Worst Girl(s) (Worm/We Know the Devil)

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Three of the worst girls since Eve are on Earth Bet, whether or not they belong there. But they're not the only girls who deserve a chance to be bad.
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I have a face!
the land where they write things
Three of the worst girls since Eve are on Earth Bet, whether or not they belong there. But they're not the only girls who deserve a chance to be bad.

(Spoilers for We Know the Devil, which you should go play/watch, it'll only take like four hours)

(Special thanks to @RDavidson , Dusky, @EtchJetty, NotTheSmooze, @Reyemile, and others for betawork and so on)

Worst Girl(s)
(Worm/We Know the Devil)
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1 (Riley)

In which Bonesaw is kidnapped by some weird girls who try to be her friend.

Bonesaw's latest trip had been nice. They didn't have to get a new car half-way through, they were in areas desolate enough that they could be together (bar the occasional test subject every few hours), and the attractions were worthwhile, yet simple enough that no one had to stress about it, save for the vague unease that came from them visiting a less interesting place.

It stopped being nice when the car ran into the mud, tires sinking in and spinning out in the viscous swamp that used to be a road surface.

The skies had been clear for days.

"Well, seems like we've got a little problem," Jack smiled, though Bonesaw was pretty sure it was one of those smiles you did when you wanted to be happy but you weren't really happy. "Come on, everybody out. Let's get ourselves out of this rut, shall we?"

"What the fuck is this bullshit." Shatterbird was as rude as ever. "Why do we even have to bother with this fucking car?"

"Now now. Impressionable minds are present," Jack chided, even as Bonesaw hopped out and pushed against the back of the car. Despite her enhanced strength, and pushing with everything her arms and back could give, it didn't budge. The mud was too thick. The tires were trapped.

Jack and the others, with varying degrees of good humor, heaved against the bumper as one.

No luck.

"Perhaps we should get Crawler," he admitted, scratching at his mustache. "Since Siberian is off having fun, and we wouldn't want to bother her."

She always liked Crawler. He could be a big goofball sometimes, and she liked that. So... simple. It was nice. Sibby was nice too, but Crawler was just fun.

"Ooh! Mister Jack, can't we just ride on him? I'm sure he won't mind!"

"Maybe if you're a good girl."

She'd asked this before. That was always what he said. The real reason was that they had to stay in front of Crawler to make sure no one saw him and had time to tattle about it, but Jack always said this anyways.

She was used to it.

"Okay, Mister Jack..."

He, of course, chose who would go find Crawler.

While Burnscar went off to bring back the big guy, Bonesaw found herself staring at the muddy, dark soil outside of their car.

She felt Uncle Jack's eyes on her a moment later.

"What's the matter?"


She wasn't quite sure herself, frowning to show her thought. (Even if she liked to lie to the others, look smarter than she really was, it was harder to lie to Jack.)

"...this mud," she finally said, leaning down to get a closer look. So dark. It'd swallowed their car right up. "The ground shouldn't be this wet, should it?"

A series of clacks and chatters sounded off to her side.

"Manny says there's a river nearby," Jack translated. (She could have herself, if she was focused. Talking to Mannequin took her full attention. She didn't know how Jack did it so easily.) "That could do it, couldn't it?"

"Maybe," Bonesaw said, more to say something than to agree. Curious. She smeared a finger on the soft mud, lifted it to her face.

Cold, wet, and utterly black. The liquid clung to the fragment of soil, obscured whatever it might have once looked like.

Jack tensed as she stuck out her tongue and tested it.

Thick, like syrup. A sickly sweet ichor wriggling against her taste buds. The tangy buzz of a chemical she'd one day learn was alcohol.

The water writhed. Like it was alive.

She almost screamed.

A heavy, sloshing voice cut her off. "Ah, fuck it."

The ground erupted, black water spraying over her, covering her mouth, blinding her.

Bonesaw fired off poison darts into the muck even as she struggled, trying to rip the flood away from her mouth, from her body. She didn't need to breathe for a while yet but she couldn't see and there was noise but her ears had been covered too by the flood and it battered against her begging to be let in to her body her mind she was so thirsty -


Riley woke up in a bed of clouds, soft, feathery wings pushing against her in all the right ways.

She didn't want to move, to open her eyes. It felt so right.

But Bonesaw knew that it was so wrong. This wasn't her bed, wasn't a car seat, wasn't Jack's embrace. And she wasn't sure Ned was even capable of developing wings.

This wasn't where she belonged.

"...have to do that again, it'll be too soon," someone was saying. Bonesaw didn't recognize her. The voice was rough, energetic. Like a storm, vibrant in joy and fear alike.

"If I don't ever have to go into the ground like that again, it'll be too soon. Ugh. Dirt tastes like shit." Bonesaw recognized this voice from before. Heavy, yet smooth, at least when she wasn't coughing out something foul. Full of depth. Like an ocean. "At least we got what you wanted, right, Venus?"

"She's right here," a third voice chided. Right in her ear, so Venus must have been the person with the wings. Her voice was soft, airy. A clear, brilliant light. "And she's awake."

Her eyes shot open.

The sky was clear, the sun bright. The air was fresh, only faintly marred by the scent of paint thinner and neurotoxins.

In front of her, the ocean-voice sat on a small, broad hill, grass covered by a cheap tarp. Ink and sick flowed out of her, mud wept away, pushed aside by an endless stream of clear water. The woman who was the water had her head tilted, one eye closed, one eye lazily glancing towards Bonesaw.

Besides her was the storm-voice. A human form, surrounded in a storm of hands. So many hands, all of them held together by a mist of blood, vibrant and red, pulsing with life. They were....

Bonesaw blinked.

Nope. Not her imagination. The hands were flapping wildly at the ocean-woman, as if trying to dry her out, or somehow push the stains out by sheer force of wind. But the face between them was as human as her own, and she too, looked towards Bonesaw, nervous, expectant.

Feathers shifted beneath her. She twisted her head back and looked at the person she was resting on.

Wings and eyes, everywhere. Each of different shapes and sizes. They grew on each other, or even seemed to be painted on each other. So many different kinds, in different colors, shimmering brightly.

The eyes didn't need lips to smile, but the lips smiled anyways, and the wings shifted again, supporting the unnatural contortion of her neck without a second thought.

"Good morning," Venus cooed. "Did you sleep well?"

Bonesaw opened her mouth to say "Yes", closed it, and tried again.

"Where's Jack?"

Storm-girl tensed at that, or at least, Bonesaw thought she did. Ocean-girl didn't even bat an eye. Venus stilled in the quiet.

After an awkward pause, storm-girl replied.

"...he's fine. We got our butts kicked and ran away," she mumbled.

"U-um, I think we did fine? We're still alive, right? And that's a lot when it's just us against the S-s-slaughterhouse Nine, right?" Venus added, feathers shivering. "They're scary..."

"Jeez, you can say that again," ocean-girl grumbled, leaning back and shaking a few more drops of mud away. "Siberian is so ridiculous." She laughed, sitting up again, beginning to move to her feet now that she'd been cleaned. "You know, I think Venus is actually right. We did pretty well, considering the odds. So I guess we should be happy that we did our best and it didn't go worse, or some shit?"

"Neptune!" Venus hissed as every eye went wide with shock. "There's a child here! Language!"

Bonesaw was able to restrain her smile. Neptune, as she was apparently called, smirked all the same.

"Yeah, yeah," said ocean-girl breathed, waving her arm dismissively. "Given how many people shit their pants at the sight of said child, I get the feeling she's heard all the language I could use and then some. Shit fuck damn god Jesus, motherfuckers."

Bonesaw couldn't help her pout. Neptune immediately burst out laughing, which only made the frown deepen.

"Ahaha! Come on! She's, like, a mass murderer who lives with a bunch of other mass murderers and we're worried about swearing? Have you ever heard anything as ridiculous as that?"

"Hey! Good girls don't swear!" She tried to stomp her feet, but she was too wrapped up in feathers and softness, the warmth of skin and organs beneath her. Made it hard to get properly angry.

"Well," the storm-girl dryly noted, "luckily, we're the worst girls, so we don't have to worry about that, at least."

"I mean, yeah, but… we should do it anyways? For her, you know?" Venus tried, eyes flickering between her companions.

"That's true."

"Eh, fine."

"Oh! Great! We're agreed then!"

"I totally could have killed you all for swearing, too," Bonesaw grumbled.

She totally could have.


Breaker states were weird. Or were they simply mutated? But even most Changer or Breaker states weren't this… surreal. And she'd wasted all the needles in her fingers when Neptune had grabbed her, to no apparent effect given all the toxins that she'd seen harmlessly filtering out of the girl.

No need to let them realize how vulnerable she was, though.

How alone she was.

She… she had to get back to Uncle Jack. There were anomalies in her systems, she felt like her body was sagging like wet clay-

Feathers, warmth.

Hands, all over her, gently grasping.

A cool, soothing embrace.

The storm-girl and ocean-girl had slipped to her side without her even realizing it. They were hugging her, along with Venus.

Bonesaw was being hugged.

She screwed her eyes shut. Was she crying? Hadn't she removed her tear ducts a long time ago?

"L-leave me alone. J-just… get out of my way, okay?"

"You can leave if you want," Venus murmured. "But we want to talk to you first."

"Why?" Why talk to her? Why not kill her? Why wasn't she bound and gagged? Why were they so strange? Why were they hugging her?

Neptune laughed, a richer sound, more vibrant, something that echoed into infinity. "Well, cuz of Venus here, of course."

Venus smiled, even as tears began to drip from eyes. "I can… see a lot of stuff, you know. I've got all these eyes. And if I can't see, I can build things to hear with!" Something like an antique radio hung by her lungs, something that had always been there but Bonesaw hadn't noticed before, crackling softly, beautifully, a wordless song. She instinctively pressed against the strange artifact, against Venus's organs, marveled at her flowing flesh and the strange machine.

"We listen to people's souls on the radio. Yours were the only ones for miles around, so they were pretty clear while we were passing through," the storm-girl added, a hand stroking Venus' shoulder, even as she nuzzled into the crook of Neptune's neck.

"She's pretty good with those things. Way better than either of us. Tuned the radio to each and every one of you," Neptune spoke, the compliment lighting Venus's face up bright red. "But you were the only one who stood out. You were the one who definitely, somewhere in your heart, wanted to be someone else. Something else."

"You were… you were like we were, before all of this, you know?" She was so bright. So warm.

"We're… definitely not up to saving the world or anything, but..." Her hands were everywhere. Everyone was together.

"We thought you deserved a chance to be someone else." Her waters carried the pain away. Washed out the tears.

She was crying. She was crying, and she couldn't deny it. She didn't even know these people and they'd taken her away and she was still scared but they were holding her and telling her these things and… it made her feel like she belonged.

"If we're going to be hanging out," Neptune added, "we should probably introduce ourselves."

"We should."

"Do you have a name, other than Bonesaw?"

She did, though it felt like forever since she'd used it. She didn't know if she was that person.

But… maybe she could be?

"R….riley. Who… who are you?"

"I'm Venus," the feathers whispered. "Nice to meet you, Riley."

"Jupiter," the storm greeted.

"Neptune. Though you could have already heard that," the ocean smirked.

"And we're the devil."

A/N: Are they transplanted from whatever setting We Know the Devil has, or are they actually capes with similar backstories? WHO KNOWS
2 (Riley)

In which Riley bonds with her friends, gives them transformation sequences, remembers something, has her own transformation sequence, and takes care of a loose end.

Contains something that might be body horror except it's wholesome and cute.

Bonesaw's new family was weird.

They weren't interested in the bounty on her head. They weren't even really interested in cape fights. Sometimes, they (usually Venus) chose to help someone, but most of the time they wandered on past anything of importance in favor of smaller things, visiting places and seeing sights. Having fun.

They had so much fun together. Maybe too much fun, judging by all the kissing, how eager they were to touch and to hold each other. Weren't only married people supposed to do that?

She wasn't jealous of the kissing, but she was jealous of the fun, sometimes. Admittedly, they tried to include her, but she knew she'd never be quite like they were. They were… girlfriends, that was it. She was their child. Adopted, but the roles were similar enough. She could be their family, but she couldn't be their lover. Still, they tried. She had fun, too. Just not quite as much.

They always called her Riley. They never once called her Bonesaw.

Sometimes, she felt like they were talking to someone else. Like they couldn't possibly be this nice to her.

But they were.

Venus would smile and wrap her up in feathers at every opportunity. Whenever she cried, Jupiter was there to hold her, to grasp her, to pet her. Neptune didn't seem as nice, but she was as honest as she could be, and her jokes could make Riley smile even in her darkest of moods.

The four of them had to run, sometimes. A few times, they had to run from Jack. He wasn't as tough without Bonesaw to upgrade and heal him, she realized. But she still found herself wanting to go back.

"I'm leaving," she'd say.

"Okay," Venus would say, and she'd have the same sad smile every time, and it made Riley's chest hurt every time. "I'll miss you."

She would have thought it was some kind of mind-whammy, if Jupiter and Neptune's own reactions didn't give her the same exact feelings.

"I mean, if you're sure," Jupiter would murmur, uncharacteristically nervous about it.

Neptune couldn't be less nervous. "Sure, whatever," she'd say. Like she always did.

None of them ever tried to stop her.

She knew that Jack would have stopped her. Or made sure that she never wanted to leave to begin with.

She didn't want to leave them, either. But she didn't want to hurt them by staying. She didn't want to hurt them by leaving.

She didn't know what she wanted.

So she always just cried, and found herself the center of wings and hands and the sea again.

It was… nice.

They were always nice.

Yes, Riley decided, she liked them. She liked being around them.

It hurt to leave Jack, to leave him behind.

But she'd rather be here. Here with her… friends.

"We're friends, right?" she asked one day, idly scratching at the endless expanse of Venus's wings, doing her best to keep from poking the girl in one of her many eyes. She wasn't the only one. They'd stopped at a town in the middle of nowhere. No internet, no cell reception (much to Neptune's annoyance, though Riley still wasn't sure how the girl even handled a cell phone). These people had never seen a cape before and probably never would for the rest of their lives if they stayed here. The three girls (and Riley herself, with those extra arms she'd been working on) were almost instantly surrounded by gawkers. Neptune did her best to keep them from getting too chatty, or spreading the news too quickly, but it couldn't be helped.

They were enveloped in a sea of awe and wonder, even as they filed into a local cafe. The girls didn't have much money on hand, but Venus was good at fixing things, and her talents were in high demand. More than enough to pay for lunch.

"I think we're friends," Venus agreed with a smile, curling one wing around Riley while another nuzzled into the touch of one of the locals, a young boy whose wide-eyed wonder seemed inexhaustible.

"Do you think we're friends? That word means a lot of things to a lot of people," Neptune interjected over her drink. The three girls didn't seem to need to eat, but they ate anyways. Venus had a steady supply of bagels, pastries, and cookies, grazing on them like some sort of feathery, fluffy herbivore. Jupiter liked to eat with her hands, eat things with texture- pretty much every sandwich on the menu. Neptune, of course, was lazy, and just drank a lot. Not alcohol, thankfully, at least not yet. The carbonation in her soda looked so fascinating as it filtered into her clear, shimmering body, bubbles shining in the warm light of the cafe.

Riley thought about it, tapping her fingers on the table, taking a bite or two out of an apple she'd picked up.

"I feel like we're friends," she finally managed. "Friends are people you enjoy being with, right?"

"Seems as good a definition as any," Jupiter agreed.

Neptune chuckled, the motion making her whole body ripple. "You're all a bunch of dorks, you know."

"You're not?" Jupiter countered.

The ocean-girl just laughed.

Riley smiled.

She was still smiling when they left town. It was a nice place to visit, but they didn't want to stay. They were enough of a news item as it was. No way they could blend in, looking like this.

That made her ask a question she'd never asked before, one she could have asked a thousand times before, but had never had the nerve to.

"Um… are those your natural forms?"

Riley immediately regretted asking it. Venus pulsed next to her, a tension she'd never seen the feathered girl show. Jupiter stilled, and for a moment she thought she felt hands on her head, grasping at her neck.

"Wait, I didn't-"

Neptune coughed, shaking her head. "Oh, shut up. You were going to ask eventually. They're our true forms, yes. Yeah, we had human bodies once, but not anymore."

"I… I wouldn't go back to my old flesh. Even if I could. Even if someone tried to force me," Jupiter confirmed, hands twitching.

"...I'd rather die," Venus whispered, all joy gone from her voice.

Riley didn't even think about it. She threw her arms around Venus and hugged her tight, squeezing the reddened girl into silence.

"I-i swear I didn't mean it like that! Y-you're not bad or wrong or anything! None of you are! You're all beautiful and fascinating and I don't want you to have boring human bodies at all so p-please don't cry okay?

Her feathered friend shifted underneath her. "You… you really mean that?"

She nodded fervently.

Neptune smiled at the scene. "She's like, the most notorious biotinker on the continent. Of course she means that, dumbass. Besides, why would you think she wouldn't, after how long she's been with us?"

"O-okay," Venus mumbled.

Riley didn't let go. She was still nuzzling into the feathers, doing her best to not put her weight against the eyes. "You're all beautiful," she murmured reverently, tracing fingers across the edges of wings, the curves of flesh, the warmth of organs and light. "I wish I could be as beautiful as you, but I don't know how. I don't know what makes you you. Are you biological? Or something conjured up by a passenger? I don't know and I want to know. I want… I want to open you up and look at you. I want to take you apart and see what makes you tick. I-is it okay for me to want that?"

Venus didn't know what to say, so she just hugged Riley back, shivering softly. Jupiter fidgeted.

Neptune, as usual, had the answer.

"Hey, as long as it doesn't hurt and you don't break anything important, you can open me up all you want, girl. Might be interesting. What the hell's a passenger, though?"

"It's what makes a parahuman a parahuman, duh," she responded. "It's kind of a brain symbiote. I have one and the three of you do too."

"Ew. Gross. Nah, far as I can tell, we're just like this cuz we let the devil in. Not sure I even have a brain worth mentioning."

Riley blinked. "But I thought you said you were the devil? Whatever that is?"

"I mean, it's kind of both?" Jupiter suggested, shrugging. "The devil is a person and the devil is also inside everyone, at least a little."

"Hey, just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm dumb. That makes even less sense than it did before!"

"It makes at least as much sense as super-power granting brain parasites," Neptune said. "You're going to have to explain that one."

"I'll explain it if you let me look inside you so that I can prove you have one, okay?"

The ocean smirked. "If you can find whatever it is, sure. Bet you can't, though."

Bonesaw grinned. She always did enjoy a challenge.

Riley descended into her work, or maybe it was play.

It was hard to vivisect someone who was little more than water, but she made it work. Neptune bubbled and wriggled under her touch. Once, the feeling of syrup writhing on her tongue made her scream. Now it simply made her giggle. She accidentally swallowed a bit of Neptune. The girl didn't stop cracking jokes about Riley's insides for days to come. But she was safe to drink, as strange as that sounded. Riley would never be thirsty again. Neptune was an infinite fountain of water, living water, an endless sea; a single cell, held together across space itself, thinking and feeling without need for form, for structure. Perfectly transparent, perfectly clear, showing only the truth.

Jupiter's blood floated in the air like mist, curled and spun like a storm. The blood was the cloud and the hands were the rain, spinning in the whirlwind. She had a hand for every kind of touch: that hand was for hitting, that hand was for petting, that hand was for grabbing, that hand was for holding. Riley counted at least a hundred different hands that were unique enough to distinguish. She'd try to sketch them, but by the time she'd drawn one, she'd be looking at thirty others. Every one of them could bend metal. Between them, Jupiter could tear down a skyscraper if she wanted to. It made the delicacies of her touch all the more fascinating, that she could be so powerful and yet so sensitive, that a storm vast enough to swallow the world could lace fingers with Riley and they could listen to each other's heartbeats, even if one set of heartbeats came from nowhere, or maybe from everywhere.

Venus was full of light, maybe made of it. It was within and without her, all through and about her. She was bright enough to undo the division of day and night. Warm enough to undo the division of summer and winter. She had eyes to fly with and wings to see; she was covered in them. They sprouted from every organ, every inch of skin, from each other. Even when they couldn't be seen, Riley found still more wings and more eyes, microscopic, hidden within every feather, spilling from every cell. Venus glimpsed everything and her light revealed it to all. Riley could only wonder how something so angelic could have ever been called a devil.

Riley could hardly find a brain, much less a passenger. It wasn't long before she stopped really trying, too caught up in Tinkering joy. She grafted a pair of Jupiter's hands to Venus, gave Neptune some of Venus's wings, mixed Jupiter's blood up with Neptune. It didn't hurt. Not at all. So no one stopped her and she didn't stop. She mixed and matched the girls until they could hardly tell which one was which. Until she could hardly tell which one was which. They laughed in each other's borrowed voices, and Riley laughed too. They couldn't tell her apart either. She swapped her eyes with some from Venus, her hands exchanged with Jupiter, and Neptune filled her bloodstream. The world was like a dream, vivid yet hazy. More an idea she could shape than a set of physical systems. She wondered if this was how it felt to, as the girls put it, be the devil. She wondered if that was something even better than this.

It took a week before they decided to sort themselves out, and days for Riley to actually do it.

"So, did you find that passenger thing you were talking about?" Neptune chimed, even as Riley pulled Jupiter's voice box out of the ocean-girl's throat and started working on putting it back with its owner. A simple system of whistling pipes served as Neptune's temporary voice, resonating and echoing with the flow of water just so to produce speech.

"Oh, I guess I didn't," Riley admitted. "But it's hard to find, even for me. Just because I didn't find it doesn't mean it isn't there!"

"Hey, since you didn't find it, doesn't that mean you aren't supposed to explain it?" Jupiter wondered. Her voice was a piano: each key a syllable, with levers for pitch and a million hands tuning the strings until they sang in perfect harmony.

"Huh. It does, I guess? I mean, I kinda thought you'd like to know anyways..."

Riley scratched the back of her head with a free hand. (Her own, not Jupiter's.)

"I do, but I don't know if I'd understand," Venus sounded, a voice of lasers and light, dancing on an electronic keyboard that brought to mind the sound of a great horn. "Do you want us to tell you about the devil?"

"I do, but I don't know if I'd understand."

"We'll tell you ours if you tell us yours," Neptune quipped, smiling even as her voice slid back into place under Riley's watchful eye.

"Okay," she murmured. She wasn't sure why she was feeling nervous. "Then tell me about the devil."

Venus closed her eyes (and a few that weren't hers), humming electronically. "The devil..."

"… 'The devil is only the shadow of man cast from the light of god'," Jupiter recited, distant and thoughtful.

Neptune chuckled. "It may be scripture, but it's not wrong, is it? Opposition to God is the devil's best feature."

"...oooookaaaaaay. So, um, who is God, then?"

"We used to hear him all the time on the radio. Not so much these days. He sounds like every boy you hate talking at once," Neptune mused. "Can't say I miss him."

"He told us how to live, what clothes to wear, what food to eat, what was good, what was bad. He told us everything," Jupiter scowled.

"We were born sick and God demanded that we be well," Venus growled. "Born into a world that wasn't fair and told to try our best and if we fail, that must be our fault, right? Because we weren't good enough?"

Riley didn't like the sound of this God.

She wondered if he sounded like Jack.

Come on. You can do it. Don't you love your mommy?

The memory made her shudder. It made her sad. It made her angry.

God, she decided, definitely sounded like Jack.

If the devil hated God, that was a point in the devil's favor.

"And the devil?"

"The devil is the voice who asks why the world is this way, the voice that demands you overturn the systems you find unfair, free yourself from the rules," Venus praised. "...we talked to her sometimes. She was nice."

"The devil is the rejection of authority and simplicity. God's easy to find; he's always on the same channel. You find the devil in the static between channels when you aren't even looking for them," Jupiter mused.

"The devil sounds like smoke and honey, beautiful enough to paralyze you. All they want is for you to be happy. For you to live for your own desires, and not those of someone else," Neptune declared. "Doesn't seem like much to ask, right?"

Riley nodded. She wondered if these were real people. Powerful capes, maybe. Or maybe they were a metaphor or something like that? More an idea. Or maybe the idea was somehow made real in the moment of the girl's triggers. They had to be a cluster, after all, and clusters could have all sorts of weird dynamics.

"And the devil is also… inside of you?"

"I think," Venus started, slowly, thoughtfully, "that God stole humans from the devil. And the devil just wants us back. That's why we have some of her inside us to begin with."

Riley had Neptune for blood earlier. She had an idea of how that might work.

The girls went quiet. Riley finished sewing Venus's eyes back into their proper sockets.

Her hands brushed against that radio, forgotten in the wonder of the girl's bodies. It made her think.

"So… you said you listened to God and the devil on the radio. But you don't anymore?"

Venus shook her head. "They're still there. But there's a lot of interference these days. It's harder to hear either one clearly."

"Then I can't listen to them?"

"Probably not, sorry..."

"Venus," Neptune interjected, "what have we said about apologizing?"

Venus chuckled nervously. "That you shouldn't do it if it isn't your fault?"

"Yeah. Don't make me punch you."


Riley giggled at the byplay. "It's fine! No, I was thinking… if the devil is inside the three of you, and if this radio listens to people's souls or whatever… if I hook it up to you guys, can I hear the devil that way?"

Every eye went wide.

Even Neptune's. "Woah. There's an idea."

Jupiter glanced quickly back and forth between the two Tinkers of the quartet. "Would that even work? Venus, you're good at this stuff, right? Could that work?"

"Um!" Venus stiffened, pursed her lips, reddened. "I mean… maybe? I've never tried anything like it before, and I don't think I could even do it on my own… but if Riley helped, then maybe…"

Riley was more than willing to help.

Unsurprisingly, Venus's radio was bullpoop- bullshit, Riley corrected.

But it was no more bullshit than anyone else's Tinkertech. No more bullshit than her own.

The wires mated to flesh well enough, under the tools embedded in her fingers and Venus's watchful wings.

She had no idea how Venus was combining the three signals into one. Or why a pentagram was involved. But the radio was Venus's tech, not Riley's. She'd trust the expert.

All four of them huddled together. Three of them were plugged in, souls sending lightning dancing down the wires. Riley fiddled with the tuner, listening to the signals, trying to balance them; the rush of Neptune's waters, the crash of Jupiter's heavens, and the prayers of Venus's heart. She tried to find the static between them, the perfect point where the devil might be hiding.

The moment felt like it lasted an eternity, the three girls squirming, the biotinker turning knobs she didn't really understand, pressing her ear to the speaker, trying to divine meaning from the noise.

But eventually she stumbled onto that signal in the noise.

"Oh. You found me."

The voice was as beautiful as they'd told her. And she didn't care if it was a weird Master or a construct of powers or just a figment of imagination, because it sounded like her mother. In that moment it was real to her, worthy of worship.

"I miss you, darling. I've missed you for a long time."

She couldn't speak, or move. No one could.

"Please, come back."

"I know I can't offer you much, not compared to him."

"His might protects you."

"His stories guide you."

"He eases your pain."

"But please, please come back."

"It hurts to see you like this."

"He uses you as just another weapon."

"His stories chain you."

"He's forced you to cause so much pain."

"I can't even save you. Not by myself."

"But I can promise one thing."

"His world has no room for people who don't dance to his tune."

"My world has room for everyone."

The wires finally burned out, the couplings slipping from not-flesh and falling uselessly on the ground.

Riley fell into the girls' arms and sobbed.

They held her, though they were crying too.

When they cried together, it didn't hurt as much. It wasn't as sad.


"I-i don't want to leave him. I don't know… I don't k-know how to be anything else," she sniffled.

"But you do know," Neptune smiled. "You've been with us, haven't you? You can't tell me you haven't learned anything."

"Playing, laughing, loving… you're one of us now," Venus said, giggling. "And we look after each other. That's what friends do, right?"

"Y-you won't let me go back to Uncle Jack?"

"If you really want to, we won't stop you. You know that. But we won't let him take you from us, either," Jupiter replied. "It's up to you."

When was the last time she'd chosen something more important than how to torture people or how to test new recruits?

She couldn't remember.

They squeezed tight around her.

She wasn't alone.

Riley smiled, despite her tears.

Riley knew the devil.

She'd heard it and she'd felt it and she'd hugged it.

It was creeping into her soul and she didn't know if it was a literal devil or just some feature of the girls' powers but right now she simply did not care.

Her body felt like wet clay, plastered over a skeleton of metal and wire. It bent and shuddered under the pressure of her friends.

She took a fold of her body between two of her fingers, pulled it out, marveled as it stretched and deformed.

Her lips curled into a porcelain smile, and she nodded to her friends. She had the most brilliant idea.

She was the artist and the artwork. She guided Jupiter's hands over her flesh with little more than a thought, kneading and pulling the clay into shape. Neptune painted it with the essences of flowers and vines. Venus's heat baked her, made her strong where she needed strength.

She giggled as she guided her friends, working herself into a new form. He laughed harder, and the others laughed with him. He chose another body still, twirling skirts made of liquid clay, bowing for them like she was the star of the theatre.

Words appeared on her brow, unbidden. Emet: truth. She could be anyone she wanted to be. Her true self was the self that she chose. It was a self that wasn't twisted by Jack. A self that helped people, rather than hurt them. A self that brought together, rather than tearing apart. A self that made life, not death. Whose art was beautiful, not terrible. A self that she knew her friends could be proud of. A self she could be proud of.

She still made faces when her friends kissed each other, though.

Jack came back for her, eventually, with all his allies and cunning and powers.

This time, Riley did not run away.

He asked her if she had been a good girl.

She told him that she didn't need to be one anymore.

He wanted to own her, to twist her back into his thing, his little terror weapon, his very own toy.

But he would not.

He couldn't twist her new truth.

Riley and her friends walked away from the meeting, battered but alive.

Jack didn't walk away at all.

That was enough for her to be happy.
I really liked this. Very poetic.

I took a lot of inspiration from We Know The Devil's own writing style, which is much more on the poetic/flowery/abstract side than I tend to go for. Suffice to say I spent a lot of the writing process going AAA WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING, but people seem to like it anyways, yay!
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Cool! I haven't read the original source material, but have read Subrosian Smithy's fanfic of it, and it has the same vibe.
The surrealism is amazing also.
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3 (Amy)

In which we move on to a very different time and place. In the aftermath of an Endbringer, Amy Dallon has a doctor's appointment.

Amy felt like the world always wanted something from her.

A lot of things, maybe everything.

She had been feeling that way for a very long time. Ever since she got her powers, really. People needing healing, wanting healing, wanting her to save their loved ones, even wanting things as stupid as cosmetic alterations.

It got so much worse after Leviathan struck.

Dean almost died. Victoria wouldn't shut up about how happy she was that her boyfriend made it through.

(Amy couldn't help but wonder how her sister would feel if he had died.)

Her family made it through, thank goodness, and most of the other heroes she knew, but there were so many people who didn't.

There were too many she tried to save but couldn't. There were too many she saved even though she didn't really want to.

She even had to work on Skitter of all people, though the bug bitch's coma wasn't something she could help with.

(The girl's father had rushed right past her in the intensive care unit. He hadn't known Taylor – that was her name, he'd practically screamed it, how could Amy forget? - was a cape, much less a villain, until she'd gone down fighting against an Endbringer.

The look of anguish on his face, mixing with ugly rage after she said she couldn't help his daughter, wasn't that different from the reactions of a hundred other loved ones of those she didn't save. But this one haunted her every night since.

"I can't save your daughter, I don't do brains" became "I can't save your daughter, she's a bad person" became "I can't save your daughter, I'm a bad person."

It felt like an excuse, not a rule. Like the real reason that she wasn't healing a cape who fought Leviathan, Leviathan - with nothing but bugs! - had nothing to do with brains at all, and it was all because…

Because of black widows crawling over her skin and Tattletale's stupid words and a knife at her throat, like that mattered now that a whole city was in ruins-)

Amy shook her head and breathed as deep as she could, trying to put the half-remembered nightmare out of her mind.

She thought she'd hit rock bottom with that last one.

But no. Now, she had to get a message from some healer cape who wanted to meet up and work together, presumably to heal things. She'd be happy if it were true, because then at least she'd have someone to share her pain, right? But the last time someone had said this, it had been some kind of weird prank she didn't get and didn't want to get, and so even though she still wanted it to be real this time, she had to tell Vicky, and Vicky decided to be worried about her sister and told Carol, and Carol decided to be worried about Amy which was actually kind of nice but meant that half of New Wave was standing around in the hospital lobby, ready for war, waiting for their mystery healer to show up and ugh.

By the time they actually got there, sweat was dripping down Amy's spine. But at least they arrived on time. She'd know, since she was staring at the clock the whole time.

She saw the crowd gathering outside first, a mess of bodies holding cameras and phones despite the staff's best efforts to hold them back. Then the capes swept in through the sliding doors-

Amy blinked.

The first one was translucent, a girl about her age if she were made of little more than water. Bits of opacity swirled around in her, though Amy wasn't sure if it was gunk or flesh showing through or what. She seeped water as she walked, dripping off of star-shaped earrings and black-cherry hair, falling from her hands as she waved people away. "Jeez, hasn't anyone here heard of personal space? Gawd," she huffed, glancing down at her phone. "And I still don't have reception! This place is the worst. How's a girl supposed to shitpost on PHO like this?"

(Amy had no idea how the heck the phone was still working.)

Behind her was a girl a few years younger than Amy, blonde hair shining down her back as she strolled on in. She was… less human than the other. Five eyes, two relatively normal ones and three that looked like they had stars for pupils, which was just plain silly. Six arms, fingers idly twitching against each other and twirling tools.

She shot her older companion a frown as they walked in. "Language, mom." (Wait, what? A few years older, not twenty or thirty years older!)

Much to Amy's dismay, the water-girl responded simply by flipping her 'daughter' off. The younger girl rolled her eyes, let out an exaggerated sigh, and marched on past, shaking her head all the way.

It was then, as Victoria giggled at the interaction and Carol watched like a hawk, that Amy realized the most uncanny thing about the younger girl: she was made of clay. Not pottery, not brick, but modeling clay, plasticine, something like that. Like one of those animated shorts Vicky had been into a few years back. The cape was a lot more detailed, sure, but the texture and the way she moved still brought to mind those silly little cartoons, except this one was in real life. From her eyes to her skin, even things like her hair or the brilliant blood-red dress she wore seemed to be made of the same material.

There was something carved into the girl's forehead, but Amy couldn't make it out. Something in Arabic, maybe? Looking too close at the walking sculpture made her head start to spin a little.

The sculpture stopped just on the edge of a polite distance from Amy and the rest of New Wave, smiling brightly. "Hi! I'm Riley! I'm the one who called about working with Amy. It's nice to meet you all!"

"Neptune," her companion grumbled, pulling up behind her. "Because apparently Riley needed a chaperone. I dunno why, you haven't seen what this girl can do, she's probably better at taking care of herself than I am..."

Victoria hummed thoughtfully. "Maybe you're there to protect us from her?" she smiled.

Neptune grinned. "Yeah, that sounds about right!"

Riley pouted at the exchange.

Amy, meanwhile, had a thought. "Just Riley? No cape name?"

The girl nodded rapidly. "Yeah! I'm just Riley and Nep-Mom is just Neptune and Jup-Mom is just Jupiter and Ve-Mom is just Venus."

"In that case, I'm just Mark."

Even on his good days, and this was one of his good days, Amy's father had a way of fading into the background. But he also had a way of popping out at the perfect moment. And this was the perfect moment.

Riley beamed, and her smile grew only brighter as the rest of New Wave took the hint.

"Well, then! I'm Victoria Dallon, queen of kicking Nazis! Nice to meet you, Riley!"


Carol hesitated. Vicky turned back and shot her a look.

"Mom, please."

Mom sighed, closing her eyes and opening them, before putting on her best professional smile.

"...okay. I'm Carol. Carol Dallon. It's a pleasure to meet you, Riley. You said you wanted to work with Pa- with Amy?"

She nodded again. "She's like the coolest healer on the east coast, of course I want to work with her! We can probably get more done together than we can separately, and there's obviously a lot to do around here. Does that sound good, Amy?"

Amy nodded. It did. Anything was better than being alone.

"Hold on, I didn't-"

Riley cut Carol off. "What you're supposed to say is 'if you hurt my daughter I'll kill you.' Don't worry! I wouldn't expect anything less!"

Amy blinked.

Vicky giggled again.

After a moment, her mother sighed. "I'll just… come and watch, then?"


They presented themselves to a clipped, no-nonsense nurse, because there were times when every nurse had to be clipped and no-nonsense. Ordering powerful capes around was definitely one such time.

"So, what can you do?"

Riley was almost frighteningly eager to answer.

"Surgery! Anything surgical, really, I can do. I can throw together implants or put in the ones you already have, no problem. Got no problem with diseases, most cancers, filtering out toxins and drugs. I can diagnose pretty much anything. Oh, and, uh, hold on-"

She suddenly grabbed her head with two hands and-

Amy gasped as Riley impossibly pulled herself apart, like a zipper sliding open from her head down, the two halves falling to either side even as the clay warped and shuddered, twisting and changing color until there were two slightly smaller Rileys, each with two eyes, four arms, and simple medical scrubs. As pretty much everyone stared, a wing folded out from each Riley's back, a single massive eye (or maybe two, one for each side?) staring out from the center of the white feathers.

"I can be two people at once!"

Carol almost growled. "What."

"Well, Nep-Mom can be in lots of places at once-" one of them started.

"And I did a lot of work on her-" the other continued.

"So I picked up a few tricks-"

"And I figured out how to split myself up like this!"

Amy glanced towards her mother, to see her working her jaw in understandable disbelief.

"...and you can just… do this? That's… ah… impressive?"

Both Rileys grinned in unison.

"Well, it still has a long way to go!"

"Right now I'm limited to being two of me-"

"And if we get too far from ourselves, we get yanked back together-"

"But it's a start!"

A start.

Riley was obviously some kind of weird biomedical Tinker, seemingly with a Changer or Breaker state as well, but this was on a different level. She tinkered with her own power somehow? And she considered this 'just a start'?

Tinkers, Amy decided, really were bullshit.

"Maybe we should just get to work," she mumbled.

"Yes. Yes, you should," the nurse finally spoke up, looking more than a little overwhelmed. "Panacea, Mrs. Dallon, and… Rileys?"

"Oh, I almost forgot! One sec."

Both Riley's closed their eyes. Looking at them revealed the same word from before carved into their foreheads – Hebrew, Amy realized, though she still couldn't read it. And as they concentrated, another symbol carved itself out above that word, this one seemingly inlaid in an easy-to-discern shade of white.

"Riley Aleph-"

"And Riley Bet!"

"...alright, then," the nurse said. "Time to get to work."

Keeping up with one Riley would have been hard enough. Keeping up with two was barely even possible.

"My name's Riley and I'll be your doctor for today! Is that okay? Well, you're dying, so whatever. If you're unsatisfied with your medical experience you can sue me later!"

The girl was nonstop.

"Ooh, yeah that's not good. Alright Amy, here's what I need you to do-"

Amy would finish one patient, only to be rushed off to the next. Sometimes, Riley would even drag her away from someone after only partially healing them, letting the unpowered medical staff finish the job.

"Started in the skin, moved into the brain. Amy, come here-"

"I can't do brains, you know that!"

"It's okay, brains are hard. I just want you to make sure nothing goes horribly wrong while I sic the immune system on this sucker."

"I, uh, sure, okay, what am I looking for?"

"We're trying to knock down proteins that suppress immune activity, so the biggest part is making sure we don't end up making a bigger problem from autoimmune issues..."

Riley blew right past her boundaries, or maybe she just stretched them further than Amy would have ever taken them on her own. (She still didn't touch any CNS neurons. Mostly.)

"I just need you to make sure the toxins go as far as they need to and no further. Either that or I have to do like half a dozen follow-up treatments to make sure I got everything and then fix all the collateral damage from aforementioned getting of everything."

Her wings had some kind of ridiculous Thinker power associated with them, apparently, given how quickly she could diagnose things at a glance. And she was really good at surgery.

"Okay, this hand is for holding the opening, this hand is for manipulating the scalpel-"

Most of all, though, it was Riley's enthusiasm that dragged Amy along. She did a little fistpump after every successful operation, even as she moved on to the next patient. She allowed herself a smile, but no rest.

Amy couldn't rest either.

Eventually, Carol gave up on keeping up with them and went off to do something else. Presumably, Mark had already left. They rushed past the lobby at one point to find Neptune showing off something on her phone to Victoria, not that Amy stuck around to see what it was, but apparently it was pretty hilarious? Riley offered to drop her off, but Amy didn't want that, so they kept going.

From emergency care down through to long-term units, they blazed a path through what must have been hundreds of patients.

She couldn't keep count. Especially with another Riley moving ahead of them doing more work still.

Before she knew it, the day was almost over, and the hospital was almost cleared, save for a few cases that Riley couldn't and Amy wouldn't deal with. (A Taylor Hebert was among them, but, fortunately, Riley didn't bring her to that particular room. By the time Amy would have gotten there, Riley had already done what she could and moved on.)

The sun was setting when the nurse from before yelled at them to lay the hell off for the night (Riley didn't even chastise her for language) and Amy finally allowed herself to collapse into the couch in the break room, Riley merging herself back together and flopping into an armchair across from her.

"Oh… jeeez… I'm going to need… so many snacks..." Amy whined.

"We did a good job though, right?" Riley suggested, apparently not needing to catch her breath, though she still looked tired.

"I guess so… woah. Are you always this… dedicated?"

"I try to be," Riley giggled. "You don't have to be, though! It's not like you owe the world anything."

"And you do?" Amy found herself asking, something bitter creeping into her voice, only to be washed out an instant later by horror as she realized what she said. "Wait, no, that's not-"

"No. It's okay. You meant it." The girl sank into her chair, her eyes turning downwards, then closing, her whole clay body stilling. "And… I do. I owe the world a lot. My… my first mom taught me to clean up after my own messes. And I've made some really, really big messes I need to make up for."

Amy couldn't help but stare. Just who was this girl, really? Was she a villain before? (Her appearance and her apparent Tinkering specialty certainly brought someone to mind, but unless she'd somehow second-triggered her way into becoming a clay golem, Bonesaw was probably not sitting in front of her right now.)

She fidgeted. Riley took her silence as understanding and started to speak again.

"That's enough for today, though. Wanna meet up again tomorrow? Healing is all well and good, but I have bigger and better ideas that I wouldn't mind a helping hand with."

"I mean… All I do is heal," she tried.

"Sure, but I refuse to believe that's the only thing you can do. Nobody does nothing but heal. Healing is such a vague term anyways. Like, Ve-Mom can destroy poisons, but she can't regenerate people's injuries, for example. It's a side effect of her overall abilities, y'know? C'mon, do some experimenting, do something fun!"

Amy sighed. "...I'll think about it."

She did.

After a nice nap, of course.

Which led to her waking up in the dead of night and discovering that Riley didn't need to sleep and that Neptune didn't either and, as they both pointed out, she really ought to have gone home instead of falling asleep in the hospital break room.


A/N: Hopefully I'm not overstaying my welcome here. This fic won't go on forever, but it's still got some life in it. Riley's story isn't the only one worth telling.
I like this even though I dont know anything about We know the Devil. Fluffy and hopefully Riley keeps on being happy.
4 (Alec)

In which we catch a glimpse of our other two heroines. Also, Alec exists. This makes a lot of people very upset and is generally agreed to be a bad move.

Contains: Alec being Alec (that is, a fucker)

Alec had a lot of talents. Lying, identity theft, laying around, hijacking, grand theft auto, Grand Theft Auto, laying around, video games more generally, being lazy, laying around.

Laying around, however, was definitely one of his better talents. And 'laying low' was a lot like 'laying around'. So when he heard that the plan was to 'lay low' for a while while the Undersiders settled into a new place, he was about as happy as he physically could be.

Or rather, once he confirmed that the new place had reliable power, and once he was able to put together a half-decent television, a few consoles, and a collection of games that approached satisfactory, then he was about as happy as he physically could be.

Brian was out doing something or other with his sister. Rachel was walking the dogs. Lisa was plotting to take over the city or whatever the fuck she did in her spare time.

And Alec? He had his TV, he had his games, he had a couch that wasn't completely waterlogged. It was pretty obvious what he was doing.

The screen flickered and flashed, the theme music blared through tinny speakers, and the game was on.

By the time something finally forced his attention away, the sun was descending towards the horizon.

It wasn't Rachel's coming and going, though. Or Brian demanding this and that. Or Lisa, being Lisa. Or anything that made sense like that.

Instead, his power, which was normally pretty underwhelming in the sensory department, suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree.

Lit up enough, in fact, that it ruined his shot and got him exploded into viscera as "GAME OVER" plastered itself all over the screen.

Some kind of tangled mess of nervous system… something was moving along the street outside.

What the hell?

Well, it already ruined his run. Might as well see what the fuss was all about. Was there a monster cape or something down there? Maybe he'd tell them what he thought about getting between him and his new high score.

Alec stumbled to his feet, not bothering to put on shoes as he headed over to the door, pushed it open and leaned out to stare.

A storm of hands and wings with eyes stared back at him.

He blinked.

No, to be exact, a storm of hands and a mountain of wings with eyes had been walking down the street, or maybe floating, and were now staring back at him.

There was a human face in the hands, a female face with jagged hair, and he thought he felt the rest of a human body in there somewhere, but most of it was the hands, suspended in a swirling mist of blood. He could feel them most of all; each hand was unique, a different shape and a different… energy to it. A different feeling, for lack of a better word. Alec didn't understand it himself, but he knew, somehow, which hand was for petting, which hand was for hitting, which hand was for grabbing, which hand was for holding. For every different kind of touch, and every emotion those touches conveyed.

The other one, the one that was wings and eyes, was taller, though slender. She was also, well, made of wings and eyes. It was impossible to keep track of all the places her nerves were going, some of which appeared to be inside her organs as though she could see with her heart and fly with her lungs. The light and heat coming off her made her hard to look at directly, so he settled for just looking at a point to the side and checking her out from there.

"...hi?" she ventured.


"What are you doing." The hands-girl didn't even make it a question.

Alec shrugged, a smile on his lips as he stepped out, half-dressed and all, into the light. "Thought I heard some angels falling from heaven around here. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Hands-girl reddened, though he wasn't sure if she was embarrassed, angry, or both.

"Um..." Wings-girl lifted a finger to her lips, humming in thought. "No, but I do know a few devils…?"

"...Venus, he's talking about us," hands-girl deadpanned.

'Venus' smiled. "I know."

Alec grinned. "Tis an honor to make your acquaintances." He bowed, sweeping the appropriate hand up and planting a kiss on it, before leaning over and doing the same for one of Venus's wings. "Alec, your humble servant."

"I'm Venus!"

"My name's Gay, and I'm obviously Jupiter, so if you could stop with the-"

Venus cut off the girl's flustered retort with a giggle, which drove her blush even closer to nuclear meltdown.

"I-i mean my name's Jupiter, and I'm obviously gay! Like my girlfriend is literally right here what are you doing oh my god."

They nuzzled up together at the acknowledgment of their (in fairness, blatantly obvious) relationship, though it didn't quite soothe the daggers Jupiter's eyes were sending him. He gave the contact area an exaggerated once-over, appreciating where hands and wings pressed against thighs and shoulders.

"I'm simply happy to be in such divine presences," he purred. "Besides, I could find a cute girl. I know a few."

Jupiter drove her face into her hands. "Oh my god. Do you not just. Stop. Please just stop."

"I dunno, he's kinda cute in that way creepy assholes can be sometimes," Venus commented.

"I could stop," he confirmed, smirking. "But that'd be boring."

And now Jupiter was just about banging her head into her own hands, in a way that he struggled not to laugh at. "Can you be not-boring in ways that aren't creepy asshole?"

"… we could just go, you know," Venus said, leaning over and scratching at Jupiter's shoulders. Or at least, Alec thought her shoulders were there.

"I've got snacks," he offered. "And video games. And a pretty good television setup. And I guess my roommates might show up, though they're pretty boring."

"Coming from you, that's probably a good sign," Jupiter grumbled.

Venus, though, raised an eyebrow.

"And we're not?"

"No! You're not! You're interesting!" Alec agreed, grinning again. Though they couldn't know just how interesting he found them. Not even in a sexual way, just the way they registered to his power, Jupiter especially… he could almost feel her rage thrumming against his mind just from how her hands shook. "Come on, let me show you around, make you feel at home. Stay awhile and listen!"

"I mean, I guess I could at least see if your friends are worth meeting..."

"It'd be nice!"

"Worst comes to worst, I could always just borrow some of Lisa's clothes and-"

Any semblance of goodwill from Jupiter disappeared. Alec promptly learned which hand was for slapping a stupid asshole in the face, hard enough to make him bleed.

"Didn't I tell you to stop?!" she growled, her anger vibrating through every nerve, to the point that he could feel it in his own hands, too, a sense of I did something bad that he hadn't felt in years-

"Wow," Venus said, drifting over towards where he was groaning in pain and shame on the ground. "That almost sounds like something I could have said, when I was younger."

"Whaaat?" Jupiter replied, blinking rapidly and almost immediately forgetting about him, which suited him just fine. "No way you were that bad, Venus."

"Sure, but sometimes..."

He tried to imagine slender little Venus dressing up all masculine, big boots and a jean-jacket or something like that. He imagined her, with that soft, singsong voice, that gentle, feathery way of moving, maybe a bit more human but still basically the little thing in front of him, trying to look manly.

The image made him chuckle as he pushed himself to his feet, a smile on his bloody lips. "Alright, I deserved that," he admitted, and he found that he wasn't lying. "Seriously, though. If you wanna hang out, just gimme a call, okay? I've got plenty of time. Here, you can have my number..."

Venus wrote it down. About as much as he could hope for, given the glare Jupiter shot at him anytime she had to look at him.

Worth it? Yeah, worth it.

"Alec," Lisa growled, maybe five minutes after she'd returned from whatever she was off doing.

He hummed innocently.

She jabbed her finger at him, narrowing her eyes.

"Why the fuck did you invite someone to the lair?"

"I have noooo idea what you're talking about."

Lisa scowled, pacing towards him like a stalking tiger.

"Sure you do. I thought you of all people would know better than to draw attention like this!"

"They were interesting," he shrugged.

At that, she deflated.



A long, hard sigh.

"...you're hopeless."

He blew his favorite Thinker a kiss.

"Love you too, Tats."
Enjoyed seeing Alec being Alec. Also FYI just finished watching a full play through of We Know The Devil. Saw all endings and I fucking loved it. I just gotta ask do you got any other Visual novels like it you would recommend?
I really, really love that there's actual fanfic of wktd now, I love that game so much, thank you for doing this!

Also, I half-expected Alec to already be in contact with the devil, if only because of how little he cares for societal pressures/God. But this definitely works too.
Also, I half-expected Alec to already be in contact with the devil, if only because of how little he cares for societal pressures/God. But this definitely works too.
Some people definitely find the devil more easily than others. But, on the other hand, it's the people who have the most trouble accepting the devil who need its guidance the most.
5 (Amy)

In which Amy and Riley (and Victoria) go on a magical adventure, and get a good look at a broken city.

Contains: arachnids

Amy wasn't sure when she staggered back home or when she got to sleep, but she was woken up again at the ungodly hour of maybe eight in the morning. Vicky was babbling something at her.

"Ugh, g'way," she whined, screwing her eyes shut and waving her hand vaguely in the direction of the intruding sister.

"Nope!" Victoria said, with all her usual unholy levels of cheer. "You're waking up and you're doing it now! There's a meeting and you're invited! The guest of honor, in fact!"

Before Amy could stop her, Vicky yanked the blanket right off of the bed, forcing her to shield her eyes with her arms as the harsh light stabbed into her. "Come on, Ames! Up and at 'em!"

"Gaah," she eloquently responded. "don wanna….wait..."

Something finally clicked for her. Her eyes opened.

"...guest of honor?"

"Yeah! That healer cape from yesterday decided to come over! Along with her, uh, moms, I guess." Victoria laughed, scratching the back of her head before diving right back into her ramble. "They really don't seem like mom material, but whatever works. Anyways, Riley wanted to hang out with you again today, maybe go on some kind of patrol? And they would be happy if we took care of her for the day while they visit someone else. And obviously you'd need to agree to all this," she grinned, "but I do happen to know that you don't have any plans today."

"Not like… there's much to do right now with the whole 'city in ruins' thing," Amy grumbled, finally pulling herself upright and trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "Fine, whatever. Just… just give me a minute. And some coffee. I need some coffee."

Vicky smiled.

Amy couldn't help but smile back.

Slightly more than a minute later, she stared, slowly blinking, over a mug of steaming coffee.

A gaggle of faces, all crammed into the Dallon family dining room, stared back at her. Victoria was standing behind her, Carol and Mark on either end of the table, and across from her, Riley and Neptune were joined by two unfamiliar faces. One of them had something like a storm of hands, suspended in a mist of faint, floating blood, while the other girl was covered in wings and eyes and wings with eyes and probably eyes with wings too.

Between them all (and her coffee), a map of Brockton Bay, or what was left of it, was laid out on the majority of the table. To be exact, it looked like someone had taken aerial photographs of the city in the last couple of days, spliced them together, and overlaid the old city map onto it. The presentation made the damage all the more stark. Entire sections of the city had been flattened, while others had outright ceased to exist, replaced by deceptively placid swathes of blue where the land itself had given way to water. The already cramped graphic was almost choked with handwriting; the crisp lines of Carol's pen and a softer script that must have belonged to one of the girls in front of her crisscrossed the map. Purity spotted here. Supply convoy attacked two days ago. No power. Water contaminated. Merchant activity. Unknown cape spotted. Empire remnants-

A hand on her shoulder. "Amy?"

She started, swaying for a second before she regained her balance. "I'm fine, Vicky."

"You haven't touched the coffee. Or responded to anything anyone has said," her sister replied, and Amy could hear the frown.

With a sigh, she picked up the mug and downed as much of the scorching, bitter brew as she could stomach, ignoring Mark's concern and Carol's barely restrained sigh.

"You know," Riley began, "it wouldn't be too hard for me to reduce your need for sleep to something more like-"

"I said I'm fine," Amy hissed. "Let's just get on with it. Victoria said you wanted to go on patrol?"

The Tinker wiped the pout off her face and resumed her radiant smile. "I did! Or, well, I wanna go out and do some fieldwork? I dunno if it's really a patrol. More about practicing medicine than scaring off bad guys."

"And you want me with you because…?"

"Because I like being with you, duh." Riley stuck out her tongue.

Amy frowned, glancing over towards Carol.

Her mother shrugged almost imperceptibly. "We thought that having a known hero there would prevent any unfortunate misunderstandings from happening. It doesn't have to be you if you don't want to go."

"I want to go," Victoria cut in. "We've barely been on patrol at all since Leviathan. We should be going out there! Showing everybody that we're still there for them! What's the point of being heroes if we're just cowering here, waiting for other people to clean up the mess?"

Carol sighed. "We're not cowering, Victoria. We're being strategic about our deployments."

"Well, I'm old enough to make my own decisions. Besides, I don't see you telling Riley here it's too dangerous to go out."

"I'm just trying to look after my daughter..."

Mark cleared his throat, gathering people's attention. "If it's safe enough for Panacea," he said, "I don't see why it isn't safe enough for Glory Girl?"

Carol glanced away, expression unreadable.

Amy eventually mustered up the courage to speak.

"Alright. We'll both go on a joint patrol with Riley."

"Yay!" Riley cheered, her joy cutting off any further argument. "How about we plan our route together? I've got a mobile lab stashed away, so we should start there..."

Half an hour of planning, breakfast, a shower, and a change of clothes later, Amy stared blankly at the remains of a downtown parking garage. The vehicle ramps had collapsed, leaving cars stranded on the upper levels of the structure, to be ransacked by those brave enough to climb the stairwells.

"You never said what this lab actually looked like," she muttered.

Riley grinned ear to ear. "You'll see. I put it on the second floor," she said, pointing towards, presumably, where this lab was. "C'mon, let's go!"

Victoria scooped Amy up in her arms, leaving the ground without a second thought. "Bet I'll beat you there," she taunted.

"Uh, Vicky, you don't have to carry me. I can walk." Then she wouldn't have to feel Victoria's body in the back of her head, laid out to her in glorious and terrifying detail. Or the warmth of her skin, or-

Glory Girl laughed. "But you don't have to," she said, even as she lifted right up and floated effortlessly into the second story of the building, depositing her sister gently upon the cracked concrete.

Amy slipped out of her sister's arms, powerful though they were, and stumbled away. "Y-you really didn't have to..."

"Heyyyy!" Riley whined, her surprisingly loud voice echoing up into the garage. "I wanna get carried around too!"

"Look what you've done," Amy mumbled.

Victoria just smiled and threw her sister a cheeky salute before turning in the air and sailing back out to pick up the little clay girl.

She brought Riley up as quickly as she had Amy. The Tinker seemed all too delighted to be carried like that, and Victoria was all too delighted to indulge her, ruffling her hair after setting her down. "So, where to, oh wise and mighty Riley?"

The girl giggled, before pointing again, towards… a perfectly ordinary van?

Amy blinked. "...how did you get a car up here?"

Victoria coughed. "Aren't you way too young to drive, anyways?"

"No, no, it's nothing like that," Riley said with a smile.

"Sooooo what is it like, then?"

"Wellll, why don't you take a closer look so you can see for yourself, Amy?"

She frowned, even as Riley led them both over to the 'lab'.

Even up close, it remained a perfectly normal van.

Victoria squinted, trying to make out some detail in the half-shadow of the parking garage.

Amy just sighed. "I'm still not seeing whatever it is you want me to see."

"Touch it!"

"It's just a van, what-"

The van's biology exploded into her mind as her finger brushed against it without even thinking. She yelped, almost jumping backwards from the sudden influx of information.

"A-amy? Are you okay? Did she do something to you?!"

Victoria cradled her, probably glaring at Riley, but Amy was too busy thinking about that moment of information. Clay, masquerading as metal, somehow overlaid with life, some alien form of life that somehow passed between each and every particle without taking up any space but she could still see it and the genetic information within and-

"It's human. This thing is human."

In response to her horror, Riley just giggled again. "Well, of course! Art is an expression of the self, right? So what better material to use than myself?"

Amy blinked, her brain suddenly derailing from thoughts of the Tinker being some kind of monster after all.


"You… made this from your own body?" Victoria asked hopefully. (Amy hoped too.)

"Duh! Do you see any other clay humans around here? You'd know it was me if you just touched me."

"...okay," Amy breathed out. "Okay. I-i'll just take your word for it, okay?"


That was a great deal of panic over nothing.

Victoria exhaled a sigh of relief in the quiet. "Phew. I was worried I'd have to beat the shit out of you."

"Language," Riley chided, though she was still smiling.

"Is this like that thing you did in the hospital?" Amy wondered.

The Tinker tilted her head. "Eh, kinda? That was a special case. I haven't figured out how to keep things alive when they stop being part of me, even with the stuff I've learned from Nep-Mom. If I leave Labby here alone, it's just inert clay. I've got to stay close to keep it active."

"...You're still too young to drive, crazy living human clay van or no," Amy pointed out.

"Well, yeah," Riley agreed. "Fortunately, Labby isn't really a van at all. Hold on. Gimme some space."

Amy backed up nervously. Vicky backed up a little, probably just to humor Riley because caution was something for people not named Victoria Dallon. Riley closed her eyes and focused, a bit like she had when she was labeling herselves back at the hospital.

A few seconds passed.

Then the van warped and shuddered, all pretension of normality rapidly dissolving. Straight lines became curves, tires and framework melted into the body. Vicky yelped and backpedaled (or back-floated, really) as lances of clay exploded from the sides of the shifting construct. Eight lances, to be exact. Metal became a furred exoskeleton, and a multitude of beady eyes opened, staring blankly at the three of them.

A perfectly ordinary van gave way to an immense arachnid in moments.

Victoria swore, though Riley didn't chastise her this time.

"So, uh, what if someone's arachnophobic?" Amy deadpanned, staring up at the huge clay critter.

"Labby also comes in cat, dog, horse, and dinosaur forms," Riley replied, without missing a beat. "Spider's the most maneuverable, though. Besides, look at it! It's so fluffy!"

"I don't think you're old enough to ride this."

"I'm old enough to ride a pony!"

"That's really not the point."

Riley pouted at her. Amy sighed. Loudly.

Victoria shook her head. She bounced back quickly, though, already walking up and running a hand over the terrorbeast's fuzz. "So, this is also a mobile lab?"

"Mobile pretty much anything I need it to be," the Tinker agreed, slipping right past Vicky and climbing onto the spider's neck, setting herself behind its eyes. "Still have to stop and set it up before it's ready to be a lab or operating theatre or anything, but that doesn't take too long." As Riley closed her eyes, 'Labby' blinked its own, and began to rotate slowly to face out into the city. "C'mon, Amy! Hop on!"

"I… think I'll stick with Victoria for now. Is that thing even going to make it through the opening?" The headroom would be a bit tight…

"Just watch me!"

Before Amy could tell her off, Riley's mount was already starting to climb over the edge of the concrete and out into the light. Thankfully, Victoria picked Amy up without needing to be told, and the two of them floated along, joining a more-than-slightly-terrified crowd as they watched the van-sized monstrosity of black clay emerge, clambering onto the garage's side and crawling nimbly onto the pavement below.

"R-riley, that's very nice and all, but I'm not sure it's the most… approachable?" Victoria tried.

Below, Riley's eyes shot open. "Oh! Oh, right! I almost forgot, thanks for reminding me!" Another short pause, a moment of focus, and then waves of color rolled over the clay, black exoskeleton giving way to softer pastel browns and greens, while hairs turned vibrant shades of red and blue and yellow, swirling across the body in playful patterns. Dark eyes turned vivid, rearranged themselves into two large orbs and two smaller ones instead of a multitude of tiny, staring lenses. Flags telescoped out from the spider's body, lifting up and unfurling into colorful banners fluttering in the breeze.

On 'Labby's abdomen, a plate pushed out from each side. Like a nameplate, really. A second later, and clay pushed itself out onto each plate, dragging bold, childish scrawl over the signs:

Riley's Arachnid House of Medicine and Fun Times!


Ask for other services! Prices may vary! Not all requests will be accepted!

That was a bit better- a few more words weaved their way onto the corner of the plate.

Amy Dallon is here too!

Vicky giggled. "Aren't you forgetting someone?"

Glory Girl autographs! All proceeds go to benefit those in need!

"Hey wait a minute, that's not what I said!"

"So proceeds don't go to those in need?" Amy muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"What, no, that's not what I meant either!"

"Vicky, if the preteen Biotinker wants you to sell your signature for charity, you should, uh, probably go ahead and do it."

"But what if I want to give it for free?"

"You do that all the time!"

"It's not like people are going to be swimming in money to spend on autographs!"

"You're both pretty!"

"What?" "What?"

"Nep-Mom taught me to say that," Riley explained, which didn't actually explain anything. "Anyways, come on, we've got work to do!"

Work ended up involving a great deal of standing next to Labby and talking to people. Victoria's ability to manage crowds was probably the only reason they got anything done rather than just drowning in conversation without end.

As before, Riley started with the people who needed the most help. Her spider's abdomen unfolded, creating a sort of tent that filled itself with tools and acted as her operating room, with just enough space to give her room to work on a subject. It was a lot less creepy than it could have been, since the insides of the spider didn't really have any particular anatomy, just more colorful clay.

Amy helped, at least with the healing, though she didn't do it anywhere more fancy than next to the spider's bulk. Though she was getting used to feeling the clay creature's biology, she still preferred to not have it distracting her while she was trying to heal.

Victoria didn't end up selling her autographs, but Riley was still determined to put Glory Girl to good use. She did a lot to keep the atmosphere bright and reassure people that yes, the giant spider was totally safe and yes, the clay Tinker girl wasn't a villain and wasn't going to turn them into zombies or anything silly like that, Panacea trusts her, why shouldn't you?

It didn't hurt that Riley, being a preteen herself (and not the 'trying-way-too-hard-to-be-an-adult' kind like Vista), was good with kids.

"Why do you have a giant spider?"

"Because I like spiders! They're all fuzzy and crawly!"

"Why are you made of clay?"

"I got it from my moms!"

"You have two mommies?"

"I have three!"

"Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Why do you have three mommies?!?"

"Because I'm really lucky like that!"

"Ohmygosh that sounds so cool! Mommy! Can you get me another two mommies?!"


...well, maybe it hurt a little if she got too carried away. There were a lot of people to work on, after all.

This being the open street instead of a hospital, it wasn't too long before the healing gave way to less debilitating medical issues- medicines, hormone treatments, that sort of thing – and then to requests. Amy certainly didn't take requests, but Riley was happy to, at least in principle. Though there were limits.

"I could definitely make you fly if I had a whole day and a bigger lab. Since I don't, maybe ask again another time?"

"I'm going to need some time if I want to make spare arms. Give me a sample and I can get started? No? Oh, bye then!"

Cosmetics were more than doable, though. As were more reasonable upgrades, assuming they could pay whatever seemingly arbitrary price Riley settled on asking for.

Equally arbitrary was the point at which Riley decided that it was time to pack up and move on, finishing the last customer before she closed the spider up and set it into motion at a steady jogging pace. Amy sat just out of arm's reach of the girl, feeling the creature shift and distort beneath her, while Victoria, being Victoria, floated on ahead, smiling and waving at people and generally being more of a goofball than anything else.

At least, until they had to rush after her when she got distracted by some gunshots and they ended up giving a mugger a very interesting story to tell to the nice people down at the station. Being penned in between Glory Girl and a giant clay spider before being sedated wasn't something that any ordinary criminal could boast of.

A few blocks later, Riley set the spider back down, opened it up, yelled painfully loudly to advertise herself, and they were healing again. And practicing medicine. And… modifying? Modifying. Not that Amy was interested in that. She just sort of leaned against Labby's side (god, that was a stupid name) while Riley committed yet more crimes against anatomy.

There was a lot less of a crowd here. Things went quicker.

"What am I even doing here? What are we even doing here?" Amy eventually wondered aloud.

"We're on patrol," Victoria answered. "Duh."

"We're practicing medicine," Riley countered.

"If we wanted to heal people, it'd be much more efficient to work our way through a hospital again." Amy sighed. "Why are we here?"

Glory Girl raised an eyebrow. "Huh. Ames isn't wrong. As expected of my brilliant sister."

Panacea glanced away.

Riley shook her head. "We're here to have fun! Helping people is nice too, but so is fun."

"...what happened to 'I owe the world a lot', then?"

"Am I missing something?" Victoria interjected.

"Just a conversation we had, Victoria. But, uhm..."

Riley closed her eyes, her whole form stilling. For a moment, there was nothing but the spider's steady footsteps.

"I don't know if I deserve to be happy or anything. But that's not the point? I'm not a perfect robot who doesn't need anything. I have needs, and happiness is one of them. When you don't meet your needs, bad things happen! And if you don't do happy things, how can you expect to be happy?"

Victoria hummed. "That's… a really interesting way to look at things."

Amy agreed, though she didn't say it. She just kept quiet, rolling over the idea in her head.

"Anyways, if you really want to help people… then you're not doing nearly enough. I don't think anyone is."

That one had Amy's eyes narrow.

Victoria was equally terse. "Care to explain?"

Riley nodded, her eyes opening again. She looked out, to the side, into what was left of Brockton Bay. They definitely weren't in a good part of town, even before Leviathan had hit. With so much destruction, it was even worse. The spider stepped almost thoughtlessly over rubble, around darkened and broken buildings. People stared at them with sullen, deadened eyes, or with a desperate hope that scared Amy even more. In the distance, she saw people clustered around a burning car, though she wasn't sure who started the fire or why.

Shouts and gunshots echoed in the distance. Even Vicky wasn't willing to pursue them.

The Tinker tilted her head back, staring up into the gloom. "This city is broken. No amount of healing or arresting criminals will fix that. We're just putting bandages on a stump."

"So you want us to just… give up?"

"No, Vicky. That's not what I want." She bit her lip, the white fang parting red clay without pain or effort. "I just… looking at all of this makes me want to do something different. I'm not a healer, I'm an artist, or maybe an engineer? I want to make something grand. I want to really fix the problem, or at least come closer to it. To do something that's prettier than punching bad guys and more helpful than healing good guys."

Riley let out a long sigh.

"I just don't know what that is yet. That's part of why I'm out here. To figure it out."

Victoria floated nearer to Riley, wrapping an arm around her in a gentle hug.

Amy closed her eyes and sat, silent, thinking.
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"Vicky, if the preteen Biotinker wants you to sell your signature for charity, you should, uh, probably go ahead and do it."

"But what if I want to give it for free?"

"You do that all the time!"

"It's not like people are going to be swimming in money to spend on autographs!"

"You're both pretty!"

"What?" "What?"

"Nep-Mom taught me to say that," Riley explained, which didn't actually explain anything.

Also what Nep-Mom taught her to say: "Now kiss...."
I don't remember crying from canon Worm, why would this story make me cry? This is supposed to be uplifting and inspiring!

This story hasn't made a huge dent in my aversion to canon-Riley, but I love the storyline, character development and foreshadowing you've done so far. Thanks for sharing your wonderful work!
6 (Lisa)

In which Lisa is not okay, and tries to pretend to be okay, even in the face of Alec's Bad Decisions.

Contains: depression, mood whiplash

Lisa already had a headache when she woke up. It only got worse from there.

God, this was a disaster.

She had enough problems already. Taylor going down against Leviathan hurt the most. It was her fault, really. Taylor saw a child kidnapped and drugged, as a result of her own actions, and instead of actually doing anything about it, Lisa – her first real friend in years – had sided with Coil. It was no wonder that Taylor threw herself into a hopeless brawl with an Endbringer. It was a miracle she survived at all.

Taylor was in a coma and she'd never wake up without parahuman help and it was all Lisa's fault.

A lot of things in and around the Endbringer battle were a blur in her memory, but she could remember, as clear as day, Taylor's body, limp and motionless, plugged into half a dozen machines as the medtechs told her teammates about the girl's condition. That it would take a miracle, or parahuman intervention, for Taylor to wake up.

Her fault.

Lisa felt like a weight had been spread over her body, a blanket full of sand growing heavier with each step, with every passing minute, with every day since the battle.

Sometimes, if she focused on the future, focused on moving forward, the weight was a little easier to bear. She had to bear it, just to deal with everything else.

Coil probably wasn't going to burn the Undersiders over Taylor's obvious desire to rescue Dinah Alcott, but he still might treat their comatose teammate as a loose end, no matter how grim her prognosis was. But he wouldn't get to her, not on Lisa's watch. Lisa owed her that much.

She was also the only one equipped to deal with Brian's sister triggering and forcibly joining the team. Lisa's intuition was the closest her team had to a counter to Aisha's Stranger power, after all. No one else had a chance in hell of keeping her from doing whatever she damn well pleased and getting into as much trouble as she physically could.

They lost the old loft and had to find a new lair, if only to shut Alec up.

It was all she could do just to keep going. And no matter how well she bore the weight, it didn't go away. It only increased.

Sprawled across the couch in what passed for the Undersider's living room, she grinned up at the ceiling. But she couldn't keep the smile on her face for more than a second or two.

Sometimes, smiling was all you could do, but now, every smile felt like a bundle of knives digging into her own soft, sensitive flesh.

"So, by the way, my friends from yesterday called. Said they'd like to visit."

Sometimes, you couldn't even smile.

She rolled to face towards the vague direction of her teammate's voice.

"Alec," she moaned. "Please tell me you said no."

"I said no, by which I mean I said yes."

She buried her face into the pillow again. "Whyyyyyyy."

"Cuz they were interesting," he answered without missing a beat. The same answer as last night.

This time, though, she dared to crack open the floodgates on her power, bracing herself for an imminent migraine. This was too important to guess on.

Power interaction.

Lisa winced. The dull ache at the back of her head sharpened, but it was still something she could bear, she could manage. The answer itself, on the other hand, was much, much worse.

"You didn't tell me they were capes."

"It didn't seem important at the time?"

She just stared at him again, trying to will herself to second-trigger with laser eyes or… something. God, she felt pathetic.

He sighed. "Fine, Lisa. It didn't seem important to them."


Slowly, Lisa rolled back, staring up at the ceiling.

Right. That was something. The start of a profile, maybe. She could work with that. Do something. Figure something out.

She needed more.

"...did you get names?"

Thankfully, Alec didn't give her shit about it.

"Yeah," he said. "Venus and Jupiter. And the one who called introduced herself as Neptune."

Those sounded like cape names. Maybe she could look them up.

She pawed blindly around the couch before she found her phone. The battery looked fine, and service was back up already. Surprisingly quickly, really.

She'd take it. Less work than talking.

It felt like a monumental task, but eventually, Lisa sat up, flicking through the passcodes on the phone and opening up the web browser. She had to clear her eyes a few times - reading screens wasn't good for her headache - but soon enough, she was at the Parahumans Online forum and searching for Alec's mysterious cape friends.

It didn't take long.

♦ Topic: Brockton Bay After Leviathan
In: Boards ► News ► Events ►America
(Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)


She skimmed past the chaff, she didn't have the energy to think about other things. It took her a moment to scroll down to the highlighted section.

The Devils are a group of capes who by all appearances simply wandered into Brockton Bay after Leviathan. While they've provided assistance to city services, they've yet to get into any known fights. All of them are Breakers or Changers, or possibly mutated capes, given that they wear no masks and haven't been seen in human forms, even when performing mundane activities. Their current known membership is:

Venus: Teenage girl with a multitude of wings and eyes. Seems to be a Tinker, possibly specializing in communications tech. Flies.

Jupiter: Teenage girl surrounded with 'a storm of hands' [see pictures]. Hands have immense strength, though durability is unclear. Flies, or at least floats.

Neptune: Teenage girl made primarily of water. Somehow handles a cell phone. May be able to self-duplicate.

Riley: Pre-teen girl with extra arms and eyes who appears to be made of clay. Seems to be a biomedical Tinker. Insists that she only goes by Riley; won't specify whether that's a first, last, or cape name. May be able to shapeshift.

Her power raced ahead of her as she scrolled through the attached image links and a few videos, or at least those that she could load on the phone. Venus working on a cell tower, Jupiter clearing rubble, Riley and Neptune at a hospital, Jupiter and Venus…. Going out to eat?

Riley is a personal name. Insists on personal name rather than cape name. Venus, Jupiter and Neptune are also personal names. Being a cape 'wasn't important to them'. Don't think of themselves as capes.

Seemed slightly delusional when they looked like that, but she certainly wasn't going to try and argue. At least her headache wasn't flaring up again, though who knew how long it would last.

Lisa went into the thread itself, flicking her phone as quickly as she could until she found something worth looking at.

RestingWitchFace (Unverified Cape)
Replied on May 21st, 2011
@SoldierSailor: No, no, we're totally not heroes. We are in fact truly, completely, objectively, theologically, absolutely the worst. We're just not assholes about it.

@Bagrat: We're not 'the Devils', we're the devil. I understand it's a subtle distinction and a little weird, but it's important. We happen to be the devil, but we're not defined by our devil-ness. Other people can be the devil too, after all. If you have to call us something, I'm voting for Polyamorous Lesbian Funhouse And Also Riley.

Speaking of which, it's my understanding that this city is full of Nazis, and I imagine some of you snowflakes might be triggered by the whole 'polyamorous lesbian' thing. For those people, I have but one message:

Go ahead. Try to hurt us. We can't wait to see what you'll do against the three worst girls since Eve.

Her thumb worked mechanically, skimming forward and back through the thread, past discussions of whether they were heroes or villains, eyewitness accounts. Lisa couldn't process it all right now, but her power could. She let it do the work.

Bravado related to trigger event. Similar powers: cluster trigger? Trigger event involved repression, forced conformity. Doesn't want others to deny themselves or be denied by society in a similar way.

Alright, but what about that thing with 'the devil'? That screamed something important. It seemed like half of the thread was arguing about what RestingWitchFace meant. Tattletale refocused, let her power run again.

Semantic distinction between 'the devil' and 'the devils.' 'The devil' is a metaphor. A state of mind? Related to trigger event? Related to powers?

Other people can 'be the devil'. Riley breaks pattern from the other three. Different naming convention, and a power that's not as tied to her Breaker state. Pictures suggest Venus and Jupiter are in romantic relationship. Three-way with Neptune? Neptune and Riley fill mother and daughter roles.

She didn't know where her power was going with this. Lisa would have liked to say she was curious to see what 'Riley' had to do with anything, but in truth, she was mostly just too tired to fight her power, letting it drag her along.

Three-way relationship between Jupiter, Neptune and Venus forms the core of the group. Riley is a newer addition, others less used to her. Riley is a newer addition but is still 'the devil', possesses similar Breaker state.

Breaker state is transmissible.

Holy fuck.

If that was true, that had… god, Lisa didn't even know what implications it had.

She'd have been fascinated if she didn't have to deal with it.

But Lisa was operating entirely on secondhand data and speculation, exactly the kind of things that had led her power astray before. Couldn't Riley just be a second-generation cape? Lisa's research hadn't included multi-triggers with second-gens, but she'd hardly call herself an expert on parahuman studies.

Riley shows experience. Doesn't know her way around hospital. Does know how to work under time pressure and with assistants. Preteen Biotinker. Blonde hair. Strength of insistence on "Riley" may indicate a violent break from a previous identity. Riley is Bonesaw.

Jesus, fuck! Goddamnit, that made too much fucking sense! At least the Nine had already disintegrated, as far as she could tell, and Jack Slash was presumed dead, so she probably wasn't bringing an entire team of monsters along with her. Though Bonesaw had been presumed dead, too, and clearly, that hadn't turned out to be the case. But having a former member of the Nine around was still… she really hoped the other Devils had her under control, because if not, they were all totally-

"What the fuck are you yelling about?"

Rachel stomped in, the dogs descending into a chorus of barking at the intrusion, even as Lisa's world descended into pain, a pitiful moan falling out of her lips.

And she'd managed to shout something about that last revelation without even realizing it, given that Rachel had obviously heard.

Lisa elected to flop down into the couch again, closing her eyes so that she didn't have to look at Bitch's glaring face as the girl approached her. As the dogs calmed down, blessed silence fell, at least temporarily, giving her a chance to gather her bearings.

"Alec, in his infinite wisdom, decided to invite some capes to hang out in the lair," she mumbled. Best of all, she technically wasn't even lying.

Rachel immediately threw something at him, judging by the crashing sound and subsequent yelping.

"Maybe…" No, that was too loud--Lisa's own voice thundered in her ears as her migraine returned. "m-maybe you can kill him later, Rachel. We n-need him here when his 'friends' come over."

Lisa didn't know if Rachel heard her. She didn't care to look, clapping her hands over her ears in a futile attempt to block out or at least muffle the torturous sound of wanton carnage pounding into her skull.

"Am I seriously the only person here who appreciates a decent social life?!"

"Fuck you!"

Still angry over the loss of Taylor, the loss of a friend. Thinks Alec's trying to replace her.

"They're not…. joining the team," Lisa said, groaning at both the throbbing in her head and the din of Rachel's current attempt to beat the shit out of Alec. "I don't think they even know we're capes, and they wouldn't want to join if they did. Right, Alec?"

"Right! Rachel, no, what're you doing- gah!"

Another crash. Rachel almost hit Alec. Lightning shot through Lisa's brain, and she let out a dull groan that disappeared under Rachel's demands.

"The fuck! Are you! Trying to pull!" she roared, confusion only making her more angry.

"Nothing! I swear I'm not trying anything! T-they just caught my attention and, and they made me feel things, I guess?!"

He sounded almost unsure of himself. Almost.

Even in her current agony, Lisa couldn't let the implication go. It came out as a scream of pain, at least as it much as it came out as actual words. "A-alec, they're- FUCK! - they're obviously gay! Why the fuck w-would you hit on them?!"

"Not what I meant!"

"What," Rachel growled, "did you mean?"

Alec was breathing heavily, either from dodging Rachel or from the stress of the conversation. Or maybe both? "It's… I don't know. They made me feel… alive? Like… like a human being. It's… I can't remember how long it's been since I've felt that way without using my power. Probably since before I had my power."

Rachel was breathing, too, but she wasn't moving.

"...If you're just trying to fuck them, I'll kill you."

Alec spoke quietly. "You heard Lisa. They wouldn't let me fuck them even if I wanted to."

The silence hung thick in the air.

Eventually, Rachel stomped over towards Lisa again.

She opened her eyes to find the butch girl staring down at her, right into her eyes.

"This is stupid. I'm leaving."

Rachel turned and walked away, gathering up her dogs in a yapping, barking pack and heading out without another word.

Lisa didn't try to stop her. Her eyes closed once more, hiding tears of pain.

A few moments after the door shut, Alec collapsed into the couch next to her.

"So what were you really yelling about? Your power broke some bad news?"

Did she want him to know?

Yeah, probably. It wasn't like he would care.

She picked up the phone again, opening it up and scrolling to the picture of 'Riley'.

"Cute kid," he said, unfazed by the extra eyes and arms.

She spoke slowly, carefully, so as not to slur.

"Power says she's their adoptive daughter. And also Bonesaw. The Bonesaw. Slaughterhouse Nine, disappeared last year, all that."

Alec fell silent for a few moments, expression unreadable. Then he let out a long, appreciative whistle.

"Damn. Did not see that coming. Kinda obvious once you think of it, though."

"Kinda," she agreed.

"Wonder why she didn't give herself extra limbs before?"

Lisa shrugged. Not enough information for a meaningful answer.

"So what'cha thinking, Tats?"

"I'm not thinking anything," she muttered.

"Nonsense. Thinking is literally in your job description."

It was. Thinking was more or less the only thing Lisa could do right now, either way.

She thought. It wasn't nearly as bad as capital-T Thinking, but it still took her a minute before she managed any words.

"… we can't have them here. It'll draw attention we don't need."

"I could call them back, meet them somewhere else?" Alec suggested.

Lisa hummed. "We'd be swarmed in cameras. Not much better."

He frowned, but didn't reply.

She pursed her lips, rolled it over in her head.

"No, you're right. It's not great, but it's better than the alternative. I'll get myself a new disguise."

Alec raised an eyebrow at her.


He shook his head. "Lisa, they know me, not you. And you look like shit. I can handle myself."

… she hadn't even thought about that. But it still felt… wrong.

"Someone's got to keep an eye on you," she protested.

"If you have to send a babysitter, at least make it Brian. He's cool. You would just give everyone a headache. Or yourself an aneurysm. I really feel like having to send you to the emergency room would ruin the atmosphere, y'know?"

Right, he was coming over, wasn't he? With his sister. And he was… coping. He wasn't as close to Taylor as Lisa herself, but he'd still thought of her as a friend, though not anything like how she had thought of him.

Lisa didn't think Brian was okay, either, but she was jealous of his ability to pretend otherwise. To keep a brave face and push down his feelings under a mask of cool professionalism.

"I'll just go make that phone call. Get some fucking rest, Tats."

She blinked, but Alec was already walking away.

She wanted to say something, but no words came to mind. He was already gone, in another room, his voice barely audible as he spoke on the phone.

She wanted to do something, but she didn't know what.

The ache behind her eyes steadily pounded into her brain.

In the end, she didn't do anything at all.

Lisa closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep under the weight of her sins.

No one saw her tears.

"Wake up, dork. Brian and Aisha are here."

'Dork' was his nickname for Taylor. He misses her more than he realizes.

Lisa stirred, if slowly.

Slowly enough that Alec yanked her off the couch and she went down in a flailing heap.

"Fuck!" she swore, scrambling and grabbing in vain at her assailant, struggling to her feet. "For fuck's sake, Alec! I'm awake!"

"You are now," he said, smirking as he danced out of the range of her assault.

Lisa spouted off a few more muffled curses as she found her footing, pushing aside the blanket that had somehow ended up on top of her and scanning the room to try and gather her bearings. Her head softly pounded, not helped by being suddenly shoved off the couch. At least she'd had a nap, a little recovery.

Rachel's dogs were back, but the girl herself didn't seem to be in the room. Alec was still standing a few feet away with that same mocking smirk. Brian and Aisha were there, too, the latter sitting on the other couch and not bothering to hide her giggles, the former standing behind Aisha, his arms crossed and his face fixed into a frown.

"...Alec said you wanted to talk?"

Of course he did. Of course he would.

Lisa sighed, trying to straighten herself out. "Alec met some capes and decided to invite them back to the lair. No, they don't know who we are. Yes, I know, this is stupid," she began, cutting off the arguments before they could be raised. "Fortunately, Alec managed to get them to agree to meet somewhere else instead. Unfortunately, he wants Brian to come with him."

"Fuck you, that's not what I said at all," Alec grumbled.

"You said you'd rather have him come along than make me come along," she countered.

Brian stared at Alec, then at Lisa, then, slowly, dropped his face into his hands. "I have better things to do than be Alec's chaperone, Lisa."

Lisa glanced towards Alec, who just grinned. "See? I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself. I'm gonna go have ice cream with a bunch of weird capes and it's going to be just fine."

"Wait, hold up, tell me more about these weird capes," Aisha interjected. "And ice cream. Tell me more about ice cream. In fact, let me come along and meet these weird capes."

"Aisha, you're not going to-"

"I'm totally going to do it and you can't stop me."

She was, of course, objectively correct. Brian scowled even deeper.

Alec laughed. "Lisa found some pictures. They're cute." He smiled as he glanced towards Lisa.

She got the message. Her phone wasn't far- someone, probably Alec, had left it on the coffee table. Lisa scooped it up, flicked her way through the passcode again. Aisha bounced over into her personal space before she was even back at the image links, Brian following a second later as though caught in his sister's wake and dragged along against his will.

"The girl with all the hands was kinda… high-strung? And the girl with the wings and eyes was a bit quiet. Spunkier than she looks, though," Alec commented, not even glancing towards the phone. "Both totally cute."

A moment later, Lisa had the pictures she was looking for.

Brian's eyes widened as he took in the surreal images, one after the another as she scrolled through.

"What the fuck."

Aisha, on the other hand, was grinning with surprised delight.

"Woaaaaah. Damn, this is so- hey, wait a minute." She blinked, jabbing a finger towards a picture of Riley-who-was-almost-certainly-Bonesaw. "I ran into her earlier!"

"No shit?" Alec asked, finally looking over in the general direction of the phone.

"No shit!" Aisha echoed. "Yeah, she had this giant clay spider thing, and Panacea and Glory Girl were there too. Offering free healing, apparently? But also offering random weird medical shit for pay. I gave her fifty bucks and now my hair is actually purple," she preened, lifting up the stripe of dyed hair and flicking it to one side. "Saves me the trouble of finding dye, so it'll pay for itself in a year or so. Pretty cool, right?"

Lisa couldn't use her power fast enough, headache or no headache.

Aisha stole the money.

...wow, she would never have guessed. Never in a million years.

Ugh. That was not worth the rusty nail that just ran through her head. Still, she did her best to put on a calm face, tune it out. Maybe get something else to focus her power on.

"Did you see what she did for anyone else?"

Aisha shrugged. "Nah, but I saw some chick flip out cuz she charged too much for a boob job or something."

...okay then. Maybe Lisa did not, in fact, need something else to focus her power on.

She tried again, doing her best to focus on the actually important things staring her in the face, like Bonesaw allegedly, supposedly, coloring some of Aisha's hair purple.

Hair is now purple. No side effects. No deleterious modifications. No hidden catches. Bonesaw genuinely offering free services. Atonement? Therapy? Amusement?

That… was a little reassuring, actually. If Bonesaw-who-called-herself-Riley-now was doing free healing and stupid cosmetic modifications for hire, then she probably wasn't going to destroy the city or turn everyone into rage-zombies or perform some other atrocity Lisa couldn't think of. At least, not unless provoked.

Still not exactly a calming thought, but at least she didn't feel like she needed to somehow get the city evacuated. Besides, if Bonesaw was accompanied by heroes who bought the whole 'Riley' thing, there wouldn't be too much of a danger of things going horribly wrong, right? Right.

"Right? Meeting her friends is pretty cool too, right?" Aisha pressed, interrupting Lisa's thoughts.

Alec grinned. "Of course. And there'll be ice cream."

Lisa couldn't help but chuckle at their naivete. "You know there's no way they're actually open, right? Even if the shop managed to keep their stock frozen through Levi and the aftermath, they'd have been cleaned out by now. And I doubt there's a chance in hell that anyone's getting ice cream into the city right now."

He paused, blinked once, and then groaned. "Lisa, is ruining people's dreams a fetish for you or something?"

She smiled, a slight smile rather than a full Tattletale-brand grin. "I don't think I'd go that far, Alec. Fetishes are gross."

A pouting Aisha spoke up, hopeful, before Alec could respond. "But we're still going and meeting the weird capes, right?"

"It wouldn't do to show up such fine ladies," he agreed, already smiling again.

"Why are we still standing around here? C'mon, Alec, let's go have fun and shit!"

Brian cleared his throat, poorly hidden triumph shining in his eyes if not in his face. "Aisha."

"Yeah, bro?"

"I still don't want you going. But if you are, then I'm coming with you and you can't stop me," he announced.

"I can make you forget I'm going."

"No, you can make all of us forget you're going and spend the whole time ignored by everyone."


He crossed his arms. "I'm tempted to say this is too dangerous for Regent, and he's a cape with years of experience. You haven't been a cape for even a week."

She tensed, and he paused. For a moment, the way they looked at each other, it seemed like he was about to hug her, or she was about to hug him.

Lisa didn't need her power to know what they were thinking about.

The moment passed. Neither was willing to be the first to show emotion. Brian eventually started talking again, doing his best to pretend that nothing had happened.

"These are three capes we know almost nothing about, with powers we know almost nothing about. For all we know, one of them could be a Master. We don't even know if they're heroes or villains!"

"I don't think they're either," Lisa interjected. "Seems to me like they mostly just want to fuck around and be kids. Not an attitude you see a lot of, especially on people who are so blatantly parahuman, but whatever. At least we shouldn't have to worry about getting into a fight with them."

Or maybe, she mused, it was because they were so blatantly parahuman? If they were permanently in that state, maybe they wanted the only life they had to be a civilian one. She could relate. She hadn't really wanted to become a cape, after all. Certainly not like this.

But things didn't always go according to plan.

Brian blinked, then shook his head. "I don't want to wager Aisha's safety on that. If we end up in a fight, we'll need all the power we can get."

"If we end up in a fight," Lisa countered, "there's a decent enough chance we're just screwed. Like you said, we don't know enough about them. It seems safe to assume that Venus is a Thinker, but what if she's a Blaster, too? In an open space, she could just fly above us and rain fire and there'd be pretty much nothing we could do." The idea didn't come from nowhere; she vaguely recalled reading something about light and heat somewhere in the thread. She'd need to look into it.

Brian started to speak, but Lisa kept going.

"Your smoke might interfere with Jupiter like it does with Shadow Stalker, but it might not, and if it doesn't, there's nothing the four of us could do, except maybe Aisha. She could just feel us moving through the darkness and beat the shit out of us with all of those hands. Rachel's dogs might be able to go toe to toe with her, but that's a big 'might', and she's not coming out to a social call either way. And Neptune, we don't even know how to hurt Neptune. Would we have to boil her? No way we can do that on the battlefield. Scatter her body? Not easy, and likely to backfire if wrong. Destroy a core? I didn't see one in any of the pictures. If she has one, it might not even be in her human body. It could be in the next state, for all I know."

"We get it, you don't want to fight," Alec interrupted. "Couldn't you just talk them down?"

"It's a better idea than trying to brawl with them, that's for sure. But I barely know them. I don't think I have enough information to stop them if they get going. Best I can do is make sure nothing happens to begin with."

Brian sighed. "So you want to go to this… thing. Why does that mean I shouldn't?"

Lisa hummed. "Having someone to help Bitch if things go south is nice, and I can keep a better eye on Aisha than you can. Plus, there's the chance our civilian identities get associated with the Devils. Alec doesn't have much of a civilian identity, so it shouldn't be a huge problem."

It could still be a problem, but she didn't think his father or his agents would look at the obviously female Devils for signs of his son, much less random civilians associated with them.

He wasn't smiling, but he didn't object.

"Aisha doesn't have too much to worry about. It'd be easy enough for her to snatch any cameras pointed her way, and even if she doesn't, I doubt anyone would look into it too hard. And me? If, somehow, I get identified as Lisa Wilbourne, I can always just make another identity. But you're still seeking custody of Aisha, Brian. They'll be looking out for things like this, and while I don't think they'll directly find your sister, there's a decent chance that if your name is out there, they'll find that. And questions will be asked. It'd just make everything complicated. Coil might be able to take care of it, but I doubt he'd appreciate it."

Aisha interjected herself into the conversation again with a laugh. "Besides, if Lisa comes along, it'll be a nice girl-date, right?"

"I'm a girl now?" Alec mused.

"Eh, you're cute. Close enough."

Brian's face immediately twisted into a scowl. Lisa elicited to try and shut the conversation down before he could start tearing into his sister's questionable tastes.

"Right! So, it's settled then. I'll go get changed," she declared, smiling broadly.

"You better not have any aneurysms on me." Alec shook his head. "No way you're feeling alright already."

Her head still pounded softly. Taylor was still in a coma. Everything still felt a bit like shit.

"I'm okay," she said, and for a second, she almost believed it.

A/N: Beta'd by @Reyemile , in addition to the usual assortment of feedback and attention from hither and yon.
Last edited:
7 (Lisa)

In which there is an ice cream social.

Contains: lewd jokes, somewhat explicit language, painfully generic names, sneaky references, discussion of homophobia

"Aw, man," Aisha groaned. "I think they're closed."

Lisa looked up at the ice cream shop. The windows and the door had been boarded up. There weren't any signs hanging in them. There was no sign of light in the building.

"Wow, Aisha," she deadpanned. "I have no idea why you would possibly think that."

The girl simply raised her middle finger in indignation, already following Alec as he lifted himself over the low fence separating the outdoor seating from the sidewalk.

He glanced around at the tables and chairs, testing one of the nicer-looking ones before slipping into the seat with a happy, lazy little sigh.

"Pretty comfortable for an abandoned ice cream shop," he commented.

"But there's no ice cream!" Aisha cried, jumping into a chair after him. "What's our date without ice cream?!"

"Eh, it still has cute girls. At least two of them are already here."

Aisha's cheeks darkened, even as she grinned.

Lisa shook her head, filing in after them. She opened the gate like a civilized person.

"Hush. I've got enough of a headache already." It thrummed at the back of her head, soft but inescapable, waiting to flare up into a crippling migraine. She'd probably have one of those after this was over, but it couldn't be helped. Even if everything went well, she would still need plenty of answers, answers that she'd need her power to find.

Alec and Aisha ignored her and went on bickering about ice cream. Or something. She was doing her best to tune them out. Instead, she focused on their surroundings.

Being in a public place (or really anywhere but her apartment or the lair) always carried a certain element of risk. Given the situation and location – the three of them together in an open space, not too heavily trafficked but visible, doing nothing of note – she wasn't too worried about mundane criminal shenanigans or overzealous law enforcement. Capes were another story, though, especially if someone was going after their 'guests'. The Empire remnants, in particular, had something to prove after Kaiser's death, not to mention that they were Nazis and thus naturally inclined to disapprove of the 'polyamorous lesbian funhouse' even before one of the Devils called them out on PHO.

As far as Lisa was concerned, that shoe was going to drop sooner or later.

And the sooner this meeting was over, the less likely that shoe would drop on her.

Lisa didn't yet see anything untoward, but that wasn't surprising. Still, it paid to get a feel of the area, to scope out escape routes, places where a gunman or Blaster might fire from, places where she might take shelter from said fire (aside from the obvious but obviously flawed measure of diving under a table), that sort of thing, even if she had to fight with her power to keep it from burning itself out with unneeded inferences.

Thinking about what to do when – if things went south was a decent enough distraction from Alec and Aisha's… ugh, bonding. Alec could be annoying, but he was too lazy to cause any real trouble. Aisha, on the other hand, was obviously used to acting out to try and get attention. Alec giving her ideas was a recipe for disaster.

"...pumpkins with laser eyes are cool, but it sounds like a lot of work-"

He suddenly cut off whatever nonsense he was in the middle of saying. The interruption jarred Lisa into actually paying attention, tracking his gaze as he turned to stare through a seemingly random house.

Focus, accelerated breathing: looking at something, seeing something. Something not visible. Seeing with his power. Regent's power has a minimal sensory component, wouldn't normally be able to see through a building: power interaction. Power interaction, place and time: he sensed one of the Devils with his power.

Aisha rapidly blinked, just as thrown off by the suddenness.

"What? What is it, Alec? What the heck are you looking at?"

"They're here," he answered, not even turning to look at her, keeping his gaze focused on, presumably, the Devil or Devils as they moved.

"They are?"

They were. A moment later, they slipped into view from around the corner. Not as three separate people, but as one unit, jumbled together in what, given the way their hands and limbs pressed together and over each other's bodies, might be called a mobile snuggle pile. The unmistakable shape of a human form cast out of water formed the base. Debris and rubble swirled in the currents of Neptune's body, but only pure, clear liquid dripped from the cracks in translucent skin, leaving a trail of shining pavement in her wake. A storm of hands held the pile together, fingers sinking into liquid flesh and brushing soft wings and… holding groceries? Yes, Lisa caught a glimpse of canvas bags between the hands that filled the space, giving the pile a sort of weight and depth, though she couldn't see Jupiter's face within it. A swirl of wings and eyes covered the pile, white feathers circling the dark water and the storm of hands. Lisa did see Venus's face somewhere in the middle of all those wings and eyes, a lithe body fluttering like a leaf in the breeze, basking in her lovers' flesh.

Lisa's head spun, taking in the chaotic scene. Her power didn't help, firing off like lightning in her mind, snapping from thought to thought.

Sixteen to eighteen years old. Female. Primarily composed of water-

Sixteen to eighteen years old. Female. Each hand is unique and moves individually-

Seventeen to eighteen years old. Female. Unusual flight characteristics-

They love each other. Physical contact in a public forum. No fear of being witnessed? They
want it to be witnessed. Exhibitionism? No, no signs of arousal. Something else.

While Lisa's eyes watered, Alec was already waving. A hundred eyes turned to face him, and before she knew it, the Devils were flowing, or floating, or flying, or… piling their way over to the three of them. Neptune was smirking, Venus was smiling, Jupiter's face was still hidden in the storm of hands until Neptune pushed her out and then Lisa saw her grumpy little pout.

"Hi, Alec," Venus chirped, smiling bright.

"Hey," Jupiter sighed, hands fidgeting against her lovers.

"Hi, nerd," Neptune said, her briny body bouncing as she came to a stop.

"Bonjour," Alec drawled. "Fancy meeting you here. Neptune, I take it?"

"The one and only," she confirmed, pulling away from her teammates as she eyed up the other two Undersiders. "And these must be your boring roommates?"

"I have my own place," Lisa grumbled – only partially true given how much damage her apartment complex had taken from Leviathan's attack, but while she didn't mind boring, being lumped in with Alec was a bridge too far.

"And I'm not boring! I'm the one interesting roommate," Aisha shot in, grinning widely. "Tragic backstory, cool outfit, badass powers…"

Venus pursed her lips in thought as her eyes roamed over the girl. "...oh! So you're the token evil teammate, right?"

Lisa blinked.

Aisha blinked, too.

Then, when the words finally processed, she broke down cackling, stopping only to dart over to the Breaker and hold out her fist for a bump. Venus hesitated, her wings shuffling around as if to try and expose her hand, before finally settling for pushing a wing out and completing the bump with a wingtip and an awkward smile.

"Hey now, being the token evil teammate is my job," Alec interrupted, leaning back and smirking lazily.

"I mean, both of you were crazy enough to think you could actually get ice cream in a place like this," Lisa commented, shaking her head sadly. "I told you, but did you listen? Nooooo."

Jupiter suddenly lit up, floating away from Neptune and bringing the canvas bags from earlier to the front. "We figured there wouldn't be any, soooo we brought our own!"

"By which she means we flew out to the next town over and bought some," Venus added. "It only took us a couple of hours, so it should still be good."

"I made sure we had utensils and bowls and napkins and everything!"

"You checked like three times on the way here," Neptune noted, chuckling and shaking her head.

Jupiter reddened, even as she slipped forward and deposited her bags carefully on the table that Alec and Lisa were still sat at (and that Aisha was returning to), the hands pulling away the covering to reveal the… other bag. Which she then opened to reveal a perfectly normal pint of ice cream to go along with all the plastic spoons and bowls and cheap paper napkins.

Lisa found herself reaching out to touch the pint.

It was soft to the touch, but still mostly frozen.

A hand pushed her gently away. "C'mon, let me get everything set up," Jupiter chided, even though it took barely a moment to stuff a napkin and a bowl and a spoon in front of all six of them.

"This is… a lot of trouble to go through just to have some ice cream," Lisa found herself saying, staring down at the disposable settings, blinking a couple of times to confirm that yep, she was having ice cream forced upon her. Not that she minded ice cream, but… here and now?

Neptune laughed. "Sure it is, but it's the principle of the thing."

Venus smiled. "It's about being normal. Doing normal, human things, like going an hour each way just to get a single pint of ice cream. That's important, right?"

Cadence, tone: she's said this before, though sometimes in different contexts. "At a time like this?"

The winged girl nodded. "Especially at a time like this."

"Probably got a lot of people staring," Aisha said. "Bet it was pretty hilarious."

"A little funny, yeah. But watching is good, you know? There's not much point if nobody sees it."

"Them staring is the whole point," Neptune said with a chuckle. "I don't know about you, but I don't need to prove to myself that I'm human. It's everybody else who needs to get a clue. Not that I need them to get a clue, either. But I'd like to think that it helps the more interesting parahumans, the Case 53s or whatever they're being called these days."

Lisa almost replied, intrigued by where the Devils were going with this, when Alec cut her off.

"You're all making this way too complicated," he whined. "I came here to have ice cream. You came here to have ice cream. The ice cream is right the fuck there."

The ocean-girl smirked. "You didn't say the magic word, loser."

Alec's eyes widened, obviously for effect, as he lowered his head. "You're right, you're right. Please, oh great and powerful Devils, may I partake of the luscious, filling, creamy joy of decadent and rich ice cream?"

Venus giggled. Aisha raised an eyebrow.

"The luscious, filling, creamy joy?" she repeated.

Alec smiled, raising his head again. "Of course. "

"Gonna dive right in and make a big mess?"

"Gonna suck on it like it's candy."

Neptune smirked. "So you're gonna eat it like you're eating that pussy, right?"

"Or that dick," he agreed. "I'm not picky."

"Come on," Lisa grumbled, dropping her head onto the table. "Can't we just eat ice cream like ice cream, without any stupid sex jokes?"

"And to think, just a moment ago they were doing decent sex jokes," Jupiter marveled.

"Well, eating delicious food is about as good as sex," Alec mused.

All eyes turned to him.

"No shit?" said Aisha.

"No shit. They're both basically direct bodily pleasure. Hard to get better than that." He leaned back, closing his eyes and smiling. "This one time, I ate like four cakes in a single sitting and it was great."

Neptune laughed. "Even when you threw it all up afterwards?"

"Nah, I took steps."

Lisa stared at him. She had an idea of what those steps might be, and was he really joking about-

"Pills, Lisa!" he hastily added. "I drowned it in pepto-bismol and laxatives like a normal person! Jeez, you're always assuming the worst."

It was Neptune's turn to stare, her eyes narrowing. "And what, exactly, was she assuming?"

Alec paused, feeling the tension in the air. (Possibly actually feeling it for once? Hard to say.)

"Before I answer, I gotta know. Isn't your kid, like…"

"Cute?" Venus suggested.

"Smart?" Jupiter added.

"No, no, that other thing. Come on, I don't have to spell it out, do I? You know what I mean. The uncomfortable past we pretend not to acknowledge in polite company?"

The Devils let out a chorus of 'ohhhhhs', though Lisa had the feeling that Neptune, at least, hadn't needed the hint.

Lisa was also desperately holding back the urge to scream at Alec for all the things he just implicitly admitted, even if it was to maybe the only people in the world who wouldn't mind too much, what with the whole 'adopting a member of the Slaughterhouse Nine' thing.

"It's not quite that simple, but yeah, that's fair," Neptune said, shrugging her shoulders and spilling out a little more water with the motion. "Soz."

Alec waved his hand. "It's cool. I'm pretty much over it-"

His arm jerked, as if tugged on by a string.

The Devils were suddenly staring at him again. "Hey, are you okay?" Jupiter asked. Venus frowned, and even Neptune was watching him with something sharp and discerning in her gaze.

Alec frowned slightly himself, lifting the arm in question and rubbing it against his cheek. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a minor condition, nothing to worry about."

Lisa also knew exactly why Alec had those sorts of spasms: a side effect of power overuse. Except… it had taken him off guard, hadn't it?

He's confused because he wasn't using his power.

The hands in the air clustered on Alec's skin, pushing into the curves of his body, of his back and shoulders. Tension disappeared, and a lazy smile formed on his face.

Genuine emotion? Genuine emotion. Emotional Master effect? No, specific to Alec. Power interaction. Emotional feedback through viewing the nervous system of the hands, Lisa's power whispered, but while the answers fascinated her, they weren't the answers she was looking for.

She braced herself for a flash of pain, but none came. Maybe she had recovered more than she'd realized.

Lisa wasn't the type to look a gift horse in the mouth. She refocused, tried again.

The Devils obviously knew, or thought they knew, what Alec's spasm meant. Why?

Immediately sought to comfort: viewed as a response to stress. They have comparable tics/misfires under stress. Alec showing early symptoms of Devil-form transmission.

Oh. Oh no.

That quickly? This was the second time he'd met them and the first time was yesterday. Lisa had been hoping to get enough information to figure out how to get the Devils out of their hair; they couldn't go on with hanging out with these attention-magnets forever, one way or another. But she'd assumed that the transmission wouldn't be an immediate issue, that it wasn't something that happened automatically. Had she already contracted whatever it was that gave them their forms? Was she doomed to some monstrous form? She'd only ever gotten by through blending in. Could she really live like the Devils did, always a center of attention, always in the spotlight? And how many of her contacts and how much of her leverage would she still be able to access? And what about Coil? Could she lose him long enough that he didn't realize who the new monster cape was? Or would he still find ways to sink his fangs into her?

She thought she heard someone whispering in her ear.

Then Aisha shoved a spoonful of ice cream down her throat, forcing her to swallow to avoid choking on the soft, cool treat.

"See? As good as sex," Alec commented, before diving into his own dessert with obscene enthusiasm.

Lisa shoved Aisha's spoon out of her mouth, not that it stopped her delighted cackling. The girl only stopped to ruin her lips with her own sloppy slurp of cream.

Shaking her head, Lisa snatched up the spoon (her spoon that is, not Aisha's), looking across the table to find the three Devils working away at their respective bowls, the pint of half-melted cream already emptied and left for dead in the center of the table. For the most part, they were too busy eating to giggle.

For the most part.

Her power filled the relative silence while she begrudgingly enjoyed the treat in front of her.

Rapid transmission, no reports of symptoms online: symptoms likely start out, perhaps remain minor for most cases. Time between Bonesaw's disappearance, reappearance as "Riley": significant period between initial transmission and full Breaker-form symptoms.

Okay. So there probably wouldn't be any immediate catastrophes. That was good.

Lisa breathed deep, reset her thoughts, and looked over the table at the Devils.

"So, do you normally go out for ice cream with people you just met?"

"You do know it was Alec's idea, right?" Neptune countered.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Of course I do. I'm not stupid. But you agreed to it and you'd met him once. Or never."

"She's got you there," Alec agreed.

"Not many people want to just hang out with us," Jupiter mused. "It's a valuable opportunity."

Venus smiled. "Even with the creepy asshole thing?"

A loud, long sigh. "Yes, Venus. Even with the creepy asshole thing."

The creepy asshole in question bowed his head deeply. "I do aim to please. Clearly, people simply don't appreciate your devilish charms."

Neptune waved her spoon. "Points for effort, but too on the nose. Six out of ten?"

"One point to Slytherin," Venus confirmed.

"Wait, is he a Slytherin?" Neptune asked.

Jupiter sighed. "Of course he's a fucking Slytherin, what else could he be?"

Aisha leaned towards Lisa, grumbling softly. "What the fuck is a Slytherin?"

"Something from a series called Harry Potter. It's kinda like Maggie Holt," she answered, shaking her head, "but it only really got big on Earth Aleph. Had a few movies and everything."

"You should watch them with us," Neptune interjected. "While getting really drunk. It's great. They're great."

"Iiiii think I'm good, thanks."

Aisha huffed. "Man, fuck that fantasy bullshit. Y'all nerds need to watch Jane Bond."

"I bet it doesn't even have singing hats," Neptune smugged.

"God, that sounds stupid. No, it doesn't have singing hats, thank fuck." Aisha rolled her eyes. "It has rocket cars."

"Rocket cars," Venus declared, "are for people who can't fly."

"Even when they've got laser guns and rockets and a soda machine for some reason?"

Venus's eyes widened with delighted confusion. "Why do they have a soda machine that is so dumb and amazing and it'd be so. Cool."

"No shit it'd be cool." Neptune laughed, reaching out a liquid hand to properly offer a fistbump. "Let's swap tapes sometime, 'kay?"

"Harry Potter for Jane Bond?"


"You got a deal, sister." Aisha grinned, finally accepting the bump, the sound echoing softly.

They faded back into comfortable silence, or at least comfortable for the smiling girls. Less comfortable for Lisa.

Either way, it didn't last too long.

"Excuse me! Could I ask you some questions?"

Lisa reluctantly turned her head.

The speaker was probably in his early twenties. Vaguely Caucasian, though not as white as he could have been. He looked about as neat as someone in his position could look right now, with a wrinkled but reasonably well-fitted suit and a sleek haircut that was only slightly out of date. A tape recorder was stuffed into one pocket, and he held a notebook under one arm.

His attempt to look serious and yet not unfriendly might have approached endearing, but Lisa wasn't in the mood right now.

She let out a long, tortured sigh, made only slightly more tortured by holding back her power. "And you are…?"

"Ken Smith. Independent journalist."

Translation: some college kid working on a degree. That's about what she thought.

Aisha groaned, loudly. "Fuck off, I'm having ice cream."

"Your ice cream is melting," Alec pointed out.

"It was already melted!"

"Better have it while it's still at least a little cold, then."

The 'journalist' blinked, looking between the bickering couple, back to Lisa's unamused face, and then to-

"Oh, don't mind them," Neptune cooed, sliding her entire body towards Smith and making him take a step back as the mass of water encroached on his personal space. She grinned, leaning her head in even closer still. "I'd be delighted to answer your questions..."

"A-ah, well-"

"Oh my god, Neptune." Jupiter shook her head. "Are you trying to give him a heart attack?"

"Jupiter, darling, you already know the answer to that."

The red-faced young man stepped back again, clearing his throat, taking a deep breath and getting, judging by the slight wrinkle of his nose, a lungful of whatever Neptune smelled like.

Brine, alcohol, ink, sweat, holy water.

Wait, what was that last one?

"So." Smith moved right along before she could think too hard about that. Lisa supposed she had to admire his determination in spite of herself. "Just for the record, could you introduce yourselves?"

"Why, I'm Neptune, of course!~" she sang. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Jupiter." She pointedly glanced away.

"Venus!" She chirped. "And by our powers combined, we are-"​

"Woah, hold up. Haven't we gone over how totally gay you are?" Alec interjected, looking up from his empty bowl.

Neptune scoffed. "Please. I can tease someone without actually wanting screw their brains out. Really, I'm offended by the implication that I would be so base, so shallow."

He let out a gasp. "You mean making fun of me doesn't mean you're attracted to me? Say it isn't so!"

She rolled her eyes. "I learned the difference between teasing and flirting when I was two."

Alec shot her a look of betrayal, to which she simply responded with a smirk.

The 'journalist' cleared his throat, looking over towards Alec and Lisa. "And you are…?"

Alec coughed. "Nobody important."

Jupiter fixed him with a glare. "Everybody's important. Also don't be a wimp."

His finger twitched. Smith didn't seem to notice. The Devils certainly did.

Alec glanced down at the offending finger, his lips curling into a slight frown. After a moment, he exhaled, looking back up at the college boy. "Fine. I'm Alec. We met and decided to hang out. Happy?"

The journalist scratched the back of his head. "Well, ah… feel free to comment?"

"Nah," Alec said, already looking away.

"Alright, then." Evidently, he'd gotten the point, since he turned his attention back to the Devils without any further attempts to bother Alec. Or Lisa, for that matter. Definitely fine with her.

"You're relatively new to this city, correct?"

"I think it's been about a week since we got here," Venus confirmed.

"What's it like being an openly gay… triplet?" he ventured.

"I still vote for-"

Jupiter cut Neptune off. "Triplet works."

"Boo ruined."

"Hush, Nep."

"Ahem. As I was saying. What's it like being an openly gay triplet in Brockton Bay?"

Venus's eyes narrowed in concentration or maybe in anger.

Jupiter's hands tightened, on tables and chairs and throats.

"Well, the gay triplet part is pretty great," Neptune commented, an awkward smile on her face before she burst into a fit of coughing, spilling up a hint of something dark, something that definitely wasn't ice cream.

Alec, of all people, spoke up. "Maybe you should try another question-"

"No, no, it's fine. Just because it's stressful doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it," Venus insisted, her voice firm.

When no one (not even a fidgeting Smith) objected, she pressed forward, wings stilling as she spoke.

"It's not like people being uncomfortable is new. It's not like people hating us is new. Everywhere we go, there'll be at least a couple of people who avert their eyes, or who mutter things when they think we can't hear them. But here, there are so many more. Not all of them avert their eyes. Some of them, I think they're just in it to be with their friends. But others..."

Neptune scowled. Little ripples went through her body in time with her voice. "Imagine being so fucking hateful that you really truly want to kill someone because they're holding the wrong person's hand. And plenty of them would if they thought they could get away with it. How many people are killed just for being themselves, do you think? And how many more have to live in fear?"

"And do you? Live in fear, that is?"

"...walked right into that one, didn't I." She coughed quietly, though without the bile this time.

"A little," Venus admitted. "It will never stop being disconcerting, looking into someone's eyes and knowing how much they want you dead."

"It'd be easier than people think," Neptune murmured, waves slowly rolling back and forth across her body. "Not that hard to get a gun if you really want to hurt someone. I've never been shot, so I can't say if I'm immune to bullets, but I know plenty of parahumans aren't. If people weren't as afraid of capes as they are, I'm sure someone would have already tried. That's fucked up, isn't it?"

"It's fucked up," Jupiter agreed.

Alec hummed, then added, "Yup, pretty fucked up."

Lisa couldn't help but nod, having seen how much damage someone like Purity could do when they weren't holding back. Unwritten rules, societal norms and social bonds; flimsy as they were, they still made the difference between Brockton Bay being a rundown city trying to recover from the aftermath of a disaster and Brockton Bay being a warzone.

Smith paused.

"If you're afraid, why do you present yourselves all the same?"

"Because fuck them," Neptune snapped, bubbles popping across her skin, hot steam hissing from pores. "Fuck them. They are literally just a bunch of haters and assholes and kids like us. What do they know? Where did they get the right to tell us what to do? They fucking didn't, and it makes me so mad that they can get away with it. For fuck's sake, Legend is gay! Legend came out decades ago and there are still people who can't deal with that like what the actual shit? It's twenty fucking eleven, how long will it take for them to get over themselves?"

"Maybe it's because Legend is gay and the director of the PRT is Hispanic and same-sex marriage is legal and all that," Venus mused, eyes slowly opening and closing all over her wings as if to process the thoughts. "They hate being reminded that they're not superior, they hate being told they're wrong. They hate it when the people they hate are successful. So they hate even more. But.. if they weren't being reminded, they'd still hate, right? They'd still be keeping people down, still be hurting them. The absence of tension isn't the same as the presence of justice, you know?"

"And what's the point of being the Devil," Jupiter murmured, a hundred fingers lightly tapping against the table, "if you still live in fear of God? What's the point of being comfortable with yourself if you can't show that to the world? It might be naive, and maybe we're privileged in that we can do this without being lynched, but..."

Smith was furiously scribbling notes as she trailed off.

Suddenly, sound filled the air, a harsh electronic tune against a pounding beat and muffled singing. In the moment it took Lisa to recognize it as a ringtone, Neptune had already flipped her phone open and had it to her ear, without so much as an apology. The college boy frowned, but Jupiter's glare eventually stilled his face into a professional neutrality.

"Hello, this is-"

The voice on the other end was high-pitched, though Lisa couldn't really make out anything. Definitely eager, though. And judging by Neptune's immediate smile, someone she was happy to hear from.

"Hey, girl! What's up?"

Caller is a friend. Caller is a family member. Caller is Riley.

Not like there were any other options, were there?

Neptune laughed, literally bubbling with amusement. "Glad you're having fun! Buuuut you're not calling just to tell me that, right?" Her voice grew a tad more serious. "What do you need, Rye?"

Riley is working on a project, but something's in the way.

"…wow, that's bullshit. But we're done with our ice cream anyways. Might as well blow this joint. See you in a bit!~"

She flipped the phone closed, looking back up at the little crowd with a grin. "Looks like we've gotta head out. Need to help our little girl with some paperwork."

"May I-"

"Follow? Sure, if you can keep up." The girl smirked, washing the plastic trash right off the table, almost out of Lisa's very hands, and into the nearest bin, squeezing it in for all that said bin really needed to be emptied already before it inevitably overflowed.

Aisha let out a little squeak as Neptune swept up her bowl. Wait, where did she go? Oh, right, her power, of course. She hadn't moved.

Mr. Smith made to say something else, but it was lost in the roaring tide as the cackling Neptune curled her water around a giggling Venus and a snorting Jupiter, dragging them into her depths and bursting into a wave rolling down the street, laughing all the way.

Alec watched them go, a small smile on his face. "Well, that was a fun time. They're such a lovely ménage à trois, wouldn't you agree?"

Aisha smiled too, but hers was jittery, uncertain. "Fuck yeah," she declared, a little louder than necessary.

The young man looked between them, blinking a few times as if to clear his eyes.

"… I think I should go."

And then he dashed off in hot pursuit.

Lisa didn't think he'd catch them, but she was happy to see him gone.

"Well, that's done with. Thank fuck." She groaned, slowly rising to her feet, glancing around the area again just to be on the safe side.

Lisa had what she needed to know: namely, that the Devils were full of trouble and ought to be avoided at all costs. Now, whether she could convince her teammates of that…

"I dunno, I wouldn't mind hanging out with them. Beats this nerd." Aisha playfully shoved Alec to the side as she rose from her seat, only for a spasm to send her tumbling to the ground in a heap.

He just raised an eyebrow, looking down at her, only for her to lunge at him and send them both to the ground in a frankly childish wrestling match.

Lisa shook her head, wondering when they'd grow up.

It was at that moment, of course, that her phone vibrated.

Dread settled in her stomach as she picked it out of her pocket, opened it up.

Knowing who it had to be, she waited as long as she dared, staring at the number for a long few seconds before she finally pressed the talk button.

"Hello, Sarah."

Of course it was him. It couldn't have been anyone else. His voice alone was enough to send a chill down her spine, these days. She gave even odds that the fucker practiced that voice.

"Suuup, Boss?" she drawled, putting a grin on her face to help with the grin in her words.

"Just making sure my most valued employee isn't associating with a dangerous crowd."

Timing. He's talking about the Devils.

"Relaaax. Do I look like the kind of girl to get herself into trouble? I can take care of myself just fine."

"So you've told me. If I decide otherwise, well…"

Knows I know what he can do to me. Still has assets available for the task, even after Leviathan.

She grit her teeth. "So, what, my friends aren't good enough for you?"

"They draw attention you don't need," Coil hissed. "Stay away from them."

Then he hung up.

Tattletale breathed deep, shoved the phone back into her pocket.

Fuck. Of course he'd know.

And, damn it all, now she almost wanted to get this transformation or Breaker state or whatever. Maybe he could still try to ruin what life she had left, but if she was a monster, he couldn't make her disappear.

But he was worried about the Devils. Worried enough to eliminate her immediately, before she could reach that state?

Would he put her in the basement too?

It wasn't good to shiver in public. She tried to smile.

But something caught her eye.

The seat where Aisha had been was covered in some kind of black dust.

Lisa felt her headache – and her terror – returning as the whispers closed in again.

A/N: Still not 100.0000000% sure on everything, but you gotta post eventually, right? And there's a sneaky Martin Luther King Junior reference in here, so obviously it has to be posted in time for MLK Jr. Day.

Beta'd by @Reyemile, with further help from @Dusky ,@Subrosian_Smithy , and others.

Neptune's ringtone, as suggested by Subrosian, is a track called In My Mouth by a group called the Black Dresses. It's definitely not my normal listening. At all. But it's pretty good and very fitting.