Operation Outer Bell Part 1 - How Not To Do An Ambush 101
- Location
- United States, EST
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Operation Outer Bell
Part 1
Part 1
Right, first mission without being railroaded by the tutorializing! Yaaaay everyone is going to die.
There was a desert here. It's snow now.
Our brave heroes drop out of the Skyranger onto the ground, and the camera pans to get us a good look at our objective.
See? Glowy green thing!
Apparently we only have so long before the contraption explodes due to a self-destruct, I think is the reason given. Oddly enough, none of the enemy troops seem worried about this whatsoever, and are apparently content to let the thing explode. I dunno, maybe they're just that brain-dead.
"Woah! You sure this is safe?" "Eh. It's fine."
(Much as I'd like to go into full detail about this one, my Picture Uploading Muck-Up appears to have lost more than a few screenshots,as well as put them out of order. Or I'm just that bad at taking them at the moment. Any case, there will be some skimming and retelling from memory without pictures involved here. Sorry.
Anyways, here we see the beginnings of my tactical derp. My foreknowledge of how to play almost entirely comes from watching - and playing some of - XCOM: EU. What this means is my first choice of tactic is ingrained to be "move to blue border in cover, overwatch" repeat ad infinum. XCOM 2 is much more... timed than EU. That and various other changes means that by the time I find enemies they are out here:
Would love to know why they think I'm gonna attack them via an empty field when there's a cluttered, cover-full highway just off to the side. Or how they missed the Skyranger.
While my troops are generally scattered off to the east(?) in positions that render my attempt at an ambush quite sloppy. The generic trooper dies
Pictured: Very Certainly Dead.
but the captain only triggers one reaction shot that misses.
One job. All you had.
So in exchange for killing one generic trooper our cover is blown with no other real advantages, because I couldn't set up a good ambush.
The captain shoots at a trooper I had on the truck he took cover behind but misses, while the trooper's aim is unexpectedly deadly for a complete rookie.
Spoiler: I'm pretty sure this guy wound up practically carrying the rest of the team to victory.
Then the truck that guy was on exploded. He was fine, though. Cool people don't look at explosions, after all, though screaming in panic about them is fine.
Next the force moved up a little and found another trooper and another captain. They collaborate and kill one of the troopers.
You were NOT INVITED to this party!
First proper casualty of the war, Mook With A Dishtowel On His Face, Day 0-Whenevertheheck, RIP
Somehow the only person on the team with any prior combat experience winds up panicking. She proceeds to deal with this in the appropriate manner: shotgunning an ADVENT trooper in the groin and lower torso.
The ADVENT captain is shot to pieces ignominiously off to the side, so far as I can tell.
Nobody remembers how you died. Or particularly cares. Don't work for ADVENT, kids; stay in school!
The Only Trooper With Prior Combat Experience gets over her panic attack and hacks the glowy green thing so that it won't explode, nothing special there. Bradford says to kill all the other enemy troops in the area, so I move up and find this:
Stood In The Far Back When The Good Looks Were Handed Out.
THIS is a Sectoid now! They were not meant to have human DNA in them.
It has a lot of health at 8 bars, which down here at the 3 bar Trooper and 5 bar Captain level might as well be a bloody tank. So I do the logical thing and feed it a few grenades.
Two, to be exact.
How d'you like THEM apples?
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