Wretched Dream [Magical Girls]

Turn 6
You briefly consider giving your new friend's sight a shot, but decide you're better off scouting the area. You need answers of the larger variety.

Stealth: 2v1: [3]
You're not quite as stealthy as you'd like, and are caught out a few times. Fortunately, you respond to this by turning around and bolting, and while they sometimes put up a good chase, you're never close enough for them to realistically catch up to you before you've vanished again.

The downside is that, assuming they have any communication at all, they now have multiple sightings of you wandering around. Hopefully they'll either be too busy to do anything about it, or their attempts at responding will slow them down more than your efforts ever could.

The upside is that you now have a pretty good idea where you are.

This is, as near as you can tell, the general layout of the area you're in. Past the bordering fortresses seem to be relative wasteland, with no enemy movements or visible structures for the most part, at least as far as you saw. The outpost you died at seems to indeed have been one of a line of fortifications attempting to wall off or at least screen the area between two mountains, and the place you woke up afterwards seems to have been a little to the south (lower on the map, which you think is south) of there, closer to the southeastern most fortress. Your original fortress should have been the western of the two southernmost bastions walling off mountain passes, and thus fairly far to the south through a lot of dried riverbeds that you didn't see anywhere near here.

Alternatively, you got which say is south wrong.

That aside, your survey has revealed some very noteworthy points of interest.

-The giant fortress nestled/built into the mountains is absolutely gigantic. You severely hope they renovated one of the existing ruins, because this thing puts your own fortress to shame. It's also swarming with activity, and not just military patrols or mindless milling; there's all sorts of crude wagons and hauled packs going to and fro. Very disturbing.

-The fort curtain you were at earlier is interesting. It's obviously designed to ward against attack and seal off the pass, but there's room between them to sneak past without being in range of anything save possibly tower-mounted artillery. That leads you to suspect it's there more as a deterrent or breaking point for larger forces than to block literally anything that comes through. The "front" of each fort is also slightly different than the other sides, with the crenelations being raised and reinforced into arrowslit-bearing shields, which seems to confirm both that they're designed to withstand assaults from without and that these assaults are liable to include ranged fire of some kind.

-The fortress to the south (again, you think) seems pretty robust. Like all the other forts that aren't the curtain wall, it seems to be made of quarried stone rather than Nightmare-warped reality, which is a good sign. You'd think it'd have a lot of ground to cover, but while it's got heavy patrols it doesn't seem super frantic about scouting out against attack. Presumably that means this border is relatively safe, despite including what you assume is a way around the fort curtain to the north.

-Haha wow, there is an actual forest in here. The fortress guarding it- and you have no doubts whatsoever about the necessity of defending against a Nightmare forest- seems suspiciously vine-covered and defensive. Patrols were pretty sparse and kept near the fort, which you took as a hint not to hang around yourself.

-The western fortress seemed a bit sparser than the southern one, but with much wider-ranging patrols. You saw a lot of ranged troops in these patrols, which could mean just about anything.

-The pits in the middle-ish of the region are important. Truth be told there's a lot of work being done around them; they're so wide-ranging that it's hard to call them a fortress or similar, but the total volume of (mostly crude, unfortified) structure and (still armed but often working) population could well rival or exceed any of the not-capital fortresses. You were regrettably unable to figure out what they were doing, if indeed they had a single purpose with all those pits, but you have no doubt it's a bad thing. Given their size and frequency, however, you're guessing this is either an enormous and long-running operation, or that the pits themselves are natural (read: Nightmare-tainted abomination) features with some kind of value.

With a much better understanding of the area, your strategic options open up considerably.

[] Scout [Location]. You did a quick pass, but nothing in-depth and nothing risky. Poking deeper might reveal more intel on any particular landmark or location.
[] Assault [Location]. Now that you know where everything is, you can pick and choose what to kill much more coherently.
[] Seek [Feature]. Whether looking for a place to stay or a patrol to ambush, knowing the lay of the land will aid greatly in finding things you want found.
[] Ghost Memory: A Chance To Learn. While scouting the pools, your friend said she sensed an opportunity. It might still be there.
[] Ghost Memory: A Clean Home. Several times while scouting, your friend said she sensed the same opportunity. It might still be there.
[] Ghost Memory: A Favored Toy. Near each fortress (but not the fort line or capital), your friend said she sensed the same opportunity. It might still be there.

-The giant fortress nestled/built into the mountains is absolutely gigantic. You severely hope they renovated one of the existing ruins, because this thing puts your own fortress to shame. It's also swarming with activity, and not just military patrols or mindless milling; there's all sorts of crude wagons and hauled packs going to and fro. Very disturbing.

High priority location, but likely to see us killed if we attack it. On the other hand the sheer number of wagons makes it possible to infiltrate by simply hiding in a wagon heading that way.

-The fort curtain you were at earlier is interesting. It's obviously designed to ward against attack and seal off the pass, but there's room between them to sneak past without being in range of anything save possibly tower-mounted artillery. That leads you to suspect it's there more as a deterrent or breaking point for larger forces than to block literally anything that comes through. The "front" of each fort is also slightly different than the other sides, with the crenelations being raised and reinforced into arrowslit-bearing shields, which seems to confirm both that they're designed to withstand assaults from without and that these assaults are liable to include ranged fire of some kind.

We can get to the other side fairly easily. Not much point poking the forts.

-The fortress to the south (again, you think) seems pretty robust. Like all the other forts that aren't the curtain wall, it seems to be made of quarried stone rather than Nightmare-warped reality, which is a good sign. You'd think it'd have a lot of ground to cover, but while it's got heavy patrols it doesn't seem super frantic about scouting out against attack. Presumably that means this border is relatively safe, despite including what you assume is a way around the fort curtain to the north.

Probably some kind of command location.

-Haha wow, there is an actual forest in here. The fortress guarding it- and you have no doubts whatsoever about the necessity of defending against a Nightmare forest- seems suspiciously vine-covered and defensive. Patrols were pretty sparse and kept near the fort, which you took as a hint not to hang around yourself.

Meet non-Nightmare locals?

-The western fortress seemed a bit sparser than the southern one, but with much wider-ranging patrols. You saw a lot of ranged troops in these patrols, which could mean just about anything.

Aerial threat. Dragons?

-The pits in the middle-ish of the region are important. Truth be told there's a lot of work being done around them; they're so wide-ranging that it's hard to call them a fortress or similar, but the total volume of (mostly crude, unfortified) structure and (still armed but often working) population could well rival or exceed any of the not-capital fortresses. You were regrettably unable to figure out what they were doing, if indeed they had a single purpose with all those pits, but you have no doubt it's a bad thing. Given their size and frequency, however, you're guessing this is either an enormous and long-running operation, or that the pits themselves are natural (read: Nightmare-tainted abomination) features with some kind of value.

High value location, excavating...something?
This one is probably on a timer, but we don't know the site.

Next, the three memories:
[] Ghost Memory: A Chance To Learn. While scouting the pools, your friend said she sensed an opportunity. It might still be there.

Moderate risk

[] Ghost Memory: A Clean Home. Several times while scouting, your friend said she sensed the same opportunity. It might still be there.

Low risk? It's not tied to a major site.

[] Ghost Memory: A Favored Toy. Near each fortress (but not the fort line or capital), your friend said she sensed the same opportunity. It might still be there.

We crazy?

[X] Ghost Memory: A Clean Home. Several times while scouting, your friend said she sensed the same opportunity. It might still be there.

Lets try one memory out.
[X] Ghost Memory: A Chance To Learn. While scouting the pools, your friend said shesensed an opportunity. It might still be there.
This one is probably on a timer, but we don't know the site.
What we could do is assault the patrols and interrogate one of the Wretches. If they don't know the overall purpose of the fortifications/pits, they at least would know who is in charge and what their orders are.

They know we are in the area anyway, so no point in keeping away from them, but they likely can't afford to divert forces to hunt down a single target. That'd be stupidly inefficient.
You just noticed, huh? :D

[X] Ghost Memory: A Chance To Learn. While scouting the pools, your friend said shesensed an opportunity. It might still be there.

Just to get a feel of what's it like. Don't want to make a habit out of it yet.
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[X] Ghost Memory: A Clean Home. Several times while scouting, your friend said she sensed the same opportunity. It might still be there.
[X] Ghost Memory: A Clean Home. Several times while scouting, your friend said she sensed the same opportunity. It might still be there.

Just to get a feel of what's it like. Don't want to make a habit out of it yet.
I do. Just think of the grappling bonus we'd get for having Octopus legs!
It's certainly nice, but not something I would forego the remains of our humanity for. We have forgotten much already.

We'll see how it affects us and what is the nature of the relationship between us and the ghost, I guess.
[X] Ghost Memory: A Chance To Learn. While scouting the pools, your friend said shesensed an opportunity. It might still be there.

I think the pits' structures are diffuse enough that it should be easy to get in and out of the area.
If needed to resolve the tie, I can flop to another option. I have no preference for memory or the place we pick it in, as it's more of an experiment to me.
Turn 7
You take a bit to consider the implications of all this information before deciding to pursue a memory. You waver back and forth over whether you want to try for the pit or recurring one, before settling on the recurring one just to make a decision.


It takes a bit of wandering to find it again, but you finally do so around midway between the giant and two western fortresses. Your friend guides you towards what you finally make out as a ruin, and the world progressively becomes more ghostly.

You are... you can't remember your name, but you know who you are. It's just hard to put into words. You're... you. Elegant, important, gracious... you're you, and you have business here.

The memory and real world begin overlapping strangely. In the memory it was some kind of tower, while the real counterpart is beneath a squat stone structure, possibly a tomb. The feel is the same, though; you require a place to rest, and so must clean your new abode properly. In the real world, there's Wretches milling about.

In the memory... best not think about it.

How do you go about cleaning your new home?

[] Directly. Dust should be swept aside without concern.
[] Discreetly. Removing cobwebs should be done in the proper order.
[] Distantly. Water should be sopped up with a rag between you and it.

What sort of tune do you hum while cleaning?

[] Serious. The purpose of work is to accomplish a goal.
[] Cheerful. The joy of work is to see your surroundings get better, bit by bit.
[] Playful. The opportunity of work is to find value in things others do not.
[X] Distantly. Water should be sopped up with a rag between you and it.

What sort of tune do you hum while cleaning?

[X] Cheerful. The joy of work is to see your surroundings get better, bit by bit.

The tentacle-e-ist Disney tiny-animals-cleaning-scene yet! : D
[X] Distantly. Water should be sopped up with a rag between you and it.
[X] Playful. The opportunity of work is to find value in things others do not.
[X] Discreetly. Removing cobwebs should be done in the proper order.
[X] Cheerful. The joy of work is to see your surroundings get better, bit by bit.
[X] Discreetly. Removing cobwebs should be done in the proper order.
[X] Cheerful. The joy of work is to see your surroundings get better, bit by bit.

If we're looking for a Memory, care should be taken in how it is pursued, lest we destroy what we're seeking.
We're seeking a ghost memory. Something here is sparking it.

But what?
An old bit of graffiti? A drawing fallen in the dust?

I want to clean it up with care so if there is something fragile triggering it, we don't just wash it away
I think this does not matter. I think what this does is either defining, or trying to guess the personality of the ghost. Remember?
"I felt something familiar as you were slain by the Wretch. That sense of contempt, of being inconvenienced by a lesser being." She pauses for a few seconds before continuing. "We are one now. I suspect that if you... emulate me, as I was in life, we may reforge my memories, and with it my power."
"It will need to be true. You will have to feel as I feel, share as I share. It may be difficult to achieve."
So we are trying to emulate the ghost, and both choices play into it. Either our character 'knows' it instinctively and the girl is then defined according to what we choose, or we play it with trial-and-error method and nothing happens until we get a hang on what she was in life.

By the way, I don't know if it's relevant, but here is what our character was:
"You live for others. You are a happy person, but your losses have broken you. You defined yourself by your friends, and with them gone it feels as though your world has been murdered. That more than anything is why you cannot rest."
Might be useful to keep track of any... alterations in our mindscape.
[X] Discreetly. Removing cobwebs should be done in the proper order.
[X] Cheerful. The joy of work is to see your surroundings get better, bit by bit.
Turn 8
You set about brushing out the cobwebs one by one, humming cheerfully to yourself as you do so.

Stealth: 2v1: [1]
The first few stragglers are the easiest to clean, and you sneak up behind them, clamp a hand over their mouth, and cut their throat without incident, watching with satisfaction as the filth slowly fades out.

Stealth: 2v1: [1]
Those milling about the entrance and in the center hallway fare about as well, being pressed against the wall and carved open or dragged around corners and stabbed until clean. The tower was built a little like a fortified mansion, while the current building indeed appears to be little more than the entrance to a crypt; in each case, the central hallway is the first to be cleared out.

Stealth: 2v1: [3]
You're finally caught out in the kitchen, drowning a victim in the stewpot. You drop your writhing victim as the others reach you, deftly drawing... in reality it's your sword, in memory it's some kind of ultrathin energy beam or floating shard of glass.

Melee: 2v1: [3]
Kitchen: 1v1: [1]
In the memory, you are forced back by an unusually burly, fierce chef. In reality, you're punched onto a stone table- sarcophagus?- bowls and platters of things best left unmentioned clattering across it as you hit.

-1 HP, now at 4/5 HP

Mobility: 3v1: [2]
Magic: 2v1: [3]
In each case, you turn to your mobility, writhing onto a chandelier in your memory and slipping under a wooden table in reality. You bring your magics forth, an arrow of light in reality and a storm of kinetic force in memory, but the arrow misses and the chef holds his ground.

Melee: 2v1: [2]
In you go, graceful and quick, right under the cleavers and into the soft gut(s). Chef and Wretched alike are left in bleeding heaps.

Stealth: 2v1: [2]
The commotion attracts attention from the nearby storage area, but you grab the last one from behind, drag it around a corner, and slowly butcher it. As the remainders attempt to discern what's happening, slowly panic, and finally simply try to flee, they suffer similar fates.

Stealth: 2v1: [1]
The living areas are next. They are very, very filthy, but also disorganized and easy to pick apart one at a time. Soon they are nice and clean.

Stealth: 2v1: [1] The final side area is a library of some sort... in the memory, anyway. You think it's an armory or forge in reality, though it could be some kind of butchery, tannery, second kitchen, or similar; strange materials you think might be organic are lying around. Whatever it is, it's easy to clean, and while there were no sources of fire to pitch unsuspecting victims forward into in the memory, the feel of it is somehow right.


In the memory, it's a staircase to the final level. In reality, you're simply following the hall to the chamber at its conclusion. What lies beyond it very similar, however. Sort of.

Stealth: 2v1: [2]
There are others, of course, but you drag them behind obstacles and silently watch them become clean, smiling at your progress.

Stealth: 2v1: [3]
It's a grizzled old man and a lanky Wretch, but both are wise to your tricks. You go for them directly, ignoring their few remaining guards, but they catch the blade and flip you. Well, the old man flips you clean through the air, the wretch just rolls you through a campfire.

They both start talking, but they blur strangely, and you don't think you remember what the old man is saying anyhow.

Mobility: 3v2: [3]
Stealth: 2v1: [2]
You pull back, laughing as you vanish into the scenery. They don't have to look long before you assassinate the remainders, leaving just the center target. Both are unimpressed, or maybe the old man is just grim? You don't properly recall.

Mobility: 3v2: [4]
Target: 2v1: [1]
In the memory, he shatters a table with enough force to make you recoil. Shameful, for one such as yourself. In the now, it shoulder checks you into a... you're not sure what that is, armoire maybe? It's a tall piece of presumably container-like furniture, anyway.

-1 HP, now at 3/5 HP

Mobility: 3v2: [3]
Magic: 2v2: [3]
You recover quickly, laughing in the memory as you once again slip out of sight. In the memory, you unleash bolts of... you think they're green, but they have a strange shimmer to them, like they bear a film of oil. In reality you just fire your bow as the Wretch checks behind the wrong table and/or sarcophagus. The magic barrage in the memory is effective at destroying a great deal of furniture and giving the old man a run for his money, but the arrow whistles over your target's head.

Tackle: 2v1: [2]
In the memory, you grow complacent in your laughter, and the old man comes within inches of striking you. In reality, you're slightly distracted by the light show, and so are somewhat startled as the Wretch barrels into your, shivving your sides with a pair of daggers.

-1 HP, now at 2/5 HP

Melee: 2v2: [1]
Retaliation: 2v1: [1]
In the memory, you finally steel yourself, twice now pushed back by a tangle of dust. You summon that strange floating sword of yours again and begin whipping through the air with brutal precision. It shatters several times on the man's blade, but you don't care; it is resummoned in time for the next swing. Before long he stumbles back, a hair-thin red line on his chest splitting into seeping red.

A single hair wafts between the two of you. It's yours.

-1 HP, now at 1/5 HP

Melee: 2v2: [3]
Retaliation: 2v1: [3]
That makes three times. Swords appear at your side, and slowly begin spinning about as you inexorably move forward. Soon you're an engine of destruction, chipping wood to splinters and forcing your unruly spideweb back.

Magic: 2v2: [1]
Retaliation: 2v1: [2]
You twirl your blades together, the very air screeching as your rampage builds to a crescendo. There's a thundering, oddly hollow-sounding boom as they hurl themselves outward, multiplying and shattering into crystal shards that blow the old man off his feet.

You glance at the ground. A dagger has embedded itself in the shredded floorboards at your feet. One of your tentacles had to twitch to the side to avoid it. He must have realized your attack couldn't be dodged but contracted your area of control, and made a desperate ploy to hurt your only exposed area.

Four times now. You are forced to remind yourself that you are still young, that there is still time to grow. It is difficult to keep calm otherwise; you have not been conducting yourself with the elegant untouchability of your station. How can you lead if...

Calm. And... is there a sword coming out of... right, in reality. That was not a clean kill. Uh...

Yes, you have claimed your prize. Right. That was what you came here for. You now have a place to rest. As befitting your station, it has been cleansed of the filth tainting it, and is now fit for use. You cannot allow such trivial things to inconvenience you in the slightest, if you are to rule properly. If you are to appease the-


You wake screaming. You remember... the moon, but... no, something was wrong. You saw something you weren't meant to see.

...other than your ghostly friend murdering a bunch of people for their keep or house or whatever. Maybe they were bandits...?

"I remember now. Thank you."

Your friend looks genuinely happy and unperturbed, and as you look at her you're filled with that same sense of imperial majesty as in the memory.

Gain Ability:
Master's Hand: Upon being slain, gain final chance to undo attacker. If successful, return to life.

...yeah, there's still a sword in your gut. Dagger? It hurts quite a bit coming out, whatever it is.

Meanwhile, you're in a crypt. Which is pretty fitting for a zombie and a ghost, you suppose, if a bit grim. This seems to be the main or final chamber, and it's surprisingly big; easily the size of a feasting hall or similarly communal location. It has a good number of stone blocks on the ground, which you presume to be sargcophagi, and the walls are lined with spaces to hold bones. Little elaborate fences help keep them in there, it's actually pretty cool.

Oh, and there's obviously Wretch corpses and possessions everywhere. That thing you were knocked into seems to be some kind of foldout weapon rack, which you suppose is technically a kind of armoire.

The other rooms are not quite as you remember them, though the differences aren't too bad. You could mostly chalk it up to being distracted at the time, but you know some of it still has to be that you were more or less hallucinating. They're fairly large in their own right, smaller than the great hall but big enough to be comfortable for just about anything reasonable.

The room closest to the great hall, the "library," defies classification even at a second pass. There's what looks to be a furnace or forge of some sort, a stone (did they drag it all the way in here?) container holding hot coals and attached to a small set of bellows. There's a hard crescent of... something nearby, carapace maybe? Smooth but with small regular spikes on it. It could be an anvil, but it's a weird one if so, and if not the room doesn't seem to have one. It has plenty of materials, but they're probably Nightmare tainted, seeing as you can't identify any of them directly, and many of them seem to defy classification as a general type (metal, bone, etc).

The next closest, the living quarters, were just that near as you can figure; a place for Wretches to sleep, eat, and probably do other unspeakable things. It's absolutely filthy, the irony of which is not lost on you after your "cleaning" spree. Some food seems to have been stored here, but it's largely just filled with rags and other vaguely soft substances to rest on, with the sarcoghagi seemingly used for more food, drink, and... are these cards? Weird.

The third closest, the storage, is mostly that. There's various containers of what you assume passes for food among Wretches, other containers for what you assume passes for raw materials, some piles of what passes for weapons and armor... the bizarre materials and crude craftsmanship involved prevents a positive diagnosis, but you're pretty sure this was just a place to stash things.

The room closest to the entrance, the kitchen, also seems to be mostly that. It features a metal pot and a whole lot of unspeakable things you wouldn't really consider edible for cave fungus let alone people.

Outside, the ruins live up to their name: This seems to be the only whole structure remaining. You're not sure why these Wretches were camping out here, but the fact that the tomb has a heavy door to it might help keep interlopers out while you're away. As might your new ability's ability to seal the door shut against intrusion.

"Wait what?"

The ghost smiles at you. "The essence of my ability is refusal. Under the right circumstances, such as when guarding what is rightfully your resting place against intrusion, it may be used outside its normal bounds."

"Do you have to call it a 'resting place?'"

She actually frowns apologetically at this. Apparently finding out she was a serial killer in life hasn't dampened her sympathy for you. "My apologies. I meant in the literal sense that you might find respite here, and that your soul is bound to it."

Your expression at that last part is enough to keep her going.

"I mentioned that attaching yourself to things of power might help anchor you. While this place is but a humble tomb, it has been sanctified by your effort. You have, ah... earned it. Thus, you are bound to it, and will likely return here upon being slain. Until such time as you bind yourself elsewhere, of course."

You morbidly consider the idea of killing yourself to travel. The absurdity of it makes you sad.

"I want to thank you for helping me remember," she intones gratefully, "I know it wasn't what you were hoping to see, but there's no sense running from the truth. I'm sure we'll come to understand better in time."

You nod, unsure of how to feel but rather flattered. You've always liked helping people...

Now what?

[] Clean Home. There's Wretch corpses and... things in there. You should actually clean it out, though you'd need to decide what you wanted to move where.
[] Designate Room. You have a home, sort of, but you're not using it for much. You could pick a room and try to turn it into a place with some use, though you might need to acquire some things for more ambitious projects.
[] Scout [Location]. You did a quick pass, but nothing in-depth and nothing risky. Poking deeper might reveal more intel on any particular landmark or location.
[] Assault [Location]. Now that you know where everything is, you can pick and choose what to kill much more coherently.
[] Seek [Feature]. Whether looking for a place to stay or a patrol to ambush, knowing the lay of the land will aid greatly in finding things you want found.
[] Ghost Memory: A Chance To Learn. While scouting the pools, your friend said she sensed an opportunity. It might still be there.
[] Ghost Memory: A Favored Toy. Near each fortress (but not the fort line or capital), your friend said she sensed the same opportunity. It might still be there.
[X] Clean Home. There's Wretch corpses and... things in there. You should actually clean it out, though you'd need to decide what you wanted to move where.

Clean up
[X] Clean Home. There's Wretch corpses and... things in there. You should actually clean it out, though you'd need to decide what you wanted to move where.
[X] Clean Home. There's Wretch corpses and... things in there. You should actually clean it out, though you'd need to decide what you wanted to move where.
[X] Clean Home. There's Wretch corpses and... things in there. You should actually clean it out, though you'd need to decide what you wanted to move where.
Hm, this shapes to be one of the more unusual MG-stories. Interesting.
-1 HP, now at 1/5 HP

Magic: 2v2: [1]
Retaliation: 2v1: [2]

You twirl your blades together, the very air screeching as your rampage builds to a crescendo. There's a thundering, oddly hollow-sounding boom as they hurl themselves outward, multiplying and shattering into crystal shards that blow the old man off his feet.

You glance at the ground. A dagger has embedded itself in the shredded floorboards at your feet. One of your tentacles had to twitch to the side to avoid it. He must have realized your attack couldn't be dodged but contracted your area of control, and made a desperate ploy to hurt your only exposed area.

Four times now. You are forced to remind yourself that you are still young, that there is still time to grow. It is difficult to keep calm otherwise; you have not been conducting yourself with the elegant untouchability of your station. How can you lead if...

Calm. And... is there a sword coming out of... right, in reality. That was not a clean kill. Uh...
Gain Ability:
Master's Hand: Upon being slain, gain final chance to undo attacker. If successful, return to life.

...yeah, there's still a sword in your gut. Dagger? It hurts quite a bit coming out, whatever it is.
What exactly has happened here? Did we 'die', but returned to life? The retaliation part of the roll refers to the last defender trying to hurt us, and by all means he succeeded, yet it looks like we killed him. Was it our ability in action? But I did not notice any rolls referring to the 'final chance to undo attacker'.

Was our death narratively premediated by the ability we got, or what? Or was our ability determined by the combat result? What would have happened if we died before the last Wretched? Was it even on the last hitpoint when it dealt us the final blow?

This memory system is very curious. Do we lose anything when we are doing it? We felt a sense of wrongness, but it looks like there were no lasting negative consequences that we noticed.

Just what is our 'companion'? Some kind of 'queen' who playfully slaughtered an entire household... And apparently we are becoming fast friends with her. A shame we can't figure out what the man said to her... or the Wretched to us. The duality of our situations is strangely unsettling, and the Wretched seem to be very human-like. There may be some shenanigans going on. What exactly is this 'dream world', anyway?

Nevermind. I'd like to clean the place up, perhaps bring it more in tune with our human concept of a refuge.

[X] Clean Home. There's Wretch corpses and... things in there. You should actually clean it out, though you'd need to decide what you wanted to move where.

Probably designate one room for a graveyard or a dumpster and bring all of the corpses there.

What are our current stats? Were we reborn with full HP when we died, or are we still at 1 HP, or did we perhaps regenerate after combat?

Man, combat in this quest is tough. Are we supposed to die that much?
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