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Eh, point.

Do you have an estimate for when the next chapter will be out? Just curious.
Ok, now that I got a computer.....

Just a few days. I still got to get a few questions answered on how a middle-class house looks like. And how the person would react after his wife is cured by Curaga.

Then I got to ask @Leingod again, about how to, say, depict the man's reactions to this miraculous incident. Which, as I have no idea what this period is like, is difficult.

Also, a show of hands. How many of you opened the spoiler tabs?
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Chapter 6
At the crack of dawn, all awoke from their sleep and gathered in the living room. Mr. Smith put on his jacket. Leah herself put on her white cloak and staff. Sarah followed after them as they walked out into the street.

Hailing a cab, they began to speed to their destination.While they were on the carriage, Mr. Smith and Leah started to have a small conversation. "Excuse me, Miss Leah, but what are those clothes?"

"Oh, these?" Leah gestured to her white coloured robe. "This is my work uniform. All white mages are required to wear this, in addition to never drinking. So that people are always able to call for medical assistance whenever there is an injury."

"Oh? Is that so?". Mr. Smith looked upon Leah, his eyes holding suspicious. "Where is this place, that has these 'white mages'? I've never heard of such people in my life. And believe me, I'm no ignorant bumpkin."

"Oh, it's at-".

At this point, the carriage arrived before a mansion. All got out of the carriage, and after being paid, the cabby sped away.

Opening the door, they entered the mansion.

The mansion was deathly silent, with the only sounds being the servants moving around. They bowed their heads as Mr. Smith passed them by, focused on cleaning and brushing the places of the mansion.

Sarah opened her eyes wide and took in her surroundings.

The mansion was big. And fancy. Even in her life, before on the streets, her house was just a small apartment. Even in the house she had woken in, it was rather modest.

This, this was different. The ceiling was much higher. Busts, deer heads, trophies, artwork, and such decorated the walls. Their footsteps echoed off the walls, and the place, with barely any servants in it, seemed deserted and empty.

After passing through several doors and walking down a corridor, turning left, and then opening a door again, they entered a room.

It was dark, with only a small candle for light. A bed was there, in the corner, with someone laying on top of it.

"Gerald? Is that you?", a small voice called, before it was interrupted by a coughing fit. The woman sat up. In the candlelight, her face was pale and gaunt. Another coughing fit wracked her body, bending her doubled.

"Yes, it is I. I've come here to bring another doctor. This one here says she can cure you of your illness." Smith's voice, gentler than before, answered her.

"No, Gerald, no more medicine. Can't we just go home? We've already-". Her protest was now interrupted by another coughing fit, this one even worse than before.

Gerald Smith wrapped his arms around his wife, steadying her. Leaning in close, he spoke. 'We've already run out of options. And the one I brought says she won't accept payment until you're cured. We won't lose anything from this, so why not just try it this once, alright, Amelia? Just one more try?".

There was a long pause, as the woman sat still. Finally, she sighed, and spoke. "Alright, Gerald. Just this once more." At this point, Mr. Smith turned to Leah, and nodded.

Nodding back, Leah approached the bed. Closing her eyes and spreading her arms before her, pointing towards the couple, Leah spoke the words that would change the world.

"Life's refreshing breeze, heal from the sky! Cura!"
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Chapter 7
The light from her hands spread out, and settled upon the sick young woman's body. For a few seconds, the woman was invisible, covered in green light. Then it disappeared, and the woman was left transformed.

The pale features were gone, replaced by reddish and rosy cheeks. The eyes, which were drooping and tired, now were full of life. The coughing fits stopped, and the expression, which was full of tiredness and sadness, now brightened up with a large smile. The arms, which once looked so frail, now surged with life.

The young woman began to sit up straighter within her husband's embrace, and began to slowly push him away. Having some space to herself, she swung her legs over the bed and, shakily, slowly, began to stand upright upon unsteady feet. A look of awe was upon her face, mirrored by her husband, as she slowly stood up straight and took a single step.

There was a sudden, shocked, silence, as the couple stared at each other. Then they smiled, and embraced each other. Hugging each other tightly, they began to whisper to each other.

"I feel perfect." Said the woman. "As if i was never sick. I'm better than ever. I have never felt so good, even when I was not struck down by consumption." Her voice was filled with relief and shock, as if she could not believe what had happened to her.

Gerald could only let loose a few tears at this, then whispered back. "Doesn't matter. As long as you're fine. I was so worried that... that this was the end. I-". His voice started to crack as his grief nearly overtook him. But he wrestled it under control, and only a small choking sound emerged from his throat.

At this, he let go of his wife, letting his arms fall away her slender shoulders. Turning to Leah and Sarah, he bowed deeply, his body parallel to the ground. Standing up straight, he bowed his head and spoke. "I... thank you for this. There can be no words to express how much this means to me. I can only apologize for my earlier rudeness."

Bowing once more, he said. "Please, ask me of anything. And i will do everything in my power to give it."

Sarah looked upon Leah, who was smiling upon this scene. Opening her mouth, Leah said-
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@Accelerator I can't begin to describe how disappointed I am that you aren't using White Mage from 8-bit Theater for this..:V

Kidding aside I've only made it through the first chapter, which still needs a bit of cleanup from doubled up words and magically appearing crowbars, but it looks interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
Chapter 8
"I wish for a place where I can heal people. Not a hospital. That's too large. Maybe a place where I can stay and then go to other places to heal."

At this, Gerald Smith smiled. "Well, that's quite alright. I believe I have a good place for you. A house we own near London, near the richer districts. The residents there will pay quite a lot for your cures. In fact, they would be willing to give you special titles just for that. Why, I know several noble personages, all with various maladies. I'm sure that they would be quite interested in meeting you."

Leah shook her head. "No, not that. That's what I meant." "Then what did you mean?"

Hesitating for a moment, Leah replied. "Mr. Smith, what is the most diseased place in London? The most horrific and dirty place?"

Rather taken aback, Gerald Smith went into deep thought. "There's the slums, of course. The places near the factories. The housing districts for the poor. The leprosy camps. And numerous others. All very dangerous, and I recommend that you do not go there. Or even go close. The miasma from the sick might get to you."

At that, Leah said "Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to go there for fun. In fact, I'm going to heal them!"

At this, the couple's face both became very worried. They knew that many doctors and priests who went to administer to the sick, fell ill themselves as the diseases spread to them. For such a young woman to be struck down by leprosy...."

The woman, Anna, then spoke up. "But why? The people there are poor, and they don't even have enough to feed themselves. Why heal them, instead of, say, richer people? There are many rich people suffering from gout or consumption or other diseases, willing to pay much the type of healing you just gave me. So why?"

Smiling, Leah replied. "That's because they're the poorest. And the worst. They have no one to help them. Even you, Mrs Smith, have your husband and also money to pay for doctors. They do not even have a house, or friends to help them. The least I could do is at least give them healthy bodies, and healthy minds."

Looking upon Leah's determined face, Gerald could only sigh. He did not exactly have the right to criticize her for her kindness, for the only reason his wife could walk, was because of her help. And such kindness and charity was commendable.

But yet, where she was going was immensely dangerous. Not only were there death and disease littering those slums, there was always the danger of fire. The slums were poorly built out of wood, and a single spark could cause a blaze. And not to mention the people there. Despite what Leah seemed to think, those people would not happily accept her there. There were thieves, rapers, robbers, and kidnappers within. Not directly inside, for that would be suicide. But nearby. And poverty and illness always seemed to bring out the worst in men.

"But of course. Such kindness is to be commended and assisted. But such places are dangerous. If it does not trouble you, may I suggest something? I would hire a few young men, strong ones, to accompany you there. If there are any unruly characters, or the violent sort, they will help out, alright?

"I can take care of myse-" "Yes, perhaps. But it would be a great help for people to assist you in whatever you need for healing those people, right?"

Leah had a look of consternation upon her face, and she looked like she was about to disagree even further. Mr Smith waylaid her on that. "If that's too much, think of this as a way for me to express my thanks for your help."

At this, Leah just sighed, and said. "Alright."

It was a bright and sunny day. And Leah was right in front of the house Mr. Gerald had helped rent for her. Within a day's walk, was the closest leper camp, in St. Giles. Hopefully, her magic would be able to help heal them of their afflictions, and give them back a normal life. The place didn't just have lepers. The place had immense poverty, with mass numbers of illnesses, with families stuck within single rooms with no dustbins, toilets, water supplies, or drains present, making it a hive of illnesses. Hopefully, she would be able to alleviate their pain.

Around her, were the three young men Mr. Gerald had hired. Ranging from their 20s and 30s, the men were dressed in dark jackets and brown pants, with a hat. Their names were Tom, Dick, and Harry. Beside her, was Sarah. Leah had told her in private not to come, saying that she did not wish to risk having her fall sick or injured. Sarah was adamant, though. Saying that she would not let her friend.... go there alone. Not without her support.

Locking the door behind her, Leah turned to her new found posse with a beaming smile. Taking her staff with her, she shouted. "Let's go!".

A/N: So this is a link to St. Giles: St Giles, London - Wikipedia

A new chapter is here. Please review, as always.
Many apologies to readers, but this is an announcement.

As of now, since I have finished an entire arc.... I believe that this is enough for now. Time to concentrate on other projects.

What I"m saying is, don't expect anymore updates for the rest of the year or so.