You are the Villain of a Magical Girl Show

Stop me if you've heard this one before; A cosmic horror corrupts/mind controls/possesses an otherwise normal person to do their bidding, and the person is empowered by said horror into becoming a powerful dark wizard to lead it's forces through their attempts to take over the world, preferably without completely shattering the masquerade in such a way as to bring the entire world down on their heads before they are ready.
They are opposed by powerful Magical Girls, who wield great magical powers and, almost by sheer coincidence at times; stumble onto the Dark one's schemes.

Sound like a good, stereotypical setup? Well, this time, for whatever reason, YOU are the poor sap who stumbled onto whatever Dark Artifact/was communicated to and corrupted through dreams/was directly visited by a Cosmic Horror and driven mad.

What do you do with your newfound Dark Powers to please your New God? What schemes do you enact in order to drain the populace of energy/take over the world/kill those meddling brat Magical Girls?

After the first appearnce of the Magical Girls, and they begin foiling your schemes, your "employer" gives you the task of eliminating them in any way you see fit. However, your God is not a merciful one, and gives you a time-limit of approximately five months to get rid of them all. If you fail, expect a swift execution and replacement.

(OOC, You will not know this in character, obviously, but every single scheme you enact to eliminate the MG's will fail. Eventual post-purification redemption optional.) Try to come up with something good! As an example, I shall go first.

After my corruption, I begin my first scheme by employing a Magical Girl Villain classic: I mind-control a store-owner to accept and sell cursed products. The products will gradually assert control over those who buy them, spreading my influence; as well as absorb energy from those around them, fueling my magical efforts and minions. I leave the task of arranging things to the mind-controlled store-owner and leave a single disposable demonic guard in disguise to make sure things continue to go well. This scheme eventually fails, after a group of Magical Girls sense the aura of dark magic that surrounds the cursed products, investigates, ends up fighting the guard as their first "monster of the week" and purifies the place; through the magical Law of Sympathy, after cleansing the store itself, the cursed items that had at one point been in the store are also cleansed.

After this happens, I send a small group of monsters to test the strength of the MGs. Similar schemes to attempt to find their identities, enact schemes in different places, and attempts to simply kill them directly, with minions, and personally, are all attempted and all fail. At this point, the deadline is getting too close for comfort at about two weeks.

Desperate, I go through a bit of a "Villain Episode" and I first cast a spell of scrying, searching for the closest active nuclear submarine, then teleport onto the vessel, systematically mind-controlling or killing all the occupants, and have them launch nukes toward the town or city where the MGs live.
Most of the Magical Girls, one of which having had a precognitive vision, teleport onto the nuclear submarine to try to stop me from launching, managing to reach the bridge where I am just as the nukes begin to fly. I'm outraged that they found my plan, but decide that since they were so kind as to deliver themselves to me, I would kill them all right then and there.

After a spectacular fight where the submarine is practically torn apart, I am soundly defeated with great difficulty. At this point, the nukes I launched begin to enter the airspace of the city, and the sole remaining MG who stayed in the city decides to risk their life to stop the nukes, and, in the so-far greatest show of power any of them have ever demonstrated, completely shield the city by encasing the missiles in a barrier, withstanding the full force, heat, and radioactivity, of several modern nuclear bombs.

After having been defeated utterly in such a manner, I begin to beg my Dark Lord to not smite me for my failure. My plea is heard, though not in the way I would have liked. I, and the various Magical Girls hear my Dark Lord speak, and as he derides me for my failure, he says "If you yourself are so incompetent that you can not achieve victory over a mere group of schoolchildren, then perhaps I shall deal with them myself, through you! It's not as if your mind amounted to much anyway!" As my Dark Lord begins to possess my body in front of the gathered group of Magical Girls, I scream in terror begging to be spared, until my mind is consumed.

I wake up, for the first time in ages, as myself, rather then a tool of evil, lying face-down on a beach. As I get up, the very Magical Girls who I dedicated so much time and effort towards killing, help me up, and explain that they defeated the Dark God who had corrupted and possessed me, and that they knew what had happened to me. I begin to laugh and cry, thanking them with all my heart.

Eventually, a new threat arises, but this time; I fight alongside the very Magical Girls who I had once fought.
Spoiler content is so sappy, lol.

I would evaluate that if there were more than 5 magical girls the chance of killing them all in 6 months approached zero. Knowing I would have only one shot at saving my own hide, I would start with information-gathering; are any of them unvaccinated and vulnerable to biological attacks which would be untraceable to me? Are there boys in their school or neighborhood who are violently jealous that magic seems for some reason to be restricted to girls, and could I pay him to tell me everything he knows about their weaknesses? Does any of the girls have a phobia, or is there some touchy topic that they often fight with each other about, like vegetarianism or politics or a boy they both want?

So let's assume I got one sick enough that she couldn't leave her bed for a week, although she didn't die. Meanwhile I need funds and decide to rob a bank or something, and plan the caper as an ambush for any magical girls that show up. I tip off only the one who is the worst at communicating with the others and prone to charge into danger on her own, but plan some contingencies in case they all show up. If one of them is reliant on glasses, I bribe a bully her age to steal or break them. Perhaps I know that one of them is phobic of spiders, so I whip myself up a spider-themed villain costume. Then I fall on my knees and use my villain speech(tm) to tell them a sob story about why I need the money so they'll be reluctant to hurt me, and I accidentally-on-purpose bring up the topic they often talk about.

Somehow this will all fail anyway, because magical girls always have luck and destiny on their side, but hey at least I tried to be intelligent about it.
Tbh I'm just going to revel in being made magically turbofab and use my powers to be a Flamboyant Bitch

so if some punk schoolgirl in a fancy one piece wants to throw hands over that BRING IT
Set up shop in Blackpool. No Magical Girls in Blackpool.

Granted, no hope or joy either, but I'll try to make something work.
Well. The game is rigged (it`s magical girls, of course it`s rigged), so the obvious choice is to not play the game.

Observe the pesky do-gooders, find out what their vices are, immerse them in them to the point that they simply cannot be arsed to stop me rather than keep enjoying whatever magical girls do instead of the proverbial 'hookers and blow' and hope that counts as sufficiently eliminated to please my dark godlike entity (having literal dark magic is no reason to indulge them on their claims of divinity. One has to have certain limits) while not actually counting as a 'elimination' for it to autofail.

After that ? Fully automated dark crystal fetish socialism. Rally the worker youma into a overthrow of the dark not-god(dess), seize the means of dark crystal magic production, start making the world a better, if extremely tackily fetishy, place for everyone.
If I knew it was 5 girls, and my odds of killing them are zero, my best chance of survival would be secretly backstabbing the big bad. Find out as much as I can, and prepare for a face turn at the appropiate time. Near the end of the time frame, get the girls and the villain together, and hope you don't get killed.

Try to gather info by non-lethal ways of getting them to show up. Once they all team up, then you can try to set up a final confrontation. The Dark Lord will have an easier time winning than you will.

If you're stuck with five pissed-off magical girls looking to mop up survivors. Just surrender and flat out say this was the best plan you could think of given the circumstances, and you didn't want to die, and you're glad they won. Hopefully they believe you.

Best case , you end up sixth mahou ranger. Decent case, you go to jail/juvie Worst case, you die but you're gonna die anyways.
My general modus operandi would be to simply run several different plans in parallel at all times, so that the MGs can't respond to them all simultaneously. On top of this, all schemes will be separated by long distances, both hopefully staying outside the MG's strategic range, and greatly increasing their travel time between each site. I can operate on a larger strategic scale than the MGs, and I'm going to ruthlessly exploit that fact.

Further, if at all possible, I would fit each separate energy-draining scheme's forwards operating base with a very intense time dilation field. Once the MGs go in, time inside will be slowed to a crawl. Make no mistake, they'll get out eventually, but by the time they manage that, weeks, months, or possibly years will have passed outside, which is plenty of time to help my Dark Master pull an Aku and create a villain world. Even better, since this was achieved without any time manipulation aside from adjusting the rate at which it flows, the MGs will have to make their OWN freaking time machine if they want to fix this.

True, the Magical Girls aren't technically eliminated. On the other hand, they're also strategically irrelevant. The Dark Regime is simply too widespread and entrenched to really be removed by a few superpowered individuals.
Just be insanely honest about it. Throw out the Masquerade thing.

Organize as a new religion, and openly recruit worshippers. I mean, with Evil God Powers, actually granting people miracles and actually healing by laying on hands is doable, right? Let's see how society handles that.

If I could get people to believe my evil god is the God of Abraham, that would be great. Heck it might even be true. I dunno how the Muslims would take me calling myself the new Prophet, or how the Christians would take that either for that matter. Maybe declare myself Pope on the strength of actually doing miracles.

But anyway, the important thing is to establish as part of human society, rather than something that is an external, existential threat for everyone to unite against.

As for the Magical Girls, other than the main one they usually have crappy home lives, so offering to heal their sick moms or whatever, should be enough to co-op at least a few for a season or two; so that the first couple arcs are the Magical Girl vs. Dark Magical Girl motif, and then by the time they're united, I'd have had enough time to build up enough power to be a Big Deal in Season Three, and also sympathetic enough to the theoretical audience that me winning outright could work as a twist ending that's ironically not a total downer.
Revised from SB
I would be infused by power from a malign entity born from the Theia Impact (what formed the Moon) called the Silver Maiden. It eventually gained a foothold into reality and I was marked by chance, infusing me with power, instinctive knowledge and enslaving me. I would loath and detest the Silver Maiden but would still be loyal, unable to betray its overall goals or direct commands but with enough wiggle room due to the nature of the bond and differing psychologies that I don;t follow its will exactly and I can go against it in some way if I truly veil it is mistaken and I am acting to further its goals or in line with previous instructions.

Its goal is to rule over humanity with a Iron fist, twisting them to its visions form and purpose, and consume the stars themselves.
I'm paranoid with an obsession with keeping myself several steps away from the implementation of any plans when i think about how i would do anything like this and I also have a fascination with shapeshifteing and a phobia of mind alterations. But I would amuse that my hatred of such methods would have been decreased as it would make me more useful, but i would still prefer to make people do things of their own will. Its more satisfying and i dislike the idea of dealing with puppets rather than people. I also want to have a family, decent life, help people over all, and have such a job as 'Silver Lord' separate from this and one of the first things I would ask of my patron iis that I have the right to protect my family and home life from anyone who would seek to harm them - as a minor thing that would make me more cooperative it would be granted.

Given this I would seek to create a portfolio of separate identities and recruit others in these forms while setting up my home life comfortably. I would use stuff like the lottery to start with to get initial capital to start up a company to bring in a steady income and make use of my more detailed understanding of reality to pioneer new inventions - or rather, implant the knowledge into the minds of others to do it and run it for me as I have neither the time, inclination, or skill to do that successfully. I would also implant suggestions for polices slightly more inline with my view in politicians, public figures, and business leaders to set the stage for future moves and ease the public into what i want.

I would then seek out others of skill, intellect and integrity to support me and gain their trust by magic, healing, and appealing to the need to save the world or own lust for power - twisting them with subtle nudges if need be, by peer pressure and the revelation the the 'True Gods' wants control. Whatever I need to do to ensure their absolute loyalty and these would be my advisors, researchers, generals and the like who i would listen to and give power to. But not all people would no each other and I would in fact create and support opposing factions that are blind to each other and overseen by a smaller group of overseers (Mind control would likely be used here. I want control and to push a broad basic policy that i can exploit, what do i care about the rest of the politics and economics? In the end I get the control i want.

I would also set up PR stunts to show people as heroes, icons to the masses, and what not to jump start political careers and end them with the goals of slowly bring the public around. This also would involve promoting media and entertainment to have a message I need. Targeting religion and manipulating holy sights to whisper in peoples minds and ferment divisions would also be done to slowly subvert them and fracture groups I dislike and/or that I think would be tactility useful.

Though this I would be pushing for renewable energy, space travel and colonization, and transhumanism. This would be while pushing the study of magic and the automation of it along with the harvesting of planetary/stellar souls and the incarnation of them or fragments of them into human forms as weapons and a possible path humanity could go in service to my detested God. This would fail and render the souls of the Sun and Planets (barring Earth and not including Pluto) unusable but actively making people feel more comfortable on the other planets, which aids colonization with this coinciding with a wave of colonization to Venus and Mars. (About 10 years after I was empowered - i am making progress but not fast enough)
The various factions I brought into being have been challenging me with defections, attempts at back stabbing from a few quarters but not many. Things are not fully under control and the masquerade is failing - the Maiden's empowerment of me and actions have resulted in others gaining magic and have complicated things with varies nations and groups fighting each other and trying to weed out agents of subversion. Many knowing someone exists that is manipulating things but not who. But trying to control and manipulate all of humanity that is now spread over various planets and space habitats and egged on by widely divergent magical groups is hard. But I still have a slowly growing strangle hold on everything and the public is slowly falling into line with religious divisions, inflamed doubts, and wars leaving many open to whispers of a Silver Goddess and a manifest destiny to claim the stars.

One of the opposing groups manages to steal from me the information needed to build an AI assisted power enhancer/focuser and magic amour device. Producing Five of them - these are use to attack a high school for 'ethnic cleansing'. Failing and having the devices stolen by a 16 year old girl who gives them two more to her sisters. This kicks off the first series of Magical Girl attacks as they go after the group and ending them after a short series of confrontations only to find that they were a pawn to a higher up group. The so called and whispered about 'Black Council' who used the stolen cores/souls from the dead as a resource, kicking off a shadow war against this faction, one of the groups that held only a tentative alliance to me.

At this point I am a distant father and thoroughly hated by my children fathered from several different mothers whose only stable relationship was sacrificed by order of the Silver Maiden. when this report first comes In i wont really care and I let the leader of that section deal with it. There are far more important things for me to deal with and I would not micromanage. The leader of that fraction decides to sacrifice that cell to get information and then decides to recruit the Magical Girls in disguise and send them after their enemies. It works to begin with but use to incompetence, arrogance, and chance the Magical Girls get suspicious and also end up hitting their 'emplyer's' operations as well.

Due to the escalating incompetence, wasting of resources, it is decided over all to let that faction fall, against my objections against sacrificing an ally (Even though I could not give a fuck, i still have to do what I can to the best of my power). If the faction fell than the three powerful Magic Users could be left alone or recruited later with more care. The Fraction leader falls after targeting the Magical Girl's sisters and then out of a combination of spite and pride reveals that he is only a pawn and the the Silver Maiden Will rule all.

At this point i am working on bring things together, bring the god into reality proper, and creating proper soldiers from celestial bodies incarnated as humanlike beings; the Sentinels and delegate what seems to be a minor situation on one planet to the one overall responsible for that area - irritated that I was asked what to do when dealing with stuff on that level is not my job. I have generals and a military for a reason but I strongly suggest to let the who thing lie and make the Magical girl's now numbering five think that the fallen leader was delusion or mistaken about the scope of what was going on and let it settle down without unneeded escalation.

This does not work as soon enough they either stumble on more information or more likely, become targets of spite hurt pride and led to it by the various factions and the situation escalates massively. Any attempt to find out the Magical Girls real names and identities fails in explicitly, even they will not know why. I would get furious and frustrated at the whole situation but leaves it in the hands of my allies while i focus on finishing the other projects adn tightening control over the colonies as in the end this is still rather isolated and does not impact things on the whole.

Then as the Sentinel project is brought to the final stage the number of Magical Girls increases to seven with ages ranging from 18 to 13. The escalation results in an army of monsters along with most of my agents destroyed by the youngest who let lose what amounts to a solar flare. This cascade of errors results in the obliteration of the one in change of Earth and I step in at the order of the Maiden.

I would be given 5 months to end this using whatever I have as effectively as I can and am demanded i show what happened to the failed planet Incarnates previously and I am forced to explain I gave them to a human parents. The Silver Soldiers are sent in and cause a series of deadly battles that leaves one maimed and broken and the rest traumatized, the Soldiers diminished and driven away and the masquerade falls. I step froth in my most prominent mask as take the reigns of all the remaining forces. It was in this battle the the Girls work out how to bolster their power and show themselves to be the planets incarnated, goddesses in all but name and as a result destroy the equipment they had been using and losing the finesse they once had.

I am pushed back over time as things fall apart, people and planets rebel. When the Sentinels succeed in out/my master stroke and the Silver Maiden is summoned into the world it is destroyed and but before it does so, the Maiden out of spite strips me of my false face and commands me to get revenge and use my true name and appearance, to kill humanity and then myself. Revealing that I am the Magical girl's father and the permission I got to protect my family was what let the Magical Girls to remain hidden and that i knew, w2hich was why I spent a lot of time trying to deescalate things and using exact words to try and follow the Maiden';s will and ensure my family was safe.

In the end I am pushed back to my last strong hold. and I lose, fighting to the last breath while dying with a bitter smile and laugh on my lips. My family loathing me and everything I work for dust; My daughter won, my detested patron dead, and humanity is now space fairing. terms of style, I'd probably be Dark Techno Knight, rather than sorcerer. Kind of like the attached image (Get the reference, and you get a cookie.)

Of course, the major stumbling block is that I'm pretty paragon. But for the sake of the premise, let's assume that either I get persuaded through deception or magic, to carry on as a magical girl villain. As modus operandi, I'd be following the tried and true method of "make it up as I go". I'd start out gathering whatever resources energy I can though sending out the initial monsters of the week, usually though covert ops that are easier to hide/won't cause trouble, before mahou shoujo screw them up as they do.

After the first few failed ops I'd start intervening personally, mostly to figure out what's stopping these ops. Commonly, when a main bad shows up they tend to do well in the first outing, and the heroines usually survive via last ditch attack to drive me off, or I'd let them go figuring "I've beaten them once, I can just teach my troops what I've learned and they can take it from here." Of course, that never works, so I usually would keep on showing up to skirmishes. More likely than not, I'd have some respect for them and would try to be fair in dealings. But I've got a job to do, so I do it as best as I can.

Of course this would probably not be good enough for the evil employer. I probably would get offed by him. I'd either be brought back as a not so effective good guy (because you just aren't as effective when you make a heel-face turn), or offed to demonstrate how evil the big bad is, only to be forgotten next season. It would depend on how it actually plays out as I write it, this is more of a general outline.
Gradually corrupt world leaders into causing a nuclear holocaust while distracting the magical girls with silly villain of the episode shenanigans, keeping them complacent and holed up in their city/town. To them, what I'm doing is some far off thing in a country they are never going to visit. When was the last time you saw a magical girl watch the news?

The game is rigged so I won't bother playing it. I'll pretend I'm playing checkers with them while I'm actually playing Risk on my phone under the table.
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Tbh I'm just going to revel in being made magically turbofab and use my powers to be a Flamboyant Bitch

so if some punk schoolgirl in a fancy one piece wants to throw hands over that BRING IT

Oh but of course! What's the fun in being a supervillain if you can't go FULL HAM!

Just be insanely honest about it. Throw out the Masquerade thing.

Organize as a new religion, and openly recruit worshippers. I mean, with Evil God Powers, actually granting people miracles and actually healing by laying on hands is doable, right? Let's see how society handles that.

If I could get people to believe my evil god is the God of Abraham, that would be great. Heck it might even be true. I dunno how the Muslims would take me calling myself the new Prophet, or how the Christians would take that either for that matter. Maybe declare myself Pope on the strength of actually doing miracles.

But anyway, the important thing is to establish as part of human society, rather than something that is an external, existential threat for everyone to unite against.

As for the Magical Girls, other than the main one they usually have crappy home lives, so offering to heal their sick moms or whatever, should be enough to co-op at least a few for a season or two; so that the first couple arcs are the Magical Girl vs. Dark Magical Girl motif, and then by the time they're united, I'd have had enough time to build up enough power to be a Big Deal in Season Three, and also sympathetic enough to the theoretical audience that me winning outright could work as a twist ending that's ironically not a total downer.

Oooh! The dark messiah approach. Not bad at all! Plenty of ways for that to play out.

Revised from SB
I would be infused by power from a malign entity born from the Theia Impact (what formed the Moon) called the Silver Maiden. It eventually gained a foothold into reality and I was marked by chance, infusing me with power, instinctive knowledge and enslaving me. I would loath and detest the Silver Maiden but would still be loyal, unable to betray its overall goals or direct commands but with enough wiggle room due to the nature of the bond and differing psychologies that I don;t follow its will exactly and I can go against it in some way if I truly veil it is mistaken and I am acting to further its goals or in line with previous instructions.

Its goal is to rule over humanity with a Iron fist, twisting them to its visions form and purpose, and consume the stars themselves.
I'm paranoid with an obsession with keeping myself several steps away from the implementation of any plans when i think about how i would do anything like this and I also have a fascination with shapeshifteing and a phobia of mind alterations. But I would amuse that my hatred of such methods would have been decreased as it would make me more useful, but i would still prefer to make people do things of their own will. Its more satisfying and i dislike the idea of dealing with puppets rather than people. I also want to have a family, decent life, help people over all, and have such a job as 'Silver Lord' separate from this and one of the first things I would ask of my patron iis that I have the right to protect my family and home life from anyone who would seek to harm them - as a minor thing that would make me more cooperative it would be granted.

Given this I would seek to create a portfolio of separate identities and recruit others in these forms while setting up my home life comfortably. I would use stuff like the lottery to start with to get initial capital to start up a company to bring in a steady income and make use of my more detailed understanding of reality to pioneer new inventions - or rather, implant the knowledge into the minds of others to do it and run it for me as I have neither the time, inclination, or skill to do that successfully. I would also implant suggestions for polices slightly more inline with my view in politicians, public figures, and business leaders to set the stage for future moves and ease the public into what i want.

I would then seek out others of skill, intellect and integrity to support me and gain their trust by magic, healing, and appealing to the need to save the world or own lust for power - twisting them with subtle nudges if need be, by peer pressure and the revelation the the 'True Gods' wants control. Whatever I need to do to ensure their absolute loyalty and these would be my advisors, researchers, generals and the like who i would listen to and give power to. But not all people would no each other and I would in fact create and support opposing factions that are blind to each other and overseen by a smaller group of overseers (Mind control would likely be used here. I want control and to push a broad basic policy that i can exploit, what do i care about the rest of the politics and economics? In the end I get the control i want.

I would also set up PR stunts to show people as heroes, icons to the masses, and what not to jump start political careers and end them with the goals of slowly bring the public around. This also would involve promoting media and entertainment to have a message I need. Targeting religion and manipulating holy sights to whisper in peoples minds and ferment divisions would also be done to slowly subvert them and fracture groups I dislike and/or that I think would be tactility useful.

Though this I would be pushing for renewable energy, space travel and colonization, and transhumanism. This would be while pushing the study of magic and the automation of it along with the harvesting of planetary/stellar souls and the incarnation of them or fragments of them into human forms as weapons and a possible path humanity could go in service to my detested God. This would fail and render the souls of the Sun and Planets (barring Earth and not including Pluto) unusable but actively making people feel more comfortable on the other planets, which aids colonization with this coinciding with a wave of colonization to Venus and Mars. (About 10 years after I was empowered - i am making progress but not fast enough)
The various factions I brought into being have been challenging me with defections, attempts at back stabbing from a few quarters but not many. Things are not fully under control and the masquerade is failing - the Maiden's empowerment of me and actions have resulted in others gaining magic and have complicated things with varies nations and groups fighting each other and trying to weed out agents of subversion. Many knowing someone exists that is manipulating things but not who. But trying to control and manipulate all of humanity that is now spread over various planets and space habitats and egged on by widely divergent magical groups is hard. But I still have a slowly growing strangle hold on everything and the public is slowly falling into line with religious divisions, inflamed doubts, and wars leaving many open to whispers of a Silver Goddess and a manifest destiny to claim the stars.

One of the opposing groups manages to steal from me the information needed to build an AI assisted power enhancer/focuser and magic amour device. Producing Five of them - these are use to attack a high school for 'ethnic cleansing'. Failing and having the devices stolen by a 16 year old girl who gives them two more to her sisters. This kicks off the first series of Magical Girl attacks as they go after the group and ending them after a short series of confrontations only to find that they were a pawn to a higher up group. The so called and whispered about 'Black Council' who used the stolen cores/souls from the dead as a resource, kicking off a shadow war against this faction, one of the groups that held only a tentative alliance to me.

At this point I am a distant father and thoroughly hated by my children fathered from several different mothers whose only stable relationship was sacrificed by order of the Silver Maiden. when this report first comes In i wont really care and I let the leader of that section deal with it. There are far more important things for me to deal with and I would not micromanage. The leader of that fraction decides to sacrifice that cell to get information and then decides to recruit the Magical Girls in disguise and send them after their enemies. It works to begin with but use to incompetence, arrogance, and chance the Magical Girls get suspicious and also end up hitting their 'emplyer's' operations as well.

Due to the escalating incompetence, wasting of resources, it is decided over all to let that faction fall, against my objections against sacrificing an ally (Even though I could not give a fuck, i still have to do what I can to the best of my power). If the faction fell than the three powerful Magic Users could be left alone or recruited later with more care. The Fraction leader falls after targeting the Magical Girl's sisters and then out of a combination of spite and pride reveals that he is only a pawn and the the Silver Maiden Will rule all.

At this point i am working on bring things together, bring the god into reality proper, and creating proper soldiers from celestial bodies incarnated as humanlike beings; the Sentinels and delegate what seems to be a minor situation on one planet to the one overall responsible for that area - irritated that I was asked what to do when dealing with stuff on that level is not my job. I have generals and a military for a reason but I strongly suggest to let the who thing lie and make the Magical girl's now numbering five think that the fallen leader was delusion or mistaken about the scope of what was going on and let it settle down without unneeded escalation.

This does not work as soon enough they either stumble on more information or more likely, become targets of spite hurt pride and led to it by the various factions and the situation escalates massively. Any attempt to find out the Magical Girls real names and identities fails in explicitly, even they will not know why. I would get furious and frustrated at the whole situation but leaves it in the hands of my allies while i focus on finishing the other projects adn tightening control over the colonies as in the end this is still rather isolated and does not impact things on the whole.

Then as the Sentinel project is brought to the final stage the number of Magical Girls increases to seven with ages ranging from 18 to 13. The escalation results in an army of monsters along with most of my agents destroyed by the youngest who let lose what amounts to a solar flare. This cascade of errors results in the obliteration of the one in change of Earth and I step in at the order of the Maiden.

I would be given 5 months to end this using whatever I have as effectively as I can and am demanded i show what happened to the failed planet Incarnates previously and I am forced to explain I gave them to a human parents. The Silver Soldiers are sent in and cause a series of deadly battles that leaves one maimed and broken and the rest traumatized, the Soldiers diminished and driven away and the masquerade falls. I step froth in my most prominent mask as take the reigns of all the remaining forces. It was in this battle the the Girls work out how to bolster their power and show themselves to be the planets incarnated, goddesses in all but name and as a result destroy the equipment they had been using and losing the finesse they once had.

I am pushed back over time as things fall apart, people and planets rebel. When the Sentinels succeed in out/my master stroke and the Silver Maiden is summoned into the world it is destroyed and but before it does so, the Maiden out of spite strips me of my false face and commands me to get revenge and use my true name and appearance, to kill humanity and then myself. Revealing that I am the Magical girl's father and the permission I got to protect my family was what let the Magical Girls to remain hidden and that i knew, w2hich was why I spent a lot of time trying to deescalate things and using exact words to try and follow the Maiden';s will and ensure my family was safe.

In the end I am pushed back to my last strong hold. and I lose, fighting to the last breath while dying with a bitter smile and laugh on my lips. My family loathing me and everything I work for dust; My daughter won, my detested patron dead, and humanity is now space fairing.

Sounds like you're pretty much set with your story. All you really need is a magical girl team with good characterization, and you'd be set to write a story/manga/anime.

Gradually corrupt world leaders into causing a nuclear holocaust while distracting the magical girls with silly villain of the episode shenanigans, keeping them complacent and holed up in their city/town. To them, what I'm doing is some far off thing in a country they are never going to visit. When was the last time you saw a magical girl watch the news?

The game is rigged so I won't bother playing it. I'll pretend I'm playing checkers with them while I'm actually playing Risk on my phone under the table.

Keep in mind, the rules say that every scheme will fail. Ergo, the plan will not survive contact with the enemy. Either one world leader gets too OOC. One member of the team does listen to the news and realizes something up(the only reason we don't see magical girls watch the news often is because it's not plot relevant). Or some magic will help them realize the problem.

Actual resolution of this scheme may vary. There's the peace summit route, where the team has to talk down/de-corrupt the world leaders. The Interception route, where the missiles launch, but they use magic to stop all the missiles from reaching their targets. Or finally, if you really want a nuclear holocaust to dunk on the heroes. They survive, and then band together to put a stop to you, and then go on to fix the world. Either slowly through hard work and guts, or through world healing wave.
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I use my dark powers to get the Magical Girls and general populace addicted to gacha games.

Taking over the world, one ten-roll at a time. :V
Set up shop in Blackpool. No Magical Girls in Blackpool.

Granted, no hope or joy either, but I'll try to make something work.

Pretty much fate worse than death.
Developing world refugee camps etc. People will join my horde for 3 meals a day and security. If the magical girls come will find my command centre located next to a child care centre. Full of happy orphans I'll turn them to the dark side. Or cyber bully them into suicide or get them arrested for war crimes.
Sooo...Just putting this out there, because I'm not sure which way this thought direction is supposed to go. Are we ultimately meant to lose in the end as the big bad's patsy? Because I'm seeing more than a few entries here that are trying to sidestep the whole magical girl fighting results in losing by going in decidedly non-magical girl directions. The problem is that seems to be defeating the purpose of this exercise of determining our flavor of monster of the week and or overarching story where good ultimately triumphs.

Or am I just reading too much into this?/being too paragon?
Sooo...Just putting this out there, because I'm not sure which way this thought direction is supposed to go. Are we ultimately meant to lose in the end as the big bad's patsy? Because I'm seeing more than a few entries here that are trying to sidestep the whole magical girl fighting results in losing by going in decidedly non-magical girl directions. The problem is that seems to be defeating the purpose of this exercise of determining our flavor of monster of the week and or overarching story where good ultimately triumphs.

Or am I just reading too much into this?/being too paragon?
I took it as "You have been mindfucked to serve the forces of darkness to the best of your abilities. How do you optimize your plans to ensure your master's victory?"

In my case, I decided to try expanding my operations to outside the Magical Girl's strategic range and have multiple plans going at all times, ideally in the triple digits if at all possible. That way even if the MGs do have a 100% chance of kicking over every scheme they come across, they can't meaningfully do anything about my success as a whole, even if they run themselves absolutely ragged with 24/7 patrols and completely abandoning their mundane lives.
I took it as "You have been mindfucked to serve the forces of darkness to the best of your abilities. How do you optimize your plans to ensure your master's victory?"

In my case, I decided to try expanding my operations to outside the Magical Girl's strategic range and have multiple plans going at all times, ideally in the triple digits if at all possible. That way even if the MGs do have a 100% chance of kicking over every scheme they come across, they can't meaningfully do anything about my success as a whole, even if they run themselves absolutely ragged with 24/7 patrols and completely abandoning their mundane lives.

If that's the case, then the thread title should be "You are a Supervillain." Rather than "You are the Villain of a Magical Girl Show." And I think that the latter is what drives the narrative of these "what if's" a little better. Because I feel that the former is little more than stomping a setting of choice. The latter has a villain facing an inevitable power of friendship fueled end. How do they react to that? Run from it, though it will one day catch up to them? Rage against it with all their might? Embrace it, and find that which was lost? Or exact as heavy a toll as possible from the heroines before they claim victory and try to undo the damage?

Another aspect that might be an interesting wrinkle is romance and friendship. Are there feelings that develop across the lines of light and dark? Was there a pre-existing relationship the villain might have had with one of the heroines before they were called to darkness? Will they be a light to lead a fiend away from their doom? Or an obsession that drives them to worse crimes?
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If that's the case, then the thread title should be "You are a Supervillain." Rather than "You are the Villain of a Magical Girl Show." And I think that the latter is what drives the narrative of these "what if's" a little better. Because I feel that the former is little more than stomping a setting of choice. The latter has a villain facing an inevitable power of friendship fueled end. How do they react to that? Run from it, though it will one day catch up to them? Rage against it with all their might? Embrace it, and find that which was lost? Or exact as heavy a toll as possible from the heroines before they claim victory and try to undo the damage?

Another aspect that might be an interesting wrinkle is romance and friendship. Are there feelings that develop across the lines of light and dark? Was there a pre-existing relationship the villain might have had with one of the heroines before they were called to darkness? Will they be a light to lead a fiend away from their doom? Or an obsession that drives them to worse crimes?
TBH, my strategy of decentralizing everything would almost certainly lead to the MGs deciding to go for a decapitation strike. Probably not literally, but still a problem from a strategic point of view.
re we ultimately meant to lose in the end as the big bad's patsy?
After the first appearnce of the Magical Girls, and they begin foiling your schemes, your "employer" gives you the task of eliminating them in any way you see fit. However, your God is not a merciful one, and gives you a time-limit of approximately five months to get rid of them all. If you fail, expect a swift execution and replacement.

(OOC, You will not know this in character, obviously, but every single scheme you enact to eliminate the MG's will fail. Eventual post-purification redemption optional.) Try to come up with something good! As an example, I shall go first.
I took it as "You have been mindfucked to serve the forces of darkness to the best of your abilities. How do you optimize your plans to ensure your master's victory?"

In my case, I decided to try expanding my operations to outside the Magical Girl's strategic range and have multiple plans going at all times, ideally in the triple digits if at all possible. That way even if the MGs do have a 100% chance of kicking over every scheme they come across, they can't meaningfully do anything about my success as a whole, even if they run themselves absolutely ragged with 24/7 patrols and completely abandoning their mundane lives.
As laid out by the Op you are tasked with eliminating the Magical Girls as they start to interfere with operations and given 5 months to do with, but every attempt to end them fails. You cannot win in the sense of beating the Magical Girls - no matter what stratagem or how wide the net is you are destined to lose either at the hands of the Magical Girls or at you Dark Patron/God once the five month deadline has run out. How this well known song and dance goes down is up to you, including if you get redeemed and any long term consequences.

Avoiding this forced confrontation goes against the point of the thread.
Ah. Depending on how deep the mind control goes, there are one of two possibilities.

Possibility #1 (mild brainwashing): I try and figure out how tough the MGs are by throwing a few of the toughest monsters my boss can supply me with at them, attempting to minimize civilian casualties as they do so. After the first few victories from the MG side I conclude that my odds of survival are higher with them protecting me than they are working for the boss who would kill me for my inevitable failure and immediately defect, losing access to most of my dark master's resources in the process. The fact that I minimized civilian casualties will likely make redemption easier.

Possibility #2 (total fanatic): I immediately start rigging all my schemes with excessively lethal deathtraps designed to trigger without warning the instant the creatures running them are defeated. Furthermore, I do my 'multiple schemes in parallel' stunt, but all confined within the region the MGs are known to operate in. In this case, the goal isn't to avoid confrontation, but to wear down the MGs through sleep deprivation and exhasution. There will be direct attacks on civilians using possessed patsies in order to lure the MGs into position for repeated assassination attempts, often making use of the closest things I can get to wide-area instant-kill effects. Given the guaranteed high civilian casualties and utter misery I inflict on the MGs, I almost certainly end up dead; either my boss kills me, or the MGs do.
Not seeing much of a downside to going full Khornate Bezerker in this case and preaching the Eight Fold Path. No worries, be happy, skulls for the skull throne.
I focus on producing tentacle based monsters to change the demographic of the series and possibly win as the audience stops being impressionable girls who root for the heroines to horny teens who know where this is going.

Oh wait i'm unaware and doomed? Eh, screw it. I'll make fake ones and have them ruin everything by being jerkasses enough that the muggles demand something be done, then I'll wiggle my way into leading the hunt.
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