Whatever He Choose (No SV, You are Jaime Lannister)

Does the 7 have a magic system?
Yes, and no.

They can do some funky stuff, but they don't have a tangible magic system that we can use...

Unless you count dreams and other inspirations being one of them. But they don't have like fire magic, or dragon bullshit.

But as you have seen, their dreams will soon provide dividends to them.
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It's sad no one else wants to be gallant. We need to double down on being a knight! If pedragon the RPG has taught me anything the answer is always doubling down on chivalry 😂 😆
I've been pretty forward in the badass warrior department it would be a disservice to stray from that at this point. We could always find another opportunity to be gallant. Like save a bunch of people who are about to be blown up...
Or something else I guess.

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The Septon looked ready to read you your last rites. "Oh."

Your eyes fluttered open, and an unfamiliar sensation washed over you. It was as if you had been submerged in a dormant state, and now, suddenly, you were fully awakened. You couldn't quite comprehend how it happened, but the experience was undeniable: a surge of energy coursed through your veins, invigorating every fiber of your being. It felt like a powerful wave had been unleashed, flooding you with vitality and clarity. The sensation was akin to a dam bursting, allowing a long-blocked stream to flow freely once more. You felt alive, more intensely than ever before, with a newfound awareness and strength that pulsed through your entire body.

Jon Arryn was sitting on the chair, waiting, as if waiting for you to finally die, or worse. And his Maester was quietly surprised that it occurred. "Gods be good." He whispered as you sat up, feeling pain, but also feeling more alive. The septon looked almost ready to give up, and let you-"

"Um, Lord Arryn, what happened?"

"You died. Or close enough that it didn't matter." The Maester said. "Your heart had stopped beating and you stopped breathing for a short time, but long enough for me to give up hope that you would ever wake."

"But I'm here." You said. "Awake" You placed your hand on your chest and counted the beating of your heart. You felt something there, but you suspected it was just the wound you suffered, with the bandages being removed and it healed. "And I have a heartbeat. So I'm no Other. No monster."

"That is true." The Septon said. But you might want to look in the mirror, and not be afraid of what you see."

You were shown the mirror and then saw the brand on your chest. The Seven Pointed Star right on your chest, right on your heart, glowing. You almost fainted at the sight, wondering what happened to have you been branded like that. But there was no scaring or pain… only a mark that was on you.

"What the hells!" You screamed as you covered yourself with the covers, and everyone in the room was… rightfully trying to stop you. But as the Septon tried to place a calming hand on your shoulder, you pushed him away.

Not knowing that you threw him across the room, and he landed in the chair, startled but unharmed.

"What the hells!" You screamed.

The Septon sighed and coughed. "Honest to seven miracles that is." He then rose to his feet. "My Lord, I am going to request to consult the Maesters, and the library for any sort of miracles during the Andal invasion, to see if anything like this has ever occurred."

You then stood up but Lord Arryn stopped you. "Jaime, sit, rest, we will talk about what happened later. And we will find out what happened to you."


Gain Blessing: Light of the Seven (Strength): The Seven Gods who are one have blessed you with the strength of a hundred men, and you are strong enough to lift things that should be impossible for any mortal man. (+50 to all combat rolls)

Gain Trait: Branded: You have been branded by magic, and all who know about it will know, or sense you. (There will be others who will want to find you, and kill you)

Gain Trait: Magic Sense: Despite not knowing what has been done to you, you can sense the power in others.

Skills upgraded: Swordsmanship (S): You are the most legendary fighter of the Age, and even in your young age, songs will be sung about your achievements.

You have 4 Actions:

[]Learn a new Skill: You want to try something new, and learn it.
-[]Write in

[]Train a Skill: You want to Master a skill you already know.
-[]Choose one of your skills.

[]Talk to the Other Wards: You want to speak to Robert and Eddard. Find out why they weren't there. You heard whispers of Brands appearing on them too.

[]Talk to the Arryns: The Two Arryn boys are being locked in their rooms, praying to the septs. You want to know what is going on?

[]Talk to Lord Arryn: You want to speak to Lord Arryn, and find out what the hells is going on.

[]Trace the Brand: You want to know why it feels so warm and cold at the same time.

[]Write home: You want to give a letter and write one to your family.

AN: Plan format please.
Uh one more thing.

Jaime wanted to be a hero, so he decided to meet himself :V