Winds o' Change - Yet Another ISOT Map Game

Turn 6 | Year 6: To Mantis Eyes

Mantis Triumvirate
(Art by u/Sack_adder on Reddit)
Commonly Known as: Mantis Tribe
Capital: Mantis Village
Government Type: Tribal Triumvirate
Governing Document(s): (N/A)
Year Founded: Pre-Hallownest
Year ISOTed: After the Traitor Lord's exile
Territory ISOTed: All of it (Underground, approx. 2,000 sq km usable area)
ISOTed from: Hollow Knight
Head(s) of State: Sisters of Battle; Drosha, Nanai, Tsanga
Head(s) of Government: Sisters of Battle; Drosha, Nanai, Tsanga
Technological Level: Approx. 1900's mechanical knowledge, 1300's otherwise
Population: ~16,000
Languages: Mantid, Hallowspeak
Religions: Unorganized Animism
Special Traits: Lifeblood – The Lords have a very small, renewable supply of Lifeblood; A liquid substance which acts as a general vitality boost, most likely linked to the Lord's increased strength and long lives compared to their peers. Charms – The Tribe is capable of a limited degree of magic, slowly creating trinkets that augment a bug's abilities, whether in combat or otherwise. However, even the strongest Charms available to the Tribe are at most capable of things like extending the reach of one's weapon.
Brief History:
For as long as history has recorded, the Mantises have inhabited the harsh Fungal Wastes in what is now Hallownest. Their natural aggression combined with the constant grindstone of beasts emerging from the bordering Deepnest forged a culture of fiercely territorial warriors.

When the Pale Wyrm came and began carving His great city from the disparate tunnels, the Tribe stood tall, even as their neighbors knelt. Instead of submitting to the Wyrm's rule, they forged a truce with the new King; the Tribe would fend off the swarms of beasts from Deepnest, and the Wyrm's Kingdom would not encroach upon their borders. However, Hallownest's rise to power, and the corresponding growth of the Pale King's cult, would attract the ire of another.

An infection of the mind spread through the Kingdom, leaving bugs as little more than feral beasts. But the Tribe was strong in body and spirit, they could resist one Higher being, they could resist another; even if they didn't know it. All except one.

The Tribe was ruled by four siblings, and the youngest brother truly loathed the Kingdom of Hallownest and it's splendor. He came to think his sisters weak for upholding the peace with the Kingdom, and when they rebuffed his attempts to convince them so, he began to listen to the light in his dreams. The Traitor Lord gathered his followers, a full quarter of the Tribe bloated and filled with an unnatural strength, to challenge the Lords, and lost. The surviving traitors were exiled, and the Tribe set about the task of rebuilding; with the forth Lord's throne remaining shattered as a reminder of that struggle. Even in the face of this civil war and the infection ravaging Hallownest, the Tribe maintains it's vigil over the gate to Deepnest.

Or would, until a great rumbling echoes through the caverns and tunnels...

Other Notes: Pools of naturally-occurring acid dot their territory, alongside the generally hostile underground landscape. Their structures are clearly built with their locomotion in mind, with plentiful built-in handholds providing easy purchase for their claws, and rapid vertical movement. Alcohol is either rare or non-existent in Hallownest, and by extension the Mantises have no drinking culture. While physiologically very different from Humans, the Mantises appear fully capable of making all the same sounds humans do.

Republic of Yucatán | República de Yucatán | República u Beeta'al Weye​
Commonly Known as: Yucatán
Capital: Mérida/Ti'hó
Government Type: Unitary Presidential Republic
Governing Document(s): Constitution of Yucatán
Year Founded: 1841
Year ISOTed: 1960
Territory ISOTed: All of it
ISOTed from: A Prospering Peninsula – Deviantart project by Mobiyuz
Head of State: President Siyaj Kan
Head of Government: National Congress of Yucatán, President Siyaj Kan
Technological Level: Late 1950's
Population: 9 Million
Languages Spanish, Yucatec Maya
Religions: Catholicism, Protestantism
Special Traits: N/A
Brief History:
In 1850, the Treaty of Campeche successfully secured the independence of Yucatán against Mexico following the assassination of then-Yucatecan President Santiago Méndez by the Mayans in 1848 and the subsequent capitulation of the Yucatecan government. However, this peace would prove tenuous at best. Ethnic conflicts between the Mayans and Hispanic Yucatecos in the form of the Caste War would continue for many years, even after the introduction of a new Constitution in 1849.

In the 1860's Yucatán would come to host freed slaves from the ongoing US civil war on the island, then Special Province of Cozumel, creating an enclave of Afro-Americans in the Nation.

Over the course of the remaining century, Yucatán would find itself an exporter of henequen agave, trying to sate the nigh-endless American hunger for agricultural products. Oligarchs of both major ethnic groups would glut themselves on the profits, drawing in migrant workers for their plantations from Eastern Europe and Asia. The influx of immigrant labor would only serve to inflame the tensions of the Caste War, which would come to a head with the global turmoil of the early 20th​ century.

Revolution in Mexico followed by the Great War would prove a tipping point for the young nation, breaking out into Civil War. The conflict would last for five years, ending with the overthrowing of the Oligarchs and the instatement of reforms by newly-installed Mayan President Francisco May Pech. The reforms instituted in this era would see the nation move away from it's plantation-heavy agricultural economy, and a final end to the Caste War with the establishment of a firm Yucatecan national identity, separate from Mexico.

Years of peace and a growing economy focused on the production and export of rubber, fruit and tropical lumber alongside a booming tourism industry have lead to massive improvements in the standard of living in Yucatán. The recent discovery of oil in the Gulf of Campeche promises further growth for the young nation. While parts of the country still bear the scars of her early years, the atmosphere on New Year's Eve 1959 is a happy one, with a bright future ahead of Yucatán. Time will tell if it remains so, in this new world...
Other Notes: N/A

Winds o' Change

Sixth Year​

North America:

"It was a strange thing that, finding the real worn-down grave of a man I saw on the TV not too much more than a year ago, hell I can remember my Pastor going on and on about him..." - Zonian Sergeant Thomas Mclain, excerpt from a Washington newspaper after the discovery of the Billy Graham Library, February 20, 1868/1880/1980/1813/06.

A Zonian Patrol boat off the Jungles of the Yucatan peninsula captures the first color video of a shift; In it's totality as for reasons unknown the entire sequence finished in only an hour and thirteen minutes. Untamed Caribbean coastline is replaced by a thriving costal town, quite visibly modern. After a near-miss with a confused fishing boat, the Patrol establishes radio contact with the newcomers.

After a few rounds of confusion on both sides, the new arrivals establish themselves as the Republic of Yucatán, and agree to talks with UN representatives in Paris.

In Yucatán itself, the atmosphere takes a turn for the chaotic. Cargo ships in port at Chactemal, commercial airliners stuck on runways in Ku'kul'kan and Mérida, and thousands of tourists all without homes to return to. Taking charge of the situation, President Siyaj Kan signs an order offering Yucatecan citizenship to any foreign nationals caught in Yucatán during the shift, or failing that, free passage to any of the other nations in this new world willing to accept them.

Back north in the Holy Columbian Commonwealth, the American expeditions into the heart of Columbian territory find resistance to their advances growing scarcer by the day, even as Seddiki's force approaches the seat of the Emperor in Atlanta. At first it was believed that either most Columbian armies had already been shattered, or they had learned to avoid open engagements with the Americans. However, the real culprit was discovered when Ward's men came apon a village utterly defenseless, with every man of fighting age either dead or beset by an ailment all too familiar to the 19th​ century Americans; Smallpox.

Perhaps spread from Russell's ill-fated expedition, or even earlier with the pre-war skirmishes by the border; it mattered not. Young or old, noble or serf, the Pox cared not. The Commonwealth was devastated by a disease that had previously been extinct for almost seven centuries. This preceded an early Hurricane in May that raked across the southern reach of the Empire, contributing to a famine alongside the general manpower shortage. Ward's force went on to seize Charleston without a shot fired, Prince Algernon's levy having been starved out for two months by the time they arrived. A Pastor there attempted to raise a mob of zealots against the invaders and ultimately failed, claiming that Ward was the Horseman Conquest in the flesh, and worse, a Catholic.

Seddiki's men closed on Atlanta in mid-June, clashing with an army lead by Prince Orlando, the Emperor's second son. By this point the Columbians had learned to scatter their forces, focusing on small bands of Cavalry, limiting casualties from American field artillery and airstrikes to some success. But still, in the face of a manpower shrink from the Pox and the massed fire from Zonian automatic weapons, Prince Orlando would fall in a charge on the American lines, routing his men.

Behind the great walls of Atlanta, Emperor Julius Gee found himself losing two sons in as many weeks, with his nominal heir Prince Elijah succumbing to the Pox just days after his brother fell in battle. A full half his court lie dead either from the plague or ill-fated attempts to halt the American advance. He had become familiar with the roar of their steel Thunderbirds, somehow tamed to the bidding of their false-Prophet in Washington, and while they hadn't rained fire on the Imperial city quite yet, what would they do if they found themselves unable to breach the walls without them? Atlanta was hardly in a condition to weather the next winter, let alone a siege. And so, when the American forces appeared on the horizon, the Leonidan walls opened their gates, and the Emperor rode out on a lone horse bearing a white flag.

A photograph of the Emperor signing the peace treaty in his own throneroom would appear in news publications across the world. With the sheer population gulf involved between the two states, it was decided that Julius Gee would remain in place for the time being, operating a 'provisional monarchy' under the close scrutiny of American observers, much to the chagrin of the National Democrats, while a more comprehensive integration plan was put together by a special Congressional Committee.

Word of the Emperor's surrender spread quickly, but some would see opportunity in the collapse of Imperial authority. Bandits stalked roads across the country where patrols, whether they be American or Columbian, were scarce. The Dukes of Carolina north of Ward's path to Charleston attempted to declare that Julius had abdicated his duties as Emperor, electing one of their own in his stead – Later felled by a mixture of American veterans and Southron knights still loyal to the Emperor.

To the eastern reaches of the Empire, with the peasantry there less impacted by war and Pox both, the Duke Huey Latimer of Birmingham would declare that God himself had seen fit to strike down the Commonwealth for it's hubris, and crown himself King of Alabama. He would attract the surrounding counts to his vassalage with promises of protection from the 'Americanist Heathens' in the rest of the Empire, rumors of a Revelationist Tongue-talker in his court notwithstanding. Even with Lincoln authorizing more forces to be mobilized to occupy the comparatively vast Commonwealth, and the nominal cooperation of remaining Southron troops, the American forces found their manpower stretched thin, and the new King Latimer would find his rule unchallenged for the time being.

France, Yucatán and Cymru agree to supply Humanitarian aid, ameliorating the worst of Columbian instability, though by the time the Smallpox epidemic is brought under control it is estimated that at least a half million Columbians lie dead, though the true number will likely never be known.

Once the initial shock was over in Yucatán, the government chose to nationalize it's orphaned airliners, purchasing the aircraft for the newly-formed Yucatec Air corporation; though a handful of American and French aircraft would choose to 'return' to their home countries instead. A plant for producing spare parts for it's 707 and DC-8 craft was established outside Calkini in Ah Canul, with the first Trans-Atlantic passenger flight in this world from Mérida to Marseille occurring between August 7th​ and the 8th​. In one of his later acts as President, Lincoln would negotiate a deal with Yucatán to supply sorely-needed rubber, precision tools and oil for the States' burgeoning Air Force, in exchange for a limited number of F-14s for Yucatán's own military once the US was able to produce them, accelerating the American air program greatly.

In the United States itself, the nation geared up for perhaps it's most unusual election cycle in the histories of any of it's constituents. Wesley toured in Borinquen and Antillia, and made visits to Paris and Jerusalem, seeking closer ties with the NCI, while the Liberal party ultimately chooses Samuel Huntington for the ballot, with Snyder as his running mate owing to his popularity in Pennsylvania. The NDP's John J. Jacob forwards a policy of rapid integration for Columbia in his campaign.

To the surprise of many in the November election, Wesley only won in his home state of Appalachia, narrowly beaten out by Jacob in Antillia and Washington. In the end however, the old Appalachian rivalry would be come to be overshadowed by the landside victory of the Liberal party, taking Pennsylvania, Delmarva, Ohio and Borinquen.

Wary of growing tensions with Oceania, President-Elect Huntington's policies favor a distancing from European affairs outside Cymru, and increased internal investment into domestic development; most notably a focus on greater ties with Yucatán and a comprehensive electrification program to bring the US up to speed with the other powers of the world.


A sudden, sharp earthquake came to the Mantis Village, greater than any in the Tribe could remember, but so brief as to cause little actual damage. Or so was thought, until they found the tunnel to Deepnest collapsed, just past the Lord's gate. Scouting parties were sent to ascertain the effects on the rest of the Tribe's territory, thankfully finding very few injuries from the quake, but discovering that the only surviving passage out of their realm was the uppermost tunnel to the rest of the Wastes. The group sent there soon found that the infection was gone, fungal fauna returned to a relatively docile state. They continued on, stopping when they saw a great, almost blinding ray of light shining clearly down from where the intersection leading to the City of Tears should be above them. Much of the party hesitated, knowing nothing that could possibly produce a light so bright without smoke, wanting to turn back and report to the Lords before proceeding. But a young warrior named Yakai, who had not yet lost the use of his wings, volunteered to brave the light.

With a tentative jaunt, he exited the cave and saw. The cavern now opened to the top of a small hill of blackstone rubble, overlooking a vast expanse of low grass, interspersed by islands of tall green-leaved plants resembling those of Greenpath. A herd of strange creatures drank from a muddy pool near to the hill, clearly soft-shelled but standing proud on thin legs, with a set of small horns jutting out low from their brownish snouts. Flocks of strange, elegant flying beasts that looked to be made of silk strips flit through the air; some small enough to be held in a claw, others casting great shadows as they soared high above, flying together like a great point. But what was most brilliant of all were those which ruled over all in this new land.

A vibrant blue sky, bereft of clouds and without wind was occupied by a great burning disk of light, accompanied by a dimmer pale crescent, though no less grand for contrast with it's neighbor. The burning-disk hurt to look at, but cast long shadows across all that lay in it's sight, and had the warmth of a fire in spite of the vast distance. Yakai called for his fellows once the awe faded enough. It was clear; Hallownest was gone, and this new land was in it's place.

After the scout's return the Lords and wise-bugs of the Tribe went to the surface and attempted to commune for days with the Higher beings dominating the blue sky- for what else could they be, with such visible power and presence? –to no avail. Bereft of a response, the Tribe came to name the pale one that journeyed between the times of dark and light in this land as Wanderer, and the greater as Radiance, after a forgotten dream.

The Lords called the other leaders of the Tribe to meet, and convene about their new situation. While some urge caution with these strange creatures, the loss of the Tribe's hunting and foraging grounds ultimately force them to explore the surface. While bands of warriors venture out into the savanna, the Tribe builds a fort over the exit to the surface, disassembling the former Deepnest gate and installing it there. One of the Sister-Lords always stays at the fort, that the Tribe will not be caught off guard if the only entrance to their territory is besieged. With the frequency of travel and a sort of adventuring fever coming over the younger members of the Tribe, the camp established to construct the fort grows into a village of it's own by the years end with more permanent structures both beneath the surface and above it.

The Mantises learn many things about their new world over those months; how the burning Radiance can steal away a bug's water, of Wanderer's changing shape in a regular cycle, and of rain that comes and goes as it pleases. The new beasts are slain with claw and nail, a trend emerging of juveniles blooding themselves against the soft-shelled yet fierce creatures. Hunting parties venture far away from the village for months at a time, regularly bringing tales of things equal parts wondrous and dangerous.

Of course, all of this is witnessed from afar by the Tribe's new neighbors, who share stories of the upright-bugs among the clans.

Late in the year a French researcher in Morocco would work extensively in furthering communications with the Forktails, transcribing some of a Windspeaker's stories for the first time. Among these were ancestral tales of Serina from multiple independent sources; sparking fierce debate among the researchers as to whether Serina was some version of Earth with a divergence many millions or billions of years ago, or a world completely separate from their own.

A few Forktail clans in Morocco, perhaps emulating the structures built by the Human research teams, would come to experiment with wattle and daub, creating permanent structures in the high branches of trees shielded from occasional rainfall by the canopy.

Europe and the Levant:

The appearance of another technologically advanced nation, this time a decidedly capitalist one in the Americas is met with mixed reactions from Europe. Oceania of course remains outwardly silent, assuming they are aware of the new arrivals at all. The New Comintern are wary, especially given the rise of the Liberal party administration in the US. The increasingly-modernized population of Cymru finds itself fascinated, with a small number of Academics making the trip across the Atlantic to study the Maya religion in detail.


The realization came slowly with the end of the war in America, and the dawning conclusion that the HCC came not from some strange past, but from a future in which the world as it was known came to an abrupt end. It was a sign that this new world was not immune to the follies of Man, that the mistakes could be made again. Blood had been shed in anger, and all the power of all the nations of Earth could not put it back.

A French-Palestinian expedition was organized in an attempt to locate the suspected new arrivals in West Africa, but those plans were put on hold after an encounter by the French navy off the coast of Iberia, with the cruiser De Grasse engaging in the pursuit of an unknown sonar contact. The chase lasted long enough to force the craft to surface, revealing a diesel submarine, a single familiar eye emblazoned on the side of the tower.

Year 6, January 1st

Year 6, December 31st

A/N: Look upon my sleep-deprived nonsense ye mighty, and enjoy! (Hopefully, will do another lookover tomorrow when I am actually awake.)
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World-Line Classification System (canon)

World-Line Classification System

The World-Line Classification System, or WLCS, is an international system of classification used by scientists across the world to help classify where a specific area was from Pre-Transplantation(1). The system is noted for using a mix of two numbers and one letter to identify a given World-Line. The current system allows for around 2,574 permutations, a number most scientists assume won't be reached for a long time. The system was originally developed by students at the University of Appalachia in Summers County, State of Appalachia, United States when they needed a system to designate where a given territory or group was from. The student to create the system, Sasha Watkins, was said to have thought of the system as a quick shorthand for herself and her fellow students, however the system soon gained popularity among the University's staff and other research teams for its brevity, thus leading to it spreading and eventually being officially adopted by the United Nations on August 19, 05 PT(2).

The system, as mentioned, uses two numbers and a letter to designate a World-Line. As an example, the world from which Washington D.C. and the Panama Territory (formerly the Panama Canal Zone) hail from has been given the classification 01A. The 01 in this case simply demarcates its seniority as one of the first two World-Lines from which something was brought from, with Appalachia being given the designation 02A. The A, in this case, is simply used to demarcate World-Lines based on closeness to each other, with suggestions being given that the letter used should coincide with where in history a given World-Line diverges. While most World-Lines classified are currently given the A classification, future review may see them being given a new letter designation based on the specific Point of Divergence(3) they have.

Identified World-Lines
01A "Lincoln's Lament" - The World-Line from which the Panama Canal Zone and Washington D.C. hails from - at least most scientists and historians the world over assume so. This World-Line is so far the most widely known and possibly the best documented on account of the clear closeness the two territories have in historical records. Future Transplantees(4) from this World-Line will help expand upon the knowledge scientists and historians have about World-Lines themselves.

02A "The Bloody Shirt" - The World-Line from which Appalachia hails from, it is one of the three timelines closest in terms to 01A that many scientists have decided that any future reclassification would leave the four timelines as they are. Noted for its Post-Civil War political chaos, alongside the noticeably more left-leaning West Virginia-turned-Appalachia, this World-Line has been theorized to eventually fall under the umbrella of 'Socialist Uprising World-Line', however other theories make the assumption that this World-Line will follow a different path, with any further divergences possibly happening in the 1900s.
03A "Workers of the World (Western Europe)"- The World-Line from which France hails from, it is yet another World-Line close to 01A-02A in terms of POD. Noted for being the first example of a timeline where the Central Powers won the first Great War, but were defeated in the second.

04A "Workers of the World (Middle East)"- The World-Line from which Palestine hails from. It's World-Lines seems closest to 03A, as both have the commonality of Socialist Movements being more popular (In particular, a Communist Revolution overthrowing the original United States), but having similarities to 01A (The Allies won the Great War, causing the National-Socialist movement rises in Germany and start a second Great War, but being defeated).

05A "Celtiaid am Byth" (reclassification debated) - The World-Line from which Cymru hails from. It has one of the oldest PoDs, around 1,600 years before the pre-mentioned timelines. The other changes to this timeline outside of the Celtic Empire are less specific, as some places (Mainland Europe) are more or less recognizable, while others (Americas) are radically different. Noted for its lack of an equivalent dominant Anglo-Empire, and maintained European Paganism.

06A "Serina"- The World-Line the Forktails are from. Much isn't known by the scientific community, outside of the unique evolutionary history intrinsic to it (Including the other animals brought along in the Transplant), so the exact POD is unknown at this time. With how radical some changes are, such as no other large invertebrates existing (Like mammals, reptiles, amphibians, etc), and the different descriptions of the moon, some suggest that Serina might have already been subjected to outside "influence"

07A "After The End" - The World-Line form which the Holy Columbian Commonwealth hails from, not much is exactly known. However, from information pieced together by historians it can be assumed that the HCC is actually from a version of some future, whether that be the future of 01A or some other timeline is unknown. Current debates abound as to how to actually classify this World-Line, with some suggesting placing it under 01A while others suggest giving it the designation 01Z.

08A "1984" - The World-Line Oceania is from, it's the most mysterious one outside of 07A and 06A. Little information about exact events are unknown due to Oceanian propaganda, which has since changed to take into account the world outside its borders and has ceased mentions of its prior World-Line.

09A "Columbia Takes Her Second Steps" - The World-Line from which the rest of the US' states are from. The POD is 1796 with the election of President McBride, assumed to be a minor historical figure from Vermont that didn't gain national prominence in most other timelines with an extant United States. Further changes compounded with an early Civil War thanks to highly controversial President Robinson, alongside what seems to be an early World War.

Common Interpretation of World-Lines
There are many interpretations of World-Lines across the scientific world, but we will focus on two. The first is the World Trees Hypothesis, which postulates that World-Lines are like trees, with new World-Lines growing from the central, 'Prime' World-Line that acts as the trunk of the tree of all realities. The other is the Strands Hypothesis, which like the World Trees Hypothesis theorizes that World-Lines break away and split to create new World-Lines but differs in assuming that there is no true 'Prime' World-Line, instead believing that each World-Line just goes on to further split as time winds onwards. While many laymen lambast the two seemingly similar theories and those that argue about the specifics, the theories themselves have stood the ridicule simply on the fact that both can seemingly be assumed to be true due to the mystery of World-Lines themselves.

(1): Transplantation is the American term for the Event that brought them and later nations to the new Earth. Although "Shift" is used as the popular term in Europe.
(2): The Post-Transplantation Calendar, or PT Calendar, is a calendar slowly growing in popularity within the United States and North American Cymru colonies, of which have slowly been drifting into the American sphere of influence as time increasingly goes on.

Two variants of this calendar exist, with the second (PT-Reformed) coming directly from Celtic North America. PT-Reformed seeks to also change the Yearly Calendar itself to be more symmetric and inclusive, having a cycle of 28-35 days each month (Such as including elements of the Tamlanic Calendar. Mainly renaming January to Eira, April to Gwynt, July to Porfa, and October to Cȃnalarch. This particular idea is only popular in Celtic America).
(3): Point of Divergence has been increasingly used among both historians and scientists across the world as a legitimate scientific and historical term, with historians in particular taking it upon themselves to figure out where specific PODs are for each World-Line. The WLCS in particular has been quite helpful in notation, and there have already been proposals to reclassify the World-Line of Cymru to 01B, 01C, or 01D.

One note to the PoD system is that there is an increasing push in the scholarly community towards using a "Historically Inclusive Epoch Calender" or HIEC System (They're still working on the name) for figuring out when something got transported from. Starting from around the time of the "old worlds" Neolithic Revolution rather than 0 AD.
(4): Transplantee is the term given by most Americans to nations and the people therein brought in any Transplantation.

This was written before the most recent update, but I thought I'd post this anyways as this is set around my turn to help explain the World-Line system better.
The Strange Minstrel and The Universal Language (Canon) New
The Strange Minstrel and The Universal Language

Makai was always an oddity among the Mantis tribe. Though certainly capable of violence, it was never really hostile: it's claws more used to playing the strings on an instrument than butchery of its enemies. Some called it "many strings Makai" for its skill. Most also called it "more strings than brains Makai" or "more cricket than Mantis Makai" for its eccentricities: just as happy playing it's song to beasts and empty caverns as to a crowd. Makai didn't think much of what it's fellows said. Makai was a performer and an artist: who's to say when there'd be someone there to watch their performance, to appraise their art?

Where Makai's fellows reacted to the new land with confusion or fear or indifference, Makai was excited. It had grown bored of its life underground, had played music for just about anyone and anything that'd listen. This new land was an opportunity, a chance for a fresh audience. A new stage was calling, and what kind of a performer would Makai be if it didn't answer?

So yes, filled with determination and perhaps more than a little naivety, Makai slipped away from the rest of the Mantis tribe and towards the surface. And what wonders it saw! A blue, endless emptyness stretching as far as the eye could see above, shapes of white and grey sliding across it like pieces upon a board game. An impossibly huge body of water, with no end as far as Makai could tell either, that sometimes lapped against the shore with the voice of a thousand tiny whispers coming together as one and sometimes crashing against the shore with a glorious roar. A distant, burning brightness, hungry to exhaust the vitalities of those living beneath it, that didn't slide across the sky like the grey and white shapes did but moved across slowly but regular as clockwork.

Needless to say, Makai tried playing its music to all three of these. Makai had no context for any of these really, so who was it to say that these weren't intelligent in some way? Makai didn't get any response from them though, so it guessed that these fundamental forces of this new world were either unintelligent or a very tough crowd.

Not especially disheartened, Makai wandered further, following the winged things above. It did have better luck playing music to them: once they realised Makai wasn't a threat a number of the flying creatures were happy to indulge their curiosity whilst Makai was able to marvel at their sheer strangeness of these creatures. No shell and no carapace, instead the winged things were covered in something that once upon a time might have been scales, but had been flattened and elongated into something soft and light but not quite fur. And was that a look of cleverness in their eyes? Makai couldn't say, but it had its suspicions.

And so Makai wandered, deeper and deeper into the lands of these strange, winged creatures, always on the lookout for a new audience…


"No, for the last time Jean, giant insects are impossible."

Jean raised his eyebrow at the professor, surprised that his joke about the tales the birds were telling provoked such a response. The professor's face was already ruddy and worn out from the hike, and the annoyance at the question still flared up on his face. Jean could only assume he had been asked this a few times by now.

"You seem so sure professor."

"The square-cube law is a constant in every universe humanity can exist in Jean." The professor settled down a touch, his hackles lowering somewhat. "This thing with man sized insects is probably a misunderstanding, either on their part or ours, or it's a retelling of one of their own myths that we're missing the context for."

"Why don't we rest here while you enlighten me?" Jean didn't really need the rest: he was formerly from the French red army, learned to be a piper there and got to study some musical theory in academics only to find his military grade health once again useful for traversing the countryside as he compared notes on music with the talking birds that now lived in what he had known as Morocco. The professor meanwhile, had been too old to join the war against the Kaiserreich, and his age was catching up with his body. His mind was still lightening sharp though, and a Jean figured that a little bit of a lecture about insect biology would cheer the professor up as he caught his breath.

"There's not much to tell Jean." The professor sat down, glad for the break if nothing else. "Square cube law states that as a shape grows in size that it's volume, and therefore usually weight, will grow faster than it's surface area. In arthropods, this means that above a certain size their exoskeleton would be too heavy for them to move it at best, or would outright crush them at worst. Etymology isn't really my field of study but I've picked up a-"

The professor suddenly stopped, mouth agape in shock.

"Professor!? What's-"

"I fear my boy, that I may have to eat my words." The professor's voice was embarrassed and yes a little fearful as he pointed past Jean. Jean turned to look and was equally stunned by what he saw.

The creature was a little shorter than a human, it's skin hard and waxy like yes an insect, with two antennae jutting out from the creature's white head whilst a long, darker grey neck led into a long, off white cloak that hid it's body from the sun. The creature's head tilted, regarding the pair, it's eyes glimmering with… Yes, Jean was sure of it, glimmering with intelligence.

Having got the pair's attention, the creature bowed to them, before shuffling through it's cloak: one mantis like claw pulling out something that reminded Jean of a fiddle except that it had a body that made him think of insect carapace and bees wax with eerily familiar fiddle strings drawn across it. Meanwhile, the creature's other claw stretched out to it's full length, revealing filaments like the strings of a fiddle's bow stretched along it. With well practiced grace, the creature placed it's claw-strings across it's not quite fiddle, and began to play.

It was a dizzy, merry tune. Jean could have almost danced to it, but he was too stunned to react. Still, a bit of his mind was able to place the notes being played, or at least the human equivalent of them, and you didn't need to know the notes to keep up with the beat. By the time the creature had finished, Jean had recovered enough from his shock to give the creature a round of polite applause, which the creature seemed to appreciate.

Partway through the applause, Jean had an idea.

He quickly went to his bag, pulling out his old military pipe. He bowed to the creature, as that seemed to be part of how it's etiquette worked; put the flute to his mouth, and started playing, trying to imitate the creature's merry tune.

Now that had the creature excited!

Giddily, the creature put its claw strings back to its instrument, one foot loudly tapping to the beat that it and it's new friend were putting out.

The professor, meanwhile, simply sat in stunned silence, wondering how the hell he was meant to explain this to anyone…
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Turn 7 | Year 7: Over Asian Skies New
Turn 7​

Nation Name: German Socialist Raterepublik
Commonly Known as: Germany
Capital: Berlin
Government Type: Socialist republic of councils
Governing Document(s):
Year Founded: 1918
Year ISOTed: 1 January 1936
Territory ISOTed: All of it minus Alsace-Lorraine
ISOTed from: Red Flood
Head of State: Paul Levi
Head of Government: Paul Levi
Technological Level: 1930s
Population: 63.53 million
Religions: Lutheranism, Catholicism, atheism, etc.
Special Traits: -
Brief History: What would later become known as the First World War proved to be one of the deadliest conflicts in human history. The impact on Germany could not be more exaggerated. While Germany was able to defeat France, Germany found itself unable to defeat Russia, although Russia itself was unable to secure a victory. As such, when the Spartakus revolution broke out, the existing German Government found itself unable to defeat this revolution, and Germany became a Socialist Republic.
Other Notes: -

Nation: Singapore
Nation Name: Socialist Republic of Singapore
Commonly Known as: Singapore, Socialist Singapore
Capital: Singapore
Government Type: socialist parliamentary republic
Governing Document(s):
Year Founded: 1965
Year ISOTed: 2024
Territory ISOTed: all of it
ISOTed from:
Head of State: Tharman Shanmugaratnam
Head of Government: Pritam Singh
Technological Level: OTL 2020s
Population: 7.2 Million
Languages: English, Malay, Chinese, Hindi, etc.
Religions: Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Hinduism
Special Traits:
Brief History:
Singapore is an extremely wealthy island country and city-state. Under the leadership of founding Prime Minister Lim Chin Siong, it developed into a highly advanced socialist economy; today, it has diversified sectors of semiconductor manufacturing, hi-tech/scientific research, maritime shipping, aviation and finance. Thanks to an extensive welfare state focused on assisting young families, the total fertility rate has only precipitously declined to a manageable rate of 1.9 (slightly below the replacement level of 2.1).

It is a member of the Comintern and has a close military-strategic alliance with the USSR and North Japan. The USSR bases a fleet of submarines at Changi naval base while the Singaporean military has a large permanent military deployment and training ground in the Sendai region of North Japan.

Surrounded by far larger capitalist powers, it has built the most technologically advanced fighting force in Southeast Asia under the assistance of first North Japan before purchasing the latest weapons from the Soviets. All genders are conscripted for 2 years of national service in mostly the military but also the police or civil defence.

With Soviet and North Japanese assistance, Singapore started a nuclear program at the Pedra Branca atomic complex; officially, the Singapore government neither confirms nor denies the existence of such weapons but it is believed to possess an inventory of 80 warheads, capable of delivery on either gravity bombs or submarine-launched cruise missiles.

Other Notes: quite militarized with mandatory military service for every citizen

Nation: Indonesia
Nation The Republic of Indonesia
Commonly Known as: Indonesia
Capital: Jakarta
Government Type: unitary state under a Sukarnoist dictatorship
Governing Document(s): 1945 constitution
Year Founded: 1945
Year ISOTed: 1960
Territory ISOTed: Java island
ISOTed from: OTL
Head of State: Sukarno
Head of Government: Sukarno
Technological Level: 1960s
Population: 62 Million
Languages: Indonesian, Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, and other languages in Java
Religions: islam, christianity, buddhism, hinduism, atheism, etc.
Special Traits: -
Brief History: This period followed the dissolution of the liberal democracy period in Indonesia by President Sukarno, who centralized control in the name of political stability. He claimed to have based the system based on the traditional village system of discussion and consensus, which occurred under the guidance of village elders. On the national level, however, this meant centralized rule under Sukarno: martial law, a massive reduction in civil liberties and democratic norms, and the Republic of Indonesia Armed Forces (in particular the Indonesian Army) and Communist Party of Indonesia acting as major power blocs.

Other Notes:


In Central Europe a giant wall of light appears, the French military is on high alert fearing they could be getting a new hostile neighbor. And in Asia, 2 walls of light appear with one engulfing an island that would be called Singapore and the other engulfing an island that would be called Java.


As it turns out, the newcomer in Central Europe is the German Socialist Raterepublik. They hail from a world where there was no true victor in the Great War, with Imperial Germany collapsing into revolution and France embracing Accelerationism another war was inevitable until Germany was brought into this brave new world. Understandably, Germany wasn't all too happy regarding the loss of Alsace-Lorraine but thanks to both nations being Socialist a deal was eventually worked out where Alsace-Lorraine's German population were given more autonomy and Germany joining the New Communist International as well as the United Nations.

Despite miracles being proven true with the ISOT, no miracle could save Paul Levi's career. With his unpopularity increasing he is forced to step down. An election is called with the SPD, KPD, and DSRP competing against one another for who gets to control Germany's future. After the votes are counted, Anna Seghers is elected as Premier cementing the Orthodox SPD's control over Germany. She starts a series of modernizations with French assistance to make sure Germany's industries are up to date and vows to cooperate more with the other members of the International.

Cymru, while curious, doesn't have a lot to say about this Germany with the French and Americans offering more when it comes to trade but trade and diplomatic relations are established nonetheless. The Celts were at first interested when they heard about a group of self-proclaimed Pagans in Germany calling themselves Wikundists, but as they figure out who these Wikundists are all expectations were burnt down to the ground as they are just a bunch of hateful chauvinists ranting about jewry masquerading as pagans.

Oceania remains secretive as ever but with the radio broadcasts more and more people are suspecting that it is a totalitarian hellhole. Their suspicions would be proven correct after an Oceanian defector by the name of Winston Smith spoke out about what's happening in Oceania. Winston Smith escaped Oceania by sailing a small makeshift raft and almost sank when a French cruiser spotted him and saved him. He described a deeply totalitarian state with the state watching over people's lives and truth being whatever the party says. Naturally, people are horrified with people in Cymru calling for a liberation of Southern Pyrdain. The French agree with Cymru although with the extra reason of removing a rogue state that damages the name of Socialism. But ultimately nothing happens, for now.


As if intelligent birds aren't enough, the existence of man-sized bugs that are intelligent and capable of playing instruments shock the researchers. A small convoy was sent out to follow the sole mantis to where it came from but as they arrived near the hole the convoy was stopped by the mantis they were following, with it seeming distressed. The researchers assumed that what it meant was that inside the hole there were dangerous things, so they settled on establishing an outpost to monitor the hole with a couple of guards stationed there just in case.

Researchers stationed there would note that while members of the same species would come out they stayed far away from the humans and only came out to hunt as shown by them bringing back corpses of animals as they returned into the hole. The same mantis they made contact with would regularly visit the outpost to play music to the personnel stationed there. The insect was quite a sociable one and would sometimes copy what the humans are doing for better or worse. With a couple of guards managing to teach it to smoke only for it to find out that smoking isn't exactly its thing. The insect however would react positively whenever the researchers play music with varying degrees of response depending on what genre of music was played.

The Levant​

In Palestine not a whole lot happens. The new Suez canal is finally finished and more and more people move to the Sinai settlements. Many of them being Jewish immigrants from Germany.


As the wall of light surrounding the island of Java subsides, patrol boats and planes are sent out to see what has happened and to their horror, Java is now the only part of Indonesia with the other islands being uninhabited. When news of this leaked to the public panic broke out and the government was forced to enact emergency measures. President Sukarno urges the populace to remain calm and states that while the inhabitants of the other islands are gone Indonesia still stands. But luckily for them they are not alone. Just a few days after they were sent here they made contact with another nation, Singapore.
The Singaporean government absolutely panicked at first. And who could blame them? They relied on imports for a lot of their things. The people also panicked too but this was somewhat alleviated by rationing as well as the enacting of a couple of emergency measures by the government. What's odd is that their nuclear stockpiles were gone, entirely gone. Sure, they could build more but it'd take ages and cost billions or even trillions, and also they didn't have any hostile neighbors anymore so the nuclear submarines were repurposed into power stations.

But when their planes flew out to scout the area they noticed that Java had infrastructure, which while looking like it came from the 50s, still meant people. They were hesitant at first knowing in their world Indonesia was an American backed state to them, but pragmatism prevailed and they made contact with them. They were pleasantly surprised that this Indonesia was the one before the anti-communist purges of 1965. Trade and diplomatic relations were established with Singapore wanting Indonesia's farm produce so that the population doesn't starve and Indonesia desiring for Singapore's technology as well as sending students to study there so they can learn how to replicate such futuristic technology.

Meanwhile in the background, Singapore's intelligence services secretly compiled together their historical records on Indonesia, mainly filled with the coup that would overthrow Sukarno and start the anti-communist purges. This compilation of historical records was directly sent to President Sukarno. He was horrified at the bloodshed that Suharto and the other coup participants would inflict upon Indonesia. And so, he published the information, but not before mass arresting the people that would take part in this coup to overthrow him. This information shook the nation and would ultimately give the PKI more sympathy among the populace, as this information made the PKI look like victims of foreign intervention.

This made Sukarno's government as well as the PKI very thankful of the Singaporeans, with Sukarno calling Singapore an example of a successful anti-colonialist state and the PKI calling Singapore a great example of a successful Socialist project. Ultimately these 2 nations would become close with one another.

But even as these 2 nations forge close relations both know that they alone would still have many issues. And so, an expedition was sent out to look for signs of human life. For miles and miles they did not spot anything, but as they flew over the Levant, signs of civilization. They'd eventually land near Palestine and make contact with them. This was great news for Singapore and Indonesia seeing as they are now not alone in this world. Diplomatic and trade relations were established with the other nations with both joining the United Nations and Singapore joining the NCI. Singapore's entry into the International was a massive thing since the most technologically advanced nation in the world was a part of it.

This also made the Suez canal actually useful outside of expeditionary purposes as trade can now pass through there. All nations (except for Oceania) began to send their students to study at Singapore hoping that they can learn the most modern knowledge and techniques there.

Central and North America​

Compared to the previous years, this was a mostly uneventful year for America. Integration of Columbia is still taking place, quite slowly many would add. Julius Gee is still Emperor under the 'provisional monarchy' and many problems still plague Columbia. Carolina and Alabama still haven't been quelled by the federal government and bandits roam the places with few American patrols. Many criticize President Huntington for lack of action when it comes to Columbia but his supporters argue that he only has been in power for a year meaning there won't be any real changes just yet.

Note: I'm sorry if this isn't that great and for taking quite a while to get this out. Finals and my depression got in the way.
Turn 8 | Year 8: Three Principles of the People New

Year 8

Nation Name: People's Republic of Korea
Commonly Known as: Korea
Capital: Seoul
Government Type: Democratic republic under a provisional government
Governing Document(s): Declaration of the National Preparatory Committee
Year Founded: 15 August 1945
Year ISOTed: 28 September 1945
Territory ISOTed: All of it
ISOTed from: OTL
Head of State: Lyuh Woon-Hyung
Head of Government: Lyuh Woon-Hyung
Technological Level:1940s
Population: 27 million
Languages: Korean, English, Russian
Religions: Buddhism, Shamanism, Christianity
Special Traits: -
Brief History:
Other Notes:

Nation Name: National Revolutionary Government
Commonly Known as: Left Kuomintang, Republic of China
Capital: Nanjing
Government Type: Socialist republic under a provisional government
Governing Document(s): Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China
Year Founded: 1936
Year ISOTed: 25 November 1936
Territory ISOTed: Southeastern China
ISOTed from: Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg
Head of State: Wang Jingwei
Head of Government: Wang Jingwei
Technological Level:1930s
Population: 120 million
Languages: Chinese
Religions: Buddhism, Taoism, folk religions, Christianity, Atheism
Special Traits: -
Brief History:
Other Notes: Flag (


The seventh year after the Event heralds more arrivals to the Asian continent.

The first one, the People's Republic of Korea, or de facto the Allied administrations of Korea after the end of the Pacific Theater of the Second World War and the National Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China born from the struggle of the KMT previously defeated in the Northern Expedition in the world where Germany won the First World War.

The situation in Korea was rather tense before the Event, with the People's Committees facing hostility and distrust from the Americans who saw it as a Communist front, and from the Soviets who were intent on subverting them to their will. With the Event, the Soviet Union did not exist anymore, and the United States only in a truncated form.

Lyuh Woon-Hyung would seize this opportunity to negotiate Korean independence in more favorable terms, the game has changed and now the Soviets are anxious about the loss of their homeland while the Americans are more curious about their homeland in this new world. The Lyuh-Hodges-Shtykov Agreement finalized an independent People's Republic of Korea that would be neutral in world affairs by the middle of the year. The People's Republic of Korea would join the United Nations later this year.

The Soviets under Terenty Shtykov would either settle down to help the Korean left-wing movements, become advisors to the Left Kuomintang, or move to Singapore, France or Germany which had Russian emigre populations and were more developed.

Meanwhile the Americans under John R. Hodge are recalled back to the US through the Panama Canal to reinforce the US Army forces in Columbia. This force consisted of 45.000 men of the XXIV Corps and the cruiser USS San Francisco and some smaller support vessels.

However, not everyone is happy with the situation in Korea. The disarmed Japanese soldiers and Japanese settlers in Korea, around 900,000 people, were awaiting repatriation back to Japan when the Event happened. The news of the disappearance of their homeland caused a rash of renewed suicides and individual soldiers and units revolting or escaping which are stamped down by the new Korean Army (comprised of former Korean IJA soldiers and the forces of the 88th Separate Rifle Brigade and the Korean Liberation Army).

With the possessions of the Japanese settlers like land and other assets being nationalized by the new Korean government, many of the Japanese were forcibly interned in crowded camps throughout the country. This poses a security risk and conundrum for the young Korean government, whether the Japanese can be forcibly Koreanized (turnabout is fair play), or deported somewhere in the virgin earth, either to the north in Siberia or Manchuria, or to the Japanese islands starting with Tsushima. The "Tsushima" plan is favored, as after all the Koreans went through under their rule, most simply want them gone while having an easily subdueable small island.

Meanwhile in Nanjing, Wang Jingwei barely sat down in the Provisional Presidential Palace after the completion of the First Repatriated Congress of the Kuomintang when the Event happened. The newly proclaimed National Revolutionary Government was freshly out from the League War, with many relieved that the German lapdogs are now gone and preparing to reunify the rest of China. Now the rest of China is gone. The Kuomintang itself is riven with factionalism between the Reorganized Comrades Association of Wang himself and the Provisional Action Committee under Sun Yat-Sen's widow, Song Qingling.

The Republic of China quickly establishes contact with the Koreans, the Singaporeans, and Indonesians, and joins the Internationale as well as the UN. The Asian countries also agreed on forming an economic association, the Asian Cooperative Economic Partnership, or ACEP. Singapore would provide high-technology items while Korea uses its former Japanese industry, while China and Indonesia industrialize with their assistance.

North America

The situation in the former Holy Columbian Commonwealth continues to deteriorate. The smallpox plague continues to burn in the countryside even with humanitarian aid from France, Cymru and lately Germany, with the fact that only people who are in contact with the Americans are affected causing xenophobic sentiments to rise. Although theoretically under Washington's Boys in Blue, most of the countryside is made up of independent fiefdoms, warring factions, and the like that would make the Holy Roman Empire blush - though wherever a certain General goes these fiefdoms find themselves on the backfoot. The Emperor Julius Gee barely extended his rule out of Atlanta and its environs, even while backed by the might of the US Army. Evangelical zealots and Revelationist snake-handlers preached against the Emperor in the capital puppeted by "Americanists and Catholics" while banditry persisted despite the best efforts by the Americans to stamp them down.

The (re)introduction of gunpowder changed the face of warfare throughout the Holy Columbian Commonwealth.The heavily armored knights' primacy was diminished by the proliferation of muskets and pike-and-shot tactics among the lords' levies. Cannons also revolutionized siegecraft, although their primitive design (except some bought from Americans) limited their efficiency. In very rare cases, 20th century firearms bought from Yucateco smugglers are highly prized by the nobles, as a single machine gun can turn the tide of a battle almost single handedly. The problem is that without the industrial capacity to build more guns and ammunition their uses are incredibly limited. Many Columbians find the Kingdom of Alabama a beacon of stability in these trying times, although trade is limited since no nation is willing or interested to offend the US. Alabama has no interest in joining the "United Nations" and instead is focusing on self-improvement. King Huey captured a wandering Ground-Sloth and made it his personal court pet (Despite the multitude of men who died to its claws).

The Huntington Administration would be burdened by the events to their south, as the Liberals are attacked by both the Socialists and the NDP for their handling of the Columbian situation. The "Neo-Robberbarons" coming down south have a strange obsession with Early-Modern-Europe and Classical Greco-Roman style. If Columbia is from a new Dark Age, then America will recreate the Renaissance. Stories of peasants turning to poor workers in grand factories with bosses who live in newly-constructed white-marbled mansions spread like wildfire. Leonardo Da-Vinci like inventions are created by people who don't really know what they're doing, created out of the technological ruins of Old America; Cars, Calculators, Guns, Electric Guitars, etc. Meanwhile, Wesley continues making speeches across the nation and even further in other nations, discussing his ideology, his Gubernatorial run in Appalachia and its effects on the state today, and several other things. Generally, his speeches are well regarded among students at various universities and several Socialist ideologues, though some of his points fall through on those more conservative in either their ideology or thought.

And getting into specifics, the US has had an interesting time integrating its disparate parts into a coherent whole. While Panama is no doubt the most advanced, the fact that it can't produce the technology held within it does make things quite difficult for the locals. However, this is overcome by the fact that factories are being set up to produce the various technologies seen in Panama, and to fuel those factories various power plants are built across the nation fueled by Appalachian coal. This massive industrialization project has made the already-surprisingly rich state even richer, making surrounding states grumble at its success when in another time it would've just been another backwater state. While nothing in comparison to, say, France's already extensive industrialization, the fact that America has started to speed up its industrialization may lead to interesting consequences for everyone.

Yucatan continues to be rather prosperous especially in the air travel business, with the only competition being German airships and Singapore's airlines for transcontinental flights.

Europe, Africa and the Middle East

Palestine saw a higher volume of traffic through the newly-completed Suez Canal as trade began to blossom between Asia and Europe.

Cymru has had a great year despite fears of Oceania, colonizing their chunk of Iberia much quicker than previously thought thanks to modern technology. They continue to dominate North Sea trade, and have plans for even more colonies (Just incase the homeland falls). The Sapmi get more and more autonomy in their little settlement, while the settlements in Iceland begins to develop a mixed Celtic-Norsk culture. Plans to colonize more places around the world, such as Greenland, Bermuda, and more are starting to be planned, though nothing has been attempted yet.

France and Germany began preliminary plans to settle the Benelux region between themselves, establishing settlements along the Meuse and Rhine rivers. The lands of the Low Countries are becoming something of a European Wild-West, full of frontier towns, wanderers, and more. Both countries also receive advanced technology from the Singaporeans and work on replicating them, or at least applying the advances of the 21st century to their current technological base. More unnerving was the information from the Singaporeans that nuclear weaponry is possible and has been used in anger with a single nuclear warhead being shipped from Singapore, and the leadership of France and Germany are divided on building nuclear power and nuclear weapons or banishing the specter of nuclear war in the new world.

Other research also advanced in leaps and bounds. Naturalists in France and Germany advocated to preserve the population of Ice Age megafauna from overhunting for them to be studied in national parks and zoos, as problems with colonists in the Low Countries continue to mount. In particular, Hyenas and Cave Lions are big enough to be causing enough problems (Such as pack hunting, killing and/or eating a few colonists) that an unofficial war is starting. The "Hyena Wars" are similar to the Emu Wars of Australia, where "battles" occur between modern military forces and various apex predators. For the herbivores, the use of modern firearms cut a small but noticeable swathe through the population of Mammoths, Steppe Bison, Irish Elk, and Archangels, which the naturalists feared for their second extinction in this world.

Meanwhile, after recommendations by the Franco-Palestinian research team operating in the Rainshadow Coast, the New Communist International finally granted the Forktails the official status of personhood and declared the Rainshadow Coast, the name now used for Northwestern Africa as a whole, as a protected area. The UN soon followed that same year. However, there are a few legal debates still ongoing, such as Interspecies Marriage (The Franco-Palestinian branch of Wesleyism is leading the charge for this, arguing from a "they're consenting adults" standpoint).

The Forktails themselves made the first steps towards neolithic development and agriculture, domesticating figs, insects and small mammals; they've even started to develop independent writing, superficially similar to Hangul or Hieroglyphs. Without a truly unified culture or government, being too small for other sapients to keep full track of, and wings, widespread Forktail migration is inevitable. They hug the Sahara while spreading throughout Africa, and even into Iberia and Sicily, albeit in very small numbers.
The Serinan animals that travelled with them are adapting to this world well despite the hiccups (Womblers are having a real hard time with Hyenas), Archangels have spread through Europe and have become a rare, but well-known, majestic sight. Catholics in particular, who named the creatures, see the four-wing giants as watchers of God in this new world. Aardgeese and Axbills are seen in the frontiers of Celtic Iberia, while various Scientists begin studying the strange Canaries to get a better picture of Serinan history.

Meanwhile, more and more curious Mantises come up to the surface to meet the human researchers, relations are a bit more cautious and strained. While not hostile, the newcomers are even stranger than the birds, and are overly-curious. The Forktails are starting to develop a relationship with the Mantises, similar to Crows and Wolves, with the Forktails guiding them to/harassing prey animals and sharing the bounty. The humans managed to communicate using music and began to study the Mantis language, with several researchers camping at the fort/village entrance to the Mantis Village. The researchers quickly learn not to pry too closely, after a few close calls prevented from coming to blows by the Mantis Makai's timely mediation.

On the Human side, they initially report that the Tribe appears to be limited to a single fortified village of sorts on the surface. However, after some time they realize that the Mantis culture must be far larger than it seems, given the number of separate individuals they've identified coming in and out of the settlement, and the apparent scale of ongoing construction on the surface. Another shock comes with the first sighting of one of the Lords from a distance, standing a good meter higher than any members of the expedition, and wielding a long lance of solid metal.

Far below, the Tribe's leadership debated over the Human presence. Some of their machines strike them as reminiscent of Hallownest's tramways, in function if not form. That and the strange idols of a Cross and what seems to be a stylized Wanderer brought by some of the soft ones cause a sense of unease within the Tribe; Reluctant to be forced into the influence of another God-King. To quell some of the more reactionary tribesmen, the defenses of the surface fort are reinforced with a second gate, and efforts are made to cultivate native species of snails off fungus to reduce reliance on the surface for food.

Oceania made few noises of provoking Franco-German naval forces in the Atlantic, but mostly silent. The recent naval clashes are used by the Oceanian government as an explanation for the drop in rations. In truth, despite the party's claim of nearing ultimate victory, the Inner-Party is beginning to panic. Enemies surround them on all sides, and despite the words of Big Brother, Oceania is not particularly capable of a protracted war, let alone an occupation of Cymru.

Leaders of the People's Republic of Korea
  1. 1945-????: Lyuh Woon-Hyung (Chairman of the National People's Representative Conference)

Chairmen of the National Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China
  1. 1924-????: Wang Jingwei (Kuomintang-Reorganized Comrades Association)
Year 8, Beginning

Year 8, End
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1935 No More! (Canon) New

View: (Come on, you know you want to)

The following article was written in L'Etoile Rouge, a Parisian newspaper known for its aggressive rhetoric.

1935 No More!​
Citizens of France!

For years we have laboured, rebuilding the Fatherland after our sudden seperation from our sister republics in the Netherlands, Italy, and Algeria. We have patiently toiled and we have built a modern workers' state with technical assistance from the Orient.

Why then have we repeated the mistakes of 1935, when the ineffectiveness of the CGT allowed the Kaiser to disband the German unions? For years the false socialists of INGSOC have plagued England and yet our government has done nothing about it! Beyond them the Bourgeoisie maintain their wicked grip in the Americas; in Yucutan and the United States. Worse, the Celtic Isles languish under the ancien régime, even as it pretends to be a democracy!

Aux armes, citoyens! Formons vos bataillons!

We must demand an end to 1935! Just as we brought down the Kaiser and the pretenders in Algeria we must fight to strike down those evil men who hold the workers of the world in chains. France shall once again take its natural role as the defender of the socialist world. Raise the sanguine flag, our time is now!

For those who cringe in the face of war, those who cower from danger, let us remind you: This is no ill-conceived screed. At the current time our only neighbour is the German Socialist Räterepublik. Do you wish to wait for a White Russia with the nuclear weapons of Singapore to appear before we go to war? No! We must secure our flanks and the natural borders of France. We must crush the reactionary regimes now if we do not wish to be surrounded later! Tremble tyrants, and you, traitors. Tremble, your machinations will finally receive their just reward!

And so our call to arms: On the 27th​ January we must remember 'La Nivôse Glorieuse' and take to the streets once more to demand the declaration of war on the so-called "Airstrip One". March with your friends and brothers to the BGT and make your voices known.

Marchons, marchons! Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons!
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Turn 9 | Year 9: The Seeds of Yggdrasil in Another Soil New
Year 9 - The seeds of Yggdrasil in another soil

(HD N0thingtosee Denmark Flag)
Nation: Kingdom of Danmǫrk
Commonly Known as: Danmǫrk
Capital: Sjælland
Government Type: Semi-Feudal Monarchy
Governing Document(s): None
Year Founded: 784 AD (10784 HIEC)
Year ISOTed: January 1st, 791 AD (10791 HIEC)
Territory ISOTed: Denmark, Norway
ISOTed from: Lost Seasons of the Danes
Head of State: King Þorolfr
Head of Government: King Þorolfr
Technological Level: Medieval
Population: Around 625,000
Languages: Old Norse Dialects
Religions: Nordic-Germanic Paganism
Brief History: The story of Danmǫrk under House Skjöldung begins during the reign of King Harald "Wartooth" Skjöldung, which lasted for 40 years until his death in 769, around the age of 70. His kingdom encompassed regions such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and parts of northern Germany. By the end of his reign, he became more of a legendary figure than an active warrior.

Upon Harald's death, the governance of Danmǫrk passed to his sons, Hrœrekr II took control of the Petty Kingdom of Sjælland, while Þrándr managed two provinces, leading to a rivalry with Hrœrekr.

Hrœrekr faced challenges from his brother Þrándr while managing his personal life, including romantic affairs. He engaged in the Great Danish-Geatish Conflict, emerging victorious. In 783, falling ill, he appointed Astrid, a servant girl he was having an affair with, as regent while addressing his succession plans. By 784, he solidified his power and transformed the Petty Kingdom of Sjælland into the Kingdom of Denmark.

Hrœrekr's reign concluded under mysterious circumstances with his death in a fire, leaving Danmǫrk at a crossroads. After Hrœrekr's death, Þorolfr took over amidst complex court politics, notably surrounding his father's murder. Between 786 and 787, rumors about his drinking habits increased, coinciding with his participation in a drinking contest. The high council greenlit an attack on Petty King Bersi Ulfing, which ended quickly, highlighting internal tensions.
Þorolfr faced familial strife, particularly after half-brother Magnichallenged him to a duel for honor. Despite the pressure, Þorolfr accepted and defeated the inexperienced Magni, who suffered severe injury, leading to the amputation of his leg. The king's relationship with Queen Gerðr felt strained and duty-bound, exacerbating his mental state.

Þorolfr made notable changes to high council meetings but struggled with alcohol and the pressures of leadership. Under the guidance of Jarl Alfr, Danmǫrk's military strategies aimed at annexing the remaining Norwegian states, which was successful, and at countering threats from the Geats which led to mixed outcomes. Following a successful ambush on the Estonians in Käkisalmi, Þorolfr celebrated victories with sacrifices to the gods, and after more battles, he negotiated surrender terms with Chief Ahti.
However, as the royals came home that winter assured of victory, a trick of the gods soon transforms the young Kingdom's destiny.

(HD Kelruss Sweden Flag)
Nation Name: Göterike-Sverige
Commonly Known as: Göterike, Sverige, Sweden
Government Type:
Governing Document(s): N/A
Year Founded: 797 AD (10797 HIEC)
Year ISOTed: 858 AD (10858 HIEC)
Territory ISOTed: All
ISOTed from: Ready the Longships!
Head of State: N/A, Warlords
Head of Government: N/A, Warlords
Technological Level: Medieval
Population: Around 150,000
Languages: Old Norse Dialects
Religions: Nordic-Germanic Paganism (Majority), Catholicism (Minority)
Special Traits:
Brief History: The Kingdom of Göterike emerged out of the old Västergötland, founded by King Ragnarr II of House Ulfing. He grew into a bold and adventurous leader, known for his participation in raids, notably one in Scotland. Ragnarr II became king after his father's death in 793 CE, with a vision of unifying a divided Sweden. In 794, he successfully conquered Gotland from Gotish Jarl Yngvar and engaged in battles against King Emund of Småland.
Ragnarr II's reign was characterized by external tensions, particularly with Saxony and Francia. He played a role in the Second Franco-Saxon War (802 CE), allying with Saxons against Charlemagne and supporting the Frisian Revolt (803 CE). Despite his efforts, he could not secure independence for Frisia and faced resistance in Norway in 810 CE. Ragnarr tragically drowned in 819 CE, leaving behind his sons to carry on his legacy. Ragnarr III faced difficulties after his brother Albjörn's death but managed to organize his coronation and married Þóra. His rule involved attempts to reform taxes and military strategies, though he faced significant opposition. He sought to assist the Novgorodian Slavs but was defeated at the Battle of Narva (836 CE). Ragnarr III shifted focus toward administration and naval expansion until his death from a heart attack in 844 CE.

Ulrik II, seen with mixed opinions, matured into a capable leader. Following the death of Louis the Pious, he expanded Sweden's navy and initiated the Liberation of Frisia (845 CE). Despite initial successes, he faced defeats against the Franks, leading to rising tensions between pagan and Christian factions. Ulrik II's reign ended in 847 CE, leaving the kingdom in chaos. Njord Kveldulf became regent for the child queen Sigrúnn II, proposing marriage to stabilize the situation. Complications arose with the return of Prince Ulfing, leading to a power struggle. Njord attempted to manage noble dissatisfaction and proposed the Fylkirate election while backing Sveinn af Kalmar amidst controversies.

Njord's consolidation of power through military alliances led to diminishing influence, resulting in rivalry among factions. He sought to establish trade connections with Christian realms, gaining the right to preach in Sweden. Sweden became embroiled in the War of Vengeance (852 CE), marked by raids on Estonia and brutal territorial conflicts. Internal strife intensified, with accusations against rivals and ensuing battles weakening Njord's authority. The death of Queen Sigrúnn during a rescue attempt destabilized Njord's reign, leading to the rise of Ulfing and the onset of civil war, the Ofridr af Valdyr (Or as many historians call it, The War of the Wolves). However, this conflict now has a different field of battle entirely…

Group: Germanic Tribes, "Germani"
ISOTed from: "Original" Timeline
Year ISOTed from: January 1st, 477 AD (10477 HIEC)
Population: Around 500,000 People, spread across Germany (Roughly comprising to where they lived, although there is significant overlap between them now due to how the population is spread)
Languages: Various (West-Germanic Dialects, East Germanic Dialects) possibly similar to Proto-Germanic and Old High German
Religions: Continental-Germanic Paganism (Majority), Arianian Christianity (Minority)
Technology level: Late Antiquity, Iron Age
Leader: N/A, Various
Brief Description: The Germanic peoples were tribal groups located primarily in Central Europe, migrating from southern Scandinavia and northern Germany to areas between the Elbe and Oder rivers after 1000 BC. The first records of the Germanic peoples by Roman authors appeared near the Rhine in the 1st century BCE. The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest marked a significant loss for Rome, leading to their withdrawal and the emergence of new Germanic tribes, such as the Franks and Goths.

Most Germanic tribes operated under an elective monarchy where free men elected their kings and resolved disputes in assemblies. Contrary to Roman perceptions, Germanic societies were complex and engaged in farming, animal husbandry, and crafts. They constructed simple wooden houses and lived in communities centered around mead halls. Germanic tribes enhanced their agricultural practices, focusing on key grains and cattle husbandry, leading to greater stability and growth. Skilled craftsmanship flourished, including woodworking and ironworking. Trade was notable, with exchanges of goods like jewelry and amber.

The Migration Era saw various Germanic invasions, transforming much of the Western Roman Empire. Key events included the Tervingi crossing the Danube and the Visigoths invading Italy. The establishment of kingdoms such as those of the Franks under leaders like Clovis I marked a new political landscape in post-Roman Europe. The end of the Western Roman Empire is marked by Odoacer's deposition of Emperor Romulus Augustus in 476 AD, signaling a shift in power towards Germanic rulers. However, just months after the fall of Rome itself, these tribes now find themselves in radically different empires…

The Germani are roughly split into mixed-groups based on geography, with roughly equal populations. The Saxons, Angles, Frisians, and Jutes are in Hanover. The Alemanni/Suebi and Franks to the Rhine, Aslase-Lorraine, and Central Germany. The Thuringii, Marcomanni, and Lombards are in Bavaria and former Bohemia. The various different Goths, Vandals, and Burgundians are sent to Brandenburg-Prussia. There also a variety of smaller Germanic groups, both notable and unknown, scattered across these lands.
Every individual brought along knows another based on proximity and likelihood, with families being placed as close together as possible.

Other Notes (For future turns):
Viking Expansion
Introduction to Norse Mythology
Thralls in Scandinavia
Depictions of Norse

Saga of the Northmen

Europe experiences one of its greatest upheavals in the status-quo yet. Instead of the eclectic variety of modern nationstates many expected, the ghost of an old forgotten past reared its head at the world, ready to make a name for itself once again. Vikingrs.

Various Germanic tribes from all parts of Europe, from the lands of modern Germans to those who lived if even briefly in surrounding lands all found themselves in the future, a future completely alien to them but proves to be a unique wonder to others. Many scholars and historians are amazed at this opportunity, learning about the details of people with little written records and stories lost to time or changed so much they are practically unrecognizable to either a modern German or the Germanic peoples themselves. Especially getting to know some famous historical figures, such as Clovis I (Who by this time was eleven years old and went by the name Hlōdowig).

In order to deal with the sudden issue of a new minority group they aren't exactly keen on having, the German government encourages Germani settlement into the Low Countries, especially among Western Tribes. Back home, the Council institutes a plan to build many hundreds of "townships", as entire new settlements being planned and built up along the Ratepublik's rivers, roads and countryside, especially around land that while not seen as valuable to the relatively prosperous Germans, seem like treasure for the Germani. Consisting of encampments or small towns for individual Germanic tribes, these townships are relatively autonomous so the Germani can gradually integrate with both each other and wider society without being forcibly assimilated. Alarmed by the potential for widespread illness reminiscent of the devastation seen in Columbia, the United Nations and Räterepublik initiate an ambitious Mass Vaccination campaign, the first of its kind here. A common site of lines of tribespeople and modern citizens alike getting everything from flu shots to antibiotics from tents of International workers, nurses, and doctors.

The Germani do cause one interesting side-effect, the reintroduction of Paganism. Many Protestant Churches lost their influence after the fall of the Imperial regime, leaving room for other ways of spiritual thought to fill the void. This in effect, causes mass syncretism of thought, as Protestant structure and morals begin to mix with beliefs of the Old Gods. This goes to the point that some churches are ouright converted to temples to various Germanic deities, the most notable of which is in Hamburg.

General cultural exchange happens as well, as while the Germani economically assimilate, many Germans adopt some of their cultural lifestyle. This is especially pronounced in the younger generation who, even before the Shift, were literally growing up in a different world to their parents who saw the fall of the Kaiserreich. This blend of old and new, modern and ancient, shows the seeds of a vibrant German culture in later years.

The Danish were finishing campaigning in Käkisalmi when the great light came, as various commanders, such as Jarl Sigurd Ring and Jarl Alfr, dealt with confusing reports that the settlements they just left had vanished and been replaced with wilderness. Even more strangely, the entirety of the Svíþjóð provinces have become a collapsing kingdom calling itself "Göterike", apparently from some 70 winters in the future. Reports of even stranger neighbors appearing in the lands to the south and west also began appearing from various border and coastal settlements.

Those who would've been known as the Swedes found themselves around the start of their civil war when the transplant happened, with Njord Kveldulf and Fylkir Sveinn Sútulfr yearning for control, while Prince Mæstroghen Ulfing returned from exile as a third faction. While the first months of winter and spring saw little change in the initial skirmishes, the melting of the ice in spring gave the Göterike factions a true sense of what was happening, as Danmǫrk begins to start skirmishes on the border, which escalated into a full blown Danish invasion of the Northern Provinces, lead by Sigurd Ring, a man from Svíþjóð himself, upset at the "disloyalty". With the situation in Göterike already divided, there's not much they can do besides halt the Danes at the border.

Some members in the Socialist world have decided drastic action is needed, not just due to the gradual (or half-hearted) attempts at phasing out thrall slavery, but also expansionist sentiments, particularly in France. These radical men and women also feel this is simply the first step in a campaign of liberation, especially against Oceania and even Cymru.

"Aux armes, citoyens! Formons vos bataillons!" Some say, and soon a rogue army of NCI soldiers, mostly from France and Germany, are inspired by Victor Ward's campaigns in America, deciding that the "Feudalist" Vikings have no place in this renewed world. They form the Scandinavian Europe Revolutionary Front, or "SERF" (Yes this was intentional), intent on liberating Thralls and inciting a slave revolt. Atleast, that's its stated goal. The militia turned small army gained support from the Windunkist Party in Germany and its leader, Ernst Graf zu Reventlow, bringing a mix of his loyal soldiers and Germani he managed to sway to his ideology. Despite this support, the Windunkist remain distrusted at best due to their more esoteric beliefs, with other radical Socialists making up the bulk of it.

This audacious filibuster starts around late August, with around 2,000 troops, which soon head for cities such as Oslo and Copenhagen, only to find empty countryside or small villages, as both cities did not exist during the Viking Era. Regardless, they invade the Sjaelland coast, and find initial success against unprepared Danes and Swedes. But while some Thralls and sympathetic nobles join their cause, communication barriers hinder effective training and strategy. The SERF's inability to properly articulate the principles of communism to the Norse, compounded by their own dwindling supplies, leads to a grim reliance on raiding for sustenance. Their well-intentioned, yet ill-fated campaign spirals into chaos. Disunity festers within the ranks, as factions of Hardcore socialists, Christian socialists, Winduskists, and individuals longing for home clash. A medieval strain of flu exacerbates their plight, claiming lives and sapping morale.

By Christmas, the end result is far from the liberation they envisioned. Instead of freeing Thralls, the SERF's presence exacerbates the ongoing civil strife in Göterike-Sverige, further complicating an already tumultuous landscape as modern supplies left over trickle down to the Three Kings. However, this has left room open for Mæstroghen's forces to prove themselves. The heir of Ulfing sees where this war could go and manages to gain the allyship of Cymru against the other warlords in Summer. This small but necessary support only further his one-sided war against the two factions, with the bloody Battle of Kinna sealing this fate. Sútulfr was fully defeated and fled up north to the Danish. Mæstroghen's general compassion and good track record also make him the favored choice among the world for who shall be the victor of the War of the Wolves. Mæstroghen also halts the Danish advance through negotiations with Þorolfr, and manages to make a shaky peace deal, with Sútulfr reluctantly giving up his claim to the Geatish throne in exchange for partial rulership over the occupied frontier, though he will have to share with any of Danmǫrk's Svíþjóð jarls who lost their land in the shift.

The usurper Njord, however, makes a comeback thanks to modern weaponry (And convincing some trapped SERF personal he was a proto-socialist hero fighting against tyrannical monarchism… despite declaring himself a king), and has even invaded the region of Viken in Danmǫrk. However, his Chirsitan sympathies and general attitude has left him with a new, much more violent enemy. Reventlow and his personal troops survived relatively intact compared to the Franco-German units of the army, and they travel to unstable Noregr, their leader dreaming to implement a reformed version of his Volksrepublik Germania plan. There, he meets his greatest asset, Prince Mangi - Half-Brother and Rival to the Danish King, Þorolfr. The Prince wallowed due to his apamutation by his sibling, and his mother being tried for treason, being in a perfect position to be drawn in Reventlow's cult of personality. And with this new ally, Noregr's coast is now under new management.

Volksreich Midgard, or simply the Volksreich, is officially a "Theocollectivist" state with Mangi as the "People's King" and Reventlow as "High Chancellor". In truth, Magni is moreso a puppet ruler and personal bodyguard to Reventlow. The official religion is Irminism, created by the High Chancellor himself, a violent combination of various branches of Germanic Paganism with Widukindist National-Vanguardism and Ariosophic tenets. Several beliefs include equating the Jötnar with Jews, based on concepts like "Frost Giants" and Trolls mixed with Anti-Semitic stereotypes (Different from old Norse beliefs on what the Jötnar were like, silently ignoring that many gods are at least part Jötunn), central worship of Odin, Marx and Engels being prophets of the Æsir, Loki being portrayed more negatively & feminine, among other things. In practice, Irmnism and Widunkdism aren't separate, nor are they meant to be, rather they are the "religious" and "secular" arms of the state.
The Volksreich is less of a functioning country and more of a collection of raider fiefdoms who's assortment of Modern and Ancient soldiers is increasingly blurred (And they absolutely love being sea-faring vikings). They have been funneling their resources into things such as drug production and chemical warfare as modern equipment begins to break down or lose fuel without support. The state is officially at war with Njord's state, who Revntlow claims under the spell of "Philosemitism", and Danmǫrk has halted its campaign against the Swedes in favor of crushing what they see as a rebellious province. That's also not including the various locals who are under the Volksreich's boot, who soon begin to start a Peasant Rebellion, rallying under the Noregr warrior Hrafn Ytra and his banner of Mjölnir. While Hrafn had complicated feelings of the Danes, he had no good will towards the High Chancellor's petty kingdom and would happily see it destroyed. This rebellion is more of a Yellow Turban style revolt than a "traditional" socialist uprising SERF was hoping for. Mangi is riding around with troops in the only functional tank left while Reventlow secludes himself in his "office", further descending into his own warped reality of permanently uniting all the Germanic peoples (At Least in Europe, Americans don't count).

Meanwhile, in the Low Countries, the Hyena Wars continue to go on without much success. While the various "Cave" predators have been pushed back from the border, they continue to be a nuisance for megafauna-herbivores and frontier towns alike, targeting livestock and the occasional lone human. The introduction of the Norse & Germani have caused a huge shift in the fate of the Low Countries, or as they call it… Frysii. From Göterike-Swedish Refugees, Homesick Frisians, Danes, Saxons, Franks, and Jutes all come to the coast of the former Netherlands and rapidly begin to mix together. Villages of these blended Germanics, or "Frysiians" as they are starting to be called, connect together and outright reject the rule of Kings, creating a series of Jarldoms that result in a very loose Semi-Republican/Pseudo-Anarchist confederation. The end effect is that the land of Frysii is becoming a collection of overlapping micro-polities, with a spider's web of social connections between different groups. There's even a new unique Frysiian dialect/pidgin language developing amongst them, though the actual time to develop a full language of its own devoid of artificiality is longer than first believed by many.

The Frysiians also take advantage of the creatures of the Virgin Earth like no other. While Cmyru and the Norse dabbled in Mammoth usage, the Frysiians excel at it. Evolving similarly to both India and Nomadic Horse Tribes, the Woolly Mammoth becomes a big, almost sacred part, part of daily life for Frysiian tribes and villages as various men and women deeply bond with the massive animals. No warrior is complete without his steed, after all. Of course, there are issues due to the fact that ultimately taming such massive creatures, especially ones with incredibly high intelligence, takes a long time, time far greater than a year or ten at the very minimum - there is a reason Elephants aren't considered domesticated or barely tamed even with the several-thousand year long history humans of various civilizations have had with them in comparison to other animals. The Frysii/Low-Countries continue to evolve because of this, becoming even more of a "European Wild-West" or the "Lawless Lowlands" as it is more commonly known. It's not uncommon to see Mammoth-Riding Norse battle against a rugged crew of Franco-German settlers, without any actual push from their respective governments. Exaggerated reports on both sides of the violence committed have spread around (Such as a rumor the Frysiians introduced a form of Elephant Execution) although that's not to say it's constant warfare.

Whilst many Franco-German colonists are hostile to the Frysiian-Norse presence in the low countries and vise-versa, the Frysiian-Germani tribes are in an interesting position to be on speaking terms with both parties, resulting in trade and even friendly interactions amongst some of the many towns and villages that now dot Frysii/the Low-Countries. Especially in mutual-aid against the Pleistocene Predators in the Hyena wars. The remnants of Dutch and Belgian expats and tourists, meanwhile, have to come back to a radically different homeland, but not letting them get them down, these displaced men and women start the township of the "Little Netherlands" just near where the Flemish wilds (Under the rule of France of Germany, ofcourse). While many side with and assimilate into either the French or German cultures, a few take their chances with the Frysiians. Whatever happens to this land in the future is anyone's guess…

By year's end, Norse traders, both Dane and Swede alike, have spread across all of Europe like wildfire, intertwining their seafaring prowess with that of Celtic merchants. Some even dare to go as far as Washington and Rainshadow. Various innovations considered mundane by most have become high-valued trinkets among the Norse. Hardy crops such as Corn, Squash, and Potatoes soon become favorites among farmers, and the fact that there are so many new varieties of Alcohol does help as well. Mechanical inventions take a bit longer, but the Norse have their favorites. The Printing Press (being able to record records, poetry, and myths without relying on word of mouth or scribes onto paper was a gods-send), Outboard Motor Engine (due to the seafaring Scandinavians being strong both before and after the shift), and ofcourse Gunpowder.

However, not all Norsemen are inclined towards trade and diplomacy. Groups have emerged seeking to rekindle the fierce Viking spirit. This new generation of warriors, comprising lesser nobles, soldiers, merchants, and adventurers, sets sail once more, determined to carve their names into history. Their ships, borne of both ancient designs and modern innovations, take to the seas, becoming Vikingrs once again…

This variety of Nordic traders begin to take advantage of the simultaneously wild but modernized world now before them, and set up shop in the empty lands of Northwestern Europe. Iceland in particular becomes a hub of this, a midway-point between the familiar embrace of the old continent and the lands of the great west. Cymru, Göterike, and Danmǫrk agree to a joint-colony in Iceland in order to help foster friendly-relations, expanded the small Celtic-Norsk settlement into a cold, but expanding, mixed-settlement of the three Pagan states of Europe. In practice, it's independent in all but name. Norse and Celtic culture begins to blend, and while small, it's to the point the locals decide on a new name for Iceland based on tales of the south: Thule.

Saga of Regnskuggi & Miðjarðarhaf

The slow but steady expansion of the Forktails has only continued to go forward, with the island of Malta becoming host to the first permanent Forktail settlement outside of Africa. These Malta Forktails begin to take on more Franco-Palestinian influence. A small bunch of Windspeakers have been migrating out of the Rainshadow Coast and into the welcoming arms of the human European powers. France, Palestine, and Germany soon are host to small Fokrtials minority populations acting in various capacities. Cymru and the Swedes in particular have taken advantage of this. While only a dozen or so individual people are present in the Pagan lands of the North, the Windspeakers soon prove invaluable, especially for spying military positions of their enemies. Cymru can get right under Big Brother's nose while the Swedes can assess both themselves and the belligerent Danes with the "Children of Huginn and Munnin". This has also caused aspects of Pluvianist philosophy to slowly spread among man, and vise-versa.

Back in the "homeland" and outward, things have continued to go smoothly but uncertainty. They aren't inherently more peaceful than humanity despite the calm environment, and some superfamily/clan leaders are distrustful of humanity, especially going more south. And while there is no need just yet, many intelligent birds worry that the division within the various clans and the huge technological disadvantage they have with Man will lead to disaster in the future. But while said future is uncertain, it seems bright.

Clan centralization has only continued as the Forktails jump to the Chalcolithic, while small treehouse-like towns are emerging on coastal regions to trade with both Human Visitors and the Mantis. In particular, wrapping coins around the neck becomes a status symbol among various clans. The structure of clan/superfamilies is somewhat similar to a blend of a Federal-Council and Pseudo-Daimyo systems, made up of nuclear/extended families with each member having collective power.

The Mantis meanwhile, have been much more paranoid than the Forktails. Scientists and scholars are one thing, but missionaries? They can become a problem, and the bugs have seen enough of false prophets. The Sister Lords convene and continue to discuss how they must approach the eccentric Soft Ones, especially with their supply of Lifeblood. Mantis are familiar with it, and a select few Forktails have used it in hunts with the bugs, but no Humans have used it, let alone know much of it. Trading Lifeblood could prove beneficial in the short-term, but detrimental in the long run

However, one curious band of Soft Ones came to the tribe. They have none of the Pseudo-Hallownest machinery, and curiously seem to be familiar with the Mantis in someway, calling them Dvergr/Dökkálfar, and the tribe's underground home "Myrkheimr". They wish to make a series of trades, luckily more reasonable than expected, mostly fur-pelts and metal weaponry. However, their only warrior, the young Dane known as Ragnar Lothbrok, decides to prove the Norse's worth by challenging one of the Sister Lords to a duel. Surprisingly, Ragnar wins fair and square, which impresses the Mantis and the two parties separate. The legend of this duel spreads quickly, exaggerated and mystified perhaps, especially as the day of the duel was a rainy storm (Seen as a sign from Thor). This could potentially lead to some Mantis starting to consider a more outward perspective and cultural-syncretisms with the Vikings.

Saga of the Vinlanders

The Huntington Administration continues to fumble its occupation of Columbia, which has caused much political turmoil within the US itself, turning both the Conservatives and the Labor Party - members of which have been increasingly referred to as Hammers or Hammies, both as a status of pride and derogatorily, have argued against both the Huntington Administration and the Liberal Party while detailing why they would be far better. While the Tories give very little information on just exactly how they'd go about the occupation or even how they'd better run the nation outside dubious Nativist policies, the Hammers give a detailed list of options alongside publishing those options to various papers across the nation. Some elements of their plan include an overhaul of the already-existing rail infrastructure to modern levels to upgrade American logistics, begin tentative work on a version of the Interstate System, building several more power plants of varying types, general mass industrialization to give America an edge over other nations - a simple continuation of the past industrialization efforts but extended, introduction of further workers' rights reforms introduced in Appalachia and planned out by the Labor Party as a whole, introduction of further general reforms such as anti-discriminatory laws, expanding suffrage, and introducing various pieces of legislation from the various timelines deemed by the Labor Party as 'beneficial' to the United States as it stands.

This has caused a general uptick in Labor Party support among those who simply wish for actual plans and not for Politicians just say they'll do something, which led into Labor winning several seats in Congress from the Liberals/Whigs and Conservatives in the Midterms. Plans are made for both the Presidential election next year and the Census to take place, hoping to remap who gets what representation within Congress instead of the ad-hoc 'you keep what you had' system in place at the moment. The overall plan is that there will be 100 Congressional seats to divy up to each state - a number so-chosen due to the belief that it'd be a far more fair number even with the small count of states - with the results to be put into effect in 12 AT.

What the Liberals have been good at are mostly outside pacifying Columbia. Widespread plans for an Electrical Grid, while primitive, have gone underway without a hitch. Most Americans now live at a roughly 1880s-1890s level, with a scattering of advancements here and there - particularly in the Capital and in Appalachia, wherein the Capital lives with a modern near-1970s level of technology while Appalachia lives around the 1900s. They've also been good at integrating the desperate parts of the USA back into each other. Panama begins to consider itself part of the new Americo-Hispanic Caribbean, with its "cousin" states of Borinquen and Antillia, and work has begun colonizing its direct north thanks to immigration from both states and a small handful of Americans and Japanese from Korea. While initially small, the wave of colonists starts growing as Japanese increasingly (and rightly) fear the Korean government's project in Tsushima and view settling in the relatively unsettled Panama Territories, with a few going to Mainland regions, to be a better deal. Of course, many choose not to go to said territories, but the flow of colonists has raised the territories' population and the land it holds quite handily.

In local politics, the famous Congresswoman Isabella Stephens (Mountain Labor (ML)-AP) has been elected Senator of Appalachia in a surprising landslide. The first woman to join the Senate in at least this world, she practically dominates the chamber alongside her fellow Labor Senators when debating policies. Another interesting development is the growing relationship between the Celtic Empire and the United States, starting with the joint territory of New Cēsarēa (also Nīwcēsarēa). Named after what Charles II called New Jersey, the territory contains the aforementioned state, Long Island, and both of the mainland Celtic Colonies (Penrhyn Llewellyn and Manhata, the later being the capital as it's right where NYC was). The goal is that it will eventually become a US state once the territory is fully colonized and Cymru's lease expires, although they will retain partial ownership of the twin cities and full ownership over the island of Ynys Bwdica. The Celts are more then happy with this arrangement, as they still get rights, and their energy of colonization can be focused towards more exciting ventures rather than a few measly ports who's original purpose is no longer needed - that are already in America's sphere, plus the goodwill of creating a joint-venture with an ally.

Solarism has become more popular in Ohio than expected. The religion was heavily affected by the ISOT on a spiritual level, as not only did the Desheret Territory disappear, but along with it the religion's founder, Richard Delaney. However, the group went under a 2 year reform with a new leader, one Alexander Richard Spencer, and with the Church of Cathay also on the backfoot, Solarism has the opportunity to flourish, especially among those who's homes and lives were disrupted by the transplant. Unexpectedly, instead of furthering its descent into becoming a cult, the new leader took great pains to turn Solarism into a more legitimate religion. For example, there's more syncretism at work, and luckily more clear. Jesus and Serapis are equated - though both names are still used unlike Ra/God (And ofcourse with the moniker of Christ), Archangel Michael and Horus, Anubis takes a prominent role similar to Azrael, and "Aten" is interpreted as the proper term for the Sun itself to keep the monotheism intact. The Afterlife of the Duat is meant to symbolize two paths (Due to a misread of Duat and "Dual"), with one either going to heaven or "absence", as Solarists do not believe in the hell that emerged from Dante's Inferno, only the emptiness described in the bible. Those are only a few examples. Exodus is silently omitted, but Moses, a hot button issue in the religion in Delaney's time is addressed, stated to be Ra's messenger to his original people in the Egyptians, wishing for both them and the Jews to live in harmony (An extra element of tragedy is added, as the Egyptians not only rejected and sent the Jews to the wrong promised land, they failed to listen to their own god). It's always the second in command you need to watch out for… However, even with the sect's reform the religion still finds very little popularity among the general population even with the slight rise in religiosity as a result of the Transplantation, mostly being found in certain towns or settlements that at least accept the strange Egyptophilic weirdos.

Going to Columbia, the situation is still quite tense. While there are still some minor warlords kicking around, a liberal usage of trained Zonians, WW2 Veterans, and aircraft has allowed the US Army the ability to put the fear of god into any prospective warlord, which causes them to mostly have minor squabbles/petty-infighting among themselves rather than the occupying forces. Things in Alabama have not been as smooth as the king would like, and a conflict of a different sort is emerging: The Religious kind. The Evangelical Church has had many problems with the "Second Reformation" introduced by the Americanist Heathens, and viewed the Kingdom as a safe haven to regroup and rebound. However, the large Revelanist population has been fighting with the centralized Evangelicals, and other Christian groups for that matter. King Huey grows to see this problem with increasing concern, worried the lands of Alabama will be at war.

Saga of Farthest Asia

East Asia has been a simmering quiet force this year. ACEP is unofficially split in half, with China and Singapore on the leftist sphere, while Korea and Indonesia have gotten closer and try to maintain neutrality. Korea itself has turned Ulleungdo island into a Naval Base, and officially claimed the Liaodong Peninsula and the border regions of Manchuria, beginning to make active colonization plans of the region.

China is a bit upset by the action, but reluctantly accepts. There's not much they can do, considering maintaining cool-relations through ACEP, and their own internal division. In particular, Wang Jingwei's rule as the overall leader of the KMT and the Republic of China is shaken by the revelation of his alternate self's role as a collaborator to the Japanese invasion of China in the Koreans' home timeline. While he still leads the Reorganized Comrades Association, the standing of the Provisional Action Committee under Song Qingling grew stronger, especially the Chinese Syndicalist Party calling for further cooperation with the Internationale.

The "Chōsen-Japanese", meanwhile, are beginning to be slowly kicked off to Tsushima as the government begins to shut-down the camps and replace them with a variety of needed infantry. While officially in control of its local affairs, the "Tsushima Autonomous Territory" is basically an extended Internment Camp, overcrowded and weary, with a rather mean Korean military-police force. Some Japanese have made the most of this, and try to regain and continue happy lives, while others fall in desperate anger at their Korean "occupiers" (Not realizing the irony, of course).

Other Sagas

Mæstroghen's "restored" Kingdom of Göterike soon joins the UN, with the King himself making appearances and gaining a serious amount of humanitarian aid for his war torn state. He becomes a staunch ally of Cymru and takes a lot of inspiration from them for rebuilding, especially in the Welfare state and religion. Heithinnry is classified by the UN as the official term for any branch of Germanic/Norse Paganism, with two "sects" (Though in practice they tend to overlap in areas despite their differences). The first is Ásatrú, the more familiar Norse Mythology practiced in Danmǫrk, Göterike-Sverige, the Northern Islands of Cymru, and Thule. Danish and Swedish goðar have begun the process of centralizing the religion based on Christianity, Islam, and Druidism. Though it's still fairly loose and locally focused, with some more simplification (Týr is Vili & Hœnir, Loki is Vé & Lóðurr, Iðunn is Nanna, Heimdall is Ullr). The second is currently unnamed (But will be sooner or later), based out of the German Räterepublik. It's simultaneously more and less centralized than Ásatrú, as while it has regional variation across different tribes, it also borrows much from the structure of Protestant churches (Namely Lutheranism, Calvinism and Continental-Reform), and is heavily folkloric to appease Secular and Christian groups. There are also some other differences, for example they believe Freyja and Frigg are the same goddess, unlike the Norse who view them as different deities. The best comparison for this flavor of Heithinnry is Shintoism.

Danmǫrk remains out of the UN, though they are considering the offer to join, and Jarl Alfr has been making favorable negotiations. Although appreciated, there is still conflict within Scandinavia. The War of Wolves has transformed into a different conflict entirely, and some think it's only the prelude to a greater war in Europe. The failure of SERF sends ripple effects across the Communist world. China and Singapore are outraged at what they see as a rather imperialist display, and the existence of the Volksreich tarnishing socialism alongside Oceania. Germany's relatively dovish foreign policies means they officially apologize and harshly condemn German troops, and especially with the Winduskist exodus and participation in SERF led to the Räterepublik banning said party in the homeland. France, meanwhile, is much quieter on the matter. While they condemn the action and punish notable participants of French SERF members, they make no other statements. This only further complicates the matter of the Singaporan warhead, but after a multitude of debates and discussion, France and Germany surprisingly decide to dismantle the Singaporean Nuke.

Instead, they devote its contents and radioactive materials to building a collectively-owned power plant in former western Luxembourg - Whether this action was committed out of good will or to save face is another question. Singapore itself follows with this due to public pressure as they claim the tip of Malaysia. Never Again, people say across the world. The United Nations makes a landmark statement because of this, any Nuclear Research will be geared towards power and safe-energy, and any country who decides to join the UN in the future must dismantle their Nuclear Arsenal. Of course, any potential transplants in the future may not agree, and there are sentiments to make a stockpile of "International-Nuclear-Arms" or "INA". The specter of Mutually-Assured-Destruction isn't totally averted, especially with it being unknown if Oceania has missiles of its own, but for now, its cloud has given way to a morning sun.

As the first decade of this world approaches, the specter of more change, good or bad, continues to grow ever stronger…

Start of Year

End of Year

Author's Notes - Whew! This took a while to write but I'm super proud of this! Wanted to give a lot more flashpoints for new turns while also trying to avoid overly modern nations. Hopefully y'all enjoy reading!
For future players to know where the story will go, the Volksreich is meant to reference TNO's Holy Russian Empire and Age of Rust's Rhodes, with a little Mad Max energy. It not showing up on the map key is intentional, as it's not a legitimate state.
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Our Avian Neighbours - Everything You Need to Know About Forktail People (Canon) New
The following pamphlet was distributed from libraries across France after a heated debate in the editorial sections of several newspapers, most notably the Occitan Times. The comment about Parisians was censored in the version of the pamphlet distributed in Paris.

Our Avian Neighbours - Everything You Need to Know About Forktail People

For as long as mankind has walked the Earth, many have wondered about the seeming lack of fellow creatures, and this has led to a great deal of speculations and theories as to what type of soul would share the gift of intelligence, and how that gift manifests. But the extraordinary circumstances that brought all manner of people here has given a definitive answer to that question. Yes. Two known species outside of humanity stand side-by-side. The most famous of which, and the focus of this leaflet is the small but mighty Loquax Philosophus. The Forktail.

Their symbolic flight into popular culture has been nothing short of trend setting. All across the nation many tales have been told of the Forktail people and their continuing surprises. Regrettably, many of them are false, or otherwise misinformed, as idle gossip is likely to be. The following guide is intended to clear up several common misconceptions in an easy-to-understand manner about our new avian neighbours.

Forktails are really people!

Malicious and persistent rumours continue to insist that the Forktails have intelligence on par with crows, chimpanzees, elephantids, dolphins, dogs, snakes, or even bees. Whilst it is true that many of these animals have their own kinds of intelligence, the key difference between them and Forktails is that Forktails have an academic mindset. They have the honor of being the first species outside of Hominids to be recognized as having sapience.. Let us not forget that mankind itself is just one of the many orders of primates. Not every creature is a Person, but all People are creatures.

As proof of their distinction from the above animals, Forktail super-families have made unprompted attempts to educate French and Palestinian scientists on their language, which our finest ethnologists have been able to learn and "speak", using flutes to replicate their lighting-quick vocalisations. They are also able to mimic a variety of calls from other bird species (Including the rich diversity in related Canary offshoots that came with them in the Shift). Unfortunately, due to the nature of the Forktails throats, they are only able to mimic certain phrases of human language and are currently unable to speak French, but they are able to write in it using specialised pencils.

Whilst Forktails are not yet an industrious species they have a rapidly developing arts scene. They are making significant advances in the fields of painting, poetry, and cartography. In fact, their unique aerial perspective gives them an advantage over humans, as our aerial photography can not yet match the combination of their aerial views and excellent memories.

Forktails are not so different than us!

It is, bluntly, true, that the Forktails are completely alien to us in many ways. However, when dealing with the Forktails you have to show them that Frenchmen treat Forktails like we treat any of our allies, and that we respect them as sapient beings on an equality with ourselves. Yes there are differences, but there are similarities too. If you forget the differences and think of them as neighbours, as people who eat, sleep, work, and raise families as we do, you'll be over the first hurdle.

Furthermore, you must discourage anyone who acts as though the Forktails are strange. They are not strange. After all, there are just as many, if not more people in the world hunting and raising their families like a Forktail than there are people working and raising their families like a Palestinian. Their kind was also unfamiliar with humanity, with their home reality being one dominated by a wide variety of extraordinary avifauna that we've only just scratched the surface of. In that sense, we are also incredibly unusual. They live their own way and we must live ours. If you respect them, they will respect you.

Already the Forktails are adapting a more proletarian culture. They have learned how to reliably produce fire using tools and are consequently undergoing a revolution in clay-working and pottery. No longer facing the prospect of starvation or thirst they have cast off the feudal chains of their 'hierarchical breeding' structures and formed new social relations based on the equality of all Forktails. Like us, the Forktails are also humorous people. The Forktails love a joke just as well as we do, and they laugh at the same kind of thing. Their stock jokes are the same as ours – about former social elites, and overzealous adventurists, and Parisians. Their version of Parisians are people from what we know as the Canary Islands.

Forktails are not reactionary organisms that were sent to spy on us by the English!

The Forktail people live in Western Africa, not in Europe. Their human contact is entirely with Franco-Palestinian researchers, and they have no reason to lie to us about meeting or controlling any other foreign Human nation, especially in the case of the English State. The English refuse to speak to anyone, let alone people of another species.

There have been no verified sightings of mass numbers of Forktails in France, and every single shot bird submitted to laboratories has been confirmed as a local, non-intelligent species. There has been nothing to suggest that these specimens are unusual members of their species and France's top experts have confirmed that these species are still mere animals. There is no reason to fear them. There is nothing to be gained by shooting them.

Yes you can still eat chicken

Forktails, despite being called "babbling jays", are completely unrelated to any species of bird we knew before their arrival. This gives them a significant distance from other birds. To them, our eating common farm and game bird species, such as chicken and duck, is alike to some people eating monkeys in our former world. To them it is not even that unusual, as in their world birds were the only form of complex life on the planet. Do not chastise your friends and neighbours for eating

To reiterate, Forktail people are completely unrelated to common birds, they cannot interbreed with normal songbirds any more than we can interbreed with chimpanzees, and so there is no risk of their intelligence spreading. Furthermore there are no Forktails in France for them to interbreed with common farm animals. Stories about farms being quarantined are all the result of common disease outbreaks rather than the government hiding the spread of intelligent chickens.

Further Information

If you have further queries about the Forktail people, please direct your inquiries to the Office of Interspecies Relations. For queries about the Mantis people, please contact the Office of Interspecies Relations. To contact the Office of Interspecies Relations:
telephone or fax no: 555

Address: Office of Interspecies Relations, Rte de Bordeaux, 55555 Marsac-sur-l'Isle, France.

A/N With thanks to Klaesick for the review/suggestions, and to the guy who wrote this pamphlet (as I stole quite a lot from it.)
The Frisian Dossier (Canon) New
The Frisian Dossier

Excerpts from the NCI "Frisian Dossier", up to date as of year 9 of Eden. It's a booklet put together by French/German intelligence and other sources before being donated to the NCI as a way to bring new members up to date with the 'relevant' organisations in Frisia [1] and several key events in shaping it.

All Frisia Services: the complex web of micropolities that make up Frisia are, with exceptions, united by 2 organisations. These are the All Frisia Health Service (AFHS), and the All Frisia Post and Messanger Service (AFPMS). The AFHS is the older one, having emerged as a knock on effect of the mass vaccination campaigns for the transported Germani tribes that arrived in Germany. Health, fundamentally, is a public issue: every person carrying a disease is a potential problem for everyone else, meaning that the patient's problem is everyone's problem. With both unvaccinated Norse and Germani, who though vaccinated would go on to have children without access to vaccinations, settling in Frisia alongside NCI populations; the NCI and UN organisations active in the region didn't see much choice but to keep the campaign rolling and the All Frisia Health Service was born from the consolidation of their efforts and resources in the region.

Quite stretched for resources and struggling with the lack of infrastructure in Frisia, outside of their vaccine campaigns the AFHS would focus heavily on the education of the Frisian populations to allow them to help themselves where the AFHS might not have the resources or reach to do so. This "educational solution to the healthcare question" covered both preventative methods of health care and also teaching the Frisians how manufacture a number of medicines themselves with their limited resource (most famously penicillin and some antibiotics).

Whilst praised and beloved across the peoples of Frisia it needs to be emphasised that the AFHS did have some unintended consequences. The educational method itself, combined with the organisation initially being overwhelmingly made up of French and Germans, resulted in the Norse putting a high value on French and Germans as educators and carers, providing the motivation for a series of kidnapping cases that helped fuel Les Querelles and culminated with the Marie Lavelle Incident.

These kidnapping cases and subsequent low intensity conflicts between Franco-German settlers and the Norse were not the primary motivating force behind the creation of the All Frisia Post and Messenger Service, which had it's foundations laid before any of these cases gained prominence, but this environment and the need for a peaceful messenger network nevertheless fed into its creation, character and initial development to a degree that cannot be overstated. Fundamentally, the difference in understandings of the world, of justice and governance and warfare between the Norse and the Franco-Germans was so great that ways to allow for de-escalation to even occur soon became deeply necessary even as questions were raised as to whether de-escalation between such different fundamental understandings of reality were even possible.

Recruiting heavily from the Germani tribes in Frisia for their relatively neutral stance on the conflicts between the Franco-Germans and the Norse, the AFPMS is often considered one of the most important organisations in Frisia both for keeping the peace and, increasingly, for allowing for larger scale infrastructure initiatives to even be possible in the so called "lawless lowlands". Both the Norse and the Germani understood the taboo of killing a messenger, and the idea of a genuinely neutral service to act as one was something all could see the appeal of (an appreciation further entrenched when it was realised that a postage service meant the infrastructure to deliver important or valuable packages).

The practical upshot of this is that the members of the All Frisia Services enjoy protection and hospitality across all of Frisia, their uniforms and sigil afforded respect wherever they travel; even in places that haven't specifically taken the path of not doing harm the members they often find themselves with Norse or Germani guards volunteering to protect them given. As one anonymous Norse man said:

"I have seen so many lost to pestilence or to a war that none wanted but none could stop before arriving in Frysii. The weight of the gift the Services have given us measured in the bodies of so many we would have lost had their medicines and messages and kindness not been there. The sword I offer in protection is paltry compared to what Services have gifted us all."​

Given the successes of the current All Frisia Services, there has been discussion to expand the services with either a range of hostels for travellers across Frisia or even road and railway networks, but this is judged to be unlikely. With resources dependent on either Norse immigration or NCI investment it's largely agreed that barring a change in the current situation future Services are more likely to be a result of separately built infrastructure being consolidated into a single service.

Anglish Conspiracy, The: Pre-dating colonisation of the Low Countries, the Anglish Conspiracy has its origins in the third recorded year in Eden. In it's own timeline, France was the centre of its own alliance, with both the diplomatic alliance the International and the military alliance INFOR having it's head quarters there, resulting in both official staff from the allied Union of Britain and a quite large British diaspora being marooned when France was transported to Eden. When the Celtic Empire came to Eden, contact was made between the substantial British remnants in France and the Anglish communities among the Celts (joined by the small but enthusiastic community of Bolshevik [2] exiles from the Franco-British Union that came with Palestine) and tentative but quite sincere plans were discussed for a joint colonisation of England under a single governing body.

Suffice to say, these plans hit a snag when Oceania was transported to Eden. However, by this point the networks between peoples and organisations had been made; and as such the remnants of the UoB in the International, INFOR and the ambassadorial staff in France consolidated into a true government in exile that existed at the centre of these networks. Due to the threat of Oceania making these networks hegemonic throughout Anglish communities among the Celts, as well as the increased cultural mixing between the two British populations, political commentators in the Celtic Empire started referring to them as "The Anglish Conspiracy" and the nickname stuck.

Anglish investment in Frisia was relatively small, most of their networks and resources were in Northern France or in the border areas of the Celtic Empire, but due to the sheer amount of support the Anglish Conspiracy received they were able to set up a collection of observation posts on the coast of Frisia. These were originally intended to listen in to Oceanian radio broadcasts, observe their ship movements and, in the event of cargo from an Oceanian ship washing up on shore, seizing the cargo for study.

When the Norse settlers arrived, they mostly took to the same coasts that the Anglish were using and, with the government in exile not wanting to lose their observation posts, the Anglish went out of their way to keep the peace with the Norse. This had the unintended effect of making the Anglish appear to be the reasonable members of the NCI to the Norse when compared to the clashes with the Franco-German (see Les Querelles), resulting in a number of Norse factions trying to use the Anglish as go betweens to contact other members of the NCI.

Whilst initially the Anglish reluctantly went along with it to keep the peace, increasingly they have taken a more active role. After going through the information gained from the defector Winston Smith on the Oceanian regime, there's been greater and greater demand for their equipment (to get a greater idea of their capabilities for the war increasingly perceived as inevitable) and their culture (to get a better idea of how best to deprogram a population as thoroughly propagandised as the Oceanians); and due to the Vikingr practice of piracy and raiding they are among the best sources of these two things. This has resulted in the Anglish Conspiracy having "unofficial" or "off the books" relations with a number of pirates active in the North Sea to varying degrees of controversy.

Board(s) for Democratic Management: as two of the larger organising bodies in the so called "lawless lowlands", the Boards for Democratic Management were founded as a result of initial French and German attempts of socialist internationalism. Whilst a joint ownership of contested land would have to wait until trust was truly built up, joint ownership of rivers that ran through both France and Germany was a relatively uncontroversial easy victory for internationalist feelings, with this applying initially to just the Rhine but after further negotiation this was applied to the Meuse with Germany moving it's Western border the small distance to eastern bank of the stretch of the river where the cities of Venio and Roermond would have been located.

This easy victory for internationism however would have long running consequences when it came to colonisation of Frisia. Even without the canals that connected them outside of Eden, with no infrastructure built or forests cleared the rivers of Frisia were the best way to traverse it and before houses could be built a boat was often a home to early settlers, meaning that space along the rivers was a recurring issue that required management. Further questions were raised about the usage of the rivers' resources: fishing and other natural resources were threatened by pollution from further up river, whilst building water wheels to provide power to the settler towns raised further questions about space usage. In the end, the rivers needed management that was accountable to those who used it, and as a result the Board for Democratic Management of the Rhine (BDMR) and Board for Democratic Management of the Meuse (BDMM) were formed.

At present day, the Boards include representatives from the joint Franco-German settlements along the rivers, a number of Germani communities, the little Netherlands settlement on the Meuse (see Low Countries Reconstruction Mandate) and one or two communities of the Church of Baldr as well as representatives from France and Germany proper. With the current lull in Les Querelles a number of Norse settlements on the Rhine and Meuse have applied to join the respective board: Germany is in favour of them joining and France against, with the other polities on the board being divided on the issue. The Church of Baldr is cautiously optimistic about the more standard Norse settlements joining as it hopes that it will encourage them to give up the institution of thralldom and the Germani settlements are in favour under the theory that letting the Norse join the boards is the next step in the peace process; whilst Little Netherlands is torn between frustration with the Norse for complicating their hoped resurrection of Benelux region culture and their understanding that the mammoth labour the Norse could provide would be a great boon for the proposed Meuse to Scheldt canal and the Franco-Germans settlements are divided between those in favour of bringing the Norse in out of pragmatism and those who don't yet trust them after the wounds inflicted by the conflict.

Of course, the elephant in the room is the other rivers of Frisia: the Scheldt and the Yser. None of these have a Board of their own, instead being claimed in their entirety by France and with the French settlements on their banks being governed as a single region of France proper. With the Yser, due to its small size, this worked out well and French rule and ability to project power there is uncontested. The Scheldt, however, has been something more of a problem.

Due to the Scheldt's size and lack of Germany's population to assist, France was unable to achieve full control of the Scheldt before an number of Norse polities had become entrenched downstream of the French, and without either Germani (who overwhelmingly settled where Germany proper had influence) or the Church of Baldr (who settled with the other Norse near the coast or along the more welcoming Rhine and Meuse river) there was no real neutral party on the Scheldt that could be used to broker a long term truce or agreement between the two parties. As a result, whilst a combination of the low populations involved and the comparatively small scale of the front has kept the conflict smaller and less intense than the rest of les querelles it's nevertheless been far more difficult to de-escalate. The continuing issues France has the Scheldt has resulted in them becoming one of the main backers for the proposals of the Low Countries Reconstruction Mandate for a "Little Belgium" settlement on Scheldt and for a Meuse to Scheldt canal, the former to provide a buffer zone between the French and Norse settlements [3] and the latter to allow for the easier transfer of German resources and population to the troubled region.

Church of Baldr: famously, the involvement of SERF in the Göterike civil war failed to produce a genuine socialist faction among the locals, but it did succeed in creating a religiously tinged slave and peasant revolt that was often compared by commentators to the Yellow Turban revolts in Han dynasty China. As the situation in Göterike stabilised however, participants in this revolt joined the more peaceful SERF Remnants in leaving Scandinavia for Frisia, where they founded utopian [4] religious communities centred around the Church of Baldr. Far more open to the NCI than other Norse communities, the Church of Baldr has been a boon to NCI academics looking to study the society in the process of being formed, and in particular the Norse relationship to Frisia's mammoth population.

With the fame of the "Frysii Mammoth riders" of the intermingling Norse-Germani population, NCI academics were interested in studying the relationship as a demonstration of the process of taming in action, but after studies with the Church of Baldr there was fierce debate as to whether the term "taming" was appropriate in a lot of circumstances. To clarify this requires a discussion of the Baldrites history with mammoths. When the Baldrites first arrived in Frisia, they were unprepared for the conditions of a cold Serengeti, and were set upon by the predators there. While various creatures never seen by the Norse like Homotherium and Cave Lions did cause problems, they had particular trouble with the Glottiār hyena [5] which were found to be frighteningly adaptable to human presence and opportunistic when it came to treating humans as prey. Frisia's mammoth population however, was mostly unfamiliar with humans and in particular unfamiliar with the Norse, meaning that the Baldrites weren't viewed as a threat by the mammoths whilst the predators were: resulting in the Baldrites in Frisia often following the mammoth herds for safety whilst finding a place to settle down, even joining in defending the mammoth herd from predators. When the Baldrites did settle down, the mammoths by this point had developed some attachment to them and an understanding that they would protect them. This resulted in them visiting the Baldrite settlements, often stopping there to give birth or with those too old or sick to follow the herd often staying with and being looked after by the Baldrites, and with dying mammoths staying there knowing that they'd spend their last days comfortable and protected.

A number of NCI academics have suggested that, whilst the mammoths are acclimatised to human presence and whilst there are examples of mammoths doing tasks for the Baldrites in exchange for food, that the mammoths the Baldrites have embraced are not really tame, and instead the relationship between the two should be considered something like symbiosis or an entirely new animal-human relationship that doesn't really have a comparison.

Notably, the Baldrites and their communities are arguably more shaped by the mammoths than the other way around. The concept of "mammoth time", coined when the Baldrites interacted with industrial society's understanding of time and summarised by the Baldrite saying "What cares a mammoth for a watch?", is an example of this that NCI theorists have been fascinated by. Simply put, whereas pre-capitalist societies rely upon natural phenomena to track time such as sun rise and sun set, capitalism has relied upon abstract understandings of time (most obviously the 24 hour day) to allow for it's day to day operations to continue free from such natural phenomena, notably with there being historical examples of worker's strikes and riots that specifically destroyed workplace clocks for this reason, and disciplines those who don't abide by this abstract time. "Mammoth time", however, refers to the fact that the mammoths are free of such discipline and would be difficult to discipline in any meaningful way: mammoths can do things for food, but only if they want to or are willing to, and with mammoths at the centre of the Baldrite community it was inevitable that this attitude would spread to them. Of course, given that abstract understandings of time are something inherited by France and Germany from their capitalist predecessors, "mammoth time" has divided those studying it, with some believing it'll stymie infrastructure build up in Frisia and others arguing that a society free of the time/labour discipline France and Germany failed to abolish should be celebrated.

Of course it would be remiss to talk of the Church of Baldr without discussing their beliefs. Baldr is most famous for being a God who died, and his place in Baldrite theology reflects this. Recalling the homeland they can't go back to, their time lost to slavery and those who didn't survive to reach life in Frisia, Baldr is the god of loss and mourning who waits for the Baldrites with all that they have lost on the other side of death; with many Baldrite communities seeing the mammoths that choose to spend their last days among them as embodying the spirit of Baldr and much of their art depicting Baldr as a mammoth.

Whilst Baldr is the final destination of Baldrite theology, Baldr's son Forseti, god of justice and mediation, arguably has more relevance in their day to day lives. Considered the same god as Forsite of the old Frisians and frequently conflated with Jesus/Yeshua in his role as a peacemaker with a number of tales reminiscent of and possibly influenced by Jesus saving a woman from stoning (ironic given the common assumption that Baldr is the Jesus figure of Norse paganism); if Baldr is the god of what the Baldrites have lost then Forseti is the god of all they have and the good will needed to keep it, the god of Frisia itself and their lives in it where Baldr is the god of the homes and lives they had to leave behind. As polytheists without a strict canon of which gods can or can't be worshipped the Baldrites will usually have a "commons of the gods" where small shrines can be set up, but a shrine to Forseti will be at the centre of these commons so as to mediate between the various gods present, keeping them all in balance.

Les Querelles: originally known as "La Petite Guerres" (translation: the little war), les querelles (translation: the quarrels) was the euphemism used among Franco-German settlers for a series of low intensity conflicts between various factions of settler in Frisia that came into common usage when the subject became more taboo in the aftermath of Germany's reaction to the Marie Lavelle Incident. Known to the Norse and Germani as "the many disagreements" or "the great disagreement", a number of activities from glorified pranks to paramilitary violence has been grouped under the umbrella of les querelles and the precise starting point of the conflict are hotly debated and deeply controversial, but consensus tends to place the conflict as crystallising around a series of kidnappings.

The kidnappings were prompted by the unintentional impact of the All Frisia Health Service (see All Frisia Services). Due to a combination of the educational approach the AFHS took to health care and it's largely Franco-German makeup at the time, the Norse settlers in Frisia came away with the impression of the Franco-Germans as a deeply educated people and at the time as a kindly and deeply peaceful people. The "deeply peaceful" impression would be turned on it's head by the end of the year, and would be ironic at the time given the existence of SERF, but the differences in behaviour between the AFHS and SERF gave the impression of SERF being the exception and the fact that the NCI governments actually denounced SERF intervention in the Swedish civil war emphasised SERF as the outliers of the NCI. The practical upshot of all this was that the Norse came away impressed with the value of Franco-German knowledge (notably just knowledge of French and German would be valuable for trading whilst NCI secondary school geometry, physics and chemistry alone all had uses the Norse would interested in) whilst not thinking much of them as fighters even if their technology of war was impressive. To a people with a history of Vikingr piracy, the temptation was too great for some.

Whilst the kidnappings would almost always target young and educated French or German women, contrary to what contemporary propaganda would show the kidnappings would commonly be pushed for and sometimes masterminded by Norse women themselves. The Norse women were in charge of childcare as well as the production of material wealth in the form of the fermentation of alcohol and weaving among things: the former of course meant that they had an immediate interest in the education of the young in a way men didn't, whilst the latter often gave them a mind primed to spot an investment in future material wealth. Combined with them being less likely to have encountered the NCI at war than the Norse men and a certain degree of overwork among the Norse women due to the gender demographics of early Norse settlement in Frisia leaning towards men [6] and result there was a trend of Norse women demanding both an extra pair of hands for the household and someone to educate their children to adapt to life alongside the NCI whilst also being ignorant of how the badly the Franco-Germans would react. Whilst SERF had shown that the NCI was against slavery, few of the Norse had actually visited the NCI and seen a world without it and so it cannot be emphasised enough how both slavery and the violence used to acquire slaves was a fact of life; the notion that Franco-Germans would treat an attack on one as an attack on all had not yet penetrated Norse understandings of their new neighbours.

Whilst early kidnapping cases varied greatly, trial and error eventually created a "text book" kidnapping method. A Norse woman (used due to Franco-German fears of Norse men) would approach the victim, attempt to befriend them while assessing their education and skills, and once the woman had determined whether they were worth seizing the victim would be encouraged to an out of the way spot where the Norse men could seize her. The most famous example of this was in Sophia Koch's autobiographical "Ten Months in a Norse Village", which whilst it diverted in some ways from the standard case [7] nevertheless contains all these elements. Norse women would be responsible for those kidnapped in this way: Koch's book documenting both their attempts to acclimatise her to her 'new life', their actions used to discipline her, and the genuine but unequal affection some developed for her.

The kidnapping attempts would be met be retaliatory violence from the Franco-German settlers that would be aided by SERF Remnants that had made a living among them. Where the kidnapped victim could be located, the standard response was either to raid the village to rescue the victim or to take hostages from the village to negotiate for the victim's return. When the victim couldn't be located however, the frustration of being unable to save them would commonly boil over into mob violence against Norse travellers or, as les querelles intensified, revenge attacks on any nearby Norse settlement. This would lead to an atmosphere of generalised "lawless" violence between settler factions, peaking with the Marie Lavelle Incident.

With intervention from the German Socialist Räterepublik and it's greater interest in the region however, les querelles are agreed to be declining (albeit not quite over), a trend that appears cemented by the founding of the All Frisia Post and Messenger Service (see All Frisia Services). Kidnappings still occasionally happen, normally done by a Norse settler group new to the region, but a combination of a formal demand sent by the AFPMS and stern advice and warnings from their fellow Norse on the matter usually result in the victim being sent back unharmed; instead what violence does occur tends to be based around land and resource disputes around the river Scheldt (see Board(s) for Democratic Management). Cynics point out that this could be a temporary lull in the violence but without a larger incident to set it off all actors in the region are planning ahead for the general stabilisation of Frisia.

Low Countries Reconstruction Mandate: a remnant of the original NCI plans for the region, the Low Countries Reconstruction Mandate started in France's timeline as the Belgium and Netherlands Reconstruction Mandates meant to rebuild the Benelux region after the sheer amount of devastation it experienced during the previous period of general war in Europe. With France being both geographically close by and being the centre of both the Communard diplomatic alliance the International and military alliance INFOR, a substantial amount of the staff for both mandates was brought along with it when it was transported to Eden. With an interest in colonising Frisia and keeping Low Countries culture alive still there however, the two organisations were consolidated into the Low Countries Reconstruction Mandate which would later be joined by the ambassadorial and Rotfront associated staff of Spartacist Luxembourg that were brought along when Germany was transported to Eden.

Initially, the plan to rebuild the Benelux region was to start a "Little Netherlands" settlement on the Meuse, a "Little Belgium" settlement on the Scheldt, and a "Little Luxembourg" settlement on the Rhine that would exist in a political union with each other with Franco-German assistance, eventually growing into a loose federation that could keep Frisia under wraps so as to leave France and Germany free focus their attention on other matters. Of these 3 settlements, only the Little Netherlands has been built, with the arrival of Germani and Norse in Frisia and the start of les querelles significantly complicating any attempt to resurrect Benelux culture.

The current make up of Frisia has made some skeptics question as to whether the Benelux cultural resurrection the Reconstruction Mandate hopes to achieve is even possible, with some calling it "defunct" or "partially defunct", but nevertheless the Mandate gets a good amount of support and from unexpected places.

The planned construction of the Meuse to Scheldt canal (ideally with a "Little Belgium" settlement where the canal meets the Scheldt) in particular has drawn a lot of support from all across Frisia. France is the biggest backer of course, but the project has had widespread if tentative support from the Norse and Germani as it would allow both allow for easier travel through the interior of Frisia and enable an easier colonisation of Frisia's still wild interior by creating a new, artificial river along which new settlements could be constructed. This combination of uncertainty for the future and broad support has made the Reconstruction Mandate invest more and more in it's canal projects, hoping to maintain relevance through the project's success.

Marie Lavelle Incident, The: agreed to be the turning point in les querelles, the Marie Lavelle Incident is still a source of controversy across Frisia and the NCI, something further compounded by the sheer number of questions about the incident that remain unanswered. The facts that are known are as follows: it began with the kidnappings of a young French woman Marie Lavelle by the Norse of the nearby settlement Alfarrvin in a similar manner and for similar purposes as the other Norse kidnappings in the conflict. Marie's home settlement Nouveau Bruge was alerted to her location by a Germani pagan priest who was traveling in the area and had assumed that the town would negotiate for Marie's release or rescue her.

What instead happened is that the town militia, joined by more volunteers from the town itself, proceeded to bombard Alfarrvin with light artillery and incendaries before killing between 60 and 150 Norse settlers fleeing the destroyed settlement with small arms fire. The priest was understandably horrified by this, and rushed to contact representatives from the German Socialist Räterepublik. Here the "Alfarrvin Massacre" as it became known amongst the Norse and in many German circles became linked in the German political conscious to the attempted red imperialism of SERF and Reventlow's deranged Volksreich regime, prompting in the short term an initial crack down on the settlement of Nouveau Bruge with the settlement being occupied by the German army, it's militia being disarmed and public trials for all known participants in the attack, and in the long term it prompted a greater German involvement within Frisia that is often credited with the decline of les querelles.

Even as the conflict declines however (ironically with Germany's crack down after the massacre having restored it's credibility among the Frisian Norse at least) there are a number of questions that remain unanswered, not helped by a number of participants in the attack arguably having motivation to lie. The most well known unanswered question being of course: why did the incident escalate so quickly compared to how the kidnappings normally did?

No definite answer has been found, though broadly the hypothetical answers are split into two camps: the emotional lashing out camp and the pre-meditated decision camp. Some of the former camp note the sheer pressure the Franco-German settlers had been under: the background of increasingly casual violence between settler factions combined with their fears of the Norse being more adapted to the wild lands of Frisia due to being used to living without modern conveniences, a general tension that exploded with the kidnapping of Marie. Another theory in the former camp emerged when it turned out that several of the participants in the attack were former members of SERF and that the weaponry used was almost certainly supplied by SERF Remnants. Noting the failure of SERF and the participants' disownment by their home countries, they argue that the escalation was a result of the trying to restore the wounded honour and masculine pride of the men involved, trying to recapture the martial spirit they lost in Göterike by butchering their "enemy" in Frisia.

The latter camp meanwhile argues that far from an emotional lashing that the attack had a rational, if morally unthinkable, basis. The Franco-German settler response in past kidnapping cases often resulted in a slow escalation through tit for tat interactions, thus leading to the conclusion that the conventional response would have just led to more problems, but leaving the kidnapping unanswered would have resulted in the Norse treating Nouveau Bruge as at best a pushover and at worst as a convenient source of slaves. As such, the argument goes, the militia felt they had no option other than the total destruction of Alfarrvin.

The questions raised by militia's escalation are politically and emotionally charged and remain a point of contention between France and Germany to this day, with the official stance of the French government being much more sympathetic to the militia than Germany with many French political figures believing that the militia's crime was ultimately the result of being forced into an impossible situation and should be judged in light of that and some more hawkish or chauvenistic political figures even arguing that the attack was an inevitable reckoning against the violence the Norse had initiated against the French settlers in Frisia.

There is of course a second unanswered question: the fate of Marie Lavelle herself. Some have speculated she might have died in the bombardment of Alfarrvin but no body was ever located afterwards, and as has been pointed out if Marie survived she might not want much to do with the town that almost got her killed. Missing person notices for her are still distributed by the AFPMS (see All Frisia Services) but given the lack of infrastructure in Frisia if she is alive it's likely she'll only be found if and when she wants to be.

SERF Remnants: the failed fillibuster in Göterike by rogue elements of the German and French armies had a number of long running consequences, not least of which was in where the rogue soldiers turned when they realised that their expedition had lost. Staying in Scandinavia wasn't an option and returning to their homelands would often mean being arrested. Moreover, even when there was no threat of arrest, a number of soldiers who linked the failures of SERF to the lack of either military intelligence to guide the filibuster and to a lack civilian administration to help govern the seized the territory would go on to blame the NCI's lack of support for the filibuster for its failure; meaning that a large number of SERF Remnants wanted nothing to do with the "traitors" back home.

As such, many of the ordinary soldiers in SERF instead moved to Frisia, using the "lawlessness" of the lands as a way to build their own lives away from the NCI, some quietly living among Church of Baldr communities that they helped save from thralldom, some integrating into Franco-German settlements and some trying to put together their own settlements.

The most famous and romanticised example is the overlapping nest of heavily armed micropolities including the "Free Soldier's Communes" of the Rhine delta, the semi-nomadic "Lost Boy" and "Merry Men" brigades that roam the nearby forests and the "North Sea Free Engineer's Association" which helps maintain the coastline and reclaim land from the sea lost to erosion, all combining militant internationalist or anarchist philosophy with barracks discipline and the libertine social mores of a post Great War paramilitary. However, as much effort as they put into propagandising their cause to NCI populations, their relatively self contained nature combined with their countercultural lifestyle means that they're not really considered a problem to the NCI, especially when compared to the SERF Remnants that instead have quietly decided to infiltrate the Franco-German settlements.

One of the consequences of the Marie Lavelle Incident was that it became clear that SERF Remnants were able to leverage their combination of military training, experience with the Norse, sympathy from the settlers and remaining military supplies to gain substantial power within the Franco-German settlements: sometimes acting as a militia or police force, sometimes acting as a mafia and sometimes as both at the same time. Attempts by NCI authorities to root them out or defang them have hit several issues. Many people within the settlements and even within parts of NCI bureaucracy have sympathies with them, enough to protect them or turn a blind eye to them even if they don't think the SERF filibuster was a wise decision. This is made all the more difficult by the fact that the SERF Remnants, as long as they're not causing too much trouble, are genuinely useful: the skills they got either in military training or on campaign in Scandinavia turning them into genuine pillars of their local community in Frisia. Even when the NCI authorities have caught up with them they usually retain contacts with other SERF Remnants in other settlements, meaning it's not uncommon for them to disappear into the night, spend some time in a friend's safe house in a different settlement until the authorities move on.

As such, whilst most SERF Remnants are criminals in the eyes of their respective homelands, and Germany in particular has an interest in bringing them to justice, the NCI as a whole currently has a policy of leaving them alone as long as they're not causing trouble, plotting against the NCI or it's member governments or otherwise "bringing further disgrace to their uniform".

[1] Few parties actually use the term "Frisia" for the region: the Norse and Germani settlers use "Frysii" whilst the Franco-German and other NCI settlers use "Low Countries". However, "Frisia" still has usage as a neutral term for the region among a number of official sources. "Benelux", meanwhile, is strictly used to either refer to the historical region as it existed in other time lines or to as a term for Belgian/Dutch/Luxembourg culture.

[2] For the purpose of clarity, NCI standard terminology is to refer to socialist/communist movements depending on which revolution after World War 1 they draw from. Movements that draw from a communist revolution in Russia are "Bolsheviks", from a revolution in France as "Communards", and from a revolution in Germany as "Spartacists", which neatly link up with the 3 timelines the European-Mediterranean members of the NCI came from. Some point out that this has the potential to become confusing should the Soviet remnants from Germany's timeline (nominally Bolshevik due to drawing from their failed Bolshevik revolution, but from the Spartacist timeline) are transported across to Eden, but this has yet to be a problem.

[3] Not mentioned out of courtesy is that the comparative success and flexibility of the Boards managing the Rhine and Meuse has led to France having an interest in creating one for the Scheldt (albeit one more strongly French controlled and influenced) and the creation of a Little Belgium settlement would be the impetus to create one whilst also allowing the French government to save face.

[4] utopian here is meant in the Marxist terminology sense to refer to communities that build socialism by moving to somewhere without capitalism and running their settlement along socialist lines (comparable to the word "hippie"), though broadly elements within the NCI have used it to mean attempting socialism without a history to draw from or just as a catch all for an unrealistic political project. Commonly derogatory due to the history of utopian communities being at best socialist islands in a capitalist sea that are inevitably eroded back into the sea and at worst glorified cults, it's usage here is unusual in that it's not really meant to be: the influence of Germany and France proper and the general context of Frisia being assumed to be enough to allow such communities to survive and develop freely.

[5] The new common name for the Cave Hyena, derived from the Norse word "Glotta" (To grin, to smile scornfully) and the old Frisian word "Diār" (Thing, animal, beast). This rechristening has spread out of Frisia and became so widespread it's in being used in official scientific papers through Europe, and will most likely replace the original term, such as with Cymru's label Fèidhmòr (Formerly the Irish Elk), though other animals have not received this treatment yet. This is one famous example of the developing "Frysii" pidgin language between the Nordic tongues and the various different dialects spoken by the Germani.

[6] Not mentioned partially for the sake of brevity, partially due to a lack of study on this reason and partially so as not to inflame tensions that could threaten the relative peace is the fact that this gender demographic difference often meant that Norse women also wanted to secure potential wives for family or friends, or as a way to secure potential allies with men within their own communities, though this was a secondary reason given that most Norse men would go back to Danmǫrk or Göterike to look for a wife.

[7] notably, the kidnapping occurred within a Franco-German settlement where normally it'd be on the outskirts of one or in a Germani settlement, and the kidnapper Asta appears to have plied Sophia with drink so she was unable to resist and so that Asta and her brother could pose as friends getting their drunken comrade home which is deeply unusual due to Norse taboos regarding hospitality and the offering of food and drink.

With thanks to @Klaesick for beta reading, editing suggestions, advice and contributing a lot to this side story.
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