What is an Inquisition? (WH40K, Acolyte of an inquisitor quest)

Far away in a familiar land
Chapter one has ended. 170 XP banked. Fate points have been restored to full capacity.

"Arron, would you like to accompany me as my assistant?" You ask him, as the car rolls to a stop at an intersection in front of one of the towers labelled "Myrmidex Prime - College of Tactics". The street is packed full of men and equipment. Mostly tech-adepts and slave-warriors, but there does appear to be several squads of Imperial Guardsmen mixed among them. The personnel are bustling from place to place, mostly with purpose and an upbeat positive morale.

Awareness is an untrained skill. Perception is 35, -20 untrained penalty, -30 difficulty modifier. Modified test is -15, must roll 01 to succeed. Rolled 31, 5 DoF from -15 (modified test).

You look around as you step out of the car. "Yes, sister. What is your name?" He asks you, after following you out of the car. "Lucindia" you reply.

Roblix turns to you, after he exits the vehicle. "I need to make my report, do you have anything to add to it?" He directs his gaze first to you, then to Kerra. You shake your head when it returns to you.

He nods once before beginning to walk off, then turns back and orders, "Kerra, help her find some of the sororitas or transport to the chapel. Come find me once you have accomplished that. I expect we will have another assignment by that time." He continues to walk off after that, and Kerra approaches you from around the car. As he walks away you yell out to him, "If you ever need my skills, don't hesitate to call on me!" Roblix turns and smiles at you, then continues his walk.

Kerra says "lets take the things we took from the mob and sell them here. We probobly won't get top prices for them, but we can get something." You nod, and then grab Arron's shoulder. "Come along now, lets get some funds and see if we can find some equipment for you to use. This planet is going to be getting more dangerous before it gets any safer."

Limiting the search for a merchant to buy and sell to here, Kerra makes a commerce test. Fails terribly and uses a fate point to re-roll. Does decently well. Look through the compendium of equipment, anything that is SCARCE or more abundant is available to purchase. Selling nets the group 200 thrones. Parcelled out into thirds (Arron is not getting a share) it is 67 thrones for you to use as you like, in addition to the 150 thrones you already had, you now have 217 thrones.

A/N: Your thrones are now 217. Remember you have a chain blade that is extraneous, since you got the chain sword during character creation. If you want to sell it you can. You'll use Kerra's modifier of -60% listed price on it (40% of listed price recovered at sale).

[$] List out what you will be buying/selling here. Please try to list each item in its own section, like this:
[$] Guns
[$] Ammo
[$] Armor
[$] more armor


After browsing the shops with Kerra and Arron, you bring up your next goal "Let's find some transportationor sisters here. Where would be a good place to find either, do you think?"

She sucks in some air, then chews on her lip a bit before finding the words. "Transports will likely be in short supply and I have no idea if there will be any sisters here. We can try to find either ourselves or we could attempt to ask around. Unless you have a different idea?"

[^] (Action) look yourself with Awareness <Per>.
[^] (Action) ask around with Inquiry <Fel>.
[^] (Action) convince an adept (scribe) to help with Charm <Inf> or Intimidate (S)
[^] (Action) something else (write-in).

After making that decision, you need to decide on the focus of the search.

[*] (Search) look for transport (-10 penalty)
[*] (Search) look for sisters of battle (no penalty)
[*] (Search) look for both (-20 penalty)

Voting will complete Friday night at 10 pm CST and hope to have chapter out by 10 am Saturday morning.
Character Sheet, current
Name: Lucindia
Rank: Novice
Height: 1.77 meters
Weight: 41 kg
Age: 16
Skin: Fair
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Physical quirks: slightly too large head.
Superstitions: polishing metal improves your luck.

Homeworld: Rhodin IV (Forge)
Class: Adepta Sororitas (Order Militant)
Role: Crusader
Divination: To War is Human

2/4 fate points.
11/13 wounds.
0/6 fatigue. Exhausted at 3 fatigue.
210 unspent XP. 1,000 spent XP.

Half: 3m, Full: 6m, Charge: 12m, Run: 24m

Aptitudes: General, Intelligence, Offence, Knowledge, Finesse, Strength, Toughness, Willpower


Weapon Skill: 38* WSB: 3
Ballistic Skill: 35* BSB: 3
Strength: 40* SB: 4
Toughness: 33. TB: 3
Agility: 31. AgB: 3
Intelligence: 42* IntB: 4
Perception 35. PerB: 3
Willpower: 30. WPB: 3
Fellowship: 33. FelB: 3
Influence: 30. InfB: 3

Characteristics with a * next to them have been advanced. ** is two advancements and so on.


Athletics +0 ( Rank 1)
Charm +0 (Rank 1)
Dodge +0 (Rank 1)
Common Lore (Imperium) +0 (Rank 1)
Common Lore (Sororitas) +0 (Rank 1)
Linguistics (High Gothic) +0 (Rank 1)
Linguistics(Low Gothic) +0 (Rank 1)
Parry +0 (Rank 1)


Deny the Witch - The acolyte may use dodge (WP) to evade ranged psychic attacks and Parry (WP) to block melee psychic attacks. If successful, the acolyte does not move, but they are unharmed and unaffected by the ability (unless it causes some physical effect, such as the ceiling caving in on the acolyte.)

Enemy (Khorne Cults) - Acolyte has a -10 penalty on interactions with members kf the cults of Khorne where they know who she is.

Incorruptible, whenever acolyte would gain corruption points instead gain insanity points minus one (minimum of 0)

Peer (Mechanicus) - Acolyte has a +10 bonus to interaction tests with members of the Mechanicus who know who she is.

Smite the Unholy, May spend a fate point to automatically pass fear test with degrees of success equal to WPB. Always deal X bonus damage to creatures with a Fear (X) rating.

Weapon Training (Chain) - use chain melee weapons without penalty, including the basic weapon mod, chain bayonet.

Weapon Training (Las) - use Las pistol and basic weapons without penalty. Heavy Las weapons incur -20 penalty without Weapon Training (Heavy).

Weapon-Tech - Once per encounter, enhance the damage of any one plasma, melta, las, power, force or exotic weapon by the acolyte's Intelligence Bonus for the duration of the encounter. This is a free action.

Personal connections:
Kerra (Friendship)
Roblix (Friendship)
Arron (Peer)


Current carry weight: 19.6 kg
Carry capacity/Unencumbered: 45 kg
Lift capacity/Encumbered: 90 kg
Push or pull: 180 kg

82 thrones.

*Loaned to Arron* Las pistol - pistol type Las weapon, 5m point blank, 15m short range, 30m base range, 60m long range, and 90m for extreme range. single shots or 2 shot semi-auto, 1d10 + 2 Energy damage on hit, 0 penetration, 28/30 rounds, half round reload, only jams on rolls of 00 (100), 1.5 kg, 50 thrones, common availability.

*Loaned to Arron* 2 x Las pistol ammo pack - 0.15 kg each. Abundant availability. 5 thrones each.

*Loaned to Arron* Chainblade - melee Chain weapon, melee range only, 1d10 + 1 + SB Rending damage on hit, 1 penetration, Tearing (Roll damage twice, take the best roll), 2 kg, 200 thrones, scarce availability.

Chain Sword, Melee chain weapon, melee range only, 1d10+2 Rending, 2 pen, Balanced - +10 to parry rolls, Tearing - Roll damage twice and keep highest of the rolls., 6kg, 275 thrones, Average availability

Fragmentation grenade x2, 10 thrones each, thrown 3m x SB normal range. 0.5 kg, common availability, blast (3) 2d10 explosive damage, 0 pen.
Blast (3) – explosion radius is 3 meters from point of detonation.

Stun grenade. 25 thrones each, 3m × SB range. 0.5 kg, common availability, concussion (2) blast (3). 0 dmg, p pen.
Concussive (2) – toughness test with -20 penalty. Stunned for number of rounds equal to DoF.
Blast (3) – radius of explosion is 3 meters.

Shield, Melee Primitive weapon, melee range only, 1d5 Impact, 0 pen, Defensive (2) - adds 2 AP to left arm and body locations, Primitive (3) - This weapon deals 3 damage on rolls of 3, 4 or 5. 3kg, 25 thrones, Average availability

Armored bodyglove - 2 AP to Body, Arms and Legs. No MAX Ag. 5 kg weight. 175 thrones, Rare availability.

Backpack – stores up to 30 kg of materials, and 6 liters of space. Putting an object in or taking an object out is a full round action. 2 kg, 10 thrones, abundant availability

Chrono - Time-keeping device. 0.1 kg, 25 thrones, Plentiful availability.

Stablight - torch/flashlight. Brightly lit in 60 degree arc in front of stablight for 24 meters. Dimly lit for 40 meters. 0.5 kg, 5 thrones, Ubiquitous availability.

Dataslate - Can store and record new information. Can take photographs. Essentially a tablet. 0.5 kg, 10 thrones, Common availability.

Micro-bead - radio with 1 km range. Easily fits inside of an ear. Can link up with Vox for larger ranges. 0 kg, 25 thrones, Average availability.

Magnoculars – can magnify distant objects to see them more clearly. +20 on perception tests to see farther. 0.5 kg, 10 thrones, average availability.

Respirator - +30 on tests to resist poison or smoke in the air. Good gives additional +10, poor requires being replaced after 10 hours of use. 0.5 kg, 50 thrones, average availability.

Momentos -
A rosary given to you by the Sister Superior in charge of training new recruits at the Chapel of the Emperor's Light

A flower sealed in glass - Given to you by your father before he left to battle the forces of Khorne. He did not return.
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We need grenades and a silenced weapon if we need to be stealthy... we also have a chainblade and a chainsword so better give it to our new minion? Hahaha

@Narutosramen can we equip a backpack and combat webbing at the same time?
We need grenades and a silenced weapon if we need to be stealthy... we also have a chainblade and a chainsword so better give it to our new minion? Hahaha

@Narutosramen can we equip a backpack and combat webbing at the same time?

Yes and yes. Be aware that he doesnt have the chain weapon training.

Also, I didn't realize grenades were stealth weapons. The more you learn ;)
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As I see it we may need to save up on ours cash and exp til we can get some rarer gear and up ours skills to 40 , also looking for sisters to hook up with here may help us later and now cause we not a very likeable people ,i'm wait for when we can get a power weapon cause then we can add ours IntB to it for encounters .
As I see it we may need to save up on ours cash and exp til we can get some rarer gear and up ours skills to 40 , also looking for sisters to hook up with here may help us later and now cause we not a very likeable people ,i'm wait for when we can get a power weapon cause then we can add ours IntB to it for encounters .
I guess a gas mask, medkit and frag/flash grenade would be enough
Thanks! Since we are in a hive world and there are plenty of gas related traps, i can see that as essential plus the mechanicus may always be there hence a medkit. The grenades are force multipliers so extremely necessary. I wonder though if we our Mechanicus friends can craft us some smoke as well as flashbangs...
Thanks! Since we are in a hive world and there are plenty of gas related traps, i can see that as essential plus the mechanicus may always be there hence a medkit. The grenades are force multipliers so extremely necessary. I wonder though if we our Mechanicus friends can craft us some smoke as well as flashbangs...

Definitely a forge world, Rhodin IV
[x] Plan help a sister out
-[X] (Action) convince an adept (scribe) to help with Charm <Inf>
-[X] (Search) look for sisters of battle (no penalty)

[X] Grenades and magnocular
- respirator - 50 thrones
- magnoculars - 10 thrones
- microbead (for our minion) - 25 thrones
- stun grenade x1 -25 thrones
- frag grenade x2- 20 thrones
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Definitely a forge world, Rhodin IV
Thanks for the clarification, anyway buying:

[X] Grenades and magnocular
- respirator - 50 thrones
- magnoculars - 10 thrones
- microbead (for our minion) - 25 thrones
- stun grenade x1 -25 thrones
- frag grenade x2- 20 thrones

[x] Plan help a sister out
-[X] (Action) convince an adept (scribe) to help with Charm <Inf>
-[X] (Search) look for sisters of battle (no penalty)

- removing the auspex since its highly probable we'll be attached with the Mechanicus again and theu'll have the auspex covered
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Thanks for the clarification, anyway buying:

[X] Grenades and magnocular
- respirator - 50 thrones
- magnoculars - 10 thrones
- microbead (for our minion) - 25 thrones
- stun grenade x1 -25 thrones
- frag grenade x2- 20 thrones

[x] Plan help a sister out
-[X] (Action) convince an adept (scribe) to help with Charm <Inf>
-[X] (Search) look for sisters of battle (no penalty)

- removing the auspex since its highly probable we'll be attached with the Mechanicus again and theu'll have the auspex covered

Just looking through the list of war gear, saw filtration plugs for 20 thrones. You may want to look at that, if you're interested in cheaper options.
Voting is closed. Chapter being written
Scheduled vote count started by Narutosramen on Oct 12, 2021 at 12:43 AM, finished with 12 posts and 2 votes.

  • [x] Plan help a sister out
    -[X] (Action) convince an adept (scribe) to help with Charm <Inf>
    -[X] (Search) look for sisters of battle (no penalty)
    [X] Grenades and magnocular
Servants of the Emperor
Kerra's commerce is tested. Two degrees of success. Slight discount of 10% on purchased goods.

"The goods and services you will be providing the Mechanicus and its Allies would be invaluable. I'm certain that the goodwill you woulf gain with a discount would far exceed any pain caused by giving us a... tiny discount. Say 20%?" Kerra says. You have to admit, she seems to be good at haggling.

"I can't be undercut so heavily. I will offer 7 percent." He responds back, Kerra shakes he head no on the number seven and counters with "twelve percent." "Absolutely not. 10, final offer."

Kerra smiles at him "Thank you good sir. What did you need, Lucindia?" She asks you while piling a few items onto the small metal table set up on the side of the road. It looks like all she wants are krak grenades.

You had your eyes on a few things, and quickly grab them from the shelves set up next to the table. Three grenades, a micro-bead, magnoculars, and a respirator with a full bottle of air attached.

135 thrones change hands, and you shovel all but the micro-bead into your bag. You instead take that in your hand and turn around to face Arron.

"Kid, this has a range of about one kilometer. Keep it in your ear, and don't change the channel. At the first sign of trouble, call for help." You tell him.

Tech use <Int> test to set up the microbead. Tech-use is untrained. Int is 42, -20 untrained, +60 unhurried commonplace tech ritual for pairing micro-beads. 82 required to succeed on test. Rolled 05, for 8 DoS. Increased disposition with Kerra by 5.

He quickly sets it in his ear after you go through the holy ritual of pairing micro-beads. Kerra nods approvingly at you, when you turn back to her and the merchant.

"Let's go see what we can find, sister."

You noticed previously the Adeptus Administratum had several adepts among the throngs of tech-priests and guardsmen bustiling through the camp. Now, you approach the closest one, a man in his middle years, at least 30 kilos overweight and 2.1 meters tall. His eyes suddenly snap to yours as you approach, then briefly down your body, wearing the form fitting bodyglove, before returning his eyes to yours. He is manning a small desk that has a sign printed on the front "Requisition requests - 22nd Rhodinian Battalion, Epsilon company."

You are:
[_] (Sexuality) Unsure of how you feel about being eyed like that. <no decision at this time.>
[_] (Sexuality) Enjoying the attention. <Like men>
[_] (Sexuality) Deeply offended. <Dislike men>

"Ser, we would have a word with you." You say as you get close enough to be heard over the din of the crowd. He nods his head, then walks around the desk to stand before you.

[÷] (Bodyglove style) His eyes stay locked on yours for the rest of the conversation. <Conservative cut. No skin showing other than your hands and head. Flat boots. Worn a bit looser than normal bodygloves.>
[÷] (Bodyglove style) His eyes drift to your cleavage occasionally, during the conversation. <Stylish cut. Hands, wrists, head are bare and a v-neck type top. Small heel in boots. Tighter fit>
[÷] (Bodyglove style) His eyes frequently move to your legs, backside and cleavage. <Liberal cut. As stylish, with taller heels, very tight fit, deeper v-neck and tiny Acquilla (Eagle shaped) cutouts up and down your legs in the style of the Order Famulous)>

You frequently adjust your bag while speaking to the adept. "How are you, ser? I am Novitiate Lucindia, Order Militant Minoris, Chapel of the Emperor's Light, Rhodin IV. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" You flirt with him.

His forehead begins to perspire, as he responds to you "My lady, I am Scribe Atreus. Attached as logistics officer to the 22nd Battalion." You nod, and smile at him.

"I seem to have lost my way, Ser. Where can I find my sisters?" You ask

Charm <Fel> test. Charm is trained. Fellowship is 33, +10 for being an Imperial citizen, +20 for being a beautiful young woman. Must roll 63 or less. Rolled 62, 1 DoS.

He responds back "I haven't heard of any of the Order Militant being here, sister. I know the Order Hospitaller has set up on the North East edge of the encampment and the Order Famulous has a single advisor with the war council." He explains to you.

You nod your head in thanks. "I appreciate the help, may the Emperor protect you." You bless him as you leave him.

Kerra giggles a bit as you return and Arron looks like he bit into a sour fruit. "I don't like the way he was looking at you." Arron says as he scowls at the man behind you. Kerra giggles harder, then after catching her breath mamages to say "You had him wrapped around your finger!"

You smile at Arron and say "It's okay, kid. I needed his information. Let's get going. We are going to ..." you say.

[#] (Plan) plan name
-[+] (Action) "wait for the war council to finish and chat the the Order Famulous representative. Hopefully the attendant will be able to get us some transport to the chapel, Arron."
-[+] (Action) "go to the northeast edge of the camp and find the field hospital set up by my sisters with the Order Hospitaller. Maybe they will be able to help us make our way to the chapel, Arron."
-[+] (Action) write-in

Sorry for the late post. Voting will end at 10 pm CST and I'll do my best to pump out a chapter before I go to sleep tonight.

I did not give chainblade to Arron because it was not in the plan, if you still want to give it to him, let me know in the next plan.
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[X] (Sexuality) Enjoying the attention. <Like men>
[X] (Bodyglove style) His eyes drift to your cleavage occasionally, during the conversation. <Stylish cut. Hands, wrists, head are bare and a v-neck type top. Small heel in boots. Tighter fit>
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[X] Confident with yourself
-[X] (Sexuality) Enjoying the attention. <Like men>
-[X] (Bodyglove style) His eyes drift to your cleavage occasionally, during the conversation. <Stylish cut. Hands, wrists, head are bare and a v-neck type top. Small heel in boots. Tighter fit>
-[X] (Bodyglove style) His eyes drift to your cleavage occasionally, during the conversation. <Stylish cut. Hands, wrists, head are bare and a v-neck type top. Small heel in boots. Tighter fit>
You put the bodyglove style twice and didnt't include an action.
Well, it no sin to use the natural gifts the Emperor gave us, but still he should be ashamed, we are a Daughter of the Emperor after all. Also dangerous to expose skin on a forge world

[X] (Sexuality) Enjoying the attention. <Like men>
[X] (Bodyglove style) His eyes stay locked on yours for the rest of the conversation. <Conservative cut. No skin showing other than your hands and head. Flat boots. Worn a bit looser than normal bodygloves.>

[X] (Plan) what's up doc?
-[x] (Action) "go to the northeast edge of the camp and find the field hospital set up by my sisters with the Order Hospitaller. Maybe they will be able to help us make our way to the chapel, Arron."
--[x] also request further healing for you and your companions. Also ask Arron on what kind of weapon he's comfortable with. Dont give him the chainblade yet as he may hurt himself with it.
[X] Unsure of how you feel about being eyed like that. <no decision at this time.>
[X] (Bodyglove style)His eyes drift to your cleavage occasionally, during the conversation. <Stylish cut. Hands, wrists, head are bare and a v-neck type top. Small heel in boots. Tighter fit>
[X] (Plan) what's up doc?
-[x] (Action) "go to the northeast edge of the camp and find the field hospital set up by my sisters with the Order Hospitaller. Maybe they will be able to help us make our way to the chapel, Arron."
--[x] also request further healing for you and your companions. Also ask Arron on what kind of weapon he's comfortable with. Dont give him the chainblade yet as he may hurt himself with it.
Adhoc vote count started by Narutosramen on Oct 17, 2021 at 10:25 PM, finished with 4 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] (Sexuality) Enjoying the attention. <Like men>
    [X] (Bodyglove style) His eyes drift to your cleavage occasionally, during the conversation. <Stylish cut. Hands, wrists, head are bare and a v-neck type top. Small heel in boots. Tighter fit>
    [X] (Plan) what's up doc?
    -[x] (Action) "go to the northeast edge of the camp and find the field hospital set up by my sisters with the Order Hospitaller. Maybe they will be able to help us make our way to the chapel, Arron."
    --[x] also request further healing for you and your companions. Also ask Arron on what kind of weapon he's comfortable with. Dont give him the chainblade yet as he may hurt himself with it.
    [X] (Bodyglove style) His eyes stay locked on yours for the rest of the conversation. <Conservative cut. No skin showing other than your hands and head. Flat boots. Worn a bit looser than normal bodygloves.>
    [X] Unsure of how you feel about being eyed like that. <no decision at this time.>

Voting is over. Will have chapter out, soon...
Personally, I would have preferred going all-in in being a celibate nun, but then again, we heavily rely on our charm skills and men are easier to manipulate if said manipulator is beautiful.
Winning sexuality - likes men
Winning clothing style - stylish
Winning plan - What's up doc

Navigate (surface) <Int> test called. Navigate is untrained. Intelligence is 42, -20 untrained penalty, +30 signage pointing in proper directions. Must roll 52 or less to succeed. Rolled 53, one DoF. You wander for twice the time it would normally take to walk there. In this case yu wander for 30 minutes before finding it.

As you head in the direction of the NE part of the camp, occasionally following signs pointing north or east, you ask Arron "What kind of weapon training have you received so far in the Schola, Arron?"

He glances in that direction, then comes faces forward again "I haven't received any weapons training yet. I've been working on knowledge of the Imperium and reading and writing in Low Gothic. They have also started me on basic awareness training. My cohort was still too young to be learning any weapons, according to some in the Administratum. I have signed up for a class on shock weapons, for next trimester, but that is looking farther away than it looked yesterday, sister."

You shake your head and reply, "That's a waste. I have an extra chainblade, but I'm concerned that if you handle it badly it will take an arm or a leg clean off of you. For now, we will have you stick with no weapons, and hope for the best."

Kerra shakes her head "A hold-out melee weapon *is* good, but a ranged weapon is much better."

[%] (plan) plan name
-[=] (respond to Kerra) Agree, disagree or something else <write-in>.

As you continue to wander you chat some more with your companions, "How was your schooling going, Arron?" You ask.

He eyes you for a second before saying "I was passing, but not by a lot."

"This is going to sound cliche, but classes will help shape the man you become. Without it, you will not be able to deal with the world as it is. It would be a real shame if you died because you couldn't understand a written warning or missed a landmine and lost your legs, yeah?"

He doesn't respond verbally, instead nodding his head and looking uncomfortable.

Eventually after wandering around the camp you see the field tent of the Hospitallers in the distance. You get the attention of your companions and then head in that direction.

You step in to find the building half empty, and most of the wounded are either recovering from massive wounds long since past or minor wounds more recently obtained. A pair of sisters were working here, moving between beds and up and down the aisles.

"Hello, the shop, sisters! I have come seeking aid, to return to the Chapel of the Emperor's light."

"One moment, sister." A nurse calls, feeding a woman without arms, laying upright on a bed. The other does not acknowledge you at all as she sets a broken bone from her position closest to the door.

-[>] (Actions) write-in
-[<] (Speech) write-in

Remember you may use fate points for listed effects whenever you like.
You can still go that way, @butchock, but the character has not taken any vows yet. And vows of celibacy and chastity aren't common in the Sororitas. In fact, the Order Famulous is famous for their use of their sexuality.

There are other vows you may take as well that are not required. Poverty, silence, fasting, castigation, suffering, penance, etc.
@Narutosramen can we gain perks or traits via repeated action or only via level-up?
In any case...

[X] (plan) Lookingfor Loot and Plot Hooks
-[x] (respond to Kerra) Agree that fighting in melee is not for everyone. Though its necessary to defend one self absent a range weapon. Lend your laspistol to Arron and require him to practice using it every time he's free, he must learn to shoot it while being prone, one-handed, encumbered, tired, distracted, and dual-wielding it with a practice sword or dummy pistol (or anything with the same weight to familiarize himself)
-[x] (Actions) request healing (Charm) and for any spare supplies that they have including discarded gear from the wounded soldiers (i.e. hopefully gear like combat webbing so that grenades would be easier to reach). Gather as much information as you can.
-[x] (Speech) *Charm* praise the Emperor that I have sisters, we need aid for we will return to the battlefield soon, mayhaps we can be checked for any injuries as well as supplies which the guardsmen here will no longer need? What news from the front sisters and how can we make ourselves useful for the cause?

- yeah, looking for some free stuff to give to Arron. Also the vow of celibacy is easiest to do since we control the PC. Also sex is icky!
@Narutosramen can we gain perks or traits via repeated action or only via level-up?
In any case...

[X] (plan) Lookingfor Loot and Plot Hooks
-[x] (respond to Kerra) Agree that fighting in melee is not for everyone. Though its necessary to defend one self absent a range weapon. Lend your laspistol to Arron and require him to practice using it every time he's free, he must learn to shoot it while being prone, one-handed, encumbered, tired, distracted, and dual-wielding it with a practice sword or dummy pistol (or anything with the same weight to familiarize himself)
-[x] (Actions) request healing (Charm) and for any spare supplies that they have including discarded gear from the wounded soldiers (i.e. hopefully gear like combat webbing so that grenades would be easier to reach). Gather as much information as you can.
-[x] (Speech) *Charm* praise the Emperor that I have sisters, we need aid for we will return to the battlefield soon, mayhaps we can be checked for any injuries as well as supplies which the guardsmen here will no longer need? What news from the front sisters and how can we make ourselves useful for the cause?

- yeah, looking for some free stuff to give to Arron. Also the vow of celibacy is easiest to do since we control the PC. Also sex is icky!

Voting is over.

And to answer your question, YES. It is possible to get new abilities for story reasons. The most reliable way to get new abilities is to purchase it with XP. But if you say, studied records on planetary history with some adepts you could get Scholastic Lore (Rhodin IV) for free. Peer, Friend, Ally, Enemy, Despised and Reviled are all gained through play. Play is the only way to gain influence as well. Expect 1 to 5 influence per major arc. I'll set major and minor goals (that I won't share with the class until you find in game reasons to know.) You can also get talents or "perks" from in game actions. As an example, you might get a perk for 100 headshots that increases your WS or BS when making a called shot, or something like that. That's just one example.

I'll get started on the chapter. May fall asleep before it gets done, so morning at the latest.