What is your opinion of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

What is your opinion of the show and the universe itself? Like it? Hate it? Don't care either way?
I don't really care for it. It certainly seems to have it's appeal to some people (Some of my friends are fans), but personally, I don't get it.
Never watched more than a little out of curiosity, but I've enjoyed quite a bit of fanfiction based on it to one degree or another.

I've found the pony-haters far more disturbing than the fans.
As you could probably guess I was at least a fan of the show at some point. I fell off (stepped off?) the bandwagon in 2014 after season 4 and the season 5 premiere did little to impress me. When I learned that the end of the ride was in sight I decided to rewatch some of it. I'd definitely say season one holds up well as I had a good time watching for the first time in years. Overall, I think it's really a "you had to be there" kind of thing.
I generally enjoy the community, and for many years was a fan of the show, but I eventually lost interest about halfway through season six. And ive never quite managed enough interest to get back into it. I will still readily recommend it to people who might be interested, and I still enjoy watching certain favorite episodes.
Longtime fan, basically lost interest in the show itself after season 7 (had an opportunity to watch season 8 with a friend, passed it up). I enjoyed the show while it lasted and I expect to enjoy the fanfiction for a long time to come.
The best part of MLP:FiM was and is, without a doubt, the community. The show had its moments, but in the end it was an above average children's cartoon. You really had to be there - the feeling of community made every episode that much more interesting. I enjoy the fanfiction, as there's quite a few really good fics, and fimfiction.net is the best designed fanfiction site out there, period. Hell, it's probably half the reason i stayed in the fandom so long. It has such a robust search function, and the groups... it's easier to find good MLP fanfics than for any other fandom.
Mostly interacted with the show through the fandom. I'm still actually participating in a RP set in that crazy Conversion Bureau subsetting that's been going on since at least 2013, and one of the writing projects I've been slamming my head against the wall at for the past few years has MLP as a key element.

I think it was pretty good for it's time, but by now it's kind of been surpassed by other cartoons (or maybe it's still above average within it's target audience range and I'm comparing it to the wrong shows in my head, but whatever). I think it ended up not living up to it's potential by being a bit too conservative, both politically and not.

Not, in the sense that they seemed to have been a bit limited how they could structure episodes outside of season openings and finales. If they been able to do somewhat more running plotlines and adventure episodes (at least the latter of which was the original showrunner starting intention) I think the later seasons wouldn't have gotten as stale as fast as they did.

Politically, in that I think they missed a chance to be a bit groundbreaking in LGBT representation. But mostly because it ended up kind of picking up a few bad habits. Like, for example the way the concept of friendship, which is central to the show's themes, is closely associated with the culture of Equestria often gave episodes featuring other races rather culturally imperialist overtones. Like, how early episodes with Spike would have the lesson that he should abandon attempts to learn about his people's savage culture and fully assimilate into Pony society. Or that one episode which basically stated that what an improvised minority group didn't need an idol (or rather, a symbol of their own cultural past) but rather friendship (which just so happened to be the guiding principle of the dominant culture). Or the buffalo episode. (To the show's credit, they seemed to recognize this and backtracked somewhat last season.)

And then there's also Starlight Glimmer's initial appearance as a villain, where she was coded as a hilariously cringeworthy combination of baby's first stereotypes of Social Justice Warriors, and I can't believe that's not what Socialists actually want!
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It was a temporary obsession. I moved on to different things as I'm wont to do. It's not bad as far as kids' cartoons for that age demographic go, but I can't help continuing to feel embarrassed by many of the things I saw and participated in in fan circles.
I liked the first two seasons well enough, for what is ultimately a childrens cartoon, and the community has produced some pretty amazing things like Turnabout Storm and Ponyvania... as well as ten times that in 'ohgodwhy'.

'Winter Wrapup' is still extremely catchy though.
Cute show back when I watched the first couple seasons. Fandom is dumpster fire tho.
Cute kids show ruined by adult men deciding it was for them.
Now that's a point I do find myself wonder about, at times. The show only really got as popular as it did because of the fandom, but it was also certainly warped because of it.

It's a bit paradoxical from an ethical standpoint. On one hand, it seems unfair to ghettoize children's works like that, on the other, it seems wrong to have adults who the show isn't aimed at and don't need it as much being the one's who hold the most influence over it.
Now that's a point I do find myself wonder about, at times. The show only really got as popular as it did because of the fandom, but it was also certainly warped because of it.

It's a bit paradoxical from an ethical standpoint. On one hand, it seems unfair to ghettoize children's works like that, on the other, it seems wrong to have adults who the show isn't aimed at and don't need it as much being the one's who hold the most influence over it.

I mean, I'm a fan of multiple kid's shows and have been. But I also think adults can enjoy those works without turning the fandom into something that's mostly about them.

Bronies decided they were going to produce gigs of porn for the show and marry it to things like 40k or Fallout because, uh, reasons?
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Bronies decided they were going to produce gigs of porn for the showand marry it to things like 40k or Fallout because, uh, reasons?
Getting upset over a popular show getting gigs of porn about it is rather like getting upset over spilled milk at this point. On the internet, it just happens, and there's nothing that can really be done about it.

But I agree that Fallout Equestria certainly got out of hand, and it really grinds my gears to authors have characters from a show like MLP just go along with something as fascist as 40k's Imperium and not start appling liberal application of friendship rainbows to their authoritarian faces, or something along those lines.

The fanfic bullshit that irritated me most though, was that trend of SI or 'Human in Equestria' fics. It's weird to think that a couple years before Japan had it's big boom of crappy Isekai Light Novels there's was a similar trend in North America as part of a fandom for a single show.
Getting upset over a popular show getting gigs of porn about it is rather like getting upset over spilled milk at this point. On the internet, it just happens, and there's nothing that can really be done about it.

But I agree that Fallout Equestria certainly got out of hand, and it really grinds my gears to authors have characters from a show like MLP just go along with something as fascist as 40k's Imperium and not start appling liberal application of friendship rainbows to their authoritarian faces, or something along those lines.

The fanfic bullshit that irritated me most though, was that trend of SI or 'Human in Equestria' fics. It's weird to think that a couple years before Japan had it's big boom of crappy Isekai Light Novels there's was a similar trend in North America as part of a fandom for a single show.
Well, one of the very first isekai was British. ;)
With that said, technically speaking Hail to the King is a human in Equestria fic, and while sadly incomplete, it's one of the funniest things I've read, soooo...
I was into it for about 4-5 ish seasons. Unfortunately once the novelty wore off I was left with an above average episodic children's cartoon. Nothing wrong with that but I needed at least 20% more musical numbers per season to keep me interested.
I thought it was pretty good for what it was, based on the smattering of episodes from the first two seasons that I recall. After hearing hype and eventually deciding to give the premiere a shot I'd hoped it would be more consistently fantasy adventure-ish, but nothing wrong with the show deciding to focus largely (not entirely) on other things. It certainly had some really nice standalone episodes; some of my clearest memories of the show are of "Luna Eclipsed" from S2.

My siblings were more into it than I was, so I continued to pick up on bits and pieces of the show secondhand for a while. "Winter Wrap Up" aired when my stepmom was studying for the PMP exam and she still sometimes jokes that it means Project Management Pony. :p
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Had some of the best fanfic and is what got me into fanfic in the first place.

Best day ever is still something I reread on occasion and the immortal game, while wildly divergent from the show makes a great fantasy novel.
The fanfic bullshit that irritated me most though, was that trend of SI or 'Human in Equestria' fics. It's weird to think that a couple years before Japan had it's big boom of crappy Isekai Light Novels there's was a similar trend in North America as part of a fandom for a single show.
There are some good HiE fics. Like Hiver's series here on SV.
There are some good HiE fics. Like Hiver's series here on SV.
I've enjoyed some of Hiver's stuff, but it's 100% popcorn wish fulfillment. His stuff as trashy as it gets, which is great if you like that. They're not bad, per se, as the quality of the writing is relatively high, but he doesn't write good fics. They're definitely enjoyable, and can be quite fun if you like the sort of stuff he writes.
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There`s only one fic(series) that involves both humans and MLP that I would describe as 'good', and that`s Iron Hearts.