Whatever remains...(Not Recruiting)



Tagawa Kotone

Age: 19
Gender: Female


Height: 5`6
Weight: 59 kg


Born into a monastery in the mountains of northern Hiroshima, Kotone`s father was a tech-monk and her mother a servant from the surrounding village. She grew up between the ancient technology of the monastery and the fields her mothers family toiled from season to season, her world being fine except in those times when all villages were called behind the monasteries walls and her father set out with his brothers and sisters to defend their home. Only that one day it wasn`t her father went away, but her mother. When the local Daimyo set out to conquer the neighboring province, his soldiers came into the village with the dreaded spirit shackles in their hands: while they could not take the monks, the villages were rounded up and the healthiest of them chosen to be bounded with a warrior spirit. Kotone was 5 when her mother was suddenly stiffening and not moving like her mother at all, even as she marched off with tears for her daughter and husband.....from the ages 5 to 12 she would only see her mother in the winter, after she had earned the dubious honor of being noticed on the battlefield. For years she saw her mother grow more and more distant, a cool professional replacing the loving woman as soon as she didn`t act against the shackle...when she was 15 her mother was close to becoming a dreaded husk and her father couldn`t endure it any longer and took off, running away from the monastery with his Armour and weapons. Maybe this was what made her mother resurface once more, the kind and warm woman once more renewing her fight against the spirit for the sake of her daughter...it was a loosing fight but once more it seemed like things were looking up. Till shortly after her 18th birthday when the corpse of her father was brought into the village on a wagon filled with filth and with his body mutilated horrifyingly....a message from the tech monks of Tok'yu, who had gotten this leader of a bandit group, which had dared to break into their temple and search for the blueprints and workings of their shackles.

Without much further choice and in a try to appease their fellow tech monks, the monastery decided to send Kotone away as far was possible from them and in light of the recent news she was send out to help the warriors on the expedition to Chy'naa...with a faint promise of help for her mother and welcoming back into the temple....if she should bring them back boons of other ancient technology from the expedition.


Body: 1
Coordination: 1
Sense: 2
Brains: 5
Command: 1
Cool: 2


Base will: 3


Touch x 1
Smell x 1
See x 1


Education x 4
First aid x 3
Medicine x 3
Mechanics(repair, armor care) x 6
Language x 1


Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2) : [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Monks-Combat Robes

Equipment from the monks (Price would depend on the GM)

Portable Tool box for the repair of Weapons and Armors.
A first aid box with bandages and different lotions and mixtures from the villages Elders.

Prayer book for the appeasement of Ancient Machines
(Tech Cults always make me think of them:)
(Strike the first rune upon the engine's casing employing the chosen wrench. Its tip should be anointed with the oil of engineering using the proper incantation when the auspices are correct. Strike the second rune upon the engine's casing employing the arc-tip of the power-driver. If the second rune is not good, a third rune may be struck in like manner to the first. This is done according to the true ritual laid down by Scotti the Enginseer. A libation should be offered. If this sequence is properly observed the engines may be brought to full activation by depressing the large panel marked "ON".)

Er..uh...I like your char, but should you enter,this will become real awkward, because my char is a Tok'yu loyalist to her core.
Er..uh...I like your char, but should you enter,this will become real awkward, because my char is a Tok'yu loyalist to her core.

"Wait, wait. You ARE a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts, right? …Yeah, you people are my LARGEST threat."
(The comic is quite good too~)
Well, some awkwardness might happen...mostly thanks to your character not wanting to let go of that and clinging to the notion of still having some kind of honor or her loyalty being needed/asked for, or? Anyway: Kotone does loath the tech monks of Tok'yu not the rest of the province, so it should work out somehow....or you might end up with your weapons falling apart in the middle of a fight~
"Wait, wait. You ARE a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts, right? …Yeah, you people are my LARGEST threat."
(The comic is quite good too~)
Well, some awkwardness might happen...mostly thanks to your character not wanting to let go of that and clinging to the notion of still having some kind of honor or her loyalty being needed/asked for, or? Anyway: Kotone does loath the tech monks of Tok'yu not the rest of the province, so it should work out somehow....or you might end up with your weapons falling apart in the middle of a fight~
Well, the Honorless thing stuck in my throat..but, uh, your char might be the breaking point.She-my Char-has problems with the spirit shackle system...and her self justification of karmic weight and national duty sounds a bit hollow.Still... the problem is there is no ALTERNATE moral system avaiable, and so she clings stubbornly to it...
Most probably your girl could talk circles around mine, interlectually.So she has a good chance of convincing her.
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A Tech-Monk character. That's really cool !

Thank you~ Hope I can RP the RP bits of a tech priest~ Will have to come up with something...even if Shinto is open to objects having souls and demons too.

Most probably your girl could talk circles around mine, interlectually. So.So she has a good chance of convincing her.

As long as she does not decide to simply whack Kotone for speaking up to her? She comes from a privileged background after all and might makes right does work if you are mighty enough~
Thank you~ Hope I can RP the RP bits of a tech priest~ Will have to come up with something...even if Shinto is open to objects having souls and demons too.

As long as she does not decide to simply whack Kotone for speaking up to her? She comes from a privileged background after all and might makes right does work if you are mighty enough~
Well...if your character were Eta..that might happen.
But you belong to a monastic order and are a highly trained craftsperson.Not a Ronin in her book, and even wuth them, she reserves judgement.
As far as I know, Monks are apart from the caste system...and highly skilled Artisans were the most respected commoners in theory.... the best could even rise to minor samurai caste status in tokugawa japan of old.
Granted, this is more..."Post-apocalyptic Japanese try to restore Ye GOOD OLDE TIMES by rote memory"...but still...


Tagawa Kotone

Age: 19
Gender: Female


Height: 5`6
Weight: 59 kg


Born into a monastery in the mountains of northern Hiroshima, Kotone`s father was a tech-monk and her mother a servant from the surrounding village. She grew up between the ancient technology of the monastery and the fields her mothers family toiled from season to season, her world being fine except in those times when all villages were called behind the monasteries walls and her father set out with his brothers and sisters to defend their home. Only that one day it wasn`t her father went away, but her mother. When the local Daimyo set out to conquer the neighboring province, his soldiers came into the village with the dreaded spirit shackles in their hands: while they could not take the monks, the villages were rounded up and the healthiest of them chosen to be bounded with a warrior spirit. Kotone was 5 when her mother was suddenly stiffening and not moving like her mother at all, even as she marched off with tears for her daughter and husband.....from the ages 5 to 12 she would only see her mother in the winter, after she had earned the dubious honor of being noticed on the battlefield. For years she saw her mother grow more and more distant, a cool professional replacing the loving woman as soon as she didn`t act against the shackle...when she was 15 her mother was close to becoming a dreaded husk and her father couldn`t endure it any longer and took off, running away from the monastery with his Armour and weapons. Maybe this was what made her mother resurface once more, the kind and warm woman once more renewing her fight against the spirit for the sake of her daughter...it was a loosing fight but once more it seemed like things were looking up. Till shortly after her 18th birthday when the corpse of her father was brought into the village on a wagon filled with filth and with his body mutilated horrifyingly....a message from the tech monks of Tok'yu, who had gotten this leader of a bandit group, which had dared to break into their temple and search for the blueprints and workings of their shackles.

Without much further choice and in a try to appease their fellow tech monks, the monastery decided to send Kotone away as far was possible from them and in light of the recent news she was send out to help the warriors on the expedition to Chy'naa...with a faint promise of help for her mother and welcoming back into the temple....if she should bring them back boons of other ancient technology from the expedition.


Body: 1
Coordination: 1
Sense: 2
Brains: 5
Command: 1
Cool: 2


Base will: 3


Touch x 1
Smell x 1
See x 1


Education x 4
First aid x 3
Medicine x 3
Mechanics(repair, armor care) x 6
Language x 1

Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2) : [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Monks-Combat Robes

Equipment from the monks (Price would depend on the GM)

Portable Tool box for the repair of Weapons and Armors.
A first aid box with bandages and different lotions and mixtures from the villages Elders.

Prayer book for the appeasement of Ancient Machines
( Tech Cults always make me think of them~ )
(Strike the first rune upon the engine's casing employing the chosen wrench. Its tip should be anointed with the oil of engineering using the proper incantation when the auspices are correct. Strike the second rune upon the engine's casing employing the arc-tip of the power-driver. If the second rune is not good, a third rune may be struck in like manner to the first. This is done according to the true ritual laid down by Scotti the Enginseer. A libation should be offered. If this sequence is properly observed the engines may be brought to full activation by depressing the large panel marked "ON".)

Looks good. PM me and we can talk about the special stuff you may get for being a monk.
But otherwise:
Alright, I'm awake and stuff! Though Simpli kinda ninja'd my idea somewhat, so gimme a bit to think of ideas and read the mechanics and I should have a character sheet :D
Aha.... well.... unfortunately, I have a much larger collection of female samurai images than male, so probably not xD
Its all right.... lets see.We got a tech monk.A beautiful spearwoman... A small whirlwind swords woman....
And a big lug.
Sooo,,,whatr are you going for?
Could actually need a ninja...
CS Swift

Name: Kobayashi Akane Does not use her family name, goes by Akane
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10
Weight: 70Kg
Background: I wrote way too much, so...
Naturally dexterous, resolute, and clever, though not particularly strong or pretty. She is the child of a reasonably wealthy family. Shunned by most of the family, as she is weaker than her brothers, and not as beautiful as her sister. Sent to her room whenever anyone important visits, she sneaks off to the nearby town to spend time instead. Meets a wandering swordsman, who teaches her the School of Two Heavens technique, and instills a longing for adventure in her. She seizes the opportunity when the Emperor asks for Ronin to explore the unknown lands of Chynaa, and leaves her family behind for a life of adventure.
The youngest of my family, I was always overshadowed by my older siblings. Not as strong or tough as my two older brothers, nor as charming and beautiful as my sister. When nobles came to visit, I was the one that would be sent away, as the rest of my family showed off in the hopes of gaining the favour of some important someone or other.

I quickly realised that when this happened, I would not be missed for long periods of time - indeed, often no-one would look for me until the next morning, and so it did not take much effort to sneak out and explore. Being friends with the staff helped - of course, my family would never expect their high-born daughter to even converse with such people, never mind sneak out of home with their help. They probably thought I sat quietly in my room, reading books like a good little child and staying out of trouble. Idiots.

My family 'home', if you could call it that, was on the outskirts of a small village, where I would regularly spend my time. Travelers often passed through, stopping for rest or company, and they had so many interesting tales - I especially liked the ones of technologies long forgotten, and distant lands unexplored. I would also use the free time to practice my sword skills - of course, I couldn't compare to my 'darling' brothers' skill with the katana, but there was something relaxing about training quietly in a forest clearing, away from the glares and muttered criticisms of my parents and trainers back home.

However, one day, things changed somewhat, when I met a travelling swordsman. Ronin, some called him, but he let such insults wash over him like water. I do not know what he saw in me, but there must have been something. Perhaps he saw a kindred spirit, someone else who had been cast out, at least in all but name. Or perhaps he was simply curious about the one person in the inn that held his gaze as he entered. Regardless, I must have done something right, as it was from him I learned the School of the Two Heavens.

The Two Heavens, unlike the brute force strategy that my brothers used, worked well with my coordination and speed, and I proved a natural - something that my parents would have noticed, had they cared a little more. My mentor did not stay long, sadly, but long enough to teach me the basics, and how to improve on my own. He had business for the Emperor, apparently. When I asked him what business the Emperor would have with a Ronin, he simply laughed, and said "Nothing for you to worry about, little bird. Sometimes a different perspective is needed, that's all. Train hard, however, and you might find out sometime soon." And so he left, and I trained in that peaceful forest, whenever I needed to get away from my family for a while.

However, after meeting someone like that, my mind became restless. I could not stand to stay cooped up in this stuffy place any more. Before, all these tales seemed fanciful: made-up; the stuff of stories. But having met a travelling swordsman, and hearing such tales of exploration and mysteries, it seemed so much more real...

Opportunity came when one day, a entourage in the colours of the Emperor showed up, requesting an audience with my family. Of course, I was sent away, as usual - I bore it with my usual silent acceptance, long since used to the treatment - but something seemed different. Visits were usually from families that were acquainted with mine, or nobles, not representatives of the Emperor. Curious, I hid nearby to listen in.

Huh... the Emperor was looking for samurai to abandon their lands and family, to explore Chynna? He was looking for Ronin?? ... I realised that this could be my chance! A way to escape my family, and explore new lands! And perhaps even make a name for myself! And something about the voice that was speaking was familiar...


From my vantage point behind a side door, I could just barely make out a mane of light brown hair that seemed so familiar. The mysterious man continued outlining the Emperor's request, before asking the question. My family gave no response. Suddenly, he turned and looked directly at the door I was hiding behind, and I barely held my composure. It was Inoue-sensei, the Ronin that had taught me his sword style! He winked directly at me, before addressing my mother,

"Well, I am disappointed to see that there are no volunteers... but what about your other daughter?"

My mother looked up, startled. She hid it well though, and smoothly replied,

"What other daughter? We only have the one..."

Inoue's face immediately grew angry, and he stood up. "Don't play games with me, Kobayashi-san!" He glanced over to me again, and gestured.

I stepped confidently into the room, and the conversation stopped as heads turned towards me. My brothers frowned, and one of them, Akio, opened his mouth to speak, but my wonderful mother beat him to it.

"Akane! How dare you..."

"Forget about me, mother?" I cut her off. "Don't worry, I wasn't surprised". I turned to Inoue, who had raised an eyebrow at the drama, but had otherwise kept his cool completely. "I would like to volunteer."

"And you are...?"

"Kobayashi Akane, sir," I said as I bowed towards him, keeping up the charade that we did not know each other. "I apologise for the interruption, but I could not stand and listen any longer."

"Kobayashi Akane... a pleasure to meet you. I am Inoue Daiki" he nodded slightly to me, before turning towards my mother. "Now, would you care to give an explanation?"

"...This one is quiet, and usually prefers to stay in her room, away from visitors," she replied.

"Hah! A fancy way of saying you like to send me away when anything important happens! What were your words... 'An embarrassment to the family', was it?"

She looked down a little at that, and Inoue's eyes narrowed a little. He then turned back to me,

"Are you sure, child? This will be no easy task, after all. Abandoning your family, for a hard life in unknown lands..."

"My family care not for my existence anyway. I would rather leave and be of use to the Emperor than stay here and be ignored all my life until my parents marry me off to some guy I've never met!"

Voices rose in anger at that, as they tried to tell me it was for my own good, etc, before Inoue rose to his feet.

"Enough! The girl does not need your permission, nor your blessing, to accept the Emperor's request. And quite frankly, I am disappointed in all of you. Are you not loyal subjects of the Emperor? Are you not aware of his views on matters like this?" His voice turned a little kinder at this, as he turned to face me. "Everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves. Of course, anyone who dishonors their family with their actions will lose all respect... but in this case, it seems that your daughter has never even had the chance to be a part of this family, never mind dishonour you.

In fact, Akane here is the only one in this room that I have any respect for right now. She may not have your physical strength," he said, gesturing at my brothers, "or your beauty", looking towards my sister and my mother, "but she has more courage than any of you, that much is clear, and that in itself is often worth far more than strength or looks. And I think you'd be surprised at her capabilities, if you opened your eyes for once in a while."

My family, shocked, remained silent as Inoue turned back to address me,

"Now, Akane... your bravery and curiosity may be exactly what is needed to explore the new land of Chynaa... I cannot help you with your family, unfortunately - clearly you would be happier elsewhere, anyway. But I must ask, are you sure?"

There was no doubt. "Yes," I replied.

"Then may you hold your head high as you journey into the unknown. Although you would forsake your family, and leave the Emperor's lands, do so with courage, and may you find the life you seek!

"And as for you," he addressed my family once more, "I would say I hope that you realise the error of your ways... but that might be asking a little much." He shrugged. "Who knows, maybe someday..." He turned away. "How soon can you be ready, Akane?"

"Within the hour," I replied. "I have few people to bid farewell, and even fewer possessions to bring."

"I will wait for you, then."

I glanced at my family. Akio looked like he wanted to speak, but changed his mind. They stayed silent as I swept past them and left the room.


Less than half an hour later, I was ready. True to my word, I had said goodbye to the staff I was friendly with, and gathered what possessions I planned to take - my robes, my staff, and my trusty knife. I decided to leave my practice swords behind. They would not be much use where I was going. We left without much ceremony - my family saying nothing else. After some time walking, we paused at a junction in the path.

"This is where we part, Akane. I must continue this journey of mine, and you have a journey of your own to begin."

"...Thank you, sensei. I will not waste this opportunity!"

"I'm sure you won't. Here, I have something for you," he said, as he took a large, cloth-wrapped object from his pack and handed me it. "Don't open it until you are on your way, alright?"

With that, he embraced me. "Good luck, child You'll need it. Now go!"


The wobbling of the ship under my feet was unusual, but it became normal soon enough. The deck of the ship was unusually quiet today, as I kneeled down and unwrapped Inoue-sensei's gift. Two blades, rough with use, but well cared for, fell into my grip, and I smiled sadly. A short note was hidden amongst the cloth - 'These blades have served me well. Wield them with courage, little bird, and you will fly free'

A tear fell from one eye, and I was glad there was no-one to watch me as I cast the note to the wind.

'I will make you proud, sensei'


Body: 1
Coordination: 3
Sense: 3
Brains: 2
Command: 1
Cool: 2

Base will: 3


Endurance 1

Dodge 2
Stealth 2
Special(Daisho) 2

Sight 2
Hearing 2
Smell 2
Touch 2
Taste 2

Cryptography 1
Mechanics 1


Mental Stability 2


Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Combat robes
Weighted Staff
Magical?? Pretty Flower
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To be finalised, but I thought I'd throw out what I have in case @Zedalb wants something to work with!


Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10
Weight: 70Kg


Body: 1
Coordination: 3
Sense: 3
Brains: 2
Command: 1
Cool: 2

Base will: 3



Dodge 2
Stealth 2
Special(Daisho) 2

Sight 2
Hearing 2
Smell 2
Touch 2
Taste 2

Mechanics 2


Mental Stability 2


Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Combat robes
Weighted Staff
Interesting..so, a Niten ryu swords woman with remarkable senses and high stealth.
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