Worm CYOA Pileup

Yes, as long as the GM approves the Jailbroken Power.

Hm... As long as it isn't bought by a person who ends up bidding higher. Also, my character doesn't have proficiency in the requisite Artisan's Tools, so we'd need another person to do that.

I'd suggest picking a different "Wanted" Group. I.E. one that is already established to be a thing in Worm, as you don't have the Crossover... thing (Perk? Option? Whatever)
Thank you for the help man.
Hm... As long as it isn't bought by a person who ends up bidding higher. Also, my character doesn't have proficiency in the requisite Artisan's Tools, so we'd need another person to do that.
Just cast Fabricate and be done with it.

EDIT: Read the spell description. How about, I loan you a ludicrous sum of money, use my Tinker abilities to make the sculpture, put said sculpture up for auction, then you bid for it.
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Just cast Fabricate and be done with it.
That... requires proficiency in the requisite artisan's tools.
Fabricate Spell Description said:
You also can't use it to create items that ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have proficiency with the type of artisan's tools used to craft such objects.
Difficulty: Skitter Mode

Name: Elizabeth von Keinpolt

Age: 10
Cape Name: Little Clay Doll/Alice
Appearance: A young little girl who wears a blue dress, has bright yellow eyes and pale blonde hair, is made out of porcelain

Powers (Lesser):
  • Apprentice(Thaumaturgy=Homunculi Making,Necromancy,Kabalah/Golem Making)&(Ninja Magic/Naruto Ninjutsu)(Mental Archive)=-4
  • Twins(Alabaster)=-2
  • Wildcard(Summonable Weapons arsenel)
    Madokami & HomuciferBOTToday at 10:36 PM

    PRT rating=8
    Description: the ability of summon many weapons, from knives to guns, to explosives, at most, she has a minigun, she is able to collect exisiting weapons, ala Hammerspace

  • Cauldron Vials=-1
  • Recources=-2
  • Case 53=+2
  • Pint-Sized=+1
  • Geas(trusts and obeys the Proctreate 100%)=+2
  • ENEMY!!!=+5
  • Serve the Proctate
  • Be best Ward member
  • learn to be a kid
  • Punch Gang-members in the face
  • Befriend Taylor
  • befriend as many people as we can
  • later on go live in Ellisburg
  • take a trip at Birdcage
  • not die
Moral Code:
  • Be good person
  • Kill baddies
  • save goodies
  • what? don't expect much moral integrity from a clay kid baked fresh from the oven
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EDIT: Read the spell description. How about, I loan you a ludicrous sum of money, use my Tinker abilities to make the sculpture, put said sculpture up for auction, then you bid for it.
Aside from the whole "Is 8 Years Old" and "Other Bidders" thing, the only suggestion I can think of is that you tinker up something to make the sculpture, rather than directly creating it with your ability, based on its effective randomness.
Thank you for the help man.
No problem.
Aside from the whole "Is 8 Years Old" and "Other Bidders" thing, the only suggestion I can think of is that you tinker up something to make the sculpture, rather than directly creating it with your ability, based on its effective randomness.
I was thinking of making a sculptorbot anyway. As for the auction, there are ways around that 'other bidders' problem. Largely, they revolve around not publicizing the auction, carefully choosing which auction house to use to avoid the ludicrously wealthy, getting the auctioneers on-board with our scheme (may require a hefty bribe) and having retrieval bots ready to get the real sculpture back if stuff still goes off script.
I was thinking of making a sculptorbot anyway. As for the auction, there are ways around that 'other bidders' problem. Largely, they revolve around not publicizing the auction, carefully choosing which auction house to use to avoid the ludicrously wealthy, getting the auctioneers on-board with our scheme (may require a hefty bribe) and having retrieval bots ready to get the real sculpture back if stuff still goes off script.
At this point, we've ran into the KISS principle. Instead of all of that, you could just buy $1 Million worth of Jade yourself, put it through the Sculptfab, then give it to me when the time comes. This actually would produce a higher net value than if we went with your plan.
What do you all think of my sheet?
I'd advise against Man of Mystery, because it might interfere with whatever Divinations you may cast. Also, assuming the "PRT Branch" is referring to the PRT ENE and is of the "Recruitment" variety, then you should be able to go to BB, should it prove necessary. Additionally, can you post your D&D character sheet, assuming you've made one?
Are you a telepath? Because that's the cape name I'm planning for a Worm/D&D SI that I'm currently writing. Due to that, I went with "Gemflower" as my cape name in this, as it's just my character's last name translated from Elvish.

And because it's expected, What do you all think of mine?
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I fully expect you to get killed within a week; not only is there a global conspiracy that wants you dead, but you've got a GM-designed nemesis with eight free points to throw around and another six in drawbacks. This is not a recipe for your prolonged survival.

EDIT: Also, you've got four points left to spend.

Yes, as long as the GM approves the Jailbroken Power.

Hm... As long as it isn't bought by a person who ends up bidding higher. Also, my character doesn't have proficiency in the requisite Artisan's Tools, so we'd need another person to do that. Even then, I have Pint-Sized, which drastically limits, among other things, economic freedom.

I'd suggest picking a different "Wanted" Group. I.E. one that is already established to be a thing in Worm, as you don't have the Crossover... thing (Perk? Option? Whatever)

Also, what do you all think of mine?

Alright I'll get to work on fixing that. but as for the wanted group, I don't know much about Worm so what group would be the most likely to go after a heroic mage, without the crossover perk that is.
I'd advise against Man of Mystery, because it might interfere with whatever Divinations you may cast. Also, assuming the "PRT Branch" is referring to the PRT ENE and is of the "Recruitment" variety, then you should be able to go to BB, should it prove necessary. Additionally, can you post your D&D character sheet, assuming you've made one?

Didn't made one, seeing as it wouldn't completely apply here.

And because it's expected, What do you all think of mine?

Nice. A lot of magic options, but it's your sorcerer from the 5th edition as well?
At this point, we've ran into the KISS principle. Instead of all of that, you could just buy $1 Million worth of Jade yourself, put it through the Sculptfab, then give it to me when the time comes. This actually would produce a higher net value than if we went with your plan.
The problem is that such a large block of marble would be way too heavy to carry around for use as a material component, even when sculpted. Some way of artificially inflating the market price of the sculpture is required, for which an auction is a very effective solution.
I wanted to ask, just in comparison, how would my sheet hold up against other people's?
Ik mine can't grow in terms of abilities due to all being set powers in wildcards, but I want to see how much the difference is.
I wanted to ask, just in comparison, how would my sheet hold up against other people's?
Ik mine can't grow in terms of abilities due to all being set powers in wildcards, but I want to see how much the difference is.

I think pretty good. And who say that your power won't grow? You just need to find a way to use them creatively.
I wanted to ask, just in comparison, how would my sheet hold up against other people's?
Ik mine can't grow in terms of abilities due to all being set powers in wildcards, but I want to see how much the difference is.
Honestly, you could probably solo an Endbringer; if your Rank 10 Fuck You Dimensional Beam hits their core, they're dead.
Alright I'll get to work on fixing that. but as for the wanted group, I don't know much about Worm so what group would be the most likely to go after a heroic mage, without the crossover perk that is.
You could split it up between multiple groups. The Chicago Protectorate has Myrddin as its head, who plays his powers off as if they're magic, and maybe believes that himself. The Adepts in New York also think powers are magical, and are a villain gang. Then... just choose one of the BB gangs, probably.
Didn't made one, seeing as it wouldn't completely apply here.

Nice. A lot of magic options, but it's your sorcerer from the 5th edition as well?
It is, I have the D&D character sheet on the post. The reason why I made a D&D sheet is to categorize the spells & stuff, hence why I suggested it to you.
The problem is that such a large block of marble would be way too heavy to carry around for use as a material component, even when sculpted. Some way of artificially inflating the market price of the sculpture is required, for which an auction is a very effective solution.
Not necessarily. If we go by the $3000/Oz. figure, then it works out to ~333 Oz. from $1 Million. 333 Oz. is under 21 lbs.
You could split it up between multiple groups. The Chicago Protectorate has Myrddin as its head, who plays his powers off as if they're magic, and maybe believes that himself. The Adepts in New York also think powers are magical, and are a villain gang. Then... just choose one of the BB gangs, probably.

It is, I have the D&D character sheet on the post. The reason why I made a D&D sheet is to categorize the spells & stuff, hence why I suggested it to you.

Not necessarily. If we go by the $3000/Oz. figure, then it works out to ~333 Oz. from $1 Million. 333 Oz. is under 21 lbs.
Need I remind you that you took Pint-Sized?

EDIT: Of course, I could just build a carry-bot
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It is, I have the D&D character sheet on the post. The reason why I made a D&D sheet is to categorize the spells & stuff, hence why I suggested it to you.

Ah, but I don't need to. 3.5 Warlock's invocations are... somewhat easier to categorize, seeing as they are divided in 4 power categories (Least, Lesser, Greater and Dark) and in Shape, Essence and Other. Nothing really difficult.

Usually, i would have really few invocations, but thanks to Archive, I get all of them. More than enough to fuck someone up. Especially when I get the invocations that destroy supernatural/magical effects AND inflict damage on the caster
Honestly, you could probably solo an Endbringer; if your Rank 10 Fuck You Dimensional Beam hits their core, they're dead.

Killing an Endbringer is impossible if you aren't Scion or Prime Eidolon. Those two are the only ones who can survive long enough to get to that point.

Only absolute powers like Matter Erasure work on their cores. Remember when Behemoth tanked an attack that would have exploded the entire Indian Subcontinent? A lesser boom boom beam doesn't compare, and they have more than enough attack power to kill any single opponent long before that point is reached.

Don't give the guy a big head!
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Killing an Endbringer is impossible if you aren't Scion or Prime Eidolon. Those two are the only ones who can survive long enough to get to that point.

Only absolute powers like Matter Erasure work on their cores. Remember when Behemoth tanked an attack that would have exploded the entire Indian Subcontinent? A lesser boom boom beam doesn't compare, and they have more than enough attack power to kill any single opponent long before that point is reached.

Don't give the guy a big head!
What about flechette's power?
I think pretty good. And who say that your power won't grow? You just need to find a way to use them creatively.
Well, that's good to know
Honestly, you could probably solo an Endbringer; if your Rank 10 Fuck You Dimensional Beam hits their core, they're dead.
Wait, srsly?
Killing an Endbringer is impossible if you aren't Scion or Prime Eidolon. Those two are the only ones who can survive long enough to get to that point.

Only absolute powers like Matter Erasure work on their cores. Remember when Behemoth tanked an attack that would have exploded the entire Indian Subcontinent? A lesser boom boom beam doesn't compare, and they have more than enough attack power to kill any single opponent long before that point is reached.

Don't give the guy a big head!
Okay, just wanted to make sure. Also, the laser isn't a boom boom beam, and it does ignore Brute Defenses somewhat due to it being Dimensional based