What this Universe needs is a short and truly victorious war. (ME/Council RP - OOC - Dicussion)

>-]What this Universe needs is a short and victorious war[-<
>-]You are to make it happen[-<

##Quantum Connection ... Established##
##Signal Origin: Earth 2016 - Nr. 87634123##
##Pawns - Welcome##


If you are reading this, then the procedure has been successful and your mind is currently connection to the Grid, nothing more than a collection of data that is being send by a satellite Array above your home-world and transmitted into the gaps between realities. Now you might be asking yourself, who I am.
Well: you can call me Queen-Two.

First of all, you aren`t alone in here, so do not be surprised if I seem to talk to other people: they are here...or not. Right now you should better ask yourself: what`s the image you are seeing.
-Please not that asking yourself whats happening to your body at home right now is of no importance, nothing will happen to it-

Before you is the moon of Menae, one of the two moons orbiting the world of Palaven: "a silver world of fortresses and fire" as an asari diplomat once said. For those of you, whose perception is less than quick or those, still panicking and trying to find out why you are floating in a black limbo instead of sitting in your comfortable chair and lying on your bed: the burning world before you is Palaven: a world that only scant days ago had a population that numbered 6.1 billion and whose orbital installations were inhabited by 350.000 further sentient beings.
Of the orbital population 88% perished in the first hours of fighting, with military installations putting up resistance that stopped their attackers for minutes at most: brave man and woman dying to let those 12 % flee with shuttles and escape pods.

Their sacrifice proved to be futile.

In the first hours after gaining orbital supremacy, the attackers dubbed "Reapers" bombarded each and every city that resisted from orbit - all of them resisted - all of them had large swathes of them pulverized, with fire and dust killing the survivors slowly, even before the Reapers unleashed their cybernetic monstrosities onto the population and engulfed the whole world in war or rather a giant fight for survival against all odds, which would lead to 26% of the population dying in the first days thanks to the bombardments, with another 12% dying through the hazards of the aftermath and millions dying each day as the whole planet turned into a battlefield.

I`m interested in averting this, but am realistic enough to see that even a more timely intervention, won`t be possible without destabilizing the narrativium of this universe: as such I`m forced to reach out and try other ways: you might become integral in one of them and if you prove to be successful, the measures you thought up might be used for similar cases through the whole second Grid, as you will be inserted and become part of this universe, for the time you need to finish your task.
Some of you might have recognized the planet and the enemies before it: but I can promise you: this is no game. If you choose to take up the mantle of the pawn and step forward, then your actions will have a real impact on beings just as real as you and me. Should you not believe me or have doubts about your suitability for this task, do not worry: you will forget ever hearing and seeing this, awakening once more in your home, with only some time having gone by: not more than you need to read a page or two.

But should you choose to step up,
should you choose to try your best in saving not only this world, but the whole universe it rests in: even if you are only successful in rescuing more innocents,
then take my hand and step forward: choose an Alias and appearance for your mission and meet your co-workers.

And if you are hearing me now instead of resting in your bed, than you were chosen by the heuristic algorithm of the MVT-Sys. because you are needed and a proud addition to our organisation,
Welcome to the Burau.

##Transmit Signal Nr. 87634123?##
##Connect to Grid [Y/N]##

IC Thread

Welcome to the Business of saving an universe...or at least making it a brighter place, something that must be possible with six people and some luck.

Player limit is six and I reserve myself the privilege to choose, so simply being the first to post, won`t guarantee you a place yet. As for myself: I can`t really forward a long list of accomplished and popular RP`s like others might do, but I certainly hope the little bit I did on this site so far might speak positively for me and I will strife to keep things fair and interesting to you.
Unlike the Intro above might make you believe, you won`t be inserted right into the frying pan, you will have some time to get used to the new universe and prepare...how much is...a surprise~

For your application, I require from you:

Alias: This is player name for this RP and the ID will be logged in the bureaucracy of whatever species you choose.

Description: Of your character that is, I would ask for Council Races, but if you really want to play a Geth for example...be ready for the consequences~

Allocate 10 Points in total on:

  • Combat:
  • Research:
  • Intrigue:
A small reaction: to what happens in the intro above from your perspective, just feel what you think sounds good~

Starting Setup Vote:

  • Ghost in the Machine (Easy)
You will start with your own ship, your own workforce and population...and only some mild moral problems at first.
  • A war waged by committee... (Medium)
Well...your second name might be Cassandra, but at least you have an official place in the Inter-Galactic power structures...of course that has its perks and drawbacks.
  • Freedom Fighters (Hard)
Things were so simply in the old days: you were simply fighting for your freedom....now you are in a fight for your survival.

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Alias: Ube

Description: Asari (blue complexion with purple facial markings in a vine pattern)

Point Allocation:
  • Combat: 2
  • Research: 6
  • Intrigue: 2

Is that Palaven and the Reapers? ...Wait, where am I? There are others here too? And you want me to join in and help them fight the Reapers?!

And my actions there will matter? ...I can't believe I'm going to risk my life for this, but perhaps I'll try to help. I don't think anyone deserves the kind of fate that the Reapers give...

Starting Setup: [x] Ghost in the Machine (Easy)
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Alias: Skyt

Race: Turian
An ashen grey colored male, with an eye-patch covering his left eye. Beneath the eye-patch lies an useless white eye, surrounded in a darkened reddish scar that obviously indicated a history with a explosive at close proximity.

Point Allocation:
  • Combat: 7
  • Research: 2
  • Intrigue: 1
Reaction: "I should have played ME 3..."

Starting Setup: [X] Freedom Fighters (Hard)
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Is the setup for everyone or for each applicant? Because I feel nervous about doing it on hard mode...
After the salarians are taken, who else is available? Krogan? Quarian? Hanar/Drell? Elcor? Volus?
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Is the setup for everyone or for each applicant? Because I feel nervous about doing it on hard mode...

The Setup is for everyone: as such all votes of the six who get a place (right now it does seem to tend towards the first six who applied), will be counted and confirm your starting position/organisation with different perks and drawbacks.

On a side note: I`m truly tempted to flip a coin to choose the gender (or skin tone for the Asari) of your characters if everyone is simply writing their species~
I haven`t asked for more~
Alas: if you RP with one another it might be easier to do so, if you have any idea, of just how your colleagues look like. But If you think thats sufficient, feel free to do things as you wish.
Headbutts solve everything.

Hello there Shikamaru. :V
Now we just need a (scientist) salarian... :V

Reaper: We have an army.
Players: We have a Zedd.
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God and the Snake expressed interest, maybe you can ask if he still wants? You can also post in the recruitment thread or change the thread title to indicate one slot left.