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Chapter 1

It was a dark winter night. The wind blew through the dark alleys of London, and the...
Chapter 1


Banned Forever
Chapter 1

It was a dark winter night. The wind blew through the dark alleys of London, and the people around were preparing for Christmas. In the houses, people were taking out turkeys, potatoes covered in butter and gravy, and all sorts of delicious food. There was joy and celebration in those houses, with family members gathering together for a Christmas meal to enjoy together. The church bells were tolling for a Christmas Eve's service.

Sarah, no last name known to her, crouched in a corner of the dark dirty alley in the poorest part of London. The night was freezing cold, and though there was no snow, the wind quickly stole away any warmth she had in her body. She shivered in the damp alley as she tried to pull the dirty rags she had stolen several days ago tighter against the body, trying to block the wind from her body. It didn't work, though, and the night wind quickly left her shivering. Rats scurried beside her, feeding from the bins.

She had been starving for several days, and so when the baker had displayed the fresh bread he had baked in the morning on the front windows, she couldn't resist her stomach. She had rushed into the bakery and grabbed a few loaves of bread. The baker had given chase after her out of the shop into the streets. Unfortunately, she tripped when she was about to disappear behind an corner, and he had given her a hard beating with a nearby crowbar he had found nearby on the ground. After a long beating, several swear words, and a few kicks to the ribs, he took back the bread and walked away, leaving her to die.

Right now, while trying to bear her bruises and the pain in her broken bones, while starving from the lack of food, while shivering in a damp and dark alleyway surrounded by rats scavenging on garbage, a dark thought had finally entered Sarah's mind.

"I'm going to die."

She was going to die here. Alone. Out in the cold. Surrounded by rats. There would be no funeral. Her body would simply be dumped into the river, buried in an unmarked grave, or worse, eaten by rats.

She could hear them now, scurrying about in the darkness. They were surrounding her.

Sarah began to pray. To whomever or whatever could hear her. She never really knew her parents, as she was 8 when they died and her remaining relatives threw her out of the house, but she had been to church with them several times. She remembered those days, when she had a roof over her head, warm food, a soft bed to sleep in at night….. Since then, she had lived on the streets, stealing food from vendors and sellers, scavenging from garbage, and trying to avoid being sent to the workshops or murdered. She had lied, stolen, fought and cheated to survive this far, doing anything she could to survive in this horrible place.

But it seemed that this was the end of the line for her. Her gaze began to darken, and the world around her seemed to fade away…..

The last thing she saw before her eyes closed was a white outline surrounding a face ringed by gold.

A/N: Attention to all readers!

This is a final fantasy fanfic starring the white mage. For goodness sake, only the white mage. Also, don't expect her to spam holy. I'm gonna have her be a pacifist. Note. Keyword is spam. If a robber or thief tries to hurt Sarah…..

So yeah, a mage, through some timey wimey, crystal breaking shenanigans, somehow ends up in London, during the industrial revolution. There won't be much battle, but lots of hugs. Old London wasn't a nice place. There shall be hugs. Lots of hugs. Let the hugs flow.

Kittens are a requirement. Puppies, optional.
Well I won't rush to judgement, but a couple comments. How old is Sarah? We know how old she was when she hit the streets but has it been two years or a dozen?

Why a crowbar? He could simply have a rolling pin at hand. No need for a convenient weapon laying on the ground.

Oh and you really need to drop a clue or two about the year.
She's going to be declared a living Saint so fast....or branded a Witch. Or become the central figure of an all new Religion.
interesting but need more gogo off of also im derunk so cant reall comment clearl right now cus im getting drunker as we speak
Well I won't rush to judgement, but a couple comments. How old is Sarah? We know how old she was when she hit the streets but has it been two years or a dozen?

Why a crowbar? He could simply have a rolling pin at hand. No need for a convenient weapon laying on the ground.

Oh and you really need to drop a clue or two about the year.
it's been roughly 6 years. She herself doesn't know.

Crowbar is because he rushed out. See, if some brat came in and steal your stuff, would you grab a weapon from the back before leaving, or would you chase after her first to make sure she doesn't escape?

Will the white mage be have his/her memory blocked of her homeland ??
it's been roughly 6 years. She herself doesn't know.

Crowbar is because he rushed out. See, if some brat came in and steal your stuff, would you grab a weapon from the back before leaving, or would you chase after her first to make sure she doesn't escape?

It depends on the set up of the shop. I wouldn't be shocked to see the tables for making bread being right behind the counter and thus having rolling pins to hand. Even simply having a crowbar by the 'register' to deter thieves would be more likely than simply finding one in the road. The coincidence of finding one is just one thing I don't think you need to add. It's unnecessary complexity when there are better ways to have him be armed.
It depends on the set up of the shop. I wouldn't be shocked to see the tables for making bread being right behind the counter and thus having rolling pins to hand. Even simply having a crowbar by the 'register' to deter thieves would be more likely than simply finding one in the road. The coincidence of finding one is just one thing I don't think you need to add. It's unnecessary complexity when there are better ways to have him be armed.
What about just a nearby stick?

Though my mindset for the shop is different. The dude was at the counter at the back, and the breads she stole was from the display cases at the front. The kitchen was behind the counter, but thing is, there was a wall between them.
What about just a nearby stick?

Though my mindset for the shop is different. The dude was at the counter at the back, and the breads she stole was from the display cases at the front. The kitchen was behind the counter, but thing is, there was a wall between them.

Given the time period you are setting this in it would be completely reasonable for him to have a club specifically for chasing down and beating theives.
It was a dark winter night.

That's way too close to "It was a dark and stormy night" for comfort.

The wind blew through the dark alleys of London, and the people around were preparing for Christmas. In the houses, people were taking out turkeys, potatoes covered in butter and gravy, and all sorts of delicious food. There was joy and celebration in those houses, with family members gathering together for a Christmas meal to enjoy together. The church bells were tolling for a Christmas Eve's service.

Fun fact: the modern incarnation of Christmas is very recent. Christmas as we celebrate it today was largely created in stages throughout the early 19th century.

The baker had given chase after her out of the shop into the streets. Unfortunately, she tripped when she was about to disappear behind an corner, and he had given her a hard beating with a nearby crowbar he had found nearby on the ground.

He's probably got a switch or a cudgel to drive off would-be robbers and thieves. Crime was endemic in Victorian London.

For one thing, what would a rented room look like here?

Victorian London - Houses and Housing - Housing of the Poor - Slums

Victorian Houses and Where the Rich and Poor Victorian Children Lived
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That's way too close to "It was a dark and stormy night" for comfort.

Fun fact: the modern incarnation of Christmas is very recent. Christmas as we celebrate it today was largely created in stages throughout the early 19th century.

He's probably got a switch or a cudgel to drive off would-be robbers and thieves. Crime was endemic in Victorian London.

Victorian London - Houses and Housing - Housing of the Poor - Slums

Victorian Houses and Where the Rich and Poor Victorian Children Lived
that's the idea.

Got any other links? I already saw those.

Fine then. Going to edit.
Remember that conversation we used to have on this? What do you think of it?

The story? It's a good start. Gets across the desperation the viewpoint character is going through, and the sheer callousness of the society that's produced her. Powerful and accurate.

Not much else to say at the moment though, since there isn't much beside that.
The story? It's a good start. Gets across the desperation the viewpoint character is going through, and the sheer callousness of the society that's produced her. Powerful and accurate.

Not much else to say at the moment though, since there isn't much beside that.
Truth is, I've kinda got a description problem.
Ok, now i'm gonna have the orphan wake up in the room, with the white mage cloak over her. With the white mage cooking soup for her in the kitchen. Thing is, do rented rooms in london even have soup?

And another thing. What do the rooms look like? I mean, this is a middle class, not too shabby room. Do they have gas lamps, or is it just candles? Are there sofas? Do they even exist? What kind of soups exist there? What are the beds like? Are there drawers and tables and shelves, or is that too much? What things do victorian-era houses have?
Truth is, I've kinda got a description problem.
Ok, now i'm gonna have the orphan wake up in the room, with the white mage cloak over her. With the white mage cooking soup for her in the kitchen. Thing is, do rented rooms in london even have soup?

And another thing. What do the rooms look like? I mean, this is a middle class, not too shabby room. Do they have gas lamps, or is it just candles? Are there sofas? Do they even exist? What kind of soups exist there? What are the beds like? Are there drawers and tables and shelves, or is that too much? What things do victorian-era houses have?

Middle Class Life in the Late 19th Century
The Victorian middle classes

And the biggest source on all your Victorian architecture and decoration needs: Domestic Architecture for the Rich, Poor, and Those in between

Short answers are: no they don't have gas lamps unless this is late in the age, but the candles will be set into candelbras and such. Yes there are couches. Pretty much any kind of simple soup you can think of that isn't made of exotic ingredients will exist here. And yes, there is a lot of furniture. Too much, by most modern standards.
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Middle Class Life in the Late 19th Century
The Victorian middle classes

And the biggest source on all your Victorian architecture and decoration needs: Domestic Architecture for the Rich, Poor, and Those in between

Short answers are: no they don't have gas lamps unless this is late in the age, but the candles will be set into candelbras and such. Yes there are couches. Pretty much any kind of simple soup you can think of that isn't made of exotic ingredients will exist here. And yes, there is a lot of furniture. Too much, by most modern standards.
This is a lot of material.

I'll be reading.

Sorry guys, but I'll update in.... 3 weeks time.
This is a lot of material.

I'll be reading.

Sorry guys, but I'll update in.... 3 weeks time.

My instincts as a history major protest what I'm about to say, but: you really don't need an encyclopedic knowledge of the minutia of Victorian London to write about it. Get a basic idea of what technologies were available and what daily life was like for people, and draw attention to details that are interesting and will actually provoke discussion and actions from characters, then leave the readers to fill in the rest in their heads, because there's not much need to put it into words yourself. Writing has the advantage over drawing in that the readers can fill in blank spots for you, provided you give them enough substance to work with.
My instincts as a history major protest what I'm about to say, but: you really don't need an encyclopedic knowledge of the minutia of Victorian London to write about it. Get a basic idea of what technologies were available and what daily life was like for people, and draw attention to details that are interesting and will actually provoke discussion and actions from characters, then leave the readers to fill in the rest in their heads, because there's not much need to put it into words yourself. Writing has the advantage over drawing in that the readers can fill in blank spots for you, provided you give them enough substance to work with.
Very well then.

Mind if I consult you for such things? Also....

Effects of a white mage in Victorian-Era 1820 London?

Would be appreciated if you pitched in.
Chapter 2
Ok, Chapter 2 is out!

Chapter 2:

Sarah awoke in a dark room. Where was she?

She felt around her body. She was on something soft, and covered by something. She felt beneath her. It was a bed? And she was covered by a blanket? She couldn't remember the last time she slept on the bed. The closest was when she had slept on a worn-out mattress that had been thrown out…..

After several minutes of adjusting herself to the softness, her eyes had adjusted to the darkness. To the left, there was a small table with a candle on it. She was lying on a bed, with a blanket covered up to her shoulders. There were no windows, and there were wooden floor covering the room. A table stood to the side, with a chair

Tentatively, she turned the latch and opened the door, stepping out into the candle-lit hallway. "There you are!" A voice said to her side. She turned to her left, and she saw a young woman in her 20s smiling at her. She was wearing a white robe, with red triangles at the bottom. A white hood covered her face, with strands of blonde hair appearing through the gaps. A pair of blue eyes looked at her, and the woman spoke again.

"Are you alright? You seemed dazed. I was so worried about you! I found you collapsed on the streets, and I just barely managed to save you. Your wounds were so heavy, and I needed to cast several Cures on you just so you could survive. What happened to you? Were you robbed? Where are your parents? Oh, sorry, I seemed to talk too much again!"

Her words seemed to blur together into a single incomprehensible babble. Sarah's head begin to spin, and she reached out to the wall as she began to fall.

Before she could complete it, a strong pair of hands grabbed her by the shoulders and a pair of blue eyes peered down at her from above.

Pulling her upright, the woman began to ask her more questions.

"Are you ok? What's your name? And where are your parents?"

This was it. She had no money to pay for any medicines or the help that this lady had given her. No way to repay her. And her? Being scrawny, small, and dirty? She wouldn't even want her as a servant. She'll probably be slapped and thrown onto the streets again, or worse, thrown in jail to rot……

Sarah began to cry, tears leaking out of her eyes and onto the floor.

A hand reached out, Sarah began to turn her head, waiting for the blow to knock her to the floor and harsh words to enter her ears….

They never came.

Instead, a hand circled around her shoulder, and she was pulled into an embrace. Her face dug into the shoulder of the woman, while a hand was gently patting her head.

Above her, a voice began to say the words:" There there…."

Sarah began to cry.

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