You Are Zog (LotR Uruk-Hai Quest)

Sweet. The mighty pen won. Now our next step is of course to get Zog a bodyguard best-buddy who can do the actual fighting in hand to hand. Or in orcish terms, an enforcer.

Hmm... and if Zog does pick something up, I'd suggest the crossbow. It fits the best with engineering.
so we are a glorified Uruk-hai clerk? ok.
Like Dilbert the employee, Urukbert arrives on the scene.

IMO the big game-changer in a Lord of the Rings setting is not technology. It's diplomacy, and the relations of the different peoples. Maybe you could consider economics & trade as a major change. But canals and the printing press have no place here; go back to the shadow! 🎇 :tongue:

In Game of Thrones's Westeros you have poor peasants toiling in the muck of fields/cities, and selfish warmongering lords over them. There, both technology and politics can challenge the status quo of the setting.

In LOTR, the main problem of the citizens of Minas Tirith is Sauron, that overshadows (heh) everything else. Later on, Tolkien briefly delineated a story in the Fourth Age, with Gondor's society starting to have discontent, and shadow cults emerging here and there as a destructive outlet for legitimate grievances.
The greatest in-setting change I can imagine... is founding a mixed-race independent megalopolis. Then, the next quest would focus on a poor character in a downtrodden quarter, being "Lord of the Rings: Cyberpunk edition".

However, before we can even found an Uruk village, we should 1) survive 2) avoid being a forever-tool for Saruman or Sauron 3) avoid getting murdered by the rough-edged stronk Uruks. I would consider the latter a likely end for this kind of quest, given the character the people have picked.
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I wonder if there will be an option to explore or even cross the great desert to the east
Turn 0.5
TA 3014

You hurriedly make your way to the Office, sitting on top of an entrance to the pit, not only is it one of the highest Uruk buildings in Isengard, but it is also the closest to the Orthanc, the seat of Lord Saruman himself, and thus one of the most prestigious place one can work. From there, the Council instituted by Lord Saruman handles the day to day work and planning of Isengard, when Lord Saruman isn't doing it himself of course, and it is there that you will be assigned your new posting, perhaps there is even an option for working inside the Office itself!

Nearly giddy with excitement at the work that you'll be able to do you barrel in through the door to see a handful of Uruks and Orcs waiting around, reading various bulletins or even sitting at desks writing. It's only the entrance hall, and yet already you're impressed with what you see, a far shy from the filthy, loud and crowded breeding pits, or Barracks elsewhere in Isengard, once again you feel a surge of thanks for your teachers that they were willing to hone your talent and give you this opportunity, though it's a shame you won't get to meet Lord Saruman personally as apparently he used to be seen in the Office regularly, only recently deciding not to visit as his work demands his full attention.

You let out a grumbly sigh of resignation at not being able to meet your incredible leader yet, and instead walk up to the reception desk and ask for a meeting with Grutz, the current Council member in attendance, eager to get to work and put your knowledge to the test!

"And what's got you so down already?" A deep, raspy voice questions you suddenly.

With a start you nearly gasp, you had just entered Grutz's room and barely even noticed in your despondency, you nearly stammer a reply but stop yourself in time with a steadying breath before responding more strongly.

"Nothing, Councillor Grutz, just looking forward to my first job and letting the nerves get to me."

Grutz gives you a short, ambiguous grunt in reply before glancing down at his papers, looking at you, and letting out a short wheeze as his thoughts catch up to what he's read. Taking a close look and letting out a long hum, he looks back at you again, those eyes which had previously regarded you with thinly veiled boredom already sharpened as a grin winds itself along his scarred jaw.

"Got some interesting remarks here, hmm, Zog was it? I know a couple of these Uruks who taught you myself, and its not often they give out this kind of praise." You nearly preen at the words, your pride in your abilities matched only by the gratitude you feel for your teachers, before you hear the rest of what Grutz has to say.

"- so there's no point beating around the bush, Lord Saruman keeps his plans to himself, but he's also made no secret that the Ironworks, Pits, Army, everything really, is going to be seeing a big expansion in the coming years. No more need for secrecy, or so I've heard, and we've a need for… smart young Uruks like yourself. So, we'll give you one of the new projects and see how you do. I'd normally try and have one of my fellow Councillors handle this, but frankly we're being stretched thin as it is, so you'll have to do." He gives you another grin, now a bit more predatory as he lets you know that your dreams are coming true!
"Now, we've got a lot of openings for a bright your mind like yours; you could head up the Dam project, see to selecting the best plan or even coming up with your own and seeing it built, you could get a job planning the expansion of the Mining Pits, make sure what ore we need for smelting gets sourced in the quantities we need, or you could even come work here, with all this expansion its more important than ever that each Uruk and Orc is able to do as much work as possible, and some of the new blood have had interesting ideas to supplement good old Uruk muscle with machines, and we'll be needing new designs to keep up with all our projects while the next generation is raised. And of course, there's more, but I'll leave that to the bulletins for you to leaf through. Once you've picked your Project, let Hagub, my receptionist know, and you'll be given the appropriate command token. Now off with you!"

You stumble out of his room in a daze, your thoughts flitting about as you think about all the opportunities available to you. Suddenly you find your gaze drawn to that same Bulletin board, where all the projects are pinned, and begin looking through them to see where you're going to make your mark.

(A/N: Ok, so PROJECTS, thats how we're going to handle this. The project you pick will determine what you DO, what your POSITION is. Part of that includes influence and leadership struggles for various factions, but because you didn't choose leadership you'll need to take a special action to learn about that, or you will just pick up on it over time. For now all you need to know is that there are background mechanics going on you aren't aware of. So I want to stress something, your actions WILL have consequences. You won't be leading any revolution or something right away, and a lot of the circumstances regarding thralldom etc will become apparent in-character, but actions you take may have unintended consequences, such as Saruman's timeline regarding the burning of the Westfold, or the wider invasion of Rohan, remember King Theoden wasn't meant to run away to Helm's Deep, he only had that chance due to Gandalf's interference, and your interference might have run offs too. Though there's a good chance none of that will happen too soon! So here are the project options you get to start with.)

-- You may choose ONE project --

[X] The Dam - Senior Project Manager
The River Isen has long been used as a source of food and travel by those who live on its border, but now it is time to be used as a source of power, and a greater source of food. The Isen is to be dammed and thus the forces of its water turned wholly to providing power for whatever purposes Isengard can find for it, from water-powered hammers, to grinding of grain, there are a multitude of uses once completed. Additionally, the location of the Dam will need to be carefully chosen, as not only will its proximity determine how easy it is to wield its power, but its location will also determine just how much land is flooded, and how deep the newly formed lake will be. On the one hand, it might be prudent to have as little land lost to the new lake as possible, as it makes it difficult to use the land for other purposes, on the other hand a larger lake will also yield a larger population of fish, and may enable the construction and testing of larger boats than might otherwise be possible, afterall Isengard sits near enough to the mouth of the river that it should provide no barrier to shipping, so long as we also eventually build a canal to go around the Dam that is. As this Project shall also be the cumulation of numerous other works and projects, heading it will also require you to take the position of Senior Project Manager.
[X] Expanding the Pits - Senior Engineer
The Orthanc is built atop an outcropping of granite that expands deeper than has been reached as of yet, however the earth around that Granite is much more malleable, in fact it is almost like the Orthanc sits atop a cone of solid granite within a larger area of dirt and loose stone. Curious, but good for us, as it means we can expand the Pits with ease and not risk the foundations of the Orthanc coming into harm. This Project is loosely based on the need to expand the working space available in Isengard as the population of both Orcs and Uruks begins to expand, and more room is needed. Were it just Uruks who lived here then perhaps it would have been possible to expand above ground, but as it is the presence of Orcs mean that construction must happen in the Pit itself. At first just used as a housing area hidden away from any visitors Saruman might have to entertain, now it is time to expand and make room for the Ironworks if we want to be able to equip the Army Saruman has planned. The Unique challenges of this project will require you to work closely with whoever is in charge of the Project to construct the Ironworks themselves. You will be taking the position of Senior Engineer.

[X] Experiment with Fire of Orthanc (Gunpowder) - Chief Engineer
Lord Saruman has once again proven his mastery over the crafts with this great work, managing to produce a substance that when alighted, or even placed in proximity to an open flame, will explode with a great shock and loud noise! So far experiments have been small scale as Lord Saruman does not trust clumsy Orcs, or even his noble Uruks with it! And as he has been forced to produce it himself there is not yet much stockpiled. Your job will be to experiment with the substance, and try to find any hidden uses or qualities about it. Should you do well then Lord Saruman will surely reward you personally and may even trust his Uruks enough to produce it themselves. As early tests resulted in rather grisly results for the clumsy Orcs and whatever Uruks were unfortunate enough to be standing nearby, taking this position will be enough to grant you the rank of Chief Engineer; else perhaps no-one would ever take it. There were a lot of clumsy Orcs over very many occasions before Lord Saruman decided to stop letting them handle it…

[X] Organise the Army - Senior Administrator
While the newly promoted General Gurlock would no doubt like to keep this matter internally managed in the Barracks, its a sad fact that he does not yet possess any subordinates with the skills necessary to accomplish this task, while the administrators of the Office have been working with similar problems for near two centuries while Saruman increased the population of Isengard and had to organise them. This Project will see you working on the structure and organisation of the Army, however while your influence shall be large, it will still require General Gurlock to approve any suggestions you have, and he has the ultimate say so on any decisions. Still, this position will no doubt garner a great amount of prestige, as long as you aren't tossed out on your rear by an irate general that is. The position given for taking this project is Senior Administrator, however doing well enough could see you be given a position in the Army with similar responsibilities but greater Seniority too.

(A/N: And you also get PERSONAL ACTIONS, this is stuff you do on your free time, and while you might have a fair bit right now, once you get started on your job you will only be able to look fondly on all the free time you used to have. Ahem. Anyway, this stuff will be mostly up to my discretion and can cover a very wide range of subjects. I WILL be accepting suggestions for personal actions, however any suggestions will have to wait for the NEXT turn to be implemented, as I will need to go over the action and change it to fit. So no picking an action 'to invent artillery!' in one go or anything like that, I would turn that into a research- style action for example. Anyway, here you go, lots of varied choices I was able to come up with. Don't bother sending TOO many suggestions, as I said you will be very short on free time while working on whatever project you pick, and while you might eventually get some free time back after finishing it, some projects sadly never really end, every personal action is precious.)

-- You may choose THREE personal actions --

[X] Ask around regarding how The Office works.
The Office is an old institution, by Uruk standards, and has been administrating Isengard for as long as anyone can remember. You have been asked to pick a project, and thus a 'position' or 'rank' or whatever, but frankly you're not too sure what all these ranks even are! Ask around at your new workplace to find out what you're missing and learn the leadership structure of both The Office, and the much newer Barracks, and your place in it.

[X] Practice a weapon
  • [X] Sword
  • [X] Pike
  • [X] Bow
Just because you don't have to fight now, doesn't mean you won't ever. Besides, while you didn't spend your youth fighting with sticks and beating up other young Uruks it doesn't mean you're weak. All Uruks are born with a healthy body, and you're not exception. Even without training you have more than enough strength to split a manling down the middle with a sword, and with enough training you might be able to do so without exerting your full effort.

[X] Adopt a creature
  • [X] Warg
An intelligent and powerful wolf, specifically bred to grow large and strong enough to carry an Uruk-hai into battle. Not only will a Warg carry you, but it will also fight with you, utilising powerful jaws and claws against foes. While intelligent it is not fully cogent and cannot speak.
  • [X] Crebain
Shaped like a large Raven, but possessing a much sharper beak with serrated teeth inside, despite its fearsome appearance this creature is mostly known for its great intelligence, being able to both understand and speak in the Common and Black tongue, these creatures are utilized as spies and scouts, though are also large enough and fast enough to see some use in fights as a distraction, or even to finish off wounded foes.
  • [X] Giant Spider
The Children of Ungoliant have not found a friendly world in the aftermath of the Great War, and many have struggled to survive. These creatures can grow to stupendous sizes if given enough time, but normally reach about that of a large horse before dying, either by being hunted, or starving. They are frighteningly intelligent creatures who can speak in any tongue, and are capable of weaving threads of silk that are even stronger than steel. Additionally, unlike Wargs or Crebain, whom Saruman bred specifically for Isengard and gathered from around Arda, this Spider seems to have come without Saruman's knowledge, and you are not sure how he will react to it, though you would guess positively. Spiders are also able to breed extremely quickly if given the chance to.

[X] Explore the library
While the top levels of the Orthanc have been sealed by Saruman as he practices his magic, the lower levels are still open to use, specifically the Library, which has seen some use with the higher ranks of The Office. As you will be joining those ranks you could try and see if you are allowed in, and what you might find in there! So much knowledge, just waiting to be found.

[X] Try out one of the other Projects!
Now that you have been able to see just how many things are being worked on, some of that industriousness has infected you too! You want to work on more than one project, and even if you won't have command of it, you can at least spend your own time helping out and seeing how everything works!
  • [X] Select a second project from above.
You will spend an action helping out and experiencing how the work of that project goes. (As I am against plan voting by and large for this quest, this will only be used if its within the top 3 personal actions, and then the top selected project which is not your main project will be selected. IE, you cannot pick the same project twice, if it is selected, the main project takes preference, and this one goes to the second option.)

[X] Socialise in The Office.
As you'll be working with these people for the foreseeable future it might be a good idea to get to know them, and let them get to know you. You distinctly remember one of your teachers saying that it's always a good idea to have friends, and you don't mean to fail them!

[X] Socialise in The Barracks
The Army and Barracks are both new organisations, and you aren't quite sure what, if any, the difference is, but that doesn't mean you can't chat around and start making friends already!

[X] Explore the surroundings
So far you've lived nearly your whole life in Isengard, only sneaking out a couple times to climb the nearby hills and enjoy the view. Maybe now that you're an adult no-one will ask you where you're going if you decide to explore? It would be nice to know more about where you live. (Additional options to explore specific areas will be unlocked after this, additionally this will unlock The Map, though you could also acquire The Map with other means. The Map basically just shows you the surroundings, and will become more detailed as you learn more, by either exploring yourself, asking a scout to tell you about it, or otherwise finding out.)

A/N. And that's it! We're going to be getting into 'regular' turns around now. Special events will obviously require additional votes etc, but hopefully I'll start working out and deciding on mechanics around now. Hopefully. Bah, sometimes I think quests these days have too many dice anyway, so I'll probably reserve their usage to times I feel like they are actually warranted.

Also, votes are going to be held for a few days nowadays, and I'll put up a threadmark to indicate the end of voting while I work on the next chapter, additionally I'll try crossposting popular plans every day (or when I remember) to try and keep each forum up-to-date on what the consensus is looking like.

Additionally, I WILL be editing the chargen post eventually, to hopefully raise the quality and fix any continuity errors. This is all a bit by the seat of my pants, so things will straighten out as more is produced, but in these early days a few ideas are in flux.

THREE HOUR MORATORIUM ON VOTES (I will be adjusting the tally to take this into account, don't vote within 3 hours of this post, or it won't be counted, just discuss and maybe check the thread on SV/SB to see their discussion too if I haven't crossposted various plans by then. Thanks for all the support and interest! If anyone spots spelling mistakes or other mistakes or even thinks of ways I could improve, don't hesitate to let me know, I'm eager to improve and know I'm trash right now.)
[] Experiment with Fire of Orthanc
[] Ask around regarding how The Office works.
[] Adopt a creature
-[] Crebain
Gunpowder is big useful
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Hmmmm, I'm torn on going for the Dam project or Gunpowder. Either has tons of benefits.

As for our personal actions, I definitely want to get started on learning Leadership by asking how the office works.

Learning how to use a bow would give us some combat ability without the risk of getting into melee.

And any of the creature options would synergize well with having bow skills, but I'm thinking the Giant Spider is the best choice, since it's very intelligent, can produce such strong silk, would be a very powerful melee combatant, and since there aren't any others in the area, we'd have the prestige of having the first that breeds more.
And any of the creature options would synergize well with having bow skills, but I'm thinking the Giant Spider is the best choice, since it's very intelligent, can produce such strong silk, would be a very powerful melee combatant, and since there aren't any others in the area, we'd have the prestige of having the first that breeds more.
Also unlike Wargs or Crebain, whom Saruman bred specifically for Isengard and gathered from around Arda, this Spider seems to have come without Saruman's knowledge. This gives us an edge over other possible rivals if we raise it well.
Is Zog considered an Uruk or a Snaga for now, since he's not a warrior orc?

[ ] Explore the library
-[ ] Search for books on magical tradition (if not thaumaturgy itself)

Would this be valid?
Discussion before the vote opens:

Project: The Dam
I'm torn on going for the Dam project or Gunpowder. Either has tons of benefits.
The Dam means more development close to Isengard, and it's less obvious / predictable then making cannons.

PA 1:
Explore the surroundings
We explore the territory, and we start to go out of the tiny box that Saruman wants to pen us into. More novelty and variety.

PA 2: Practice a weapon > Sword
Learning how to use a bow would give us some combat ability without the risk of getting into melee.
I agree that we can't go on being unable to fight. The Bow would be a decent choice, but I prefer the sword, with the aim of being able to defend ourselves at a moment's notice - for instance, whenever our stealth rolls fail. And besides, the Uruk-hai didn't use bows at Helm's deep only crossbows^^

PA 3:
Adopt a creature > Crebain
I don't mind the Spider as an alternative, it could work as a mount. But I like more having a friendly bird on our side: a crebain can fly high and wide, giving us sight and knowledge/intelligence (on armies for instance).
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I'm a bit leery of the spider that is "totally not a spy for anyone", and having a shoulder-crow sounds pretty neat... then again, spider would be incredibly useful. Difficult one, though if we do want Zog to have a good defender, the Warg would be his best bet.

For weaponry... I say we hold off a turn or two. Say Zog somehow manages to make say... a hand cannon/handgonne (First iteration of a firearm from the 13th century), he should totally train with that.

Yes that means I'm for choosing gunpowder research.

For the other options... I'm caught between socializing the barracks and socializing the office. We need to do the former if we're to find a bodyguard for Zog, but getting to know the immediate surroudnings is crucial. Plus not doing it might be taken as snubbing them... good thing Zog can do both.

Hmm, my voting currently would probably be... Spider because of potential usefulness and interesting plot. Then those two social options. Either that, or one of them and visiting the library. Zog needs that knowledge for his projects to be better.
[X] The Dam - Senior Project Manager
[X] Try out one of the other Projects!
- [X] Experiment with Fire of Orthanc (Gunpowder)
[X] Explore the library
[X] Socialise in The Office.
And besides, the Uruk-hai didn't u
True! But Lurtz did use a bow to kill Boromir, and since we decided to spawn early I'm making the Crossbow into an eventual research project (though its one that another Uruk will take if you don't, I'm hoping to make Isengard feel alive like that, things happening in the background.) Additionally there's going to be options to develop various siege weapons as seen at Helm's Deep, or otherwise.
I don't think crossbows are very well known at this time, at least I don't remember anyone other than the Uruk-hai using them, though I'd imagine the dwarfs have some.
True! But Lurtz did use a bow to kill Boromir, and since we decided to spawn early I'm making the Crossbow into an eventual research project (though its one that another Uruk will take if you don't, I'm hoping to make Isengard feel alive like that, things happening in the background.) Additionally there's going to be options to develop various siege weapons as seen at Helm's Deep, or otherwise.
I don't think crossbows are very well known at this time, at least I don't remember anyone other than the Uruk-hai using them, though I'd imagine the dwarfs have some.
Uh... Lurtz is movie-canon only. I thought this quest was going off book-canon primarily?
[X] Plan: From the depths unknown, to air laced with light

-[X] Adopt a Creature
--[X] Crebain
-[X] Explore the surroundings
--[X] Use the Crebain to scout out a suitable place for the dam
-[X[ The Dam - Senior Project Manager
-[X] Explore the library
--[X] Books centered on the usage of magical arts

Is it acceptable for these events to take place according to my placement of each action?

Forgot to mention I liked Kir's idea of thaumaturgy, went with it for how cool it was
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Uh... Lurtz is movie-canon only. I thought this quest was going off book-canon primarily?
Primarily yes, I'm going to do my best to incorporate Canon as shown in the books, but I'm also going to make use of elements from the movies which I think deserve it, and most importantly I'm going to focus on trying to make this quest as internally consistent as possible while also making it fun and giving the readers various choices. The fact is that toklien released a LOT of works, and not all of it is consistent across sources. This is something I came across a lot while researching Arnor and specifically Numenor. Tolkien was a well known luddite, and seemed to vacilate greatly on just how technologically advanced Numenor became before the invasion of Valinor, some of his works indicate the presence of sky ships made of metal, hollow metal bows which spat thunder, and other obvious descriptors of 'modern' technology, while sometimes he simply described it as great wooden fleets and simply late medieval tech.

Saruman's Uruk-hai are also in question, some saying he created them in the decade before Helms Deep, other over a couple decades and others posit that he started the breeding program the moment he arrived at the Orthanc. Likewise discussed is just how Saruman fell and when he was corrupted. The general consensus is that he accidentally made contact with Sauron while using his Palantir, while others think he took the Orthanc specifically FOR the Palantir and to facilitate contact with Sauron.

Its a bit of a confusing mess trying to pin down 'canon' when not directly related to the fellowship, and while I'll do my best to relate to Canon in an overarching sense, as we're doing a quest about Uruk-hai in Isengard I think it's impossible to do more.

So there will be a fair amount of original stuff going on, hopefully consistent to the greater LOTR world.
We should take the dam project as main project. Not only is it unique (when have you ever seen a quest with a dam project as focus), but it's also in my opinion the most important. Even early gunpowder weaponry could be devastating true that just look at what the chinese and Koreans could come up with from fire arrows to rockets, but the dam is going to be the thing that's going to decide a lot of things in and around Isengard. I remember how I was awestruck at seeing how water powered so many things in Isengard. Too bad the scene where you see it the best, is the scene where the ents are destroying everything.

I also remember a documentary of how Imperial china almost kickstarted the industrial revolution and even achieved a proto version of the industrial revolution using water power. If we want good production lines, we gonna need the dam project to be a resounding success.
Its a bit of a confusing mess trying to pin down 'canon' when not directly related to the fellowship, and while I'll do my best to relate to Canon in an overarching sense
True. That is appreciated:smile2:.
Regarding the fall of Saruman:
he was plotting already by the time of the Hobbit - he instructed the Council of the Wise to not look for the Ring in the Gladden fields and ignore Dol Guldur, believing that the Ring would have revealed itself to try to reach one of the Nazgul; he wanted to run an interception and snatch it for himself. However, when he knew of the servants of Sauron sifting through the Anduin, he considered it too much of a risk and gave the go-ahead for Gandalf's mission.
In the movie (which does an awesome job with the scene btw) when Gandalf arrives at Orthanc it's still all green. "The hour grows late, and Gandalf the Grey comes to Isengard, seeking my counsel". I guess we are breaking from that then?
Even if I like imagining that a not-yet-corrupt Saruman started to take in orcs to make them independent from Sauron. Then he studied the Rings of Power too deeply, met Sauron in the Palantir, and became a wannabe Dark Lord.
[X] Plan: From the depths unknown, to air laced with light

-[X] Adopt a Creature
--[X] Crebain
-[X] Explore the surroundings
--[X] Use the Crebain to scout out a suitable place for the dam
-[X[ The Dam - Senior Project Manager
-[X] Explore the library
--[X] Books centered on the usage of magical arts

Really like this plan,it focus mainly on one project - the dam- while also delves into self improvement for Zog specifically the always useful and mysterious magic field.

It leaves behind researching the gunpowder and weapon practise but I understand that dividing so much our attention may cost us everything at the end,better see if we can carry this project forward and on the next turns we can always choose the "second project".

With weapon training will choose it on the next erm without fail,magic is also a huge boon in battle for Zog it deserves attention.
when Gandalf arrives at Orthanc it's still all green. "The hour grows late, and Gandalf the Grey comes to Isengard, seeking my counsel". I guess we are breaking from that then?
Yep, that's something we are breaking from. Even then when Gandalf wakes up from his imprisonment and looks down everything is already going on, it might have been an allegory by Tolkien about how quickly the destructive forces of industrialisation ruin a land, but for me I'd think everything started a lot earlier and Saruman was just walking Gandalf in a pristine part of Isengard while using Illusions to hide the rest, remember Gandalf would not have been on guard with Saruman at all when he came, Saruman was his superior and Gandalf had come for advice! I can definitely see Saruman being able to obfuscate the true state of Isengard for a while.
[X] Experiment with Fire of Orthanc (Gunpowder) - Chief Engineer
[X] Ask around regarding how The Office works.
[X] Explore the library
-[X] Focusing on information that will assist in Fire of Orthanc experimentation/research
[X] Adopt a creature
-[X] Giant Spider