You charge recklessly forward while getting an inexplicable urge to shout Leeroy Jenkins, you ignore this urge and just attack the big gnoll.
It wasn't prepared for a little pipsqueak like you to attack it, so you manage to get a fairly good hit in on its arm causing it to drop its Warhammer.
Meanwhile Fergus screams curses at you and then command the others to help him take down the smaller kobolds so they can make sure that idiot boy don't get himself killed.
You fight with the big gnoll, even though it has dropped its weapon and as such is unarmed it still proves a formidable foe, and you only barely manages to keep yourself alive, with messages stating you have lost hp appearing frequently.
At last Fergus and the others come to your aid and take down the gnoll, (+50exp) where after Fergus proceeds to chew you out for not following orders and being reckless, he promises he will make sure you get no part in the loot for this.
When you look at your status screen it shows that you only have 24 hp left, though you aren't sure what hp is you don't think it would have been good to lose all of it.
You are in the middle of profusely apologizing to Fergus and the others, when suddenly 3 portals opens out step 3 bears, one averagely sized one rather big and one absolutely massive pure snow white bear, that lets out an earth shattering roar.
Fergus immediately order you all to retreat.
What do you do.
[x]follow orders like a good soldier and run away.
[x]charge in like a suicidal lunatic.
seriously you guy had no luck on the rolls, i rolled for the strenght of extra enemies 1 of your hidden perks from your power origin gives you.
And you got a super critical a rather high roll and an average roll, and when i gave you the chance to maybe make it friendly if the next roll was within your luck you got a roll only one away from crit.