What if the Na'vi (Avatar) appear in the Amazon Rainforest in the year 1400?

The Na'vi are very large and have a crazy biology, complete with super bones and massive add-ons to the brain to do their networking trick. All of these are crazy expensive in terms of calorie consumption and nutrients and therefore require a lot of food (and quite possibly some trace amounts of unobtanium, not unlike how humans require trace amounts of many minerals). Fortunately, Pandora is full of giant trees and megafauna with the same kind of enhanced biologies that they can eat. Earth is not.

The Na'vi would be a minor extinction event for the nearby animals and the humans relying on them, and quite possibly still end up malnourished because animals with normal biologies just don't give them the same bang for their buck nutritionally.
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Perhaps the premise should be modified to: what if the Hallellujah mountains replaced the Andes mountin range, with all wildlife and assorted environs/organisms included?
I think people are missing something here.

The population of Brazil in 1500 is roughly estimated to have been between 2 and 5 million. Inclusing that parts that aren't the Amazon.

A million Na'vi is a huge population to send there.
I think people are missing something here.

The population of Brazil in 1500 is roughly estimated to have been between 2 and 5 million. Inclusing that parts that aren't the Amazon.
No, current estimates are that the population of the Amazon alone is anywhere between 7 to 8 million to around 8 to 10 million, with the potential to be even higher as there is a large swath of the Amazon that currently remains unexplored(so we don't currently know how developed and populated it used to be). Estimates for the Inca Empire also put it north of 10 million. To say nothing of the populations of Central America, Mexico and North America.

The Americas were heavily populated before the introduction of old world diseases completely destroyed the locals. The introduction of 2 million Na'vi is still big, but they are still outnumbered something like 3 or 4 to 1 by Amazonia alone.

No offense, but you are either looking at some old data from before we found out how heavily populated South America(and Amazonia in particular) were, or your looking at the data from the 1600s.
No, current estimates are that the population of the Amazon alone is anywhere between 7 to 8 million to around 8 to 10 million, with the potential to be even higher as there is a large swath of the Amazon that currently remains unexplored(so we don't currently know how developed and populated it used to be). Estimates for the Inca Empire also put it north of 10 million. To say nothing of the populations of Central America, Mexico and North America.

The Americas were heavily populated before the introduction of old world diseases completely destroyed the locals. The introduction of 2 million Na'vi is still big, but they are still outnumbered something like 3 or 4 to 1 by Amazonia alone.

No offense, but you are either looking at some old data from before we found out how heavily populated South America(and Amazonia in particular) were, or your looking at the data from the 1600s.
In my defense, the first research that suggested 10 mil for the Amazon came out last year, at least here in Brazil. The publicly available data on the websites for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, as well as for FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) still suggest the 2-5 million estimative. Some research suggests that count is 20 years old, so, uh, shame on me.

And the current indigenous population of Brazil is only almost 900k, so I take some offense at you implying I didn't know the majority of them were killed, but only at that. Thanks for correcting me otherwise.
It's a rainforest. It's extremely hard to burn down a rainforest, because of how much water is involved.

It CAN be done, but it takes a while and a lot of effort and in short, the Na'vi are going to notice you trying to do it. And then you're going to be shot through by an arrow that's longer than you are tall.

Clearly you don't have a degree in Fire Science.
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