"Who Wants To Be The Demon King"

[x] C. A Prey Beast(wo)man Write in a species
-[x] Finch

While I get the appeal of the sheep (they are very cute), I would like to point out that birds are also cute and vampire finches are a thing that nature actually created.

Also, I assume that "Write-in species" is a broad category thing and we don't need to pick which of the four species of hyena we want to be... And that we have to pick extant species, so no going of and becoming a Stegosaurus Beastwoman
Did some AI Art of what a Sheepfolk Vampiress might look like...









Personally, I like 5 best. As adorable as all except 7 (which is a bit too murdery to be cute) are, the snout with fangs kinda bothers me. I prefer the way 5 is a mix between sheep and human, rather than mostly sheep with a little bit of human.
[x] C. A Prey Beast(wo)man Write in a species
-[x] Sheepfolk Woman
[x] D. A dwarf!
[x] G. A Gnome
[x] H. A Half-Folk
Starting Traits: Unassuming, Life Skills

Half-Folk vampires can sometimes forget they are vampires - feared and hated. Even if their neighbor catches them sneaking into their pig pen at night to suck blood, they're likely to simply offer them a hot meal and a drink! Many Vampires have been made of Half-Folk, only for them to fall into a comfortable routine, simply limited to going out at night more often than before, and needing to drink blood instead of beer. It's something of an embarrassment to Vampires.

This sounds hilarious.

[x] H. A Half-Folk

[x] G. A Gnome
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[X] E. A High Elf, Fire Magic
[X] E. A High Elf, Air Magic
[X] E. A High Elf, Light Magic
[X] A. A human, Determined
[x] A. A human, Curiosity
[x] C. A Prey Beast(wo)man Write in a species
-[x] Sheepfolk Woman
[x] C. A Prey Beast(wo)man Write in a species
-[x] Finch
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Edit: Also, it's probably best to format your votes for sheepfolk or specific traits or magic like the plan votes above. That way if I get 10 human votes but rhey have 8 different traits, Human can still win.

Not sure if I understand this. Doesn't this ensure that the options with no write-ins have no chance of winning? People are voting for multiple human and elf options which boosts their numbers overall.
Okay, so now that I'm at a computer again, I want to make an argument for a finch beastwoman again. Because finches are great and I want an excuse to talk about them.

Obviously they are tiny and cute (very important qualities), but they are also one of the primary reasons why Darwin was able to figure out the theory of evolution. These adorable birdies went directly against the Word of God, a perfect fit for the future Demon King. And that's not the only part that defies that defies His word!

Take the Society Finch. Normally, two male Society Finches won't get along. Standard animal rivalry stuff. However, if you give the two finches an egg to raise, they will stop fighting and start taking care of it together. It doesn't even have to be a Society Finch egg, it can be from any bird as long as it is finch-like enough to survive getting finch-style care.

This, coupled with the fact that Vampire Ground Finches spend a significant amount of their time sucking from (comparatively) large boobies, and there can be no doubt that finches meet prerequisite levels of queerness required to be a good vampire.

And oh yeah, the Vampire Ground Finches. The only (known) blood drinking birds are finches, and specifically are part of Darwin's Finches. Meaning that Darwin looked at this beastie and thought "Yeah no, I doubt any kind and intelligent being would design these things". Which is a bit rude, the finches are actually careful to try and avoid sucking enough blood to actually harm the Booby. That's just good vampire manners there.

Like, just look at this cutie!
That is the cutest bloodsucker you've seen outside of 2D space and I will hear no argument otherwise.

Vote for Finch Beatswoman today, and we too can become a Cute Bird Lady with a hankering for blood!
Or possibly a Sexy Bird Lady if that's more your thing, I just want the bird part.
Fun Fact: Sheep have panoramic vision. They benefit from a natural 300-degree field of vision afforded by large rectangular pupils. They can also rotate their eyes, allowing them to maintain panoramic awareness even while ducked down to graze.