X-Com : Aftermath (OOC/Recruitment)

But X-COM has completed its objective, and thus it doesn't have a purpose anymore. The aliens are gone. People don't know if they'll be back or not, but for the moment, there's no real need for X-COM to have full independence anymore. The world is going back the way it was, without an overall threat to unify humanity, we're back to politics and petty bullshit between countries. X-COM is going to be pulled on from every side, and an independent X-COM isn't going to be what the world wants anymore.
But X-COM has completed its objective, and thus it doesn't have a purpose anymore. The aliens are gone. People don't know if they'll be back or not, but for the moment, there's no real need for X-COM to have full independence anymore. The world is going back the way it was, without an overall threat to unify humanity, we're back to politics and petty bullshit between countries. X-COM is going to be pulled on from every side, and an independent X-COM isn't going to be what the world wants anymore.
Then it is our job to convince them that it is.
Except at a fundamental level your wrong.

Commanderbalde wants a civilian army and a blank check we will have neither.

Lets look at the army first.

We are 100 percent set up for SF operations, small tacticle and elite.

We cant train an army up to SF standards without a MASSIVE wash out rate.

Which most countries are okay with, because they still use failures as regular troops.

We however would not and just lose massives amounts of money in the housing,feeding,supplying,training and medical care of these soliders.

Google the cost to train 1 army solider and you will get an idea.

As for blank check countries have Always been willing to cut funding for any reason they choose, I think incompetence precived or otherwise would count.
Oh my god I am trying to point out that if it comes down to a major conflict we are under manned. Now I have thought on it and I have decided that XCOM can scout potential recruits from the worlds military's and extend them a offer that when their terms are up they come work for us.