Wolfenstein: Rebel Yell

-Player Name: Jacobplm
-PC Name: Jaques
-PC Resistance Codename: Toybox
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: French

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 5
-Manual Dexterity: 10
-Agility: 5
-Constitution: 5
-IQ: 10
-Grit: 10
-Aggression: 5

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 10
-Leadership: 5
-Persuasion: 10
-Bargaining: 9

Health Track:
-Head: 25
-Body: 100
-Right Arm: 50
-Left Arm: 50
-Left Leg: 50
-Right Leg: 50

Sanity: 100%

: Academic
Background: Mechanic

Inventor 1, Knowledge(Physics) 1, Knowledge(Robotics) 1, Knowledge(Maps) 1, Repair 3, Electronics 1, Computers 1, Pilot 1


You earn double Gizmo Points per day, allow you to create more advanced and complex Blueprints in less time.

Mementos: A library of various texts, your diplomas and certificates, a fancy Loewe-brand scientific calculator with heavy-duty case.
Gear: Luger P-60, Toolkit, Flashlight

Okay, so, more geared towards keeping our shit in order and developing various gadgets to help make the nazis miserable. I dunno what knowledge skills would be viable, so I went with one academic, one mechanical, one practical. I'm assuming later we'll get the opportunity to distribute more skill points, so I figure my character will develop into the whole 'saboteur' thing then.

Player Name: Simpli
PC Name:
Verona von Dreiwitz


PC Resistance Codename: Junker
Gender: Female
Nationality: German

Special: Starts with access to a local garrison base to siphon supplies from or access the Nazi intelligence
Upbringing: Urban
Background: Ex-Nazi


Primary Stats  
Strength 8
Manual Dexterity 9
Agility 10
Constitution 8
IQ 8
Grit 7
Aggression 6
Secondary Stats  
Common Knowledge 8
Leadership 10
Persuasion 10
Bargaining 8
Health Track  
Head 33
Body 108
Right Arm 58
Left Arm 58
Left Leg 58
Right Leg 58
Health Bonus: 8
Sanity 100%


Skill Rank From
Athletics 8 Urban + Ex-Nazi
Interaction 10 Urban
Awareness 6 Urban
Electronics 1 Urban
Firearms 8 Ex-Nazi
Melee 6 Ex-Nazi
Heavy Weapon 1 Ex-Nazi
Repair 1 Ex-Nazi
Knowledge (Magic) (2) Initiate's Grimoire
Inventor 4  
Artifice 4 (+2) Initiate's Grimoire
Casting 6 (+5) Initiate's Grimoire
Ritual 4  
Perks Desc From
Alley Cat You have an unerring sixth sense for directions even in the most twisty-turny of streets and backroads.
You automatically pass Navigation tests when using alleyways and backstreets.
Initiate's Record You start with a unique 'Initiate Grimoire' that provides a +5 bonus to Casting tests and +2 to Knowledge (Magic) and Artificer tests.  
Veteran of World War 2 Somehow, you survived the war and continued the fight, which means you are a font of knowledge on common Nazi tactics and occupation control methods,
as well as being able to retain a collection of weapons from your time fighting before joining the cell. You also start the game with a unique 'Portable Armory'
facility that comes with a selection of weaponry recovered during the war's later years and in the immediate aftermath, along with a lot of ammunition for them.
Dark Past You have a past that you don't want to talk about. One that if revealed will have dramatic and terrible consequences if the true story ever comes to light. If the Dark Past is revealed, this Flaw is replaced with either Wanted, Hunted or Nemesis.  

  • Memento: Personal Collection of Vinyl music records her parents created
  • Modified Uniform: The uniform makes the man, elevates him from the ranks of the dump civilian and turns him into a true human through discipline and obedience. They might not want me to wear it any longer, but who am I to care now?
  • Combat Armour: Isn't it truly disgraceful that they spread of combat armour for infantry was first pushed forward by the Soviet Union of all things? Those degenerate marxists saw the potential sooner than most other powers in the great War and only with advent of Strasse the Wehrmacht and SS were able to surpass the Stalinist wholesale.
  • StG-61: Reliable, sturdy and of course ever available in each ammo dump and weapon cache of the Heer, the StG assault rifle series has served quite faithfully and is going to do so in the future by any means - even if I do envy those able to get the micro-rocket launcher addition to their weapons.
  • Knife: We might not life in the times where 80% of the Grenadiers were equipped with bolt-action rifles, but even today close quarters, silent missions and various tasks need the presence of a sharpened blade.
  • Hand grenades: Catch my former comrades- Catch!
  • Initiate's Record: A Grimoire, the paging screaming out to me and my fingertips running over its back without even noticing it...something of a past left behind.

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I think I'll change the Ex-Nazi special to something more practical.

Edit: Done. The Ex-Nazi now starts the game able to use a local garrison base as a source of supplies and intelligence.
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I think I'll change the Ex-Nazi special to something more practical.

Maybe something to do with whatever contacts from the regime they still have? Like say being able to call in one favor per week, whether it be gear and equipment, information, having a certain patrol avoid a particular area for one day?
This still open for players?

Also for backgrounds is there anything like WW2 Vet?
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@Gideon020 here is my character sheet hope its ok

-Player Name: Kel
-PC Name: Lewis FitzEdwards
-PC Resistance Codename: Drake
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: British

Primary Stats:
-Strength - 9
-Manual Dexterity - 9
-Agility - 10
-Constitution - 8
-IQ - 8
-Grit - 9
-Aggression - 7

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge - 9
-Leadership - 7
-Persuasion - 8
-Bargaining - 8
(Math: 2 base through all stats)
70 points

Health Track:
-Head: 34
-Body: 109
-Right Arm: 59
-Left Arm: 59
-Left Leg: 59
-Right Leg: 59
Health Bonus - 9

Sanity: 100%

Upbringing: Warzone
Background: Rebel


Athletics 1
Melee 2
Awareness 1
Survival 2
Firearms 1
Thrown 1
Stealth 1

-Rat Fighter:
Guns run out of ammo, knives and axes break, explosives are finite, but with your fists there is an entire world that can become a weapon. You can use Survival to fashion a melee weapon out of anything in the environment.

- An old commando Berete
- for the fallen.

- Liberator SMG - an Old rusted piece of shit but can still blow the hell out of the Huns.
- Flak Jacket - Modified and camouflaged has a Lance corporal stripes on the front.
- Knife - Blackened and unlike guns never runs out of ammo
- 2x Molotov Cocktails - Bottoms up Hun!
-Lighter with a skull crudely carved in

Edit: I think I messed up with initial points allocation so hoped in an altered it.
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-Player Name: TheMaskedReader
-PC Name: Denny Rouge
-PC Resistance Codename: Red
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: American

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 8
-Manual Dexterity: 8
-Agility: 8
-Constitution: 8
-IQ: 8
-Grit: 10
-Aggression: 4

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 10
-Leadership: 8
-Persuasion: 10
-Bargaining: 10

Health Track:
-Head: 34
-Body: 109
-Right Arm: 59
-Left Arm: 59
-Left Leg: 59
-Right Leg: 59

Sanity: 100%

Upbringing: Rural/Wilderness
Background: Saboteur

Athletics 1
Melee 1
Awareness 1
Pilot 1
Demolitions 3
Firearms 1
Electronics 1
Survival 1
Stealth 1

Plastic Explosives
DP-56 Shotgun
Photo of Home

Green Thumb

Did I miss anything?
-Player Name: Hybrid
-PC Name: Rhys Snell
-PC Resistance Codename: Shamrock
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: Irish

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 5
-Manual Dexterity: 5
-Agility: 10
-Constitution: 5
-IQ: 5
-Grit: 5
-Aggression: 5

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 5
-Leadership: 5
-Persuasion: 10
-Bargaining: 10

Health Track:
-Head: 25
-Body: 100
-Right Arm: 50
-Left Arm: 50
-Left Leg: 50
-Right Leg: 50

Sanity: 100%

Memento: A collection of American superhero comics
Perk: Light Fingers

Background: Celebrity

Athletics 2
Interaction 2
Awareness 1
Electronics 1
Melee 1
Stealth 1
Disguise 1

Starting equipment
Autograph book
Little black book
High-Class Wardrobe
Make-Up Kit

Decided to repost instead of just updating, quick question can my character be androgynous so I can fit into male and female roles

I think I'll pop into this one. Just lemme get off mobile and to my desktop and this will be an application in a jiffy.
Hey have just added my stats up to seventy should it be more since the character starts with a base of 2 in all stats?
-Player Name:
-PC Name: Eve Chance
-PC Resistance Codename: Firebrand
-Gender: Female
-Nationality: American
Primary Stats:
-Strength 4
-Manual Dexterity 7
-Agility 7
-Constitution 5
-IQ 6
-Grit 7
-Aggression 7

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge 6
-Leadership 7
-Persuasion 6
-Bargaining 6

Health Track:
-Head: 25
-Body: 100
-Right Arm: 50
-Left Arm: 50
-Left Leg: 50
-Right Leg: 50

Sanity: 100%

Background: Marksman

Skills: Athletics 6, Melee 6, Awareness 6, Stealth 8, Firearms 8, Survival 6, Camouflage 5, Repair 5, Spotting 5, Medic 5
Memento: Journal with a bullet hole through it


-Light Step:
Landmines have killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, and the number only grows. There are minefields kilometers deep that intersect routes of travel, hunting and gathering for civilians, planted by both sides that must be dodged. You can use Awareness to detect mines and Athletics to avoid them.

-No Surrender: You go down fighting, and then get back up to keep fighting. If you beat a Constitution roll, you heal in all areas of your Health Track by (Constitution+Grit). Being decapitated or blown into tiny pieces still kills you though.

-Green Thumb: One of the main problems for a resistance cell is the food supply, but this character can reliably maintain a small farm that provides a selection of fruits and vegetables, ensuring a steady supply of Food. The Resistance Base gains a Farm that supplies 2 Food a day that requires no upkeep, it is entirely maintained by the character.


You must balance your operations with caring for a small child or a beloved and crippled pet. Your death or capture will almost certainly spell their doom in turn. (Younger sister, Audrey, who is in no fighting condition.)

Equipment: M2 Sniper Rifle, Survival Kit, Camouflage Blanket, Binoculars
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@Simpli I'm stealing your layout, I'm sorry but it looks so nice and fancy.

Player Name: Sturmi
PC Name:

Wandering further to the south than usual.

With a now discarded, and frankly ancient, K98 rifle. Never did learn how to use it well.


PC Resistance Codename: Ester
Gender: Female
Nationality: Finnish

Special: Can make a number of Patch Kits equal to IQ once per day.
Upbringing: Rural/Wilderness
Background: Medic


Primary Stats  
Strength 8
Manual dexterity 9
Agility 9
Constitution 10
IQ 10
Grit 9
Aggression 4
Secondary Stats  
Common Knowledge 10
Leadership 9
Persuasion 7
Bargaining 5
Health Track  
Head 35
Body 110
Right Arm 60
Left Arm 60
Left Leg 60
Right Leg 60
Health Bonus: 10
Sanity 100%

Skill Rank From
Athletics 2 Rural/Wilderness + Medic
Survival 1 Medic
Awareness 2 Rural/Wilderness + Medic
Medic 2 Medic
Pilot 1 Rural/Wilderness
Melee 1 Rural/Wilderness
Perks Desc From
Green Thumb One of the main problems for a resistance cell is the food supply, but this character can reliably maintain a small farm that provides a selection of fruits and vegetables, ensuring a steady supply of Food. The Resistance Base gains a Farm that supplies 2 Food a day that requires no upkeep, it is entirely maintained by the character. Rural/Wilderness
  • Memento: A Finnish Cross of Liberty, 2nd class, from the war against the damnable Bolsheviks. Full of painful memories and a promise.
  • Medical Bag: Gauze, syringes, and scalpels galore, gathered from the better part of a lifetime wandering from place to place, looking for people that need helping...or Nazis in need of a more subtle variety of death.
  • Flashlight: A concentrated beam of light can be surprisingly useful, whether for briefly blinding the polizei or game(and yourself before you learned to close your eyes) for a short while, surgery in a particularly dark and uncooperative crevice, or simply as a matter of convenience.

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-Player Name: RandomMan01
-PC Name: Giovanni Colombo
-PC Resistance Codename: Guappo
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: Italy

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 10
-Manual Dexterity: 10
-Agility: 9
-Constitution: 10
-IQ: 6
-Grit: 10
-Aggression: 8

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 7
-Leadership: 4
-Persuasion: 7
-Bargaining: 6

Health Track:
-Head: 35
-Body: 110
-Right Arm: 60
-Left Arm: 60
-Left Leg: 60
-Right Leg: 60

Sanity: 100%

Upbringing: Rural/Wilderness
Background: Adventurer
-Special: Forged Documents can be used in place of Travel Passes, Identification Papers or Security IDs.

-Animal Handling: 1
-Athletics: 2
-Awareness: 2
-Interaction: 1
-Medic: 1
-Melee: 1
-Survival: 1

-Rough Rider: Whether on a motorcycle or a horse, the character ignores Rough and Difficult Terrain, and treats Impassable Terrain as Difficult Terrain.

-Memento: An outdated pocket-atlas with the word, "Avventura" written on the cover in faded crayon.
-Adventuring Clothes
-Luger P-60 pistol
-Field Kit
-Forged Documents

And suddenly that last name I picked works really well.
Heh, kinda surprised no-one went for teh Supersoldier option. :D

Working on the Skill and Perk lists, trying to figure if I want Bloody Mess to just be flavour or actually have a gameplay benefit. :rofl:
I'm somewhat unnerved as to what kind of benefit bloody mess(assuming fallout style explody bits) could possibly have.
Hey there still room in this? Cause I'm have tempted to create a Super Soldier to lend you guys some Muscle, but are a couple bits equipment fan-made? I'm having trouble googling some of them.

Oh and can I use any Upbringing for the Super Soldier? Maybe someone from the Warzone taken in to be do their hardy disposition, to be into a Super Soldier.
Hey there still room in this? Cause I'm have tempted to create a Super Soldier to lend you guys some Muscle, but are a couple bits equipment fan-made? I'm having trouble googling some of them.

Oh and can I use any Upbringing for the Super Soldier? Maybe someone from the Warzone taken in to be do their hardy disposition, to be into a Super Soldier.

Not everything is from Wolfenstein.

Do whatever you want.