Scraped from
Your first memory is darkness. Warm, wet, quiet, still, and comforting, it surrounds you, goes on as far as you can perceive, and seems to last forever. You like it, and as you drift in the dark, you dream. In these dreams, you see:
[ ] Golden triangles. (Ganondorf, King of Evil)
[ ] Dark gemstones. (Beryl, Queen of the Dark Kingdom)
[ ] Alien canisters. (Mother Brain, Commander of the Zebesian Space Pirates)
[ ] Tangled webs. (Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders)
[ ] Azure flames. (Azula, Princess of the Fire Nation)
[ ] Swarming nightmares. (The Overmind of the Zerg Swarm)
[ ] Flashing fists. (M. Bison, Master of Psycho Power and Shadowloo)
Then the dreams and the darkness end. There is movement, followed by pain, and then there is noise, light, and cold. You don't like this at all, and you voice your displeasure at the earliest opportunity. The blurry giants gathered around you don't precisely ignore your protests, but they either don't understand what you're trying to tell them, or simply don't care. You're dried off with a piece of cloth that grates against your skin like sandpaper, wrapped up in a too-thin blanket, and handed off to a giant woman who clearly isn't looking her best.
"What're we going to call him, Jess?" the nearest of the male giants rumbles in a voice of muted thunder. "No way we're naming him after my useless old man, and your dad threatened to disown you if you named the kid after him."
"I was thinking we might name him for your grandfather, Tony," the giant woman replies.
"Grandpa Alex?" Tony the Giant murmurs like a thoughtful landslide. "I think I like the sound of that."
"And his middle name can be Lavelle, for my grandfather," Jess the Giant-Woman continues, sounding rather dazed.
Tony snickers, and you hear/feel a whoosh of wind as he lays one colossal hand on the female's head, gently stroking her miles of dark brown hair. "Whatever you want, hon."
So it is, that you are officially named Alexander Lavelle Harris.
You spend the first few weeks of your life doing the sorts of things that all babies do. You sleep, you drink, you fill your diapers and get changed, you sleep again, you cry, you wobble around, and you sleep some more. And when you sleep, you dream once more. For the most part, your dreams are full of random nonsense, the sort of thing you suspect most babies (and most people in general) see, but one night you have a dream that reminds you of the visions you had in the dark. It is clearer, more powerful, and simply more real than all the other dreams you have had since being born, and it follows the same thread as your earlier, half-forgotten... memories?
In your waking moments, you ponder what you have seen in the dream-memories, and what you should do about them.
[ ] Repress the strange dreams as much as possible, and get on with being a normal baby from a normal family, living in a normal town. As normal as California ever gets, anyway.
[ ] Let the dreams come and go as they may. If something applicable to your normal life shows up, use it, but otherwise, ignore them.
[ ] Pay attention to the dreams. Try to make use of as much of what you see in them as possible, but keep the strange stuff hidden.
[ ] Investigate the dreams thoroughly. Sleep often, review what you can recall of the contents while awake, and apply it all to your life, no matter how strange it seems.