Writing and Planning Exalted Crossovers

Hooboy. Well, @Revlid, you're demanding I up my game here. I'm amused that you implicitly called me a dog-fucker though. Before I respond, big thanks and threadmark to @EarthScorpion for his analysis of the Infernal Narrative Strengths.

I can definitely agree that Creation, for all of its appeal, is not well known enough to inspire an emotional investment in readers. Part of the point of this thread is to help tease apart the memes that make people include Exaltations as out-of-context problems.

Hmm. I need to revise my next chunk of the thread to take Revlid's comments into account.
Eh @Shyft , Revlid doesn't like dumping exalted shards into other settings and then not really adding fusion elements. Which, uhm, actually isn't what you or ES did. You two started with a jump but thereafter began bringing in stuff like thaumaturgy to make the setting more fusion-ey.

I can see the annoyance with "look, don't just give a guy an Exaltation as a random power up, why is that even an Exalted crossover?"

To which I say, why not? Fanfiction is written to specific audiences in fandoms, and if writing for SB/SV, Exaltation is a power-up shorthand that people already have some familiarity with which saves the author effort. Sure, the fic could still work if you invented n original power-up instead of a sidereal shard, but that massively increases the burden on the author and probably means he doesn't write the fic at all.
As far as I know, AGSItV is actually set in Creation.
If it's set in creation, it's a fusion of Creation and Familiar of Zero. One that heavily leans on Creation's elements, but that's more because one side is sparse with details regarding some subjects, so ES used Creation's rules when he could.
First, there is the Setting Fusion crossover, which is an excellent conceit used by cool and attractive people.
To jump on this subject, a lot of crossovers may not benefit from being crossed with the main setting, but rather one of the many cool alternative settings found in the Shards of the Exalted Dream book, which is a good read by itself, or just from robbing from them liberally for inspiration.

I'll give a brief run down of the best ones to either use wholesale or to rob from for crossovers for the guys and gals who don't have the book:

Heaven's Reach: This is Exalted, In SPACE! There are space-ships and Star Wars style blasters with the Exalted and gods and demons are all the result of sufficiently advanced technology; Spirits are advanced AI's that can use essence, the Exalted are Trans-human who are the peak of human science and engineering and the Primordial's are called System Intelligence and they are literally stellar phenomenon made sapient. Infernal Exalted and Alchemical's aren't exactly written up in this setting, but there are hints and it wouldn't be too hard to include them. This works best for settings that lean towards the more sciency side; Mass-Effect, Knights of Sidonia etc.

Modern: This is probably going to be the default setting for a lot of people; Creation is a strange mirror to our world with computers, cars, skyscrapers and all that jazz, its ruled by a shadowy council of Infernals backed by their Sidereal Visiers and their Lunar mates. The Dragonblooded are a common type of Exalted and most people believe that they're the product of genetic engineering, Alchemical's on the other hand are basically Guyver, they're Exaltions are physical things that you can touch and that bond to you like the fore-mentioned Guyver suit. The no longer need a tank to refit themselves, but they still need to make their Exaltion go innert so they can re-spec their powers. You could quite easily make a Ghost in the Shell crossover with too much trouble, it also works for Evangelion and any other setting that is close to our own world.

After these two, there is Gunstar Autochtonia, which is a magic Battlestar Galactica, as the Exalted host lost to the Titans and are now on the run from them inside the body of Autochton. It isn't great for Crossovers because the primary setting is the titular Gunstar and beyond that there isn't much explained. The other is a martial arts setting that drops most of the setting and uses the Street Fighter RPG rules.
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AGSITV doesn't happen in Creation, but Halkeginia in it is built from Creation-metaphysics bits to somewhat superficially resemble canon Halkeginia (ie, at the starting point it looks like canon ZnT, but that's just basically a mask). It's ultimately a place existing within the Exalted cosmology and so is certainly under the setting fusion umbrella.

It's just doing the thing I tend to do where I rip out all the guts and replace them with parts more suited for my preferred genre/metaphysics.
Hooboy. Well, @Revlid, you're demanding I up my game here. I'm amused that you implicitly called me a dog-fucker though.

Only just had someone point out you wrote Cast In Gold - I haven't actually read it yet, so I can't comment on its quality.

I might as well mitigate my comments by noting that there absolutely have been setting jump crossovers I've enjoyed. The Truth Decays is a good Naruto/Fullmetal Alchemist crossover that works purely on the strength of its characterization, for example, and while it certainly does include the requisite "how did I get here, why are everyone's powers different, how do I get back" treadmill, it treats these problems well enough (for example, yes Ed's alchemy is totally unknown to Konoha, but on the other hand their Torture and Interrogation department is reaaally interested in it).

The main thrust of the post is not that Setting Jump is universally awful (but it is tho - nah I'm just kidding - or am I) but that most uses of Exalted in a crossover - i.e. Exalting one or more of the characters, main or otherwise - will neutralize the biggest benefits of a Setting Jump (easy to include characters from both settings, easy to provide an out of context problem), while ameliorating the hurdles of a Setting Fusion (compromising between the rules and structures of each setting).

To give an example that would probably be relevant, a Setting Jump for Exalted/Evangelion would involve a Solar/Lunar/Whatever Exaltation just... showing up in Tokyo-3, for whatever reason. Adam buttfucked Lilith and a Solar Exaltation raced through the resulting dimensional cumfart to immediately protagonify Maya and elevate her ability to identify hexagons to a superhuman level. A Setting Fusion might involve Keel secretly being a Sidereal, the Geofront being built around the Jade Prison, the Angels being Third Circle Demons of Lilith/Lilun, Evangelions being scavenged warstriders, whatever other goofy shit you want.
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Only just had someone point out you wrote Cast In Gold - I haven't actually read it yet, so I can't comment on its quality.

I might as well mitigate my comments by noting that there absolutely have been setting jump crossovers I've enjoyed. The Truth Decays is a good Naruto/Fullmetal Alchemist crossover that works purely on the strength of its characterization, for example, and while it certainly does include the requisite "how did I get here, why are everyone's powers different, how do I get back" treadmill, it treats these problems well enough (for example, yes Ed's alchemy is totally unknown to Konoha, but on the other hand their Torture and Interrogation department is reaaally interested in it).

The main thrust of the post is not that Setting Jump is universally awful (but it is tho - nah I'm just kidding - or am I) but that most uses of Exalted in a crossover - i.e. Exalting one or more of the characters, main or otherwise - will neutralize the biggest benefits of a Setting Jump (easy to include characters from both settings, easy to provide an out of context problem), while ameliorating the hurdles of a Setting Fusion (compromising between the rules and structures of each setting).

No worries! Your post was hella insightful. CiG has very rough quality starting out and most of the metaphysics don't start showing up til way later anyway.
Lolwut. Seriously, lolwut.

The canonical first act of the other Exalted was to destroy the natural order of things, overthrowing the worldbuilders so they could rule. Then draginblooded did the same to the Solars. Infernals are the ones most attached to a natural order, being agents attempting to reassert the natural order of things (Yozi rule, everyone else drools).

Honestly, the group you really seem to be describing are Abyssals, given that they're treated much more as an existential threat outside of one rather silly module.
Whatever could you mean? Of course the Abyssals uphold the natural order. What is more natural than death and decay? All things pass in time. It is prolonging ones life that is unnatural. Embrace the peace of oblivion and the beauty of the void, for they are both proper and inevitable.

-Elaborate Morbid Moniker, Midnight Caste
Even the actual canon Exalted setting once existed as a prequel to a modern Earth setting. This is really easy. Feel free to throw some settings at me for examples of how to fuse them with Exaltation.
These are just what I thought up off the top of my head:

Sufficiently Advanced, specifically the To the Stars and Patent Office settings.
Star Wars
Post-Decade Kamen Riders (Double, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive, Ghost)
Lilo and Stich
And out of morbid curiosity, let's see you do 40K. (TTS-verse would be best)

And yes, I am also willing to take a crack at settings, but other people will probably do far better write-ups than I.
This thread has given me the perverse idea to go through my Steam/GOG library and try and see how I could fuse each of the stories therein with Exalted.

But then I will want to actually write it and that way lies madness.
One of the fun things about Exalted is that it had (or still have I don't know) two canon cross-over potential hooks. The first is the Well of Urd that is described as containing visions of other worlds AFAIR and is often used in fics or homebrews to make contact with alternate Creations. The second is the Yozi Cecelyne whose sands are said to extend into many worlds.

Anyway amusingly enough when I'm tempted by making cross-over with Exalted I'm more inclined to look to the demons and the Yozis/Primordials than the Exalted themselves. The Yozis, while suffering a bit from shitdark syndrome, are a good pantheon of primordial deity and they are not very much tied to the setting which means you can reuse them everywhere like their Third and Second Circle demons.

I think it's what makes at least a shade of Infernal Exalt fic popular, the idea to have the Yozis, powerwul yet impotent, mucking around in a foreign setting, providing instant conflict for the main character.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

You could set it – scaled down a bit, but we don't see more than a few planets anyway – somewhere in Heaven's Reach, really.

Alternatively, you could cast the Jedi as Sidereals and their mortal pupils, who sealed away the concept of Exaltation millennia ago when it threatened to destroy the galaxy. Now, they preach a philosophy of detachment and balance to dissuade their return, but Gold Faction Qui Gon is unable to resist tutoring the young boy destined to become a Solar, Anakin Skywalker.

Unfortunately, Palpatine's a Deathlord who can evade the Sidereal prophecies, corrupt Anakin, and see him be Exalted as a sort of Solar – namely, an Abyssal. He now runs the Empire from atop his seat, and employs corrupted Sidereals and his servant Darth Vader to snuff out the slowly-returning Exaltations before they can gather momentum. The Force is Essence, obviously. If you want you can have Mandalorians be Terrestrials, but I am heartily sick of Terrestrial-wank.

...not sure why you'd go in for that, or what in the world the story would be about. Lilo and Stitch is a story about family crossing barriers and withstanding hardships. Power and consequence and heroism and action don't really come into it. If you give Lilo a Solar Exaltation she'll, I dunno, make nicer sandwiches for the fish, or something. If you decide that Stitch is a Lunar, practically nothing changes because he's already a fiendish overpowered murderbot who learns the meaning of family.

And out of morbid curiosity, let's see you do 40K.
This really depends on how extensive you want to make the changes. If you want it to be identical to canon-40k on the surface, it's simplest to replace ancient Terra with forgotten Creation, and cast the Terran warlords of the Age of Strife as warring Solars, whose conflict would have torn the solar system apart if the Emperor hadn't emerged victorious. The greatest among them, he defeated all his peers and trapped their divine souls in the Golden Throne, uniting Terra under his singular banner with the aid of the Sidereal Malcador. When it became clear that even his awesome skill wasn't enough to run the Empire of Humanity on his own, he tried taking twenty of these Exaltations and fashioning vessels around them, to create his Primarch-children.

Sidereals lurk throughout the Inquisition, split into Radical and Puritan rather than Gold and Bronze. The Chaos Gods are the last, mad Primordials, trapped in the groaning prison of the Immaterium and tempting mortals into their service with promises of akuma-power. Machine-Spirits are literally machine spirits, and tech-priests work on more than religious delusion. I don't really see much space for Lunars, though Terrestrials could potentially be fused with Space Marines as a whole, "inheriting" their elemental blood directly from their Primarch by surviving infusions of gene-seed.

The protagonist is presumably a normal person in the Imperium of Man who receives a Solar Exaltation as the Golden Throne creaks and cracks open.
The protagonist is presumably a normal person in the Imperium of Man who receives a Solar Exaltation as the Golden Throne creaks and cracks open.

Possibly some kind of strangely powerful person hunted by the Inquisition and linked to the Emperor in some strange way.

Of course, they gather students and cults where they go. Often their cults call them... Sensei.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

You could set it – scaled down a bit, but we don't see more than a few planets anyway – somewhere in Heaven's Reach, really.
Yeah, that could work. Most Jedi would be Enlightned Mortals rather than Sidereals, though, since we know that there are a whole lot of Jedi...
...not sure why you'd go in for that, or what in the world the story would be about.
To be honest, I'm not sure either, but we now agree that not all settings can be easily fused with Exalted, because Exalted doesn't add that much to them.
This really depends on how extensive you want to make the changes.
That's a good point. TTS-verse probably starts diverging a bit further back, and there's just no way to reach Brighthammer from 30K.
I decided to read Power Games again and kinda stuck to me that fusing it with Exalted Heaven's Reach is possible.

Exaltation Shards could have been Black Boxed Al-Hazard Technology, probably proto-Unison Devices slash hybrid artificial Linker Cores. The Celestial Exalts would retain their roles from Heaven's Reach, slightly modified to fit in the Nanoha-verse.

The Abyssal shards and Infernal shards could be due to corruption of programs, either due to wear and tear, or intentional sabotage. There's already precedent of corrupted super weapons with the Book of Darkness as an example.

The Dragonblooded would be the result of genetic manipulations of an entire race. Precia Testarossa could have studied this field and used it in her projects. Fate as an Air Aspected Dragonblooded.

Al-Hazard Combat Cyborgs would be your Alchemicals. This could possibly be the inspiration for the Mariage and Jail Scaglietti's own projects.

I'll probably store this idea since I'm not confident that I can do this justice. Maybe in the future when I have stories written. Thoughts? Ideas? Criticisms? Paroxysms?
If we're talking Exalted fusion, I'd suggest taking a look Green Sun Hokage, which fuses the two settings really well and has an incredibly entertaining Ebon Dragon(?).
Not even hard, though.

Transformers = Literally Alchemicals, Cybertron = Spaceborn Autochthon, Unicron = Voidtech Patropolis. No humans on Autochthon, just Alchemicals and lesser automatons, and he ejected his most violent voidtech corruption in the form of the planet-eating Unicron. Sparks = Exaltations. If you want to introduce other Exalt types it's really simple to say that The Cube or The Ark or whatever movie McGuffin is the Jade Prison, locked away on Earth. Introduce other elements from Exalted as you wish - they might be just primordial weapons from Cybertron's ancient prehistory, forged to raise up organics to fight in their wars and sealed away when they proved too dangerous.