You Are Your Avatar; D&D Adventurer Edition

In Party 3
In Party 3

My goal is, and always would be to assist my wielder my Master. Just need to find them.
Saving the world sounds like a worthwhile goal. I'm sure my future Master would agree.
By the way, I'm Mr. Reception. I'm a humanoid mass of television static who's also the personification of broadcast media.
Updated Party Status
Op Is Not Applicable For A Party
Thank you to I Just Write for the starting party list, I've threadmarked your post as the initial one.

Party #1

@SoixanteZio : (Fiend) Vampire Fighter/Illusianist
@Reliable_2IC : (Cursed) Warforged Artificer/Technopath
(You start off with equipment that gives you the equivalent protection of a full plate suit of armor, slowly over time transforming into you full capabilities)
@AProcrastinator : Druid
@See my smile : (Cursed) Warforged Ranger
(same as the previous, you slowly find yourself transitioning over time into your full swathe of capabilities)
@Widowmaker : Ranger
@shinkiro : Ranger/Witch

Team We Need More Dakka. Seriously.

Party 2
@Rei of Sunshine : Sorcerer
(You can either keep your connection to Mars or choose an entirely new planet that might exist in this new solar system. EIther works as advertised, boosting your strength and giving you the ability to affect elemental magic.
@Kensai : (Cursed) Beastkin
(Hmm. Latex... is kinda like rubber... You have blunt damage resistance at level one, blunt damage nullification at level twenty.)
@Birthday : (Fiend) Gelatinous Cube Mimic
(You are able to mimic anything you can consume -including animals, get to eating a random bandit no one cares about pronto-, but for some reason you have a predilection towards imitating sumptuous confectioneries. All the better to lure in your prey, I guess.)
@Ameraaaaaa : (Cursed) Reflection Echo
(Once per day -charges go up by one per level- you are able to completely copy one of your party members, or an enemy, including their abilities and capabilities Otherwise you are the girl shown in your pic)
@BadAtScreenNames : Flying Barbarian
(You'll eventually level up to the lazer eyes, freezing breath and super sonic sonic cat calls. Hopefully.)
@Nox : Khajit Mage Dhovakiin
(Hmm. Yeah, I don't see any point in changing that one. You know what you're getting.)

Team Wait, Why Are There Two Bandit Daves?

Party 3
@Bomberfett343 : Sword Element Artificer
(You can summon three swords per day, times two per level -Lvl1, 3 swords, Lvl2, 6 swords, Lvl3, 12 swords, Lvl 4, 24 swords, etc.)
@Gigler : Bard/Golemancer
(Once per day, you can spray paint a golem into existence. Limit raises times two per level. Golem is set at casters level)
@I just write : (Cursed) Amorphous Humanoid Sorcerer
(You resemble a dullahan, with a twisting mass of static that seems to get louder the longer one stares at it for a head.)
@0th Law : Sorcerer
@lishmael : (Cursed) Warforged
(While you appear human, you are slowly gaining the abilites of an Intelligent Device, including that of buoying another party members abilities.)
@Poofs : (Reincarnated Deity) Monk/Druid

Team I Don't Know, Someone Come Up With A Better Team Name

Note, I am more than willing to change things if you ask me to. (Within reason)
Also, THANK YOU for following the 'in party whatever' guidline. Coming from Spacebattles, NONE of them are following it, makes trying to figure out whos where a nightmare...
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Party 3
Oh right sorry forgot to explain its Jin Mori from god of high school he's sun wukong's reincarnation i guess he would be a Monk/Druid multiclass and considering we are at starting level 1 he's at his season 1 power level

The wiki would explain it better than me Link
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Party 3
Party "Transhumanism" is a GO!
Bragin Nikita
Light brown haired (not reaching shoulders, but barrely), blue eyes. Charming smile, when not showing shark like teeth. Short trimmed beard and mustches.
Traits: millitary background, curiosity, savage, generous, forgiving, mind for misgiving, kleptomania (very light).
Spescial skills:
Survival (very good!)
Hand to hand fight (i'm fine)
Psichologi ( colledge)
Barter (50\50)
Craft (begginer)
History (colledge, russian)
Persuation (?)
Deduction (I was investigator for a short time)
Something else?
In Party 3

I would honestly have preferred whole body static, if that's not too much of an issue.
is there still space for me?
also since I'm the Homestuck logo, I guess I would be the personification of sburb allowing people to alchemize stuff, that's ok? never really played you are your avatar
In Party 3
Party "Transhumanism" is a GO
Character "Shirou Emiya"
Class: SWORD element articfier
LV: 01
Unique skill: Unlimited blade works (can summon three swords per day, times two per level -Lvl1, 3 swords, Lvl2, 6 swords, Lvl3, 12 swords, Lvl 4, 24 swords, etc.)
SWORDS: Basic Sword
Appearance: auburn hair and golden-brown coloured eyes a black and white jersey zip jacket along with his casual clothing consisting of a blue and white long sleeve baseball jersey T-shirt and a blue slim straight jeans
Traits: Dreamer, Hopeful, Brave, Driven, Sword collector.
Skills: mastery of swords, above average bowmenship, average survival skills, Great cooking,
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In Party 3
Character: "Mr. Reception"
CLASS: Sorceror
LV: 01
Neurotype: Autistic
Residents of Brain: 2, 1 prevocal
Unique Skill: Overacting (magic's effectiveness is amplified by the flamboyance with which I cast and how well I adhere to the tropes I'm currently invoking)
IRL Skills: Journeyman Fiction Writer, Novice Chemist, Novice Engineer, Neophyte Tulpamancer
Class Skills: Magic, Stage Presence, Radio Announcer Voice
Appearance: A vaguely humanoid mass of television static. Wearing Kamina shades.
In Party 3
Party "Transhumanism" is a GO
Character: Jin Mori
Class: Druid/Monk
Unique skill: RE Taekwondo(Martial arts dice go up by two when not using hands not counting weapons i.e., d4 to d6)
Appearance: wavy brown almost star shaped hair and dark brown eyes with a yellow cross symbol and a green eye mask over his forehead and a white t-shirt and blue jeans with red star sneakers
Traits: Battle Crazed, Selfish ,Creative, Easy going , Low Impulse control
Skills: Excellent martial arts, Analytical Skill ,Adoptive Muscle Memory
IRL Skills: Novice Writer, Judo ,Gaming
Items brought: 3 Bottles of Water, Change of clothes, Laptop, Pull up bar
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Party 1

Intreasting. Do we get to choose appearance. And what is the type of ranger?
You have guns. You shoot things at range. You start off with the equivilant of muskets in terms of accuracy (if not quite as bad as reload time...) and get better upon level ups or other context sensitive scenarios.

I'm sure if I really put my mind to it I could pull a Galadriel (being an elf princess of roughly the same generation and the same family) and pull down a fortress with my brain meats! admittedly that required special circumstances and another few thousand years of living, but still!

Party #1
@SoixanteZio : (Fiend) Vampire Fighter/Illusianist
@Reliable_2IC : (Cursed) Warforged Artificer/Technopath
(You start off with equipment that gives you the equivalent protection of a full plate suit of armor, slowly over time transforming into you full capabilities)
@AProcrastinator : Druid
@See my smile : (Cursed) Warforged Ranger
(same as the previous, you slowly find yourself transitioning over time into your full swathe of capabilities)
@Widowmaker : Ranger
@shinkiro : Ranger/Witch

Team We Need More Dakka. Seriously.
Do we REALLY need more dakka? Admittedly we don't have any guns.

I'm sure if I really put my mind to it I could pull a Galadriel (being an elf princess of roughly the same generation and the same family) and pull down a fortress with my brain meats! admittedly that required special circumstances and another few thousand years of living, but still!

Do we REALLY need more dakka? Admittedly we don't have any guns.
Obligatory response of "You can never have enough Dakka."
I just put that as a temporary title anyway, if you and your teammates can agree on a team name I'll change it.

I'm sure if I really put my mind to it I could pull a Galadriel (being an elf princess of roughly the same generation and the same family) and pull down a fortress with my brain meats! admittedly that required special circumstances and another few thousand years of living, but still!

Do we REALLY need more dakka? Admittedly we don't have any guns.

I have guns.
I'll be with the Homestuck logo boi for Party 4. My avatar is a half angel, half devil knight or that's what it looks like. About a year or two ago when I was deciding it I wanted a balanced kinda good/evil character image to make fun of how I was behaving in a quest as both an angel and devil lol. Now I'm not certain how this Knight being Half-Angel/Half Devil effects me in said instance lol.

So assumption could be I get access to both sides of the lane and skills as a fighter which is cool.
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I'm in party 3.

I just did math. At level 20 @Bomberfett343 will be abe to summon 3145728 swords! Jesus christ!

Also i nominate to name party 2 team cuttepies or team totally badass! Either we accept or deny our cuteness! No middle ground!

Also @Flutters Is Shy are we roleplaying as our avatars or us transformed as avatars?
I would be myself....

Okay, injured and a bit out of shape.
That's both pretty fixable in this situation.

I guess I serve best as a tactician some type of warden type class.
I could use heavy armor (I've done it) and I'm not bad with a sword or a few other weapons (mostly rope weapons).

So I wouldn't be useless.

My knowledge of actual warfare and combat could be useful I guess, I've read about the psychology and I'm aware of the different types and uses of phalanxes which is more than most people.
In party 3
Goood morning fellas!
I set a timer to 5 min, and that is wat i managed to collect:
(On a balkony)
1 backpack for campig (tatonka) with pairs of sport shues, 1 sleaping bag and 1 tent in it. Ess i keep it that way
2 bags of canned food
1 toolbox for working with wood
2 cans of spray paint (yellow and red)
(Closet room)
7 pairs of trouses
8 pairs of loght socks
2 pairs of warm socks
3 t-shirts
1 pairs of baggy pairs
37 packs of fast porridge with strawberry
2 fedoras (black and blue)
1 acustick guitar
2 bottles of water (5L each)
11 rolls of toilet paiper
I'm already in party 2.

I don't even have to time it. I don't have a bag.

I take a claw hammer my flash acid and screwdriver. All I'll probably use as a weapon.
In party 2.

I'll run to the cabinet and grab the toolkit- a screwdriver, claw hammer, wrench set, screws, nails, a spirit level, and if I have a chance I'll try to grab the woodaxe, saw, and the tent from the shed.