Lexicon of Known Races
Note: This post is intended as a mere listing of the various races within the setting of Widget & Clank, possibly with a brief description and a credit to whichever source material I drew the race from or whomever had created the race in question. While each entry is prone to expansion as details are added, any significant information on any particular race will most likely merit their own separate entries.
It is not a complete list by any means, and more sophont races may be added to this list at any time.
Unfortunately, most of the sophont races that are actually in the Ratchet & Clank games do not have official names. I will be filtering them in over time, most likely naming them after one of the planets they can be found on....
Addendum: I have RickGriffin's permission to use the races he has made for Hayven Celestia project. Or at least the ones he has made reference sheets for on his DeviantArt account. That said, each of his races so adopted into the setting should be assumed to have received a slight Ratchet & Clank style twist to either themselves or their cultures/backgrounds so as to fit into the setting better, so none of them are exact copies of their Hayven Celestia origins...
Addendum II: According to RickGriffin's notes, most spacefaring races from the Hayven Celestia setting consider clothing to be entirely optional due to having long since adapted to living in controlled environments. Or, in the case of the Krakun, being so damn tough naturally that they never developed a need for clothing in the first place. I have chosen to keep this trait for his contributions to my story setting.
Achuu: They are like cuter, more pleasant Kerchu with better manners and hygiene. (created by
Pinklestia101, for a proposed Racthet & Clank/WORM fic)
Homeworld: Achoo, in the Megrez Galaxy
The Achuu are big into tourism, both setting up and maintaining destinations for tourists to visit, as well as actually being tourists traveling to take in the sights and experiences of wherever they go to. As far as dedicated tourists go, the Achuu are very pleasant as both hosts and guests.
Achuu fur also has excellent thermal insulating properties, and many Achuu who do not live in regions where it is otherwise too hot or too cold supplement their income by getting trimmed regularly and selling their fur as a component for insulation. This is typically done through an Achuu barber acting as a middleman who can line up buyers for the fur of a lot of Achuu in one go rather than sporadic purchases from individual sellers. It's still fairly profitable for everyone involved, even with a middleman barber, and the Achuu gain the added benefit of ending up with whatever style is popular for their short fur at the time.
That said, there always seem to be some holdouts that trim and sell their own fur without ever seeing a professional barber or stylist. These Achuu either get very good at trimming their own fur or just resign themselves to the fact that they will periodically look as if someone had attacked them with either sheep sheers or a hedge trimmer.
Nobody knows if the Achuu share a genetic heritage with the Kerchu, as thus far the Kerchu have refused to allow anyone to sample their genetics for comparison. At least, not willingly without a long, drawn out and bloody fight...
Aglian: Tallish, thin, hairless humanoids (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Biraktes, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Agorian: Agressive warriors of great courage and dim wit
Homeworld: Agoria, in the Polaris Galaxy
Agorians like to fight, raid, participate in highly dangerous sports, and pick on any race they perceive as being weak or timid. Well, unless said race can do something useful for them, such as maintain and operate their battleplex arena supership so that they don't have to do it themselves and can just get on with fighting each other in gladatorial combat...
The Terachnoids figure they got a pretty sweet deal out of this, since the Agorians now tend to leave them alone. Mostly. As long as they can convince them that they are Battleplex employees. Which isn't difficult, really.
Amoeboid: Artificially created aggressive green blobs
Homeworld: Not applicable
The original Amoeboids were created by Iam Nefarious as a high school science project that had gotten out of hand when a careless classmate who shall not be named here (but whose name rhymes with Copernicus Leslie Qwark) accidentally introduced additional materials into their composition.
While the original batch of Amoeboids has long since been destroyed, somehow the formula to make them has either gotten out or otherwise been duplicated, and these primitive aggressive blobs have been pests ever since.
An Phar: Pig-like aliens with a love of philosophy (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Phar, in the ??? Galaxy (An Phar loosely translates as "People of Phar")
Anup: Tall, jackal-like bipeds (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: Anu Prime, in the ??? Galaxy
Anup are a tall, bipedal, canoid race, averaging about 9 ft -8 in (3 meters) in height, with sharp features, tall ears, and black or dark grey fur (although extremely rare albino individuals exist and are highly prized and revered).
Anup are extremely resistant to chemical contact burns, often opting to forgo any hazardous materials protection other than a sealed face mask when in environments where exposure to such is expected or considered possible.
The Anup have a highly restrictive society, with many taboos. They consider touching other sophonts, including other Anup, to be too intimate for any public setting (making for some interesting design choices for public facilities, given the generally large size of their race). They similarly consider hand gestures to also be too intimate for public use, which is why almost all Anup carry a rod to use as a stand-in to gesture with.
If drawn into melee combat, an Anup would much rather strike their foe with anything other than their hands (or other body part for that matter).
There are situations where these (and most other taboos) have exceptions, such as emergencies and certain authorised religious ceremonies.
NOTE: Despite being a physically reserved species, Anup in general consider clothing to be entirely optional outside of specific situations where protective apparel would be considered to be required. Like Lombaxes, Anup can even survive brief periods of vacuum exposure with little more than an O2 mask and eye protection.
Aryan: Huge, grey skinned humanoids (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: Arya, in the ??? Galaxy
Aryans tend to be big into mining, where their strength and durability can take the place of some of the machines that many other races depend on for this purpose.
Auroras: Super-powerful, benevolent creatures of pure mind (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Inapplicable
Banduch: Super-powerful psychic dinosaurs (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Benduu, in the ??? Galaxy
The Banduch resemble small, three-eyed brontosaurs about the size of a rhinoserous. The have no manipulative limbs, primarily using either telekinesis or their mouths to handle objects as needed.
They are quite friendly, and there is a popular children's show loosely based on their history and mythology called My Little Banduch, which follows the adventures of Princess Periwinkle and her companions...
Blarg: Irresponsible reptilian consumers lead by an aggressively greedy businessman with great ambitions!
Homeworld: Orxon, in the Solana Galaxy
Boon'sheh: Tall blue primitives with long, whiplike tails (Star Froniers)
Homeworld: ???
Despite being primitives with no concept of space travel, Boon'sheh tribes have been found on several different worlds so far, widely separated, and even in differing galaxies.
A preserver race is suspected of being responsible for this, but so far nobody knows which one it might be...
Homeworld: Snivilak, in the Bogon Galaxy
Noted Individuals:
- Gary the Prophet
- Goons 4 Less thugs (formerly Thugs 4 Less goons)
Bros are a reptilian race with medium length tails and camen-like heads. They are tall, with broad, powerful torsos and muscular arms, but narrow waists and thin, gangly legs. Bros are quite friendly and gregarious among their own kind, as well as those they happen to like, but can otherwise
most Bros tend to be argumentative and violent if they think you are obstructing their goal or task of the moment.
Cazar: striped felinoids with tufted tails
Homeworld: Marcadia, in the Solana Galaxy
Cazares play a big role in the politics of the Solana Galaxy.
Homeworld: Cerinia, in the Solana Galaxy
Noted Individuals:
- Princess Krystal
- Fox McCloud: Ace starfighter pilot and licensed hero. Fox works as part of a squadron of starfighter pilots in a roving heroic PMC.
- Nicholas "Nick" Wild: Former confidence artist who recently turned a new leaf after helping out on a pivotal case.
- Robin and Marian Loxley: off on their honeymoon after helping to clear up some trouble in their hometown...
Cerinians are vulpinoid bipeds with luxurious, fluffy tails. They are on the short side of galactic average height in Solana, and tend to be slim, although neither overweight nor gaunt Cerinians are unheard of. Most Cerinians exhibit foxlike fur patterns in the usual range of colors, but some (such as Princess Krystal) display unusual colors and patterns. A rare few Cerinians exhibit unusual abilities that some take to be mystical in nature, while others claim these to be either paranormal or metabiological instead.
Of note, Princess Krystal recently took part in a charity hoverbike race event on Veldin to help raise money to help the colony there rebuild after the Blarg attack. Kyrystal took first place in the race she participated in, although mainly due to being the only racer to cross the finish line, as all the other racers had allowed themselves to get distracted by a side event.
It should be noted that Cerinia is one of the worlds targeted by Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman Alonzo Drek, who wishes to add it's rich, unusual resources to the new planet his company is supposed to be building...
Chedan: Short, blue humanoids well adapted to the cold (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: ???
Chiropti: Clannish, nocturnal warriors (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Cheyisk, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Born blind and only gaining sight during their early childhood, Cheropti start their life developing superior hearing (although they do end up with decent low-light vision).
Cidi: They're six inches tall... but don't call them cute (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Cidilumitaufolulu, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Resembling largish, long-tailed gerbils or hamsters ranging from five to eight inches tall when standing upright (which actually isn't very often), the Cidi tend to live in aboral communities centered around either one or a few large trees.
The Cidi tend to be clever mechanics, technicians, and engineers, and are even widely respected for this trait, if not for their diminuative size, which most Cidi tend to be sensitive about.
Much to the shame of their fellow Cidi, a few have opted to exploit their cute natures and live the easy life, hiring themselves out as pets and companions who literally have to do nothing but be present and adorable as they live lives of relative luxury.
Note: According to the Kaa, Cidi are delicious, whether eaten live or prepared in any number of ways. The Cidi, naturally, object to this opinion with extreme prejudice.
Conei: Short, rabbit-like, tunnel-dwellers (Based on Judy Hopps and other rabbits and hares from Zootpoia/Zootropolis)
Homeworld: Cone, in the Solana Galaxy
The Conei are generally peaceful and unassuming herbivores who typically prefer to live in large, semi-underground communities referred to as warrens. Most Conei tend to avoid any overtly carnivorous species they happen across (overt, in that said species makes a point of eating meat in a deliberately conspicuous manner), but generally have little to no problem with races who don't tend to make a big deal out of their respective dietary requirements. That said, almost all Conei will generally avoid Kaa, Krakun, and Ssarith as a matter of good sense (although, in the case of the Ssarith, it's more due to that race's resemblance to the Kaa than to any risk of being casually eaten in the middle of a conversation).
Conei are natural runners and jumpers, capable of moving at great speeds and leaping several times their body length in height or distance.
While the majority of Conei tend to be cautious, a few are naturally inquisitive and gregarious, and any Conei can be surprisingly challenging in a fight.
Especially if their friends and/or family are threatened!
Coosa: Friendly, gregarious, and highly resilient marsupials (Hayven Celestia, by RichGriffin)
Homeworld: Coose, in the ??? Galaxy
Homeworld: Reepor, in the Polaris Galaxy
Noted Individuals:
Cragmites have a mix of reptilian and insectoid features, are very aggressive, and have multiple life stages (egg, cragpole, adult). They are centauroids, having six small insect-like legs on their lower torso, two large insect-like arms, long lizard-like heads and tails. They typically have lavender scales with tan underbellies, and usually only wear clothing and armor on their upper bodies.
Once a militaristic race in the Polaris Galaxy, conquering world after world to strip them of their resources, the Cragmites were eventually defeated by the Lombaxes, who used the Dimensionator to banish nearly the entire race into another dimension.
Percival Tachyon was later found as an egg (hidden in a comet) by Lombax explorers, and raised among them on Fastoon, before turning on them. Percival is unusually short and has a disproportionately large head for a Cragmite, but it is unknown if this is a defect or a sub-trait of some sort of Cragmite leader caste.
Croutonian: Strange humanoids from that other planet...
Homeworld: Crouton, in the Solana Galaxy
Individuals of note:
- Captain Carl Lepton Quantum
- Captain Copernicus Leslie Qwark
- Captain Starshield
Crystal Computers: An artificially-created life form with secret powers (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: ???
Derkosians: Tall, foul-smelling, exo-suit assisted swamp-dwellers (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Derkos, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Derkosians are not naturally bipedal, requiring specially constructed exo-suit frames to maintain their upright stance. The use of these exo-suits have become part of their culture, stemming from a time when they had been enslaved by the Guroshan (and the one good thing that they will admit had come from their enslavement).
Draenei: Refugees from the ruined homeworld (World of Warcraft)
Homeworld: Draenor, in the ??? Galaxy
Draken: Dragon-like warriors (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: Drakuun, in the ??? Galaxy
While largish, the Draken are nowhere near as big as Krakun. However, unlike the Krakun, they do have wings.
Dralasites: Grey, malleable ameboids who value humor (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Fromeltar, in the ??? Galaxy
Dralasites are capable of forming numerous pseudopods they can then freely use as arms and legs, even forming thinner tendrils on the ends of their "arms" to serves as fingers as required. Most Dralasites go with three legs and two arms out of daily practicality, but any combination of arms and legs is potentially possible.
Homeworld: Zaurik, in the Polaris Galaxy
A small, aquatic, fish-like race with orange scales and yellow eyes. Many Drophyds were drawn into Emperor Tachyon's plot, and they formed the bulk of the army Tachyon used to defeat the Lombaxes. Drophyds are technically amphibious, being able to breathe both air and water, but they lack limbs strong enough to support them on dry land and thus must use specially designed exosuits to operate out of the water.
Econian: Elf-like humanoids that are inexplicably genetically related to Ottsels (Jak & Daxter)
Homeworld: Eco, in the Solana Galaxy
It should be noted that, unlike their Ottsel cousins, most Econians are only vaguely aware of matters beyond their struggles on Eco. Most Econians don't even care to acknowledge (or even believe) their shared genetic heritage with Ottsels despite the fact that every now and then a random Econian spontaneously (and perminantly) transforms into an Ottsel.
Note: Econians are among the various sophont races that have inexplicably chosen to name themselves human, hence their being labeled after their homeworld by galactic society as a whole. Much to the disgruntlement of the Ottsels, who consider themselves to be the more advanced race to have originated on Eco.
Edestekai: Trilateral primatives whose three legs double as arms (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Volternus, in the ??? Galaxy
Elden: Super-intelligent mice (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: ???
Despite some superficial physical resemblance, the Elden are not exceptionally short Mysa, and the two races share no genetic heritage. Given that the tallest Elden standing upright only stands as high as an average Mysa's knees, the Elden are astonished that there is even any confusion about this.
The Mysa, for their part, tend to consider the smaller (and clearly far more intelligent) Elden as cute, rambunctious kids.
Eorna: Tall, furred dinosauroids (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Volternus, in the ??? Galaxy
Engai: Brilliant but decadent and ruthless (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: ???
The engai resemble beautiful elves with perfect skin and mohawk hairstyles. They dress in fine, luxurious robes and similar apparel, any one article of which probably costing more than what you make in a year. Which they will gladly point out to you at their leisure, while treating you to a meal that is similarly decadent simply because that's their version of good manners (and isn't it a shame that you can't possibly return the favor in a similarly civilized manner, but what can you expect from a destitute barbarian?).
They are rather brilliant, which sort of (but not really) makes up for the "we're simply better than you" attitude that most of them project towards any non-Engai they happen to encounter.
About the only race the Engai cannot flaunt their vast wealth over are the Purulu, so the Engai choose to instead flaunt their obviously superior artistic taste over the Purulu instead, which infuriates the radioactive octopoids to no end.
Espezel: (BESM Space Fantasy)
Homeworld: ???
The Espezel are a long-lived and peaceful race renowned for their psychic abilities and remarkable learning. They deal fairly, if arrogantly, with "lesser species," whom they nevertheless aid when faced with a genuine threat. The Espezel typically become scientists or diplomats, as they have little love for warfare and prefer to avoid it if at all possible.
Fasanni: Galactic Mimics, satirists, and investigators (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Fasann, in the Solana Galaxy
Resembling a sort of cross between giant kangaroo rats and racoons, most Fasanni are cultural mimics who tend to swiftly pick up and adopt various languages, customs, and other cultural quirks of other sophont races they happen to spend much of any time at all living among. This has been going on for so long that nobody, not even the Fasanni themselves, know what their original culture or cultures were like...
Fermorin: Formerly artificial supersoldiers turned pacifists (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: Not applicable
The Fermorin are actually quite pleasant for an artificial race of genetically engineered space ork super-soldiers who have dedicated themselves to peace.
That said, being genetically engineered space ork super-soliers, it's probably best not to piss one off...
Let's poke one with a stick!
Homeworld: Torren IV, in the Polaris Galaxy
Noted Individuals:
- Felton Razz - Grimroth's brother, and therefore Widget's uncle by way of adoption.
- Grimroth Razz - Widget's adoptive father
A (mostly) short, bipedal race with lavender skin, blue horns, and yellow eyes. Most Fongoids have forgone the use of higher technology due to having abused such in the past to the point of causing a calamity of universal proportions. That said, Fongoids can be found scattered throughout the known galaxies.
There is a subset of unusually large Fongoids with tusks, drooping ears, and proportionately smaller eyes, but they are still genetically Fongoid. It is believed that their particular traits had developed in an isolated population at some point in the distant past before they rejoined the rest of the Fongoids before diverging too far and becoming a truly separate race.
Gaufrey: Short, peaceful explorers with no sense of personal space or personal property... (BESM Space Fantasy)
Homeworld: Lost to history
The Gaufrey are short, playful aliens, who travel the galaxy seeking out new diversions. Their own homeworld was lost eons ago and they are now the interstellar equivalent of gypsies - part entertainers, part thieves, with a reputation to match. Even so, the Gaufrey can be found almost anywhere and are an important part of galactic society.
Garuda: Fragile, low-gravity astrogators (GURPS Space Atlas 4)
Homeworld: ???
The Garuda have long since adapted to low gravity and weightless environments so long ago that they now have difficulties dealing with standard gravity environments currently used by most other spacefaring races. Meaning that most Garuda encountered are either on their own worlds or ships, or are wearing exosuits in order to go out and about without harming themselves.
The Garuda currently make the best astrogation systems around, although in a pinch, a well trained Garuda astrogator can navigate from mental calculations and simple tools alone if need be.
Geordian: Extemely felxible felinoids (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: Geordia, in the ??? Galaxy
Geroo: Essentially Bear-otters (Haven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: ???
Gerudo: Tall, dusky space
pirates amazons
Homeworld: Din, in the Solana Galaxy
Once thought to be an all female race, male Gerudo are just exceptionally rare. It is perhaps fortunate that Gerudo have, for the most part, stopped the practice of declaring any Gerudo child born male to be a prince as most examples of Gerudo masculinity who have ended up in important positions of power have thus far proven to be tyrants with dreams of conquest.
It is unkown how, given the problematic effect that tends to corrupt advanced technology on Din, but more Gerudo have left Din than any other sophont species originating on that world. Most of whom then proceeding to spend at least their first few years in space as pirates and mercenaries. This practice has not made them popular in the Solana Galaxy.
Gerodians: An elder race with a bent for medicine and psychology (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Gerodia, in the ??? Galaxy
Gloworms: Solitary, flying energy vampires (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Unknown
Hauntingly beautiful self-levitating worms that make a pest of themselves by syphoning energy from unshielded powered systems. Nobody knows if they are intelligent or not, but then again, nobody cares as anyone who encounters them generally ends up having to clear their ship of these pests.
Gnome: (World of Warcraft)
Homeworld: Azeroth, in the ??? Galaxy
The diminutive gnomes one of the most innovative and technologically adept races around, albeit not the most safety conscious when it comes to their inventions. They tend to be magically active as well, giving them a combination of traits that make most larger races wary of them.
Goblin: (World of Warcraft)
Homeworld: Azeroth, in the ??? Galaxy
Not to be confused with a similar, more savage races of lesser intelligence that happens to share their name, the clever and inventive goblins of Kezan are a force to be reckoned with. Similar in stature to the gnomes, and just as technologically adept, the two races consider themselves to be rivals.
Gormelites: Brutal, paranoid, shaggy berserkers (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: ???
These four-armed, shaggy brutes are sometimes used as cheap labor and/or mercenaries by various disreputable individuals of ill intent.
Goron: Large, rock-like humanoid stone-eaters (Legend of Zelda)
Homeworld: Din, in the Solana Galaxy
The massive, stone-eating gorons seldom stray far from the Eldin mountains as most of them prefer the tremendous heat put out by the lakes of lava surrounding Death Mountain. They are a friendly race for the most part, who consider it a shame that their non-goron friends who try to visit their volcanic homes tend to spontaneously combust.
While Gorons
do breathe, this is apparently solely for the purpose of pulling in air in order to be able to speak, because they certainly don't seem to care whether they are breathing air, toxic fumes, water, or even nothing at all. Goron's generally don't bother with spacesuits, although they might buy a sealable breather or helmet just so that they can speak if required.
Few Gorons have ever made it off of Din. Most of those that have tend to head for highly volcanic worlds eventually in order to settle down somewhere comfortable with lots of suitable rocks to eat.
Gorushan: Nearly identicle humanloids (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Pzanyalarr, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Very little is known about the Gorushan, other than where they come from. And it's surprizing that they let outsiders know even that much about them.
Encounters between the Gorushan and members of any other species have been very inconsistant. Sometimes the contact is peaceful and results in a trading oppertunity. Other times the Gorushans involved will try to raid your ship or colony, taking whatever and whomever they want, before leaving once again.
Grank: Short, strong, and stubborn (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: ???
Grummel: These corpulant reptilians have recently been driven nearly extinct by the Blarg
Homeworld: Destroyed
The Grummel's homeworld was destroyed by the Blarg during a previous corporate war. There was only one survivor, who has since cloned multiple iterations of himself in an attempt to repopulate his species (sort of). Interestingly, the leader of the Blarg at that time had also been a Drek.
The Grummel clones have since formed Grummelnet, a competitor of Gadgetron and Megacorp, although their biggest market is in the Polaris Galaxy where they are the primary arms supplier for the Lombax Resistance. Mostly because the Grummels aren't worried about Emperor Tachyon attacking a homeworld that no longer exists.
Grungarian: Nomadic marauders and raiders
Homeworld: Grungaria, in the Polaris Galaxy
While neither as aggressive, nor as stupid, as their Agorian rivals, the Grungarians are greedier and far more genetically diverse.
Grungarians like to sweep in, loot everything they possibly can, and leave whoever is left with barely anything at all (assuming they even leave either survivors or loot behind).
Oddly enough, despite being arguably smarter than Agorians, they tend to be less successful raiders as their ships can be easily held at bay by most planetary defenses. Make no mistake though, despite how easily their ships may be thwarted, should a Grungarian raiding force be allowed to establish a beachhead, they will be incredibly difficult to get rid of until they have taken everything that they possibly can.
Guardian: Short, cute, cat-like magi (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: Not Applicable
The Guardians were created as genetically modified house pets by an insanely decadent advanced race.
The Engai have officially denied being the ones responsible for having created the Guardians, although they do admit to being both advanced and decadent enough to have the capability of doing so.
Hetochi: Long-lived mantis-like insectoids (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: ???
Hoolefoid: Primitive (preinterstellar) island dwelling purple reptilians.
Homeworld: Merdegraw
The Hoolefoids would probably have joined Polaris society once they finally figured out interstellar travel, predicted to occur sometime within the next hundred years. But all that progress and potential ground to a halt when the robot space pirate fleet that Emperor Tachyon had discarded and left to their own devices invaded Merdegraw, driving the surviving inhabitants to retreat to the Hoolefar Island archipelago (which the Hoolefoids then took their name and identity from).
While some remnants of their former industrial civilization remain behind on the Hoolefar Islands, the Hoolefoids have largely reverted to a simple tribal island culture so as to be less attractive targets for the robot space pirates occupying their world.
Human: Not actually a single race, but instead a common name inexplicably chosen by innumerable sophont races to name themselves
Homeworld: Varies according to which "humans" you are seeking information on...
Due to the inexplicable phenomenon of so many unrelated races choosing to name themselves human, most of these races find themselves renamed after their world or system of origin by whichever race first encountered them. This is to avoid confusion (although this practice has resulted in a few wars)
It should be noted that
most "humans" are bilateral bipeds, which is why the term "humanoid" is widely accepted as a common racial descriptor.
Humma: Aggressive kangaroo-like marsupials with prehensile tails (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Hum, in the ??? Galaxy
The Humma can best be described as being rude, crude, lewd, pushy, and arrogant. They are basically tolerated by the other worlds of the Xygig Frontier because they make better allies against the Sathar than they do enemies against everybody.
Hylian: (Legend of Zelda)
Homeworld: Din, in the Solana Galaxy
Few Hylians have ever made it off of Din, as Hylian civilization seems to exist in a perpetual cycle of rising only so far before collapsing into ruin due to some arbitrary disaster or other.
The fact that most of Din is covered by some sort of inexplicable effect that tends to corrupt most forms of advanced technology has not helped matters in the slightest.
Ifshnit: Short merchants and traders (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Ifshna, in the ??? Galaxy
Ination: Fish-people (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: ???
Due to living most of their lives submerged in an underwater environment, the Ination are used to thinking of movement in three dimensional terms all the time, and thus tend to excel at being pilots.
Irari: Winged scientists and researchers (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: ???
Jaril: A once threatened race of giants, now reborn. (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Lost to history
Once a dying race due to having spread out so far that it had become rare for any one Jaril to even see another member of their race other than their own parents or siblings within their lifetime, these gentle giants have been making a bit of a comeback since they have started making a concerted effort to finding each other and forming actual integrated communities once again.
Kaa: Greedy, ruthless, imperialistic snake-men (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Issimmek'Kaa, in the Bogon Galaxy
Kafrin: Tiger-like cat-people (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: Kafreen, in the ??? Galaxy
Kerchu: Aggressively territorial, ill tempered, and foul
Homeworld: Jasindu, in the Polaris Galaxy
Kinski: (GURPS Space Atlas 4)
Homeworld: ???
Kirn: Agile cat-people (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Motuv'Utaw, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Kon: Short, rabbit-like warriors who live for thrills and excitement! (created by
Pinklestia101, for a proposed Racthet & Clank/WORM fic)
Homeworld: KON3, in the Alioth Galaxy.
With the dissaster that befel the sector of the Alioth Galaxy that KON3 is in, the Kon have moved, lock, stock, and barrel to settle a new world in the Megrez Galaxy that they have named KON4.
Despite the very strong resemblance between the teo races, neither the Kon nor the Conei share any genetic heritage with each other.
Krakun: Wingless dragons who do whatever they please (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: ???, in the Kavorian Galaxy
The Krakun are among the largest sophont species to have ever made it into space on their own at all, let alone join the intergalactic community.
Typically solitary and isolationistic, every now and then one or more Krakun gets it into their heads to conquer a world or two. Possibly out of boredom, or maybe because very few races really want to argue with a race whose members tend to grow to the size of small buildings...
Kronin: A race of honorable warriors and mercenaries (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: ???
Kurabanda: Primitive primates (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Volternus, in the ??? Galaxy
Lamarian: Space elves without the arrogance normally associated with space elves (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: Lameria, in the ??? Galaxy
Lio: Tall lionine bipeds (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: ???, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Formerly expansionistic conquerors, who had gone through a protectionist phase during one cultural revolution after encountering the Krakun, and have recently undergone another, more recent, cultural revolution that has left most of them feeling more than a bit embarrassed about how they have treated the Mysa who had ended up in their care after the Krakun-Lio War.
Relations between the Lio and the Mysa remain cordial but strained, because as bad as it got between these two races, the Mysa still fared far better under the Lio than they ever had under the Krakun.
Liook Sujan: Slow, rocklike creatures who are psychic giants (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Liook, in the ??? Galaxy
Loki: Energy based lifeforms who require possession of biological bodies in order to effect the physical world
Homeworld: Torenux (destroyed by the Cragmites)
Destroying Torenux, the homeworld of the Loki, was probably the one good service the Cragmites had ever done for the greater good of the universe.
Homeworld: Fastoon, in the Polaris Galaxy
Full Entry elsewhere...
Malatriani: Stocky, stooped humanoids (Rifts manhunter)
Homeworld: Melatrin, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Malikithi: Tall, thin raiders with black skin and silver hair
Homeworld: Unknown, except perhaps to themselves.
Markann: Secretive, sadistic mad scientists with incredibly high technology (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Unknown, except perhaps to themselves.
Markazian: Humanoids with tails and light purple skin
Homeworld: Markazia, in the Polaris Galaxy
A fair number of Markazians joined the Great Exodus from the Polaris Galaxy in order to escape Emperor Tachyon's advancing conquest.
Mechanon: Fully independent robotic sophonts (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Mechanon, in the ??? Galaxy
Memer and Sare: Spidery galactic tramp freight-handler (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: They didn't bother listing one in the intergalactic directory.
While generally peaceful, it is highly recommended for any sophont race incapable of surviving without life support to avoid accepting rides on any ship owned and operated by a member of this paired symbiotic race.
Mhemne: furred humanoids well adapted to the cold (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Snowball, in the ??? Galaxy
Mmm: A naive but powerful hivemind (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Mmm, in the ??? Galaxy
The Mmm is/are unique in that the entire ecosystem originating from their homeworld is part of a singular telepathic hivemind. This hivemind perceives itself as a single entity composed of individual components, and it finds the concept of independent individuals to be fascinating. Fortunately, the Mmm is/are perfectly willing to treat independent sophonts as discretely separate entities without trying to either assimulate or consume them into itself.
Morden: Basically gorilla people (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: ???
Homeworld: Mort, in the Polaris Galaxy
Noted Individuals:
- Mort
- Mort
- Mort
- They are all named Mort. For some reason, this makes sense to them.
The Morts are a short and squat with thick brown fur (creamy ventral side), no nose, and pointed ears. Their head accounts for almost a third of their body mass, and seems to rest almost directly on their torso. They also have a set of very short, blunt, boney horns protruding through the fur on top of their heads.
All known Morts are named Mort, regardless of their gender, genealogy, or occupation. For some reason, this makes total sense to them and never seems to cause any confusion at all among the Morts, even in written or typed form. They just seem to know which Mort is being referred to, even when the speaker isn't a Mort themselves.
Mysa: Tiny, mouse-like refugees whose former civilization is simply gone (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: Mysatec, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Averaging 11" (30 cm) in height and a weight of 1.1 lb (0.5 kg), these mouse-like bipeds are among the shorter known sophont races in the local galactic cluster. The Mysa lost their homeworld, Mysatec, when the Krakun conquered it ages ago. Fortunately for the Mysa, most of their population had managed to escape, with the majority now living on either Costaruna or Alpha-Zaryn in the Liotec system under the "care" of the Lio as a refugee protectorate race.
Unfortunately, until very recently, the Lio took shameless advantage of the Mysa, commonly treating them as laboratory specimens, pets, or pests, and frequently taking overly harsh measures to keep their population in check. Due to this history between them, current relations between the Lio and Mysa are cordial, but strained.
Mysa communities tend to have strong elements of gender segregation, particularly involving living quarters. This is mainly an attempt at self-regulating their own population growth, as otherwise their sexual gregariousness would tend to lead to rapid overpopulation, particularly due to Mysa males having a strong and aggressive heat cycle.
Most Mysa do not bother with clothes, although they do like to use cloth to accessorize.
Nanophyte: Short, clannish and aggressive salvage rats
Homeworld: Unknown, but somewhere in the Polaris Galaxy
Negana: snake-men sailors and fishermen (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Leen, in the ??? Galaxy
Nethers: Extradimensional raiders
Homeworld: Not Applicable
Nethers are sometimes able to slip partially into phase with this dimension, allowing them to steal resources and terrorize any citizens that they happen to come across. More rarely are the occasions where one or two Nethers are able to fully manifest into this dimension, which by all accounts is a better place to live than anywhere on their side of the dimensional veil.
Notui: Primitive, flightless avians (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Magh Mar, in the ??? Galaxy
Osakar: Nearly identical radial quadrupedal fashionistas (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Osaka, in the ??? Galaxy
Ottsels: Short, semi-aquatic musteloids who are surprisingly durable for their size (Jak & Daxter)
Homeworld: Eco, in the Solana Galaxy
Averaging 2'-10" (55.9 cm) in height and a weight of 48 lbs (21.8 kg), Ottsels are among the shorter known races of the galaxies. Physically, they resemble a cross between a weasel and an otter, most commonly having orange fur with a cream ventral coat, with females generally having pronounced breasts and cranial hair (which does not have to match their fur color at all). Ottsels also have prehensile tails about the same length as their torsos, and longish ears on top of their heads.
Due to their size, Ottsels were not treated seriously on their homeworld, Eco, which they shared with a few other races that more closely matched the galactic average for size and mass. This has left most of them with a bit of a chip on their shoulder despite the fact that they aren't even close to being among the smallest races out there. Much to their aggravation, even out among galactic society, Ottsels are still not taken very seriously by most people due to their size.
Ottsels are surprisingly robust despite their size and lack of physical strength, although this quirk in their physiology means that they sometimes get used
as melee weapons even if they typically have difficulty with unassisted melee combat themselves.
As a furred, semi-aquatic race, most Ottsells generally consider wearing clothing to be optional, although some subcultures that had developed in arid, desert regions on Eco prefer to wear at least pants, while others living near rivers, lakes, and seas prefer to eschew wearing anything more than belts and accessories. Most Ottsels that have left Eco fall somewhere between these two extremes.
Although rare, Ottsels have the potential to manipulate a form of exotic energy that they call Eco that can be used to perform a number of exotic effects.
Despite a superficial resemblance, Ottsels share no genetic heritage with the much larger Sourangs.
Pachekki: Amphibious sex-changers (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Unpronounceable, in the Solana Galaxy
Purulu: Rich, greedy, radioactive sea-dwelling octopoids (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: G'lk'ok'k, in the Bogon Galaxy
Having developed in the seas of a naturally irradiated world, Purulu generally have to go about in full environmental suits whenever they go anywhere else, not only for their own protection (as few other spacefaring civilizations are naturally aquatic), but also for the protection of everyone else (the Purulu are naturaly radioactive).
Due to favorable trading of G'lk'ok'k's vast resources of otherwise rare energetic materials, the Purulu have ended up excessively wealthy. To the point where they can afford to call the Engai poor. Like the Engai, they like to show off their wealth, but most Purulu have a poor understanding of art and music, so it's not uncommon for them to purchase subpar works from con artists, hustlers, random passersby who were otherwise throwing out trash...
Savvier Purulu keep an appraiser on retainer to guard against such con jobs, and even more savvy Purulu keep five or more appraisers just to keep an eye on the other appraisers.
Qulak: (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Musyplo, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Qutaren: Rhino-like warriors fond of gladiatorial challenges (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: Qutar, in the ??? Galaxy
Oddly, despite being fond of gladiatorial combat, Qutaren society is devoted towards the sciences.
Riders: Malevolent viruses who can take over your mind from within (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Unknown
Rilgarian: Either lizard-like mammals or reptilians with mammal-like features.
Homeworld: Rilgar, in the Solana Galaxy
Noted Individuals:
- Angogg Buckwash (Planetary Chairman of Novalis)
- Don Wonderstar (celebrity agent)
- Skidd McMarxx (hoverboard racing star)
- Slim Cognito (black marketeer)
- Starlene (sports announcer)
- The Plumber ("Seriously, I have a name! It's..." *transmission cuts off*)
Ringel: Racoon-like primates with long, ringed tails and a fondness for jewlry (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: ???
Sathar: Worm-like xenophobes (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Unknown
The Sathar are highly intollerant of other sophont races even existing, and regularly engage on campaigns of espionage and sabotage against everyone their ships can reach, with the occasional raid for slaves and/or destruction, and every now and then they build up fleets to use in an attempt to wage war on everyone else.
Fortunately, they seem to be a problem isolated to the Xygig Frontier.
Saurian: Thin, semi-aquatic reptilians (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Kischen, in the ??? Galaxy
The Saurians lost their oceanic homeworld to repeated invasions by the Sathar, and now live as refugees seeking new homes within the Xygig Frontier.
Saurians have excellent underwater vision.
Sepiad: Squid-like primitives whose main goal is feeding their king
Homeworld: Reepor, in the Polaris Galaxy
Little is known about this amphibious race of mollusks other than the fact that they are bipedal, have tentacles for arms, and originated on the same planet as the Cragmites, somehow coexisting with the more aggressive race without getting wiped out.
Sepiads can grow very large, becoming slower and slower on land as they grow, eventually having to become fully aquatic in order to support their great weight. Sepaid Kings are the largest Sepaid in any given colony, and other Sepiads bring them food.
Sepiads are indiscriminate carnivores, with most not having any moral qualms about eating other sophont races. They seem to prefer live (or at least very fresh) prey to consume, and any Sepaid hunting food for its King will seek to subdue whatever it is hunting rather than killing it outright so that the King may have a live meal.
Serran: Genetically engineered, angel-like astrogators (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: Not Applicable
Shigat: Insectoids with very tough carapaces (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Bojeri, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Sourang: Tall musteloids with the ability to cling to most surfaces (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: ???
Despite a superficial resemblance, Sourangs share no genetic heritage with the much shorter Ottsels.
Sparrials: Quick, individualistic, and compulsive thieves (Gurps Aliens)
Homeworld: ???
Ssarith: Honorable snake-men who belive they have a mandate for conquest (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: ???
Despite any superficial resemblance between the Ssarith and the Kaaa, not only do neither of these snake-men races share any genetic history at all, both usually consider the other to be mortal enemies whenever encountering one another. Exceptions have occurred, but are fairly rare.
The Kaa tend to come out on the short end of these "cultural disagreements..."
S'sessu: Basically less xenophobic Sathar (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Unknown
Nearly genetically identicle to the Sathar, but culturally very different (for one thing, S'sessu are not raging xenophobes). Nobody is exactly sure how this happened, because the genetic split is estimated to have occurred thousand of years before either race had developed spaceflight. And they originated on different worlds in separate star systems...
Naturally, the Sathar seem to hate the S'sessu more than they hate everybody else.
Tamile: Peaceful, artistic, talented, singing slugs (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: ???
Technomite: Teeny-tiny, technologically advanced sophonts
Homeworld: REDACTED, in the Solana Galaxy
Technomites, when they manage to make themselves known, frequently claim to be the reason why so many strange devices and weapons even work.
Telgad: A proud warrior race (BESM Space Fantasy)
Homeworld: ???
The Telgad are a proud warrior race, who pride themselves on their skill at arms. Though disdained by others as loud mouthed oafs, they have nonetheless carved an empire for themselves among the stars. Telgad are commonly encountered as soldiers or mercenaries, occupations at which they excel.
Terachnoid: Multi-brained hyper-geniuses
Homeworld: Terachnos, in the Polaris Galaxy
Terraklon: Violent warriors, raiders, and would-be conquerors
Homeworld: Terraklon Six, in the Polaris Galaxy
The Terraklons are currently waging a violent war against Emperor Tachyon's Drophyd forces in the Polaris Galaxy. Unfortunately, they are also waging a violent war against everyone else they happen to come across in the Polaris Galaxy at the same time, so nobody in the resistance considers them to be allies at all.
Thargoid: Warlike insectoid xenophobes with a civilization based on hive structures (Elite Dangerous)
Homeworld: Unknown
Peaceful contact has yet to be made with any Thargoid ship or colony
Tharpod: Turtle-like researchers and explorers
Homeworld: Magnus, in the Polaris Galaxy
Noted Individuals:
- Dr. Frumpus Croid, Paradoxologist
- Dr. Nevo Binklemeyer (designed the Protomorphic Energy Extractor)
- Suzie and the Junior Space Scouts
- Mr. Leetockar Micron (an elderly Tharpod who lives on Veldin)
As with several other sophont races originally from the Polaris Galaxy, a significant number of Tharpods left Polaris in order to escape Emperor Tachyon's conquest.
Thean: Rabbit-folk with short-term precognitive abilities (Strike Legion)
Homeworld: ???
Traders: Capitalists from the fourth dimension (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Not Applicable
These guys are just plain weird.
They usually have good stuff to trade though.
Treefolk: Half-animal, half-plant; benevolent healers (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: ???
Not to be used as lumber nor for the creation of furniture. Oddly enough, they don't seem to mind being paid to stand around as decorations/security for homes and offices...
Truul: The ultimate slave mentality; they live only to serve (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Technically none, as they were genetically engineered from scratch by an ancient civilization.
Turek: Tall, clannish sauroids who hold no fear of death (Hayven Celestia, by RickGriffin)
Homeworld: ???
Turzig: Crested dinosauroids (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Thept, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Tyhrranoid: Multi-eyed would be conquerors
Homeworld: Tyhranosis, in the Solana Galaxy
Ular: Large, thuggish, polarbear-wolverine warriors with white fur (Rifts Manhunter)
Homeworld: Gahdgkyl, in the Kavorian Galaxy
Ul-Mor: Primitive land-dwelling octopi (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Volternus, in the ??? Galaxy
Verms: Their ambition is to eat the galaxy - or rather, everyone in it (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Unknown
Vrusk: Insectoid scientist and technicians (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Ken'zah-kit, in the ??? Galaxy
Vullard: Large, peaceful, snail-like salvagers
Homeworld: Lumos, in the Polaris Galaxy
Vullards are large, snail-like reptilian bipeds, with thick bellies, legs, and tails, and thin upper torso and arms, with a long, narrow neck and a relatively small head. Many Vullards are cybernetically augmented in some manner, often appearing to have completely replaced their heads with mechanical prosthetics (although these may simply be highly stylized personal helmets instead). Almost all Vullards carry a large container on their back for the purpose of hauling around any scrap they come across.
Vullards are, by and large, generally peaceful to the point of not being willing or able to defend themselves even if directly attacked, although they will not stop anyone who chooses to defend them and will even thank and reward those who do so. That being said, some Vullards have found themselves forced to become scrub-level gladiators in various battleplex arenas set up by Emperor Percival Tachyon (most notably in the battleplex located at the Imperial Fight Festival on Mukow - although their performance as gladiators is so low that there is no notable award for defeating them).
Xenomorphs: With their plastic shape, they can be anything or anyone (GURPS Aliens)
Homeworld: Unknown
These secretive shapeshifters are to be confused with the xenomorphs that include other races as involuntary hosts in their reproductive cycle...
Xenomorphs: Able to take on advantageous genetic traits of various species they use to host their young... (Aliens)
Homeworld: Unknown
These highly dangerous, adaptive swarmers who use involuntary hosts as part of their reproductive cycle are not to be confused with the xenomorphs that are actually secretive shapeshifters who could be literally anything or anyone you know...
Xrex: Primitive centauroids with superior visual depth perception (GURPS Pyramid #18)
Homeworld: ???
Yalkani: Turtle-like, near-sighted amphibians with a talent for healing (GURPS Pyramid #19)
Homeworld: ???
Yazirians: Simian explorers with gliding membranes (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Lost to time (presumed to have been called Yazir)
Zethra: Irregular spheroids with tentacles (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Unknown
Zethra can naturally generate electricity that they can use to shock opponents or prey in close combat (they themselves are immune to this level of electrical shock).
Zethra are apolitical and refuse to participate in general governance nor in policing of any territories, even those they happen to reside in. They also do not take sides in any wars, although they will defend themselves.
Zuraqqor: Insectoid raiders and conquerors (Star Frontiers)
Homeworld: Unknown