Wolfenstein: Rebel Yell


Really in the mood for ribs.

There is a house in New Berlin...
The war ended with a bang and then a long, drawn-out whimper as the Third Reich, empowered by technologies never seen before, sent the Allies back to the beaches of Normandy after the Battle Of The Bulge, and the unleashed deadly weapons of mass-destruction against the approaching Soviet hordes.

After that, there was no stopping the renewed onslaught.

It is now the year 1961, 15 years since the end of the war and the Third Reich covers North America, Europe, Russia, Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and India. Only South and Central America, the southern reaches of Africa, South-East Asia and the isolated island nation of Australia remain free from the Nazi jackboot.

And there is the enemy within for the Nazi overlords as well. Partisan networks remain in operation, enacting terrorist and sabotage actions to damage Nazi infrastructure and military logistics, stealing advanced technology to reverse-engineer, locating ancient occult texts and artifacts belonging to an antediluvian civilisation that worshiped a black sun, and assassinating important figures in the political, military-industrial and scientific hierarchy.

Other partisans run underground newspapers, radio broadcasts and even hijack television broadcasts to defy the propaganda-blasting shows produced by the Nazi spindoctors. Others take to the new field of computers or hijack the enemy's own communications networks, allowing for covert communications and an open ear to what the Heer, the Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, and SS are up to.

And some repair, maintain and even build the weapons, equipment and for some lucky groups the vehicles needed to move quickly and robots to allow the groups to strike hard against the Reich's stranglehold.

Events have now reached a tipping point. A key general in the SS hierarchy has been publicly assassinated in the American Administrative Territories, and a public broadcast has gone out calling for a Second American Revolution, but it has emboldened the partisans of Europe and Asia to action as well, supported by military sponsors in the few free nations left.

This is an RP for up to six people, who are the members of a resistance group fighting against the technologically-superior Third Reich, and work to damage the Reich's operations in order to further cause unrest and uprising across the Third Reich.

And who knows, you might actually survive.

If you want to sign up for the good fight, post the following:

-Player Name:
-PC Name:
-PC Resistance Codename:

Once I get the character creation up, then you can expand with backstory, descriptions, so on and so forth.​
-Player Name: lancelot
-PC Name: Lance Avalon
-PC Resistance Codename: Knight
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: USA

Primary Stats:
-Strength 8
-Manual Dexterity 8
-Agility 10
-Constitution 9
-IQ 9
-Grit 10
-Aggression 5

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge 8
-Leadership 9
-Persuasion 10
-Bargaining 6
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Character Creation 1: Basics
Before we get started with character creation, here are the basic character sheet details to keep track of. IQ represents general intelligence, while Grit is both physical and mental toughness.

Primary Stats:
-Manual Dexterity

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge

Strength, Manual Dexterity, Constitution, and Agility are largely self-explanatory, IQ governs general intelligence and memory recall, while Aggression is a double-edged sword; too low and your character will be too cowardly to fight while very high aggression can often result in the character succumbing to berserker rages at critical moments. Grit governs both mental and physical toughness and works with constitution to resist injury and disease.

The secondary stats are for situations where the primary are not needed. Common Knowledge represents how worldly the character is in terms of potentially-useful trivia about a location, Leadership is used to rally the Rebel NPCs that each character commands, or stir a population into an uprising. Persuasion can be used for interrogations, seduction, debate and con-artistry, while Bargaining is used to haggle prices at the black markets or places where you are expected to haggle.

Each of these two sets of statistics starts at 2, which is the human average. The normal human maximum is 10, and the absolute maximum is 20 which is considered superhuman and can only be achieved by genetic modification, cybernetics, or powered armor and other gadgets or implants.

Health Track:
-Head: 25
-Body: 100
-Right Arm: 50
-Left Arm: 50
-Left Leg: 50
-Right Leg: 50

The Health Track above keeps track of the hit locations on your characters body and their respective Base HP. Going to 0 HP in your Head or Body knocks you unconscious and may cause long-term injuries which will penalise you without rehabilitation. Going to 0 HP in your arms and legs renders you unable to use that limb for any serious exertion or combat until treated.

Medical supplies provide a straight healing amount that is distributed among damaged location based on the player's choice. It is possible to 'Overcharge' which will boost health in the chosen body areas but causes it to tick down to base HP by 1 HP per turn.

If you go into Negative HP equal to half your Base HP will, depending on the type of damage that did the job, kill you in an appropriately messy manner.

Finally, we have your Sanity Stat.

Sanity: 100%

Sanity is degraded by witnessing atrocities, causing atrocities, dabbling in things Man Was Not Meant To Know, and the side-effects of some drugs. It is improved by taking time to relax, doing drugs, socializing, or taking care of a pet or plant. If someone has the Therapy skill, they can improve someone's sanity and improve their own at the same time because sharing is caring.

Statting the Character:
All players start with 70 points that they can distribute amongst their Primary and Secondary stats, which start at the human average of 2. No stat can be higher than 10 at this point, since it would require extensive cybernetics, genetic augmentation, specialist drugs and other methods to go beyond the human max.

Once your Stats are outlined, calculate the sum of half of Constitution and half of Grit [1/2 Constitution + 1/2 Grit] rounding up any fractions before adding them together. The final result is your Health Bonus, which is applied to the limbs, body and head sections on your Health Track.
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I'm looking for permission to start this with another GM sometime in the future. Basically Wolfenstein but with empowered self inserts. I assume that this will be still be going in a few weeks, thus the pre emptive requests.
I'm looking for permission to start this with another GM sometime in the future. Basically Wolfenstein but with empowered self inserts. I assume that this will be still be going in a few weeks, thus the pre emptive requests.

I have no idea what you're talking about.
-Player Name: Hybrid
-PC Name: Rhys Snell
-PC Resistance Codename: Shamrock
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: Irish

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 5
-Manual Dexterity: 5
-Agility: 10
-Constitution: 5
-IQ: 5
-Grit: 5
-Aggression: 5

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 5
-Leadership: 5
-Persuasion: 10
-Bargaining: 10

Health Track:
-Head: 25
-Body: 100
-Right Arm: 50
-Left Arm: 50
-Left Leg: 50
-Right Leg: 50

Sanity: 100%

I myself and going for more of a persuasive character. The person who can get us weapons cheap or convince people to help us and will most likely be the person who does things like talking on the radios and hijacking TVs
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-Player Name: Jacobplm
-PC Name: Jaques
-PC Resistance Codename: Saboteur
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: French

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 5
-Manual Dexterity: 10
-Agility: 5
-Constitution: 5
-IQ: 10
-Grit: 10
-Aggression: 5

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 10
-Leadership: 5
-Persuasion: 10
-Bargaining: 9

Health Track:
-Head: 25
-Body: 100
-Right Arm: 50
-Left Arm: 50
-Left Leg: 50
-Right Leg: 50

Sanity: 100%

Here we go. Tired, so sorry if I distributed too many points or futzed up the sheet. Wanting to make a more engineer/mechanic type character who focuses on vehicles(whether hijacking or repairing), machinery(specifically sabotage), and bombs(for obvious reasons).
-Player Name: Sturmi
-PC Name: Lumi Mikkonen
-PC Resistance Codename: Ester
-Gender: Female
-Nationality: Finnish

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 8
-Manual Dexterity: 9
-Agility: 9
-Constitution: 10
-IQ: 10
-Grit: 9
-Aggression: 4

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 10
-Leadership: 9
-Persuasion: 7
-Bargaining: 5

Health Track:
-Head: 35
-Body: 110
-Right Arm: 60
-Left Arm: 60
-Left Leg: 60
-Right Leg: 60

Sanity: 100%

First time doing one of these and I have no bloody clue what I'm doing. Also no clue if we're supposed to do the health bonus thing now or later.
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-Player Name: TheMaskedReader
-PC Name: Denny Rouge
-PC Resistance Codename: Red
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: American

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 8
-Manual Dexterity: 8
-Agility: 8
-Constitution: 8
-IQ: 8
-Grit: 10
-Aggression: 4

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 10
-Leadership: 8
-Persuasion: 10
-Bargaining: 10

Health Track:
-Head: 34
-Body: 109
-Right Arm: 59
-Left Arm: 59
-Left Leg: 59
-Right Leg: 59

Sanity: 100%

Alright, I think that's right.
Don't know why this didn't alert me when you put up that post, @Gideon020 just to be clear from that post it seems to say we 'start from 2 and can go up to ten naturally' is that right from character building, or am I misreading it and do we start from zero before putting our 70 points in?
I'm not sure if this is still open or not, but I wrote up a quick character, if that's alright. Tell me if I screwed anything up.

-Player Name: RandomMan01
-PC Name: Giovanni Colombo
-PC Resistance Codename: Guappo
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: Italy

Primary Stats:
-Strength: 10
-Manual Dexterity: 10
-Agility: 9
-Constitution: 10
-IQ: 6
-Grit: 10
-Aggression: 8

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge: 7
-Leadership: 4
-Persuasion: 7
-Bargaining: 6

Health Track:
-Head: 35
-Body: 110
-Right Arm: 60
-Left Arm: 60
-Left Leg: 60
-Right Leg: 60

Sanity: 100%
Is this still a thing and still open? If it is I'll be making an entry for this
Good to know!

-Player Name: Lorien
-PC Name: William Tythe
-PC Resistance Codename: Taxman
-Gender: Male
-Nationality: Australian

Primary Stats:
-Strength 10
-Manual Dexterity 8
-Agility 10
-Constitution 10
-IQ 7
-Grit 10
-Aggression 5

Secondary Stats:
-Common Knowledge 10
-Leadership 7
-Persuasion 6
-Bargaining 9

Health Track:
-Head: 35
-Body: 110
-Right Arm: 60
-Left Arm: 60
-Left Leg: 60
-Right Leg: 60

Sanity: 100%


G-56 Sniper Rifle, Survival Kit, Camouflage Blanket, Binoculars

Background: Marksman

-Athletics 5
-Melee 1
-Awareness 10
-Survival 2
-Stealth 10
-Firearms 10
-Spotting 10
-Camouflage 10

Old Victoria Cross

-No Surrender:
You go down fighting, and then get back up to keep fighting. If you beat a Constitution roll, you heal in all areas of your Health Track by (Constitution+Grit). Being decapitated or blown into tiny pieces still kills you though.

-Light Step: Landmines have killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, and the number only grows. There are minefields kilometres deep that intersect routes of travel, hunting and gathering for civilians, planted by both sides that must be dodged. You can use Awareness to detect mines and Athletics to avoid them.

-Bloody Mess: By some strange twist of fate, you have an easier time targeting vulnerable areas on enemies, and anything you kill dies in the worst possible way. You gain no penalty to shooting at vulnerable areas on enemy targets and if you reduce an opponent's head or body HP to -10 in one attack, they die in a brutal messy manner. The same will also happen if you catch them in lethal traps

You must balance your operations with caring for a small child or a beloved and crippled pet. Your death or capture will almost certainly spell their doom in turn (Adoptive Daughter)

-Wanted: The Reich knows your face and has a bounty out on you, so best wear a mask or some other form of facial concealment and find a way to change your voice so they don't recognise it. This Flaw, if gained through your actions, immediately invalidates the Cover Identity perk as well as the Ex-Nazi's special ability. (Stole Adoptive Daughter from Genetics lab)

Let me know if this is wrong. Also, are we all running separate resistance cells and occasionally working together or are we in the same team?
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Character Creation 2: Upbringing and Background
Everyone comes from somewhere and how they were raised tends to impact their future life choices. While there is a dizzy array of means for a person to grow up in reality, for the intents of the war, the following are considered the most common and appropriate choices for the rebel war against the Reich. Each upbringing choice provides several starter skills, a memento which is largely for roleplaying and several starting Perk choices that should help give your rebel the edge in a fight or other situation.

The farmlands and the wild open spaces of the world remain among the few places where a person can live free and without molestation from the Reich, whether genetic purity inspections, the casual racial discrimination openly encouraged by the authorities or the institutionalized paranoia that has families on edge around each other in case someone is ratted out to the Gestapo. Communities of survivalists living at the very fringes of society, farming villages that supply the workforce and supervisors to the heavily-mechanised and in some cases automated farming complexes, or native populations left alone to their own devices all fall under this category
Starting Skills:
Athletics 1, Melee 1, Awareness 1, Animal Handling 1 OR Pilot 1
Memento Examples:
Home-made doll from childhood, tribal protection charm, photographs from home.
Perk Choices:
-Animal Companion:
You start with a lifelong and unique animal companion, which could be anything from a small pack of Dingos kept in line through a mixture of affection and violence, a strangely-intelligent crow, or an alligator of rather disturbing size. This animal must be declared upon choosing this perk so that it can receive stats.
-Green Thumb: One of the main problems for a resistance cell is the food supply, but this character can reliably maintain a small farm that provides a selection of fruits and vegetables, ensuring a steady supply of Food. The Resistance Base gains a Farm that supplies 2 Food a day that requires no upkeep, it is entirely maintained by the character.
-Rough Rider: Whether on a motorcycle or a horse, the character ignores Rough and Difficult Terrain, and treats Impassable Terrain as Difficult Terrain.

This person grew up in the neat and orderly suburbia or in the loud and bustling inner-city streets, and grew up navigating a jungle of Uber-Concrete, glass and grandiose statuary, navigating a minefield of intrigue to prevent themselves from being handed over to the Gestapo, and hopefully turn the tables on their rivals and enemies as well. Whether a small town in Virginia or the heart of Berlin itself, any place with significant development is considered Urban.
Starting Skills:
Athletics 1, Interaction 1, Awareness 1, Electronics 1
Memento Examples:
-Your collection of Elite Hans action figures, including the new Kreisau Circle collection featuring Terror-Billy.
-Personal collection of vinyl music records.
-A portable radio.
Perk Choices:
-Circuit Breaker:
The character has learned a few tricks in reprogramming robots without complicated tools and minimal materials, allowing them to attempt Reprogramming without an Electronics Toolkit.
-Alley Cat: You have an unerring sixth sense for directions even in the most twisty-turny of streets and backroads. You automatically pass Navigation tests when using alleyways and backstreets.
-Light Fingers: Whether chocolate from your bully, a wad of Reichsmarks from that suck-up at work, or maybe a spare pistol magazine from a passing Polizei officer, your fingers let you use Athletics to pick-pocket people, either to remove...or place something in their pockets.

You grew up in a dedicated 'Education City' where services and employment revolved around the massive academy complexes that supplied education for all age levels from early-learning all the way to college educations, all with a healthy does of indoctrination. You likely were educated in the very same academy you then found employment in, or perhaps moved to another Education City for the purposes of expanding your horizons. Well, now you wish those horizons could contract just a little.
Starting Skills:
Three Knowledge Skills at 1, Inventor 1
Memento Examples:
A library of various texts, your diplomas and certificates, a fancy Loewe-brand scientific calculator with heavy-duty case.
Perk Choices:
You earn double Gizmo Points per day, allow you to create more advanced and complex Blueprints in less time.
-Open Minded: You've encountered or found evidence of truly supernatural artifacts or technology beyond the ken of conventional science, and accept it. You suffer no penalties when using an alien or supernatural device or artifact for your blueprints, but you still draw the line at mysticism and magic spells.
-Portable Lab: You start with a unique 'Portable Lab' equipment item, allowing you to perform research in the field instead of having to transport it back to headquarters.

The war has touched you in a personal way, with your life being in the center of major battles between the Reich and Free Allies, scrabbling to survive in places where snipers shoot at any movement and artillery rains down like clockwork. You've fought Nazis, Allies and your own people, because when civilians are caught on the frontlines, it will usually mean every man for themselves.
Starting Skills:
Athletics 1, Melee 1, Awareness 1, Survival 1 OR Stealth 1
Memento Examples:
A lucky bullet casing, a beat-up flashlight, a dirty and torn uniform.
Perk Choices:
-Light Step:
Landmines have killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, and the number only grows. There are minefields kilometers deep that intersect routes of travel, hunting and gathering for civilians, planted by both sides that must be dodged. You can use Awareness to detect mines and Athletics to avoid them.
-Rat Fighter: Guns run out of ammo, knives and axes break, explosives are finite, but with your fists there is an entire world that can become a weapon. You can use Survival to fashion a melee weapon out of anything in the environment.
-No Surrender: You go down fighting, and then get back up to keep fighting. If you beat a Constitution roll, you heal in all areas of your Health Track by (Constitution+Grit). Being decapitated or blown into tiny pieces still kills you though.

You lived a life steeped in traditions of ritual and esoteric lore, whether your life was in service to mysterious gods or was spent plumbing the depths of legends to find and understand ancient artifacts, or to combine with science and create incredible technologies. The Nazis have built their empire on a foundation of occultism and mysticism locked behind the trappings of high technology, and you will see it used in service of far nobler goals.
Starting Skills:
Knowledge (Magic) 1, Awareness 1, Casting 1, Artificer 1
Memento Choices:
A non-functional artifact, a talisman from some supernatural creature, a favorite ritual dagger.
Perk Choices:
-Third Eye Open:
You gain double Artifice points per day due to being more easily able to draw upon the fabric of the universe.
-Familiar: You start the game with an intelligent, talking magical animal who can cast any spells that the character knows with a skill of 5. Typically it is a small animal that can easily get into tight spaces.
-Initiate's Record: You start with a unique 'Initiate Grimoire' that provides a +5 bonus to Casting tests and +2 to Knowledge (Magic) and Artificer tests.

After a person's upbringing, their background before joining the resistance will often have an important impact. Some of these backgrounds come with the possibility of having a civilian identity, allowing the character to operate in public without fear as long as precautions are taken, though the responsibilities of a possible job may conflict with the needs of the resistance on occasion.

Each background choice comes with additional skills, some basic equipment and weapons, or may allow you to be something more than human. If a Background's skills are the same as any provided in an upbringing, those skills stack.

The war may have been won and a good chunk of the world is ruled by the Reich, but there's still plenty of it that's free and contested between the Reich and the Free Allies. You live on the fringe, exploring mysterious temples and vaults, working for middlemen in steamy dives in South-East and Central Asia. Turkey, Shanghai and Hong Kong are where you haunt bars and brothels, keeping an ear out for someone who represents either side and is willing to pay in the only truly neutral currency there is, gold.
Background Skills:
Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Interaction 1, Survival 1, Medic 1
Starting Equipment:
Adventuring Clothes, Colt .45 or Luger P-60 pistol, Field Kit, Knife, Forged Documents
Special: Forged Documents can be used in place of Travel Passes, Identification Papers or Security IDs.

You were once loyal, perhaps a soldier in the Heer or even a ranking officer in the SS, and had a bright future in the Reich. Until you fell afoul of the police stat; whether it was the revelation of a Jewish heritage, a child born with a deformity or mental defect, perhaps you saw the wrong papers or were in the wrong place at exactly the wrong time, or perhaps a jealous rival destroyed your bright future. Now, you sit in a resistance base as the closest link your new, suspicious comrades have to the Nazi military-industrial complex.
Background Skills:
Firearms 1, Melee 1, Heavy Weapons 1, Athletics 1, Repair 1
Starting Equipment:
Modified Uniform, Combat Armor, StG-61, Knife, Panzerfaust OR 2x Hand grenades
Special: Starts with access to a local garrison base to siphon supplies from or access the Nazi intelligence network.

When the call went out from the American Territories for people to rise up, wild childs and old souls alike began finding and joining local resistance cells, eager to help bring down the Nazis. Rebels are the foot soldiers of the global resistance effort, willing engage in whatever acts are necessary to force the collapse of the Nazi regime.
Background Skills:
Firearms 1, Survival 1, Melee 1, Thrown 1, Stealth 1
Starting Equipment:
Liberator SMG OR Double-barrel Shotgun, Flak Jacket, Knife, 2x Molotov Cocktails, Lighter, Lockpicks

You are an expert in your field or fields, someone who has published papers and has defended or disproved one theory or another. In the resistance, you bring information on the newest scientific developments, design and build custom weapons and equipment for you and your comrades, and use your scientific credentials to sneak in personnel or smuggle out technology.
Background Skills:
Awareness 1, Interaction 1, Inventor 1, Lore (Specify Subject) 1, Science 1
Starting Equipment:
Luger P-60, Knife, Lab Coat, Identification Papers, Travel Pass Grade 3
Special: Can start the game with access to a private laboratory, allowing for research and a paycheck from the Reich. Care must be taken with what is researched, due to recording devices in the lab.

You are a media darling, perhaps a voice actor in the popular Elite Hans and Blitzmensch cartoons, the star of a successful series of major films, a famous singer, whoever you are you dazzle the world in public, and use your fame and wiles to milk secrets from the Reich at night, your travels allowing you an excuse to bring along an entourage of strange specialists and bodyguards.
Background Skills:
Athletics 1, Melee 1, Interaction 1, Stealth 1, Disguise 1
Starting Equipment:
Autograph book, Little Black Book, high-class wardrobe, make-up kit
Special: Has access to all the necessary equipment to shoot a film which also comes in handy for gathering intelligence.

Without you, stolen vehicles would have to be abandoned after one hard chase too many, weapons and equipment would eventually become useless, and there'd be no access to water and power in the base. It's not a lie to say that you keep the team going in more ways than one.
Background Skills:
Repair 3, Electronics 1, Computers 1, Pilot 1
Starting Equipment:
Luger P-60, Toolkit, Flashlight

Sooner or later someone is going to get a bullet in the chest and there needs to be someone nearby who can get that bullet out and keep the victim alive long enough to get the job done. That someone is you.
Background Skills:
Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Medic 2, Survival 1
Starting Equipment:
Medical Bag, Flashlight
Special: Can make a number of Patch Kits equal to IQ once per day.

If it swims, walks, rolls or crawls, you can pilot it. The wheelman for the resistance cell, your skills allow you to operate just about anything available out there. And if you've never encountered it before, you're just the right daredevil to try it out.
Background Skills:
Pilot 2, Weapon Systems 1, Radio 1, Repair 1
Starting Equipment:
A free vehicle.

The Radioman is a vital lifeline to the other resistance cells in the world, and a vital set of ears listening for Nazi transmissions, translating and decoding where possible in order to find out last-minute changes or find new targets and weaknesses. In the field, they keep the team in communication and prevent the Nazis from communicating until it's too late, or spot targets for stolen or redirected artillery.
Background Skills:
Radio 2, Repair 1, Electronics 1, Language (German) 2, Firearms 1, Spotting 1
Starting Equipment:
Luger P-60, Long-Range Radio, Codebook, Repair Kit, Maps, Binoculars

You cut wires, plant bombs, rig traps and in general make life much more miserable for the enemy. The Nazis usage of drones and Kampfhunds is all because of people like you placing special surprises in out of the way places, ready to turn a fuel dump into an inferno, or turn an officer's car into a funeral pyre.
Background Skills:
Demolitions 3, Melee 1, Firearms 1, Electronics 1, Survival 1, Stealth 1
Starting Equipment:
Plastic Explosives, Detonators, DP-56 Shotgun

You're the best shot in the group, and you have the kill count to prove it. Armed with either a rifle made by the Free Allies, built in the cell's own workshops, or stolen from the Nazis, you never waste a bullet to take down your targets where possible.
Background Skills:
Firearms 3, Stealth 2, Survival 1
Starting Equipment:
M2 Sniper Rifle OR G-56 Sniper Rifle, Survival Kit, Camouflage Blanket, Binoculars

You are a student of various mystical and magical arts, and with the war's mass sacrifice of blood and the efforts of SS occultists, the power of magic once again flows through the world, revealing ancient secrets and unlocking incredible power to those who have the will to claim it. The cell once scoffed at magic, but after a few demonstrations and a summoning or two, you are now a valuable source of esoteric insight able to open new avenues and options.
Background Skills:
Knowledge (Magic) 2, Casting 3, Artificer 2
Starting Equipment:
Ritual equipment, Luger P-60, Robes, Strange Artifact.

The Nazis have been perfecting their Supersoldiers for decades, but before you could be indoctrinated you were stolen by the resistance cell, your basic programming making you utterly loyal to the cause of bringing down your former creators. In recent times, the Nazis have even created female supersoldier templates, though apart from a slimmer figure, there is little to no difference in performance beyond the aesthetic appeal to some commanders.
Background Skills:
Heavy Weapons 3, Melee 2, Awareness 1, Repair 1, Athletics 3
Starting Equipment:
Choose 2 from the following:
-Particle Cannon
-Rocket Pod
-Venom Zwei
-Solothurn 30mm
-PanzerSoldat Armor
Special: Starts the game with the following two Perks and one Flaw
-Living Mountain: The Character is massive, towering over normal humans and possessing potentially-inhuman strength and physical resilience. Boost Strength, Constitution and Grit by 8, and the results are allowed to exceed the human max of 10 but cannot go over the superhuman max of 20. This character can also wear the same PanzerSoldat armor worn by Supersoldiers. Can only be taken at char creation.
-Supersoldier: Boost all parts of the Health Track by 100. The character now has natural armor of Threshold 4 and Absorption 15 that cannot be degraded by damage. The character also regenerates (Grit+Constitution) every turn and can never go Berserk or become Cowardly in normal circumstances. Can only be taken by Supersoldiers.
-Flawed Programming: The character MUST provide a Control Code and MUST designate another player as their Handler, whose protection and orders they will prioritise above all others unless assigned to defend a location or person on their orders. If the Handler or the target of their protection is killed/destroyed, the character immediately goes Berserk and starts attacking all hostiles and potentially any allies who get in their way until another player speaks the Control Code and brings them under control.
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@Gideon020 is it possible to unlock other upbringing perks later? Specifically, if I pick the double gizmo perk, could I later at some point grab the portable lab perk?