Worm of Darkness(WoD/Worm) Snips

Current idea has Coil having a serious 'conversation' with a Fae dreamcraft master or a 'Suit' after trying to grab a Changling or sudden awakening Dinah.

Or a Suit coming to tell him that he needs to stop using Tattletale as a stalking horse to probe the supernatural community of BB, and his mind tricks are the nice way of doing things...
Probably better than without.
Leviathan destroys coastal cities and not much else, if anything that's just less pollution/fishing/ships for them to deal with.
Now Behemoth would be a problem, due to leaving targeted locations irradiated.
I mean, i could see them also just attacking Leviathan as well...
Most of them did attack when Levi arrived, dealt some damage, but not enough numbers and tactics to truly do harm.

The survivors have returned to their ancient duties and trying to boost their numbers as fast as possible. They've had to rethink their stance on their Homid born because of the hit they took. It's part of why Darren has gotten as old and powerful as he has
They've had to rethink their stance on their Homid born because of the hit they took.
This is honestly the least believable part, IIRC they were the type that would prefer to die out rather than do something like that.
Although there were exceptions to that.
The Japanese Rokea were supposed to be pretty chill, at least comparatively speaking, I think?
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This is honestly the least believable part, IIRC they were the type that would prefer to die out rather than do something like that.
Although there were exceptions to that.
The Japanese Rokea were supposed to be pretty chill, at least comparatively speaking, I think?
Normally you'd be right, but between the Homid born that showed up with their Asian cousins and the one's that came regardless of the risk to themselves from their shark born brethren, it has made some of the elder's pause in their thoughts on Homid Rokea. Especially since in the Same-Bito contingent it was Homid coordination that led to the most damage against Leviathan.

They might resume going after them once their numbers are up, but right now there are more important threats in the water.

Maybe the homid born now outnumber the others?
Homid Rokea are still very rare, but because of the lapse in hunting them their numbers are slowly growing.

Balefire Sharks (Wyrm-tainted Rokea, kind of like Fallout Ghouls) might flock to Behemoth sites.

BSD's. Scorpion Eaters, Balefire Sharks due tend to flock to Behemoth fallout sites that happen near caerns/dragon nests.
WoD-SI-Dark Night of the Coil
Title does kind of say it all
There aren't many times the original Christopher Raines and me agree on anything, Coil's plans for Dinah Alcott would have had even the cold blooded logic of this body's former occupant near frenzy. Children were always sacrosanct to the scholarly lawyer turned before the Great War. Add in a distaste for unwilling servants like Tattletale, 'willing servants did better and looked out for you rather than just the bare minimum,' and Coil would have been near the top of his shit list. Even if the rules of the world kept him from acting.

Till Judas had his talk with Ms. Wilborne at least. Purposefully putting her out as a stalking horse to watch which faction killed her first. His simulations make him arrogant, that he can avoid any blowback and learn more. Find ways to control Brockton Bay's Nightlife as well as the Parahuman contingent. All the major players knew it; Ol' Drive By of the local wolves had an open bounty on Coil's mercenaries after one team he had brought in turned out to be 'testing' Pentex combat drugs. One of his attempts to get a mole into the ABB found out about the Chi drinker's the hard way and another got literally out-foxed. Only reason Jacob Millners keeps running guns for him, is his credit is still good.

'So, if he's been such a thorn in our side, why hasn't he just 'disappeared?' I know a few younger supernaturals have wondered, and the answer has been twofold: knowledge of who he actually is and not knowing how much he knows. He wants to be the schemer's schemer. Between simulating the outcome of a binary choice and gathering information from anywhere and everywher, he has set himself up in a pretty secure position. We don't know know how many 'dead man switches' he might have with the knowledge of the night set to go off.

That's what we don't know. We know he's Thomas Calvert, between Fortress Construction's 'failed' Endbringer shelter and financial transactions that those who have spent centuries hiding and moving money can find. It's pretty clear to those of us on this side of the divide, but our rules also kept us from really doing anything about him.

Can't get rid of him without destabilizing the city even more than it already is; even with the local PRT Director's legendary hatred for Mr. Calvert, him dying or disappearing at this juncture will raise too many red flags. We're already dealing with someone having leaked that Amy might still be 'alive' and Taylor being considered a runaway after attempting to poison the school with the crap in her locker.

All of these concerns bring me to the front of his house in the early hours of the night.

Show time.


Thomas Calvert had felt it safe to celebrate tonight, he'd finally got a team of men assigned as Dinah Alcott's security detail after the most recent threats on the Mayor's family. A few more breadcrumbs to keep everyone on edge, an active shooter to ingratiate the team to the family, and then…boom a car bomb takes them all out.

Or more accurately a Tinkertech portal that implodes upon itself on one end to help mask everything. Sending them all into a warehouse on the waterfront, a few boats and cargo haulers passing beyond the bay mean that even if they figure out that it was a kidnapping and not just a retaliation for the Mayor's policies, there are too many places she could be by then. Far more complicated than he would like it to be, but a power like hers was worth the risk.

*Knock Knock Knock*

The sound of a knock on his door stills the slippery man's heart. His house is in a gated community for a reason.

*Knock Knock Knock*

He starts to move for his Calvert smartphone when it begins to buzz. Looking at the message on the screen chills the blood in his veins.

'You will want to answer the door Coil.'

*Buzz* His backup phone lights up.

'Your devices will not reach beyond your house for the next 30 minutes Mr. Calvert, please don't keep your guest waiting.'

*Knock Knock Knock*

Calvert tries to dial out and gets nothing but silence. Two minutes down. twenty-eight more to go.

Calvert moves slowly and steadily to a desk in the sitting room and pulls out a handgun, checking its clip as he chambers a round, nodding to himself he does what he does best.

Timeline A: He moves to his office in the back of the house, its reinforced windows and doors could stop anything short of a mid-brute or blaster and if the person at the door had those abilities, Thomas figures he would already be face to face with them. As he closes the door his phone buzzes again.

Timeline B: He starts to head upstairs to hide in the panic room he'd built into his closet…after five stairs his phone buzzes again.

The message reads the same in both timelines:
'Your room won't save you."

He starts in both timelines 'Which room are they talking about?'

Timeline A: He settles down in the closet of his office his handgun pointed at the door. 25 minutes remain.

Timeline B: Pulling the door shut and locks it in place. 25 minutes remain.

"Boo!" Calvert is lifted off the floor of his office by his throat, his gun clattering to the floor, by a well-dressed short haired man in shades. He does what he always does when something goes bad, he drops the timeline…only to find himself still in the hand and his upstairs timeline receding.

"Tried to run away Mr. Coil?" The man's steady voice seemingly bored as he holds Calvert as easily as a child might lift a doll. "You'll find I'm a bit outside your ability to process. I was in here before you even grabbed your gun."

"What do you want?" Calvert's words wheezed out as hand on his throat keeps a firm control of his airway.

"You've angered a lot of people Coil, gotten involved in a lot of things you shouldn't have. Lord Ulric is displeased to say the least."

"I left Lord Eric's domain alone, like I promised!"

"By the barest of threads because you've used multiple tiers of cutouts to do so. But I'm also talking about your scheme against the Mayor and his family. Your little blond vixen dropped some hints after one of us saved her from a hit team." The vampire holding him could have been talking about the weather with how nonchalant he sounded. "The Mayor's office right now is the one perfectly balanced public office in the city, no one has enough control over the Mayor to put that office to work against anyone else. And your little hunting expedition threatens that balance far worse than any E88 squabble with the ABB."


"I know you don't Coil. You want the girl." Coil goes slack in the vampire's hand. "Lord Ulric and I have a thing about hurting children. Based on how your teller of tales was recruited, somehow I doubt that Ms. Alcott would even get a choice of death from you."


"As much as I would like to kill you, I can't at this moment. You serve as too useful a foil and thorn to all the parahuman gangs. So instead…" The man's words trail off as he reaches up to take his shades off, showing Coil his deep black eyes, "a taste of things to come if you step out of line again."

A dark portal opens below Coil's dangling legs. "When you land, don't move. Otherwise, I might not be able to bring you back." He lets go and Coil falls into the soulless dark or as Mr. Raines knows it…The Abyss.


With a start Thomas Calvert awakens in a hospital bed, the only sounds those of his monitors and his rapid breathing fill the room.

Flashes of dark, cold, indescribable things and a voice. 'If Dinah Alcott dies, this is your fate. If Tattletale dies, this is your fate. To all of them you accidentally ingested a tinker drug, the very same one you planned for Ms.Alcott, and when coupled with wine it gave you a psychotic episode. Be glad you're still useful to us.'
SI/OC-What if? Post Leviathan
Just an idea for how BB might be in the SI/Amizce timeline after an Endbringer said hello.

How did I'd come to this?

Brockton Bay was in shambles. There was no other way to put it. Leviathan had blown through like a Catagory 10 hurricane, we bloodied the beast far more than any attempt since Kyoshu; but it was all for naught.

There had even been outside interference. Prince Ulric, Mathew, and I blended magical traditions with the wolves magic and Lady Kiyohime of the Broken Souls Court to amplify the storms to let those of us that belong to the night could defend our home. And then the assassin struck. Mathew fulfilled his oath taking the blade meant for Ulric, but in that one moment of distraction Leviathan caught our Prince, my friend.

I was busy using the darkness to rip the interlopers limbs from him and by the time my attention fully turned to Ulric, the damage had already been done.

Leviathan did something to Ulric in that moment, his vitae, his essence turned to pure water. Later that night we tried to feed him blood, but it turned to water the moment it touched his lips.

Amy found what the beast had done, left a small fragment of its core inside Ulric. And it moved. Amy would only be able to remove it when Ulric greeted his end. Even granting him Topor would not be enough the way the shard acted.

Between the damage done in the fight and lack of sustenance, it would be soon.

"Christopher," Ulric's once firm voice sounding his 800 years, soft and raspy, "it is time."

"Are you sure old friend?"

"This way will keep the others safe if Leviathan's last trap can move between us, and you will need my strength to weather the rest of the storms to come."

Nodding, I begin to chant and a void appears. "One last ride my friend."

Amaranth, diablerie, soul eating; the biggest crime in vampiric society. I had just committed the act again. Four times now: twice in the thrall of my beast and twice of cold hearted logic and twisted definition of friendship.

And now Brockton Bay was mine, if I could keep it.

Time to make some calls. I should call the various 'powerbrokers' to let them know about the new change in management, but there is one more important call I need to make.

*ring ring ring Click* Hello, you have reached Antioch Antiquities. This is Sherry, How may I direct your call?"

"Put Ishmael on the phone now, tell him it is Christopher and he needs to take this call without delay."

I can hear her pull away from the phone and whisper, "Boss, a guy named Christopher says he needs to talk to you urgently."

'Ask him which one."

"I am sorry, I need more information to disrupt his busy schedule. Which Christopher are you? He knows so many."

"The one that just fought Leviathan yesterday and knows he is close enough that you could talk to him while on the line with me. If he does not get on the line in the next thirty seconds at least contracts he values will be canceled by the end of the week worth five million dollars and every ten seconds after is another contract.

The phone rattles as another hand set is picked up.

"I can take it from here Sherry, hang up and take an extended lunch, if he's this irritated this might take a while."

The other receiver sets down with a click.

"You don't need to be so testy with the'

"Who ordered it Ishmael." I cut him off to get to the point.

"Ordered what?" I can hear the guarded confusion.



"One of yours, went after Prince Ulric during the Endbringer fight."

"You're joking right?"

"Do I sound like I am joking, who sanctioned the hit."

"Christopher, the most recent contract on your Boss was five years ago with no timeframe give. Most of the higher ups wrote it off after the one who took job disappeared two years ago."

"Collect the rest of your fee. They succeeded at the cost of their life."

"Now that they have been declared a completed contract, I'm calling in that marker for helping you with those infernalists. Who wanted your services against Prince Ulric."

"As much as I would love to have that marker called in for this, considering who it is and what you will probably do to them. It's a freebie. Jack Slash."

Jack Slash, Slaughterhouse Nine, manipulator, sadist, coward. While the public story is Marquis chased him and the Teeth out of the bay. Prince Ulric had coordinated the various factions to systematically drive them out of Brockton Bay. They were bad for business, stability and keeping the shadow wars in the shadows.

And now Jack had the first stage of his revenge. He will come here for the rest. To continue to build the mythos of the Nine and get satisfaction against a city that wronged him.

We'll be ready.
Hmm, I wonder. Have you ever given any thought to doing stuff with Demon: the Fallen? I know that particular module is effectively the "black sheep" of the WOD stuff, but it, at least on a mechanical level, seems like a really good fit for Worm.
Hmm, I wonder. Have you ever given any thought to doing stuff with Demon: the Fallen? I know that particular module is effectively the "black sheep" of the WOD stuff, but it, at least on a mechanical level, seems like a really good fit for Worm.

I have thought about it, but none of those Fallen have poked their heads up saying'write about me!" Yet.
I have thought about it, but none of those Fallen have poked their heads up saying'write about me!" Yet.
I mean, the simplest Demon: the Fallen/Worm idea I can think of is "Taylor loses her soul in the Locker and a Demon takes hold afterwards". However, a big reason I can think of for why that module is so rarely used is because, due to the nature of how they operate, the line between the Demon and the person they possessed is so incredibly vague it's barely worth mentioning. This is because, as a result of being in the Abyss for millennia, all Demons are utterly insane. However, when they take a human host, they use the remnant thoughts, feelings, and memories of the host to effectively stitch their mind back together.
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@Code-Perseus i agree or Amy hospital/Carol spirit break. The basic mechanics of it happening are 'easy' it's just that with how my creative process works, no one has shown up from that splat yet.
Ghost of a Chance
An attempt at a Haunting of everyone's favorite vigilante to hate. This takes off with my previous Wraith!Taylor snip with Artificer and Alchemy as her Arcanoi. Trying to jump start my muse by forcing this one out after a brainstorming session for a potential Wraith game.

Sophia picks up her civilian phone and checks the incoming message from Emma.


Eyes narrow, Emma wouldn't send something like that to her.

'How many others have you killed?'
'How many could you have saved, but left to die?'

The rapid-fire recriminations continue non-stop on her civilian line causes her to reach for her work phone, pressing the numbers for the emergency line, need to track this goddamned cape so she could give them the beating they..

*Ring Ring Click*
"I'm sorry, but your call cannot be completed as dialed, bitch. Please stay one the line to listen to the screams of your victims." As the raspy voice finishes a cacophony of voices pours through, echoing in the bedroom, all in pain, all in aguish. All lost.

Scrambling for the power button pressing with an almost manic fervor to end the noise assault on her brain.

The sudden silence causes her body to tense more. her breathing coming in rapid gasps.

Her civilian phone rings again. With a shaky hand she opens the messages

'Just a taste of what your victims felt.'
'Have fun explaining why you called the PRT emergency line.'
'From M/S isolation.'

Sophia watches as the messages rapidly delete from her phone, as the sirens slowly approach.
Taylor waits in Sophia's room quietly in greys of the Shadowlands, and turns towards the burned husk next to her.
"Thank you for the information about the PRT 'possible mastery attempt' button code on the hotline.

The rasp of ashes fills her ears
"The bitch left my son to get jumped by EE8 and did nothing, giving you the code to make her life more difficult is a small thing to guarantee it. But is this all?

Taylor shakes her head, "No, this is just the begining."
The Wraith story idea was one of my favorites. Glad to see some continuation.

I like it a lot as well, I just think I'm a bit caught up in trying to 'flesh out'(heh) the Shadowlands and its denizens enough that not all of Taylor's interactions need to be with the living and finally my brain said 'at least write her messing with one of the trio!'
Headgames-Debts due
In which a Hunter/PRT therapist(Judge with Redemptionist leanings) uses some 'unorthodox methods' to help a patient.
Miss Militia was falling apart. I could see it with every weekly session she had with me. While her power made it so that she never needed sleep physically, the strain of encounters of the supernatural kind were starting to wear on her in ways that only true sleep to let her mind truly process and heal. While every city of a certain size will have its share of those encounters, the last two months in Brockton Bay had a suprising upswing in non-parahuman but instead supernatural violence. An Increase of Hauntings and attacks by twisted and corrupted animals kept everyone on edge.

Miss Militia got caught in a Haunting by the ghost of a rapist, and he assaulted her mind and spirit. And now her powers are working against her ability to heal. Despite her fixation on authority being right, she was one of the good ones; or at least one of the ones trying to be good. So I called another who wanted to be good.

*Ring Ring Ring Click*
"You've reached Shera's Spa and Salon; how can we assist you today?"
"This is Dr. Harcroft, is Shera available?"
"One moment sir."

At least her hold music is relaxing.

"This is a suprise doc, never expected you to call my shop."
"Normally I wouldn't, but time is of the essence I know you have people securing your end of the line."
"Sounds serious, what do you need?"
"One of my clients needs healing of the mind that only relaxation and sleep can provide, but is unable to currently sleep."
"How long have they been without sleep?"
I let the silence linger.
"Oh...that long. I might be able to help, but I don't know for sure, never worked on someone like her. Does she know..." Shera's voice trails off.
"She knows parts of your side of the divide, but hasn't been able to truly process internally for years and doesn't know what others know and what to talk about."

"Which is another reason you want to help heal her beside your oaths, you want to help her fill in the gaps so she can make up her own mind in a healthy state."
"She's been one of the good ones for years."
"You know this will probably out me to her based on what you've said about her sleep and public knowledge."
"That's why I called first, to run the idea by you rather than just sending her to you. I've seen your talents at work and I know you work towards healing those you work on."
"Damn flatterer."
"It's not flattery if it's the truth. I might be a little uncomfortable with what you and those like you can do, but you are genuinely a good person."
"And you're one of the few of your ilk doc, that tries to understand who is a threat and who isn't. I still owe you for pointing some of your buddies at the asshats trying to kill me or turn me into what some of your friends fear all of us are. If you can get her to promise not to out me regardless of if the treatment works or not, I'll do it."
"I have a session with her in thirty minutes, if it goes well I'll send her your way tonight."
"I genuinely hope it does, she tries to do a lot for the city and is one of the 'good ones' for a Parahuman at least."
"Regardless, I'll see you next week for our usual coffee and shop talk?"
"You got it Doc. See you then."
That's one hurdle down, now how to help Miss Militia put the pieces together without added trauma.

Trying to help the 'good ones' vs punishing the 'bad ones' of the Supernatural/Parahuman divide while trying to understand Parahumans as a whole. Walking fine lines trying to not violate his oaths as a therapist, but saying enough to clue in others about problems or asking for help. Shera is based off the only Cultist of Excstasy mage I ever played who was a massage therapist/performance BSDM/biofeedback specialist to help clients heal and be who they want to be.
My attempted follow up where Dr. Harcroft works with and tries to enlighten Hannah/Miss Militia.

'Thank you for agreeing to have your session outside today, Hannah."

"I did not think this was allowed doctor."

"Normally you would be right, but," I open my coat to show a small device attached to my belt, "a combination of white noise generation and farraday cage will keep prying ears away. As for prying eyes, almost no one uses this stretch of the park between ten am and two pm preferring to use the short cuts for faster laps on mid-day workouts. Giving a nice quiet place to talk fairly privately, I;ve talked with a few people here when I felt a change of scenery might be good for a session."

Her weary snort of derision reaches me. "How will a change of scenery help me? Everytime I close my eyes to even just rest. I hear his voice. Feel his...touch. I am getting worse, not better. Arm...my superior has even noticed how much I'm slipping, and you know how dense he is."

My next words bring her up short, "What do you know about Dreamthief?"

"Who told you that name?" Her body rigid as a green pistol forms in her hand, luckily for me still pointed at the floor.

"I had a hypothesis about why your mind might be reacting the way it is to what happened to you, so I called in a favor to get just the redacted version of your files from when you found through your time in the Wards. I needed to compare it with your activity and records with the Protectorate."

"And what does that have to..."

"You still remember the fangs don't you Hannah. The ones that Dreamthief tried to hide in your mind." Her eyes wide. "The Marines weren't the first 'saviors' to find you, were they?"

"How do you...?"

"I filled in some of the gaps with conjecture, and some outside knowledge."

Her gun immediately points at me. "Do you work for them? Is that it? Have you been trying to make my mind worse and break me because I killed one of them!"

My hands come up palms facing her, "I'm not here doing any leeches work, Hannah. But you have also seen others haven't you; Wolves the size of motorcycles dragging down things that should not be, the dead walking to take the living with them back to the underworld. You've seen them but your mind can't process properly. The photographic memory and the way your brain processes thanks to your powers are at war with what you have seen and experienced. Your violation a month ago was the last straw for some reason, and without being able to shutdown like a normal human; you are coming apart at the seams!"

Her body starts to sag as the adrenaline fades and her last month catches up with her. Stepping into her personal space, I slide under the arm still holding the gun, my other hand sliding along her back to grab her belt on the opposite side, holding her up and shuffling us both to the nearest bench.

"Just like there are bad Parahumans, there are bad Others. And based on what i can see in your file, you've seen a lot of the bad ones." Setting her down on the bench as gently as I can before I sit beside her; betrayal, exhaustion and despair echoing in her eyes. "You also don't know who to trust to talk about it, that's what chased Mouse Protector away wasn't it. You both found out something didn't you? She left because she didn't know who to trust, and you stayed because the Protectorate has been your only home and you wanted to see how far the corruption went. But years of only minor things not adding up since made you put it on the back burner."

"If you are not here to kill me, doctor what are you here for?" The defeated tone in her voice lets me know that she won't put a bullet in my brain any time soon.

"I want to introduce you to a good Other. Someone who has a way with healing the mind without Parahuman ability but whose methods are definitely not normal either. They use hypnosis and massage to trigger REM state in the brain giving a chance to rest, process and heal. The only reason I'm even telling you this rather than setting you up blind is I don't know how her talents will interact with your power and thanks to the Dreamthief episode you might remember what they do."

"But you also want me to keep their secret then, no shouting to the world these Others exist?"

"Most Others operate under their own versions of the 'Unwritten Rules,' and this one only wants to be left alone and help their clients. No World Domination. No cape antics. Just the exploration of the self and identity."

"If this works, will you tell me more about these Others?"

"Only to help put events of your past in context Hannah. First healing and then from there we will see."

An exhausted nod and a soft, "I'll take the help doctor."

"We have a few hours till they're available, just rest here for a little while and then i'll give you the address."

"Will you be there Doctor?"

"I really shouldn't be there, but I will be there if you want more proof its safe. if they let me stay in the room, I will be in your line of sight the entire time. The moment you feel I've tricked you or put your life in danger, shoot me."
Imagine if it goes well

The encounter does go well in my mind, but I think the actual healing will be off screen, because the character Shera is based on would use techniques that could hit 'solid-R rating' because yes she does believe in 'sexual healing' and using sexuality as tool.

Edit-Shera: "If you are okay with him seeing you laid bare in all ways: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, he can stay. If that though makes you uncomfortable, he sits outside."
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