Your Avatars in the Arena: The Reboot: Electric Boogaloo

You awaken to see that you are now in a dimly lit, seemingly featureless chamber that is rather plain in its decorations and resembles a waiting room of some type. A voice echoes in your mind. "Time for glory has come. You have been chosen to battle for honor."

When the voice stops, you see that you are not alone in here, and then it continues speaking "There are others who have been chosen to fight alongside you, against many enemies. They will try to kill you. Kill them back..."

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Hoshino Yumemi sits up as...Hoshino Yumemi.

The little robot is very unlike her usual self, greeting the revelation with lots of annoyed anger.

"How the Sam Hill does this happen twice?! The last time was practically my fault!"

She pointed up at the ceiling. "Well I'll make this hard for you! It took a 50 cal to offline her last time! I mean, me last time! You're gonna get a reckoning!" She started looking around. "Am I the only one here-"

And then she tripped over the bouquet from the visual novel, full of junk and cords all wrapped up with a bow, hitting the ground with a dull thud.
You awaken to see that you are now in a dimly lit, seemingly featureless chamber that is rather plain in its decorations and resembles a waiting room of some type. A voice echoes in your mind. "Time for glory has come. You have been chosen to battle for honor."

When the voice stops, you see that you are not alone in here, and then it continues speaking "There are others who have been chosen to fight alongside you, against many enemies. They will try to kill you. Kill them back..."
I opened my eyes to find myself in... wait, where am I? This isn't my room. How did I get in here?

Wait there's someone talking. Something about being in a battle? But I'm not a fighter at all.

After the voice, wherever the voice came from, finished speaking, I noticed that I wasn't alone, that somehow, there were all manner of strange people who were with me. Then I felt that something was off about me.

Looking around, looking behind, and looking down, I realized what was wrong. Why am I a girl, wearing some kind of revealing dress? And why do I have wings? How in the world did I suddenly become Homucifer? This is going to be so awkward...

I could feel Homura's memories at the back of my mind, like the ticking hands of a clock, and I took some time to skim through it. It was like mentally watching a short film, showing a few highlights of what happened in her life, such as the time she first practiced using her powers and that golf club.

The latest memory she had, was the instinctive knowledge that upon entering this place, her magic was given a limiter. In here, she could only access a modified version of her original powers, which was shown to me.

Coming out of that mental journey, I faced the others, wondering what to do in a situation like this. I decided to slowly wave my hand.

"Umm, hi?"

At least I'm not so helpless in battle now...
"Yeah. Hi," Yumemi said, getting up, picking up the bouquet, lighting up her bow and clothing and walking to...Homurakuma? That was the fan nickname, right? "Well, fancy meeting you here. Glad to know I'm still outclassed even as a marvel of modern engineering."
Perhaps I should introduce myself, but since I already look like this, I might as well go by the same name as her, for convenience.

"Umm, just call me Homura, I guess. What is your name?"
When you've lived your life like I had mine, then I am here to tell you that it's not wrong for you to be freaking out right now. A normal person would freak out, but let me tell you. A not really normal person is going to have the very same reaction, as I've just recently discovered.

Waking up in an unfamiliar location is one thing. I've been there, done that and bought the T-Shirt a long with it.
Waking up in an unfamiliar waiting room is another. The symbolism itself doesn't promise much wonders for my future.

A voice echoes in your mind. "Time for glory has come. You have been chosen to battle for honor."

When the voice stops, you see that you are not alone in here, and then it continues speaking "There are others who have been chosen to fight alongside you, against many enemies. They will try to kill you. Kill them back..."

Well that doesn't sound very promising. I would have liked to answer, but I've learned my lesson when it comes to talking to the voices inside my head. It starts out simple with a few words here and there. Then they start digging, messing around with what's right and wrong, and finally they will end their life for the sake of yours. I'm not sure if I can handle another breakup like that.

I noticed I wasn't alone, others were with me.

Well, standing around wouldn't help me much. It's time to put the foot in the mouth, so to speak. And I walked up to the nearest couple in my vicinity. Which surprisingly consisted of two... teenage girls? Oh boy Dresden, things sure gotten complicated already.

"Hello, my name is Harry Dresden. Do you mind if I could ask you two some questions?"
She bowed, just like she would in the planetarium.

"Hoshino Yumemi. RP runner, wannabe writer and artist, and as of now, Hoshino Yumemi from the Planetarian visual novel.

You wanna know what happens when you get a grump like me in a body like this?

...well hell if I know, but damn if I'm not playing to type; I'm about as useful as curb feelers on a Rally Fighter.

But hey, robot! Right? Robot? Oooh, yeah, I start like this but I don't have to end like this...yeah...I don't have to end like this..." she murmured, her tirade trailing off as the faulty systems dragging her mind in one direction and her new BROB-given personality tugging it off in another as she realized she was prattling.

"Aw, dammit, you don't want to hear about me. Let's hear about you first before I say anything about my new digs."
She bowed, just like she would in the planetarium.

"Hoshino Yumemi. RP runner, wannabe writer and artist, and as of now, Hoshino Yumemi from the Planetarian visual novel.

You wanna know what happens when you get a grump like me in a body like this?

...well hell if I know, but damn if I'm not playing to type; I'm about as useful as curb feelers on a Rally Fighter.

But hey, robot! Right? Robot? Oooh, yeah, I start like this but I don't have to end like this...yeah...I don't have to end like this..." she murmured, her tirade trailing off as the faulty systems dragging her mind in one direction and her new BROB-given personality tugging it off in another as she realized she was prattling.

"Aw, dammit, you don't want to hear about me. Let's hear about you first before I say anything about my new digs."
"Wait, RP runner? So you're the one behind that race car RP?"
"Amongst a few. This isn't helping the schedule slip, I'll tell you that much," she sniffed. "Ah, hell with it, I can be patient. I'm not about to annoy anybody. How about you? Wait a second, assuming you just answered to a username, you must're one of my team bosses." There was a pregnant pause. "And I'm blanking on exactly who. Perfect! Yumemi is just as broken as advertised."

She sounded none too pleased.
"Actually, I'm one of the players there, the one with Teardrop Industries. Oh, and Harry, you said you had questions?"

And while the girls were happily chatting away, I quickly learned I had no idea what they were talking about.

Some of the names that were thrown around sounded Japanese, a closer look at them showed they indeed have some Asian features, so it shouldn't be wrong to think that those are their names. But what was this about RP's, visual novels, brokenness and Teardrop Industries? Were they maybe employed at some kind of company focused on dice games?

"Actually, I'm one of the players there, the one with Teardrop Industries. Oh, and Harry, you said you had questions?"

"Ah yes," I nodded. "I'm afraid I'm not sure what's happening right now, so I was wondering if you two might have any idea."
"Okay, alright, fine, I think I'm just gonna..." Yumemi looked deep in thought for a moment. "Scanning...and PING! I'm totally blank too, cap'n. Got no GPS data for Asscrack, Nowhere," she venomously said.

She shook her head. "Harry Dresden, y'said?"
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You awaken to see that you are now in a dimly lit, seemingly featureless chamber that is rather plain in its decorations and resembles a waiting room of some type. A voice echoes in your mind. "Time for glory has come. You have been chosen to battle for honor."

When the voice stops, you see that you are not alone in here, and then it continues speaking "There are others who have been chosen to fight alongside you, against many enemies. They will try to kill you. Kill them back..."
You wake up from your sleep to this machine sprit taking about battle and honor.
Two thoughts come to you one fuck Khorne! And two why Lord Tzeentch!
you look to your sides to see your "allies" in this death area to Khorne because this is the only possible reason.
Why did you have to blindly jump into the warp, oh right Fucking Eldar decide to ambush us in a fuck jungle, why does no one listen to you Tzeentch tells you great ideas like one don't go into the Eldar in feasted jungle becomes it's their home field advantage in stead burn it.
You look to see your allies are fucking mortals, some aren't even adults.
All your hate fills your voice as you scream at the heavens to the one responsible for this crime.
Yumemi was taken aback. "...oh," she said. "I kinda...thought you were going to go on some spiel on who you were or something. ...kinda assumed we all did that."

Then she heard crowing about Khorne needing a good old-fashioned Power Fisting. "Well, something in my databases for once! Data on 40K anyway. And now I feel one rung lower on this butt-ass-weird ladder."
"I have fought in battle that scared planets of life for a God who would kill me as soon as he got bored for over a hundered years only to end up in a death fight thanks to Khorne and his hatred of all magic and mages because they don't bash skulls in with their bare fists does that answer who I am to you girl."
I am filled with some much anger I could pass as a berserker
GM Can I sense the voice in her head useing my magic
Edit I love my character as a pissed of evil space super solider
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Yumemi was taken aback. "...oh," she said. "I kinda...thought you were going to go on some spiel on who you were or something. ...kinda assumed we all did that."

Ah, maybe I was a bit presumptuous. Now she looks like Mouse after I accidentally stepped on his tail. Crazy Foo Dog would always forgive me though. "Well, I hope I didn't come off as some kind of narcissist." I told her with a grin, hoping that would ease her impression of me.


Is... is that... is that some kind of demonic knight?
I get up and start to check all my systems still thinking about ways to turn Khorne's cultist inside out and keep them alive and murdering Eldar with flaming stones.
Checking equipment, warp connection, and if my machine spirt in the armor is online.
"Umm, by the way, I think I've heard of your name before, Harry. You're some kind of wizard, right?"
I listen in useing both Space Marine hearing and suits audio receptors the second I hear wizard.
A warp user here, looks like Tzeentch does need of me, or this smuk pissed off and Khroneist too.
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"Umm, by the way, I think I've heard of your name before, Harry. You're some kind of wizard, right?"

That certainly took my attention. "You've heard of me? I wasn't aware my business reached out all the way to high school girls. By any chance, did you too come from Chicago?"
This Chicago is this warp user kingdom it seems and these mortals are still in a field of education. This both please and pisses you off. Some little information.

GM is the anti mech field affecting my gear or am I good.
I test fire my plasma pistol at a wall to see if it is damaged, if it is I can make a hole with the explosion, if it works the hole from the blast should allow my escape.