What if Venus was Habitable

This is a notable point regarding the various greenhouse effects. CO2 only contributes about one third the total greenhouse warming Earth's atmosphere provides. Methane, ozone and nitrous oxide cover a small fraction, but the majority of it comes from water vapor. It's a self regulating greenhouse gas so long as a water cycle is active.

If it gets too cold, it condenses out of the air as snow, with removes insulating cloud cover to while also increasing the planet's albedo. Less heat is retained, the temperature drops further and you get a runaway snowball effect.

If it gets too hot, water vapor is retained in the atmosphere. Without large amounts of liquid water, plate tectonics slow to the point that the carbon cycle shuts down. Through vulcanism, atmospheric CO2 continues in increase, starting a runaway greenhouse effect. This is likely what happened to
Venus around 3.5 billion years ago. What water it did have vaporized off, getting the temperature high enough for CO2 to start being directly 'baked' out of the crust, which superheated everything to the point that H2O disassociated into hydrogen (which escaped) and oxygen (bound up in CO2 and silicate rock)

That is also how Earth is going to die over then next billion or so years. CO2 will drop to the point that photosynthesis is impossible. Carbon cycle collapses, then CO2 increases to the point that the water cycle collapses, which shuts down plate tectonics... and then Earth becomes Venus' twin.
Wait- so in effect, by burning all of the world's fossil fuel reserves, and returning all of that bound-up, accumulated CO2 to the atmosphere to enter the carbon cycle once more, we're actually improving the long-term sustainability of life on Earth (even if we're causing a mass extinction event in the process)? That's- actually pretty cool. Poignant.
Wait- so in effect, by burning all of the world's fossil fuel reserves, and returning all of that bound-up, accumulated CO2 to the atmosphere to enter the carbon cycle once more, we're actually improving the long-term sustainability of life on Earth (even if we're causing a mass extinction event in the process)? That's- actually pretty cool. Poignant.
No. If we burn through all the fossil fuels, CO2 concentrations would be the highest they've been since the Oxygen Catastrophe. The rapid change in temperature that would follow could stall or shut down the water cycle.
hmm what if the rob de-sides to use starbound style teraformeres plinks them down turns them on lets them do there thing teraforming the worlds to the type that would form if they had in there spot in the Goldilocks zone
No. If we burn through all the fossil fuels, CO2 concentrations would be the highest they've been since the Oxygen Catastrophe. The rapid change in temperature that would follow could stall or shut down the water cycle.
As far as I know there isn't any actual scientific model that leads to anything near that conclusion. Over the past 600 million years we've have CO2 levels go up to 7000ppm vs under 400ppm today, with the CO2 level not correlated with global temperature. That does not of course mean that humans, or really most species currently living would enjoy having an atmosphere with 7000ppm CO2, but it also doesn't mean that level is unprecedented. For that matter I don't know if even burning all the fossil fuels would let you get up to 7000ppm as there are a number of issues involved.
There's very little money to be made mining space rocks because of logistics. The theoretical space mining right now is mining resources to turn into spaceships in space because only by staying in space where it costs something's weight in gold to get something there is space mining possibly competitive.

Your lack of faith disturbs me, the infrastructure doesn't already exist, but thanks to the sheer amount of resources, some of it found very very rarely on earth it's not inconceivable that the first trillionaire could make their fortune through asteroid mining. Then you've got things like shy hooks if you're sufficiently invested/advanced or just dropping the asteroid from orbit into a pre-determined location. Getting the material back to earth isn't the problem you need only an iota of fuel, a flight plan and (plenty of) time. The real problem is that it's un-tread ground and therefor a risky prospect at all stages. But once we have it down, and space agencies have been getting practice over the years then...

The profit margins are insane if you can do it, and the main barrier to entry is two-fold, as mentioned before we've never done anything like it before, we'd be treading new ground, and second the legal framework for letting someone pilot what could be turned into a KKV near earth hasn't been developed. Then after those two concerns would come cost, simply because we're at about $3000~ per kilogram to the ISS. with just re-usable rockets.
As far as I know there isn't any actual scientific model that leads to anything near that conclusion. Over the past 600 million years we've have CO2 levels go up to 7000ppm vs under 400ppm today, with the CO2 level not correlated with global temperature. That does not of course mean that humans, or really most species currently living would enjoy having an atmosphere with 7000ppm CO2, but it also doesn't mean that level is unprecedented. For that matter I don't know if even burning all the fossil fuels would let you get up to 7000ppm as there are a number of issues involved.
NOAA put CO2 concentrations above 400 ppm in '09. In addition, the proven (90+% exploitable) reserves alone will put us over 1000 ppm. And there is a lot more 50+% exploitable deposits and things like methane clathrates have yet to be surveyed for inclusion in the reserve figures. Factoring in new extraction technologies and techniques and we have enough sequestered carbon to cause a significant shift in atmospheric composition.
Your lack of faith disturbs me, the infrastructure doesn't already exist, but thanks to the sheer amount of resources, some of it found very very rarely on earth it's not inconceivable that the first trillionaire could make their fortune through asteroid mining. Then you've got things like shy hooks if you're sufficiently invested/advanced or just dropping the asteroid from orbit into a pre-determined location. Getting the material back to earth isn't the problem you need only an iota of fuel, a flight plan and (plenty of) time. The real problem is that it's un-tread ground and therefor a risky prospect at all stages. But once we have it down, and space agencies have been getting practice over the years then...

The profit margins are insane if you can do it, and the main barrier to entry is two-fold, as mentioned before we've never done anything like it before, we'd be treading new ground, and second the legal framework for letting someone pilot what could be turned into a KKV near earth hasn't been developed. Then after those two concerns would come cost, simply because we're at about $3000~ per kilogram to the ISS. with just re-usable rockets.

The profit margins aren't there at all; you're talking about absurd billions in capital investment costs and operating costs that won't even see the first bit of offsetting revenue for decades and which, if successful, would only succeed in cratering the cost of a few metals due to increasing the available supply.
The profit margins aren't there at all; you're talking about absurd billions in capital investment costs and operating costs that won't even see the first bit of offsetting revenue for decades and which, if successful, would only succeed in cratering the cost of a few metals due to increasing the available supply.
Absurd billions of capital investment? We've already Launched missions to asteroids to harvest pieces of them for scientific study. We can do it, but part of the problem is the fact that these missions are one and done type deals, you invest hundreds of millions to build your system but you're not doing so in a vacuum if you're willing to wait decades on your investment returning then you scarcely need any fuel at tall, just start nudging asteroids along with gravity assists and do it multiple times. Furthermore this wasn't planned as a one an done deal. You're building space-born infanstructure along the way among the way skyhooks and orbital refining to bring down costs more. And cratering isn't the issue. You control the supply after all and in the early days when costs will be lost expensive it will be years or decades before another asteroid comes in bearing the sane resources allowing one to sell it slowly over time. Besides we can measure the amount of gold humanity has ever harvest by. The swimming pool quite reasonably and that's just terrible. Let's fix that.

Jokes aside though, I was assuming that this was in the midst of a concerted space born push considering the rest of conversation in this thread. You aren't the single lone investor. Everyone is getting in on space yoy're Just one who's decided space mining is where it's at and don't want to be limited to just using the harvested resources in space. Which in and of itself can be fixed by dropping the ores from orbit of you're feeling particularly frisky.

Edit: Written on my phone, I'll get on my computer to clean this mess up.

Right the central conceit of my argument is that you aren't footing the bill alone, you're once of many investors getting into space, an idea that was inspired by earlier talk of mass colonization in the thread. Then I noted that it costs about 3000$ per kilogram put into orbit already. and multi-kilometer long asteroids of a material you control access to and can ration out for years before a competitor shows up with an asteriod of their own sounds like a winning business plan. Most importantly costs will drop as further space-borne infrastructure is created, things like sky hooks or orbital refineries and maybe even factories and the like.

Finally the systems you're using wouldn't be limited to a single mission, their goal would be multiple, using spectrographic analysis in advance to identify asteroids with a large amount of target resources and slowly boost towards them, then nudge them towards earth and wait a few decades. The real risk is one of premature entry, (and re-capture once it's near earth you wouldn't want to point it too close to earth after all.) that is to say someone enters the market years later with a faster system and therefor get's their asteroid delivered sooner than yours despite starting later.
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NOAA put CO2 concentrations above 400 ppm in '09.
That's what I get for going from memory. We're currently at ~408ppm so the difference isn't significant for this discussion.
In addition, the proven (90+% exploitable) reserves alone will put us over 1000 ppm.
Depending on the model, the rate of usage and the state of various carbon sinks at the time, as I said it's complicated. However do note the target figure for more CO2 than any time in the last 600 million years is 7000ppm, even if burning all the fossil fuels would get us up to 4000ppm (which is quite likely) you'd still fall well short of 7000ppm.

we have enough sequestered carbon to cause a significant shift in atmospheric composition.
Depending on your definition of "significant" and various other factors, agreed. Personally I think getting it up to 1000ppm would be pretty significant, also likely quite unpleasant regardless of its direct effect or lack therof on global warming.
I think people are seriously overestimating how much more money would be put into the space program. Why would either superpower want to throw away huge amounts of money on it for no return?
The profit margins aren't there at all; you're talking about absurd billions in capital investment costs and operating costs that won't even see the first bit of offsetting revenue for decades and which, if successful, would only succeed in cratering the cost of a few metals due to increasing the available supply.
It depends on a number of factors and if there's something else to push space travel development (which in this scenario there is) then the cost of asteroid mining drops a lot. Still likely to be significantly more expensive than conventional mining, but it does give you access to minerals you don't have access to in useful quantities in conventional mining.

There are a number of things that space makes possible or at least easier. from medicines to casting materials. Back in the 1970s several pharmaceutical companies banded together to ask NASA about a quote for lofting and maintaining a drug research lab in orbit. the response was (going by memory) "NASA does not engage in commercial activities and our view is that it is inherently illegal for any US citizen to be involved in a project like the one proposed". so they people involved dropped that idea and made due with automated capsules lofted to orbit and figuring out ways to handle things on the ground. Change the legal/political environment by having commercial ventures encouraged and you'll have a whole bunch of stuff in orbit which means none of them will be paying the full cost of developing the infrastructure needed and the large quantity will drive the cost down in general.

I think people are seriously overestimating how much more money would be put into the space program. Why would either superpower want to throw away huge amounts of money on it for no return?
Because it wouldn't "for no return". Space exploration could potentially provide huge returns, even if not the ones they invest in.
For that matter it's actually possible to get into space as a commercial venture, but you need a political/legal environment that makes that viable.
Because it wouldn't "for no return". Space exploration could potentially provide huge returns, even if not the ones they invest in.
For that matter it's actually possible to get into space as a commercial venture, but you need a political/legal environment that makes that viable.

That sounds like a very long way of saying "this is going to be extremely expensve money sink for decades". The General Secretary wants to know why we should bother with this when he wants to invade Afghanistan and needs some cash.
That sounds like a very long way of saying "this is going to be extremely expensve money sink for decades".
Why did they have the space program in the first place? Why did the US get involved in fighting the soviets in Afganistan? Why spend money on the olympics? Why did the gold rush start?
All the same answer. Perceptions. Spce exploration and space research have produced huge returns starting very quickly, however they wern't direct. The difference is what people's perceptions are. It doesn't matter if there actually is any profitable venture (although I believe there will be many if they're allowed much less supported) what matters is the public perception of the matter.
Asteroid mining is never going to be commercially viable. The delta-v requirements are too large and frankly, there's very little point.

If it's, conservatively, 15km/s to get to an asteroid, that's far more than double the fuel than to get to the moon- and you want to go back.

Fundamentally, it isn't happening.

Venus is significantly easier since it's a one-way trip, but.... that's a one way trip.
I believe @Jared wrote a fairly interesting timeline back on the zoo AH.com about a habitable Venus.
If it's, conservatively, 15km/s to get to an asteroid, that's far more than double the fuel than to get to the moon- and you want to go back.
1)Where did you get the 15 km/s umber from? While there are certainly many asteroids with velocities relative to earth much greater than that (in March we had a small asteroid pass within ~17Mkm of earth at ~65km/s) there are also plenty which are much slower than that. Just in the past year we've had more than 260 asteroids pass within less than 30Mkm of earth at relative speeds of under 5km/s, about a dozen of them were several hundred meters across. NEO Earth Close Approaches
2)relative speed does not correlate to the amount of fuel needed to get there and back, much less the cost. It does if you assume the same type of engine and the same constraints on acceleration and time, but no one is doing that. If we were to go into asteroid mining we'd either use remote unmanned vehicles using high efficiency drives (ion drive or similar)that could get there very cheaply due to not needing to carry life support, or we'd use something like pulse drive (aka Orion drive) to move the asteroid to where we want it to.
An entire world worth of resources and clay in *no return* in your book?

Yes. Bare rock doesn't do anything useful for the people back home. As described by the OP, there's not even the most basic lichens, just ocean scum. We have an entire world of resources right here, where everyone lives and there's no need to lift anything out of a gravity well and then boost it again from Venus to Earth orbit. Why would any American or Soviet politician in the alt-70s spend vast sums of money on a project like creating even a colony that could feed itself when there's so many other options closer to home? Even a moon base might be easier despite the lack of air and water, because you wouldn't need to ship food and canned apes across the system.
With regards to asteroid mining, napkin math suggests you'd need something like two-thirds of the asteroid's mass just in propellant (LOX/LH2) to get to it and shove it back to Earth (for a Belteroid), and that's before accounting for boil off and other issues with storing the propellant over such a long period of time. So a Saturn V class rocket could bring back a hundred ton asteroid (eventually) which would get you, what, a few grams of precious metals?
1)Where did you get the 15 km/s umber from? While there are certainly many asteroids with velocities relative to earth much greater than that (in March we had a small asteroid pass within ~17Mkm of earth at ~65km/s) there are also plenty which are much slower than that. Just in the past year we've had more than 260 asteroids pass within less than 30Mkm of earth at relative speeds of under 5km/s, about a dozen of them were several hundred meters across. NEO Earth Close Approaches
Given that it's 10 km/s just to LEO, 15 to an asteroid is plenty reasonable.

2)relative speed does not correlate to the amount of fuel needed to get there and back, much less the cost. It does if you assume the same type of engine and the same constraints on acceleration and time, but no one is doing that. If we were to go into asteroid mining we'd either use remote unmanned vehicles using high efficiency drives (ion drive or similar)that could get there very cheaply due to not needing to carry life support, or we'd use something like pulse drive (aka Orion drive) to move the asteroid to where we want it to.
Yes, if we have magic drives, everything is doable. Woooo! This is not a meaningful line of conversation.
With regards to asteroid mining, napkin math suggests you'd need something like two-thirds of the asteroid's mass just in propellant (LOX/LH2)
Which would be relevant if anyone was suggesting using that sort of fuel.
Given that it's 10 km/s just to LEO, 15 to an asteroid is plenty reasonable.
Oh, you're counting the 10km/s to earth orbit. Then sure 15 km/s is reasonable, but the rest of your statement is wrong, especially given the entire premise being that we already have significant presence in LEO, i.e the asteroid is only 5km/s away while earth's surface is 10km/s away.

Yes, if we have magic drives, everything is doable. Woooo! This is not a meaningful line of conversation.
Who said anything about magic drives? the two drives I mentioned are ones we know are definitely possible, small ion drives are even something we actually use.
If your argument is is based on there not ever be any improvement in drive technology, then yes your conclusion is correct given that assumption, but it's a ridiculous assumption.
Regarding delta Vs to get to near-Earth asteroids:

From the Google Books copy of Space Resources: Breaking the Bonds of Earth by John S. Lewis & Ruth A. Lewis, Chapter 9, page 224-225 (edit: huh, for some reason most of the relevant section didn't appear when I tried to make a link to it, but I can see it on the book preview I got on a Google search - well, you'll just have to trust me, or look up a copy of the book yourself):

For many of the most accessible known asteroids, the sum of the out-bound delta Vs is between 4.5 and 5.5 kilometers per second. The lowest reasonable outbound delta V for any asteroid in a plausible orbit is about 3.4 km/s. The easiest known asteroid to get to, 1982 DB, requires about 4.4 km/s outbound. We may recall from the discussion in chapter 7 that the outbound delta V from LEO to the lunar orbit is 3.1 km/s, the delta V to match speeds with the Moon is 1.0 km/s, and the delta V to land on the moon (through the inner Lagrange point, the gravitational saddle point between the Earth and the Moon), is another 1.9 km/s. Thus the total out-bound delta V from LEO to the lunar surface is 6.0 km/s. Thus, as far as outbound propulsion requirements are concerned, the nearby asteroids are clearly superior to the Moon.

For many near-Earth asteroids, the total inbound delta V for return from the surface of the asteroid to LEO is under .4 km/s, with the very best candidates close to .1 km/s. For the return from the Moon to LEO, 1.9 km/s is needed to depart through the inner Lagrange point, 1 km/s is needed to kill enough of the Moon's orbital speed to let the payload drop its orbital perigee into the Earth's atmosphere for aerobraking, and about 0.05 km/s should be budgeted for circularizing the orbit and rendezvousing with the Space Station after aerobraking. Thus the return delta V from the Moon to LEO is 3 km/s. The comparable figure for the near-Earth asteroid 1982 DB is 0.1 km/s. Thus the best asteroids are spectacularly superior to the Moon for the return leg of the journey: the propulsion energy required per ton of payload is 900 times larger for return from the Moon than from 1982 DB!

It is important to realize that we are not talking about two or three asteroids with fortuitously good orbits, Even if only 20 percent of the Earth-crossing asteroids have round-trip delta Vs smaller than that for the Moon, then some 60,000 asteroids larger than 100 meters in diameter would be easier to get to than the Moon (see table 9.1).

There is another major difference between lunar and asteroidal propulsion requirements: for the trip to the Moon and back only about 4 km/s of the total delta V could possibly be done with an efficient, low-thrust, high-specific-impulse propulsion system. This means that specific impulses for most of the burns would be near 400 seconds (for a hydrogen-oxygen chemical rocket) rather than near 4000 seconds (for a low-thrust, high-specific-impulse mercury ion engine). This combination of much higher delta Vs and much lower specific impulse has a devastating effect on the payload mass that can be returned from the Moon.
Quickly skimming this paper and looking at figure 3 in this paper, most near-Earth asteroids have LEO-NEA delta Vs of 6-8 km/s - similar to Earth's surface to LEO delta V, but with the advantage that you can use low-thrust fuel-efficient rockets that would literally never be able to get off the ground on Earth's surface. And asteroid material return missions have smaller delta Vs, because asteroids don't have much of a gravity well to get out of, which is good because the mining equipment will be what leaves LEO and goes to the asteroid and the product the mining company wants to sell will be what leaves the asteroid and goes to LEO.

Looking at the Atomic Rocket mission table, delta Vs from LEO to main belt asteroids are in the range of 10 km/s. Early asteroid mining will probably focus on Earth-crossing asteroids, which are much closer and easier to reach. Generally LEO is not really close to Earth's surface in terms of delta V; there's a cliché that once you're in orbit you're "halfway to anywhere," and looking at the Atomic Rocket mission table that's not exactly true but it's not that far from the truth: LEO to Mars delta V is less than 6 km/s, and Hohmann transfers to the outer planets are mostly less than 20 km/s. And a big part of the problem with Earth's surface to Earth's orbit missions is Earth's atmosphere and the need for a high-thrust engine to literally get off the ground makes everything much harder. Fuel efficiency and thrust tend to trade off against each other in rockets, and if you need to get off the ground on a big terrestrial planet like Earth you're stuck using the rocket equivalent of gas-guzzling SUVs (that's what chemical rockets are). In deep space you can use fuel-efficient rockets that use very gentle pushes sustained for a long time to accelerate the spacecraft.

A major probable application of early asteroid mining is bringing construction material and station-keeping fuel for satellites and space habitats to Earth orbit, because asteroid material in Earth orbit is likely to be cheaper than Earth material in Earth orbit. Now, I'm not going to say whether asteroid mining is "realistic" or not, I don't think anyone can really answer that question and the technical obstacles are certainly formidable (if it was easy somebody would probably have started doing it already), but I think in terms of delta Vs the math looks fairly favorable for an asteroid mining industry servicing satellite construction and maintenance and space habitats and refueling/ship-to-shuttle transfer stations for interplanetary missions in LEO, with an important sideline in returning valuable metals to Earth itself.

This is kind of tangential to a habitable Venus. Looking at the Atomic Rocket mission table, Earth surface to Venus surface is 21.7 km/s for a Hohmann transfer, which is the most efficient but slowest transfer orbit (an Earth to Venus Hohmann transfer takes 1 year and 7 months according to the same table). Well, if anyone cares about getting to Venus that may stimulate interest in asteroid mining, because orbiting refueling stations will be very useful if you want to have regular Earth-Venus traffic. If you're writing this as an alternate history story, I'd say you have a lot of room to pick the scenario you think is most interesting on this issue.

You're ignoring a number of factors such as greenhouse effect, the planet's Albedo and planetary mass.
In my post I talked about how Venus could have less carbon dioxide in its atmosphere and a higher albedo and hence be cooler. It's just that those assumptions have their own implications that might give you a planet that's somewhat less Earth-like in other ways.

However it also has less mass to heat up 4.868 x 1024 vs. Earth's 5.98 x 1024 or 81.4% of the mass. Assuming the same thermal resistance as Earth that means it gets the effect of 1.89 times the amount of Earth's sunlight.
Earth and Venus have very hot interiors mostly heated by radioactive decay; I don't think you should model them as primarily externally warmed masses.

Wait- so in effect, by burning all of the world's fossil fuel reserves, and returning all of that bound-up, accumulated CO2 to the atmosphere to enter the carbon cycle once more, we're actually improving the long-term sustainability of life on Earth (even if we're causing a mass extinction event in the process)? That's- actually pretty cool. Poignant.
I read a paper on the long-term fate of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Most of it will go into the oceans within a few hundred years, and its eventual fate will be to get incorporated into calcium carbonate (i.e. limestone) and other carbon-based rocks over the next 100,000 years or so. 100,000 years is an eye-blink in geologic time; basically the carbon cycle will be back to normal in a very short time compared to the age of the Earth, and the biggest long-term effect of humanity on Earth's carbon cycle will be to transfer carbon from coal to limestone.
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In my post I talked about how Venus could have less carbon dioxide in its atmosphere and a higher albedo and hence be cooler.
You may have said it, but your calculations don't fit with those assumptions.
It's just that those assumptions have their own implications that might give you a planet that's somewhat less Earth-like in other ways.
Not really. There are a number of ways you could get this without making the planet less Earth-like. While water is a greenhouse gas heavy cloud cover will actually both reduce the greenhouse effect and increase the Albedo (one of the reasons Earth's Albedo varies).
Earth and Venus have very hot interiors mostly heated by radioactive decay; I don't think you should model them as primarily externally warmed masses.
While you have a point about the heated core
1)I'm pretty sure that Earth is mostly heated be the sun, and if Venus isn't that would be an easy fix for ROB.
2)This is a factor we can't account for, so while it does make the calculation less accurate I can't think of any assumption we can make that wouldn't be worse.
3)This means that Venus' potential temperature from solar heat would be even lower which makes it even easier for ROB to get is to the temperature he/she/it/Q needs.
You may have said it, but your calculations don't fit with those assumptions.
I think a 70 C planet would probably be uninhabitable over its entire surface; precedent from greenhouse eras on Earth is that hot climates mean reduced equator-to-pole temperature gradients. Carbon dioxide greenhouse effect is logarithmic, reducing carbon dioxide by half lowers the temperature by 1.5 to 4.5 degrees. If we use the high-end estimate and start with a Venus with Earth-like carbon dioxide and an average temperature of 342 K, you need to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide to 10 ppm to get global average temperature down to 320 K/47 C. I'm finding it frustratingly hard to find estimates of the minimum carbon dioxide needed by C3 and C4 plants - I have a vague memory that it was discussed in Peter Ward's The Life and Death of Planet Earth and it was something like 150 ppm for C3 plants and a few dozen ppm for C4 plants, that was what I was going with when I suggested an alternate Venus where Earth plants couldn't grow and the polar regions had a climate that was hot but tolerable to unprotected humans. Admittedly yes, this is ignoring the higher albedo of the mostly rock desert Venus I suggested, and that's because I was a lot lazier with my initial post than I'm being now; I just sort of took a look at the 70 C average temperature and the logarithmic nature of carbon dioxide greenhouse effect and how little carbon dioxide there already is in Earth's atmosphere and I just sort of figured you'd need to throw all the fudge factors in the direction of habitability to get a Venus that was even marginally habitable. If I start the fourth root temperature calculation at -18 C (255 K) I get an average temperature of 303 K (30 C) for an airless Venus, which I guess isn't bad, though it's still pretty hot and realistically a planet with a human-breathable atmosphere is going to have some greenhouse effect, especially if you want it to have enough carbon dioxide for common crops to grow.

Now yes, revisiting this I think I might have been too pessimistic and there might be a fairly good case for, say, a mostly dry rock desert Venus big habitable areas near the poles and an indigenous complex ecology with C4-plant-analogues as the base of the food chain in the areas that are cool enough for plants to grow.

I mean, there's a lot of fudge factors here so I think there's a lot of scenarios that could be justified on the level of being plausible enough for fiction or casual discussion. I vaguely remember reading a paper that said that Earth-like planets with slow rotation rates would be less vulnerable to over-heating because of how the slow rotation influences cloud formation, so maybe you could just have classic pre-space-age science fictional cloudy jungle Venus with the same very long day/night cycle as our universe's Venus and point to that to justify it. It kind of comes down to personal preference.

Personally I like the idea of marginally habitable rock desert Venus. Most of the planet is uninhabitable hot desert, but there are nice areas near the polar seas where the climate is hot but tolerable to unprotected humans and there's an indigenous ecology with C4 plant analogues as the base of the food chain. There are also small equatorial seas with a scientifically interesting ecology of thermophilic bacteria, kind of like hot springs on Earth but on a much grander scale. The native life shares a panspermia origin with Earth life and is broadly biochemically similar to it; it's missing a lot of nutrients humans need but some Earth crops will grow in Venusian soil (the Venusian air is too CO2-poor to sustain C3 crops, but C4 crops such as corn can grow). It's a much more marginal planet than Earth, but with industrial agriculture the nice parts of Venus could theoretically support hundreds of millions of people. If I were writing this as an alternate history scenario, I think that's how I'd write it; a world that's different enough from Earth to feel alien and harsh enough to be a challenge in kinda-sorta the way that Mars is, but nice enough that its presence might make a big difference to the historical trajectory of the space program. Note: this version of Venus would very possibly be easier to colonize than the one the OP described (the OP specified no indigenous life higher than single-celled organisms, which implies the land areas are pretty barren).

While you have a point about the heated core
1)I'm pretty sure that Earth is mostly heated be the sun, and if Venus isn't that would be an easy fix for ROB.
The surfaces of Earth and Venus are primarily heated by the sun, yes; their interiors are hotter than their surfaces because all that rock acts as insulation. I just don't think you can say "Venus has a smaller mass than Earth so it'll take less sunlight to heat it up."
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