You Needed Opponents With Gravitas (Redux)

This is really good but it is starting to feel like ever other canon worm characters in actually from the Culture and that's a bit much to me.

Me too. Greg is one thing but Bakuda too? There's more but I can't remember who else. Like did Special Contact kidnap a bunch of humans a decade ago? Adopt them? Feels like too many names characters.

Edit: I love the middle name as an obvious signifier or being Asian American, and it even tells you they're Vietnamese American without giving them non English first names.
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Me too. Greg is one thing but Bakuda too? There's more but I can't remember who else. Like did Special Contact kidnap a bunch of humans a decade ago? Adopt them? Feels like too many names characters.
So far, three named characters from the source material are secretly Culturniks: Greg, Assault and Bakuda. I really don't get where this whole thing is coming from.
I'm inclined to believe that Tattletale disappeared without notice. She may still be active in the city, but I expect a lone Thinker will either join up with another gang- or organization," she corrected, with emphasis, "or be a matter for Watchdog rather than us."
Time to play Where in the World is Sarah Livesy. Do it, Rockapella!
"Various elements that were unique to every individual served as a signal that the passenger could reach out to in an attempt at reconnecting with a host. DNA, electromagnetic patterns, patterns she could barely measure with instruments, all contributed, none was absolute. Once the connection was established, powers were possible as well. A moment of trauma sped the process along considerably."
To clear up the misconception of Shard connections being solely dependent on DNA. Still a major factor admittedly, but it's not the sole one.

Also wouldn't the Culture literally taking out Broadcast that's apart of the very much alive and active Zion Network effectively prompt a major response in retaliation? Considering that Zion is literally the Guardian of the Cycle, regardless of pseudo-depression about Eden, and another thing all Shard's are Zion the Enity Collectively. Which make it weird that they want to try to personify a Shard, but want to 'deal'(as in kill) with Zion, despite the two being capable of being synonymous.

Granted I still need to read the story in full, but that's what glaring issues I found with some discussion based around the story.
"Various elements that were unique to every individual served as a signal that the passenger could reach out to in an attempt at reconnecting with a host. DNA, electromagnetic patterns, patterns she could barely measure with instruments, all contributed, none was absolute. Once the connection was established, powers were possible as well. A moment of trauma sped the process along considerably."
To clear up the misconception of Shard connections being solely dependent on DNA. Still a major factor admittedly, but it's not the sole one.

Also wouldn't the Culture literally taking out Broadcast that's apart of the very much alive and active Zion Network effectively prompt a major response in retaliation? Considering that Zion is literally the Guardian of the Cycle, regardless of pseudo-depression about Eden, and another thing all Shard's are Zion the Enity Collectively. Which make it weird that they want to try to personify a Shard, but want to 'deal'(as in kill) with Zion, despite the two being capable of being synonymous.

Granted I still need to read the story in full, but that's what glaring issues I found with some discussion based around the story.
All discussion of shards vs entities is character perspective, largely from Minds who are going to categorize them in broad terms they're familiar with until they get a more detailed understanding by inserting into their network - and that's what the Broadcast interaction is. Less of a severing, more of "reboot this server off the USB I've just plugged into it."

Consider too that from the Culture's perspective, "the Cycle" is probably the most horrifically offensive Excession that the Entities engage in, and their ethics only have room for letting any shards survive if they're severed from it.

(Removing Zion doesn't mean killing him either - SC has no qualms killing people, but subverting or disabling is so much more useful for the future, especially if they're something unique. The total list of people we've seen killed in the text so far is only five names, after all - four if Lung's personality was extracted before he got diamondized.)
Preserved, crystallized, the hardest natural material on earth. Unliving.
Actually, limpet teeth are the hardest natural material on earth.

But when tested, the tooth material was, on average, about five times stronger than most spider silk, reports BBC News. This makes it the strongest natural material on Earth. Tests in the lab revealed that it can withstand pressure that would turn carbon into diamond. Thats's comparable to a single strand of spaghetti holding up about 3,300 one-pound bags of sugar, the study's lead author

Diamond isn't even #2:
If you're looking for the strongest overall material on Earth, diamond is a good guess, but again, man-made nano-materials beat it. And there are also two rare, natural materials that can withstand more stress than diamond, reports New Scientist.
GCV Sufficiently Advanced Technology said:

To my satisfaction. A return ticket to their world, with power removal, was enticing enough for the former Travelers. Ms. Meinhardt elected for a completely new cloned body, understandably.

I'm not sure who is most responsible for that whole mess, but I will certainly be heaping blame onto all responsible parties. Possibly with antimatter.
Whiile I'm here, did Sufficient get any new information from looking at Eden/Cauldron shards? It seems like it's something they'd want to look into if possible.
Contact-Media Top Threads 02/25/11
Well, the next chapter has ballooned like I should have expected, but here's a Proof of Life that will hopefully add to the concept at least

COMMUNITY ADJUDICATION: Chuck Farwell is a fucking Nazi! said:
3341-1922 for Mandatory Counseling
4520-698 against Revoke Shield Terminal.

Click to Expand Thread
AUTHORITY: The cops are framing me - Marcus North said:
1280-103 for Contact-Legal bail and representation
541-334 against Protest march at 7th Precinct on Saturday
947-210 for Protest march and barricade at 7th Precinct in three weeks if fair case requirements (post 1138) are not met.

Click to Expand Thread
WORK OPPORTUNITY: Harbor Hydroponic Gardens said:
* 2-6 hour shifts available
* Pay In Kind (see current harvest at work-hours rates)
* SERIOUSLY: Know how to swim or request a float.
* No experience required. Teens and up.

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UPHEAVAL:We took down Lung. Are we going to let Nazis hide? said:
Author (Anonymized): Contact has food. Housing. Jobs. Real protection. Think real hard, my fellow white folks. Do you want to live better and see your kids live better, or do you just want to see people who look different suffer? I know what I want - and what I know.

The Haywood Ave & Walton St parking garage has Empire guys there 24-7, moving in crates. Guns or drugs, I think.

It doesn't take a cape to show them what we think. Let's clean them out, and you share what you know.

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LOCAL LIVING: Crop yields are low said:
Contact Leadership Council, Tim Warren:

Last soil balance on floats 4-9 was off, insufficient QA. I've already switched vendors, but high yield means low tolerance. This month is going to be 30% short on crops, maybe 25% if I can salvage some of it with the new microbes.

See revised cost schedules for vegetables. Hope we can fix it by next month. Priority population fixed costs are safe.

Additional pay hours available for anyone with chemistry or farming experience. More hours for replanting and turnover, agriculture basic training provided.

Tighten your belts for a bit. We'll get through this.

Click to Expand Thread

POLITICAL:Kansas State Senator Wayne Barton has proposed a bill making Contact membership an act of treason against the United States said:
Lobbying investigation results in this thread.
Advocacy groups in Kansas to contact here.
His opponent in next year's election's website. She's on record supporting Contact membership as political free speech. This is a seat we can move with a few thousand volunteers. Call or canvas. Show Contact is more than just a club.

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PERSONAL: I got powers. What do I do? said:
Subthread - Can we turn the Elite?
Subthread - Protectorate Pros and Cons
Subthread - Being a Contact "Rogue," My Experience - Author: Parian
Subthread - Relocating: Regional Threats, Contact Resources

Click to Expand Thread

WORK OPPORTUNITY:Switzerland said:
See the Contact-Europe central contract for Swiss Simurgh Rehabilitation here.

Immediate positions to fill:
[435] Triage Diagnosticians. Requires 2 years experience as licensed therapist (international equivalents) and commitment to 3 months training, or similar crisis experience and commitment to 12 months training.
[1151] Social Support Workers. Requires Contact-Defense base certification, commitment to 3 months social care training.
[98] Deprogramming Therapists. Requires Contact neural examiner certification, 10 years mental health experience (international equivalents), commitment to 6 months training.
[47]Government and Media Liaisons. Requires commitment to 3 months training.

All postings require Contact-provided relocation. See posting availability in Domodossala, Italy, Konstanz, Germany, Annemasse Occupation Zone, France.

Additional postings expected in 45 days and 90 days.

Click to Expand Thread
GEOPOLITICS: Contact-San José Established said:
Thank you to Orbital, Jaime Fuentes, and EPDLS for mediation in establishment talks. Leadership council of the new branch consists of Comandante Cero, Ramon Puch Hierro, El Bolivaristo, Elena Crespo, and Yunuen Stone.

Newly established Contact-Defense volunteers are enforcing a demilitarized zone in the Puntarenas-Chiriquí conflict. Contact-San José is not requesting additional international support at this time.

Click to Expand Thread
GEOPOLITICS: Civil War in China? said:
Subthread: Parahuman warfare and ethics
Subthread: What really was the Yàngbǎn and was it doomed to begin with?
Subthread: That's a lot of new Communist China claimants, what's the difference?
Subthread: Was Contact involved here? Are we now?

Click to Expand Thread
Message: Author replied with 1 words to thread...

Two things: First, that is a little few, especially considering how many words there truly are...
Second: Well, someone did not expect this possibility :)
I clicked to expand the threads and they didn't expand.

I don't know what I expected :V
Message: Author replied with 1 words to thread...

Two things: First, that is a little few, especially considering how many words there truly are...
Second: Well, someone did not expect this possibility :)
It's a quirk of how XenForo doesn't count stuff in quote tags towards wordcount combined with what happens when OP updates (and I think also threadmarks?) leading to stuff like this.

They were basically entirely reliant on 3 parahumans. Remove them and the CUI would fall apart with certainty.
It is if nothing else a testament to how fragile it turned out Wildbow's 21st century Yellow Peril analogue the CUI really was. Part of me is kind of sad we didn't get to see even a glimpse of that on camera, but the rest of me honestly doesn't care enough to protest it. Oh well, too bad, so sad, pick up an appropriate CCP successor to work with an push on.

Some generalized notes:
  • Nice to see deradicaliztion as the topline entry.
  • Also nice to see Contact not being 100% buddy-buddy with the cops regardless of their mutual feud with the PRT. (Rule 29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less.)
  • "We took down Lung. Are we going to let Nazis hide?" SOON[tm]
  • Of course it's some nobody yahoo from Kansas pulling a media grandstand stunt. I propose an action item that we terraform some interesting terrain into Kansas ASAP. Maybe they'd be less prone to this kind of bullshit if they had something other than wheat to look at 24/7/365.
  • De-Simurghing operations in Switzerland? Oh man, I can't imagine that's not going to get the feather bitch's attention right quick. And in all honesty, the tension of waiting for the Hand of Wildbow to show up and try to ruin the party is starting to get to me.
Looking forward to the next big one, nice to see a web interlude that isn't the usual PHO (though I'd honestly be curious to see how that's holding up, all things considered).
I think the bakuda stuff in the previous chapter would have meant a lot more if it was a choice she made herself. And not a preset up plant.
I think the bakuda stuff in the previous chapter would have meant a lot more if it was a choice she made herself. And not a preset up plant.
Yeah, I'd definitely rewrite along those lines if I was going to revise this.

It is if nothing else a testament to how fragile it turned out Wildbow's 21st century Yellow Peril analogue the CUI really was. Part of me is kind of sad we didn't get to see even a glimpse of that on camera, but the rest of me honestly doesn't care enough to protest it. Oh well, too bad, so sad, pick up an appropriate CCP successor to work with an push on.
I jotted down "Contact China POV section?" then took a look at what I felt I'd need to at least skim:
• Dengism
• The Chinese Civil War & Maoist guerrilla organization
• and then see how they'd be different in the inscrutable Oriental Empire Worm version of China.

So that's probably not happening.

They will show up with a number of representatives at the Contact World Congress in Chapter 3.X, though.

Looking forward to the next big one, nice to see a web interlude that isn't the usual PHO (though I'd honestly be curious to see how that's holding up, all things considered).
At this point probably mostly normal, with some slight brain drain. I see Contact-Media as a more ostensibly free forum, with hundreds of open votes at any given time guiding moderation and numerous subforums with different protocols (and a couple Culture digital volunteers discretely monitoring and nudging the stuff PHO doesn't allow, like secret identity speculation).