Young Master is a Fair Weirdo (Original Cultivation/Wuxia Setting)

Chapter 08 - The Nobility is too messed up!
"For those of you who are present, whether you stand upright or bedridden, congratulations." The Dean of the Northern Comet Academy said behind the podium. "You all have been successfully admitted to this humble Dao Science school. Being here proves you're not just made of talent and money."

"Hard work and courage are indispensable. Treachery is unforgivable. The person next to you is your brother and sister in learning. No loss and no shame in being kind to each other. Nevertheless, lack of competition breeds complacency."

"Discuss, argue, even fight each other with all your strength and wits, but do not forget your morals. Should you commit evil against each other, I'm afraid the punishment would not be light."

"Other than the mandatory scientific writing and advanced arithmetic, you may attend class or pick a preexisting study program you want. Do not bite more than you can chew. But the hunger for learning is also a virtue. The Academy only wishes for you to live a balanced student life."

Interesting. So the only mandatory classes are scientific writing and advanced arithmetic. No wonder the entrance exam required basic arithmetic. Aside from that, everything else is up for grabs.

"You'll all be handed minimum provision and accommodation. Should you ask more, we ask you to contribute more. Knowledge is a resource, and resources are knowledge. Everything is interchangeable. Learning the trades is growing to be an adult."

The contribution points awarded from the practical exam are the key. People who successfully gathered a lot of kills have a head start. In this case, Jingyi does have a head start.

"You can now get yourself settled in this Academy. If you have any issues, feel free to ask the staff." The Dean said. "Don't ask your Senior. And make sure to move in groups. You'll get hazed otherwise."

The students were split entirely in half. Half of them were hysterically laughing while the other half were in stunned silence. So the school realizes that bullying and hazing are a thing but won't step in unless it goes too far.

"That's all."

The students all left the multipurpose hall and immediately formed groups with each other. Naturally, Jingyi and Xuan Lian stick with Xuan Di. However, something bothered Xuan Lian.

"Are you thinking about Ouyang Fang?" Jingyi whispered.

"Well yeah. Fang was my friend, and I still think he is. Of course, I'd be worried." Xuan Lian said. "Fang is even more temperamental than I am, and he's also a hermit."

Nevertheless, he no longer trusts Xuan Lian. Considering the situation, that was a given.

"Di-er could probably help. Their relationship is not bad, after all."

"Yeah, they both hate Xuan Clan for their own reason. What a bond they share!" Xuan Lian said in disgust. "But they are not to blame. In fact, I share part of the blame. So bothering Di-er with it is a bit..."

This girl has too good self-awareness. When they first met, the proverbial mask she wore was a symbol of filial piety toward the Xuan Clan. Bullying Di-er back then must have been hurtful to herself.

Well, she grew past that real quick. That hotheaded Xuan Tong probably broke her limit of patience.

"Tie a goat by the fence, tie a man by the house." Xuan Di popped up between them. "The housing issue is unresolved. Ask him for cohabitation."

"CRAZY TALK!" Xuan Lian balked. "Who taught you such a vulgar idea? Young man and woman living together is-"

Xuan Di pointed at the dozens of couples forming. Right as the new students left the hall. Either they came together before the test. Or they hooked up with each other just like that. "This is a Dao school, after all."

"Jingyi-jie stays with me. That is a given. Splitting the bill for a medium-sized dwelling would save a lot of hassle." Xuan Di argued. "Fang-ge, though. I'm willing to bet money he'll pick a single-person house in the most remote part of the residential area."

"You know, it is crazy how well you read him. That's what Fang would do." Xuan Lian twitched.

"Is it to save cost on contribution points?" Jingyi asked.

"Indeed." Xuan Lian said. "His family wealth disappeared, and he's an orphan, so it's not like he's raining money as we do. Since contribution points are important for studies, he had to conserve them."

You can buy contribution points. That is a given. Otherwise, where did they get funding from? For students without wealth, their contribution points are also their lifeblood.

There is another catch. Every student can only buy so much contribution. Not only to prevent the monopoly of school assets but to discourage corruption and encourage meritocracy. The system is not ideal but generally regarded as fair.

Even IF you're raining money, you can still end up destitute! On the other hand, the hard-working students are rewarded as they deserve.

"Fang has no incentive to accept even if I offer him." Xuan Lian frowned. "If he wanted to be alone, he would be alone."

"Isn't there an easy solution for that?" Jingyi crossed her arms, amused.

Xuan Lian twitched. Jingyi was telling her to discard her pride. Again. But considering what Xuan Lian did, groveling is probably the least she could do to earn his trust.

"Heavens bless you with that." Xuan Di waved his hand and left.



"Two bedchambers and a kitchen. That kind of residence would be in short supply." The clerk raised his monocle. "We have a few. This one here is the highest quality residence of the class. Location close to the Spirit Water spring, quite expensive. Even some staff, afraid they'd salivate at the thought."

"Spirit water is good." Xuan Di nodded. "And the rent... it was quite expensive. But split between us?"

"No problem," Jingyi said. "Spirit water, who wouldn't want it? Even I benefit from it."

"I suppose that would be an agreement." Xuan Di decided.

"I'd say you should reconsider." A voice called out from behind. "Shige eyed it for a long while. Little brother, please leave it to me."

Xuan Di and Jingyi looked back to notice an older student, probably seventeen years old. He had this charming masculine aura on her. Piercing eyes and a sharp jawline. Though, for a man, there was a lot of femininity in him.

"Shige is..." Xuan Di asked, wary.

"Gege is Chen Guiying. And this is my little sister, Chen Xiuying. Gained a few contributions recently. We intend to move to a new residence. If Shidi doesn't mind, consider it a favor."

"I don't mind, but Shijie should ask my fiancee." Xuan Di smiled.

"Asking your fiancee? Don't you have a shred of dignity? Why don't you go and decide."

In contrast to the refined and dignified Guiying, Xiuying could be anything but. Although she was pretty beyond belief, she had no trace of gentleness. With a fierce look and an even worse mouth, this girl is the type to make enemies anywhere.

Besides, she also looks childish, like Xuan Di himself.

"Why don't I ask her? It would be a home for both of us." Xuan Di said. "She paid for half of it, even. Her opinion matter as much as mine. If she agrees, then we have a deal."

Jingyi wondered if losing the spirit water spring was worth avoiding the conflict. It was such a cultivation resource for her.

"I need the spirit water source. If you can suggest an alternative, consider it a fair trade." Jingyi said.

"Afraid nothing else is left. Even with houses with more or less room than two." The clerk said. "A few have spiritual rivers, but the purity is mediocre."

"Willing to trade it with either treasures or contribution points," Guiying said confidently. "Even fourth or fifth-grade material."

"I have no need for those," Jingyi said. "My fiancee's family already provides enough."

"Hmph. Indignant!" Xiuying called out. "Whether it's Black Jade Orchid or Heart Fire Lotus, your peasants could barely think of it."

Black Jade Orchid?!

It is a rare plant of Yin in nature. They only grow in the deepest cave of a natural forest, devoid of light. Not only guarded by fierce beasts. But sometimes, they were also haunted by powerful Yin fiends.

"Jingyi-jie." Xuan Di whispered. "Don't you need one for breaking through?"

"That's still years in the future. Taking care of the orchid would be a pain." Jingyi winced. "But is it fine to make an enemy of her?"

"No." Xuan Di said. "Let's just give up."


"Right, how about Black Jade Orchid Pill?" Xuan Di proposed. "My fiancee most likely would accept."

Guiying gasped. "Black Jade Orchid Pill? That's...."

"Crazy talk!" Xiuying balked. "Moon Jade Orchid Pill could only be made by a top alchemist using tedious water method! Even among nobles and powerful families, asking for it is not casual!"

"Well, could you give us or not?" Jingyi asked.

"Jiejie, don't listen to her. I don't want to deal with these poor-mannered beggars with a hole in the pocket." Xiuying gritted her teeth. "My ancestor will curse my name."

"Ill-mannered?" Jingyi twitched.

"Yeah. You're just lucky to have gathered enough points from killing dumb beasts. Dare to ask for good residences before me, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Bitch." Jingyi said as she left.

Jingyi is usually a patient person. Even in the face of bullying from Xuan Lian, Jingyi kept her temper. But this time, she had enough.

"What did you say?"

Noisy bitch.

Xuan Di and Jingyi stayed quiet as they walked off the administration office. They played deaf even as the spoiled princess screeched at the top of her lungs.

"Dare to ignore me! You're courting death!" Xiuying stepped out of the office and gathered her Qi in her palm, preparing to cast something. However, Jingyi disappeared into a white haze, leaving her hat behind, and reappeared up close. "W-wha-"

This shock dispersed Xiuying's spell preparation.

"Do it and see what happens," Jingyi calmly asked. Now that her shrouded straw hat fell, Xiuying saw Jingyi's ghostly white face and glowing blue eyes.

"It's so easy being rich, thinking everything can be solved with money." Xuan Di said.


"I'll make you eat dirt and kowtow to This Highness, you ghost woman!" Xiuying pointed.

Jingyi didn't heed her insult and continued her way.

"You! Ignoring me is worse than humiliation."

"Shut the fuck up." Xuan Di told her. "Chen Xiuying? More like Zhou-"

Xuan Di's words stopped when he had to block a sword aimed right at his throat. The calm and collected Guiying became murderous in a split second.

"I suggest you calm down," Jingyi said.

Guiying's killing intent was immediately replaced by fear when he realized what happened. He and Xiuying were surrounded by eight flying swords that materialized out of thin air, and under them was a complicated attack formation.

Xiuying looked like she was about to cry!

"Say your demand," Guiying muttered.

"I demand you to shut the fuck up and leave us alone." Xuan Di was smiling, but his voice was venomous. "It is not my intention to be an enemy of the royal family. But consider this a warning for your little princess to behave. We have no enmities, don't create one."

"With how she behaved, Assassins would be all too delighted when they notice," Jingyi shrugged. "You fool."

"How dare you!"

Xuan Di recalled all of the flying swords back into his storage.

"You can have the rent house. No need to compensate us." Xuan Di said. "Make sure to put all the security methods you can use. If you meet us, pretend we don't know each other."

"Unfortunately, we can't do that," Guiying said. "Those who found out, I'm afraid, in danger of being silenced."

"Far as I remember, North Comet Academy doesn't forgive treacherous behavior. I'm afraid if we disappear, you'd be implicated." Jingyi jibed. "We'll make sure of that, actually."

Jingyi's monotonous response actually spooked both Guiying and Xiuying. It was like she didn't fear death.

"You blue blood sure is ungrateful. No wonder people hate you a lot." Xuan Di shook his head. "And you have the worst security measure. I'm fine if you kill me. Just swear to Heaven you will kill yourself soon after."

"You bastard!" Xiuying raised her fist. "Dare to threaten my brother, I would kill-"

"Shimei." Guiying's voice turned cold. "Enough. What do you want?"

"Swear you would not try to kill us. And we will swear we would not leak this. Lest we got struck by heavenly lightning." Xuan Di raised his two fingers. "Under the sky, all humans are equal."

"You-" Xiuying bit her lips. "Alright. Tell me your name, peasants."

"Xuan Di and Tang Jingyi."

Jingyi noticed the expression changes on Guiying and Xiuyin's collective faces.

"I swear to Heaven we would not try to violently silence Xuan Di and Tang Jingyi," Xiuying said.

"We swear to Heaven we would not disclose Chen Xiuying's identity without your permission." Xuan Di and Jingyi said in unison.

"That oath is one thing, and humiliating me is another! This Highness slap you back and bl-"

Guiying clamped Xiuying's mouth with a smile. Jingyi could see Xiuying struggling despite the restraint, her face was red from anger, but she couldn't say anything back.

"Shidi is correct. The biggest security hole is here, so let me shut it down. First, stop addressing yourself with [This Highness], you idiot sister. Second, don't pick fights with random people, lest you get humiliated and bring shame to the family name."

Xiuying looked at her brother with pure, unadulterated horror.

"Shige is wise. Jingyi apologizes for the offense and thanks you for the generosity." Jingyi cupped her hand and bowed.

"Shige also apologizes for the offense and thanks you for the generosity," Guiying responded. "Shidi and Shimei, don't worry. You will be compensated."

"As I said, we just want to live a peaceful life." Xuan Di smiled. However, this time, it was genuine. "If Xiuying got hurt, the Academy's situation would also be hellish for us. If that happens, I'll be absolutely pissed. Even seeking revenge, don't know who to kill."

Xiuying and Guiying looked at Xuan Di with utter disbelief. This dude legitimately just wanted to go to school?!

"It's been seven months, and Mo-ge still wasn't wrong." Jingyi deadpanned. "Why is it that you always attract crazy girls?"

To a degree, Jingyi might not be violently crazy. She is still a borderline paranoid oddball with two souls inside her. Choosing [Ghost Jade Forge] alone made her a freak among women.

But to Xuan Di, she's probably the one that can be reasoned with the easiest. It's been seven months since their engagement. It worked well for both of them.

"Heavens know. Maybe I am cursed." Xuan Di shook his head. "Let's return to the administration office and sign something quick. We need a place to rest."


"We'd like a change of request. We want a two bedchambers house that is as isolated as possible." Jingyi said.

"In that case, this house here is unclaimed. It's on top of a hill near the edge of the Academy grounds and has a river down the valley. The terrain is good, afraid not much in the way of the garden's spiritual fertility, and the spirit water quality is also mediocre. This is quite cheap compared to the rest."

The administrative clerk talked about the richness of life energy in the water and soil. This life energy will be transformed into Qi or Jing energy, depending on what has consumed them. The richer the soil and water, the better the product.

Even something as simple as Tiger Lily, planted in a suitable area, can reach second grade, with occasional third-grade White Tiger Lily. That's why a residence garden, for a student, can turn the tide of cultivation.

Conversely, food with little life energy is useless for martial cultivation. A poor-quality garden with mediocre water is sad.

"Losing the spirit water spring is worth crying, but alright," Jingyi said. "I believe this is an acceptable substitute."

"I take it no one else objects?" The clerk decided it was beneath him. "Please sign the paper with your spiritual signature."

"I object." Chen Xiuying said.

Xuan Di got so mad that Jingyi had to hug him from behind before he could slap the shit out of the little princess.

"Fuck you and fuck the throne you sit on!" Xuan Di swore.

"Shidi, please don't be mad. We have a proposal." Chen Guiying bowed. "Sir Clerk, there should be one mansion with four bedchambers close to a spring, right?"

"There is one. The spring is of lesser quality, though." The clerk said. "With four of you? Still a bit expensive but more affordable per person than the previous one."

"This humble Shimei hopes to nurture a good relationship with you two," Guiying said. "Right, Xiuying?"

Jingyi could tell that Xiuying was dying inside as she half-bowed. "This girl had eyes but couldn't see the mountain. Please forgive."

"Ahh, this is going to be a real pain." Xuan Di cringed.

What's worse than a prideful princess? A humiliated princess with an agenda! Even Jingyi wasn't dumb enough not to realize this. Xiuying wanted something from them.

And that. That would be a pain.

"No," Jingyi said. "Di-er want you to leave us alone. Unless he changes his mind, please forget about us."

"Fourth heir, Xuan Shidi, please reconsider."

Xuan, they used the name Xuan, therefore knowing the implication. Jingyi doesn't know the details. But most likely that the royal family has a tie with the Xuans. Especially the fact that they knew how Xuan Di became the fourth heir.

Otherwise, Xuan Di recognizing her like this would be weirder.

"Just the fourth heir and a branch family member, this character dare not be presumptuous." Xuan Di suddenly became polite again. "Invoking the Xuan's name, you better seek the second heir instead."

In other words, leave and find Xuan Lian. Xiuying looked like she almost lost it and grabbed Xuan Di.

"Presumptuous? You're being presumptuous! This Highness will support you in the heir competition!" Xiuying whispered.

"This servant is under your command." Xuan Di cupped his hand. His face was gleeful.

Jingyi snorted, then wordlessly did the same thing. Xuan Di is incredibly deceptive at times. Xiuying was baffled, while Guiying wondered if they made a mistake.

This young sword-formation prodigy, they don't know, was also a little devil.

Signing the document for four residents in one of the four-chambers residences, the four walked out. Jingyi was content, Xuan Di was laughing, Xiuying was still confused, and Guiying was disheartened.

"Shidi sure is merciless," Guiying said. "You're not greedy, but we're dancing on your palm."

"Not my fault you have such a naive Master." Xuan Di crossed his arms, arrogant. "Be thankful I am not greedy."

In exchange for secrecy, cohabitation, and other forms of support, Xuan Di asked for nothing but Xiuying's blessing in his race for clan succession. However, this is a powerful tool. Even compared to the Xuans, Xiuying's background is a step higher.

Befriending her like this is a huge benefit.

"...I am speechless." Xiuying was agape. "How it took so long for me to realize. I should have gone for Xuan Lian!"

"From now on, I will teach you the art of war." Xuan Di said. "Getting fooled by me, consider it a blessing."

"You say that, but you're also annoyed," Jingyi muttered.

"I was supposed to take my time and sort my plans now that we can halt the progression of my disease." Xuan Di shook his head. "Of course, I would be annoyed. We'll have to build all my ambition around this girl's whims."

Even if there was an opportunity, Xuan Di only took it out of spite! In fairness, Jingyi has to agree. That intense exam took a toll on their body. And now a princess is bugging them.

A mistake could cost him his aspiration and life!

"Speaking of which, Jingyi-Shimei, I've never heard of you before." Chen Guiying said. "Being a Xuan fiancee, naturally, should be big news."

"I'm just an adopted daughter of an old swordsman who happened to be Patriarch Yuan's friend. Naturally, the Xuans despised me for being a nobody." Jingyi said.

"Pppft, kidding. The Xuans despised me, period." Xuan Di said. "Their treatment of you, I'm afraid, is collateral at most."

"How could you two be so calm... being hated by your family like this?" Xiuying muttered.

"What is family? Is it your parents? Your siblings? Your cousins from aunts and uncles? Marriage exists to build a family, is it not?" Xuan Di rhetorically asked. "Those who despise me, to me, they're just an outsider."

"And they're strangers to me." Jingyi nodded. "As long as Patriarch Yuan gave his blessing, I'm afraid they can do nothing."

"For this reason, I'm afraid Jingyi is clueless about the background between the Xuans and the... ahem, Chen family." Xuan Di corrected himself. "I don't have the heart to divulge. Xiuyin-er can decide as she sees fit."

"I see." Chen Guiying mischievously smiled. For a moment, he looked more like a sister than a brother.

"Peh. I feel insulted but also honored. Patriarch Yuan, I'm afraid, is a complicated man like that. I both admire him and despise him for that reason."

"I believe most Xuans also have a similarly complicated view of him," Jingyi said. "But at sixty years old, already a Pseudo-core expert. No one is willing to contest his supremacy."

"Even prodigies at five academies, if indulgent, can also be trapped by their own ego. And the so-called talent became a millstone that weigh them down." Guiying hummed. "So many genii reach the Qi-condensation stage at sixteen or less. How many of them attained a Pseudo-core? Certainly more than the average. Yet still, it was never guaranteed."

In comparison, Xuan Yuan only became Qi-condensation cultivator at nineteen. Most people? Even actively practicing could only reach it in early adulthood.

"Luck is also a form of strength," Jingyi said. "Without meeting Xuan Di, I'm afraid my cultivation would still be messed up. Forget reaching Qi-condensation so quickly. I might be in physical danger."

"Indeed, opportunities do not knock twice." Xuan Di said. "Thanks to her and father-in-law, we made some breakthroughs to offset my body degradation."

Although Xuan Di is still far from fit, his body is no longer sickly thin. For this, he could only thank the Heavens.

"Ah... there is also that problem, huh." Xiuying frowned. "Xuan Tian, that bastard. Dare to show up in front of me? I'll twist his neck!"

Xuan Tian? Isn't that the name of Xuan Lian's younger brother?

"Originally, a marriage was arranged between me and him. However, after Xuan Di's incident, Patriarch Yuan came to my family and prostrated before us." Xiuying sadly recalled. "At that time, he begged for the annulment of the engagement because he felt his son was not moral enough."

It is strange. In most situations, a father would beg the opposite way, asking for the engagement to be preserved despite everything. Patriarch Yuan defied the norm.

"My father said Xuan Yuan is a man of absolute justice and worthy of respect. For this reason, my honored family gave Xuan Clan face and maintained good relationships." Xiuying remarked. "Nevertheless, the elders still give him a hard time, didn't they?"

"To a degree." Xuan Di nodded. "Is that the reason why you seek for me?"

"I want to support your revenge." Xiuying's face darkened. "Against that treacherous scum Xuan Tian who humiliated me by causing the marriage annulment."

Jingyi, for the first time ever, scrunched her face in fear and disbelief. Just how petty could Chen Xiuyin be?!

"Good! Good!" Xuan Di rubbed his hands, excited. "I believe this would be a fruitful relationship."

"Of course. This Higness had decided it would be one. Oho-ho-ho-ho!" Xiuying laughed.

Jingyi looked at Guiying, who was foaming in the mouth. Clan politics are way too messed up!


-Di is a suffix for little brother. The formal form is Shidi
-Mei is a suffix for little sister. The formal form is Shimei
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Four words
Bratty princess need correction 💢!

Why I have the feeling that Guiying is a crossdresser? That would be genre convention!
Chapter 09 - The value of bonds
Chen Xiuying was in a good mood.

Securing the help of Xuan Di was smoother than expected. She had heard only good things about this boy. When he was but ten years old, he achieved the Qi-channeling stage. At eleven, he already nurtured Sword Seed.

Xuan Tian, his second cousin, betrayed him and fed him Daemon Punishment Soul Pill, which wasn't supposed to be consumed by someone without water or earth spirit root.

Surviving this, Xuan Di fell into a coma for a year, woke up angry and vengeful, and not only hatched Sword Souls. Waking up, he mastered [Eight Trigram Four Sword Shadows], which means he can control four flying swords and four sword souls at the same time.

For a Qi-channeling cultivator at the measly age of twelve? It was a region-shattering feat. With this talent in mind, he left the Xuans and joined the [Blue Saint Peak] sword sect. The red carpet welcomed him.

There's no question left why he was chosen as Fourth Heir. As a branch family member, Xuan Di is too talented to ignore. Though this earned envy and hatred, even the biased clan Elders could not deny his potential.

Befriending someone like that, her father will praise Xiuying for her decisiveness. And since both want to enact revenge against Xuan Tian, it means they have the same goal.

Nevertheless, Xiuying is aware that Xuan Di is a crafty man.

"Guiying-ge, This Highness trusts you to warn me next time I do something foolish," Xiuying said. "Today's result is merely a fluke. Tomorrow, who knows. My impulsiveness may cost our lives."

"It is good that Your Highness could self-reflect. In the future, this servant will be more vigilant." Guiying nodded, somewhat proud. "A childish tantrum, this servant, believe had its place. Just not in public, for it draws attention."

"Does it really? I was always taught to be refined, in public and private."

"Yes," Guiying said. "Bottling your emotion too much at your age, I'm afraid, would hurt your spiritual well-being. Time and place are more important."

"I will remember."

"As for Xuan Di, his talent is unfathomable. His Shen cultivation, in particular." Guiying opened an iron fan and waved it. "The most talented and devout youths in sorceries or religions, I'm afraid, only they can compare."

"How could someone be so young and have such a great spiritual consciousness?! It is almost unbelievable." Xiuying shook her head. "Nevertheless, there are a lot of things to learn from him. Unraveling this mystery should benefit my cultivation!"

"Princess is wise. This servant will install some security arrays now."

As Xuan Di suggested, Guiying installed multiple security talismans and carved some arrays into the room the princess resided in. Only the most expensive materials were used. However, Guiying was only this skilled.

Compared to the so-called "array practitioners" among the student, he could be proud. However, in the face of experts, he could only cry. At the very least, no students could forcibly break into this chamber.

When he was done, the night passed, dawn had come, and the princess was fast asleep.

He worldlessly left the room. Checking outside, he noticed that Jingyi and Xuan Di were digging in the plantation area. Too deep to be gardens, too shallow to be moats.

What are those?

Nevermind. He could ask later. They agreed that no matter what Jingyi and Xuan Di did, the plantations were for them to use.

Whatever they planted must be something interesting.


Chen Xiuying woke up in the morning. The first academic activities won't begin until next week. And until then, it was mostly an orientation period. Creating a group of cliques, familiarizing with school facilities and staff.

She had secured Xuan Di (and his fiancee, though Jingyi was an afterthought at best). She thought she would try to court Xuan Lian, but it was risky. For now, not pissing off Xuan Di is a priority.

She noticed when she channeled her Shen power to scan the room. The room might look furnished, but it was carved by multiple layers of defense arrays. Doing these jobs quietly, Guiying-ge truly is an expert for his age.

"Here's the information you want. I believe this information won't spread for quite a time." A student wearing a shroud gave a scroll to Xiuying. In return, Xiuying gave him some of her contribution points.

In this school, contribution points are worth a lot more than money. With this information, she projected some images from it.

In terms of the Shen cultivation, Xiuying used to be arrogant. But in the face of Xuan Di, she could only be afraid. At his full power, Xuan Di could control thirty-two Sword Souls.

Thirty-two! Even Foundation Establishment, unless they're total maniacs in cultivating Sword Soul formation, would balk at the idea of a fourteen-year-old, first density of Qi-condensation controlling thirty swords at once!

Xuan Di pulled eight swords in attack formation casually against her and Guiying. However, thirty-two seem to be beyond his limit since he was knocked out afterward.

In this case, sixteen swords formation would be his optimal number. And that was a scary thought. Sixteen swords! To the average fourteen years old outside the Academy, Xuan Di would be a peerless god of war.

Although, it is not like the other three members of this team are less of a prodigy. Ouyang Fang's sword essence was matchless in terms of piercing power. Being able to gravely wound a low-tier Rank-4 mutated beast was the proof.

Both Xuan Lian and Jingyi's body cultivation was unique. They have some defensive power, but their strength and speed were terrifying. Being able to beat the shit out of a horde of baby lightning serpents to protect their companions, the two girls prove they're no weak damsels.

"Looks like Xuan Di's fiancee is not someone to take lightly," Xiuying muttered. "But it makes sense. His body is weak. While his sword talent is beyond reckoning, even a swordsman needs some strength."

Xiuying always thought that her body was feeble but was never disheartened. For most women, being dainty is a physical virtue. It makes them attractive and desirable, inviting men to offer service and protection. For a princess, looking like this is an unspoken requirement.

And yet, she thought that she won't lose too much in a strength match against Xuan Di. Compared to other boys, he was as thin as girls. The mutation in his fire spirit roots burned his body to this level. And he said his body had improved compared to how it was before?

Heavens, was he a walking skeleton a few months ago?

Jingyi was muscular. Her body wasn't as chiseled as Xuan Lian, but her figure was built to fight, and every step she made was heavy and steady. Coupled with her pale ghostly skin and glowing blue eyes, men would run away than court her.

She could protect Xuan Di from close-range fighting. She was the gauntlet to his sword.

When Xiuying walked out, she noticed the plantation garden nearby had been transformed to an unbelievable degree. Shallow ponds were carved in the shape of a zig-zagging snake and reinforced with white concrete. A rotating paddle machine constantly spun with the power of a windmill assembly, emulating the speed of a river flow.

Another windmill assembly pumped water through complex pipelines leading to the location of the spirit water spring, replenishing the pond with a small amount of water. Jingyi and Xuan Di built this overnight?!

When Xiuying inspected the whole pond with her consciousness, she noticed that the entire pond was filled with nothing but bacteria!

"What kind of madman grows algae with precious spirit water spring!" She shouted. It was only a thumb-sized pipe's worth of water, but still!

She followed the pipe and noticed a giant wooden bathtub with Xuan Di and Jingyi inside, seemingly asleep. While naked, that is.

Xiuying screamed, and this woke up the two.

"What's the matter?" Jingyi asked.

"Your aunt matters! What are you two doing?" Xiuying was red as a ripe apple and pointed.

"Meditating?" Xuan Di innocently said.

"Before you start rambling, we didn't do anything more than take a bath," Jingyi said. "This is not Dual Cultivation. Rather, I am suppressing his uncontrollable growth."

"E... eh?"

Jingyi explained how the water immersed in her turbulent Yin Qi haze seemed to suppress the violently fighting Yin and Yang fire in Xuan Di's body. By stopping this process, Xuan Di's Qi cultivation speed was reduced by a third, but his weight loss halted.

"I see." Xiuying coughed. "Nevertheless, it is improper to do this in public."

"We haven't built a bathroom yet," Jingyi responded monotonously. "The wastewater, we use it to feed the spirulina farm."

"I see." The princess scrunched her face. "Still doesn't explain why you two are growing blue-green algae. Are you going to grow spirit beasts?"

Blue-green algae can be fed to the spirit beast after being dried and detoxified. They're considered a high-quality feed mixture but never to be eaten alone. Blue-green algae allowed Spirit Beasts to grow massive amounts of muscles and vitality.

"No? It's for our consumption." Xuan Di said. "They're extremely rich in Jing energy and gentle water-element Qi."

"It is great for my cultivation and offset Xuan Di's malnutrition," Jingyi added. "We need them in huge quantities."

Xiuying retched. Supposedly, some nobles consider spirulina tablets as beauty supplements and stamina boosters. However, the human body had a lot less tolerance to their toxin.

Therefore, the purification of spirulina pills raised their price somewhat compared to animal-grade spirulina powder. These pills could be considered first-grade or second-grade medicine, depending on the quality of the ingredient and level of purification.

Spirulina bred in mid-quality spirit water spring should be at least considered second-grade! It seems that Jingyi and Xuan Di have thought about everything.

"I'll build us a proper bathroom," Xiuying said as she turned away. "After all, I also wanted to enjoy the spring water."

"That would be nice." Jingyi nodded.

After all, who would be stupid enough to bathe in the wilderness and not get peeped on? Xiuying is not some country bumpkin willing to be naked to be with nature!


Because they were working all night, Jingyi and Xuan Di went to get proper sleep after finishing bathing and eating breakfast. They woke up in the afternoon to check out the school plaza and the student stall.

Other than the school-managed stores, some students conducted open trading. There are also service-based shops where personal skills in one field are traded. For example, Jingyi and Xuan Di wanted to visit the butcher club.

No doubt what they wanted to dismantle. If it was something low-level like the hogs or the low-tier green-jade Crocs? They would do it themselves. Mid-tier Third-rank beasts, Fourth-rank beasts?! Too precious!

"Shige, I want to ask for butchering services."

"Welcome! Welcome! Ding Dang butcher shop. Only offers the most honest butchering deal." The rounded, slightly tall guy at the booth said. "What do you want to dismantle?"

"Mature Grade Green-jade Crocodile, juvenile White-jade Crocodile, and mutated Winged Black Serpent," Jingyi said.

Everyone in the shop paused, then broke into concerted laughter.

"Shidi and Shimei, please don't joke." Ding Dang laughed heartily, without ill intent. "What year you're from?"


The shop workers all looked at each other weirdly. They stopped laughing, but it was still odd.

"Could it be that the rumor of enrollment test being practical hunting was true?" Ding Dang asked.

"It is true," Jingyi confirmed. "And we got them by a stroke of luck."


"Move! Move!" A boastful muscular boy howled, interrupting the conversation. "Finally came from the hunt. I want a butchering service!"

"Line up, ah!" Ding Dang smiled. "Someone already came, so please be patient."

"Hm?! Some twig." The muscular boy pushed Xuan Di effortlessly, throwing him almost three zang. "Look at that! He flew like a little sister!"

Xuan Di balanced himself and landed on his feet. What looks like the gang member of the muscular boy laughed.

"Studying in this noble Northern Comet, shame that etiquette class is not mandatory." Xuan Di patted his clothes.

The laughter stopped and was replaced by anger.

"What did you say?" The muscular boy asked. "Boy, etiquette means respecting the elder! Do you not know?"

"Trash concept. If that is the case, then lining up becomes worthless." Xuan Di pointed. "Business rules are different than your conception of filial piety. Especially for a hypocrite who only obeys social rules when it benefits them."


"You twigs talk big! Dare to offend us, you court death!"

Jingyi felt like this has happened before. No, This happened before, with the exact same frame of reference. A bunch of older boys. They were trying to ambush Xuan Di. They all have higher cultivation levels than him, but their martial form is too shallow and unstable.

A three-zhang circle formed on the ground, glowing with incredible majesty. Eight trigrams formation came soon, followed by sixteen Sword Souls that appeared out of thin air.

The rest, it was deja vu.

People were groaning in pain, and some were crying. [Eight Trigram, Eight Sword Shadows] was too brutal for the average student to face. Sixteen swords, all spiritual. Each equals or is slightly stronger than first-grade swords.

"You piece of shit! So what about Sword Souls?! Flaunting wealth, an arrogant young master needs a lesson!"

The muscular boy broke through the sword formation with nothing more than papercuts. He practiced a rudimentary form of body cultivation, probably the Jing method.

To Jingyi's Heaven method, which utilizes Qi, a pure Jing method is pitifully lacking. Nevertheless, the Jing method is almost as old as human history. It has been refined to perfection. And incorporated into all forms of human-made martial arts.

Jingyi faced the muscular boy and stopped his charge. The impact shock caused a few students to fly!

Although [Ghost Jade Forge] focused on Qi circulation and pumping, the [Southern Dragon Kick] that Jingyi practiced could also be used as it is, relying on Jing energy. The reason why Jingyi was much stronger than her appearance suggests is that she used both Qi and Jing at the same time.


The muscular boy tried to punch Jingyi, but his attacks were deflected. Jingyi did a series of kicks to the calf, liver, and the side of the boy's head. The muscular boy, easily twice as heavy as she was, spun powerlessly and fell to the ground.

Jingyi didn't even lose her shrouded hat this time, which made her more mysterious. Especially with the white Yin Qi haze surrounding her.

"I didn't expect them to be so weak," Jingyi said, with a hint of boredom.

"Xing Yao already said before. Even if your cultivation level is high, people with garbage scriptures and low comprehension are doomed. Now we're in the academy? Smart people who lack good scriptures should immerse themselves in the library." Xuan Di laughed.

Right, since now they're part of the North Comet academy, finding an ideal scripture for you is a matter of dedication and luck, not an impossibility.

Jingyi found that, right now, the [Ghost Jade Forge] and [Southern Dragon Kick] are an excellent combination. She would only seek another scripture if she found herself in a difficult situation.

Xuan Di bowed at Ding Dang. "Are we disrupting business? If that's the case, we shouldn't bother you."

Xuan Di has always been polite to the well-mannered and rude to those with ill behavior. After seven months of knowing him, Jingyi thought it was a virtue.

"Shidi is too polite. With that kind of strength, Shige could only be amazed." Ding Dang laughed. "Let us, Shige and Shijie, offer our butchering services."

Jingyi and Xuan Di released the fresh corpse of the mutated winged serpent and white jade crocodile. Some of the onlookers were terrified. And others were in awe!

"It really was a fourth-rank mutant!" Ding Dang salivated. "But it was only half?"

"Fitting the full corpse in my right, I'm afraid, is impossible," Jingyi said. "Is it not possible to butcher it as it is?"

"Hmm, such a waste. The liver and small intestines aren't here, and the lung was destroyed." Ding Dang smiled. "But at least the skin and muscles are intact! And the heart doesn't seem to be damaged!"

Another half of the snake fell. It was the bottom half of the same mutated snake!

"Lian-er." Jingyi noticed. "Don't you want it?"

"You can have it. Just give me the liver and the heart." Xuan Lian said. "Since the heart is located in the upper body, consider it a fair trade. You can pay for the butcher cost, as well."

"The mutated snake's liver is an incredibly potent ingredient, and the heart is also precious, but are you sure you don't want the core?" Xuan Di asked.

"Nope. I need the heart to advance my cultivation. I'll also give the liver to Fang. The rest, I don't need." Xuan Lian shrugged.

"Other than the skin for armor, I only need the sinew to make ropes," Jingyi said. "Does Shige accept beast parts? I want to sell them."

"Same with my white Crocs. Give me the heart, liver, and skin. If it's a male, give me the testicles. Sell the rest." Xuan Di said, throwing dismantled parts of the Green-jade Crocs. "Also, please sell these."

"Of course! Rare materials from the White-jade crocodile and Winged black serpent would sell well!" Ding Dang winced. "Shige only has so much money to pay in advance, though."

"How about this. Let's make an IOU of the transaction," Jingyi said. "Di-er. Is twenty percent commission acceptable?"

"No complaint." Xuan Di nodded. "Pay us when they got sold."

"Signed!" Ding Dang happily accepted. Twenty percent commission! These people are too generous!

"Let's talk about butcher cost." Xuan Di continued.

"No need. No need." Ding Dang vehemently rejected. "The profit is too high. This Shige's conscience can't accept!"

"In that case, Shidi could only thank Shige." Xuan Di bowed.

"Get to work, butcher club!" Ding Dang howled, and the rest of the members were fired up. Both giant beasts were skinned and cut into fine pieces in less than an hour.

Twenty percent commission for rare third-grade materials. They're having a feast!

Xuan Lian was satisfied when she obtained an intact heart of the mutated beast. And though the liver was slightly damaged, it was good enough as an ingredient.

Jingyi went to buy as many first-grade cores as she could. She wanted to develop the bomb artillery concept further and needed them as ammunition. First-grade beast cores are cheap and plentiful, especially after yesterday. Most exam participants probably killed a lot of first-grade and second-grade beasts to rack up points safely.

The price apparently dropped due to overabundance!

"What's the heart for?"

"I'll trade it with a Yang-element beast heart of the same rarity." Xuan Lian posted a notice letter on the trading board. "If anyone has it, they can find me."

Makes sense. Even if the element is incompatible, it is still a precious treasure.

"Speaking of which." Xuan Lian pinched Xuan Di's nose. "Killing my brother, I still can forgive. Cuckolding him, I won't let you!"

"Eeet! What are you doing! Hey!" Xuan Di panicked. He slapped her face and arms, and they did nothing! "Can't breathe!"

"Hmph. You're living with Chen Xiuying now, don't think I would know." Xuan Lian let him go, indignant.

"You got mad because I didn't ask you to stay with us?" Xuan Di asked.

"No way. Nevertheless, don't cross the line." Xuan Lian poked his chest. "Don't use others for revenge and not knowing."

"Lian-jie misunderstood. About Xiuying-er, she approached me first. She also wanted revenge for Xuan Tian. Naturally, our interests aligned." Xuan Di said. "As for this cuckolding matter, we have no feelings for each other, and I already have Jingyi-jie. My libido is only this much. One woman is one too many."

Xuan Di made a pinching gesture, not even a hairbreadth of room between. His body was messed up to such a degree even sex would be dangerous.

In the middle of puberty, this is the hell he lived in because of Xuan Tian's betrayal. Thinking about this, Xuan Lian could only be sorrowful. Her stupid brother wronged so many people with that one action.

Though the world is cruel and unjust, sometimes, it takes only one mistake to anger the Heavens.

"Nevermind about that. Have you reached Fang-ge?" Jingyi interfered, thinking the mood could get even worse.

"Yeah. As you two said, Fang agreed to cohabitation. We decided to split the bill on this house..." Xuan Lian explained. "The spirit water spring is too hard to ignore for him."

And, of course, it was the two-chamber house with a top-grade spirit water spring. Fate had such a shitty sense of humor!

"The next step is to rebuild your relationship. But Lian-er has to make it clear not to lead him around." Jingyi said. "What we think as a token of friendships, men might think differently."

"I know about that." Xuan Lian winced. "When I'm done cooking the liver, I'll send some to you."

And with that, Xuan Lian left them.

"You're pushing her to be with Fang-ge again," Jingyi told Xuan Di. "Are you not aware of her true feelings?"

"How could I not? She thought she fooled anyone, but her face is too easy to read." Xuan Di said. "And why do you keep pushing me with other girls?"

"It wouldn't hurt to have options." Jingyi mischievously pointed. "Trust me to say I'm not hanging my future on your shoulder forever."

"That is nice. But cheating is still bad." Xuan Di snorted. "Besides, I haven't told you how I mastered [Eight Trigram Sword Shadows], have I?"

"Don't think so. As far as I know, you woke up and pulled it out of thin air. Everyone seems to think the same way."

Xuan Di said. "After my middle dantian reshaped and the meridian burnt and mutated, I regained consciousness. This should be around four months into my coma."

"However, I was trapped in my own mindscape. I had nothing to do, so I kept myself occupied by training in various sword art. However, [Eight Trigram Sword Shadow] was the most effective way to heal my consciousness, as my mindscape reacted positively."

"The more I train the sword formation, the more complete and lively my mindscape became. Four months passed, and then I was awake for real." Xuan Di said. "For four months, I could hear but could not see."

"I continuously honed [Eight Trigram Sword Shadows], and then, I woke up. For one year, Lian-jie has always been by my bedside." Xuan Di laughed. "She laughed, she cried, she told me stories. She even trained and meditated around me sometimes."

"Xuan Tian's treachery was not revealed until I woke up angry and vengeful." Xuan Di's face darkened. "By this point, he gathered a lot of allies who hated me no matter what."

"This was also around when the Ouyang clan got decimated and had to leave their hometown. And Fang-ge also left her because he didn't listen to her reason." Xuan Di said. "I always know that Lian-jie didn't see me as a brother, but after that tragedy, her affection was tainted by guilt and pity."

"I could not accept such mixed feelings." Xuan Di sadly smiled. "Maybe in the future, when I become healthy and overcome my hatred. If her feelings do not change, and she could be honest about it, I'll think about it."

Xuan Di is a good man. No question about that. Just because he is capable of hatred and cruelty doesn't change it. Jignyi could not see a future where he was not surrounded by multiple girls who sought his love.

Jingyi wondered, in a few years, would she be one of them? Or, like now, she would still behave like an actual sister. Taking care of him in many ways and being cared for in return.

Right, why does she think this way? Even though polygamy is considered normal, most people end up monogamous. Curious. Jingyi wondered if she found her calling now. It should be an engaging topic to research a few years in the future.


Xuan Di whistled and went to the spirit water spring to get clean water to cook. It was evening when he was done sorting the items and making his plans. It was his turn to cook today, so he would do it.

Unfortunately, Xiuying was inside the giant wooden bathtub.

"Eeek! What are you doing!" Xiuying shouted. "I'll kill you!"

"Noisy, shut up." Xuan Di ignored her and went to the water source.

Hearing this and the fact that he didn't bat an eye, she felt even more offended. Was her petite body that unattractive?!

"Hey, are you impotent?" She asked. "Because I doubt you're a monk. You keep ignoring us all!"

"Impotent? No. But Doctor said I could develop infertility." Xuan Di said.

"Infertility..." Xiuying gasped. "Does Jingyi know?"

"Of course. Jingyi-jie knows everything about my body condition." Xuan Di said. "Still agree to be my fiancee, despite that."

The incentive was material support for cultivation progress. Women marrying for wealth, why would that be considered immoral? Jingyi wanted to be strong and to be strong, she needed wealth.

Nevertheless, she was not greedy. She took what she needed and left everything else. Xuan Di wanted to share four-tenth of his contribution points, but Jingyi refused. She said she would only accept the cultivation resources that Patriarch Yuan periodically sent.

"Do you plan to marry at all?" Xiuying's words were neutral, but Xuan Di felt he was stabbed by a horse-killing spear. It was so precise Xuan Di had a hard time considering whether she was innocent.

"We plan to wait until we're twenty. Then we can decide." Xuan Di honestly replied. This half-truth statement is not incorrect. "Jingyi-jie wanted a man beside her to cover her from harassment. And I wanted her, a strong-willed girl, to protect me."

"I see." Xiuying sighed. "I guess I am still childish to think something like love is important."

"There is no love between us, not right now." Xuan Di laughed. "But that is not important. What is important is that we enjoy our time with each other."
I feel like that quote is important
Yeah. All indication so far show that Xuan Di used Jingyi as a replacement older sister because he's lonely.

His parents disagree with his wanting revenge, Xuan Lian doesn't see him as cousin, most likely a sect like Blue Saint Peak don't offer the true sense of family love either (all cultivation fiction sect always like this).

It is possible that Xiuying, despite being a little older, could fill the role of a little sister assuming it doesn't get into full blown romance.

Note aside, Xuan Di's body so fucked up holy shit. The only cultivation main guy with worse condition that I know is Chen Chang Sheng, and that was because he was destined to die young.

Xuan Di literally lose body mass from cultivating, could die if he had sex with a Qi cultivator (due to Dao sex method), and haunted by the possibility of being infertile.
Note aside, Xuan Di's body so fucked up holy shit.
Most MC archetype often cursed by early slow cultivation, called trash due to lack of talent etc. but have reasonably fit body base to prepare for future leap. I want to flip that and has him cultivating so rapidly that his growing body... not only stop growing but legitimately regressing. No one doubt that if Xuan Di can recover, he'll be almost unbeatable (at least as a swordmaster archetype), but cases like him, healing completely hasn't happened historically.

Old Gudao is actually this story's anomaly, since he didn't tether his Qi cultivation to specific element (his spirit root was actually garbage) but instead used his katana wodao as the backbone. That's why he broke through from peak Qi-condensation to Foundation establishment as soon as he received the full scripture of [Rebellion Blade]. Anyway, I'll have to retcon a few parts but the idea was largely the same.

Stages of Qi cultivation will be detailed in the next few chapters.
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Old Gudao is actually this story's anomaly, since he didn't tether his Qi cultivation to specific element (his spirit root was actually garbage) but instead used his katana wodao as the backbone.
Huh, interesting how you can compensate for a bad spirit root by having a concept/way of fighting as a foundation. Wonder what other concepts could be foundational for cultivation? Although I guess martial arts and swordsmanship are the most practiced and refined.
Huh, interesting how you can compensate for a bad spirit root by having a concept/way of fighting as a foundation. Wonder what other concepts could be foundational for cultivation? Although I guess martial arts and swordsmanship are the most practiced and refined.
Plenty. I have an ever-expanding worldbuilding document which covers
1. The breakdown of Qi cultivation overview and levels
a. Dantian, meridians, Spirit roots and Constitution
b. Levels of Qi cultivation (from Qi gathering to Primordial Soul)

2. The different types of Body cultivation
a. Jing Method (aka the post-Caveman way, pure physical energy/vitality)
b. Beast Method (Ancient shamanic practice/druids)
c. Demon Method (Similar to above but replace earth gods with demons)
d. Earth Method (Use Jing+Earth energy)
e. Heaven Method (Use Jing+Qi)

To be added later
3. Shen cultivation (the most vague yet broad cultivation)
4. The great calamity and the changes in Wuxing system (The disappearance of metal and wood and the birth of wind and lightning, this is important, by the way)
5. Possibly the breakdown of martial arts used (low priority tbh)
She followed the pipe and noticed a giant wooden bathtub with Xuan Di and Jingyi inside, seemingly asleep. While naked, that is.

Xiuying screamed, and this woke up the two.

"What's the matter?" Jingyi asked.

"Your aunt matters! What are you two doing?" Xiuying was red as a ripe apple and pointed.
My sides, it launched to orbit :rofl:
Right, why does she think this way? Even though polygamy is considered normal, most people end up monogamous. Curious. Jingyi wondered if she found her calling now. It should be an engaging topic to research a few years in the future.
Was she a Shipper in her past live? :p

"I see." Xiuying sighed. "I guess I am still childish to think something like love is important."
It is important, but happiness don't have to come from love alone.
b. Levels of Qi cultivation (from Qi gathering to Primordial Soul)
I reckon to what usually called 'nascent soul' in other stories? I think Primordial Soul makes for better translation as well.

Speaking of which, I think this is the first cultivation story I read that mentioned Jing and Shen. (I think may have come across in wuxia stuff waaaay back)
I reckon to what usually called 'nascent soul' in other stories? I think Primordial Soul makes for better translation as well.
The literal translation is "Infant soul", and sometimes these souls (wandering after death) are portrayed as actual ghost babies. There are many reason why this portrayal was chosen, such as returning to innocent state before you're born. But god damn I could never, ever take this seriously.

Primordial soul was chosen because it was more apt, both for English reader and story reason.
Speaking of which, I think this is the first cultivation story I read that mentioned Jing and Shen.
World of Cultivation use Jing as measurement of Ling power and Shen as ancient form of cultivation energy.

But no one ever use Jing and Shen as per classic Daoism because most Xianxia only cares about Qi. In fact, this is Zero's first time doing that.
Speaking of which, I think this is the first cultivation story I read that mentioned Jing and Shen. (I think may have come across in wuxia stuff waaaay back)
In fact, this is Zero's first time doing that.
I did use Shen power in Heaven Shall Not Deny, though I didn't use the term and just call it mind/spiritual power and awareness. In that story, Yui was supposedly way ahead of everyone at first. However, in case of Jing, it was used similar to old Wuxia, and that's why I call it vital energy. Sagami is the worst offender of that.

In classical Wuxia, Jing is very hard to replenish. You basically sacrifice your vitality or lifespan by using Jing technique, while Qi is readily aviable for all martial artist. TLDR it's Wuxia version of cast from hitpoints. If you want recent example of how it was brought up in media, see Absolute Sword Sense manhwa.

In this story, Jing can be replenished by eating (and they represent protein/amino acid in biology) instead of meditation. Extra hilarity about the nature of Jing and Shen will be revealed further in next few chapters.
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Chapter 10 - School Starts
Being a Qi cultivator is not easy. While not as torturous as Earth Method body cultivators who broke their body and rebuilt it endlessly, a Qi cultivator can never stop.

Some cultivation maniacs forego sleep in favor of breathing meditation exercises. Of course, not everyone has that kind of hyper-focus.

Chen Guiying has always been curious. His sister, he is too aware. But what kind of training Xuan Di and Jingyi did in their free time?

Xuan Di never consciously trains his Qi. In fact, he went out of his way to avoid Qi training. Whether it is the Shen cultivation with breathless meditation, sword formation training, or the strange body cultivation method he undergoes.

"Medicine bath method," Guiying remarked when he saw Xuan Di drowned in a tub of thick green liquid. "Although used to be popular, their efficiency is considered poor and these days is more of a luxury than a necessity."

The nobles love it, not because they're particularly effective in cultivation, but the sense of privilege. Poor people won't dare to do something like this.

"It is because of the new technique designed to refine low-grade pills." Xuan Di said. "In the past, low-grade medicine are plentiful but not worth refining into pills. Human skin has a poor absorption rate but is more resistant to micro toxins and impurities. Thus, low-grade medicine is used as bath ingredients."

"So you used feed-grade spirulina powder as medicine bath ingredients."

Literally can't go cheaper than this!

"Six mu of shallow, mid-grade spirit water field yields eighty catties of wet spirulina daily. Processing them into feed-grade powder to remove most micro toxins is easy." Jingyi remarked. "And the cost is just the fuel source for drying array."

The drying array is similar to a furnace, but the intensity is far lower. This is done so that the dried product retains value while being far easier to store. The drying formation can be combined with a purifying array to remove mild toxins.

In this regard, the spirulina blue-green algae had it the worst. Nine-tenths of its weight was water! Transporting it wet is a complete waste of space. Every product sold on the market is always stored dry and sometimes powdered.

"Blue-green algae have some water properties, but the most important part is the density of Jing," Jingyi explained further. "Which is important for the body cultivation process."

It was why blue-green alga is an ingredient to bulk up spirit beasts, basically this world's livestock and beasts of burden. The Jing content is unfathomably dense.

"Hmm, is this the most orthodox form of body cultivation?" Guiying opened his fan and mumbled. "Interesting, very interesting."

The standard Steps of body cultivation involve hardening the flesh, internal organs, and tendons. Refining joints, bones, and marrow can start.

After the marrow is refined, it is a matter of flooding the bloodstream with intense Jing energy. Only after a certain thickness can be reached the blood in the body will be refined. This is called the Blood Transformation stage of body cultivation.

"Using an algae bath like this is only effective until I reach tendon hardening, the third stage of body cultivation. Afterward, it is worthless." Xuan Di nodded. "Whether it's refining the joints, the bones, or the marrow, they had to be done through internal tempering."

"Additionally, it was impossible to complete if he kept losing weight," Jingyi said. "Only possible after stopping his weight loss."

Which means the consumption of food and pills, as well as intense physical training. Another reason why Jing Method body cultivation had been abandoned or incorporated into other forms of cultivation scriptures.

People can achieve similar Qi cultivation with less pain and investment.
And better body cultivation techniques have been developed, allowing greater returns for the same spending.

"What about the water Qi in the algae? There's not much, but in this quantity, there should be plenty." Xiuying asked.

"Having fire spirit roots, the water Qi flushed into my meridian but never absorbed into my upper dantian. However, just like Jingyi-jie's Yin Qi, it quenched the constant fight between the Yin and Yang Fire."

It has been five days since they lived together. This is the sixth. Yet, Xuan Di's condition was too fascinating. This might be the only person in the Academy who purposely quenched his Qi cultivation progress, albeit for rational reasons.

"This Highness demands you share some purified blue-green algae powder." Xiuying grinned and pointed. "This method should be tried by yours truly!"

"Sure, please hop in." Jingyi welcomed her, and Guiying spurted.

Xiuying's face exploded into pure redness. "Crazy talk! Why would I hop in with him?!"

"The water Qi is being wasted to flush his meridian. If you join and start practicing the water circulation to excite the Qi as you absorb them, it will help him. And you also benefit." Jingyi smiled. "This way, nothing will go to waste."

"You're a Xuan daughter-in-law! How could you be such a miser?!" Xiuying pulled her hair in frustration.

"There is a difference between being a mister and living efficiently," Jingyi argued. "After all, why does the Academy force us to use contribution points instead of money?"

They paid the house rent with contribution points. Naturally, not using the water is such a waste!

"That is not the problem." Guiying lost his calmness and snickered. "Jingyi-mei, you sure lack a shred of possessiveness."

"Yeah, shoving a random girl into the bath with your fiancee! That is being a miser!" Xiuying huffed.

"Hey, no one asked my opinion here?" Xuan Di protested.

"Well, do you mind if someone else joined?" Jingyi asked.

"Only if they bitch and moan. I need to concentrate." Xuan Di waved his hand in dismissal. "If you don't have anything important, please leave."

"You're part of the problem," Guiying remarked.

"How about YOU fuck off too." Xuan Di raged.


As for Jingyi, her daily routines are even more diverse.

Unlike most people, Jingyi likes to practice martial arts in the late evening, usually stopping close to midnight before taking a quick bath and sleeping. As for breathing exercises, it was something she did during the day when she had nothing else to do.

Indeed, Jingyi's timing is the polar opposite of most Qi practitioners, who prefer exercise in the morning and meditation in the evening. This peculiarity came from none other than her [Ghost Jade Forge].

"If I can have my way, I'd rather not sleep at night," Jingyi said. "But there are a lot of things to do during the day. Sleeping too much is a hindrance."

"I see," Xiuying remarked. "You like to study engineering?"

Jingyi's room was full of books, parchments, and miscellaneous knick-knacks. There are even miniature machines and weapon parts.

"It is part of my interest," Jingyi said. "But not really a life goal."

"I see. No wonder you go here instead of Western or Eastern School."

This conversation has happened before. In the west, there is the Western Front Military Academy. The engineering department on the Western Front focused entirely on building weapons of war and other offensive technology to ensure humanity's survival.

In the East, there is the Universal Love School, which is centered on Mohism and Agrarianism. Though they also build defensive weapons, most of their engineering development is focused on civilian affairs, such as farming equipment and industrial machinery.

Northern Comet also has an engineering department. However, their engineering department focused on creating precision instruments for scientific research. From a microscope to a giant telescope, the Northern Comet engineering department is the one whose products would never see the public limelight.

Jingyi took her prized treasure: a third-grade wooden fish called [Eternal Love]. Wooden fish is a Buddhist praying instrument, a wooden bell you hit gently and continuously as you pray.

For a pure wooden item to be considered third-grade, it used wood older than two hundred and younger than four hundred years. Finding one such wood from a living tree is difficult. Instead, people would dig swamps for the fossilized carcasses of wood, many are centuries old. Millennia-old wood is considered sixth-grade material.

Jingyi also wore a necklace of praying beads. This third-grade artifact is called [Hundred and Eight Beast Bodhi], made from a hundred and eight solidified second-grade beast cores. Solidified beast cores are two third of a cun in diameter, and their density is that of iron.

They have little Qi energy but constantly absorb and release Shen energy.

Jingyi did not use them in battle because she didn't know any Buddhist spells. These are purely cultivation and practical tools.

"You have some good Buddhist artifacts," Xiuying remarked. "Both seem to be mid-tier third-grade items."

"I didn't know Shimei is a Buddhist." Guiying nodded.

"I don't like to call myself a Buddhist because my knowledge of it is less than ankle-deep," Jingyi said. "Though I studied martial arts and history from a wandering Buddhist monk, I don't have much in the way of Buddha sutra. Among the few I received, [Hundred Syllable Mantra] is the most important, along with a set of first-grade praying beads and wooden fish."

For Jingyi, this is probably her only way to exercise spirituality. Coincidentally, it was also a great way to ward off Yin fiends. The Vajrasattva's [Hundred Syllable Mantra] releases bad karma and purifies evil souls. Yin fiends consider this a total obliteration.

"Your Master must be an interesting person," Guiying remarked. "Shimei probably needs privacy, so let us leave."


As they left the room, they could faintly hear Jingyi's voice turned deep and resonant, followed by equally simple yet majestic "Thunk" of the wooden fish being hit at intervals.

It was as if the entire house was vibrating slightly, though they quickly got accustomed to ignoring it. Even used for peaceful purposes, the strength of a third-grade Buddhist artifact is no joke.


"Everyone had been busy training even though school hasn't begun," Guiying remarked. "I suppose we couldn't slack off, either."

"This free period is important for those almost making a breakthrough. Everyone is busy in one way or another." Xiuying said. "My new regime is hard."

"Oh? Do tell, Shimei." Guiying hummed.

"We've been so busy achieving Qi condensation that other forms of training were neglected. In my case, my Shen cultivation is lagging behind." Xiuying whined. "I still can't control more than four lotus."

"I see," Guiying smirked. "Did you ask Xuan-Shidi for pointers?"

"I did."

Controlling four loti at her age is already phenomenal. However, in the face of Xuan Di's thirty-two swords formation, four loti were child's play.

In difficulty, four loti were comparable to [Eigth Trigram Four Sword Shadows], which involved eight swords. Xuan Di could do that six months ago, when he was thirteen years old and in the middle stages of Qi channeling.

It is no surprise that Xiuying felt highly inferior. If Xiuying could control eight loti, she could be proud of herself.

"He said the best way to do that is breathless meditation." Xiuying cringed. "I choked so hard multiple times, I wanted to cry!"

"Breathless meditation! Of course, he would say that." Guiying chuckled. "Shidi is a madman. An unparalleled madman!"

Though associated with Buddhism and other far-Western religious practices (known as Samadhi), breathless meditation is practiced by anyone who focuses on Shen than Qi cultivation.

Breathless meditation is something antithetical to that of a Qi practitioner. Slowing your breath reduces your body's metabolism until you're barely alive. Even the brain function slowed down to a vegetative level. Qi absorption was cut by more than half.

The experience is scary. For Qi practitioners, it feels like they are slowly killing themselves, walking toward death's door. To think that it was one of Xuan Di's regular exercises? Crazy talk! Is he even a Qi practicioner?!

At least, that would be what the Chen siblings thought if they didn't know Xuan Di's condition. This someone is literally being eaten alive by his own spiritual roots.

"Both of them sure are interesting," Guiying remarked. "I'm afraid His Majesty will only get more interested the more we tell him."

"Father is too nosy, but he had a good heart and wisdom in his head." Xiuying cringed inside. "I bet he's already planning for another engagement."

"Why? Shidi is a good man. Is he not attractive because of his thin body?" Guiying asked.

"There is a chance that he could be infertile." Xiuying's face turned grave. "Right now, his body is such a mess. Even entering Foundation Establishment is not a guarantee for recovery. And if it failed, he'd have to seal his Qi cultivation."

"Just looking at him being so carefree and optimistic, his will to live is amazing. But also, his motivation was partly revenge." Xiuying sighed. "Once we achieve it, there is no guarantee Xuan Di's personality will remain the same."

In other words, Xuan Di's future is uncertain, whether as a cultivator or a human being.

"My mistake with Xuan Tian. I don't want to repeat it." Xiuying sadly smiled. "Putting heart before mind will just end up hurting again."

Xiuying is still as hotheaded as he remembers. Somehow, right now, that childish temper can no longer be seen. The wound Xuan Tian left. It must be worse than Xiuying is willing to show.

In a sense, she matured in this regard because her innocence was torn away from her.

"Your Highness is wise. This servant could only praise."

Guiying said that, yet inside, he could only feel pain.


In addition to scheduling many days for the mandatory scientific literary and arithmetic classes, she decided to take history classes.

History classes are popular. In this world, history equals power and wealth. Learning and understanding history. Recreating past glories and avoiding past mistakes ensures a bright future.

This class covered the history of human cultivation from the beginning. The first three weeks are introductory chapters, summarizing the topic for the entire year.

"What we know as humans are younger than you think. Our earliest direct ancestors are a million years old. And modern humans are an amalgamation of multiple proto-human species assimilating with each other. That is, cross-breeding." The Professor explained. "This process was finalized around a hundred thousand years ago."

Jingyi didn't regret coming. She never knew that 'humanity' did not descend from one species as common sense dictated but multiple groups of humanlike people who assimilate with each other.

But a hundred thousand years ago? Humanity is shockingly young compared to other species.

"The reason for this was a simple law of natural selection. There were signs of massacres and attempt to preserve racial purity, but our modern human species prevailed. The reason for this is simple: though we are born weak, our adaptability and intelligence exceed every other species."

"Modern humans can live in the hottest and coldest place in this world using clothes and interior climate control. We also like to travel, either alone or in groups. Modern humans, though small in numbers, spread like wildfire."

"For the first sixty or seventy thousand years of history, humans could only rely on one form of strength. That is, the Jing Method of body cultivation." The Professor explained excitedly. "Although comprehensive martial arts haven't been developed, rudimentary bodybuilding already took shape. As is tribal war tactics."

"Using weapons, traps, and tactics, the still-weak humanity managed to slay many powerful beasts. Rank-6 Dragon Elephant or even Rank-7 Leviathan Whale, those aren't a problem."

Rank 6 and Rank 7 with JUST Jing Method cultivation? Humanity's ancestors are a crazy bunch!

"However, changes in world climate ruined everything. Humans are not an exception. In ten thousand years, humanity's average body height shrunk." The Professor summoned a giant skeleton which made some students scream in shock. "At that time, most males who practice body cultivation could reach eight chi in height, and some can even reach nine."

Nine chi!

"That's crazy tall." Xuan Di remarked. "The average cultivators today are less than six chi tall. Even those dedicated to bodybuilding may reach seven chi at most!"

For example, Xuan Yuan was quite imposing for most people, but he was only six chi tall. Even Gudao was quite tall after reaching Foundation Establishment, and he was only five chi and eight cun, two cun shorter than Xuan Yuan.

Just looking at the nine-chi-tall skeleton, the students collectively lose their breath!

"Evidently, there is a clear reduction of vitality, which from the current understanding came from a series of disasters and climate change." The Professor laughed. "Although our martial arts are far more refined, people were physically stronger. We made this conclusion based on these bones. They're far higher quality compared to human bones we found today."

"A nine-chi-tall Jing Method at the peak of Blood Transformation, flicking around one chi boulder like they're a pebble and fighting hard enough to collapse hills and small mountains."

That kind of physical strength? These days could only be achieved by a Hollow Core cultivator. Today, Jing Method's hard limit is much, much lower. The Blood Transformation stage is comparable to the Foundation Establishment.

Was climate change thirteen thousand years ago bad enough to change humanity? Or were there other factors?

"Anyway, this shift in climate and multiple disasters made humans curious and want to know more about nature and the world. Primitive beliefs and rituals existed for million years, but the systematic culture of worship was born in this period. Who knows what happened? I'll give some achievement credit." The Professor grinned.

The students broke into murmurs.

"It is the rise of Shamanism," Xiuying said aloud. "The formal worship of spirits and nature and creation of early systemic religions. The Shamans at the time developed primitive Shen and Qi cultivation."

"Correct. Who is it?" The Professor asked.

"Chen Xiuying, sir."

The Professor nodded in approval.

"Indeed, the history of Shamanism is at least thirty thousand years old, if not a little older. Nevertheless, humanity knew that physical prowess was not enough to survive, what with the increasingly weaker vitality. So they seek power from elsewhere, the power of spirits and nature."

"This gave rise to two forms of Body Cultivation, the Beast and Demon Method." The Professor explained. "Beast Method utilized worship of beasts and primitive Shen-Qi cultivation, while Demon Method utilized worship of dark fiends and primitive Earth energy cultivation."

"In terms of pure strength, the Demon Method is more powerful. But Earth energy is naturally corrosive. It consumes both the mind and soul. Without willpower, you will lose identity and become a fiend yourself."

"That is not to say the Beast Method is without risk. Your fighting instinct, killing intent, hunger, and ferocity will be increased. But those urges are natural to human beings. Humans who evolved from Devil Apes a million years ago still have that kind of nature." The Professor said. "Nowadays, although considered primitive and uncouth, Beast Method cultivators aren't considered mortal enemies. But Demon Method cultivators, let me say you have two choices."

"One, you run away and inform the closest authorities." The Professor's voice turned grave. "Two, kill them or get killed trying."

The students became pale.

"Although all cultivators can be dangerous and not above hypocrisy or lawlessness, Demon cultivators are an enemy of humankind. Total obliteration is the only acceptable outcome." The Professor sighed. "Keep this in mind when you travel outside."

Jingyi thought that the Professor's words were fair. In fact, she loved that he acknowledged that, in many cases, the righteous cultivators are a danger to each other.

To Jingyi, Demon cultivators sounded like myths. A boogeyman that existed for other cultivators to use to scare others and advance their cause. However, the fact is, however rare, they lived somewhere in this vast world.

And they're all public enemies.

"Aside from Beast Method, the Shamans also developed rudimentary spells. It was also around this time that humans began to discover metal. It could be said that the second human revolution truly began thirty to forty thousand years ago."

"Nevertheless, humans began to smelt metals around seven thousand years ago. It was when our species left the stone age."

"As the practices of Shamanism continuously refined, it gave birth to early natural science and modern religion. The oldest major religion in this world is Hinduism, estimated at least five thousand years old. Not coincidentally, it was around the time that people in the southwestern area of the continent started to move past tribalism and into building city-states."

"Although Hinduism is not a noteworthy belief in this region, you can see some of the influences in Buddhism, which IS a major religion here." The Professor said. "The studies of religious history will be a second-year subject. This is but a preface lesson to you."

"Does that mean Buddhism is rooted in Hinduism?" Jingyi asked.

"The answer is a bit complicated to explain today, but yes. Buddhist also adopted many Hindu pantheons and religious practices as their own. However, Buddhism and Hinduism are not the same religion. Buddhism rejected at least three core beliefs of Hinduism: the absolute purity of soul, the Dharma as the source of all world phenomena, and Ishvara as creator God."

Creator God. It is said that the difference between many religions can be split into whether they have one Creator God. A Creator God is a God above all other gods. A Creator God created the entire universe and gave birth to lesser gods.

"The second brief history class will begin next week, covering Hinduism, Buddhism, and the development of advanced body cultivation." The Professor concluded. "That is all."

The students all received a strange-looking steel plate. Which emerged from their desks. The steel plate is about one cun wide, two cun long, and one-tenth thick.

The plate shines with complicated formations. A small, glowing phrase: [Paleontology 1] is written on the corner.

"This is the recording of today's lecture. Jade sticks might be common to you, but we consider them expensive and fragile. Instead, these steel plates are made from a permanent magnet. They're as strong as a second-grade knife."

"One magnet stick can record up to thirteen lectures. You can buy the rest from the school supplier and freely exchange lectures record with each other using the school desk."

"So generous and advanced." Xiuying inhaled sharply. "We need to use more of those!"

"I bet there are students who trade lectures with contribution points because they weren't present at school." Xuan Di snorted. "Jingyi-jie, you look happy."

"Hmm? Am I really?" Jingyi asked, but she was unconsciously smiling.

"Yeah, never seen anyone this excited about lectures." Xiuying pointed. "For certain, I LOATHE lectures."

"I like lectures. It means time is not wasted but instead learning something new. It also means putting less effort into reading and interpreting scriptures." Jingyi said. "As someone raised poor and nomadic, chances like this rarely came."

Xiuying grimaced while Xuan Di kept a flat expression. Indeed, forget poor people. Even for people of noble family backgrounds, not everyone can experience a sophisticated lecture like this.

"W-well, it is not that bad with other people around." Xiuying blushed. "But when it was a personal lecture, it was hellish."

Xiuying's background is not ordinary. Personal lectures, even for people like Xuan Lian, aren't something experienced regularly. Especially for things unrelated to clan management or martial arts.

Afterward, they all went to the scientific literature class. Which ended at noon.


"How do you enjoy your first day at school?" Chen Guiying asked.

"Mediocre." Xiuying snorted. "Better than stuck at home, though."

"It was good, at least for me," Jingyi said. "How about Shige? Are you busy?"

"Not particularly. In fact, most Northern Comet students are idle and do their own thing. Lectures cost points, and that has to come from somewhere."

"Academy tasks and deployment, right?" Xuan Di guessed.

"Yes." Guiying nodded. "If you want to pick a particularly challenging task but lack confidence, I'll be around to help."

Guiying is already on the third density of Qi-condensation. His skill level is unknown but unlikely to be low, and he had significantly higher cultivation than the three younger students.

If their skills are equal, his cultivation will be a total game-changer. So far, Jingyi only had experience with less skilled opponents, even though they were all stronger than her.

"I still have a few classes tomorrow and the day after," Jingyi said.

"Same." Xuan Di said.

"Right. Let us meet on day 4 and see if there is anything to do on the mission board."

"Recruiting! Recruiting! Free training, paid wages, deployment voluntary!" They heard a student shout. "Recruiting! Recruiting! Free training, paid wages, deployment voluntary!"

Free training and paid wages? So generous! That has to be too good to be true.

"Let's check it out!"

Xiuying can't resist the temptation at all! When they received the brochure, they didn't leave a letter unread. The terms and conditions are harsh. To be eligible for rewards, they have to invest hours in training.

"This much effort for these little points. What a joke!" Xiuying shouted.

"Hmm, this..." Xuan Di's eyes sharpened. "This is... isn't this useful?!"

"Shidi had sharp eyes." Guiying opened his fan to cover his grin. "This is not basic physical boot camp, but advanced battle training."

"It trains people in a large group." Jingyi hummed. "Thinking like this, although the condition would be harsh and the pay is shockingly low, the benefit is amazing. We get to learn attack and defense formations."

"So... like the military soldiers," Xiuying mumbled. Then her eyes widened. "Is Northern Comet raising an army?"

"No." Guiying folded his fan. "What kind of army say deployment is not mandatory?"

Right. What kind of garbage army allows the members not to join the fight?

"Then why?"

"Survival." Guiying became serious. "When chaos erupted, most humans have a hard time thinking. They could only step back to habits and instincts. Only talented or veteran leaders can maintain clarity of mind."

"In a situation involving thousands of devil beasts against a thousand students from two academies. The Academy with more organized students is going to suffer fewer casualties." Guiying finalized.

"It isn't that different in many sects." Xuan Di said. "At least, the law enforcement always trained to fight in groups, and the sect guards also had to operate a series of defense arrays, which is never simple. No matter what organization, not training a battlegroup is stupid. Only arrogant or ignorant young masters think that lone expert saves lives."

"Do you remember what happened in the entrance exam? We were told to form a team." Jingyi also pointed. "And thinking back, it wouldn't be possible for us to slay a Black Winged Serpent without four people working seamlessly."

Although haphazard, their action back then could be construed as attack formation. A small one, but one that worked.

"Then let's join them." Xiuying decided. "Since participation is entirely voluntary, you can quit anytime."


1 mu = 666 square meters, or roughly 1/6 acre. Jingyi calculated it based on an acre than mu because it yield an even number.
Xuan Yuan's height is 199.8cm, and Tang Gudao's is 193.14cm. One chi (33.3cm) is slightly longer than the imperial foot (30.5 cm). One cun = 3.33cm, or 1/10 chi.
Last edited:
"Six mu of shallow, mid-grade spirit water field yields eighty catties of wet spirulina daily.
Wah, that's some incredible growth speed.

"Yeah, shoving a random girl into the bath with your fiancee! That is being a miser!" Xiuying huffed.
I'm sure if it was the right girl, she'd also join in :V

"However, changes in world climate ruined everything. Humans are not an exception. In ten thousand years, humanity's average body height shrunk." The Professor summoned a giant skeleton which made some students scream in shock. "At that time, most males who practice body cultivation could reach eight chi in height, and some can even reach nine."
:snicker: And if this was a pure xianxia setting, humans would have devolved because prior cultivators used up all the good resources and damaged the world themselves before ascending.
Wah, that's some incredible growth speed.
Real spirulina with modern fertilizer grow 60 catties (30 kg) per acre. Spirulina growth is so broken they can kill an entire lake if not weeded out. (spirulina itself is not poisonous but they often hosts other bacteria that breed microcystin)
:snicker: And if this was a pure xianxia setting, humans would have devolved because prior cultivators used up all the good resources and damaged the world themselves before ascending.
Partly that, partly because this era predates agriculture (two points combined = humans overeat, basically), and there's actual climate change outside their control that fuck up the whole ecosystem. The humans only shrunk by 2 chi on average, but then the beasts have it worse.
Chapter 11 - Consequences, Part 1
Many people joined the recruitment spree. Jingyi knew that these numbers would quickly shrink in just a few days. Most came here to test the water, measuring whether the contribution points were worth it.

Just from the housing issue alone, it wasn't. Even the cheapest private housing, shared with six or eight people, you can barely afford one. If you want to pay for food, get the free dorm and say goodbye to privacy.

Other than the free dorm, you still need to secure food somehow. And food in the Academy, while decently nourishing, needs to be paid with points. If someone took the free dorm, ate exclusively from the school kitchen, and took a few lectures, they had to spend a substantial amount of time in paid exercises.

The army might be harsh, but at least they don't have to pay for expenses! Elite students of Northern Comet were reduced to this level was humiliating.

"We'll split you according to your talents." The instructor, also one of the Academy's tutors, said aloud. "If you're good in melee, swords, spells, formations, and arrays. Taking several roles at once, no problem. Just make sure don't cry in regret later."

Jingyi didn't waste words and joined the melee group. Immediately reunited with Xuan Lian after more than a week of not seeing her since she gave the cooked serpent liver.

"You joined too." Xuan Lian was delighted.

"It would be a waste not to," Jingyi said.

Other than the ghostly pale Jingyi and blood-red Xuan Lian, few other people stood out due to their unique skin color, which either has rocky, crystalline, or metallic skin. Those people all practiced Earth Method cultivation.

Unlike Demon practitioners, these Earth cultivators used cleansed Earth energy, which is gentle but very heavy, to temper their bodies. These people are not weak. In particular, their bodies are even more durable than Jingyi and Xuan Lian's.

Another girl who stood out was someone who looked beastly. Her fangs elongated slightly, and her nails hardened into claws. This person must be practicing the ancient Beast Method body cultivation.

The rarity of her cultivation shows. This group had a little over sixty people. There are a few Heaven method and Earth method cultivators. Most cultivate Jing Method and are reliant on the Qi talisman. There is only one person who practiced Beast Method.

Although considered obsolete, Jing Method has been incorporated into almost all modern martial arts. Furthermore, unlike Heaven Method, the Jing Method of body cultivation does not hinder Qi cultivation.

In fact, Gudao himself also trained like this. He had reached marrow refinement and achieved Blood Transformation after he learned the full scripture of [Rebellion Blade]. From the peak Qi condensation to the Foundation establishment, he didn't grow three times as strong.

His strength grew six times!

Heaven Method, in theory, always be mightier on the same stage. And there lies a problem: Heaven Method, like [Ghost Jade Forge], directly consumes Qi to temper the body. This slows down Qi cultivation considerably. Making them a lot less versatile.

Jingyi managed to keep up because she had an Extreme Yin Body. Her meridian is incapable of absorbing and processing Yang Qi at all. However, she absorbs Yin Qi at twice the speed of others. [Ghost Jade Forge] is pure Yin in nature. Her progression with it is twice as fast as neutral physiques with the same scripture.

This is the true meaning behind Xuan Di's insults. There's no such thing as garbage cultivation. Only suitable techniques and unsuitable techniques. Even Godly scriptures, if poorly suited for her, is worthless.

Finding an Ideal scripture had to be the first priority the moment you stepped into the Academy. But Jingyi found hers before she entered. [Ghost Jade Forge] changed her life.

"What is a formation? A formation is a pattern made by connecting dots. You are the dots." The Professor said. "A formation is a pattern made to achieve an objective."

"There is no such thing as a formation that can solve all problems." He continued. "Different exams require different answers. Battlefield situations are also the same. Commanders who thought one formation could do all are stupid. Commanders who thought throwing more people at the problem solves everything is garbage."

"Although numbers matter, using numbers properly is also important. A formation can only be made with the right people. You have to know the general strength and weaknesses of the members. Especially since you close-quarter martial artists get rowdy and crowded."

"Physical test first! Learning second!"

Jingyi and the other students began a series of physical tests. Speed and agility are measured by sprinting, crisscrossing, and jumping around obstacles.

In this case, Jingyi and Xuan Lian feel confident. However, they were surprised when the Beast cultivator surpassed them ever slightly. That agility was terrifying!

Not just that, whether it was speed or attack strength, this beast cultivator was incredible. Her claws were able to dig into granite like a knife through tofu. These quarter-cun claws are sharper than a second-grade flying sword. And able to wound Jingyi or Xuan Lian unless they wear additional armor.

"Is this the power of ancient cultivation technique?" Jingyi muttered. "Shocking."

"No such thing as free lunch!" Xuan Lian grinned.

The beast girl was a little bit unstable. Unlike Jingyi and Xuan Lian's clean yet powerful steps, her strides were arhythmical and messy. This unpredictability could have been an asset in a duel. But could be disruptive in a formation.

Also, she was unable to punch. With her hands, she could only use claws or palm strikes. And it was apparent that her use of elbow strikes was clumsier.

Humans evolved from apes, trading strength for finesse. They learned this in the previous class, seeing how proto-humans retained something simple but decisive.

Like lengthy opposable thumbs!

Most apes and monkeys that survived the calamity today have short thumbs lacking grip strength and the ability to use precision tools. These intelligent apes compensate by adapting their tails into the fifth, prehensile limbs.

It depends on the skill and willingness of the commander to use such an outlier.

"The current batch of first years are pretty good." The Professor nodded in approval. "Since we have this many people, let you split into five people groups. Before you run, you have to know how to walk."

The small formations are limited yet also significantly more varied. Jingyi and the people there were taught a few. The most interesting was the [golden crow strike].

"Since you practiced it, let us have a test run." The Professor took a deep breath.

Then his clothes, a simple white tao robe, exploded into pieces. Revealed a muscular body that seemed to be molded to disgusting detail. The contrast between silky skin and chiseled muscle was too much!

"I'll take all your attacks head-on with the simplest defense. So remember not to spare anything. Otherwise, you would hurt yourself!"

The Professor was a Pseudo-core, the peak of a Core Formation cultivator. In many ways, fighting him as Qi condensation is suicidal. However, he made himself a target practice, and no one was worried.

"He also suppressed his aura." Jingyi thought. Otherwise, the students will all collapse to the ground.


Golden crow strike requires five people, three speed-type and two power-type. In this regard, the role is strongly suited for Heaven and Earth Method cultivators.

The two taller Earth cultivators charged ahead as a vanguard, while Xuan Lian, Jingyi, and the Beast cultivator followed closely. Just before contact was made, the Beast girl leaped upward while Jingyi and Xuan Lian accelerated and flanked the Professor.

The Professor crossed his arm to protect his face but left his torso and upper head. All five students landed their attacks and were thrown by the recoil.

The body of a Core Formation Jing cultivator is no joke. Jingyi felt that a solid brick of Qi-forged iron would be far softer! Hell, the Green-Jade crocodile was less hard to punch!

"Good first attempt. Now change your position!"

In the second attack, it was Jingyi who attacked from above. And she used a downward kick. The Professor budged slightly but still threw the students away. A six-zhang shallow crater formed under him.

"That's more like it." He grinned and rubbed his mustache. "Tang Jingyi, you're more of a kicker than a puncher, right?"

"Yes, Master." Jingyi politely bowed.

"Your punch is not bad, so keep honing it while not forgetting your martial root." The Professor said. "Dou Tutu, you came from the northern highlands, right?"

"Y-yes." The Beast cultivator girl stammered. "I came from the northern highlands."

"No need to be afraid. We, teachers, don't discriminate." The Professor huffed. "Your fighting talent and body cultivation maturity are exceptional, but your martial arts are too raw and incomplete. The library should have some nomadic tribes' scriptures. You might recognize some of the languages. Study well, and don't waste your time."

"Y-yes, Master!"

The northern nomads. Jingyi had heard of them but only very little. These people are of a different ethnicity than people of this region and speak another language. They were raised in even harsher environments and accustomed to fighting for survival from a very young age.

The Professor flexed his arms, which seemed to twitch in a rhythm. "In a strong body, there is a strong mind. Show them the pride of body cultivators!"

The boys all did various imposing poses, showing their overdeveloped bodies. Xuan Lian and Jingyi ignored them and approached Dou Tutu.

"Girls who cultivate the body are rare. It is good to get along." Xuan Lian said confidently. "I'm Xuan Lian, and this is Tang Jingyi."

"You two have unique skin as well!" Tutu remarked.

"This is called Heaven Method body cultivation. We used our Qi to temper our bodies." Xuan Lian breathed out, and her blood-red skin became somewhat pinkish. "Mine is called [Fire-Wind Yaksha], which uses the fire and wind Qi."

"Mine is called [Ghost Jade Forge], a pure Yin element technique."

"I can understand fire and wind, but what is a Yin?"

This... is going to be difficult.

Not familiar with concepts like Daoism, the northern nomads have their own complex religions and beliefs. Some are tribalistic and shamanic. While others are more systematic and polytheistic, that is, has multiple gods. And of course, there's Buddhism to consider.

"We cultivate Qi differently." For some reason, Tutu rummaged through her storage pouch (the primitive form of storage ring). However, she pulled a beast core out. "This is my spare cultivation core, which here, I believe called third-grade Howling Stone Wolf."

"A spare core?"

The Beast cultivators put a beast core inside their lower dantian, which was weird to hear. For most Dao cultivators, beast cores are very corrosive and difficult to handle. Let alone putting them in your dantian, just consuming them already hard enough!

Most of the time, Beast cores were used as a power source or talisman material. Or, in Jingyi's case, she used them as a bomb.

However, when you compare it to a Golden Core cultivator, things can make sense somewhat. In a Golden Core, the core is the manifestation of human Qi cultivation made a solid object. And it's placed in the middle dantian.

The same goes for Devil Beasts. However, in Devil Beasts, the cores contain both Jing and Qi essence.

"When our body and meridians become strong enough, I need to have Rank-4 core and undergo Blood Transformation. The Qi measurement system in the school will recognize me as a Foundation Establishment."

"I see. And to become a Golden Core equivalent..."


Crazy! Rank-7 monsters can literally wipe out a small mountain in minutes. Between their rarity and their strength, getting a core like this would be an unbelievable ordeal!

But then again, it's not easy to become a Golden Core, either.

"Is changing cores necessary?"

"It's not. Nurturing your core from childhood is considered an honor and respectful to nature. Mine was originally Rank-2 as well because I killed a juvenile to get it. Our clan Chief was able to evolve his Howling Stone Wolf core to Rank-5, enough that he could command a wolf horde with his voice."

"However, sometimes cores can get damaged with a failed breakthrough. Either got heartbroken and stopped cultivating or found a replacement core. Most cultivator, even me, has at least one spare. Otherwise, our life could be in danger."

"I see."

"Does it have to be the same species?" Jingyi asked as she took notes.

"No. As long as the spirit root is compatible with the core, there shouldn't be any backlash. However, your body adapts to the core. Having the same species would also be preferable. Most people stick with the same core throughout their lives."

"But most animals are limited in ranking." Xuan Lian pointed. "How do you replace broken core?"

"A lesser ranked core would be nurtured to fit your new body, as long as the meridian isn't a complete wreck," Tutu answered. "Healing and fitting it in takes time. Maybe weeks, months, sometimes a few years. But you get there eventually."

It seemed convenient, but at the same time, not at all. The whole process seems complicated, as is the advancement process. There should be advantages and disadvantages compared to the Daoist Qi cultivation method.

"It is amazing to see it with my own eyes. When I was little, I asked my parents why humans don't harness the power of Devil Beast, and my grandfather went apeshit about it."

"Probably because he thinks our methods are primitive and barbaric." Tutu winced. "I also got bullied when I first entered. Thankfully someone was kind enough to help."

"Your people also think the Southerners are pompous and soft-bodied. Hatred and envy exist on both sides, claiming to be the best in the world and seeing others as inferior." Xuan Lian said. "I'm not saying the bullying was warranted. Those losers are ignorant and lack the confidence and courage to see you face-to-face. If they bully you again, let us punch them together as battle sisters."

"Thank you!"

Xuan Lian is a kind, straightforward girl. She doesn't mince her words. Doesn't hide her intentions. And doesn't like to lie. Unless when it comes to Xuan Di, that is.

In a way, this is also a leader's charisma.

"That man said he doesn't like a girl who could only whine about suffering and cry for help for the smallest offense by others. Girls who rely on men to finish their fight are nothing but parasites."

Jingyi was agape. His words are patently brutal and also incredibly opposite to the cultural expectation. Men are expected to protect women and not the opposite, regardless of the situation.

"That doesn't mean you had to fight alone. It means you carry your weight and not hold everyone else back." Xuan Lian winced. "That sounds like someone I know, though."

"Who?" Jingyi asked. "Di-er?"

"He can be a little crass, but not that crass!" Xuan Lian snorted. "It sounds like something Fang would say. And he can be a fucking hypocrite at times."

"For certain, it was too much barb for Di-er." Jingyi also snorted. "But he probably has a similar line of thoughts."


And thus, in this training group full of muscular boys obsessed with body refinement, a small corner of gossiping girls was formed.



Xiuying was so tired she almost drowned in the bath. Military training, however casual, is still torturous. After experiencing the same exercise for three days, she had grown some respect for the warriors serving her family.

"I'm surprised you last this long," Xuan Di remarked.

"Not without benefits!" Xiuying pointed up and formed five loti above the bathroom installation. Although walls were built to preserve modesty, there was no roof.

Xiuying did not skimp on the cost, either. The front doors and the rear windows were made from special glass that only transmits light one way, meaning the people in the bathroom can look out, not vice versa.

The sidewalls were just reinforced marbles but processed to a high degree of refinement.

"Ah, so you're able to form five loti now." Xuan Di said. "Congratulations."

"Is that sarcasm?"

"No, the formation of Fire-Water Lotus has a different difficulty curve to Sword Formation." Xuan Di said. "Forming five like this is a step up in the Shen power control."

"Why is that?" Jingyi asked.

"In Sword Formation, each sword is like a fish in a school. They're separate entities but move in small groups. Not easy but not prohibitively hard to guide. In Water-Fire Lotus, each is an independent consciousness body that can fight and attack multiple targets, not a formation. The Shen power cost is immense the more you make them." Xuan Di said. "It is really different."

"Forget someone as young as Meimei. Even for most adult practitioners, six is a hard limit. Eight loti is comparable to Shidi's thirty-two swords." Guiying added. "However, Meimei wanted to train until she could control nine or ten. Which would put her in the realm of Lotus Queen."

"I'll probably take a good part of a decade." Xiuying was surprisingly humble. "I want to achieve six loti in a year."

"That was a conservative goal you have. With your talent, I'll give half a year to get the sixth lotus in the air." Xuan Di remarked. "As long as you don't slack off."

Xiuying didn't say anything back. But to the sharp and perceptive Jingyi? The silence was deafening.


"Today, we will bring the mystery of Hindu deities and our pre-Empire history. Unfortunately, our sources in this regard are limited. Other than an overview, we could only talk about trends and generalities."

"Hindu gods are predominantly black. Some were blue or red. This told us that they were unlike the Jing cultivators. Why black? The philosophical answer was that Hindu gods represent the vast cosmos, where even the stars were tiny dots in the limitless void. As for blue-skinned gods, we have no clue."

"However, the red-skinned gods and goddesses all represent fire. The Hinduism definition of godlike beings is broad yet specific." The Professor lights up. "Devas, Asuras, Yakshas, and Raksashas. Each is distinct from the other."

"Devas are Heavenly beings. Asuras are described as related to Devas yet also their mortal opponents. Yakshas are nature spirits. And Raksashas are malevolent devils. Some of these classifications are also adopted by Buddhism, though described differently."

"From this point, one can actually draw relations... with our understanding of the Dao school of classification, the Yakshas are Faes (Yao), and Raksashas are either intelligent Devils (Mo) or people who used Demon Method. As we know, Faes are intelligent creatures and spirits born out of nature and not always opposed to humans. But Devils, they're always opposed to our very existence. Likewise, people who cultivate the Demon Method are always chaotic."

"Anyway, there is no doubt that these gods practiced Qi cultivation and specifically Heaven Method body cultivation. However, it might be wrong to say the Hindu people created Qi cultivation." The Professor emphasized. "Even the term Hinduism was rather new, less than three thousand years old. The religion synthesized many cultures and beliefs in the southwestern part of the continent more than four thousand years ago. Pure Qi cultivation developed around this time by multiple tribes and societies of the southwest. And as unified religion, Hinduism compiled and streamlined them into their belief and cultivation system."

"Indeed, ancient Daoists were inspired by Hindu practitioners to create our unique meditation form. Something more comprehensive, rigid, and different by using Yin-Yang and Wuxing as a foundation. This form became our current Qi gathering meditation method." The Professor continued. "The Buddhists instead develop the breathless meditation method, which ignores Qi in favor of Shen cultivation."

In other words, Hinduism didn't create a pure Qi cultivation method but became a bridge between the scattered, heterogenous tribal systems into a unified system that inspired other religions and beliefs.

Hearing this, Xuan Lian was stunned. Her body glowed with immense energy, and the Professor noticed this. He transported her elsewhere in the Academy with a wave of teleportation spell, and the resounding explosion could be heard.

The students sharply inhaled. Enlightenment! This is enlightenment!

Enlightenment doesn't come cheap. Sometimes they're free. And sometimes, come at a heavy price.

Just because a person is a genius doesn't mean they're enlighted. This moment of absolute mind clarity could only happen to someone who struck the perfect realization moment.

In other words, luck. Xuan Lian was lucky!

"In this process, the Buddhist also stumbled on the other effect of breathless meditation. Earth energy is corrosive to Qi cultivation, and the breathless method also restricts the intake of Earth energy. In fact, the toxic Earth energy is purified slowly."

"Combining this method with the known Jing Method and other means, the Buddhists created the Earth Method body cultivation, which tempers the body with purified Earth energy."

"And that's why you often see Buddhist Gods, unlike Hindu Gods, were portrayed with metallic or earthy skin." The Professor concluded. "Though we all have the same root, we develop separate ways. There is no such thing as perfect cultivation that solves all problems."

"In fact, from the perspective of the Dao, which is the source of everything, the Yin-Yang and Wuxing system became overtly specific and discriminatory." The Professor emphasized. "And all of them were born from the limitation of the human beings and our understanding of nature."

"Next week, we will talk about ancient regional history, covering the famous Immortal Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor, and Chiyou." The Professor concluded. "That is all."

Some students thoughtfully reviewed the lectures, while others immediately scattered, curious to see what happened with Xuan Lian. People who walked outside would see Xuan Lian descending from the sky. A red sash made of fire fluttered behind her.

Xuan Lian was far from what people usually associate with feminine beauty. Her face was a bit boyish, even slightly resembling Xuan Di. Her body was muscular for a young girl, and her pinkish skin radiated fierceness rather than prettiness.

Yet, as she descended from the sky, her face was calm, as if reaching the ultimate zen state. She gently spun. The movement of the fire sash that looped around both upper arms wasn't fierce like a blaze but like a warm candlelight.

With just a tiny change in attire and expression, Xuan Lian became somewhat beautiful. Desirable, even.

Until she landed and opened her mouth. "I FUCKING DID IT."

The crowd's disappointment was immeasurable, and their day was ruined! Fang slapped his face and shook his head before he left. Xuan Di and Xiuying laughed themselves to half-death while Jingyi froze on her spot.


"Found interesting request yet?"

Their original plan was to dip the assignment board in the first week. However, they all sunk into the voluntary training program because they found it rewarding.

It has been three weeks since then. And this is their fourth week in the Academy.

Jingyi pointed to one urgent, high-risk assignment.

"This is a request for joint cooperation with [Central Peak Martial School]. The request came from Greystone Woodtown government regarding the cleanup of a battlefield."

"Battlefield cleaning?"

"Apparently, there was a fight between two Golden Core cultivators or equivalent. Which severely damaged the forest north of the town. This is not the issue, but the issue is the emergence of multiple fiends that put the townsfolk in danger." Jingyi read out. "In other words, exorcism."

"Exorcism skills are not easy to come by." Guiying opened his fan. "This task is very peculiar."

"Why don't they ask the local cultivator?" Xiuying asked.

"Fiends don't yield a lot of materials." Xuan Di scoffed. "Especially if they don't have a Buddhist temple nearby, who would be willing to send disciples to do the job because it would assist their cultivation. That's why they asked for help from the two closest academies."

Even if it means the city had to pay the Academies donation fees, it is substantially cheaper than hiring mercenaries for cleanup.

"The Central Peak is mainly a Buddhist school, an ideal place to request for exorcism. However, since Greystone Woodtown is closer to our Academy, they would naturally offer joint work and give us face." Guiying added. "But assignment like this, the difficulty is not low. No wonder the reward is high."

"Possible danger includes Yin Wood Wraiths and Wood Corpses," Jingyi muttered. "Both are rank-3. Perfectly manageable but still life-threatening."

"I'll take it." Xiuying grinned. "Let's take this request."

"Meimei, I advise you to rethink," Guiying said. "Although I recently entered the fourth density of Qi condensation, I am still a child. If multiple threats higher than rank-3 appears, I could only save myself at most!"

It takes four of the strongest exam applicants to take down a rank-4 Black Winged Serpent. If multiple rank-4 show up...

"If only Father was here..." Jingyi sighed. Gudao could protect them from unforeseen accidents.

"I am not stupid, Shige." Xiuying grinned. "Of course, we have to finish this assignment ourselves, but outside that, bringing in outside force is never a bad thing."

"Ah." Guiying realized.
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Jingyi didn't waste words and joined the melee group. Immediately reunited with Xuan Lian after more than a week of not seeing her since she gave the cooked serpent liver.

"You joined too." Xuan Lian was delighted.
She's happy to see you again~

Finding an Ideal scripture had to be the first priority the moment you stepped into the Academy. But Jingyi found hers before she entered. [Ghost Jade Forge] changed her life.
(Also finding a Dao Companion)

The boys all did various imposing poses, showing their overdeveloped bodies. Xuan Lian and Jingyi ignored them and approached Dou Tutu.
Bros, gains are for the sake of gains, not for showing off.

"That man said he doesn't like a girl who could only whine about suffering and cry for help for the smallest offense by others. Girls who rely on men to finish their fight are nothing but parasites."

Jingyi was agape. His words are patently brutal and also incredibly opposite to the cultural expectation. Men are expected to protect women and not the opposite, regardless of the situation.
Well, everyone complains about the notional 'green tea bitch', so they get it both ways...

Hearing this, Xuan Lian was stunned. Her body glowed with immense energy, and the Professor noticed this. He transported her elsewhere in the Academy with a wave of teleportation spell, and the resounding explosion could be heard.
:laughs: I wonder if you can be qualified to be a Professor if you can't teleport your students on command.

The crowd's disappointment was immeasurable, and their day was ruined! Fang slapped his face and shook his head before he left. Xuan Di and Xiuying laughed themselves to half-death while Jingyi froze on her spot.
Stunned on sight, eh?
"Since you practiced it, let us have a test run." The Professor took a deep breath.

Then his clothes, a simple white tao robe, exploded into pieces. Revealed a muscular body that seemed to be molded to disgusting detail. The contrast between silky skin and chiseled muscle was too much!
The boys all did various imposing poses, showing their overdeveloped bodies. Xuan Lian and Jingyi ignored them and approached Dou Tutu.

The entire school arc is just comedy after comedy mixed with world building and it is AMAZING.

"That was a conservative goal you have. With your talent, I'll give half a year to get the sixth lotus in the air." Xuan Di remarked. "As long as you don't slack off."

Xiuying didn't say anything back. But to the sharp and perceptive Jingyi? The silence was deafening
Xuan Di pls stop, otherwise the cuckold arc will be real. (Not that Jingyi mind, freaking shipper)
Does Beast Cultivator can grow ears or tail as well? Asking for a friend :V

Xiuying didn't say anything back. But to the sharp and perceptive Jingyi? The silence was deafening.
Is that what I think it is?

the breathless meditation method
*Scratch head* do they breath from the skin instead? :thonk:
Yet, as she descended from the sky, her face was calm, as if reaching the ultimate zen state. She gently spun. The movement of the fire sash that looped around both upper arms wasn't fierce like a blaze but like a warm candlelight.

With just a tiny change in attire and expression, Xuan Lian became somewhat beautiful. Desirable, even.

Until she landed and opened her mouth. "I FUCKING DID IT."

The crowd's disappointment was immeasurable, and their day was ruined! Fang slapped his face and shook his head before he left. Xuan Di and Xiuying laughed themselves to half-death while Jingyi froze on her spot.
"Found interesting request yet?"
China's Xianxia, Korea's Hunter stuff, Japanese Isekai, I'm amazed how they all converged into the same thing.

On different subject, formally, what the difference between Academies and Sects?
Does Beast Cultivator can grow ears or tail as well? Asking for a friend :V
After blood transformation, yeah. Depends on the beast core, though.
*Scratch head* do they breath from the skin instead? :thonk:
They're not literally stopped breathing but:
"Breathless meditation! Of course, he would say that." Guiying chuckled. "Shidi is a madman. An unparalleled madman!"

Though associated with Buddhism and other far-Western religious practices (known as Samadhi), breathless meditation is practiced by anyone who focuses on Shen than Qi cultivation.

Breathless meditation is something antithetical to that of a Qi practitioner. Slowing your breath reduces your body's metabolism until you're barely alive. Even the brain function slowed down to a vegetative level. Qi absorption was cut by more than half.

The experience is scary. For Qi practitioners, it feels like they are slowly killing themselves, walking toward death's door. To think that it was one of Xuan Di's regular exercises? Crazy talk! Is he even a Qi practicioner?!
Basically, think of those IRL Buddhist who meditate for months and somehow woke up like it was yesterday, not even close to dying.

Now add cultivation power to that...

On different subject, formally, what the difference between Academies and Sects?
You don't owe loyalty to Academies. You pay your favor in one way or another, but unlike sects, you're not bound by oath and can leave anytime.

Sects have far stringent requirement, though how strict the entry and exit depends from one sect to another.