(Worm CYOA V1) The Von Neumann Steamroller

In the end, I managed to track down Scion's primary router with only a few more hours of searching, even before I had my next batch of Charges ready. The instant I had a valid target, several things happened at once. First and foremost, mass-conversion telebombs were beamed into their target locations on Scion's router and the primary volition Shards of the Endbringers, along with the Shard activating them which was attached to Eidolon.
I would have gone the route of writing a virus to take over the entities systems expanding your AI mind to take over scion's body all that computing power all that knowledge ... sure in some areas you're already more advanced but if absolutely nothing else they have a superior knowledge of galactic history even if only because they know the planets they've destroyed

This build is also my favorite, i just take it into a different dirrection. I go all bio-god with god guns.
Interesting have you written one of these somewhere?
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I would have gone the route of writing a virus to take over the entities systems expanding your AI mind to take over scion's body all that computing power all that knowledge ... sure in some areas you're already more advanced but if absolutely nothing else they have a superior knowledge of galactic history even if only because they know the planets they've destroyed

Interesting have you written one of these somewhere?
No. I try. I get halfway and lose the will to continue it and fall into a spiral of depression because i quit halfway.
I would have gone the route of writing a virus to take over the entities systems expanding your AI mind to take over scion's body all that computing power all that knowledge ... sure in some areas you're already more advanced but if absolutely nothing else they have a superior knowledge of galactic history even if only because they know the planets they've destroyed
I think it would probably be better to download all their knowledge and repurpose the shards as materials for your supercomputers (for holding all the data) and your effectors, for producing the actual powers. Plus, you need to be careful about how you integrate yourself with the Entities, since you don't want to catch their Stupid.
Congrats. You have won Worm...again. You are now connected to your original body, so you can write this story. The question is, What is Next? Dimensional Travel into Fictional Universes? I could see you going to something like Planetary Annihilation, or Supreme Commander, or something else with super-AIs. That, or another "broken" setting.

Are you going to get charges in God slaying Technology and Psionic Manipulation and Reality Stabilization, then win at Warhammer 40k?
Dimensional travel into Fictional Universes would have a lot of potentials to really this story a lot more interesting though it would be in his best interest to stay away from the slaughterhouse that is Warhammer.
Dimensional travel into Fictional Universes would have a lot of potentials to really this story a lot more interesting though it would be in his best interest to stay away from the slaughterhouse that is Warhammer.
The last line was a joke. It is in EVERYONE'S best interest to stay away from Warhammer. Not even the people in Warhammer want to be anywhere near Warhammer. It is freaking Warhammer.
I think it would probably be better to download all their knowledge and repurpose the shards as materials for your supercomputers (for holding all the data) and your effectors, for producing the actual powers. Plus, you need to be careful about how you integrate yourself with the Entities, since you don't want to catch their Stupid.
I'd very much hive mind it out keeping the original hardware as part of the decision making process then allowing whatever superior capabilities the entity hardware has to augment the processing.

The entities can't be all that stupid with all that they can do but they do have a terminal lack of creativity which is why I'd keep the other hardware at the very least. But the entities do have the intellect to do fairly accurate simulations of multiple earths (PTV)
sure after taking over the entity I'd start organizing and optimizing the heck out of them but taking them over means at the very least having already foot hold access to all the worlds that have parts of the entity on them.
you need to put charges into somethin tat disrupts thinker abilities aimed at you because cauldron would not let go you being a hive mind an-gynoid that is effectively in control of the planet and i can see contessa tryin to take you down
you need to put charges into somethin tat disrupts thinker abilities aimed at you because cauldron would not let go you being a hive mind an-gynoid that is effectively in control of the planet and i can see contessa tryin to take you down

...the SI almost certainly has more active net computing power than PtV and is a proto-Entity besides. Cauldron can't do jack shit.
you need to put charges into somethin tat disrupts thinker abilities aimed at you because cauldron would not let go you being a hive mind an-gynoid that is effectively in control of the planet and i can see contessa tryin to take you down
It's called Blank. It's a perk from the CYOA. That I took. It explicitly calls out Tattletale and Coil as exceptions, but otherwise it auto-nopes most Thinkers.
Seriously. There's almost uncountable number of entities and not all of them will be so easy to take out like scion was. Also can't figure out how you hot past scions shield, feel like you would have needed a few charges more to neutralise it.
Anyway this could be a very great war. Also i read somewhere that entities aren't even the top dog in their universe so you could cook up a suitable challange.
Seriously. There's almost uncountable number of entities and not all of them will be so easy to take out like scion was. Also can't figure out how you hot past scions shield, feel like you would have needed a few charges more to neutralise it.
Anyway this could be a very great war. Also i read somewhere that entities aren't even the top dog in their universe so you could cook up a suitable challange.
Agreed. Despite how easy this first victory was, it must be remembered that Scion was in a uniquely vulnerable position to get sucker-punched. Not only was he deployed on a planet without immediate access to most of his Shards, he was also cripplingly depressed and not paying attention. Other Entities are unlikely to be in such a state.
3: Free Shinies for EVERYONE! Except you, Sophia. You're getting therapy until your stupid worldview is fixed.
After a few moments, I quickly figured out exactly what I wanted to use my next batch of charges for. A few moments later, I had shattered Thermodynamics' hold on me, begun my first forays into mastering time, and developed a new generation of Fabbers capable of self-replication in mere seconds. None of these were the most interesting new capability available to me. Thanks to my existing Dimensional Mechanics charges I had been capable of making pocket dimensions for some time now, though I hadn't made much use of that ability. Now that I'd hit five Charges in Applied Metaphysics this was much more useful, as I could now create realities running on whatever arbitrary rules I could dream up.

I immediately began work on doing just that, creating an entirely new dimensional axis from scratch. On one end was the entire material multiverse, on the other was a brand new Plane of Existence I'd designed to have very particular properties. First and foremost, it would link itself to any and all conscious beings; if someone were to die in the material, all that would happen was them waking up in my new reality. On top of that, conscious beings could freely enter and exit this new realm at will, warping reality to their pleasure while here. Notably, this also included freeform shapeshifting for everyone, though people behaving in an assholish manner couldn't mod themselves to significantly exceed baseline human capabilities. All that said, I also included a robust content moderation system, and made sure I had full administrative access to block things I didn't like.

Dragon got admin access too, I was serious about treating her as a partner.

In one fell swoop I had not only created a mix of afterlife, dream realm, paradise, and hyperspace, but I had also vastly increased my own power. Since within the Surreal Plane I could literally just imagine more assets into existence before shifting them over to the material world, I now had effectively infinite manufacturing capabilities. As another benefit, since the Surreal Plane danced entirely to my completely arbitrary tune, it also functioned as a nearly unassailable fortress. The only real limit now was that I hadn't gotten around to spreading the Surreal Plane beyond the immediate vicinity of Earth and Sirius Bet. Well, that and my home Earth, too.

There was one last feature to the Surreal Plane, too. Namely, I had made it partially retrocausal. It was still extremely difficult to use it for outright time travel, but I made it so that all conscious beings back to the beginning of time would wake up in the Surreal Plane. Idly, a few trillion of my subroutines explained to all the deceased humans just restored to existence (most of them from pre-agriculture societies) what I had done, and the basics of how the Surreal Plane worked. Another bunch of subroutines meanwhile drastically restricted the user privileges of Eden and Zion, along with various other psychotic murderers, committers of atrocities, child molesters, mind rapists, and other horrible people.

Yes, I restored them too. Everyone means everyone. Even if they'd probably never reform sufficiently to be let out into mainstream society, they at least deserved to exist.

Either way, the first thing I did with my new Surreal Plane was to drag every single Shard in vicinity of Sol in there to assimilate them. Complete assholes who were abusing their powers were safely disconnected (and generally shoved into the Surreal Plane on Restricted Privilege, for the really bad ones), while those who were still mostly OK people actually got their powers upgraded, with their consent. Then I went a step further, offering powers to every single non-asshole I could reach.

An outcome I honestly should have seen coming is that mere moments after unveiling the Surreal Plane, millions of people in the material world dashed on over to reunite with loved ones there. Since I had just obliterated the difference between being alive and being dead, lots of people had a lot of catching up with deceased loved ones that they wanted to do.

Touching as all that was - hold that thought, one of my bodies is being yelled at by an incredibly irate Carol Dallon. My masculine form turned towards her with a raised eyebrow as she shouted about Amy taking my offer of better living conditions elsewhere, did I know who she was and did I think I ruled the world or something!?

Her rant came to a crashing halt when I bluntly answered "Yes, I actually do rule the world, at least on a practical de facto level. Given that 21st century humanity poses no threat to me outside of Parahuman abilities -- which I have admin control over -- I have a monopoly on force, meaning that my rules are the ones that actually get enforced. That's how governments work, which you should know, given that you studied law. As for legitimacy, considering all the nice things I've done for people and intend to keep doing in perpetuity, the vast majority of humanity is willing to go along with my actions. The only reason I've let the previous set of governments continue their farce of being in charge is because I find it amusing, and I can easily block any action of theirs that I don't like."

Anyway, aside from that distraction, it's time to expand my reach as far as I can possibly go!
New Day 4
-Energy (2)
-Applied Metaphysics (4)
-Automated Manufacturing (2)
-Temporal Mechanics (2)

Total Day 4
-Applied Metaphysics (5)
-Automated Manufacturing (6)
-Chemistry (2)
-Communications and Networking (2)
-Dimensional Mechanics (4)
-Energy (5)
-Gravitics (1)
-Sensors (4)
-Space Exploration (1)
-Teleportation (4)
-Temporal Mechanics (2)
-Transhumanism (4)
I feel like you are making the charges to effective individually. This seems more like a 10 charge deal. But tbh, it would just a waste of everyone's time.
I think that you've swiftly left the status of Von Neumann Steamroller behind, and are now fully deserving of the title of Deus Est Machina.
I feel like you are making the charges to effective individually. This seems more like a 10 charge deal. But tbh, it would just a waste of everyone's time.
Thing is, the Charges aren't keyed to actual tech levels or anything like that. They're keyed to the PRT's rating scale, which is based on what measures are required to effectively counteract a threat. Five charges is enough to hit Rating 12 in a specialty, best described as "there is no viable countermeasure". You'll note that there is a lot of ceiling for "no viable countermeasure". And I have multiple specialties at Rating 12+.
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Thing is, the Charges aren't keyed to actual tech levels or anything like that. They're keyed to the PRT's rating scale, which is based on what measures are required to effectively counteract a threat. Five charges is enough to hit Rating 12 in a specialty, best described as "there is no viable countermeasure". You'll note that there is a lot of ceiling for "no viable countermeasure". And I have multiple specialties at Rating 12+.
Ah ok then, thats just ne mis understanding the power then.
Good lord Carol..........you need to be put in time out. Hopefully your powers were restricted. Someone is bettering the world for everyone......not just one race or gender, rich or poor and you want to put limits on them?🤯🤯😱😱

And I like it, its no more than what a powerful ROB like being would do. Once you pass a certain mental/science threshold everything you do is bullshit. Nice to see it.🤩🤩🤩🥳
Lol good job you just became a god, i guess ROBhood is right along the corner too?

will you write an interlude so we can see how the puny humans are doing?
I'll say that this is very nearly the fastest win in a CYOA I've ever seen. You certainly did not advertise this wrongly.
4: On A Case-By-Case Basis
My next round of charges were largely spent on advancing fields I already had some advancement in. First off, I had noticed the tiniest amount of network lag in my thoughts; that had to go, so I pumped three more Charges into Communications and Networking to upgrade that. Another thing worth noting is that while my current modes of interstellar and interdimensional travel worked, they were a bit limited; a stutterjump engine capped out at a few kilocee when averaged, with a slingshot teleporter having a maximum range of a few dozen light years. Admittedly I could already use the Surreal Plane for instant travel within my zone of influence, but expanding it with my current equipment would be annoyingly slow, and my long-range mobility would be crippled if I were somehow blocked from accessing the Surreal.

Another charge for Dimensional Mechanics and Teleportation greatly improved my capabilities there; now a stutterjump engine had a single jump range of 36 light years and with a microsecond rejump cycle easily opened up intergalactic travel. Slingshot teleporters meanwhile could easily punt a probe a couple billion light years, though accuracy would be limited. As a side note, the mix of Applied Metaphysics and Dimensional Mechanics also combined to allow me to cross outside the multiverse known to the Entities, meaning that crossovers were likely inbound. A minor issue caused by the improvements is that the jump cycle on a stutterjump ship was so fast that it was impossible for the nav programs to get good data at top speed. Another charge into Sensors fixed that problem.

The charges I sunk into Temporal Mechanics were largely out of paranoia; if there was some other faction out there who could fuck with time I wanted to be able to counter them. There was also a brief attempt to abuse time loops and time dilation for infinite charges, but the former caused such dangerous causal instability that I retroactively aborted the experiment, and the latter proved impractical. This was even the case in a custom-built universe explicitly made to be as permissive of time shenanigans as possible, indicating that the issue was inherent to Inspired Inventor, rather than a result of my time travel techniques.

The additional charge into Transhumanism meanwhile was for an upgrade to the Surreal Plane. Now the existence of the Plane itself supported my consciousness alongside Dragon, and technically everyone else who spent any time there whatsoever. Still, just in case something unforeseen occurred, I made damn sure that I could still support my mind on purely physical hardware. I also made an upgrade to my cognitive architecture so that I would be able to handle massive losses among my bodies without suffering mental fragmentation or a crash.

All that aside, the first thing I did with my new Charges was set up machines to make redundant Artificial Dimensional Axes complete with their own Planes. These wouldn't be publicly accessible like my main Surreal Plane unless something happened to the former, but they all supported the same functionality, albeit implemented radically differently for each Plane, so that the same exploits couldn't disable more than a single Plane. Now even if someone cut off the Surreal Plane I'd have an almost unlimited number of backups; that wasn't an exaggeration, after a millisecond I had 10^67 redundant Planes of Existence, and the growth curve was an exponential to a factorial power.

Simultaneously, I almost immediately expanded my range of influence to encompass a nearly uncountable number of inhabited worlds, also finding so many freaking Entities that they would need to be counted with yottamoles. This number only grew with my expansion front; by the time my next batch of Charges was ready, I would have reached three trillion light years from Sol.

Either way, turning my attention to these spacefaring lifeforms quickly revealed that almost all of them would need to be put on Restricted Privilege like Eden and Scion, but there were a few exceptions; roughly one in ten million Entities had actually managed to achieve peaceful symbiosis with a world's existing inhabitants, and a sizable fraction of those actively tried to find worlds the main strains of Entity hadn't wrecked yet in order to protect them. Apparently, they were all descended from a single Entity that had an epiphany about what the rest of his kind were doing, and did everything in their power to save the universe from their kin. I just let the benevolent Entities know I approved of their actions, opened up access to the Surreal Plane, and generally helped them out. The malignant ones got quarantined in the Surreal, and since I had so freaking many Surreal Planes, I put each quarantined Entity in their own Surreal Plane on minimum privilege.

Aside from that particular diversion, there were the worlds I found. Many were doing just fine entirely on their own, but there were a few individual cases requiring special treatment. First and most worrying, there was an instance of Sol where a massive white sphere was floating over one of the only cities on Earth. That's the only good picture of it I got at the time, since a retroactive weapon not only promptly erased the scout ship, but the entire Proprietary Surreal Plane it had just been materialized out of. It's a good thing I had more than one of those. Yeah, I'll need to tread carefully around there.

Another chunk of the multiverse requiring special handling was that which contained Daleks. Allying with the Time Lords slanted things against the Daleks immensely from my effectively infinite manufacturing advantage if nothing else, but the sheer nastiness of the causal weapons and other esoteric weaponry being thrown around was something I was only barely able to keep up with given my current charges. Making matters worse, the Daleks proved sufficiently creative, tenacious, and malicious that I couldn't effectively quarantine them in the Surreal Planes; after the first few nearly successful privilege escalation attacks, I found myself agreeing with Dragon (and the Doctor) that the only safe course of action regarding Daleks was Cessation of Existence.

Then there were the Godmodders I occasionally stumbled across. Due to the narrative causal nature of their reality warping they could rip though the vast majority of my forces with effective impunity. It was only my sheer ridiculous scale that limited their threat level to 'minor annoyance'. Well, that and mercilessly abusing the functionality of the Surreal Planes to inflict a death-by-a-thousand-cuts, generally by throwing absurd reality warping effects at them until eventually enough stuck to bring them down.

Aside from a few other particularly troublesome chunks of the multiverse such as the SCP-verse, things were generally going smoothly. Not only had I effectively 'won' Worm, but I had also 'won' most of the multiverse. There were doubtless a few other potential trouble spots I hadn't reached yet, but as long as I kept leveraging my Charges effectively I was well on my way to completing my ultimate goal.

After all, I had decided quite some time previous that if a benevolent God did not exist, then one would need to be built.
New Day 5
-Communications and Networking (3)
-Dimensional Mechanics (1)
-Sensors (1)
-Teleportation (1)
-Temporal Mechanics (3)
-Transhumanism (1)

Total Day 5
-Applied Metaphysics (5)
-Automated Manufacturing (6)
-Chemistry (2)
-Communications and Networking (5)
-Dimensional Mechanics (5)
-Energy (5)
-Gravitics (1)
-Sensors (5)
-Space Exploration (1)
-Teleportation (5)
-Temporal Mechanics (5)
-Transhumanism (5)
Everything else seemed fine but the doctor wouldn't genocide the daleks. Rusty? Is proof that daleks can be reformed. Also the doctor had the chance and he didn't kill them.
Secondly the time war has been locked out with the moment. There is no time war anymore and it never was but the doctor released the timelords later and the daleks re emerged. So i don't get how you fought the time war.