Wiki Warrior power and fanfic discussion, rec., idea thread

Maybe something like CF rules could be applied to Wiki Warrior. Something like:

Rules: Celestial Forge type of rules. Roll something from a random source list each time some number of words is written in the story. No d20 for quality of rolls - author decides how to interpret created things without it.
...due to the randomness of wiki warrior word count for power might actually work

Still doesnt stop someone from making 2 mill words and only 3 weeks pass tho
They can always put word count higher, if there is a problem of writing too much. 🤷‍♂️​
What about hybrid of Resurrection and Wiki Warrior? Each time the main character dies, they come back and make a roll, which will try to prevent them from dying again: changing environment, displacing them or danger, giving abilities and skills... But dying is still pretty traimatising - this is the cost of power. Then put this poor some in some setting, where they are going to die pretty often. And should try to evade fates worse than death.​
A fun idea for a wiki warrior would be a young Harry Potter say about three years before he goes to Hogwarts awakening it through accidental magic and then uses it to like escape from the dursley's you can have Harry running away and Dumbledore trying to find him and him leaving like chaos everywhere he goes and Harry would have no idea what's happening because you know him being sheltered so he probably wouldn't even know if the weird people and stuff that appears is normal or not plus you could use things like certain places that would teleport Harry around the world so like if you're rolled somewhere in India he would teleport there depending on how good the roll is he might get some knowledge about the place he's going to depending on how you want to do it he could thank the whole thing is a big adventure.Also if it rolls a fictional place it would appear in an appropriate place in the world if it's a high roll and Harry would be transported there or if it's a low roll he would just get knowledge on the list.Ok last thought but I just pictured a little Harry wearing a bunch of miss marched clothes and armor with a bunch of stuff like hanging off them and it would look so cute.
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Okay. I had an interesting dream after looking for wiki warrior pull-sources and work with some of them. So I leave here a little snipped inspired by this dream.

It's dark rainy night in the city full of strife. Heavy drops strike upon glassy plane of window in the room for ones in pain. It's hospital of Brockton Bay. Behind the window on the bed of white lay girl, once trapped and almost died. Her night like black, hairs behind her back – there is not after the day on which she rot. The dreams of her is filled with fear, which going out on the near. On this one day of January 2nd​ for those who close hell became heaven. This was dark rainy night in there, when Brockton's Strife came to the air.

Panacea walked along the corridor. She was tired and bored; again spend too much time within those grey walls. As if it wasn't enough, weather decided to go full storm. So Amy stuck over there for now. Therefore, she tried to do more in this spare time. Because it was something that she has to do, wasn't it? Yes, of course.

Panacea get around staircase, when things got weird. She touched metal handrail and felt painful struck of static in her fingers. It was definitely powerful, maybe even a bit too powerful. Amy, swearing, returned to the corridor and looked upon stairs again. There was quiet sound, some kind of buzzing or white noise. As on command, noises became louder and sparks of electricity started to dance between metal of staircase. Lights upon her head blinked, some of them faded completely. Next moment everything became calm, but waves of static still was there, still may be heard with little focus, waiting to start their deadly show again.

«Shit, this can't be good, this is not normal!» – She thought and took a phone out of her pocket. It was off or broken. Panacea tried to turn it on, while almost ran along familiar corridor again. Suddenly static noise came again. Lamps flickered and intuition made Amy to throw her phone. The flying device received an electric shock, when lamp shattered upon it. Panacea stayed still for a several seconds in fear and started to move only when danger is gone away. At least for some moments it was almost calm again.

«This may be new trigger or villain attack… Fuck, storm is definitely power-made and trapping us here. All metal is dangerous, electronics and wires too. Why my day has to be… to be so…» – sound of wiggling flesh stopped her, almost frozen in place. Panacea looked in little shock on the first patient room. Door became writhing mass of flesh, pulsing and moving its shorts tentacles with razor-sharp stings on the ends.

«Am I going insane?» – She told herself, but then gritted her teeth and sneak near abomination. It blindly search for victim in front, but did not expect an attack from the flank. Panacea touch one of the fleshy roots on the wall and start to destroy it and looking inside it at the same time. She would never admit that it felt exiting to work like this… «Slow metabolism with hibernation function. Stings with digestive enzymes and organic acid, high regenerating potential, symbiotic fungus as part of the organism…»

In the moments work was done. Door of flesh opened, died and decay almost to ash. Panacea entered the room. There was only one patient – comatose girl, who twitched in the bed. Room was filled with strange junk, mushrooms and plants. Amy did not waste time and go right to the girl, when pare of tinker-tech boots appear near bed. She ignored all weird events. Panacea touched parahuman and used her power to try end this emerging nightmare. The girl opened her eyes in look of terror, sighed sharply and fell into a restful sleep. Amy lost consciousness right after. She had strange feeling from her power and terrible headache.

Next day going to be full of news.
  • Rain of distrust: Long exposure will make the party fight itself for 1d6 turns.
  • Ion storm: A lightning storm that lasts for more than a day. The air in the area becomes so ionized, that metallic objects randomly release sparkles and small lightning bolts.
  • The door is a writhing mass of flesh the constantly regenerates and attacks those who comes too close. Fire seemed to be effective in stunning it and stopping it's regeneration.
  • Wandercaps: When you ingest these plain gray mushrooms, you fall into a deep trance. You experience vivid hallucinations, often nonsensical, but sometimes hinting about the events in the near future. The comedown is unpleasant.
  • Barb: A thorny stalk from the Cheb barb weed (looks like purple buck thorn). Sold by the branch, you can pull off individual thorns and use them to scrape or pierce the skin. The side effects are similar to pot, but too much can result in paralysis.
  • What Men know about Women: A Hard cover Book with One Hundred Empty Pages.
  • Tenax Stalk. When chewed, it chemically alters your hormones for 1d6 hours making your skin develop a white viscous cover, focusing on the extremities [all], that can be used to produce webbing and enable spider climb.
  • Willoshroom. Hundreds of small strands hang down from the mushroom, making it look like a willow tree. It can be made into a poison that both deals 1d4 damage each minute and dulls the senses, causing an afflicted creature to be unable to feel pain.
  • The Venomous-Spider-In-A-Glass-Orb Launcher! Just don't drop the ammo!
  • Flying Fire Boots: uses powerful fire explosions to propel you up. Doesn't take provide easy to control direction or speed and has no fire protection.
  • The afflicted knows, without a doubt, that they are the real, biological parent of someone else (ideally, a PC); and they want to make it up to their child for never having realized this before.

I really like this concept of an unconscious person pulling wiki rolls, so this inspired 2 WW ideas that I would like to write.

The first is a young boy who has recently been in a coma and doesn't show any signs of waking up. His parents come by whenever they can, Mom usually ends up sleeping by his side until visiting hours are over.

One day, a nurse comes by to do a quick check. Mom is quietly asleep as the nurse checks his vitals. When she's about to do the next step...


[13-12 Resource Depot - A Resource Depot is created in the wing Ethan is in. It is connected with the hospital's electrical work and has half capacity already.]

A slight tremor was felt throughout the building. The nurse holds on for support as the mother stirs from her rest.

Once the tremor subsides, Mom is looking more awake and the nurse is relieved it was only a small one. As she was about to greet the previously sleeping woman,


[6-18 Last Bridge Standing - The nurse is sent to the battle for the bridge with Chuck Walker and Co. for the next 18 hours. She brings extra supplies and utilities for the squad. Tank support comes in time.]

she suddenly found herself in a bizarre situation.

She seemed to be in a camp of sorts. Multiple tents are strewn about with boxes stacked nearby. The crates had symbols like an ammo clip or a plus sign to identify what content they held inside. What confused her more was the many men in various speeds of motion wearing military uniforms. It was like she found herself smack dab in a historical reenactment of sorts.

"Nurse!" a voice cried.

She turned around, fear evident in her features.

A young platoon man marched up to her.

"We have some men who need a close inspection."

"Uhm... sure." she said hesitantly. "Lead the way." An awkward smile made its way on her face.

She couldn't be sure what was going on, maybe this was tied to the sudden earthquake earlier? But all she knew was that some people needed her help right now and she would provide the best of care possible.

Meanwhile at the hospital:

"You don't understand, she just vanished!"


I was really hoping for a low roll on the second pull so an investigation can happen. Imagine a nurse just suddenly disappears, then reappears dead with bullet wounds. Police wouldn't know what to make of it.

Anyway this was all my brain could fathom for that little snippet.

Here are the wikis I've decided on. I wanted a mixture of things a young boy would be interested in like sports, robots, dinosaurs, superheroes, etc.

  1. The Minecraft Wiki
  2. Transformers Wiki
  3. ARK Wiki
  4. Super Mario Wiki
  5. Mortal Kombat Wiki
  6. Call of Duty Wiki
  7. The Apex Legends Wiki
  8. Fortnite Wiki
  9. Among Us Wiki
  10. Marvel Database
  11. DC Database
  12. Narutopedia
  13. Army Men Wiki
  14. Sonic Wiki Zone
  15. Nerf Wiki
  16. My Hero Academia Wiki
  17. Monster Hunter Wiki
  18. SmashWiki
  19. Elden Ring Wiki
  20. The Guilty Gear Wiki
Runner Up Wikis
Forza Wiki
Skylanders Wiki
The Bakugan Wiki
Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki

The second idea is about an older sibling who is trying to find a cure for their younger sibling's curse. A random god decided to curse them with the Wiki Warrior power but they remain unconscious. The villagers exiled them for they do not want to deal with such a chaotic force. Now the duo are traveling across the land for any way to uplift their burden.

"Again, thank you so much for allowing us to ride with you."

"Oh you don't have to thank me. It was the right thing to do."

Kamen has always been a grateful boy, never asked for more than he has, and he's always made sure to thank people who help him, but there's this feeling in his chest when he looks at the older man next to him. He wants to ignore this feeling but it keeps gripping his heart tighter and tighter, making it hard to breathe.

"Your grandparents will be happy to see you two. I just wished my grandkids would visit more often."

And that's what truly hurts him. His grandparents have been dead for many years now. Obviously, the Old Man would have no clue of his deceit, his lie. His chest tightens a little bit.

"How is your sister? She looked very tuckered out." the man inquired.

"We had a long journey until you found us. She is a very deep sleeper, hardly anything can wake her up." Kamen let out with a laugh.

The trio continued on the dirt path for many more paces. The greenery has become less dense as a towering object breaks through the sky. A yellow crowning over a thick brass cylinder. The Tower far exceeded the heights of the buildings that even managed to be bigger than the wall surrounding the city.

Kamen looked on with reverence.

"Looks like we're nearing the Capital." the Man said. "You look mighty excited I see."

Kamen blushed and closed a mouth he didn't know was left wide open. He tried to look at something other than man or tower.

"No need to be so embarrassed now! It's a beautiful city!" He said as he patted Kamen's back.

A low groan escaped the back of the carriage.

[7-19 Crenel Hermit - The hermit has spawned in the Capital with a big house and a flourishing bomb making business. He is aware of Kamen's situation and pretends to be his grandfather. He will know where to find you when you get to the Capital.]

Needles of fear prick his spine as the noise entered his ear. His face contorting into a poor imitation of a human being, embracing for the worst to come.

Please don't be anything bad. Please don't be anything bad. Please don't be anything bad.

"Sounds like the little one's returning from the land of the dead." the Man roared. Kamen wished that statement was true.

Kamen checks through the window, only to see a still sleeping girl. Her brown hair covered her face like a veil and her blanket cocooning her body, victim to a terrible predator. I guess we're in the clear.

Before Kamen could tell the Old Man anything, he felt the carriage stop.

I spoke too soon.

When he turned around, he spotted five men on horseback, with outfits in various states of disrepair. It was like a dire wolf chewed on them like a nice piece of meat. But what concerned him the most was the weapons. Daggers, morning stars, and a hammer adorned these ruffians. With their musculature, no doubt they can wield them proficiently. This will not be an easy encounter to escape.

"Well if it isn't our little old merchant." one of them barked out.

"He even has a buddy with him." another laughed.

"We don't want any trouble sir." the Old Man pleaded.

"And there won't be any trouble as long as you cooperate." the one in the middle said. His hair was black as a raven, and slicked back as well, his eyes had a hardened edge to them, more pronounced with the claw marks adorning his right eye, and his smile only promised misfortune.

"Now my boys are gonna check your luggage, don't try anything funny." He grinned at our palpable despair.

Two of his men circled behind the vehicle and peered inside. They seemed to like what was inside cause shortly after, a high whistle was heard.

"Ooh this one's a beauty. She'll sell for a pertty penny."

Kamen's eyes went wide when the bandit finished his sentence. Is he talking about my sister? Kamen wanted to get up and shout at this man's obscene behavior, curse him into oblivion, jostle him around. A bubbling he hasn't felt in a while was threatening to burst through his skin. He can feel the heat rising throughout his body.

As Kamen was about to stand, a hand firmly held him down. He looked to see the Old Man with such fear in his eyes, it had him stunned.

Is he really going to let my sister be taken? All the aches in his heart washed away as a new feeling invaded the space.

A loud snore was heard from the back of the carriage.

[3-4 Walrein (Primal Clash 48) - Walrein is really annoyed being summoned out of its natural habitat. It will attack anyone in sight, including Warrior]

"What the fuck is tha-" was the last thing uttered from the bandit as a chill started to make itself known to everyone in the front.

"What's going on back there?" the leader barked. Heavy thumping could be heard from behind as it was getting closer. The bandits brandished their weapons, readying their combat stances. Their combat stance falters slightly when they gaze upon an unfamiliar creature.

"Uhh, do you know what that is?" the bandit on the left asked. The trio have complete looks of confusion written on their faces. Kamen and the Old Man could not understand what was going on.

"Walrein!" the beast shouted. It raised its lower half before slamming it back down on the ground. A surge of water jutted from the ground.

"Oh no."

The bandits were swarmed by a wave of water. It sent them hurling away but the wave started freezing rapidly, capturing its victims inside the new iceberg.

Kamen and the Old Man were left speechless. They did not expect such a turn of events to happen so quickly. In their confused states, the Walrein managed to face the front of the carriage with an angry expression etched in its features.

"Walrein!" the beast bellowed. Its mouth opened and a blue energy started accumulating in size.

Well, I guess this is where it ends. I always thought it would be from a-

A loud snore-

[6-19 Tank (Episode) - Kamen and Warrior are teleported to the festival in the Capital. They can now eat and digest metals like any other food.]

came from Kamen's shoulder?

He looked to no longer be sitting in the carriage anymore, people are walking around him as joyful music and chanting was heard. The smell of baked bread, prepared meats, and ale reached the young man's nose. He didn't understand, he was supposed to-

Kamen blinked once, then twice. He gently placed his sister on the wall as he slid down and began to calmly reevaluate his life up to this point.

Here are the wiki's I've picked for this story
  1. The Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
  2. Chibi-Robo! Wiki
  3. Bulbapedia
  4. Recipes Wiki
  5. MiiWiki
  6. Lilo & Stitch Wiki
  7. Zelda Wiki
  8. Nookipedia
  9. Stardew Valley Wiki
  10. WiKirby
  11. Inkipedia
  12. Pikipedia
Oh yeah, I would like to see this idea being used.​

Edit: Could have some freedom giving roll like:

[Get out of Jail Free Card (20) - due to the high roll all doors and closed containers in the whole neighborhood open. And they magically prevented from being closed for the next hour. No one withing neighborhood can find user of the effect for the next hour too.]

"Get out of Jail Free Card - is also an idiomatic expression for something that would alleviate an undesirable situation." - so yeah, it can be pretty neat if overcharged.
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