Winter Rose (Worm/Steven Universe) (Alt Power+Crossover)

The timeline so far is:

Steven universe happens, then ends>An unspecified length of time in which Steven lives out his life with all his friends while the gempire and humanity form a diplomatic relationship>Steven dies>Steven's/Rose's gem vanishes from his body>Taylor triggers in the locker.

The time is wonky because the dimensions aren't perfectly synched in time. But this is the order in which things played out. The second part is relevant to:

I know it's alternate dimensions but it's still their Steven in this dimensions that somehow died and left Taylor behind. I'm just a little sad because they made such a cute couple.

I think you mean he left Connie behind. But that hasn't been established at all.
He sighed, wishing for the thousandth time that he'd picked up whatever secondary power Dragon and Miss Militia had that eliminated the need for sleep. "I'll live. Is there another reason why you called?"
Heh...why do I get the feeling Armsmaster's going to be getting the Lion/Lars treatment?

The pink skin and cotton-candy looking hair and beard he could have done without, but I think he'd appreciate the greatly diminished biological needs and vastly expanded life expectancy. Plus, the first villain to give him shit about his new appearance would likely crap themselves when he reaches into his beard and pulls out another halberd to flog them with.
OK, I'm back up off the floor, Holy Shit! Can someone please, PLEASE draw that?

Heh...why do I get the feeling Armsmaster's going to be getting the Lion/Lars treatment?

The pink skin and cotton-candy looking hair and beard he could have done without, but I think he'd appreciate the greatly diminished biological needs and vastly expanded life expectancy. Plus, the first villain to give him shit about his new appearance would likely crap themselves when he reaches into his beard and pulls out another halberd to flog them with.

Amethyst: "SAY IT! SAY THE THING!"

Colin, confused: "Bingo... Bongo?"
I'm about 800 words in. Trying to make it to a new chapter before we hit the one week mark again but y'all know how it be.

Life's hard when Three Houses keeps eating all my time.
I can't help wondering if we're going to see some new fusions in this...there's some amazing fan-fusions out there.

Amethyst/Peridot looks kickass...maybe the two are out with Taylor and some parahuman gang member starts some shit. Peridot is cursing herself for not bringing her limb enhancers, looking up and down the street for some loose metal she can fling around and coming up short, before Amethyst grabs her and, with a quick spin, the two merge into a much taller and more badass-looking gem.

For Pearl/Peridot, maybe they're in a meeting, or trying to get some work done with the PRT, but one of the representatives keeps talking over them or brushing them off...some other out of town Tinker, or perhaps that shithead Tagg, when out of sheer annoyance the pair decide to fuse...see if the clod is so quick to try and walk all over them when they're nine feet tall.
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I do already have some new fusions in mind. I'm not sure if all of them will actually feature in the story or not, but the concepts exist.
Chapter 16
It was a photo finish when Pearl and Peridot's machines came to a stop at the edge of the water. I say a "Stop" but only Pearl bothered decelerating, having won by a nose; more or less literally, her boat shaped basically like a teardrop driving point-first along the water with a perfectly smooth underside, while Peridot's was more like a box set up on one corner. And it struck the dock hard enough to launch itself flipping end over end through the air; by pure instinct I leapt forward and caught it on my hands before slowly lowering it down onto the ground, where Peridot kicked out the hatch she was hiding under and tumbled free, frazzled and dizzy but otherwise none the worse for wear.

"Uuuugh. Did I win?" She demanded, flopped over on her back.

"You didn't. Sorry." I said, wincing at the divot her weird geometric device had dug out of the dockside. Pearl was hopping free and sprinting over; though upon seeing that no one was hurt she let out a long warbling sigh.

"Well this is a fine mess. I suppose I'd better help repair this before anyone slips and hurts themselves." She said, tapping at her chin and looking over the collapsed railing and cracked dock surface. "Oh! Hello, you must be with the Protectorate." She finally greeted Armsmaster, who was examining Peridot's machine with clear interest.

"I am indeed. Armsmaster, team lead, Protectorate East-North-East." He greeted her, glancing over to her elegantly curved watercraft. "Am I correct in thinking you made that machine?"

Pearl preened; it seemed to be something she was rather fond of, and put me even more in mind of a flighty songbird. "Oh, that? Just something I threw together to unwind a bit. Peridot's been working so hard on putting together the basics that it seemed a shame to not let her have a little fun with them. Where are my manners? I'm Pearl; you've already met Taylor and Peridot. I'm sure that Bismuth will be back soon enough. And I'm sure Amethyst is... somewhere."

I couldn't see the top half of his face but I had the distinct impression Armsmaster was raising an eyebrow. "The larger member of your team would be Bismuth I presume. I'm unfamiliar with any Amethyst."

"Oh, she just arrived earlier today. You should probably prepare yourself, she can be a bit... difficult." Pearl said, her smile looking a little bit strained.

As if waiting for her cute, a large purple dolphin suddenly erupted from the water and slid across the dock with a loud, long squeak before bounding it's way up onto it's tail and shaking off a great deal of water. "Cool boat Pearl!" It said, only then shrinking down back into the dwarfish proportions Amethyst normally had. She completed first impressions by reaching her entire hand down her throat and coming up with a large, violently thrashing fish that she hurled over her shoulder out into the bay. "Who's this dude? This world still have knights and all that junk?"

"...Hm. Potent Changer abilities. I am Armsmaster, it's a... pleasure to meet you." he said, offering his hand to Amethyst. Instead of shaking it, she laid a firm low-five on him, then smacked their knuckles together, and wiggled her fingers against the palm of his power armor.

"That's cool. Hey P and P-dot, Bismuth says she found a few more cargo containers buried in the bay, she's gonna grab them and see if there's anything neat inside. Aaaand that you should get the forge ready cuz she's ready to start working on the new Temple."

I couldn't decide if Armsmaster's ears perked up more at the word "Forge" Or "Temple." They were about the same points that my own confusion started spiking.

"It's already almost done. I just need to adjust for some unexpected variations." Peridot said as she dusted herself off and tapped her foot, looking pointedly up at the sun. I was about to say something about not doing that, but when I followed her gaze upward I discovered that it didn't really bother me to look up at it. Oh right. I don't have eyes, and neither does she. Which... kind of made me wonder how I saw things in the first place. Either way, the sun looks really cool when your eyes adjust to it. Too bad for everybody who isn't a living hologram. "This world's sunlight is strange." She said after a few moments. "I need to account for it in the mirrors microstructure."

"Oh, you're building a solar furnace?" Armsmaster said from nearby. "An interesting choice."

"There were methods to achieve more uniform thermal inclines, but Bismuth is very traditional." Peridot said with a hint of exasperation. "Being that Brockton Bay is not situated atop a geothermal hotspot, it was necessary to produce an alternative, at least until we can begin construction of the warp pad network."

I swear to God and all the saints that on that day I heard Armsmaster squeak. It is not a sound one easily forgets.


Armsmaster shuffled off after giving Peridot and Pearl a very half-hearted warning about not tearing up the bay in super science machines any more than necessary. I still couldn't quite pin him down; half the time he seemed like he was doing his level best to project that stern, no nonsense big Protectorate man image, the other half he spent barely able to contain his enthusiasm over some subject that interested him, particularly when Peridot was around. That done with, it was time for me to start heading home; but we'd only gotten halfway when Pearl's phone started blaring a teeth-grinding note. She almost skidded to a stop, only to reflexively park the van perfectly parallel to the curb.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"That's a distress signal. It looks like Peridot hit a panic button." She said, posture tight and nervous.

"So, what are you waiting for, let's go!" I said instantly. Her eyes flashed over to me and she said nothing for several long moments. I think if she had to breath she would have been hyperventilating. On pure instinct I unbuckled and slid forward, setting a hand on her shoulder. "Pearl!"

"Yes! Okay... I'm fine, I can... Maybe you should stay here? Oh, no this neighborhood doesn't look very-"

"Pearl. Drive." I insisted.

"Okay." She gasped, nearly hitting a dusty old buick in front of us as she drove, eyes flashing down to her phone, where I could see a rough map and a blinking green dot indicated. I sat back and buckled up again, pulling my knees up almost to my chest.

"Pearl. What is going on with you?"

"I'm sorry. I just... I just had a moment."

"...Pearl I'm sure she's okay, I doubt it's anything that serious." I said, not even sounding convincing to myself.

Pearl let out a short laugh. "I'm not worried about her Taylor."


"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Get the fuckin' midget in the van!"

"I'm tryin dude, but she's wicked freakin' strong!"



When we arrived at the scene there was nothing to worry about. There was, of course, a dusty, neglected old panel van hovering above the street, spinning rapidly and jerking back and forth, but that wasn't really anything to worry about. I only worried when something small and green leapt free of it and it dropped ten feet out of the sky and landed on it's tires hard enough to yank them free and make them flop uselessly onto the ground. I didn't remember jumping, but I was suddenly up in the air and had caught Peridot right out of the air, where she grasped onto me like a limpet.

"Hey; you okay?"

"Wow. Thanks..." She groaned. I hit the ground about... ten seconds later. That was weird. Concerns for the future!

Pearl darted over as I set Peridot down, full of hysterical energy. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Peridot grimaced and glared over at the van, where three groaning, very unhappy men were waiting. I should probably have checked on them, but I was in no mood at that moment. "I left the dockyard in order to explore nearby facilities for potential materials. While I was alone, these degenerates attempted to purloin me for some nefarious purpose." Peridot growled, hiding behind one of my legs.

"Is that so." Pearl said, narrowing her eyes; suddenly looking much less mother hen and much more hungry hawk.
Our eyes met, in a wordless exchange, and we both stepped over to the useless van. One of the men was having trouble freeing himself from the driver's seat, so I helped him by ripping the door off of it's hinges and popping the seatbelt like paper, before tugging him out and holding him firmly by one wrist. He was a short man, and I wondered if this was how it felt when a teacher had to grapple an unruly student, as he struggled rather pointlessly to yank himself free. Pearl helped herself to the two in the back; one of them tried to pull something from his waist that turned out to be a knife, but without apparent effort Pearl snatched it from his hand and snapped the blade from the handle with only a rotation of her thumb. "Now now, no need for violence." She said acidly. "Let's just hear why you'd go and do a thing like this."

"I don't have to tell you shit." One of them said, a grungy thirtysomething; latino, bad teeth. He called her a name then that impugns certain demographics, and she twisted his wrist until he yelped and fell down to his knees; rotating his whole body to keep her from breaking it; before she pinned him in place with one foot and turned to his buddy, who she was holding just as easily in her other hand after she'd disposed of his knife.

"We just had to get the little one! The boss wanted us to grab her and bring her in."

"And what boss is that?" Pearl insisted, school teacher snippy.

"I can guess." I said as I pulled the driver over and pulled one of his sleeves back; ripping it a bit in the process. As I suspected, needle tracks all the way up. "Merchants, which means... damn what was his name? It was something REALLY awful, I remember reading- Oh, Skidmark." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"It's not that bad." Driver man said, pouting. "He's named after the marks tires make."

"Sure he is." I said flatly. "Anyway. Let's tie these guys up and call the police. Uh... maybe the PRT too since I think Peridot kinda counts for their involvement."

Lucky us, the would be kidnappers, while stupid enough to try and abduct a cape without being sure of what their powers were, were at least smart enough to bring rope and duct tape, which Pearl turned out to be a dab hand with, which shouldn't have surprised me, but did. In the end, nothing really bad happened, but the mood had changed. Peridot just plain hadn't really internalized that the big dangers of the world weren't the only ones, and she'd been shaken to find that ordinary people would have even attempted something like this. And as for me... suddenly this whole cape thing was seeming real, and scary. I had to figure out what it was I wanted to do. But first, I had to get my homework done.


AN: Here we go. Somewhat short, but I hope it will suffice. Also, inserting color text is always annoying because it doesn't want to turn off. Worth it though. Peridot screams in green.
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Welp, goodbye Skiddy, we hardly knew you! I think I've already said that I know jack shit about SU, but even I know that a bunch of drugged up morons stand about as much chance against Taylor and her friends as a normie with a spoon does against the Siberian.
Was Pearl supposed to mention Amethyst while she was greeting Armsmaster? Because she didn't, but then Armsmaster somehow knew to ask about her anyway...
Yeah good catch guys. I actually wrote that Amethyst mention, deleted it to mention Bismuth because I thought the order worked better, and then forgot to add Amethyst back in.
"They wanted to what? Idiots, don't they know we can't become inebriated by their garden level human narcotics? Clods."
Welp, goodbye Skiddy, we hardly knew you! I think I've already said that I know jack shit about SU, but even I know that a bunch of drugged up morons stand about as much chance against Taylor and her friends as a normie with a spoon does against the Siberian.
To give you an idea; one of the Gems, Lapis Lazuli, is a hydrokinetic powerful enough to maybe give Leviathan a run for his money (not inviting any vs debates, just saying she's shown a lot of power over water) as well as create wings of water that allow her interstellar flight.

And Lapis isn't the most powerful of the Gems.