Who Are the Savages?

"It makes sense that someone from the priesthood would wish to join us. After all the elves were directly responsible for the death of the one they worship. Very well you may join us. For now it's just a waiting game. The elves are approaching us from a route we cannot predict so we must simply be ready for them." Raven adjusted her glasses and then went back to looking at the maps trying to figure out where they might be coming from.
"Indeed, I shall defer to your expertise on this matter. I shall provide spiritual support. Know this: you have the tacit approval of our most holy church on this matter. None of us wish to see peace with the elves until they have been wiped from existence. Continue on at your discretion, my lady."

Raven sat down at the table with the maps and tapped it lightly with her manicured fingernails as she heard out the priest. She then spoke with measured and polite tones.

"It makes sense that someone from the priesthood would wish to join us. After all the elves were directly responsible for the death of the one they worship. Very well you may join us. For now it's just a waiting game. The elves are approaching us from a route we cannot predict so we must simply be ready for them." Raven adjusted her glasses and then went back to looking at the maps trying to figure out where they might be coming from.

"A priest how fortunate. Hopefully you can offer some advice as to how to end the conflict without shedding so much blood. Leyrah, you would do especially well to listen to any such advice." Callie turned to the scantily dressed woman and tried her best to offer motherly advice to her.

"Why should we not kill them all? It would be the most efficient way to end the conflict. Leaving them alive is so... messy politically and socially." Leyrah scoffed.
"You. Soldier. You should know very well why the bloodshed will not end. Cannot end. Their sins against our most holy of Goddesses are unforgivable. Additionally... is that a HALF-ELF! Fas... I mean Blasphemous! How can we trust such an... abomination! Paladin, you must smite this... creature!"

The priest appears to visible recoil and retreats from Leyrah while frantically chanting verses from the human holy book.
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"Indeed, I shall defer to your expertise on this matter. I shall provide spiritual support. Know this: you have the tacit approval of our most holy church on this matter. None of us wish to see peace with the elves until they have been wiped from existence. Continue on at your discretion, my lady."

"You. Soldier. You should know very well why the bloodshed will not end. Cannot end. Their sins against our most holy of Goddesses are unforgivable. Additionally... is that a HALF-ELF! Fas... I mean Blasphemous! How can we trust such an... abomination! Paladin, you must smite this... creature!"

The priest appears to visible recoil and retreats from Leyrah while frantically chanting verses from the human holy book.
Mecellarius grunted an affirmative, his hand unsheathed the blade at his side. Four feet of gold-inlaid steel gleam with holy purpose.

"By the Goddess' will." He declared, charging at the abomination. His other hand raised his the shield as henwaited for the inevitable trickery.
Leyrah steeled herself to be struck. She had ritualistically harmed herself before yet this was a true battle. Chanting her own devious verses from her perverted holy book. The half-elf woman was shrouded in shadows and vanished from sight. The shadows formed into a shimmery copy of her that would serve to confuse any who would strike--Where was the real half-elf woman?

Raven looked on with disbelief. She couldn't have her allies squabbling. With a commanding tone she said simply:

"Enough! Leyrah has proven her loyalty to humans by slaying an elf in my presence. She is no harm to us. You would do well not to give orders even when in the presence of paladins, old man." The woman slammed her fist on the table once for emphasis.
Eroan kept to himself though he was still giving a slight glance to Alathius as they moved towards the royal residence. He straightened his coat made sure the strap for his quiver was tight, keeping his arrows perfectly place for quick drawing. This preening was necessary he was about to enter the personal abode of the sovereign, it was not something one did while looking like a brigand. Eroan's grandmother would be appalled if he entered in anything less than his formal robes emblazoned with the house standard and in their colors. However he couldn't bring such a thing along with him, he would hope that the King and Queen would excuse his poor dress as a necessity for protecting their daughter.

The soldier straightened his shoulders walking with confidant deliberate steps silently going over the the rules of etiquette his grandmother had drilled into him. It was his duty to represent his family, and in that endeavor he couldn't fail.
Princess Ariatia looked upon the warrior walking next to her carefully. Though he may be wary she could tell from his words and actions that he had good intentions. She led them into the entrance of the tree, which twisted high into the sky, seeming as if it could touch the moon. The tree inside looked like a highly decorated home. Filled with pictures of elven victories, statues of famous elves and rooms that fulfilled every purpose of a bustling city.

A guard saluted Ariatia on her way to the throne room. Ariatia formally curtsied to the soldier and then continued on. In the throne room there were two chairs with backs in the shape of the full moon. There was a legend that the wolf goddess forever chased the full moon, for once "he" scorned her in a romantic entanglement, which is as well why wolves howl at the moon.

The elf king was clean shaven with brown hair. It was longer than most men wore their hair and tied back with a black hair tie. The elven queen had fiery red hair and bluish-green eyes. They both wore formal regalia in blacks and golds. Their crowns resembled the half moon.

"What have you come for daughter?" The queen asked Ariatia.

"I've come for supplies or soldiers to aid us. What can you offer if anything?" The woman asked politely.

"We can offer you the aid of a local orc tribe. Their shaman has agreed to send us orcish men and women for the upcoming hostilities between humans and elves." The king replied.
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The door to the war room slammed upon with a thunk and almost instantly the nostrils of every occupant clogged with the stench of discharged gunpowder. Kruaz slouched in, avaricious eyes darting from the occupants to every little thing that might prove valuable and back. Three long strides deposited him in front of Raven and he fell to one knee, a razor-filled grin splitting his face.
"I 'ear yah lookin' for fighters, and yah willin' to pay."

((Can you please separate the POVs in your posts somehow? A linebreak or something?))
(Okay I'll do my best. It doesn't help I got like four chars to play and bunches of NPCs. It can get confusing I know.)

Raven smiled welcoming at the new arrival. Now there was a man after her own heart. She snapped her fingers.

Callie was worried about what the priest said. 'The bloodshed must continue in the name of the Goddess?' When would it end? She was brought out of her reverie by the crisp sound of Raven's fingers.

She retreated into a back room and returned with a pouch of gold coins. The currency of the humans was stamped by King Oathbearer's personal image. Callie deposited the coins and bag on the table between Raven and Kruaz.

Raven motioned at the bag before speaking.

"Of course. Your first payment for showing up is awaiting you. I am Raven Queensquill and this is Callie Vondra my lieutenant. The shadowy image over there is Leyrah. And we have a priest and paladin among us now. What can you offer to our little group?" The Spy Mistress cupped her chin in her palm and awaited his explanation of his skills with evident interest on her expression.
(Okay I'll do my best. It doesn't help I got like four chars to play and bunches of NPCs. It can get confusing I know.)

Raven smiled welcoming at the new arrival. Now there was a man after her own heart. She snapped her fingers.

Callie was worried about what the priest said. 'The bloodshed must continue in the name of the Goddess?' When would it end? She was brought out of her reverie by the crisp sound of Raven's fingers.

She retreated into a back room and returned with a pouch of gold coins. The currency of the humans was stamped by King Oathbearer's personal image. Callie deposited the coins and bag on the table between Raven and Kruaz.

Raven motioned at the bag before speaking.

"Of course. Your first payment for showing up is awaiting you. I am Raven Queensquill and this is Callie Vondra my lieutenant. The shadowy image over there is Leyrah. And we have a priest and paladin among us now. What can you offer to our little group?" The Spy Mistress cupped her chin in her palm and awaited his explanation of his skills with evident interest on her expression.

Lexell shakily points one hand towards Raven, with the other gesturing wildly, all the while shouting a the spymistress. "This... This matter is not over! You must know that half-elves, are if anything, considered to be worse than the elves! They are the unholy union of traitor and, heretic, and enemy! How can you trust such a thing! "

Suddenly, he stops for a few seconds before resuming, in a calmer tone.

No, wait, I understand now. YOU. You are the true traitor in our kingdom! Yes, our king, descendant of those first blessed by out holy goddess, would never allow elves to enter human territory, and certainly would never negotiate with them. You are misleading him, selling out the kingdom to the elves!"

The door to the war room slammed upon with a thunk and almost instantly the nostrils of every occupant clogged with the stench of discharged gunpowder. Kruaz slouched in, avaricious eyes darting from the occupants to every little thing that might prove valuable and back. Three long strides deposited him in front of Raven and he fell to one knee, a razor-filled grin splitting his face.
"I 'ear yah lookin' for fighters, and yah willin' to pay."

"Gnoll, I implore you, do not side with this treacherous creature. She, and her elves allies, will bring doom upon us all! We must stop her before this goes to far!"
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"Of course. Your first payment for showing up is awaiting you. I am Raven Queensquill and this is Callie Vondra my lieutenant. The shadowy image over there is Leyrah. And we have a priest and paladin among us now. What can you offer to our little group?" The Spy Mistress cupped her chin in her palm and awaited his explanation of his skills with evident interest on her expression.
Smoky laughter answered the Spymistress, Kruaz shrugging back his cloak of steel to reveal his holsters and tying the bag of gold to his belt.
"Yah won't find a bettah killer if you looked for a 'undred years miss. But don't let anyone say I'm a one-trick hound, hah! Yah need a 'eniable asset, then look no further! Pay me, and I'll burn warehouses, root out yah foes and find yah 'bandits' to deal with yah traitors."
Raven glared at Lexell yet said nothing at first. His words actually had some merit: She was operating in secret. So she had to carefully smooth this one over before things got out of control.

"If it makes you feel better I'll keep a closer eye on her. In fact I'll send her out only with trusted people to make sure she is not a traitor. But if we're going to talk about me and how I am not fit to lead? Then go ahead. Turn me in to the King if you wish even. He shall be sympathetic that at least I am trying to do something about the princess coming here." Raven explained her side as calmly as she could manage. She was prepared for whatever consequences may come.

Then she turned her head to Kruaz. His words, as violent as they might seem, made her feel better. If necessary his first assignment would be to assassinate upstarts in her own ranks.

"Dear sir you are most welcome and the money will keep coming. In fact I may have an assignment for you soon. As for now I was thinking of sending someone to scout out where the elves may be coming from. Do you think you can handle that?" The spy mistress looked over at the shadowy image in the corner and barked a short order for her to reveal herself.

Leyrah used her psychic talents to seem to appear from thin air. Dismissing her shimmery copy she heard everything that was just said so she tried to roll over a bit in good faith.

"Please forgive me Master Priest. I assure you I have no allegiances to elves despite my heritage. We must remember the goal of our mission, which is primarily, secrecy. And if we're fighting and threatening each other.... Anyway, do what you will, but remember that I won't harm you or anyone else here even if they find my presence untenable." Leyrah smiled a little.
(Welcome back Gamerlord. And thank you for your support. My current residence is an assisted living home and they haven't kicked me out yet. Ha-ha.)

"Very good. You will report to the city outside of this building and to the harbor for a ship to take you as close to elven lands as we dare go. Once there you will watch for any signs of elves moving closer to here, talking about coming here or anything else suspicious." Raven stated with militaristic politeness. Then she leaned closer and whispered:

"And if the priest continues talking about having me deposed or blasphemy on Leyrah... I want you to kill him too do we understand?" Raven regarded Kruaz with a serious look to show she meant business about getting rid of potential upstarts.
A canine wink was the answer Kruaz gave, heading outside to wait for anyone else who was coming.
Callie rounded up the dwarven spy sister named Moragwyn who usually comes with her on tough assignments. She informed Raven where she was going and the two head out into Crowstalon City to meet with Kruaz.

"Hi. I'm going to be coming with you is that okay?" Callie asked politely before motioning at Moragwyn.

"This is Moragwyn a spy sister who works with me. She's going to assist us in sneaking around." Callie smiled brightly at the two.