Will of Terra (Continued)

Its a fish...they can't handle vacuum as much as we mammals can...
I actually have no idea how well a typical river fish would handle vacuum exposure, certainly not as well as a mammal like a dog or human. I don't think it would actually explode (though a deep sea fish might) but it likely would die very quickly in comparison.
I actually have no idea how well a typical river fish would handle vacuum exposure, certainly not as well as a mammal like a dog or human. I don't think it would actually explode (though a deep sea fish might) but it likely would die very quickly in comparison.
Why do you think a Fish wouldn't handle vacuum as well as a mammal? The gasses bubbling out of the blood would kill a fish just as fast as they'd kill a mammal and much faster than the issues with the water freezing/evaporating could kill them.
Why do you think a Fish wouldn't handle vacuum as well as a mammal? The gasses bubbling out of the blood would kill a fish just as fast as they'd kill a mammal and much faster than the issues with the water freezing/evaporating could kill them.
Because swim bladder.

Having a delicate internal gas-filled organ is exactly the wrong thing for surviving hard vacuum exposure.
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You mean like lungs? Swim bladders (which incidentally I'll note not all fish have) aren't anymore vulneruble to vaccum than lungs are, if anything they're less vulnerable.
Most bony fish have swim bladders, and they are absolutely more vulnerable to vacuum than lungs are; not only are swim bladders structurally much more vulnerable to rupture than lungs, swim bladders cannot be rapidly exhaled like lungs can.

Physostome fish come close with the duct that connects their swim bladder to their gastrointestinal tract, but that still doesn't allow them to empty their swim bladder in seconds like lungs. I would be very surprised if a fish in hard vacuum had any real chance of not suffering swim bladder rupture, whereas a human in hard vacuum only risks lung rupture if they actively attempt to hold their breath.

Fish also deal with loss of moisture worse than most mammals, due to being adapted for an environment that is literally 100% moisture compared to mammals, or at least land mammals. This probably wouldn't have much impact on short-term survival prospects, but would likely mean lower long-term survival chances should the fish be exposed to hard vacuum and then removed before death.

Most shallow-sea fish also lack eyelids, which would presumably not have great short-term consequences for hard vacuum exposure in comparison to animals that do.

Ultimately though, it's a matter of scale of difference; fish are adapted for a high moisture, higher pressure environment while land mammals are adapted for a lower pressure, lower moisture environment. Logically, I would assume that when exposed to the no pressure, no moisture environment of hard vacuum, the animals adapted for the lower pressure, lower moisture environment would do better than the animals adapted for the higher pressure, high moisture environment, because the difference between their ideal environment and hard vacuum is not as great.
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I mean there's also the consequences of the scaling differential. You can get a good idea of just how much area of hard vacuum that poor piranha was exposed to when it bit Luna's leg by using the ants as reference.
As a note, piranhas don't savagely strip flesh from live creatures. Thats a myth started by a bit of showmanship put of the a US president by throwing meat (i think it was a cow or pig) into an area filled with starving piranhas.

More on topic, I want to see Venus turn up and hope she/they'll be a massive ham. It just seems funny.
not only are swim bladders structurally much more vulnerable to rupture than lungs, swim bladders cannot be rapidly exhaled like lungs can.
Not sure this is true, but I can see why you assume fish would be more vulneruble to vacuum than mammals.

Fish also deal with loss of moisture worse than most mammals, due to being adapted for an environment that is literally 100% moisture compared to mammals, or at least land mammals. This probably wouldn't have much impact on short-term survival prospects, but would likely mean lower long-term survival chances should the fish be exposed to hard vacuum and then removed before death.

Most shallow-sea fish also lack eyelids, which would presumably not have great short-term consequences for hard vacuum exposure in comparison to animals that do.
These are the issue that I thought you were referring and they don't have any effect because they'd take a lot longer to kill the fish than any terrestrial animal I can thing of would survive in vacuum.
As a note, piranhas don't savagely strip flesh from live creatures. Thats a myth started by a bit of showmanship put of the a US president by throwing meat (i think it was a cow or pig) into an area filled with starving piranhas.

More on topic, I want to see Venus turn up and hope she/they'll be a massive ham. It just seems funny.
Given the weird atmospheric effects thing that Luna has going on, Venus would also be haloed by a crushing aura of high pressure, burning acid.
So she was the girl with the acid stare~ I wounder if she'd spread her wings before they fall apart, as in the end, home is where the hurt is darling, just follow your heart.
So she was the girl with the acid stare~ I wounder if she'd spread her wings before they fall apart, as in the end, home is where the hurt is darling, just follow your heart.
Considering that following your heart would likely result in being simultaneously crushed into paste, set on fire and dissolved by sulphuric acid, I would advise against that course of action.
As a note, piranhas don't savagely strip flesh from live creatures. Thats a myth started by a bit of showmanship put of the a US president by throwing meat (i think it was a cow or pig) into an area filled with starving piranhas.

exactly, a british fisherman once proved that by geting in a pool that had some piranha in it. They left him alone.

Yeah, but this is Earth Bet. I'm sure piranhas there are just as uncivilized as their author.
Kinda looks like they were trying to run from him.. as soon they noticed he was there they moved to the other side of the pool.

compare their size to him, if something THAT big and unknown to you entered the water near you, would you stick around

Yeah, but this is Earth Bet. I'm sure piranhas there are just as uncivilized as their author.

but that said, there are also reasons for that to happen

- Invading aquatic predators can change the behavior of fish in the water
- Parahuman BS, if Skitter could control bugs in canon, a fish controller isn't farfetched (in other words, Aquaman is in Worm and he's gone villain/anti-human)
- Mistaking a person or part of them for food
Chapter 6 - I Of The Storm

Just..... this entire fucking year, I swear.

Fuck 2020.

Also, Merry XMas, ya floofy animals!

Will of Terra

Chapter 6

I Of The Storm

Danny was confused. It… the experience of expanding like he had was something simply not understandable by his mind.

Every drop of rain, every cloud, every clap of thunder and lightning bolt striking the surface and every wind current was him, and he was all of them. He felt the stimulus of essentially his entire planet's surface all at once, and it threatened to break him.

He struggled and weaved through his new self, trying so, so hard to find an anchor point. Something he understood in the worldwide maelstrom that he'd become.

But his body was gone and he had no reference point except for the massive ball of earth and life he was wrapped around.

As his mind began to lose cohesion and his thoughts started to drift away from him, he latched on to the only being who might be able to help him now. The one who'd gotten him into this mess, albeit with his consent, but he'd figured she knew at least some of what she was doing given how old she was and how unconcerned Annette had been.

Taylor, he cried out with the majority of his strength, save me.

The winds around the world which were his voice spread the message all at once. His thunderclaps screamed it to the world, and the lightning striking her surface delivered the message even harder.

A moment later, the world listened.

Danny got the impression of something much larger than him, so much more ancient, searching for his presence. Yet as old and overwhelming as it was, his rapidly fading memories recognized the feeling of her soul, her mind, even though he'd never really felt them before. He recognized the smell of her hair on the wind and his wife's light glancing off her glasses, and it gave the strength he needed to call out.

Taylor, he whimpered.

The presence beneath and all around him zeroed in on his... location in whatever state they resided in, then examined him for only a split second. That was more than enough for her, it seemed, because not a moment later he felt her reach out and collect all the pieces of him that had drifted away. She fumbled with them for a few moments, clearly unfamiliar in the extreme with what she was trying to do, but this was his Taylor.

There never was a thing she couldn't do if she really wanted to.

Her attempt at slamming him back together was just as clumsy, but he couldn't really complain. Literally. Not that he would, as his daughter was saving him. A couple of his memories may have nondescript human forms instead of the specific people they should've, but he was whole.

DAD? Taylor spoke, gently.

Or at least her tone was gentle. She must have been unaware of her own power, because it felt as if a speaker the size of the entire planet went off next to his ear.

The winds across the world whipped in reverse for several moments while he tumbled, trying to catch his bearings. Lightning fired up into the outer reaches of his new body, and thunder ceased to sound.

Oh, sorry, Taylor said, her mental… or godly… or celestial, hell if Danny knew, voice no longer quite able to blow him away. Her immense power wrapped around him and steadied his tumble.

Nevermind that Danny couldn't actually see any of this, he just sensed it somehow. He hadn't been able to see since he became Taylor's weather, and he was far less worried about that than he felt he should be.

Taylor, quieter, please, he feebly sent her way, hoping that his message would both properly leave whatever he was now and that Taylor could understand him.

Yet again, the winds around the world whispered his message for all to hear. Taylor's poor animals were going to need therapy after this. Though it seemed the scientists who'd taken cover under their desks in Florida weren't even fazed any more, several of them glaring at thin air.

Yes dear, do try not to blow away your father, a voice he recognized, and yet with so much more to it than he'd ever heard before, resounded in the not-space. It nearly bowled his presence over, but unlike Taylor's it was… further away, he supposed. Far enough it only felt like being yelled at from across a room instead of right in his ear.

Even though he didn't have a head, Danny looked to his wife. Or rather, he tried to… but he couldn't find her.

Taylor guided him, somehow, her power wrapping around what amounted to his presence and gently pointing him away from her.

He looked up, and up… and up.

Annette was… simply unimaginably large. He'd thought Taylor was titanic, but she barely even registered when compared to the raw nexus of power, heat and light that was his wife's true body.

The way her surface roiled against her gravity, the explosions and pure destructive energy rushing about at speeds he couldn't even conceive of… and yet he felt her touch upon him, all across Taylor, the bombardment of her fury tempered by his daughter's shields and then filtered by him even further so that the life on Taylor wasn't just straight up burned away by Annette's mere presence…

It was terrifying. It was beautiful.

She was both in equal measure, as she always had been, and he was just now seeing the depth to which she was Sol.

But even in his awe, he was smart enough not to comment on his wife's size.


Danny coughed with his representation, allowing his embarrassed state to flow out into the… wherever they were. How did I end up being the tiniest one of our family? he asked jokingly.

Annette sent him radiant amusement washing into his outer layers. Well I always was the one with the pants, she teased him.

Taylor groaned. MOM, Dad, I'm too young for this! she scolded, her voice sounding embarrassed and echoing with the suffering of a million days.

Annette was like this many times before and Taylor always ran away from the advances her mother made on him.

Danny brought the topic back to something benign in order to spare his daughter the continued embarrassment of her mother's unrepentant teasing. That pun was bad, by the way, he noted.

I'm the Sun, Danny, I can make bad puns, she fired back.

Danny winced at his internal monologue. Now that she'd opened the door, he was making them all on his own in his own head.

Right, he deadpanned. So Taylor, know why I was falling apart earlier?

Taylor's guilt flared, and he could tell due to how close their connection was now. That was something he would have to get used to, it seemed. I'm kind of guessing but whatever you are now doesn't really handle thinking very well, so I… sorta… forced it to in order to fix it? she sounded barely confident in what she had done, and Danny definitely wasn't getting worried, no way. If you happen to feel any part of you tightening up really hard please tell me by the way because that means- she continued to ramble, then cut herself off.

...Means what, Taylor? Danny prodded her.

Noooothing you need to worry about right now! his daughter, planet, and whatever else their relationship now was badly deflected.

Taylor, that doesn't exactly fill me with confidence, Danny informed her dryly.

Sorry! It's my first time making… uh...... Taylor started, then trailed off. Mom, what exactly is Dad now?

Danny saw the redirection for what it was. Taylor was still his kid, and a kid regardless of her Celestial existence. But he let it slide… for now, because you can only press your kids so hard, especially when they outmass you by a frankly absurd amount.

A primordial apparently, if what your sisters are telling me is right, Sol… Annette answered, the words flowing across millions of miles of space on the waves of her awesome light.

Taylor said nothing for several long, tense seconds. Danny found his emotions rising along with her, his winds swirling faster and faster across her whole surface as her being spilled into him.

Not that it was very difficult to freak out about. Danny was only aware of having one daughter.

Sisters? Taylor squeaked.

She literally squeaked. Danny redirected his unconscious coo of affection to a remote part of Antarctica.

...Okay, a more remote part.

That penguin would forever be confused, but at least he didn't give his wife and daughter any ammo.

...Taylor, we may have just woken up but we're not the only ones, Annette patiently explained, shifting into her professor's voice almost automatically. Our multiverse is eighty exponents large. You woke me up, and then my awakening echoed throughout the entirety of it all. Your siblings from me that were born in my gravity are awake, yes. But so, so many more Sols, Terras, and others have awoken as well. Few of them had lives as humans to provide their personalities, but our multiverse is now filled to the brim with Celestials. And I imagine that once my awakening cry travels to the other stars, and the galaxies, and beyond, they will awaken as well. Everywhere.

Neither Taylor nor Danny knew what to say, both stunned into absolute silence.

"...What?" Taylor finally managed to ask, sounding very small and far unlike her true size. So small, in fact, that Danny heard the word whispered into his wind instead of relayed through the space their true forms resided within.

Hmm… if that is too much for you, I probably shouldn't tell you about the extrasolar entities whose lives have been given to you for your judgement, Annette idly mused.

Danny blinked, and lightning crackled past his house. Extrasolar… what now? Like, from beyond Annette's influence? ALIENS?!

Taylor couldn't even speak. Her eyes were wide open, and she stood in place, her human body staring in total shock at Annette's.

...Did I mention Europa caught a certain bird trying to flee my gravity well?

Taylor's body fell over. She couldn't faint, but her complete and total bewilderment was more than enough to disrupt her connection with her small self.

Danny sighed and shook his head. Annette was still Annette, regardless of whether she was the sun now.

He set about studying the bodies and connections of Taylor and Annette so he could start to figure out how to make his own again while his wife laid down next to his daughter and cradled her, softly glowing.

She wasn't snickering, and Danny knew if he didn't want his daughter to hear the tale of that time he had to streak down a ski slope to get back to his clothes he'd better stick to that story.
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I think you have a white text color selected in there when you posted it (instead of the default). You need to clear out the color, because that doesn't show up in my email notification or light color themes.

I actually forgot you wrote this. But... Yay, updates! :D

Just..... this entire fucking year, I swear.

Fuck 2020.
See, I was saying that, up until a month ago, at which point I ran into a horrifying concept:

"What if 2021 is just 2020, only it turned 21 and took up drinking?"

Now, if you need me, I'm going to be pulling the drawers out of my waterbed pedestal, climbing in behind them, and trying to find a way to pull them in after me.
See, I was saying that, up until a month ago, at which point I ran into a horrifying concept:

"What if 2021 is just 2020, only it turned 21 and took up drinking?"

Now, if you need me, I'm going to be pulling the drawers out of my waterbed pedestal, climbing in behind them, and trying to find a way to pull them in after me.

This has been discussed on another forum, far, far away.

Our fervent wishes there were that 2021 is a happy drunk, or finds that it can't drink for medical reasons. :)
Oh, this is Updating one more time before the year ends? Seems like Earth-chan is making good on that promise of "taking you with me".

A primordial apparently, if what your sisters are telling me is right,
Speaking of sisters I wonder if Sol's family will show up. Like Betelgeuse or Grand-Auntie Virgo A Messier. Then again Betelgeuse is sort of dead and has been since the medieval era. Maybe Grandma Sagie-A, see how she likes her grandkids and rub it in the face of the other super massive black holes.

Although all this talk of Primordials and cosmic bodies reminds me of Devouring Stars. Apparently galaxies are sapient beings in that and you play as them. They're all descended from Khaos, the Great Void.

Sisters? Taylor squeaked.
Yes, sisters, and your several hundred nieces. Although technically you have over a hundred sisters only the first 14 seem to count. Probably something to do with the Keiper Belt.

*snort* Heh-ha-Heh:
Jupiter is a bit too obsessed with children, She has over a hundred kids several of which are adopted. Mars fights with her kids all the time. Saturn can never keep track of hers with her rings. Mercury is a NEET. Venus, despite her name, is a virgin and wants to steal your humans really really badly which is why she made it so it's preferable to colonize her over Mars*. Ceres is too traumatized after The Event to want moons (especially since she's surrounded by the remains of The Event). Haumea gets along well with her moons and is the weird one of the family although she might be trying to kidnap one of Neptune's kids. Eris is proud of her punk daughter, Dysnomia**. Pluto is in a relationship with Charon and everyone keeps confusing Charon for one of pluto's daughters****.

*Referencing how it would be quicker and easier to terraform Venus then Mars alongside it being possible to create a floating city on Venus using its atmosphere as the ballast.
**Goddess of Lawlessness. Was also the daughter of Eris and the name of the dwarf planet Eris' moon.
***referencing how Charon is labelled as a moon of Pluto despite being almost the same size and orbitting each other which should have them classified as a diplanetary system not monoplanetary like the other worlds.

That penguin would forever be confused, but at least he didn't give his wife and daughter any ammo.
...what? Is she militarizing the penguins? Cool.

Few of them had lives as humans to provide their personalities,
Now I wonder if there is a Universe where the Earth-chan Meme version of Earth-chan popped into existence and went on to become a celebrity followed closely by her Sol and everyone else.

And I imagine that once my awakening cry travels to the other stars, and the galaxies, and beyond, they will awaken as well. Everywhere.
Moves fast sideways then diagonally apparently.

"...What?" Taylor finally managed to ask
Don't worry, unless it's going FTL it'll take tens of millennia just to reach Auntie Proxima.

extrasolar entities whose lives have been given to you for your judgement, Annette idly mused.
The alien species Entities or is this Sol shoving off responsibility for worlds beyond the Keiper Belt onto Terra or is this the versions of Terra that never became planets?

...Did I mention Europa caught a certain bird trying to flee my gravity well?
For some reason that makes me think of a girl in a poofy eye searing pink dress swatting Ziz back at Earth using a chainsaw while one of her sisters cheer her on.

Danny sighed and shook his head. Annette was still Annette, regardless of whether she was the sun now.

She wasn't snickering, and Danny knew if he didn't want his daughter to hear the tale of that time he had to streak down a ski slope to get back to his clothes he'd better stick to that story.
Noted: Sol is a massive Troll stealing Ziz crown.
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