What is an Inquisition? (WH40K, Acolyte of an inquisitor quest)

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Survive the 41st millenium.

You begin your life in the Askellon sector of Segmentum Obscurus. This is a relatively safe area, several sectors removed from the Eye of Terror and the Black Crusade that demolished Cadia.

Prologue: Where to begin?
  • +Fellowship
    3 Fate point threshold
    Strength aptitude - Agriworlders are particularly strong.
    13 starting wounds

    + Novabella (Strength from the Land, Acolyte has Brutal Charge (2) trait.)

    + Kalto (Deny Thyself, Automatically pass first toughness test for fatigue in a day. Toughness Bonus counts as two higher for determining effects of starvation.)
  • +Agility
    3 fate threshold
    Perception Aptitude - Those among the civilized worlds are more perceptive than most.
    13 starting wounds

    + Snope's world (Attention to detail, Deceive and Scrutiny start at rank 1. If you would gain them later in character creation, they start at rank 2 instead. Gain +20 on subtlety tests to determine groups subtlety characteristic.)
  • +Agility
    Fate Threshold of 3
    Fieldcraft aptitude - Survival is a skill every deathworlder aspires to learn.
    14 starting wounds

    +Kvaran IX (Survivor's promise, surprised acolyte does not give enemies +30 to tests to hit them.

    + Yanth (Craftmaster, Acolyte gains +20 on Medicae and Survival tests to craft an item. Halve the time it takes to craft items made with those skills.)
  • +Willpower
    4 Fate point threshold
    Willpower aptitude - Those trapped on the Daemon tainted worlds must learn to resist chaos or be subsumed.
    12 starting wounds

    + Infractus (Warp Touched, Start with psyinscience as a known skill. If you would gain this skill later in character creation, instead gain a second rank in this skill. You may not advance this skill past these marks without being a psyker. Gain 1d10+2 starting corruption points.)

    + Tuchulcha (Inured to horror, Acolyte starts play with 3d5 corruption points. May use a fate point to gain the adamantium faith talent for 1 combat or narrative encounter.)
  • +Strength
    Fate threshold of 3
    Toughness aptitude - Ferals are known for being particularly tough.
    14 starting wounds

    + Enkidu (The Old Ways, whenever this acolyte wields a low-tech weapon, it loses primitive if it had it and gains proven (3))

    + Gregorn (Manners are All, if the acolyte ever discovers a character has lied to them, they gain the hatred talent for that person for free.)

    + Rund (Zeal of the Convert, Start with Hatred (Heretics) talent. Gain all the hatred talents that a ministorum character possesses while they are clearly marked and within PerB×10 m of you.)
  • +Intelligence
    Fate Threshold of 4
    Intelligence aptitude - The Omnisiah does not abide the stupid.
    13 starting wounds

    + Rhodin IV (Omnissiah's Chosen, gain either Weapon-Tech or technical knock talent)

    + Selvanus Binary (Obsession to tech ritual, Make a Logic test with a -10 penalty. If you succeed any high-tech item counts as one grade higher (good to best, poor to normal, etc.) If you fail by 3 or more degrees, gain 1 insanity point.)
  • +Perception
    +Weapon Skill
    4 fate threshold
    Weapon Skill aptitude - Skill at arms is a way of life on Fuedal planets.
    13 starting wounds

    + Adderoth (At Home in Armor, Acolyte's Max Ag in armor is increases by +30)

    + Hrax (A Keen Blade, Acolyte gains +10 to WS tests with any bladed melee weapon.)
  • +Ballistic Skill
    4 fate threshold
    Ballistic Skill aptitude - Shoot or die
    12 starting wounds

    + Marnine (Rely on None but Yourself, +20 tech-use tests to modify weapons and +10 tech-use tests to repair anything.)

    + Temperance (Cleansing Flame, gain Weapon Training (Flame) talent. If you would later gain this talent during character creation, instead choose a different weapon training talent.)
  • +Fellowship
    Fate Threshold of 3
    Social aptitude - What else is there to do in a garden, but talk?
    12 starting wounds

    + Phanuel Tertius (Security of the Green, half shock and mental trauma durations. May remove insanity points for 50 xp per point.)

    + Foraliss (The Perfect Host, this acolyte gains an extra degree of success on successful charm and deceive tests)
  • +Fellowship
    3 Fate threshold
    Fellowship aptitude - Being pressed together with all walks of life, presenting a false face is neccessary to survive.
    14 starting wounds

    + Choose any planet from the list of Civilized, Hive or Agri Worlds.(Breeding Counts, Any time acolyte would lose influence, reduce influence loss by 1.
  • +Agility
    3 fate threshold
    Perception Aptitude - a navigation neccessity for Hivers.
    13 starting wounds

    + Hulee V/Desoleum (Teeming Masses in Metal Mountains, ignore crowds for purposes of movement difficulty and speed)

    + Vouxis Prime (Art from Below, character starts with Blind Fighting talent and rank 2 in trade (sculptor))
  • +Intelligence
    Fate Threshold of 4
    Intelligence aptitude - The mechanicus does not abide the stupid
    13 starting wounds

    + Pellene (Acolyte starts with Resistance (Radiation) talent and Trade (Prospector). Choose one of the following talents: Hatred (Mutants) or the dark sight trait.)
  • +Toughness
    4 Fate point threshold
    Toughness aptitude - Be tough or get walked on.
    15 starting wounds

    + Jubilee (Finger on the Pulse, starts with skills C.L. Underworld, and Scrutiny at Rank 1, if gaining these skills later in character creation, instead gain another rank. Also gain Peer (Criminal Cartels) talent.)

    + Nexus (Find the Weak Spot, Acolyte deals 1 more point of damage with all weapons.)
  • +Ballistic Skill
    4 fate point threshold
    Fieldcraft aptitude - The empire has abandoned you. Your survival is up to you now.
    13 starting wounds

    + Vapaus (Secretive by Nature, whenever war bands would lose subtlety, reduce that value by 2, cannot be reduced below 0.)

    + Kul (Myth Made Truth, Acolyte gains F.L. The Warp and F.L. Daemonology. If the acolyte would gain them later in character creation they start at Rank 2 instead)
  • + Intelligence
    Fate threshold of 4
    Knowledge aptitude - Look into the depths.
    13 starting wounds

    + Delta-Beta-Tau-3 (Pursuit of Data, Whenever this acolyte gains rank 2 in a Scholastic Lore, automatically gain rank 1 in a related forbidden lore if applicable.

    + Dark Echo (Dark Obsession, if an acolyte posses data on a subject (CL, SL or FL) and makes a fear test the acolyte gains +10 times the rank of the lore skill.)
  • +Willpower
    4 Fate point threshold
    Willpower aptitude - The Emperor protects.
    12 starting wounds

    + Ossuar (Faith in the Creed, Whenever spending fate points, roll 1d10. If you roll a 1, keep your fate point, and receive the effect for free)

    + Vespex (Absolute Faith in the Past, May use a fate point to automatically pass a fear test, but whenever you use a fate point in this way, gain an insanity point)
  • +Intelligence
    4 Fate point Threshold
    Intelligence aptitude - Idiocy is a hazard among the stars.
    12 starting wounds

    + Port Lockhart (Child of the Dark, Start with the strong minded talent and receive +30 to movement tests in zero g)

    + Emperor's Song (Attuned to the Warp, Acolyte gains the Deny the Witch talent for free.)

    + Port Aquila (Forceful Negotiations, start with rank 1 in commerce, if you would gain commerce later in character creation, instead start with rank 2. You may use Strength or Willpower instead of Fellowship when bartering for goods or services.)

You awake with a startled gasp. It takes you far too long to get a grasp on what is happening around you. The alarms are screeching, and there are many men screaming outside of your little hiding hole. Maybe finding an out of the way spot for a nap, wasn't as brilliant an idea as you first assumed.

[?] (HOMEWORLD) enter the homeworld type here.
++[?] (PLANET) enter the specific planet here.
[!] (Characteristics) Roll for characteristics and get 10 points to allocate. +Char get to roll 3d10 and drop the lowest die. -Char must roll 3 die and drop the highest. Otherwise roll 2d10 and add to 20 for initial point values. No stat can start above 40.
[!] (Characteristics) Point buy, 60 points. +Char starts at 30, -Char starts at 20, all others start at 25. No stat can start above 40.

Voting will end at 11 pm CST. I will try to have the next chapter out before midnight.
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[X] Plan Warband Leader
-[X] Garden World
--[X] Foraliss

[X] (Characteristics) Roll for characteristics and get 10 points to allocate. +Char get to roll 3d10 and drop the lowest die. -Char must roll 3 die and drop the highest. Otherwise roll 2d10 and add to 20 for initial point values. No stat can start above 40.
Character Sheet, end of chapter 1
Character creation is over.

Name: Lucindia
Height: 1.77 meters
Weight: 41 kg
Age: 16
Skin: Fair
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Physical quirks: slightly too large head.
Superstitions: polishing metal improves your luck.

Homeworld: Rhodin IV (Forge)
Class: Adepta Sororitas (Order Militant)
Role: Crusader
Divination: To War is Human

4/4 fate points.
10/13 wounds.
0/6 fatigue. Exhausted at 3 fatigue.
170 unspent XP. 1,000 spent XP.

Half: 3m, Full: 6m, Charge: 12m, Run: 24m

Aptitudes: General, Intelligence, Offence, Knowledge, Finesse, Strength, Toughness, Willpower


Weapon Skill: 38* WSB: 3
Ballistic Skill: 35* BSB: 3
Strength: 40* SB: 4
Toughness: 33. TB: 3
Agility: 31. AgB: 3
Intelligence: 42* IntB: 4
Perception 35. PerB: 3
Willpower: 30. WPB: 3
Fellowship: 33. FelB: 3
Influence: 30. InfB: 3

Characteristics with a * next to them have been advanced. ** is two advancements and so on.


Athletics +0 ( Rank 1)
Charm +0 (Rank 1)
Dodge +0 (Rank 1)
Common Lore (Imperium) +0 (Rank 1)
Common Lore (Sororitas) +0 (Rank 1)
Linguistics (High Gothic) +0 (Rank 1)
Linguistics(Low Gothic) +0 (Rank 1)
Parry +0 (Rank 1)


Deny the Witch - The acolyte may use dodge (WP) to evade ranged psychic attacks and Parry (WP) to block melee psychic attacks. If successful, the acolyte does not move, but they are unharmed and unaffected by the ability (unless it causes some physical effect, such as the ceiling caving in on the acolyte.)

Enemy (Khorne Cults) - Acolyte has a -10 penalty on interactions with members kf the cults of Khorne where they know who she is.

Incorruptible, whenever acolyte would gain corruption points instead gain insanity points minus one (minimum of 0)

Peer (Mechanicus) - Acolyte has a +10 bonus to interaction tests with members of the Mechanicus who know who she is.

Smite the Unholy, May spend a fate point to automatically pass fear test with degrees of success equal to WPB. Always deal X bonus damage to creatures with a Fear (X) rating.

Weapon Training (Chain) - use chain melee weapons without penalty, including the basic weapon mod, chain bayonet.

Weapon Training (Las) - use Las pistol and basic weapons without penalty. Heavy Las weapons incur -20 penalty without Weapon Training (Heavy).

Weapon-Tech - Once per encounter, enhance the damage of any one plasma, melta, las, power, force or exotic weapon by the acolyte's Intelligence Bonus for the duration of the encounter. This is a free action.

Personal connections:
Kerra (Friendship)
Roblix (Friendship)
Arron (Peer)


Current carry weight: 20.9 kg
Carry capacity/Unencumbered: 45 kg
Lift capacity/Encumbered: 90 kg
Push or pull: 180 kg

217 thrones.

Las pistol - pistol type Las weapon, 5m point blank, 15m short range, 30m base range, 60m long range, and 90m for extreme range. single shots or 2 shot semi-auto, 1d10 + 2 Energy damage on hit, 0 penetration, 28/30 rounds, half round reload, only jams on rolls of 00 (100), 1.5 kg, 50 thrones, common availability.

2 x Las pistol ammo pack - 0.15 kg each. Abundant availability. 5 thrones each.

Chainblade - melee Chain weapon, melee range only, 1d10 + 1 + SB Rending damage on hit, 1 penetration, Tearing (Roll damage twice, take the best roll), 2 kg, 200 thrones, scarce availability.

Chain Sword, Melee chain weapon, melee range only, 1d10+2 Rending, 2 pen, Balanced - +10 to parry rolls, Tearing - Roll damage twice and keep highest of the rolls., 6kg, 275 thrones, Average availability

Shield, Melee Primitive weapon, melee range only, 1d5 Impact, 0 pen, Defensive (2) - adds 2 AP to left arm and body locations, Primitive (3) - This weapon deals 3 damage on rolls of 3, 4 or 5. 3kg, 25 thrones, Average availability

Armored bodyglove - 2 AP to Body, Arms and Legs. No MAX Ag. 5 kg weight. 175 thrones, Rare availability.

Backpack – stores up to 30 kg of materials, and 6 liters of space. Putting an object in or taking an object out is a full round action. 2 kg, 10 thrones, abundant availability

Chrono - Time-keeping device. 0.1 kg, 25 thrones, Plentiful availability.

Stablight - torch/flashlight. Brightly lit in 60 degree arc in front of stablight for 24 meters. Dimly lit for 40 meters. 0.5 kg, 5 thrones, Ubiquitous availability.

Dataslate - Can store and record new information. Can take photographs. Essentially a tablet. 0.5 kg, 10 thrones, Common availability.

Micro-bead - radio with 1 km range. Easily fits inside of an ear. Can link up with Vox for larger ranges. 0 kg, 25 thrones, Average availability.

Momentos -
A rosary given to you by the Sister Superior at the Chapel of the Emperor's Light

A flower sealed in glass - Given to you by your father before he left to battle the forces of Khorne. He did not return.
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[X] Plan Get Tech
-[X] Forge World
--[X] Rhodin IV

[X] (Characteristics) Roll for characteristics and get 10 points to allocate. +Char get to roll 3d10 and drop the lowest die. -Char must roll 3 die and drop the highest. Otherwise roll 2d10 and add to 20 for initial point values. No stat can start above 40.
And now for the running!
You cautiously peek your head above the manufactory conveyor you were sleeping hiding behind, wondering where everyone was running to. You turn around and nearly directly behind youself, you see a small group of Mechanicus priests, ballistic mechandrites firing wildly into a crowd of oddly dressed slaves. Servitors unsuited to combat were doing their best to prevent the tech-priests behind them from being overrun by screaming men.

Choose one of:
[?] (Homeworld Bonus) Technical knock: free a jammed weapon with a half round action instead of a full round action, and automatically succeed on tech-use tests to free jammed pistol and basic weapons.


[?] (Homeworld Bonus) Weapon-Tech: Once per encounter, enhance the damage of any one plasma, melta, las, power, force or exotic weapon by the acolyte's Intelligence Bonus for the duration of the encounter. This is a free action.

Choose one of the following:
[?] (Action) Assist the tech-priests
[?] (Action) Assist the oddly dressed slaves.
[?] (Action) It may be less dangerous to run away!
[?] (Action) Write-in

Choose one class, make as many choices as offered.
[?] (Class) Choose your class.
+[?] (Skills) If there are any class skill choices, make them here (such as Adepta Seroritas must choose between Charm or Intimidate and also between Medicae or Parry)
+[?] (Talents) If there are any class talent choices, make them here (such as Adepta Administratum between Weapon Training (Las or Solid Projectile))
+[?] (Equipment) If there are any class equipment choices, make them here (such as Adepta Arbites must choose between a shock maul and a shotgun.)
+[?] (Aptitude) Choose one of the aptitudes available for that class. If you already have an aptitude for that selection from the homeworld selection, you must choose the other selection. (The mechanicus example used earlier was wrong. You do not have to worry about Intelligence aptitude, no class gives it as an option. )

All characters start with Linguistics (Low Gothic) and Common Lore (Imperium).

Rolled characteristics:
Weapon Skill: 30
Ballistic Skill: 28
Strength: 35
Toughness: 33
Agility: 31
Intelligence: 37
Willpower: 28
Fellowship: 33
Influence: 27

[?] (Characteristics) Allocate 10 points to characteristics. No characteristic may exceed 40 at this point in character creation.

  • -Starting Skills (Athletics, Charm or Intimidate, Common Lore (Sororitas), Linguistics (High Gothic), Medicae or Parry)
    -Starting Talents (Weapon Training ((Flame or Las) and Chain))
    -Starting Equipment (Hand Flamer or Las pistol, Chainblade, Armored bodyglove, chrono, stablight, dataslate, micro-bead)
    -Class Bonus (Incorruptible, whenever acolyte would gain corruption points instead gain insanity points minus one (minimum of 0))
    -Class Aptitude (Offence or Social)
    -Starting Rank of Novice
  • -Starting Skills (Commerce or Medicae, Common Lore (Administratum), Linguistics (High Gothic), Logic, Scholastic Lore (pick one)
    -Starting Talents (Weapon Training (Las or Solid Projectile)
    -Starting Equipment (Laspistol or Stub Automatic, Imperial Robes, Autoquill, Chrono, Dataslate and Medikit)
    -Class Bonus (Master of Paperwork, All items count as one level more available.)
    -Class aptitude (Knowledge or Social)
    -Starting rank of Scribe
  • -Starting Skills (Awareness, Common Lore (Arbites, Underworld), Inquiry or Interrogation, Intimidate, Scrutiny)
    -Starting Talent (Weapon Training (Shock or Solid Projectile))
    -Starting Equipment (Shock Maul or Shotgun, Enforcer Light Carapace or Carapace Chestplate, 3 doses of stimm, injector, manacles, 12 lho sticks)
    -Class Bonus (Face of the Law, reroll failed intimidate or interrogation tests once, or spend a fate point to automatically succeed with WPB degrees of success.)
    -Class aptitude (Offence or Defence) -Starting rank of trooper or investigator
  • -Starting Skills (Awareness, Common Lore (Astra Telepathica), Deceive or Interrogate, Forbidden Lore (The Warp), Psyinscience or Scrutiny)
    -Starting Talent (Weapon Training (Las and Low-tech)
    -Starting Equipment (Laspistol, Staff or Whip, Light Flak Cloak or Flak Vest, Micro-bead or psy focus)
    -Class Bonuses (Constant Threat, When any being within 10 m x WPB of acolyte rolls of psychic phenomena table, increase or decrease their roll by WPB, if you choose.
    Tested on Terra, If the acolyte takes Psyker elite advance during character creation they are sanctioned psykers.)
    -Class aptitude (Defence or Psyker)
    -No starting ranks. Will earn "ranks" as you progress as a Psyker. If you are not a Psyker, you will always be a servant of a Psyker.
  • -Starting Skills (Awareness or Operate (pick one), Common Lore (Mechanicus), Logic, Security, Tech-use),
    -Starting Talents (Mechandrite Use (Utility) and Weapon Training (Solid Projectile)
    -Starting Trait (Mechanicus Implants) -Starting Equipment (Autogun or Hand Cannon, Monotask Servo-skull (Utility) or Optical Mechandrite, Imperial Robes, 2 vials of sacred unguents)
    -Class Bonus (Replace the Weak Flesh, All cybernetics, augments and implants are two levels more available.)
    -Class aptitude (Knowledge or Tech)
    -Starting rank of Runepriest
  • -Starting Skills (Charm, Command, Common Lore (Ministorum), Inquiry or Scrutiny, Linguistics (High Gothic)
    -Starting Talents (Weapon Training (Flame or (Low-Tech and Solid Projectile))
    -Starting Equipment (Hand Flamer or (Warhammer and Stub Revolver), Imperial Robes or Flak Vest, Backpack, Glow-globe, Mono-task Servo skull (laud-hailer))
    -Class Bonus (Faith is All, When spending a fate point for a +10 bonus, get +20 bonus instead.
    -Class Aptitude (Leadership or Social)
    -Starting rank of preacher.
  • -Starting Skills (Awareness, Deceive or Inquiry, Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Daemonology), Intimidate or Scrutiny)
    -Starting Talents (Hatred (Daemons), Weapon Training (Solid Projectile, Chain)
    -Starting Equipment (Autopistol or Stub Revolver, shotgun, chainsword, Imperial Robes, 3 doses Obscura or Tranq, disguise kit or excrutiator kit, rebreather, stablight)
    -Starting Malignancy (Start with one malignancy of your choice)
    -Class Bonus (Touched by a Daemon, Insanity bonus counts as two higher for purposes of ignoring a failed fear test. Can never again be possessed by a Daemon)
    -Starting aptitude (Defence or Knowledge)
    -No starting rank. May join another class with training.
  • -Starting Skills (Deceive or Inquiry, Forbidden Lore (pick one), Medicae or Security, Tech-use, Trade (pick one)
    -Starting Talen (Weapon Training (Solid Projectile))
    -Starting Trait (Mechanicus Impants)
    -Starting Equipment (Stub Revolver with 2 clips or expander bullets or manstopper bullets, 1 web grenade, combi-tool, flak cloak, filtration plugs, 1 dose of de-tox, dataslate, stablight)
    -Class Bonus (Master of Hidden Lore, Whenever attempting to make a test on something unknown (Medicae or Tech-use) add +20 to test if acolyte has a relevant forbidden lore.)
    -Class Aptitude (Finesse or Tech)
    -Starting rank does not apply unless part of a Heretek cult infiltrated into Mechanicus. Then you count as a Runepriest. If Orthodox mechanicus discover acolyte is a heretek, will attempt to kill them
  • -Starting Skills (Athletics, Command, Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Medicae or Operate (Surface), Navigate (Surface))
    -Starting Talents (Weapon Training (Las and Low-tech))
    -Starting Equipment (Lasgun or (Laspistol and sword), Combat Vest, Imperial Guard Flak Armour, grapnel and line, magnoculars, 12 lho sticks)
    -Class Bonus (The Emperor's Hammer, All weapons are Proven (3) in acolyte's hands.)
    -Class Aptitude (Fieldcraft or Leadership)
    -Starting rank of Guards(wo)man
  • -Starting Skills (Athletics, Command or Intimidate, Common Lore (Imp. Navy), Navigate (Stellar), Operate (Aeronautica or Voidship)
    -Starting Talents (Weapon Training ((Chain or Shock) and Solid Projectiles))
    -Starting Equipment (Combat Shotgun or Hand Cannon, Chainsword or Shockwhip, Flak Coat, Rebreather, Micro-bead)
    -Class Bonus (Close Quarters Discipline, On successfully attacks made at melee, point blank or short range, acolyte gains one extra degree of success.)
    -Class Aptitude (Offence or Tech)
    -Starting rank is Ensign.
  • -Starting Skills (Acrobatics or Athletics, Deceive or Intimidate, Forbidden Lore (Mutants), Survival)
    -Starting Talents (Weapon Training (Low-tech and Solid Projectile)
    -Starting Trait (Pick One: Amphibious, Dark sight, Natural Weapons, Sturdy, Sonar Sense, Toxic (1), Unnatural Characteristic (Agility, Strength or Toughness) (1))
    -Starting Mutation (Start with 10 corruption points. Instead of rolling for malignancy or mutation, instead roll 5d10 on the mutation table)
    -Starting Equipment (Shotgun or (Stub Revolver and Great Weapon), Grapnel and line, Heavy Leathers, injector, 2 doses of Stimm, Combat Vest)
    -Class Bonus (Twisted Flesh, may choose to fail to resist malignancy or mutation resistance tests. If you would roll for a malignancy, instead roll for a mutation.)
    -Class Aptitude (Fieldcraft or Offence)
    -No starting rank. You may join a different class, through work.
  • -Starting Skills (Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand, Common Lore (Underworld), Deceive, Dodge, Stealth)
    -Starting Talents (Chain and (Las or Solid Projectile))
    -Starting Equipment (Laspistol or Autopistol, Chainsword, Armores Bodyglove or Flak Vest, injector, 2 doses of Obscura or Slaught)
    -Class Bonus (Never Quit, Fatigue limit is two higher)
    -Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Social
    -Starting Rank may be ganger or some other term. Not an Imperial Citizen until after they became an acolyte.
  • -Starting Skills (Charm or Scrutiny, Commerce, Common Lore (Rogue Traders), Linguistics (Pick one alien language), Operate (Surface or Aeronautica)
    -Starting Talents (Weapon Training ((Las or Solid Projectile) and Shock))
    -Starting Equipmemt (Compact Laspistol or Compact Autopistol, Mesh Cloak or Carapace Chestplate, Shock Maul, Auspex, Chrono)
    -Class Bonus (Inured to Xenos, gain +10 to fear tests caused by xenos and +20 to all interaction skills with xenos.)
    -Class aptitude (Finesse or Social) -
    Starting Rank is Officer Initiate

Voting is over at 11 pm CST and I'll try to have an update out before midnight. Because of the holiday, I have time to write. Normally plan to update this quest once a week.
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[X] (Homeworld Bonus) Weapon-Tech: Once per encounter, enhance the damage of any one plasma, melta, las, power, force or exotic weapon by the acolyte's Intelligence Bonus for the duration of the encounter. This is a free action.

[X] (Class) Adepta Seroritas
+[X] (Equipment) Las pistol , Chainblade, Armored bodyglove, chrono, stablight, dataslate, micro-bead
+[X] (Talents) Weapon training Las and Chain
+[X] (Skills) Athletics, Charm , Common Lore (Sororitas), Linguistics (High Gothic), Parry,Linguistics(Low Gothic),Common Lore (Imperium)
+[X] (Aptitude) Offence

[X] (Characteristics)
Weapon Skill: 33
Ballistic Skill: 30
Strength: 35
Toughness: 33
Agility: 31
Intelligence: 37
Willpower: 30
Fellowship: 33
Influence: 30

[X] (Action) Assist the tech-priests
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[X] (Homeworld Bonus) Weapon-Tech: Once per encounter, enhance the damage of any one plasma, melta, las, power, force or exotic weapon by the acolyte's Intelligence Bonus for the duration of the encounter. This is a free action.

[X] (Class) Adepta Seroritas
+[X] (Equipment) Las pistol , Chainblade, Armored bodyglove, chrono, stablight, dataslate, micro-bead
+[X] (Talents) Weapon training Las and Chain
+[X] (Skills) Athletics, Charm , Common Lore (Sororitas), Linguistics (High Gothic), Parry,Linguistics(Low Gothic),Common Lore (Imperium)
+[X] (Aptitude) Offence

[X] (Characteristics)
Weapon Skill: 33
Ballistic Skill: 30
Strength: 35
Toughness: 33
Agility: 31
Intelligence: 37
Willpower: 30
Fellowship: 33
Influence: 30

[X] (Action) Assist the tech-priests
[X] (Homeworld Bonus) Weapon-Tech: Once per encounter, enhance the damage of any one plasma, melta, las, power, force or exotic weapon by the acolyte's Intelligence Bonus for the duration of the encounter. This is a free action.

[X] (Class) Adepta Seroritas
+[X] (Equipment) Las pistol , Chainblade, Armored bodyglove, chrono, stablight, dataslate, micro-bead
+[X] (Talents) Weapon training Las and Chain
+[X] (Skills) Athletics, Charm , Common Lore (Sororitas), Linguistics (High Gothic), Parry,Linguistics(Low Gothic),Common Lore (Imperium)
+[X] (Aptitude) Offence

[X] (Characteristics)
Weapon Skill: 33
Ballistic Skill: 30
Strength: 35
Toughness: 33
Agility: 31
Intelligence: 37
Willpower: 30
Fellowship: 33
Influence: 30

[X] (Action) Assist the tech-priests
I did not expect the Adepta Sororitas to be so popular. What is everyone's ideas for the character? Ordo Dialogous, Ordo Famulous, Ordo Hospitallar or Ordo Militant?

Ordo Dialogous - Diplomats and Scholars mainly.

Ordo Famulous - Traders and Advisors to nobility

Ordo Hospitallar - Nurses, Doctors and spiritual Advisors.

Ordo Militant - Warriors

You will all have a chance to vote on it later, just wanted your opinions and to let you have a chance to think about it.

Edit: Not to discourage anyone from making other votes. The vote is not finished yet, and if a different vote wins, that will be the one we go with.
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Fate points, Wounds and Injury
  • Fate points may only be used once per round in combat. Otherwise may be used freely. All fate points will be refilled to current maximum at the end of an act, and fate points can be regained for roleplaying well.

    Before rolling on a test.
    *Spend a fate point to gain +10 on any one characteristic test.
    *Count as having rolled 10 on an initiative roll.
    *Instantly recover 1d5 wounds
    *Instantly recover from any temporary status effect, such as stunned or afraid.
    *Fatigue instantly drops down to 0.
    *To automatically succeed on a fear test with DoS equal to their WPB.

    Uses of fate points to use after the test.
    *Add a degree of success to a test.
    *re-roll any one test

    The acolyte may have talents, bonuses or traits that alter or add new ways to spend fate points. Additionally, you may burn a fate point reducing the maximum by 1 point to prevent your untimely death. In the case of critical damage or other reasons for death during combat, the character suffers all other affects, except for dying and cannot take any actions for the rest of the combat, and cannot be killed during that combat.
  • Wounds are essentially an approximation of the amount of damage you can take without becoming dead. At 0 wounds you begin to critical damage. Critical damage can be minor or severe. Critical damage is also tracked separately in a per body part way. Head critical damage is separate from leg critical damage. Critical damage can be permanent (effectively amputation), severe burns that can permanently affect you, blindness or deafness, etc.


    Lightly wounded - taken damage less than or equal to twice your toughness bonus. With strenuous activity heal 1 wound per day. With a day of bedrest, heal 1d5 per day instead. With medical attention this increases to 2d5 per day.

    Heavily wounded - more than twice toughness bonus in damage, but no critical damage. No healing when performing strenuous activity, heal 1 point per day with bedrest and 1d5 per day with medical treatment. Become lightly wounded when damage total becomes less than lightly wounded threshold.

    Critically wounded - any time you have taken critical damage. No healing with strenuous activity. Heal 1 point of critical damage per day per limb with bedrest and a successful toughness test. May use athletics skill instead. Heal 1 point of critical damage per day per limb with successful medicae test. Both bedrest and medicae test are cumulative. Once all critical damage is healed, become heavily wounded with 0 wounds.
  • A measure of non-lethal injury you can take. Ways to gain fatigue are certain types of attacks, grappling, some critical effects and environment. Every time a character gains fatigue, compare it to their toughness bonus. Anytime fatigue is higher than toughness bonus, the character is fatigued and has half of his characteristic for performing an action that would take endurance (WS check for a sword, athletics test for jumping, Medicae test for performing surgery. Etc.) Outside of combat characteristics count as normal values but take twice the time to accomplish. If fatigue exceeds the fatigue threshold (TB + WPB) you immediately fall unconscious for 10 - TB minutes. (12 rounds in a minute of combat.) At the end of that time, the character awakens with fatigue equal to TB. If fatigue is ever twice your fatigue threshold, you die. You remove fatigue at 1 per hour of rest. Twice that if rest is for 6 or more hours. You do not need to sleep to be resting. You may not enter combat, use a psychic power or perform strenuous physical activity.
  • Psychic powers, poisons, diseases, and other hazards can cause temporary or permanent characteristic damage. Characteristics cannot be reduced below zero. Once reduced to zero, additional characteristic damage become toughness damage instead.

    Temporary characteristic damage is recovered at 1 point per hour regardless of activity level. Medicae tests can assist in recovering one characteristic at 1d5/hour.

    At zero weapon skill, cannot make melee attacks
    At zero ballistic skill, cannot make ranged attacks
    At zero strength, becomes unconscious
    At zero toughness, you die
    At zero agility, you are paralyzed and considered helpless. You are conscious.
    At zero intelligence, you slip into a coma.
    At zero perception, you cannot benefit from any sense, but are still conscious and can move and act. Suffer a -30 penalty on any test requiring senses.
    At zero willpower, become unconscious and suffer nightmare filled dreams. Test vs mundane horror at +0 when you awaken.
    At zero fellowship, become catatonic. Can continue to perform actions, but cannot care about people or things, and cannot communicate.
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Aptitude, XP, Characteristic Advances, Skill Advances, Purchasing Talents
  • There are 19 aptitudes. Every Acolyte starts with 8 aptitudes.

    Every Acolyte has the General aptitude.

    Additional aptitudes are assigned based on starting circumstances. One from homeworld, one from class and 5 from your role.

    Any time you would gain an aptitude through play (Extremely Rare) or through an elite advance, if you already have that aptitude you may choose another that you do not possess instead.

    List of aptitudes:
    Weapon Skill
    Ballistic Skill
    Two 100 xp 250 xp 500 xp 750 xp 1250 xp
    One 250 xp 500 xp 750 xp 1,000 xp 1,500 xp
    Zero 500 xp 750 xp 1,000 xp 1,500 xp 2,500 xp

    CHARACTERISTIC APTITUDE 1 APTITUDE 2 Weapon Skill Weapon Skill Offence

    Ballistic Skill Ballistic Skill Finesse

    Strength Strength Offence

    Toughness Toughness Defence

    Agility Agility Finesse

    Intelligence Intelligence Knowledge

    Perception Perception Fieldcraft

    Willpower Willpower Psyker

    Fellowship Fellowship Social

    Influence can only be earned during play. It cannot be bought with experience and it has no aptitudes.

    Each characteristic advance improves the characteristic by 5 permanently.
  • A semi-complete listing of skills:
    Acrobatics (Agility General)
    Athletics (Strength General)
    Awareness (Perception Fieldcraft)
    Charm (Fellowship Social)
    Command (Fellowship Leadership)
    Commerce (Intelligence Knowledge)
    Common Lore (Intelligence Knowledge) (Common topics, including most branches of the adeptus and Sectors/subsectors, Segmentum. The broader the topic, the less specific knowledge you know)
    Deceive (Fellowship Social)
    Dodge (Agility Defence)
    Forbidden Lore* (Intelligence Knowledge) (Forbidden topics, fairly specific knowledge such as Craftworld Eldar, Daemonology, The Warp, Necrons, Lost or exterminated worlds/subsectors/sectors.)
    Inquiry (Fellowship Social)
    Interrogation (Willpower Social)
    Intimidate (Strength Social)
    Linguistics* (Intelligence General) (Broad languages, Low Gothic, High Gothic, Eldar, Orc, etc. Includes reading and writing if applicable.)
    Logic (Intelligence Knowledge)
    Medicae (Intelligence Fieldcraft)
    Navigate (Intelligence Fieldcraft ) (Surface/Stellar/Wap)
    Operate (Agility Fieldcraft ) (Aeronautica/Surface/Voidship)
    Parry* (Weapon Skill Defence)
    Psyniscience* (Perception Psyker)
    Scholastic Lore (Intelligence Knowledge) (Specific topics requiring training. Each world has it's own scholastic lore, Judgements, Warp Routes, Tactics, Bureaucracy, etc.)
    Scrutiny (Perception General)
    Security (Intelligence Tech)
    Sleight of Hand (Agility Knowledge)
    Stealth (Agility Fieldcraft)
    Survival (Perception Fieldcraft)
    Tech-use (Intelligence Tech)
    Trade* (Intelligence General) (Specific training on a skill or ability. Anything from farming to construction to building heavy bolters.)

    Any skill marked with a * requires you to be trained to use the skill.

    Matching Aptitudes XP per rank (1 thru 7) Known. Trained. Experienced. Veteran. Expert. Master. Legendary.
    2 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
    1 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200, 1,400
    0 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,100 XP

    costs are cumulative with the last level. Starts at +0 (rank 1) and ends at +60 (rank 7). To buy rank 1 to rank 7 of a skill would require 2,800 XP with both aptitudes.
    Ambidextrous Ag 30 Weapon Skill + Ballistic Skill Reduce penalties for using two weapons.

    Blind Fighting, Per 30, Perception + Fieldcraft, Eliminates melee combat penalties for obscured vision.

    Bodyguard, Agility 35, Agility + Defence, After all actions for a round have been completed, the acolyte may take one fatigue to move an additional half move this round to interpose themself between an ally and a successful attack on them, taking the damage instead. Against melee attacks they may make a parry as a defence, if they have any reactions left for that round.

    Catfall Ag 30 Agility + Fieldcraft Reduce falling damage.

    Clues from the Crowds Fel 30 General + Social Can re-roll a test made to gather information from a group.

    Die Hard WP 40 Willpower + Defence Test Willpower to avoid Fatigue from Blood Loss.

    Disarm Ag 30 Weapon Skill + Defence Force opponent to drop weapon.

    Double Team no prereq General + Offence Gain additional +10 for outnumbering opponent.

    Enemy† no prereq General + Social An organization or group particularly despises the character.

    Ferric Summons, Ferric Lure Implants + Mechanicus Implants, Willpower + Tech, Can summon larger metallic objects.

    Flagellant, Willpower 30, Offence +Toughness, may cause 1d5-2 (minimum 1) fatigue damage to themself to receive a +10 on all willpower rolls for an encounter. If they also have the frenzy talent, they can enter into or exit a frenzy as a free action whenever they would be receiving this bonus.

    Frenzy no prereq Strength + Offence Enter psychotic rage to gain combat bonuses.

    Grenadier, BS 35, Ballistic Skill + Finesse, on missed BS test on thrown weapons or with shots from a weapon with the blast quality, reduce the number of meters it scatters by up to your Ballistic Skill Bonus. This cannot be reduced to lower than 1 meter.

    Iron Jaw T 40 Toughness + Defence Test Toughness to overcome Stunning.

    Jaded WP 40 Willpower + Defence Ignore mundane horrors.

    Keen Intuition Int 35 Perception + Social Can retry Awareness test once with –10 modifier.

    Leaping Dodge, Agility 35 and Rank 2 Dodge skill, Agility + Defence, Instead of making a straight agility test to determine if the acolyte escapes the radius of weapons with the spray of blast quality, instead test Dodge (Ag).

    Leap Up, Ag 30, Agility + General, Stand as a Free Action.

    Mounted Warrior, Rank 2 Operate or Rank 2 Survival + Ballistic Skill 30 or Weapon Skill 30, Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill + Offence, Choose either Melee or Ranged and use the appropriate characteristic and aptitude to purchase. This must be bought seperately for melee and ranged. Grants the acolyte a +10 bonus to appropriate combat tests while mounted on a vehicle or living mount.

    Nowhere to Hide Per 30 Perception + Offence Can add DoS from the attack to reduce armour value of cover.

    Peer† Fel 30 Fellowship + Social Character has good reputation amongst chosen group.

    Quick Draw no prereq Agility + Finesse Draw pistol or basic or one-handed melee weapon as Free Action.

    Rapid Reload no prereq Agility + Fieldcraft Reduce reload time.

    Resistance† no prereq Toughness + Defence Gain +10 bonus to particular resistance test.

    Skilled Rider, Rank 2 in any Operate or Survival skill, Agility + Fieldcraft, must buy for each skill. When operating or riding any vehicle or mount, and you must pass a test to stay in the vehicle, instead of making a straight Ag or S test, instead make an Operate or Survival test using the appropriate stat (Ag or S usually) with a +10 advantage on the test. Additionally, acolytes may now mount/dismount as a free action.

    Sound Constitution no prereq Toughness + General Gain an additional wound. Can take up to 2x TB times.

    Takedown No prereq Weapon Skill + Offence Make special attack to stun opponent.

    Technical Knock Int 30 Intelligence + Tech Un-jam gun as Half Action.

    Warp Sense Psy Rating + Psyniscience + Per 30 Perception + Psyker Allows Psyniscience test as Free Action.

    Weapon-Tech Tech Use +10 + Int 40 Intelligence + Tech Increase potency of advanced weaponry.

    Weapon Training†—General + Finesse Use Weapon Group without penalty.

    Zero aptitudes -> 600 XP
    One aptitude -> 300 XP
    Two aptitudes -> 200 XP

    Peer and Enemy can only be purchased during character creation. Outside of character creation, they are rewards for action. During character creation, choosing an enemy grants 300 XP, and does not cost XP.

    Ambassador Imperialis. Fellowship 35, Intelligence 35, Perception + Social, reduce any interaction penalty when dealing with alien cultures by 20. (Xenos and foreign humans such as those under the Tau.) Also, you may reroll one failed interaction test per encounter with xenos/foreign cultures.

    Archivator, Intelligence 40, Perception + Knowledge, re-roll failed Scholastic Lore and Forbidden Lore tests at a -10 penalty once per test. All knowledge tests take half the normal time.

    Armour-Monger Int 35, Tech-Use,
    Trade (Armourer) Intelligence Tech Increase the efficacy of physical armour.

    Battle Rage | Frenzy Strength Defence Parry while frenzied.

    Bulging Biceps S 45 Strength Offence Remove bracing requirement from Heavy weapons.

    Bulwark of Faith, Willpower 45 and Iron Faith talent, Defence + Willpower, Any time an acolyte passes a fear test causes by a daemon, deal DoS + 1 + X energy damage that ignores all armor and toughness bonus, where X is the modifier in Fear (X).

    Combat Master WS 30 Weapon Skill Defence Opponents get no bonus for outnumbering the character.

    Constant Vigilance† Int 35 or Per 35,
    Awareness +10 Perception Defence Can use Per or Int instead of Ag for Initiative rolls, and
    rolls two dice (picking higher) for the result.

    Contact Network Cover-Up, Int 35 Fellowship Leadership Use Fellowship instead of Influence for Requisition tests.

    Coordinated Interrogation
    S 40 or WP 40, Clues from the Crowds Intelligence Social +10 bonus to all Interrogate tests, additional +5 for others
    who also have Coordinated Interrogation.

    Counter Attack WS 40 Weapon Skill Defence May attack after successful Parry.

    Cover-Up Int 35 Intelligence Knowledge Can reduce Influence by 1 to gain 1d5 Subtlety.

    Daemonhunter, Rank 1 Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) and Willpower 40, Willpower + Offence, All attacks made against Daemons get Proven (3) and automatically reroll failed awareness and psyinscience tests to detect Daemons.

    Deny the Witch WP 35 Willpower Defence Can use Willpower to Evade against psychic attacks.

    Despised† Enemy(specific group or organization) Fellowship Social Larger penalty when interacting with a specific group.

    Devastating Assault WS 35 Weapon Skill Offence A successful All Out Attack grants a second attack.

    Double Tap Two-Weapon Wielder Finesse Offence Successful first attack grants bonus to second attack.

    Exotic Weapon Training† — Intelligence Finesse Gain proficiency with one exotic weapon type.

    Face in a Crowd Fel 35, Clues
    from the Crowds Fellowship Social Can use Fellowship instead of Agility when Shadowing.

    Field Vivisection, Ballistic Skill 40 or Weapon Skill 40 Rank 1 in Forbidden Lore (Any Xenos) Rank 2 in Medicae, Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill + Knowledge, Take this up to two times, once for Ranged and once for Melee using the appropriate characteristic and aptitude each time. When you have the Forbidde Lore skill for a particular xenos and make an attack with an appropriate weapon against that xenos type, you may test Medicae (BS or WS) instead of straight characteristic tests.

    Friendship† Peer (specific group or organization) Fellowship Social Larger bonus when interacting with the organization members.

    Hard Target Ag 40 Agility Defence –20 to hit character when he Charges or Runs.

    Hardy T 40 Toughness Defence Character always heals as if Lightly Damaged.

    Hatred† — Weapon Skill Social Gain +10 bonus to attack hated creatures.

    Hip Shooting BS 40, Ag 40 Ballistic Skill Finesse Characters may shoot when moving.

    Hotshot Pilot, Rank 2 in Survival or any Operate skill and 35 Agility, Agility + Tech, Take this independently for each skill. When the acolyte tests the appropriate skill, before the test they may choose to take 1 fatigue to add their Agility Bonus to their degrees of success on the test. (This can turn a failure to a success.)

    Independent Targeting BS 40 Ballistic Skill Finesse Fire at multiple targets more than 10 metres apart.

    Inescapable Attack† BS 40 or WS 40,
    Per 35
    Weapon Skill / Ballistic Skill Finesse Attacker imposes penalty on DoS from Evasion test
    equal to DoS his initial attack.

    Inspiring Aura, Halo of Command Talent, Leadership + Willpower, may inspire all alies, not just direct subordinates using the command skill.

    Iron Resolve, Resistance (Fear) and Jaded talent, Defence + willpower, may reroll failed fear or pinning tests at a -10 penalty.

    Killing Strike WS 50 Weapon Skill Offence Spend Fate point to make melee attacks unavoidable.

    Lexographer, Rank 3 in any Linguistics skill, Intelligence + Knowledge, The acolyte may make untrained Linguistics skill tests, despite Linguistics not allowing untrained tests.

    Luminen Shock Luminen Capacitors,
    Mechanicus Implants Weapon Skill Tech Character can discharge energy in melee attack.

    Maglev Transcendence Maglev Coils,
    Mechanicus Implants Intelligence Tech Character can hover for longer periods of time.

    Marksman BS 35 Ballistic Skill Finesse No penalties for firing at long or extreme range.

    Mechadendrite Use† Mechanicus Implants Intelligence Tech Gain ability to use certain Mechadendrites. Must choose between combat and utility. Can buy both.

    One-on-One, Weapon Skill 40, Weapon Skill + Finesse, When the acolyte is fighting one on one far away from any other combat, any successful WS test to hit their oponent or to parry are increased by half their WSB. This cannot turn a failure into a success.

    Purity of Hatred, Any Hatred talent, Offence + Willpower, Choose a specific group you have the hatred talent for when purchasing this ability. It must be purchased again for every new group. All weapons the acolyte wields against that group gain the vengeful (9) quality. If the weapon already has vengeful, reduce the vengeful value by one.

    Precision Killer† BS 40 or WS 40 Ballistic Skill/Weapon Skill Finesse No penalty to making Called Shot in either Ranged
    or Melee Combat.

    Prosanguine Autosanguine Implants,
    Mechanicus Implants Toughness Tech Test to heal 1d5 damage.

    Rites of Banishment, Rank 2 Common Lore (Imperial Creed) or Rank 1 Forbidden Lore Daemonology, Offence + Willpower, The acolyte may chant litanies and invocations of the emperor as a half round action every round. While the acolyte is doing this, all daemons within 10 x WPB meters radius of the acolyte take a -10 penalty to all tests.

    Strong Minded WP 30, Resistance
    (Psychic Powers) Willpower Defence May reroll failed WP tests to resist psychic powers.

    Swift Attack WS 30 Weapon Skill Finesse May make multiple melee attacks.

    Two-Weapon Wielder† — Weapon Skill/
    Ballistic Skill Finesse May fight with two weapons.

    Unarmed Specialist Ambidextrous,
    Ag 35, WS 35 Strength Offence When fighting unarmed, attacks hit as Deadly Natural
    Weapons and user can re-roll damage.

    Warp Conduit Psy Rating, Strong
    Minded, WP 50 Willpower Psyker Spend Fate point to add 1d5 to psy rating for an encounter.

    Witch Finder, Rank 2 in Forbidden Lore (Psykers) or (The Warp) and Willpower 45, Knowledge and Perception, Allows the acolyte to purchase ranks of Psyinscience without having a psychic power rating. Also gives the acolyte Rank 1 in this skill.

    Whirlwind of Death WS 40 Weapon Skill Finesse Make one attack for each melee opponent.

    Xenosavant, Rank 3 in any Xenos Forbidden Lore skills, Intelligence + Knowledge, Acolyte may make untrained Forbidden Lore tests for any xenos despite Forbidden Lore not allowing untrained tests. This dods not allow the acolyte to make other Forbidden Lore tests untrained (such as the warp, daemonology, heresy, etc.)

    Matching Aptitude
    Two 300
    One 450
    Zero 900

    Cannot purchase Friendship or Despised at character creation or for XP. Must earn through narrative actions.
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For me the iconic sororitas are the militant orders. I eventually want our character in power armour and with a jetpack.
I see a lot of 40k quests but few are the SoBs a.k.a the boltor women of 40k , I'm in favor of Ordo Militant but other may not want to be Nun with a gun and chainsword, sad we don't start with a boltor but I can without it , and i was really wanted to burn the unfateful but need to build right to live.
[X] From Exorcized to Exorcist

[X] (Homeworld Bonus) Weapon-Tech: Once per encounter, enhance the damage of any one plasma, melta, las, power, force or exotic weapon by the acolyte's Intelligence Bonus for the duration of the encounter. This is a free action.

[X] (Class) The Exorcized
+[X] (Skills) Awareness, Inquiry, Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Daemonology), Scrutiny
+[X] (Talents) Hatred (Daemons), Weapon Training (Solid Projectile, Chain
+[X] (Equipment) Stub Revolver, shotgun, chainsword, Imperial Robes, 3 doses Obscura, excrutiator kit, rebreather, stablight
+[X] (Malignancy) Start with one malignancy of your choice
+[X] (Class Bonus) Touched by a Daemon, Insanity bonus counts as two higher for purposes of ignoring a failed fear test. Can never again be possessed by a Daemon
+[X] (Aptitude) Defence

[X] Characteristics
Weapon Skill: 30 + 2 = 32
Ballistic Skill: 28 + 2 = 30
Strength: 35
Toughness: 33
Agility: 31
Intelligence: 37
Willpower: 28 + 6 = 34
Fellowship: 33
Influence: 27

[X] (Action) Assist the tech-priests
[X] (Homeworld Bonus) Technical knock: free a jammed weapon with a half round action instead of a full round action, and automatically succeed on tech-use tests to free jammed pistol and basic weapons.
[X] (Action) Assist the tech-priests
[X] (Class) Adeptus Mechanicus
+[X] (Skills) Operate
+[X] (Talents) Mechandrite Use (Utility) and Weapon Training (Solid Projectile
+[X] (Equipment) Hand Cannon,
+[X] (Aptitude) Fellowship

[X] Characteristics
Weapon Skill: 30
Ballistic Skill: 28 + 1 = 28
Strength: 35
Toughness: 33
Agility: 31
Intelligence: 37
Willpower: 28 + 6 = 34
Fellowship: 33
Influence: 27 + 3=30
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Getting into fights (with Khornites)
Choose the order you are a novice within.
[?] (Order) Ordo Militant (Sisters of Battle)
[?] (Order) Ordo Hospitaller
[?] (Order) Ordo Dialogous
[?] (Order) Ordo Famulous
You break cover stepping towards the desperate tech-priests while targetting the crazed slaves with your laspistol.

You squeeze off two shots in succession. Both strike targets beyond the servitors struggling silently with the screaming horde!

Two hits, bare successes each (38 and 32, target of 40). Damage was 6+2 E + 3 from IntB (applied Weapon-Tech ability to laspistol) for the first shot. 11 wounds, reduced by the armor. Left arm shot.
Next hit was for 10+10+2+2+3 E damage on Emperor's Fury trigger. Rolled 10, then rolled 10 again, then rolled 2, plus bonuses. Body shot, this cultist died instantly.) 27 wounds minus armor.

"FOR THE EMPEROR!" You scream out, with the deadly fingers of light, reaching out to smite the wicked. One screaming cultist takes a shot to the left arm, but continues fighting. Another next to him takes a shit straight to the chest and falls over, dead.

[!] (Action) Charge the melee, after drawing your chainblade.
[!] (Action) Continue to fire at the slaves with your laspistol
-[!] (Action) continue to close with the combat or hold your ground at this distance (appx 15 meters).
[!] (Action) write-in

[#] (Role) Choose a Role
-[#] (Aptitude) if there is a choice for aptitude, make that selection here. Most do not have a choice. If you select a role that offers Intelligence or Offence as an aptitude (or both) select a substitute aptitude from the list in the informational above.
-[#] (Talent) Choose which talent to take from the offered choices.
  • - Role Aptitudes (Agility, Finesse, Perception, Tech, Willpower)
    - Role Talent (Hard Target or Hotshot Pilot)
    - Role Bonus (The Right Stuff, May spend a fate point to automatically succeed at an Operate or Survival test with a vehicle or living steed respectively, degrees of success is equal to AgB)
  • - Role Aptitude (Agility, Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft, Finesse, Perception)
    - Role Talent (Jaded or Leap Up)
    - Role Bonus (Sure Kill, when the acolyte deals damage, they may spend a fate point to add Ballistic Skill Bonus or Weapon Skill Bonus to damage dealt with the first attack on that hits in the round.)
  • - Role Aptitudes (Fieldcraft, Knowledge, Intelligence, Strength, Toughness)
    - Role Talent (Resistance (pick one) or Takedown)
    - Role Bonus (Dedicated Healer, when spending a fate point to reroll Medicae tests, instead automatically succeed with Degrees of Success equal to Intelligence Bonus)
  • - Starting Aptitudes (Knowledge, Offence, Strength, Toughness, Willpower)
    - Starting Talent (Bodyguard or Deny the Witch)
    - Role Bonus (Smite the Unholy, May spend a fate point to automatically pass fear test with degrees of success equal to WPB. Always deal X bonus damage to creatures with a Fear (X) rating.)
  • - Role Aptitudes (Agility, Ballistic Skill, Finesse, Fellowship, Defence)
    - Role Talent (Takedown or Quick Draw)
    - Role Bonus (Move and Shoot, Once per round after performing a move action (Half, Full, Charge or Run) make a Single shot attack with a pistol weapon as a free action.)
  • - Role Aptitudes (Leadership, Offence, Toughness, Weapon Skill, Willpower)
    - Role Talent (Deny the Witch or Jaded)
    - Role Bonus (Death to All Who Oppose Me, May spend a fate point to gain the Hatted talent for the encounter against their current opponent.)
  • - Role Aptitudes (Fellowship, Social, Offense, Toughness, Willpower)
    - Role Talent (Double Team or Hatred (Pick one)
    - Role Bonus (Sway the Masses, may spend a fate point to automatically succeed at a charm, command or intimidate skill test with degrees of success equal to WPB)
  • - Role Aptitudes (Defence, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Willpower)
    - Role Talent (Resistance (Psychic Powers) or Warp Sense)
    - Role Bonus (Stare into the Warp, Gain the Psyker Elite advance for free.)
  • - Role Aptitudes (Agility, Fieldcraft, Offence, Toughness, Intelligence)
    - Role Talent (Die Hard or Flagellant)
    - Role Bonus (Choosing Pain, Whenever acolyte suffers any damage, the next round he gains a +10 to all tests that round.)
  • - Role Aptitudes (Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Tech, Willpower)
    - Role Talent (Ambidexterous or Clue from the Crowd)
    - Role Bonus (Quest for Knowledge, May spend a fate point to automatically succeed on any logic or lore test with degrees of success equal to IntB.)
  • - Role Aptitudes (Fellowship, Intelligence, Perception, Social, Tech)
    - Role Talent (Keen Intuition or Disarm)
    - Role Bonus (Nothing Escapes My Sight, spend a fate point to automatically succeed at an awareness or inquiry skill test with degrees of success equal to perception bonus.
  • - Role Aptitude (Ballistic Skill, Offence, Defence, Strength, Weapon Skill)
    - Role Talent (Iron Jaw or Rapid Reload)
    - Role Bonus (Expert on Violence, May spend a fate point to add WSB or BSB to an appropriate attack, after you have confirmed the hit.

[%] (XP) You start with 1,000 XP. Using the above skill/talent/characteristic XP cost information above, please spend your starting XP as you please. Any XP not spent will carry over to your XP pool for use later. Please remember to include your role aptitudes when determining XP costs for your acolyte.

Voting ends at 10 pm CST and I will try to have a chapter out at 11 pm CST.
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[X] (Order) Ordo Militant (Sisters of Battle)
[X] (Action) Continue to fire at the slaves with your laspistol
-[X] (Action) hold your ground at this distance (appx 15 meters).
[x] (Role) Warrior
-[X] (Talent) Iron Jaws
-[x] (Aptitude) Finesse

[X] Exp spendding
-[X] WS 100exp
-[X] BS 100exp
-[X] Parry 200exp
-[X]Ambidextrous 200exp
-[X]Athletics 200 exp
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[X] (Order) Ordo Militant (Sisters of Battle)
[X] (Action) Continue to fire at the slaves with your laspistol
-[X] (Action) hold your ground at this distance (appx 15 meters).
[x] (Role) Crusader
-[X] (Talent) Deny the Witch
-[x] (Aptitude) Finesse
[X] (Order) Ordo Militant (Sisters of Battle)
[X] (Action) Continue to fire at the slaves with your laspistol
-[X] (Action) hold your ground at this distance (appx 15 meters).
[x] (Role) Crusader
-[X] (Talent) Deny the Witch
-[x] (Aptitude) Finesse

Might want to switch to plan votes after this one is done and have the experience distribution be done in separate votes after battles.
Also, minor nitpick, SoB orders are not named Ordos, Ordo's are Inquisition only. Orders are SoB units. Will we later get a vote on which specific order after the battle is over?
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[X] (Order) Ordo Militant (Sisters of Battle)
[X] (Action) Continue to fire at the slaves with your laspistol
-[X] (Action) hold your ground at this distance (appx 15 meters).
[x] (Role) Crusader
-[X] (Talent) Deny the Witch
-[x] (Aptitude) Finesse

[X] Exp spendding
-[X] WS 250exp
-[X] BS 250exp
-[X] Parry 200exp

Might want to switch to plan votes after this one is done and have the experience distribution be done in separate votes after battles.
Also, minor nitpick, SoB orders are not named Ordos, Ordo's are Inquisition only. Orders are SoB units. Will we later get a vote on which specific order after the battle is over?
you may want to not copy my exp vote ,there a reason why I pick Warrior for the role
[X] (Order) Ordo Militant (Sisters of Battle)
[X] (Action) Continue to fire at the slaves with your laspistol
-[X] (Action) hold your ground at this distance (appx 15 meters).
[x] (Role) Warrior
-[X] (Talent) Iron Jaws
-[x] (Aptitude) Finesse

[X] Exp spendding
-[X] WS 250exp
-[X] BS 250exp
-[X] Parry 200exp

does this work or am I reading things wrong.

The WS and the BS advance with two aptitudes cost only 100 XP. And Ambidexterous would cost 200 XP. The total XP spent would be 600, with 400 remaining for use later.
[X] (Order) Ordo Militant (Sisters of Battle)
[X] (Action) Continue to fire at the slaves with your laspistol
-[X] (Action) hold your ground at this distance (appx 15 meters).
[x] (Role) Crusader
-[X] (Talent) Deny the Witch
-[x] (Aptitude) Finesse

[X] Exp spendding
-[X] WS 250exp
-[X] BS 250exp
-[X] Parry 200exp

Might want to switch to plan votes after this one is done and have the experience distribution be done in separate votes after battles.
Also, minor nitpick, SoB orders are not named Ordos, Ordo's are Inquisition only. Orders are SoB units. Will we later get a vote on which specific order after the battle is over?

First, a little nitpick with your XP spends. The BS and WS are correct, but it would cost 600 XP for the rank 2 buy for Parry (because Crusader does not give weapon skill or defence aptitudes.) Parry is a starting skill at rank 1, so you would be buying rank 2, next.

And because you have no aptitudes for ambidexterous, it would cost 600 XP.

Total XP cost of your plan would be 1,700 XP.

I will be doing planned votes after character creation. I will also be making seperate votes for XP spends every 10ish posts at stopping points in the narrative.

Also, reading the 2nd edition books, you appear to be right, not sure where that got switched around in my brain, but yeah...
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Equipment compendium (WIP)
When attempting to find items, use the commerce skill, with influence for finding items among imperial sources (war worlds, naval outposts, Arbites precinct-fortresses, Imperial cult, mechanicus. Use fellowship in all other cases (locals, traders, nobility). Untrained penalty of -20 still applies.


Availability levels and their modifier to the commerce test are as follows:
Ubiquitous - automatic or +60 depending on item.
Abundant - +30
Plentiful - +20
Common - +10
Average - +0
Scarce - -10
Rare - -20
Very Rare - -30
Extremely Rare - -40
Near Unique - -50
Unique - -60

Poor craftsmanship increases availability by two steps
Good craftsmanship decreases availability by 2 steps.
Best craftsmanship reduces Availability by 3 steps.

If that would push the availability above ubiquitous or below unique, then that item does not exist (or would be so rare as to be considered non-existent). For example an extremely rare weapon (plasma pistol) would be unique at good quality and non-existent at best quality.

World type and availability

Some world types increase or decrease availability of items.
+30 - Forge Worlds
+20 - Hive Worlds
+10 - Civilized worlds, research station*
+0 - Void stations, most void ships
-10 - shrine worlds, garden world, agri-world*
-20 - feudal worlds*, frontier world, war world
-30 - feral worlds, death worlds*, Daemon world, penal colony, quarantined world

*research station grant an additional +20 for high technology (total +30). Plasma pistols, power weapons, power armour
*agri-world grant an additional +30 for food and drugs (total +20)
*Fuedal worlds grant an additional +30 for low-tech arms and armor (total +10)
*death worlds grant an additional +40 for their main export (total +10)

Most items have a cost in thrones. If you are getting the item from the imperium, you may instead purchase with influence, permanently reduce influence by 1 for every 500 thrones the item would normally cost.

Best quality items cost 10x the normal cost
Good quality items cost 3x the normal cost
Poor quality items cost 1/2 the normal cost.

Time to find items

Base time to find items
Ubiquitous (nearly instant, less than a minute)
Abundant (1 minute)
Plentiful (5 minutes)
Common (10 minutes)
Average (15 minutes)
Scarce (30 minutes)
Rare (1 hour)
Very Rare (5 hours)
Extremely Rare (10 hours)
Near Unique (20 hours)
Unique (3 days)

Population affects time to find item by increasing or decreasing availability for the time to find. Each degree of success on the commerce test also increases availability for time to find.

1,000 or less - increase availability for time to find by 3 steps
10,000 or less - increase availability for time to find by 2 steps
100,000 or less - increase availability for time to find by 1 step.
1,000,000 or less - time to find does not change.
10,000,000 or less - decrease availability for time to find by 1 step
100,000,000 or less - decrease availability for time to find by 2 steps
1,000,000,000 or less - decrease availability for time to find by 3 steps.

Each order of magnitude increase in populations reduces availability for time to find by another step.

For each step past unique, increase time by 2x.

Example of looking for a chainsword (scarce) on Desoleum (a hive world - pop 300 billion).
-10 for scarce availability, +20 for hive world for a total modifier of +10 to find it. Whether you find it or not, your search will take 6 steps over scarce (unique +1) which means it would take 6 days to search most areas of Desoleum for the item.

A separate example is looking for good quality food on Kolto an agri world. Food is common, and good quality food is scarce. Scarce availability is -10, and -10 for agri world availability, +30 for agri world special on food for a total bonus of +10 to the commerce test. Food is common and Kolto has a population of 800 million reducing availability for time by 3 steps. Which is rare (1 hour).

Each degree of success on the commerce test increases availability for time by one step. Example: 3 degrees of success on a hunt for a poor quality laspistol on Ceric Magnus (forge world - pop 4 billion) would have a total modifier of +60 (common +10, poor quality +20, forge world +30). With 3 degrees of success time would be Common decreased by 4 levels of availability for population and increased by 3 levels of availability for success. It takes you 15 minutes to find the poor quality laspistol on a forge world with 3 degrees of success.

Bionic arms – base price 1,000 thrones. Scarce availability.
• Poor quality: Halve Agility characteristic, -5 to WS and BS with the arm. No sense of touch.
• Normal quality: Sense of touch, otherwise normal hand and arm.
• Good: +10 Agi, sense of touch
• Best: +10 Agi, +10 S, sense of touch, small compartment big enough for 2 pistol ammo clips or 1 basic ammo clip.

Bionic legs – base price 1,500 thrones. Scarce availability.
• Poor quality: -1 movement speed, minimum of 1. If you take the run action make an Agi test (+0) at the end of the run or fall prone.
• Normal: As normal human
• Good: +20 to athletics tests to jump or leap, Sprint Talent
• Best: +20 to athletics tests to jump or leap, Sprint Talent, +10 to Strength

Bionic heart – 1,200 thrones. Very Rare availability.
• Poor quality: -2 fatigue, minimum of 1.
• Normal: +1 stacking armor to body location
• Good: +1 stacking armor to body location, +2 fatigue
• Best: +1 stacking armor to body location, +2 fatigue, +10 to Toughness

Bionic lungs – 800 thrones. Rare availability.
• Poor: Loud, -20 to stealth tests, -1 fatigue, minimum of 1
• Normal: +20 to resist airborne toxins
• Good: Full life support system, can ignore conditions that cause suffocation for 1 hour. Needs 5 minutes of good air to recharge its reservoir of good air.
• Best: Same as good, length of time is 4 hours.

Bionic stomach and intestines – 800 thrones. Scarce availability.
• Poor: bulges belly unnaturally, causing -10 Fellowship
• Normal: allows normal eating/drinking
• Good: as normal, +20 to resist toxins in food and drink.
• Best: as good, Stores excess food, starvation starts 2 days later than normal

Bionic senses – 2,250 thrones per sense (Hearing, Taste, Sight, Smell). Rare availability.
• Poor: -20 made to awareness tests with this sense
• Normal: as normal sense
• Good: +10 to awareness tests with sense, +20 to resist attacks on the sense (stench, flashbang, etc)
• Best: as good, +20 to awareness tests with sense

Bionic liver/kidneys – 1,000 thrones. Scarce availability.
• Poor: -10 to resist poisons and diseases
• Normal: As normal function
• Good: +10 to resist poisons, diseases and drugs
• Best: as good, with +20 bonus instead

Vocal Implant– 500 thrones. Scarce availability.
• Poor: Obviously synthetic voice, normal volume only
• Normal: Voice may be 10 times louder
• Good: voice may be 20 times louder
• Best: voice may be 25 times louder, may emit a screech to stun all people without hearing protection within TB meters. They must make a Toughness test to resist sound or be stunned for 2 rounds.

Subdermal armor – 2,000 thrones. Very Rare availability.
• Poor: +1 AP to all locations except head. -10 Fellowship
• Normal: +2 AP to all locations except head.
• Good: as normal, additional +1 vs energy
• Best: as good, but +3 AP to all locations except head.

Cranial armor – 500 thrones. Scarce availability.
• Poor: +1 AP to head. -10 fellowship
• Normal: +1 AP to head
• Good: as normal, +5 fellowship
• Best: as good, +10 fellowship

Mechandrites: Ballistic 600, manipulator 500, medicae 500, optical 400, utility 500. Requires mechanicus implants and appropriate mechandrite use talent. Very Rare availability.
• Ballistic
o Poor: counts as a poor pistol weapon of any type. Laser weapons do not require recharging.
o Normal: normal pistol weapon. Laser weapons do not require recharge
o Good: good pistol weapon. May install 3 clips, laser weapons do not require recharge.
o Best: best pistol weapon. May install 5 clips, laser weapons do not require recharge.

• Manipulator
o Poor: +10 strength. Counts as a melee weapon, deals 1d10 + SB Impact damage with 0 pen
o Normal: +20 strength. May use it to grab and hold things. Counts as a melee weapon, deals 1d10+3+SB Impact damage with 0 pen. Only the most sturdy of objects can be grabbed by this mechandrite without damaging it.
o Good: As normal, may use it to grab more fragile objects without hurting them, like humans, doors, tables, chairs etc.
o Best: As good, may use it to grab delicate objects like dataslates, babies, glass, porcelain, etc. When used as a weapon, it has pen 2.

• Medicae
o Poor: +5 to Medicae. Holds 3 doses of drugs or medication. Stops bloodless as a full action with +30 to test.
o Normal: +10 to Medicae and Interrogation tests. Able to hold 6 doses of drugs or medications. Stop bloodless as a half action with no test. +0 to Medicae <Ag> tests for amputations instead of normal -20. Counts as a melee weapon, deals 1d5+SB rending damage. If you roll 96-100 on attack roll, it damages the mechandrite until repaired it cannot be used.
o Good: As normal, +15 to Medicae and Interrogation tests.
o Best: As good, +20 to Medicae and Interrogation tests. Mechandrite is damaged only on attack rolls of 100.

• Optical
o Poor: +10 to vision based awareness tests. Functions as a pict recorder
o Normal: +10 to vision based awareness tests. Dark sight granted with 40 m range. Microscope, telescope and pict recorder are all functions of the mechandrite
o Good: +20 to vision based awareness tests. Otherwise as normal.
o Best: as good, dark vision is 100 m.

• Utility
o Poor: +5 on tech use. 3 pistons that can carry sacred unguents or other oils
o Normal: +10 tech use tests. 6 pistons that can be filled with sacred Unguents or other oils. Once ever 15 minutes, may emit a blast of "smoke" that fills the air for 2 meters in a circle with texh-priest at the center and gives all BS tests against those inside the cloud a -5 to their test. If smoke has been used recently anyone making an awareness test to find the tech priest receive a +10 bonus. Counts as a weapon with the defensive quality, deals 1d5 impact damage and pen 2.
o Good: as normal, with +15 on tech use tests. Smoke gives -10 BS to attackers, and covers 3m in all directions.
o Best: as good, with +20 on tech use tests. Smoke covers 5m in all directions. When used as a weapon pen is 4.

Mind Impulse Unit – 1,750 thrones. Requires mechanicus implants. Requires Interface port. Rare availability.
• Poor: As normal, but requires as +0 willpower test to use, or lose a half round due to pain. If Willpower is successful, then a -10 tech use <WP> test is required to interface instead of +0.
• Normal: Brain implant that connects to machines with wiring. Tech use <WP> test at +0 required to interface with machines using the MIU. Once interfaced, you gain +10 to tests to operate the machine (operate, tech use, lore skills, logic, BS, WS, Inquiry, etc. Depends on machine interfaced with.) May interface with one thing at a time.
• Good: as normal, but +10 tech use <WP> to interface. May interface with two items at a single time.
• Best: as good, but wireless instead of wired, allows interfacing with 4 items at a time.

Cerebral Implant – 500 thrones. Very Rare availability.
• Poor: As normal, also destroys personality and memories. Unsuitable for PC characters.
• Normal: Restores a brain damaged character to some semblance of normality. -10 to BS, WS, Agi, Int, Fel. Otherwise behaves as normal.
• Good: As normal, no penalty to Intelligence, gain Unnatural Intelligence (2). +20 to all logic and lore tests.
• Best: As good, also no penalty for BS and WS, Unnatural Intelligence (3) instead of (2). +30 to all logic and lore tests.

Augers arrays – 1,000 thrones. Rare availability.
• Poor: As normal except only has a single detection capability (electro-magnetism, radiation, heat, etc.)
• Normal: Identical to handheld auspex in use.
• Good: as normal, but allows reroll on failed tests using perception as the primary characteristic.
• Best: As good, but granted a +30 to awareness tests instead of +20.

Autosanguine – 1,750 thrones. Requires mechanicus inplants. Very Rare availability.
• Poor: Always count as lightly wounded.
• Normal: Always count as lightly wounded. Heal 2 wounds per day, instead of one wound per day.
• Good: as Normal, with 3 wounds healed per day.
• Best: as good, with Unnatural Toughness 1

Calculus Logi – 1,250 thrones, mechanicus implants required. Very Rare availability.
• Poor: +5 to Linguistics, Ligic and Lore tests.
• Normal: +10 to Linguistics, Logic, and Lore tests. Halve time to sort through data.
• Good: As normal, +15 to Linguistics, Logic and Lore tests
• Best: as good, +20 to tests instead of +15

Interface Port – 250 thrones, mechanicus implants required. Rare availability.
• Poor: Allows connecting to machines to find data.
• Normal: Allows connecting to machines to find data. Allows you to perform an Inquiry test to ask machines what they know. +10 to Lore, Inquiry and tech use tests when connected to a machine this way.
• Good: as normal, +15 to tests when connected to a relevant machine.
• Best: as good, +20 to tests when connected to a relevant machine.

Internal Battery – 2,000 thrones, mechanicus implants required. Rare availability.
• Poor: Enough energy can be stored to recharge one las pack. Takes two days to fully recharge.
• Normal. Enough energy can be store to recharge two las packs. Takes one day to fully recharge.
• Good: as normal, enough for 3 las packs.
• Best: enough for 5 las packs. Recharge 1 charge per hour.

Locator Matrix – 800 thrones. Mechanicus implants required. Rare availability
• Poor: know your exact position relative to the planet within 10 meters. Useless for navigation without maps. With maps, +10 to navigation (surface) tests.
• Normal: Know where you are relative to the magnetic pole of the planet. Know speed, heading altitude and time to within a few meters, meters per second, 2 degrees off axis and 3 minutes. Useless without maps. With maps, +20 to navigate (surface) tests
• Good: as normal, no longer need maps on imperial worlds of at least feudal level or higher.
• Best: as good, +30 navigate (surface) tests.

Luminem Capacitor – 1,000 thrones, requires mechanicus implants and internal battery. Very Rare availability.
• Poor: same as normal, additional -10.
• Normal: Allows you to charge devices with a toughness test. +10 for laser power cells, glow gloves. +0 for hotshot charge pack, dataslate. -10 for Shuttle, servo-skull. -20 for heavy laser charge pack, servitor. -30 for cogitator, xenos technology. May also pull energy from sources with +10 toughness test. Every time this ability is used it inflicts 1 fatigue.
• Good: same as normal, additional +10.
• Best: same as good, additional +10.

Maglev coils – 600 thrones, requires mechanicus implants and internal battery. Very Rare availability.
• Poor: As normal, with -3 rounds.
• Normal: Able to hover or float down slowly for 1d10 + TB rounds. Each use takes 1 charge of internal battery. Each activation is a half action or a reaction (to suddenly falling)
• Good: as normal, +2 rounds.
• Best: as good, double toughness bonus for bonus rounds of use.

Memory Implant – 1,400 thrones, requires mechanicus implants. Rare availability.
• Poor: same as normal, +5 bonus
• Normal: Increases memory. +10 to trade (all). +10 to other skill or characteristic tests that require good memory.
• Good: same as normal, +15 bonus
• Best: same as good, +20 bonus

Synthmuscle – 2000 thrones. Rare availability.
• Poor: same as normal, -10 Agility.
• Normal: Unnatural strength (1)
• Good: unnatural strength (2)
• Best: Unnatural Strength (4)

All melee and thrown weapons add SB to weapon damage.
Weapon's Name, Class, Range, Dam, Pen, Special, Wt, Cost, Availability
Chain Axe, Melee, —1d10+4R, 2 pen, Tearing. 13kg, 450 thrones, Very Rare availability

Chain Knife, Melee, —, 1d5+3R, 2 pen, Tearing, 2.5kg, 80 thrones, Scarce availability

Chainblade, Melee --, 1d10+1R, 1 pen, Tearing, 2kg, 200 thrones, Scarce availability

Chain Sword, Melee, -, 1d10+2R, 2 pen, Balanced, Tearing, 6kg, 275 thrones, Average availability

Eviscerator, Melee, —, 1d10+10R, 5 pen, Tearing, Unwieldy. Two-handed, 12kg, 750 thrones, Scarce availability
Every exotic weapon requires exotic weapon training for that specific weapon to use without penalties.

Breacher, Exotic/Melee, —, 1d10+5R, 4 pen, Special, Tearing, Unwieldy, Two-Handed, 18kg, 750 thrones, Scarce availability

Bulkhead Cutters, Melee, —, 1d10+3R, 6 pen, Tearing, Unwieldy, Two-Handed, 6kg, 75 thrones, Average availability

Chain-Stick, Exotic/Melee, —, 1d10+1I, 0 pen, Fast, Primitive (8), Toxic, 1kg, 30 thrones, Scarce availability

Double Flail, Exotic, —, 1d10I, 0 pen, Flexible, Primitive (9), Two-Handed, 4kg, 28 thrones, Scarce availability

Lightning Chain, Exotic/Melee, —, 1d10+1I, 0 pen, Flexible, Primitive (7), Shocking, 4kg, 100 thrones, Very Rare availability

Lightning Gauntlet, Exotic/Melee, —, 1d10I, 0 pen, Primitive (8), Shocking, 2kg, 80 thrones, Scarce availability

Vivisector, Exotic/Melee, —, 1d5+5R, 0 pen, Tearing, Unwieldy, 1.5kg, 650 thrones, Rare availability
Energy Blade, Melee, —, 1d10+6E, 7 pen, Balanced, Power Field, 1kg, 5,000 thrones, Very Rare availability

Omnisian Axe, Melee, —, 2d10+5E, 6 pen, Power Field, Unwieldy, 7kg, 10,000 thrones, Unique availability

Power Blade, Melee, —, 1d10+3E. 6 pen, Power Field, 1.5kg, 1,750 thrones, Very Rare availability

PowerFist, ††Melee, —, 2d10E, 8 pen, Power Field, Two-Handed, Unwieldy, 12kg, 3,100 thrones, Very Rare availability

Power Longsword, Melee, —, 1d10+6E, 6 pen, Power Field, Two-Handed, 4.5kg, 3,500 thrones, Very Rare availability

Power Sword, Melee, —, 1d10+5E, 6 pen, Balanced, Power Field, 3.5kg, 2,500 thrones, Very Rare availability

Serpentine, Melee, —, 1d10+2E, 6 pen, Fast, Power Field, 1.5kg, 2,500 thrones, Very Rare availability

Witch Lance, Melee or Thrown, 10m, 1d10+4E, 6 pen, Power Field, Special, 5kg, 2,800 thrones, Very Rare availability

††Power Fists add user's SB×2 to Damage.
Armoured Gauntlet, Melee, —, 1d5I, 0 pen, Primitive (7), 0.5kg, 35 thrones, Common availability

Axe, Melee, —, 1d10+1R, 0 pen, Primitive (9), Unbalanced, 4kg, 20 thrones, Average availability

Bastard Sword, Melee, —, 1d10+1R, 1 pen, Primitive (8), 5kg 13 thrones, Average availability

Boarding Pike, Melee, —, 1d10+3X, 2 pen, Primitive (8), 4kg, 30 thrones, Common availability

Brass Knuckles, Melee, —, 1d510I, 0 pen, Primitive (6), 0.5kg, 5 thrones, Plentiful availability

Buckler, Melee, —, 1d5–2I. 0 pen, Balanced, Defensive (1), Primitive (7) 1kg, 30 thrones, Common availability

Chimera Pistol Sword, Melee, —, 1d10+1R, 2 pen, —, 3.5kg, 130 thrones, Scarce availability

Club, Melee, —, 1d10I, 0 pen, Primitive (6), 2kg, 5 pen, Abundant availability

Combat Knife, Melee, — 1d5+3R, 0 pen, Primitive (4), 3kg, 40 thrones, Average availability

Cutlass, Melee, —, 1d10R, 0 pen, Primitive (9), Unbalanced, 3kg, 10 thrones, Common availability

Devil's Kiss, Melee, —, 1d5R, 3 pen, Fast, Primitive (4), 0.3kg, 55 thrones, Rare availability

Emperor's Whisper, Melee or Thrown, 5m, 1d5+1R, 2 pen, Balanced, 0.5kg, 150 thrones, Very Rare availability

Flail, Melee, —, 1d10+2I, 0 pen, Flexible, Primitive (8), Two-Handed, 4kg, 20 thrones, Scarce availability

Great Weapon, Melee, —, 2d10R, 2 pen, Primitive (9), Unwieldy, Two-Handed, 7kg, 70 thrones, Scarce availability

Guard Shield, Melee, —, 1d5I, 0 pen, Defensive (2), Primitive (6), 1.5kg, 100 thrones, Scarce availability

Hammer, Melee, —, 1d10+1I, 0, Primitive (8), Unbalanced, 4kg, 10 thrones, Common availability

Improvised Weapon, Melee, —, 1d10–2I, 0 pen, Primitive, Unbalanced, weight Varies, from environment, Abundant availability

Knife, Melee or Thrown, 3m, 1d5R, 0 pen, Primitive (3), 0.5kg, 5 thrones, Abundant availability

Kraken Tooth Dagger, Mele or Thrown, 5m, 1d5+1R, 1 pen, –, 0.4kg, 200 thrones, Rare availability

Long-Sabre, Melee, —, 1d10+2R, 2 pen, Balanced, Primitive (8), Two-Handed, 3kg, 70 thrones, Very Rare availability

Man-Catcher, Melee, —, 1d10I, 0 pen, Primitive (7), Snare (1), Two-handed, Unwieldy, 8kg, 60, Scarce availability

Mirror Shield, Melee, —, 1d5–1I, 0 pen, Defensive (2), Primitive(6), 3kg, 60 thrones, Rare availability

Moon Blade, Melee or Thrown, 5m, 1d10R, 0 pen, Fast, Primitive (9), Unwieldy, 3kg, 25, Rare availability

Naval Shield, Melee, —, 1d5+2I, 0 pen, Defensive (3), Primitive (6), 9kg, 75 thrones, Average availability

Punch Dagger, Melee, —, 1d5+1R, 2 pen, Primitive (4), 0.5kg, 4 thrones, Plentiful availability

Punisher Baton, Melee, —, 1d10I. 0 pen, —, 3kg, 50 thrones, Average availability

Render, Melee, — 1d5+1R, 0 pen, Primitive (4), Tearing, 1.2kg, 50 thrones, Rare availability

Sabre, Melee, —, 1d10R, 0 pen, Balanced, Primitive (8), 2kg, 15 thrones, Common availability

Scythe, Melee, —, 1d10+2R, 0 pen, Primitive (9), Unwieldy, Two-Handed, 5kg, 12 thrones, Common availability

Shield, Melee, —, 1d5I, 0 pen, Defensive (2), Primitive (3), 3kg, 25 thrones, Average availability

Short Sword, Melee, —, 1d10–1R, 0 pen, Primitive (7), 1.5kg, 12 thrones, Common availability

Sigilite, Melee, —, 1d5R, 3 pen, Defensive (4), 0.7kg, 85 thrones, Rare availability

Spear, Melee or Thrown, 10m, 1d10R, 0 pen, Primitive (8), 3kg, 15 thrones, Common availability

Spetum, Melee, —, 1d10R, 2 pen, Primitive (9), Unbalanced, Two-Handed, 6kg, 45 thrones, Rare availability

Steam Drill, Melee, —, 2d10I, 3 pen, Primitive (8), Unbalanced, Unwieldy, Two-Handed, 18kg, 100 thrones, Very Rare availability

Staff, Melee, —, 1d10I, 0, Balanced, Primitive (7), Two-Handed, 3kg, 10 thrones, Plentiful availability

Sword, Melee, —, 1d10R, 0 pen, Balanced, Primitive (8), 3kg, 15 thrones, Common availability

Tower Shield (metal), Melee, —, 1d5+2I, 0 pen, Defensive (4), Primitive (4), 7kg, 60 thrones, Rare availability

Tower Shield (wood), Melee, —, 1d5+1I, 0 pen, Defensive (3), Primitive (4), 5kg, 40 thrones, Average availability
Electro-Flail, Melee, —, 1d10+2I, 0 pen, Flexible, Shocking, Two-Handed, 2.5kg, 375 thrones, Rare availability
Neural Whip, Melee, 3m, 1d10+1E, 0 pen, Flexible, Shocking, 4kg, 500 thrones, Rare availability
Officer's Cutlass, Melee, —, 1d10R, 0 pen, Shocking, 3kg, 200 pen, Scarce availability
Shock Maul, Melee, —, 1d10I, 0 pen, Shocking, 3.5kg, 150, Scarce availability
Shock-Staff, Melee, —, 1d5+1I, 2 pen, Shocking, Two-Handed, 2kg, 100 thrones, Average availability
Force Axe, Melee, —, 1d10+3R, 2 pen, Force, Unbalanced, 4.5kg, 4,000 thrones, Very Rare availability
Force Staff, Melee, —, 1d10I, 2 pen, Balanced, Force, Two-Handed, 3kg, 3,500 thrones, Very Rare availability
Force Sword, Melee, —, 1d10+1R, 2 pen, Balanced, Force, 3.5kg, 3,500 thrones, Very Rare availability

Melee weapon special qualities:
Balanced – +10 to parry rolls made with this weapon.
Unbalanced – cannot be used in lightning attacks and suffer a -10 penalty when used to parry.
Force – This weapon counts as a best quality craftsmanship item with the mono weapon upgrade. In the hands of a psyker, this weapon gains bonus damage and penetration equal to the psyker's PR. Psyker cannot push to increase their effective PR for this weapon and sustained effects that diminish PR do not count to reduce its effective PR. As an additional half action, may force a focus power test <WP> opposed by WP of the struck person. Inflict 1d10 energy damage that ignores armor and toughness per degree of success. Can never generate psychic phenomena when using this ability.
Shocking – any damage dealt with this weapon causes target to make a toughness test. Failing the toughness test causes target to take the DoF as fatigue damage and they are stunned for half DoF rounds, rounded up.
Flexible – this weapon cannot be parried and cannot be used to parry, but it is blocked by full cover.
Fast – an all out attack with this weapon is a half action and not a full action.
Defensive (x) – Grant's +15 to parry tests made with this weapon and -10 to attack tests. Gives x AP to the arm its attached to and the body location.
Unwieldy – may not parry or make lightning attacks with this weapon.
Snare (x) – make Ag test with a -10 times x penalty, or be snared. Prevents any action other than struggling to get out. Strength or Agility test at -20 to break free or wiggle out of webbing. Webbing dissolves in 1d5 hours.
Toxic (x) – When dealing damage with a weapon that has this quality, forces target to make a toughness test with a penalty equal to -10 times x. On failure, they take 1d10 damage that ignores armor and toughness of the same type as the weapon that dealt the wound.
Power Field – when striking a parrying weapon or parrying with power blade, weapons without force or power field must roll to survive contact with power field. Rolls of 26+ cause destruction of the weapon. If power field is lost, treat as a good quality sword with mono.
Tearing – roll damage twice and keep the best result
Primitive (x) – Damage rolls of more than x become x. Rolling a 10 still triggers Emperor 's fury
Tearing – roll damage twice and keep the best result.
Poor - -10 to all weapon skill tests made with this weapon.
Good - +5 to all weapon skill tests made with this weapon.
Best - +10 to all weapon skill tests made with this weapon. +1 to damage.

Las type weapons
WeaponsName Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt Cost Availability

Civitas, Pistol, 25m, S/2/–, 1d10+1E, 0, 25, Full, Reliable, 2kg, 40 thrones, Common availability

Death Light, Basic, 80m, S/3/–, 1d10+5E, 2, 18, Full, —, 7.2kg, 250 thrones, Very Rare availability

D'laku Hellgun, Basic, 100m, S/3/5, 1d10+3E, 4, 40, 2Full, —, 10kg, 500 thrones, Scarce availability

Drusus Prime, Basic, 100m, S/2/–, 1d10+3E, 0, 50, Full, —, 7kg, 50, Common availability

Duelling Las, Pistol, 30m, S/–/–, 1d10+4E, 4, 1, Full, Accurate, Tearing, Felling (2) 1.7kg 220 thrones, Very Rare availability

Fury, Pistol, 20m, S/2/5, 1d10+2E, 0, 30, Full, Reliable, 1.5kg, 100 thrones, Scarce availability

Hellgun, Basic, 110m, S/3/–, 1d10+4E, 3, 40, 3Full, —, 6kg†, 180 thrones, Rare availability

Hellpistol, Pistol, 35m, S/2/–, 1d10+3E, 3, 20, 2Full, —, 4kg†, 140 thrones, Rare availability

Las Carbine, Basic, 60m, S/2/–, 1s10+2E, 0, 40, Full, Reliable, 3kg, 75 thrones, Common availability

Lasgun, Basic, 100m, S/3/–, 1d10+3E, 0, 60, Full, Reliable, 4kg, 75 thrones, Common availability

Laslock, Basic, 70m, S/–/–, 1d10+4E, 0, 1, Full, Unreliable, 4kg, 40 thrones, Plentiful availability

Laspistol, Pistol, 30m, S/2/–, 1d10+2E, 0, 30 rounds, Full, Reliable, 1.5kg, 50 thrones, Common availability

Long Las, Basic, 150m, S/–/–, 1d10+3E, 1, 40, Full, Accurate, Reliable, Felling (4), 4.5kg, 100 thrones, Scarce availability

Mark III, Basic, 100m, S/3/–, 1d10+3E, 0, 60, Full, Reliable, 4kg, 75 thrones, Average availability

Mark IV, Pistol, 70m, S/2/–, 1d10+3E, 0, 15, Full, Accurate, Reliable, 1.75kg, 150 thrones, Rare availability

Minerva-Aegis, Basic, 60m, S/4/8, 1d10+2E, 0, 40, Full, Reliable, 4.1kg, 150 thrones, Scarce availability

Man Portable Lascannon, Heavy, 300m, S/–/–, 5d10+10E, 10, 5, 2Full, —, 25kg, 5,000 thrones, Very Rare availability

Multi-Laser, Heavy, 250m, –/–/10, 3d10+3E, 4, 60, 3Full, —, 15 kg, 2,000 thrones, Scarce availability

Palantine, Pistol, 20m, S/3/–, 1d10+2E, 0, 20, Full, Reliable, 1.1kg, 100 thrones, Average availability

Roth Pattern, Basic, 120m, S/2/–, 1d10+2E, 0, 60, Full, Reliable, 4kg, 175 thrones, Rare availability

Series-S Venom, Pistol, 10m, S/–/–, 1d10+1E, 0, 15, —, Internal power pack, 0.5kg, 120 thrones, Scarce availability

Steel, Burner, Pistol, 30m, S/–/–, 1d10+4E, 2, 10, Full, —, 2.5kg, 100 thrones, Very Rare availability

Stormfront, Basic, 100m, S/3/–, 1d10+3E, 0, 60, Full, Reliable, 5kg, 85 thrones, Very Rare availability

Twin Lasgun, Basic, 100m, S/2/–, 1d10+4E, 0, 18, Full, Tearing, Unreliable, 7kg, 220 thrones, Rare availability

† This weapon comes with backpack ammunition supply. Weight listed does Not include power backpack.

Accurate – extra +10 when using the aim action (half round aim is +20 and full is +30)

Felling (x) – this weapon reduces damage reduction from the Machine, Daemonic or Unnatural Toughness traits by x amount.

Internal power pack – This weapon cannot be reloaded, must be charged directly.

Reliable – Jams only on a roll of 100

Tearing – roll damage twice and keep the best result.

Unreliable – Jams on a roll of 91-100.

Poor – remove reliable if it has it. If it does not have reliable add unreliable. If it is unreliable, no change. Halves price, 2 more available.

Good – add reliable if it does not have unreliable. Remove unreliable if it is. If reliable, no change. Multiply price by 3, 2 less available.

Best – this weapon cannot jam or overheat. Multiply price by 10, 3 less available.

Bow, Basic, 30 meters, S/-/-, 1d10 Rending, 0 pen, 1 clip, Half round, Primitive (6), Reliable, 2 kg, 10 thrones, common availability

Crossbow, Basic, 30 meters, S/-/-, 1d10 Rending, 0 pen, 1 clip, 2 Full, Primitive (7), 3 kg, 25 thrones, average availability

Reliable – only jams on roll of 100.
Primitive (x) – maximum damage is x, rolls of 10 still cause Emperor's fury.

Poor – Lose reliable or gain unreliable.
Good – Gain reliable or lose unreliable.
Best – can never jam.

Kronos, Pistol, 40 meters, S/-/-, 1d10 + 10 Energy, 6 pen, 10 clip, 4 Full, Maximal, Overheats, Recharge, 4 kg, 5,000 thrones, Very Rare availability

Plasma Blaster, Basic, 60 meters, S/-/-, 2d10 + 6 Energy, 6 pen, 12 clip, 2 Full, Maximal, Overheats, Unreliable, 20 kg, 7,500 thrones, Very Rare availability

Plasma Pistol, Pistol, 30 meters. S/2/-, 1d10 + 6 Energy, 6 pen, 10 clip, 3 Full, Maximal, Overheats, 4 kg, 4,000 thrones, Very Rare availability

Plasma Gun, Basic, 90 meters, S/2/-, 1d10 + 7 Energy, 6 pen, 40 clip, 5 Full, Maximal, Overheats, 11 kg, 3,000 thrones, Very Rare availability

Plasma Cannon, Heavy, 120 meters, S/-/-, 4d10 + 10 Energy, 8 pen, 24 clip, Blast (3), Maximal, Overheats, Unreliable, 38 kg, 8,500 thrones, Extremely Rare availability

Blast (x) – affects all in x meters of hit location.

Maximal – standard affects are listed as normal, may also switch to maximum. On maximum, increase damage by 1d10 and penetration by 2. Use 3 times the ammunition. If the weapon has blast, increase the blast quality by 2 meters. On maximum the weapon gains the recharge quality.

Overheats – Instead of jamming, this weapon overheats on a BS test roll of 91-100. This weapon when overheated deals 1d10 Energy damage to the limb holding it with a pen of 0. If this deals damage through armor and toughness, then the person holding the weapon drops it. The weapon may not be fired for a full round after overheating. The person wielding the weapon may drop it as a free action to avoid taking damage from overheat. Any effect that would cause this weapon to jam (like a haywire field) instead causes it to overheat.

Recharge – A weapon with this quality may only be fired in one of the rounds actions and cannot be used at all the next round. (In effect making it usable only once every other round. Unable to chain two fire actions in one round.)

Reliable – on weapons with Overheat, reliable changes range for overheat to 96-100 instead of 91-100.

Unreliable – On weapons with Overheat, unreliable changes range for overheat to 86-100 instead of 91-100.

Poor – Gains unreliable or loses reliable. If already unreliable, weapon overheats if BS test is failed and 86-100 is rolled on test.

Good – Gains reliable or loses unreliable.

Best – as good, but also weapon cannot overheat.

Solid projectile weapons:

Name, type, normal range, S/semi/full, damage, damage type, pen, clip, reload, special, weight, cost, availability.

Alcher Mark IV Basic 60m S/–/10 1d10+3 Impact 0 40 Full — 3.5kg 95 Average

Armageddon Basic 100m S/2/6 1d10+4 Impact 0 15 Full Reliable 8.5kg 100 Average

Autogun Basic 90m S/3/10 1d10+3 Impact 0 30 Full—3.5kg 100 Average

Blackhammer Basic 20m S/–/– 2d10I 0 1 2Full Inaccurate, Scatter 4.7kg 250 Rare

Combat Shotgun Basic 30m S/3/– 1d10+4I 0 18 Full Scatter 6.5kg 150 Scarce

Creed-9 Basic 50m S/3/10 1d10+3I 0 35 Full — 3.6kg 115 Average

Hunting Rifle Basic 150m S/–/– 1d10+3I 0 5 Full Accurate 5kg 100 Scarce

Ironclaw Basic 30m S/2/– 1d10+4I 0 12 Full Reliable, Scatter 6.5kg 80 Scarce

Meat Hammer Basic 30m S/–/– 2d5+6I 0 1 3Full Scatter, Tearing 5kg 80 Scarce

Nomad Basic 250m S/–/– 1d10+5I 3 4 Full Accurate, Reliable 10kg 2,000 Very Rare

Pump-action Shotgun Basic 30m S/–/– 1d10+4I 0 8 2Full Scatter 5kg 75 Average

Shotgun Basic 30m S/–/– 1d10+4I 0 2 2Full Reliable, Scatter 5kg 60 Common

Slayer Basic 30m S/–/– 1d10+4I 0 6 3Full Scatter 3.5kg 70 Average

Spectre Basic 80m S/3/10 1d10+3I 0 20(×3 clips) Full(each clip) — 6.5kg 375 Rare

Spectre Shotgun Basic 30m S/–/– 1d10+4I 0 4 2Full Scatter 6.5 kg 375 Rare

Steadholder Basic 100m S/–/– 1d10+4I 0 6 Full — 5kg 60 Plentiful

Vanaheim Basic 40m S/3/6 1d10+4I 0 15 Full Scatter 8kg 300 Average

Assault Cannon Heavy 120m –/–/10 3d10+5I 5 200 2Full Tearing, Unreliable, Two-handed 60kg 7,000 Very Rare

Autocannon Heavy 300m S/2/5 4d10+5I 4 20 2Full Two-handed 55kg 1,000 Scarce

Heavy Stubber Heavy 120m –/–/10 1d10+4I 3 200 2Full Two-handed 35kg 750 Scarce

Shotcannon Heavy 40m S/3/– 2d10I 0 24 2Full Scatter, Unreliable, Two-handed 12kg 700 Scarce

VI Crank Cannon Heavy 70m –/–/5 1d10+5I 0 100 3Full Unreliable, Two-handed 38kg 500 Average

.54 Tranter Pistol 30m S/2/– 1d10+5I 2 7 Full Unreliable 3.5kg 95 Common

Autopistol Pistol 30m S/–/6 1d10+2I 0 18 Full — 2.5kg 75 Common

Armsman-10 Pistol 35m S/3/– 1d10+3I 0 13 Full — 1.5kg 50 Plentiful

Carnodon Pistol 35m S/3/– 1d10+4I 2 6 Full Accurate 2.5kg 200 Scarce

Dorcas Pattern Pistol 30m S/3/– 1d10+3I 0 9 Half — 1.5kg 150 Rare

Encarmine Pistol 20m S/3/8 1d10I 0 24 Full — 2kg 90 Average

Fate Bringer Pistol 40m S/–/– 1d10+3I 2 5 2Full Accurate, Reliable 1.6kg 200 Rare

Flametongue Pistol 20m S/–/– 1d10+6I 0 2 2Full Primitive (8), Reliable 2kg 140 Rare

Hack Shotgun Pistol 10m S/–/– 1d10+4I 0 1 2Full Inaccurate, Scatter, Tearing 3kg 60 Common

Hand Cannon Pistol 35m S/–/– 1d10+4I 2 5 2Full — 3kg 65 Average

Hecuter Pistol 30m S/3/6 1d10+3I 0 15 Full Reliable 2kg 175 Average

Irontalon Pistol 20m S/2/5 1d10+2I 0 15 Full Primitive (8), Reliable, Tearing 2kg 150 Rare

Mariette Pistol 20m S/-/– 2d5+3I 0 1 2Full — 0.5kg 400 Rare

Mercy Killer Pistol 20m S/–/–1d10+2I 0 1 2Full Inaccurate,Unreliable 1kg 10 Plentiful

Orthlak Mark IV Pistol 30m S/–/6 1d10+4I 0 12 Full — 2.5kg 75 Scarce

Panoptic Pistol 35m S/2/– 1d10+3I 0 5(×2) 2Full Reliable 2kg 225 Rare

Phobos Stubber Pistol 30m S/3/– 1d10+3I 0 9 Full — 1.3kg 50 Plentiful

Puritan-14 Pistol 20m S/3/6 1d10+2I 0 14 Full — 1.7kg 100 Scarce

Puritan shotgun Basic 15m S/–/– 1d10+4I 0 1 Full Scatter 1.7 kg, 100 Scarce

Ripper Clip Pistol 20m –/–/6 1d10+2I 0 12 Full Inaccurate,Unreliable 3kg 40 Scarce

Salvation Pistol 10m S/3/– 1d10I 0 7 Free — 0.7kg 80 Common

Scalptaker Pistol 30m S/–/– 1d10+3I 0 62 Full Reliable 2kg 40 Plentiful

Shotgun Pistol Pistol 10m S/–/– 1d10+4I 0 1 Full Reliable, Scatter 1kg 60 Average

Storm child Pistol 35m S/–/– 1d10+4I 2 5 2Full — 3kg 65 Average

Stub Automatic Pistol 30m S/3/– 1d10+3I 0 9 Full — 1.5kg 50 Plentiful

Stub Revolver Pistol 30m S/–/– 1d10+3I 0 62 Full Reliable 1kg 40 Plentiful

Talon Mark III Pistol 30m S/2/6 1d10+2I 0 18 Full — 2.3kg 70 Common

Special ability meaning:
Reliable – Jams only on a roll of 100
Scatter – Point blank range, +10 to BS and +3 to damage. Short range, +10 to BS. Normal range, no change. Long range, -10 to BS. Extreme range, -10 to BS and -3 damage
Accurate – extra +10 when using the aim action (half round aim is +20 and full is +30)
Inaccurate – no benefit from the aim action when using a weapon with this quality.
Unreliable – Jams on a roll of 91-100.
Primitive (8) – Damage rolls of 9 or 10 become 8. Rolling a 10 still triggers Emperor 's fury
Tearing – roll damage twice and keep the best result.
Two-handed - Must use two hands to use this weapon.
Poor – remove reliable if it has it. If it does not have reliable add unreliable. If it is unreliable, no change. Halves price, 2 more available.
Good – add reliable if it does not have unreliable. Remove unreliable if it is. If reliable, no change. Multiply price by 3, 2 less available.
Best – this weapon cannot jam or overheat. Multiply price by 10, 3 less available.

Hand Flamer, Pistol, 10m, S/–/–, 1d10+4 E, 2 pen, 2 clip, 2 Full, Flame, Spray, 3.5kg, 200 thrones, Rare availability

Flamer, Basic, 20m, S/–/–, 1d10+4 E, 2 pen, 6 clip, 2 Full, Flame, Spray, 6kg, 300 thrones, Scarce availability

Heavy Flamer, Heavy, 30m, S/–/–, 2d10+4 E, 4 pen, 10 clip, 2 Full, Flame, Spray, 45kg, 1,000 thrones, Rare availability

Tox Sprayer, Basic, 10m, S/-/-, 1d10 E, 0 pen, 3 clip, 3 Full, Flame, Spray, Toxic (4), 8 kg, 400 thrones, Rare availability

Special qualities:
Flame – When hit with a flame weapon, even if no damage is dealt, you must make an Agility test or be set on fire. This is not a reaction and you may test to avoid being set on fire as long as you are not helpless. Those who are on fire take 1d10 damage to the body location every round. This damage ignores armor, Machine and toughness bonus, but not Unnatural toughness or Daemonic traits.
Spray – Spray weapons have only the normal range. They hit all targets in their range automatically. The degree of spread is 30 degrees and that extends from the weapon for the entirety of its range unless blocked by cover. Instead of a -20 penalty to BS if untrained, the targets in the area of affect get +20 bonus to dodge instead. Dodge is the only method to avoid damage, targets in the area of affect may make a dodge to roll out of the area. Must have enough movement in a half move action to roll out or dodging is not possible. Jams when any damage dice roll a 9. Cannot be used to make a called shot or aim action. All hits from Spray weapons count as having hit the body location every time.
Toxic (x) – on damage, target must make a toughness test with x times 10 penalty to the test. If the target fails the test, take 1d10 as the same type of damage as the weapon and to the same location.

Poor – If a flamer is of poor quality, on a weapon jam the prometheum tank explodes expending the rest of its clip on all targets in a blast (3) area.
Good – if a flamer is of good quality, it only jams if you roll 9 on a damage roll and then roll 9 again on a second 1d10.
Best – flamers with best quality never jams.

Angelus, Basic, 100m, S/–/–, 2d10 X, 5 pen, 3 clip, 3 Full, Accurate, Tearing, 11kg, 2,000 thrones, Very Rare availability

Bolt Pistol, Pistol, 30m, S/2/–, 1d10+5 X, 4 pen, 8 clip, 1 Full, Tearing, 3.5kg, 250 thrones, Very Rare availability

Boltgun, Basic, 100m, S/3/–, 1d10+5 X, 4 pen, 24 clip, 1 Full, Tearing, 7kg, 500 thrones, Very Rare availability

Heavy Bolter, Heavy, 150m, –/–/6, 1d10+8 X, 5 pen, 60 clip, 1 Full, Tearing, 40kg, 1,800 thrones, Very Rare availability

Storm Bolter, Basic, 90m, S/2/4, 1d10+5 X, 4 pen, 60 clip, 1 Full, Storm, Tearing, 9kg, 1,000 thrones, Extremely Rare availability

Accurate – +10 to BS test when taking the aim action.
Tearing – roll damage twice and take the highest damage.
Storm – when firing full auto, 2 hits per DoS. When firing semi-auto, 1 hit per DoS.

Poor – weapon gains unreliable.
Good – weapon gains reliable.
Best – weapon never jams.

Grenade Launcher, Basic, 60m, S/–/–, †, †, 6 clip, 2 Full, †, 12kg, Average availability

Missile Launcher, Heavy, 300m, S/–/-, †, †, 1 clip, 1 Full, †, 35kg, Rare

†The damage, penetration, and special qualities of these weapons are dependent upon the grenade or missile used.

Poor – weapon gains unreliable.
Good – weapon gains reliable.
Best – weapon never jams.

Ammunition only comes in normal quality. No poor, good or best quality ammo.

Amputator shells, extremely rare availability, 20 thrones/round. Add 2 to damage. Any solid projectile weapon.

Abyssal bolts, very rare availability, 20 thrones/round. Gains crippling (2) and tainted qualities. Loses reliable and sanctified if it had it. Bolt weapons only.

Bleeder rounds, rare availability, 5 thrones/round. Any attack that deals at least 1 damage inflicts bloodless as well. All solid projectile weapons without scatter.

Expander rounds, rare availability, 5 thrones/round. Increase damage and pen by 1. All solid projectile weapons except those with scatter.

Explosive arrows/quarrels, Average availability, 2 thrones/projectile. Bows or crossbow counts as having the blast (1) quality, remove primitive quality and damage type changes to explosive.

Hollow point rounds, scarce availability, 1 throne/round. Increase damage by 4, AP from armor and cover are doubled when determining damage from this round. All solid projectile weapons without scatter.

Hot shot charge pack, scarce availability, 50 thrones/pistol, 100 thrones/basic and 200 thrones/heavy. Increase damage by 1, pen by 4 and gives weapon tearing quality. Any laser weapon except hotshot las weapons.

Inferno shells, rare availability, 1 throne/round. Gives weapon flame quality. Any shotgun or bolter.

Man stopper rounds, scarce availability, 2 thrones/round. Adds 3 to weapons pen. Any solid projectile except shotgun.

Nitidus rounds, very rare availability, 10 thrones/round. When a psyker is hit, whether they take damage or not, they must make a WP test at -10 penalty or be stunned for an number of rounds equal to their PR. Any shotgun.

Psybolts, extremely rare availability, 40 thrones/round. Gains daemonbane and sanctified qualities. Ignores protective psychic powers. 1 extra damage for each PR of the user. Bolters only.

Psyflame, extremely rare availability, 100 thrones/pistol 200/basic 400/heavy. Grant's Daemonbane and sanctified and ignores protective psychic powers. -5 to Ag test for each PR of user. Flamers only.

Sanctified ammunition, rare availability, multiply cost of regular ammunition by 20. Adds sanctified quality to weapon. Any weapon.

Standard ammunition, 2 steps more available than the weapon they serve. 20 rounds/throne for pistols, 10 per throne for basic and 5 per throne for heavy. Flamers Prometheum tank instead costs 5 thrones for pistol, 10 for basic and 20 for heavy flamers. Any weapon

Scrambler rounds, rare availability, 2 thrones/round. Adds Hallucinogenic (2). Any solid projectile or bolter weapons.

Tempest rounds, neat unique availability, 20 thrones/round. Change damage type to energy, adds shocking, 3 extra damage to anything with the machine trait. Any bolter and shotguns.

Thermal arrows/bolts, rare availability, 5 thrones / arrow. Adds melta and inaccurate. Removes primitive and accurate if it had those traits. Arrow/bolt deals an extra 1d10 energy damage added to it's normal damage.

Toxic rounds, scarce, 2 thrones/round. Adds toxic (1) and decrease damage by 2. Any bolter or solid projectile.

All las weapon charge packs can be recharged from any suitable power source. May even recharge by putting it in open flame for an hour, but this may damage it irreparably 50% of the time.

Grenades, missiles, bombs and mines.
Choke grenade 20 thrones each, thrown 3m x SB normal range. 0.5 kg, scarce availability, blast (3), toughness test or take 1 fatigue damage per round. 4 DoF or more and take 10 toughness damage as well. 0 pen. Gas lingers for 2d5 rounds. Half that in windy conditions.
Blast (3) – explosion radius is 3 meters from point of detonation.

Fire bomb 10 thrones, dropped or thrown, 3m x SB normal range. 0.5 kg, plentiful availability, flame and blast (2). 1d10 + 2 energy, pen 0.
Flame – pass agility test or also be set on fire. Only requires a successful WS test, no damage needs to be dealt to force agility test.
Blast (2) – explosion radius of 2 meters.

Flash grenade 20 thrones each, thrown 3m x SB normal range. 0.5 kg, rare availability, blast (6). 0 dmg, 0 pen. Must make an agility test at +10 bonus or be blinded for number of rounds equal to DoF.

Fragmentation grenade 10 thrones each, thrown 3m x SB normal range. 0.5 kg, common availability, blast (3) 2d10 explosive damage, 0 pen.
Blast (3) – explosion radius is 3 meters from point of detonation.

Fragmentation missile 25 thrones each, requires missile launcher to fire. 1 kg, average availability, blast (5). 2d10 + 2 Explosive damage, 2 pen.
Blast (5) – explosion radius is 5 meters from point of detonation.

Hallucinogenic grenade, 50 thrones each, thrown 3m x SB normal range. 0.5 kg, scarce availability, blast (6) and hallucinogen (2). 0 dmg 0 pen
Blast (6) – effect radius is 6 meters.
Hallucinogen (2) – make toughness test with -20 to test. If failed, start hallucinating for DoF +1 rounds.

Haywire grenade, 100 thrones each, thrown 3m x SB normal range. 0.5 kg, very rare availability, haywire (2). 0 dmg, 0 pen.
Haywire (2) – within 2 meter radius, 20% chance to do nothing, 40% to shut down all technology, 40% chance to give penalties to tests when using technology.

Krak grenade, 25 thrones each, thrown 3mx SB normal range. 0.5 kg, rare availability, concussive (0). 2d10 +4 explosive damage, 1 pen.
Concussive (0) – make a toughness test. Stunned for DoF rounds. If you take more damage than SB, you're also knocked prone and are helpless.

Krak missile, 70 thrones each, requires missile launcher. 1 kg, scarce availability, concussive (3), proven (2). 2d10 + 8 explosive damage, 8 pen.
Concussive (3) – toughness test with -30 penalty. Stunned for number of rounds equal to DoF and knocked prone if damage is greater than SB.
Proven (2) – any damage roll of 1, counts as a 2.

Melta bomb/mine, 100 thrones each, dropped or set up in advance. 12 kg, very rare availability, blast (2) flame and melta. 6d10 energy damage, 12 pen (24 pen)
Blast (2) – explosion radius of 2 meters
Flame - agility test or be set on fire. Only being within blast radius needed to be set on fire.
Melta – double penetration at short or point blank

Smoke grenade, 15 thrones each, thrown 3m x SB normal range. 0.5 kg, common availability, smoke (4), 0 dmg, 0 pen.
Smoke (4) – create a smoke screen 4 meters in all directions from the point of detonation.

Stun grenade. 25 thrones each, 3m × SB range. 0.5 kg, common availability, concussion (2) blast (3). 0 dmg, p pen.
Concussive (2) – toughness test with -20 penalty. Stunned for number of rounds equal to DoF.
Blast (3) – radius of explosion is 3 meters.

Web grenade, 40 thrones each, 3m × SB range. 0.5 kg, rare availability. Blast (3) and snare (2). 0 dmg, 0 pen.
Blast (3) – radius of explosion is 3 meters.
Snare (2) – make Ag test at -20 or be snared. Prevents any action other than struggling to get out. Strength or Agility test at -20 to break free or wiggle out of webbing. Webbing dissolves in 1d5 hours.

Weapon Mods:
No weapon mods come in any quality but normal. Only one attachment (Aux grenade launcher, exterminator, melee, etc.) allowed. Only one sight (omni, red dot, prey-sense, motion predictor, etc.) allowed.

Aux Grenade Launcher – a single use grenade launcher, 45m range, dmg based on grenade. Only one attachment per weapon. +2.5kg to weapon, upgrades any non-primitive ranged weapon, 250 thrones, Rare availability

Backpack ammo supply – stores 200 shots or 10 clips, whichever is larger. Reload speed is 5 full rounds. Upgrades any non-primitive non-exotic ranged weapon. Doubles weapons weight, 300 thrones, scarce availability

Compact – half weight, ammo capacity, range and subtract 1 damage. Upgrades any pistol sized weapon or basic weapon of the following classes (Las, SP, bolt, flame, plasma). half weight, 50 thrones, average availability

Custom grip - +5 to BS or WS tests with this weapon. -5 to WS or BS tests for anyone else trying to use this weapon. Upgrade any weapon. No weight change, 30 thrones, rare availability

Deactivated safety features – drawing and making a weapon ready is now one half action faster. Any time you get 3 or more DoF on any movement test (athletics, acrobatics, dodge, operate, etc) the weapon goes off, or cuts through the sheath, etc. Upgrade any weapon, except low-tech. No weight change, 100 thrones, rare availability

Expanded clip – increase clip size by 50%. Cost of clips increases by 50% as well. Upgrade any ranged weapon. + 1 kg, 50 thrones, scarce availability

Exterminator – make a one shot attack as if from a flamer. Upgrade any weapon except pistols and thrown weapons. Only one attachment per weapon. + 1 kg, 200 thrones, scarce availability

Fire selector – load different types of ammunition in one clip, and choose between them. Upgrade Any Bolt, Launcher or Solid Projectile weapon. + 1 kg, 75 thrones, rare availability

Fluid action – On successful semi-auto or full auto attack action, add one DoS. Reload times are increased by one half action. Upgrades any weapon with semi-auto or full-auto. No weight change, 250 thrones, rare availability

Forearm weapon mounting – mount a weapon on your fore arm. Range is 1/3rd listed. Upgrades any pistol type weapon. + 1 kg, 50 thrones, scarce availability

Melee attachment – a bayonet is attached to the weapon. The weapon counts as a spear in melee combat. Upgrades any basic type weapon. Only one attachment per weapon. + 2 kg, 25 thrones, plentiful availability

Modified stock - +2 BS on half round aim actions and +4 BS on full round aim actions. Upgrades Any ranged weapon. No weight change, 50 thrones, scarce availability

Mono – remove primitive from a weapon if it has it. Weapon has penetration increased by 2. Upgrades Any low-tech melee weapon. No weight change, 50 thrones, scarce availability

Motion predictor – add +10 to BS tests when making semi-auto or full-auto ranges attacks. Upgrades any weapon capable of semi-auto or full auto attack actions. + 0.5 kg, 200 thrones, very rare availability

Omni-scope – grants dark sight and +20 to perception tests in darkness. +10 to Single shot attacks. No penalty to BS tests at long or extreme range. Upgrades any basic or heavy ranged weapon. Weapons may only have one scope at a time. + 2 kg, 1000 thrones, near unique availability

Photo sight scope – grants dark sight. Upgrades any basic or heavy ranged weapon. Weapons can only have one scope at a time. + 0.5 kg, 75 thrones, rare availability

Pistol grip – allows you to use a basic weapon one handed without penalties. Upgrades any basic ranged weapon. + 0 kg, 50 thrones, rare availability

Preysense sight – grants dark sight and +20 to perception tests in darkness. Upgrades any basic or heavy ranged weapon. + 0.5 kg, 150 thrones, very rare availability

Quick release – decrease reload time by one half action. Upgrade any ranged weapon. + 0 kg, 100 thrones, rare availability

Red dot laser sight - +10 to BS tests when taking the single shots. Upgrade any ranged weapon that can make single shots. Only one sight may be installed on a weapon. + 0.5 kg, 150 thrones, scarce availability

Reinforced – Add 20% to the weapons weight. Add +1 damage when using the weapon in melee. Only destroyed in a parry with a power weapon on rolls of 41+, instead of 21+. Upgrade any melee or basic weapon. + 20% kg, +20% thrones, scarce availability

Sacred Inscriptions - +10 to fear and pinning tests. Upgrade any weapon. + 0 kg, 100 thrones, scarce availability

Silencer – halve detection range of weapons and -20 to perception tests to hear them. Upgrades any ranged weapon except low-tech. + 0.5 kg, 50 thrones, plentiful availability

Suspensors – halve weight of heavy weapon. Weapon always counts as being braced. Upgrades any heavy weapon. – 50% kg, 750 thrones, extremely rare availability

Targetter – If there would be an overall penalty to BS test for any reason, reduce penalty by 10. Upgrades (Las, SP or Bolt) basic weapons or ant heavy weapon . + 1.5 kg, 250 thrones, rare availability

Telescopic sight – halves penalties for long and extreme distance shots with a half round aim action and negates penalties for range with a full round aim action. Upgrades (Las, SP, Plasma or Bolt) basic weapons or any heavy weapon. This is a sight, only one sight may be installed on a weapon. + 1 kg, 50 thrones, average availability

Toxic dispenser – adds toxic (2) to melee weapons. Only good for 10 uses before needing to be refilled. Upgrades low-tech and chain melee weapons. + 0.8 kg, 100 thrones, rare availability

Tripod/bipod – allows bracing of heavy weapons on any reasonably flat surface. Requires 1 round to set up, in addition to the half round required to ready the heavy weapon for use. 90 degree firing arc of a bipod and 180 degree firing arc for a tripod. Upgrades any heavy weapon. + 2 kg, 50 thrones, average availability

Vox operated – using a vox, may give commands to the weapon to fire, change fire mode, change ammunition type if fire selector is installed. Upgrades any ranged weapon that is not low-tech. + 0.5 kg, 200 thrones, rare availability.

Gang leathers – Arms, body, legs. 1 AP. 5 kg, 25 thrones, Average Availability.
Imperial Robes – Arms, body, legs. 1 AP. 4 kg. 25 thrones, plentiful availability.
Armored Bodyglove - Arms, body, legs. 2 AP. 5 kg. 100 thrones, Rare availability.
Heavy leathers – Arms, body, legs. 2 AP. 7 kg, 100 thrones, Common availability
Quilted vest – Body. 2 AP. 2 kg, 10 thrones, common availability
Quilted sleeves – arms. 1 AP. 1 kg. 5 thrones, common availability
Quilted pants – legs. 2 AP. 2 kg. 10 thrones, common availability
Quilted helmets- head, 1 AP. 1 kg. 5 thrones, common availability
Beast furs – body, 2 AP, 10 kg. 5 thrones, average availability
Grox hide – body, 3 AP, 14 kg. 60 thrones, common availability
Chainmail suit – all locations, 3 AP, 18 kg, 50 thrones, Average availability, 35 max Ag
Plate mail- all locations, 5 AP, 30 kg. 150 thrones, scarce availability, 25 max Ag
Xeno hides – all locations, 6 AP, 22 kg, 5,000 thrones, very rare availability*, 50 max Ag

Flak gloves – arms, 2 AP, 1 kg, 50 thrones, average availability
Flak helmet – head, 2 AP, 2 kg, 25 thrones, average availability
Flak vest – body, 3 AP, 5 kg, 50 thrones, average availability, 55 max Ag
Flak greaves – legs, 3 AP, 5 kg, 50 thrones, average availability, 55 max Ag
Light flak cloak – arms, body, legs. 2 AP, 4 kg, 80 thrones, scarce availability, 60 max Ag
Imperial Guard Flak Armour – all, 4 AP, 11 kg, 300 thrones, scarce availability, 50 max Ag

Mesh cowl – head, 3 AP, 0.5 kg, 100 thrones, rare availability
Mesh gloves – arms, 4 AP, 0.5 kg, 120 thrones, rare availability
Mesh vest – body, 4 AP 1 kg, 150 thrones, rare availability, 80 max Ag
Mesh pants - legs, 4 AP, 1 kg, 150 thrones, rare availability, 80 max Ag
Concealed mesh – arms, body, legs. 3 AP, 2 kg, 250 thrones, rare availability, 80 max Ag
Mesh cloak – Arms, Body, 4 AP, 1.5 kg, 350 thrones, rare availability, 60 max Ag
Xeno mesh – Arms, Body, Legs, 4 AP, 2 kg, 375 thrones, rare availability*, 75 max Ag

Carapace helm – head, 4 AP, 2 kg, 250 thrones, rare availability ***
Carapace vambracers – arms, 5 AP, 3 kg, 300 thrones, rare availability
Carapace graves- legs, 5 AP, 3 kg, 375 thrones rare availability
Carapace chestplate – body, 6 AP, 7 kg, 600 thrones, rare availability, 55 max Ag
Light enforcer carapace – all, 5 AP, 15 kg, 575 thrones, rare availability ***, 45 max Ag
Magistratum Carapace – all, 5 AP, 16 kg, 1,100 thrones, rare availability****, 45 max Ag
Storm Trooper Carapace – all, 6 AP, 17 kg, 3,750 thrones, very rare availability ***, 45 max Ag

Light Power Armor – all, 7 AP, 40 kg, 8,500, thrones, very rare ^, 40 max Ag
Power Armor – all, 8 AP, 65 kg, 15,000 thrones, extremely rare ^^, 35 max Ag
Dragon Scale – all, 8 AP, 75 kg, 30,000 thrones, Near Unique ^^^, 40 max Ag
Adeptas Soroitas power armor - all, 7 AP, 35 kg, 12,000 thrones, extremely rare availability, 50 Max Ag^^^^
Praetorian Armor - all, 6 AP, 16 kg, 5000 thrones, extremely rare availability, 50 max Ag^^^^^

^Unnatural strength (1), size +1 (+10 to be hit, -10 to stealth checks, +10 to WS, +1 movement speed.), integrated vox and micro-bead. 5 hour backpack power pack
^^Unnatural strength (2), size +1, integrated vox and micro-bead. 10 hour backpack power supply. Auto-stabilized trait.
^^^Unnatural Strength (2), size +1, integrated vox, micro-bead, uses mechanicus internal power generation (requires mechanicus traits and internal battery). MIU interface, auspex, photo visor and rebreather integrated. Auto-stabilized trait.
^^^^Unnatural Strength (1) and auto-stabilized traits. 5 hour battery. If you are not in adepta soroitas, gain enemy (adepta sororitas) when wearing this armor.
^^^^^integrated respirator, comm-link, photo-visor, targetter, recoil suppression sleeves and mag harness capable of holding a single basic weapon. Any person without the Adeptus Mechanicus class will gain the Enemy (mechanicus) talent while wearing the armor.

*Illegal to own in the Imperium of Man.
**All Flak armor has +1 AP vs explosive damage
*** Carapace helms come with integrated microbeads and vox systems (10 km range)
****Comes with integrated micro-bead, vox, photo-visor and rebreather

Poor Quality armor - -10 to max agility.
Good quality armor - +10 to max agility.
Best quality armor - +10 to max agility and +1 AP to all covered locations.

Armor Mods

Adamantine chain guard – when struck in melee, roll percentile dice. On a roll of 1-10, destroy the weapon that struck you. This does not work against natural weapons, weapons with power or warp quality. Upgrades any armor. +4 kg, +500 thrones, very rare availability.

Auto-sense - +5 to WS and BS. +10 to awareness tests. Upgrades any power armor. +2 kg, +250 thrones, very rare availability.

Ceramite plating – Adds 3 AP on attacks by weapons with flame or melta properties. Any Carapace or power armor. +2 kg, +1,000 thrones, rare availability.

Hexagramatic wards - +20 to resist psychic powers. Double AP from psychic attacks. Any weapon with the warp quality does not bypass AP of this armor. Any carapace or power armor. +2500 thrones, no weight change, Extremely Rare

Pentagramatic wards – whenever a creature with daemon or warp instability traits attacks this character in melee le is attacked by the person wearing the wards, that creature must make a willpower test at -20 penalty. For each DoF, they take 1d5 rending damage to the body, that ignores armor and unnatural toughness (but not natural toughness bonus). Any armor. +1,500 thrones, no weight change. Very rare availability

Sacred incense burner – may be lit on fire without causing damage to wearer. While it is burning, any Daemon or creature with warp instability will receive a -10 on WS and warp instability tests, within 10 meters of the wearer. Any helmet or backpack. +250 thrones, +3 kg, rare availability

True silver filigree – while engaged in melee with wearer of true silver filigree, any creature with the Daemonic trait receives a -5×WPB penalty to WS tests. Any armor, +2,000 thrones, extremely rare

Unguents of warding – must apply every month on a per location basis (head, left arm, right arm, body, left leg, right leg). Each location must have applied pass a Common Lore (Imperial Creed) test with -30 penalty, or a Scholastic Lore (Occult) test with -20 penalty or Forbidden Lore (Imperial Creed) with no penalty. Failure causes the Unguents to be lost and a new unguent needs to be applied. Each piece of armor blessed this way gives a +5 bonus to fear tests, with a +35 maximum bonus when all locations have this applied. Any armor, on a per location basis. +250 thrones each. Common availability

Gear – all gear can be poor, good or best qualities. Will decide what that looks like at time of item creation. Listed items are normal quality.

Auspex - +20 to awareness tests. Once per round, make a tech-use test as a free action to find things that cannot be detected with human sense (radiation, poison, etc.) 0.5 kg, 100 thrones, scarce availability.

Auto-quill - +10 to any trade skill test involving recording data. 0.1 kg, 75 thrones, scarce availability

Backpack – stores up to 30 kg of materials, and 6 liters of space. Putting an object in or taking an object out is a full round action. 2 kg, 10 thrones, abundant availability

Chameleoline cloak - +20 to stealth tests while stationary. -30 penalt to BS tests against you, while stationary. 0.5 kg, 200 thrones, rare availability

Chrono – time piece, can be worn or put in a pocket. Manually set. 0.1 kg, 25 thrones, Plentiful availability

Clip harness/drop harness - +30 to climb tests and cannot fall while using it. Top weight limit for normal quality is 150 kg. Good 200 kg, best 250 kg. Poor has +20 bonus instead of +30. 2 kg, 40 thrones, common availability.

Clothing – any style, any kind of status, 1kg to 5 kg, 1 throne to 1,000 thrones, plentiful to rare availability.

Combat vest – holds 30 kg of weapons, clips and grenades. Draw weapons attached as a free action and reduce reload times of clips stores in vest by ½ round, to a minimum of a free action. 2 kg, 20 thrones, scarce availability.

Combi-tool - +10 to tech use tests. 1 kg, 200 thrones, rare availability

**Comm leach – heretical item to adeptus Mechanicus. Make a tech use test <Int>, on success listen in on open comm channels within 1 km. Failure by 4 degrees or more alerts the people transmitting and receiving to someone listening in. 1 kg, 500 thrones, very rare availability.

Concealed holster- hide any pistol sized weapon. Weapons hidden this way inflict a -20 penalty on awareness tests to find weapons on acolyte. Draw time increases by one half round (half round to full round draw for pistols), 1 kg, 50 thrones, average availability.

Dataslate – can store and record new data. Able to record video and audio using pict recorders. Good quality can transmit and receive data wirelessly. 0.5 kg, 10 thrones, common availability

Dead space ear piece - +20 bonus on resistance tests vs sound, including from the concussive weapon trait. 0.1 kg, 250 thrones, very rare availability

Demolition kit – 5 krak mines, 100 meters of detcord, 5 proximity sensors that can light detcord or active mines directly with 75 perception and the awareness skill. Detcord burns at 1 meter per round. Can refill contents in any place you can find krak mines, no availability test to refill. Half cost to refill completely empty kit. 4 kg, 200 thrones, very rare availability.

Diagnosticator – +20 to any Medicae <Per> tests. 4 kg, 100 thrones, rare availability.

Disguise kit – +10 to deceive tests to impersonate another person if you have half an hour to prepare and an image and/or voice recording of the target. May refill the kit for half price in any location it would be available without a requisition test. Good for 5 uses before it needs to be refilled. 2 kg, 250 thrones, very rare availability.

Excrutiator Kit – +20 to interrogation tests. May refill the kit for half price in any location it would be available without a requisition test. Good for 5 uses before it needs to be refilled. 2 kg, 200 thrones, very rare availability.

Explosive collar – collar used to control prisoners. A remote comes with the device. Counts as a frag grenade detonating when triggered. Tech use test with -20 penalty to remove. Failing by 2 or more degrees causes the device to detonate. 3kg for collar, 0.5 kg for remote, 100 thrones, scarce availability.

Field sutures – +30 to Medicae tests to stop blood loss. Medicae tests to stop blood loss are a half action with this item. 0.5 kg, 20 thrones, average availability.

Filtration plugs – goes into nose, gives a +20 bonus to resistance tests against poisonous or hazardous gases or smoke in the air. Poor quality only works for 6 hours of use in hazardous environments and good gives a +30 bonus instead of +20. No weight, 20 thrones, common availability

Glow globe/stablight – glow globes provide soft illumination in 12 meter radius in all directions. Complete darkness becomes dimly lit in its radius. Stab lights provide. Bright illumination for 60 degree arcs in front of the device for 24 meters. Turns complete darkness to brightly lit in radius and arc. Awareness tests to find users of these devices in darkness receive a +30 bonus. 0.5 kg, 2 thrones, abundant availability.

Grapnel and line – 100 meters of line to scale a building. BS test +20 to correctly target building or cliff top. Ascend at 5m/round (total length in 1 minute and 40 seconds.) 2 kg, 25 thrones, common availability.

Grav chute – Worn on back, reduces fall speeds so that acolyte never takes damage from falling while wearing this. Gives +20 to Operate (Aeronautica) tests to land where you want to land, giving you about 2 meters per meter of fall distance clearance. Failure counts as being off target by 1 m per degree of failure. Falls at a rate of 2 meters per round. 15 kg, 1,000 thrones, rare availability.

Hand-held targetter – As a half action, may grant another character +20 to BS tests with ranged weapons that have the indirect quality. 0.5 kg, 50 thrones, scarce availability.

Inhaler/Injector – Used to inject or administer a dose of a drug. 0.5 kg, 10 thrones, common availability.

Lascutter – good for welding and cutting metal or rock. Can be used as a heavy weapon, acting with the same stats as a melta gun without special qualities, with a normal range of 2 meters. 4 kg, 200 thrones, average availability.

Laud-hailer – Can amplify a voice or sound to be heard at 10m easily and 30 m reliably. 4 kg, 25 thrones, scarce availability.

Magboots – Reduce AgB by 2, may walk normally on metal objects in zero g. Cannot reduce AgB below 1. 2 kg, 50 thrones, rare availability.

Magnoculars – can magnify distant objects to see them more clearly. +20 on perception tests to see farther. 0.5 kg, 10 thrones, average availability.

Manacles – may be used to restrain one person. Athletics <S> test to break at a -30 penalty. Security <Ag> test to pick lock at -10. Acrobatics <Ag> test at -20 to squeeze out of manacles. 1 kg, 5 thrones, plentiful availability.

Medi-kit – +10 to Medicae <Ag> tests. Does not grant bonuses to those untrained with Medicae. Good quality has diagnostic cogitator giving all Medicae <Ag or Int> tests +20 whether they posses the Medicae skill or not. 2 kg, 100 thrones, common availability.

Micro-bead – allow communication with other micro-bead or box systems out to 1 km. May connect to a vox unit to transmit longer distances. 0 kg, 25 thrones, average availability.

Monotask servo-skull – can fly itself and moves at 2 m half action base flight and hovers up to 3 m off the ground. Different types have different benefits. Augur type acts as an augur as long as it is within 10 m of acolyte. Illumination type is fitted with a glow globe or stab light. Laud Hailer type is fitted with a Laud hailer that can act as a regular Laud hailer or play a pre-recorded speech. Medicae type acts as a medi-kit as long as it is within 2 meters of the acolyte. Utility type counts as a combi-tool as long as the servo skull is within 2 meters of the acolyte. 2 kg, 250 thrones, rare availability.

Multi-compass – works on new planets and colonized planets. Points direction, display topographical map within 100 km, indicate altitude and much more. Acolyte using multi-compass gains +30 to survival and navigate (surface and aeronautica) tests and always counts as having a map for purposes of navigation tests. 4 kg, 2,000 thrones, near unique availability.

Multi-key – +30 to security tests when opening mechanical and electronic locks. This item is illegal to own outside the adeptus terra. 0 kg, 500 thrones, scarce availability.

Null rod – suppress psychic powers within 20 meters, psy focus tests receive a -30 penalty inside this radius and the bearer of the null rod receives a +30 bonus to resist psychic powers. 1 kg, 1,000 thrones, near unique availability.

Photo visor or contacts – gives dark-sight to wearer. Good quality gives +20 bonus to resist bright flashes of light as well. 0.5 kg, 100 thrones, scarce availability.

Pict-recorder – can record video and audio. 12 hours of storage space, can upload to a dataslate or cogitator. 1 kg, 10 thrones, average availability.

Psy focus – bearer receives a +10 to psy focus tests. 0 kg, 100 thrones, Average availability.

Preysense goggles – gives dark vision to wearer and +20 bonus to perception in the dark. 0.5 kg, 1,000 thrones, very rare availability

Rebreather – one hour of air. Full round to replace canister. Good is 2 hours of air, poor takes 2 rounds go replace canister. 1 kg, 0.5 kg for air canister. 100 thrones, 10 thrones for canister. Scarce availability, common availability for canister.

Recoil glove – Able to use a basic weapon one handed without the -20 penalty to BS tests. 0.5 kg, 400 thrones, rare availability

Regicide kit – a strategy game played on a board. (Chess) 1 kg, 15 thrones, plentiful availability.

Respirator - +30 on tests to resist poison or smoke in the air. Good gives additional +10, poor requires being replaced after 10 hours of use. 0.5 kg, 50 thrones, average availability.

Screamer – a device with 75 perception and the awareness skill. Will scream when it detects any person or creature that does not have a pass device. 2 kg, 50 thrones, scarce availability.

Signal Jammer – suppress all vox communications within 1 km. 2 kg, 100 thrones, rare availability.

Static Generator – emits white noise on all vox channels within 30 meters. 3 kg, 50 thrones, very rare availability.

Stummer – dampens all sound within a 5 m radius granting a +20 to all stealth checks to keep from being heard. Has enough power for 20 minutes of continuous use before needing to be recharged. Recharge time is 1 hour from empty. 2 kg, 25 thrones, average availability.

Survival suit - +20 to resistance tests vs extreme environments. Provides water from reclaimed bodily fluids. Good is +25 and best is +30. Poor fails after 3 days. 1 kg, 50 thrones, average availability

Syn skin – wearer is invisible to those with preysense goggles and dark-sight trait. +10 to stealth tests. 2 AP at all locations. No Max Ag. 2 kg, 500 thrones, very rare availability.

Void suit – 12 hours air and -10 Ag while wearing it. Poor quality has 6 hours of air. Good has no Ag penalty. Best has 24 hours of air. 8 kg, 200 thrones, scarce availability.

Vox caster – radio transmitter and receiver that can support up to 10 micro-beads and has a transmit/receive radius of 100 km. 2 kg, 100 thrones, scarce availability.

Writing kit – contains writing utensils and 50 sheets of paper or parchment. Higher quality writing kits have better quality inks and paper. 2 kg, 5 thrones, plentiful availability.

This will be updated more as we go along.
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