Xander [Quest], Thread Two: Born of Power

Complimenting one for beauty and one for martial prowess doesn't seem very likely to settle them down like you're hoping.
Let's not try to play ladies man. Let us pretend, unlikely as it is, that Xander does not look at girls like that until both he and they are over a certain age.
LordsFire said:
[x] "First thing's first, Cordy," heal her bruise, she's our friend, we don't want her feeling hurt, "How did your match go, and do I need to go have 'speaks' with somebody for what they did to your beautiful face?"
-> If she gets pissy about what we said, response along these lines "I probably could have been more tactful, I am only eight years old, but I could see a verbal cat fight coming, and now really isn't the time."
--> If it all becomes conversationally appropriate, "So yeah, Kahlua here's a Vampire Princess, and was my last opponent, not sure if you got to see that with your fight. Getting a ring-out against her pushed me to the absolute limit of my abilities." Put some emphasis on this here, Cordy's sharp, she should pick up that we were just in a very damn dangerous fight.
---> Chat with Briar a bit too, she no doubt has questions for us. If Cordy and Kahlua start getting pissy with each other even after what we've said, ignore them and talk with Briar until they're done. See what else she saw in the prelims, and what her thoughts on it all are.

I saw what you did there with Briar Z-targeting for Cordy, you sly devil.

And now we have activated the 'Legendary' Xander charm. We are The Bauss.
[x] "First thing's first, Cordy," heal her bruise, she's our friend, we don't want her feeling hurt, "How did your match go, and do I need to go have 'speaks' with somebody for what they did to your beautiful face?"
-> If she gets pissy about what we said, response along these lines "I probably could have been more tactful, I am only eight years old, but I could see a verbal cat fight coming, and now really isn't the time."
--> If it all becomes conversationally appropriate, "So yeah, Kahlua here's a Vampire Princess, and was my last opponent, not sure if you got to see that with your fight. Getting a ring-out against her pushed me to the absolute limit of my abilities." Put some emphasis on this here, Cordy's sharp, she should pick up that we were just in a very damn dangerous fight.
---> Chat with Briar a bit too, she no doubt has questions for us. If Cordy and Kahlua start getting pissy with each other even after what we've said, ignore them and talk with Briar until they're done. See what else she saw in the prelims, and what her thoughts on it all are.
LordsFire said:
[x] "First thing's first, Cordy," heal her bruise, she's our friend, we don't want her feeling hurt, "How did your match go, and do I need to go have 'speaks' with somebody for what they did to your beautiful face?"
-> If she gets pissy about what we said, response along these lines "I probably could have been more tactful, I am only eight years old, but I could see a verbal cat fight coming, and now really isn't the time."
--> If it all becomes conversationally appropriate, "So yeah, Kahlua here's a Vampire Princess, and was my last opponent, not sure if you got to see that with your fight. Getting a ring-out against her pushed me to the absolute limit of my abilities." Put some emphasis on this here, Cordy's sharp, she should pick up that we were just in a very damn dangerous fight.
---> Chat with Briar a bit too, she no doubt has questions for us. If Cordy and Kahlua start getting pissy with each other even after what we've said, ignore them and talk with Briar until they're done. See what else she saw in the prelims, and what her thoughts on it all are.
My vote goes behind this.

Also, now that we have an idea about our capabilities, we should start thinking about our goals.
Three are given - training, and researching Dimensional Science Magic for Briar, long term, and sacrificing to Din, short term.

But we're also reaching the point where 'learning by doing' is viable - see Super Saiyan Modo or the latest update for reference - and may, in fact, be preferable for some things, such as leadership.

For example, it was stated that Cordelia's 'Queen Bee' social position was the result of a social sub-skill she has, which we may learn from her, if we wish to - which would likely require a closer relationship and detailed interaction.

Even if we won't pursue this particular avenue, it suggests that there are ways of modifying the how skills work, if we look for them.

I, for one, wouldn't mind spending some time looking for someone, like a genuine guru, who could help us with our reincarnation issues without being locked into forever increasing Spiritual Prowess.

Or we may start making contacts, perhaps even getting our name out - there are bona fide occult websites and fora on the internet, so if we did some commision jobs under an alias (such as minor divinations or various utility items like protection amulets), we may make valuable acquaintances even without ever meeting face-to-face with anyone.

Perhaps Master would take us vampire hunting, to gain some experience in genuine mortal combat under somewhat controllable conditions, or Larry's Monster Hunter grandma would be willing to teach us about local dangers and how to deal with them.

But we should start hashing these things out, so we don't have to spend time asking ourselves about what we even want, when we could be figuring out to how to accomplish it.
Brilliant Alex, Brilliant.

OK... how do we fix this? We got two very dangerous (if in different ways), women angry at us…

…I got nothing.
[X] A king does not apologize.
- [X] Take up the conversation with Briar, like a King.

Double or quits!
[x] A king does not apologize when he doesn't think it appropriate.
- [x] Take up the conversation with Cordelia, like nothing happened when she's finished with her meal and she's ready to talk about what bother her. Is she still hurt ? Heal her if that's the case.
- [x] Talk with Briar in the meantime: How is she, her thoughts on the different matches, ask about Lu-sensei have she seen him ect. Keep things casuals.
[X] A king does not apologize however you're not a king, you're Alexander Harris and you will do right by your friends (even if you have a tendency to mentally catalogue them as minions).
--[X] Apologize. You clearly overdid it and offended them.
We were out of line.
We already got one bad trait out of the stupid write in. We do not need to dig a deeper hole, damn it.
Robotninja said:
We were out of line.
We already got one bad trait out of the stupid write in. We do not need to dig a deeper hole, damn it.
Well, it looks like we could level it up to make it, you know, useful.
[X] Apologize
Vindictus said:
Agreed. Let's walk RIGHT BY harem shenanigans.
NO HAREM. If we harem, every vote I make afte rthis will be [x] Bite out tongue and bleed to death. Fo srs. HAREMS END QUESTS. THIS IS FACT.

[X] A king does not apologize.
- [X] Take up the conversation with Briar, like nothing happened. Ask if there were any notable matches that she noticed.

Cordelia was the one that said she had something to talk about, she can speak when she is ready and I believe are are trying to avoid a certain topic with Kahlua?