Ryuk [] Haunted or [] Pet... animal? Probably?. Either of them, doesn't matter which.
[X] QUIRK PLAN: Mutagen
-[X] Artisanal
--[X] This quirk allows the user to preduce a ooze like substance that in low concentrations (shot glass to thermostat) can enhance the physical abilitys of the effected while in high concentrations (submerged) can cause massive mutations that can be directed by adding additional DNA (add a bug to get a bugman etc.) or let it mutate its base abilitys (mutate a dog by itself get giant wolf-dog the size of a car). All creatures effected by a high concentration of the ooze will follow the orders of the quirk user to the best of its ability even if the more intellegent ones might back talk.

Is this write in fine?

[X] CHARACTER PLAN: The Shredder lives again!
-[X] Oroku Seki, He/Him
-[X] Orphan
-[X] No sibling
-[X] Villainous upbringing
-[X] Write in, Combat trained
-[X] Scouted by villains
-[X] Substantial debt
-[X] Write in, Obsessed with Power

[X] Small-scale villain attack, with you as the target

So i was watching some of the old TMNT movies and i made this. Idea is Oroku here was orphaned then was scouted by a powerfull Villain that raised and trained him, but he now has a debt he has to pay so he sets out to make his own power base. Only to be taken hostedge by a two bit villain so now it can go two ways with him either helping with the take down and getting a head start to take power as a hero or he turns the two bit villain into his first Mutagen minion (if the write in quirk is fine to use) to start his Foot clan. i made this half asleep but it would be pretty fun.
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This quirk allows the user to preduce a ooze like substance that in low concentrations (shot glass to thermostat) can enhance the physical abilitys of the effected while in high concentrations (submerged) can cause massive mutations that can be directed by adding additional DNA (add a bug to get a bugman etc.) or let it mutate its base abilitys (mutate a dog by itself get giant wolf-dog the size of a car). All creatures effected by a high concentration of the ooze will follow the orders of the quirk user to the best of its ability even if the more intellegent ones might back talk.
An interesting ability, but immediately raises a lot of questions.
How long does the liquid exist?
Does the force act on non-living beings? Does the ability affect the user? How long does the gain last? How long does the merger last? How long does the control last? Does the user control the merging process, what happens, for example, if some additional living object, such as a fly, gets into the liquid? What happens if you merge creatures of the same species, for example, two people? Do the merged ones lose their minds?
[X] QUIRK PLAN: Mutagen
-[X] Artisanal
--[X] This quirk allows the user to preduce a ooze like substance that in low concentrations (shot glass to thermostat) can enhance the physical abilitys of the effected while in high concentrations (submerged) can cause massive mutations that can be directed by adding additional DNA (add a bug to get a bugman etc.) or let it mutate its base abilitys (mutate a dog by itself get giant wolf-dog the size of a car). All creatures effected by a high concentration of the ooze will follow the orders of the quirk user to the best of its ability even if the more intellegent ones might back talk.

Is this write in fine?
Yeah, that write-in works!
An interesting ability, but immediately raises a lot of questions.
How long does the liquid exist?
Does the force act on non-living beings? Does the ability affect the user? How long does the gain last? How long does the merger last? How long does the control last? Does the user control the merging process, what happens, for example, if some additional living object, such as a fly, gets into the liquid? What happens if you merge creatures of the same species, for example, two people? Do the merged ones lose their minds?
If Shredder wins I'll interpret the details, but those are good questions! Quirk analysis for the future :V
If Shredder wins I'll interpret the details, but those are good questions! Quirk analysis for the future :V
Excellent is my favorite part of the quest game with powers.
By the way, I wanted to clarify which mechanics will be used in the quest and how the quirks will be displayed in it?
For example, if Kira's plan wins, what mechanical bonuses will we get? Will it be something like a +10 bonus to the investigation or will it become a light version of the Path to Victory?
Is there a significant difference in the levels of possibility, for example, how does the quirk of the laser change from the weakest to ultar plus?
[X] QUIRK PLAN: Absolute genius
-[X] Prefab
--[X] Quirk Type: Special
--[X] Quirk Strength: Plus Ultra
--[X] Quirk Particulars: Intellect, Perception

[X] Wolfpack
-[x] Hiro Clawn
--[x] Raised by Animals

-[x] 2d20 siblings
-[x] Sickly child
-[x] Heroic upbringing
-[x] Love heroes
-[x] Fish fear you
-[x] Haunted
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[X] QUIRK PLAN I'm just Saiyan
-[X] Prefab
--[X] Quirk Type: Mutant
--[X] Quirk Strength: Plus Ultra
--[X] Quirk Particulars: Energy, Growth

-[X] Son Goku He,Him
-[X] Raised by Grandpa
-[X] No Sibling
-[X] Heroic upbringing
-[X] Country kid
-[X] Scouted by heroes
-[X] Obsessed with strength
-[X] Fish fear you

[X] Natural disaster
I'll close the voting tomorrow (April 29) at 12PM EST; if there's a tie I'll roll a dice for it I guess?
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You mean fighting strong opponents?

Anyway, will this Goku be based more on the serious side of DBZ, or the Comedy side of DBS?

I haven't seen DBS but if Goku wins it'll be more like the early chapters/episodes of Dragon Ball, before Piccolo. So, comedy.
[X] QUIRK PLAN Notepad
-[X] Recollect
--[X] Let's the user store a certain amount of memories in their mind. These memories are only visible to them, but can be viewed perfectly and do not become less clear over time. They can not be misremembered.

[X] CHARACTER PLAN Intelligent & Determined
-[X] Gushiken Kei, she/her
-[X] 2 parents
-[X] 1 sibling
-[X] City kid
-[X] Law
-[X] Photography
-[X] Journalism

[X] Pushed small child out of way of truck, only to be in the truck's path yourself
[X] QUIRK PLAN: Help Help! I'm being repressed!
-[X] Prefab
--[X] Quirk Type: Special
--[X] Quirk Strength: Plus Ultra
--[X] Quirk Description: When the Quirk is used, for some reason things that happens straight out from comedies happens in the real world. An example of this is: If Bakugou were to do his regular taunting on Izuku, for some reason the victim starts shouting "HELP HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED!" Like some peasant, it would garner the people's attention (the not good one) and forces Bakugou to either keep going at it or just let him go and leave.

[X] Character Plan: And the Holy Grail
-[X] Monty Python, He/Him/Napoleon Bonaparte (Yes, that'll be a Pronoun.)
-[X] 2 Parents
-[X] 2d20 Siblings
-[X] Diagnosed Quirkless
-[X] Bonds
--[X] Satirical Comedy
--[X] Music
--[X] Comedy

[X] Small-scale villain attack, with you as the target
Excellent is my favorite part of the quest game with powers.
By the way, I wanted to clarify which mechanics will be used in the quest and how the quirks will be displayed in it?
For example, if Kira's plan wins, what mechanical bonuses will we get? Will it be something like a +10 bonus to the investigation or will it become a light version of the Path to Victory?
Is there a significant difference in the levels of possibility, for example, how does the quirk of the laser change from the weakest to ultar plus?
The mechanical effects of Quirks will have to be tailored to the Quirks; if the Kira plan wins, there would be an initial +5 bonus (substantial, since I'll be rolling mostly d20s) to anything related to investigation, social insight, academics, and other suitable rolls. He'd also have an easier time learning things, and also there'd be an 'obsession' check that Light would have to pass to not become fixated on things. And in direct hand-to-hand combat, it would have little effect, though it could be used to detect weaknesses.

As for Quirk strength, 'infinitesimal' would be, for a laser Quirk, roughly something with the power of your average laser pointer. 'Low' would be able to slowly heat something to the point of boiling, 'medium' would be at the point where it starts dealing actual damage, 'high' would be able to cut through metal and could easily be lethal, and 'plus ultra' would be so strong that if your Quirk started at that level, your primary concern would be 'how do I stop this from hurting aaah it burns'. Though it's by no means an exact science, and this kind of measurement isn't a thing in-universe.

One of the fun things about the BNHA setting is that, if you work at it, your Quirk will grow and get stronger, like a muscle. For reference, Endeavor would have started off with his flame Quirk at 'medium' strength and, through hard work and sacrifice, gotten it up to 'high'. (Which is one of the reasons for his unhealthy obsession with and resentment of All Might, who he sees as having unfairly powerful Quirk that he used to coast up to the #1 spot. Little does he know...)
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[X] QUIRK PLAN: Absolute genius
-[X] Prefab
--[X] Quirk Type: Special
--[X] Quirk Strength: Plus Ultra
--[X] Quirk Particulars: Intellect, Perception

[X] CHARACTER PLAN: The Shredder lives again!
-[X] Oroku Seki, He/Him
-[X] Orphan
-[X] No sibling
-[X] Villainous upbringing
-[X] Write in, Combat trained
-[X] Scouted by villains
-[X] Substantial debt
-[X] Write in, Obsessed with Power

[X] Small-scale villain attack, with you as the target
Alright, looks like Absolute Genius, Shredder, and Small-scale but targeted villain attack.
Scheduled vote count started by xamaplak on Apr 28, 2023 at 5:39 AM, finished with 17 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Small-scale villain attack, with you as the target
    [X] CHARACTER PLAN: The Shredder lives again!
    -[X] Oroku Seki, He/Him
    -[X] Orphan
    -[X] No sibling
    -[X] Villainous upbringing
    -[X] Write in, Combat trained
    -[X] Scouted by villains
    -[X] Substantial debt
    -[X] Write in, Obsessed with Power
    [X] QUIRK PLAN: Absolute genius
    -[X] Prefab
    --[X] Quirk Type: Special
    --[X] Quirk Strength: Plus Ultra
    --[X] Quirk Particulars: Intellect, Perception
    [X] QUIRK PLAN: Mutagen
    -[X] Artisanal
    --[X] This quirk allows the user to preduce a ooze like substance that in low concentrations (shot glass to thermostat) can enhance the physical abilitys of the effected while in high concentrations (submerged) can cause massive mutations that can be directed by adding additional DNA (add a bug to get a bugman etc.) or let it mutate its base abilitys (mutate a dog by itself get giant wolf-dog the size of a car). All creatures effected by a high concentration of the ooze will follow the orders of the quirk user to the best of its ability even if the more intellegent ones might back talk.
    [X] Wolfpack
    -[x] Hiro Clawn
    --[x] Raised by Animals
    -[x] 2d20 siblings
    -[x] Sickly child
    -[x] Heroic upbringing
    -[x] Love heroes
    -[x] Fish fear you
    -[x] Haunted
    [X] QUIRK PLAN I'm just Saiyan
    -[X] Prefab
    --[X] Quirk Type: Mutant
    --[X] Quirk Strength: Plus Ultra
    --[X] Quirk Particulars: Energy, Growth
    [X] CHARACTER PLAN Dragonball
    -[X] Son Goku He,Him
    -[X] Raised by Grandpa
    -[X] No sibling
    -[x] Heroic upbringing
    -[X] Country kid
    -[X] Scouted by heroes
    -[X] Obsessed with strength
    -[x] Fish fear you
    [X] Natural disaster
    [X] QUIRK PLAN Notepad
    -[X] Recollect
    --[X] Let's the user store a certain amount of memories in their mind. These memories are only visible to them, but can be viewed perfectly and do not become less clear over time. They can not be misremembered.
    [X] CHARACTER PLAN Intelligent & Determined
    -[X] Gushiken Kei, she/her
    -[X] 2 parents
    -[X] 1 sibling
    -[X] City kid
    -[X] Law
    -[X] Photography
    -[X] Journalism
    [X] Pushed small child out of way of truck, only to be in the truck's path yourself
    [X] QUIRK PLAN: Help Help! I'm being repressed!
    -[X] Prefab
    --[X] Quirk Type: Special
    --[X] Quirk Strength: Plus Ultra
    --[X] Quirk Description: When the Quirk is used, for some reason things that happens straight out from comedies happens in the real world. An example of this is: If Bakugou were to do his regular taunting on Izuku, for some reason the victim starts shouting "HELP HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED!" Like some peasant, it would garner the people's attention (the not good one) and forces Bakugou to either keep going at it or just let him go and leave.
    [X] Character Plan: And the Holy Grail
    -[X] Monty Python, He/Him/Napoleon Bonaparte (Yes, that'll be a Pronoun.)
    -[X] 2 parents
    -[x] 2d20 siblings
    -[X] Diagnosed Quirkless
    -[X] Bonds
    --[X] Satirical Comedy
    --[X] Music
    --[X] Comedy
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Strangely, I didn't receive any notification.

A rather curious combination turned out. I'm not sure what the canonical Shredder was, but ours is clearly a jack of all trades. Since we are practically unknown now, we have quite a lot of options for development, we can either become a Coil-style villain, or a hero or anyone else.
And of course I'm glad that a quest has finally appeared where the main super force is intelligence.

@xamaplak I wanted to clarify how old is the shredder now? And how can we develop his powers further? Can we hide the presence of our quirk?
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This is kinda funny when you think about it with the Absolute Genius kinda fiting Shredder more in the sense of things. Also doesn't hurt that we might be able to make Mutagen if the QM allows it or making Foot clan robots that he sometimes had instead of trained people.
In MHA we'd be relegated to support class.
It seems to me that the Department of Management would be more suitable. Creating things requires hard work and time, establishing connections in this sense is easier and less time-consuming. In addition, it gives more real power and useful connections with strong heroes in the future.
Also doesn't hurt that we might be able to make Mutagen if the QM allows it or making Foot clan robots that he sometimes had instead of trained people.
We can hire a minion with the right abilities or engage in genetic engineering or robotics to achieve similar results.
How to break the System:

Somehow finding out how All for One and One for All Works and create a fusion that combines best of both wrolds while amplifying it to the maximum.