What if a "Benevolent" Alien Invasion happen?

Let me set the scene, It's the year 20XX and after few years secretly learning about us, the extraterrestrials comes to earth and they gives us a warning that if we don't surrender in next week then they will start EMP blasting and orbital bombarding any nations that don't surrender. One way or other the aliens have mostly complete control over earth. Instead of making our lives a living hell, the aliens start fixing many problems on earth like pollution, global warming, free education for all, decreasing poverty, and uplifting our society and technology beyond our wildest dreams. While authoritarian the aliens will allow many of our laws and world leaders to be untouched unless the law they view to be disgusting like force , teenage, or arranged marriages (for more info look here (185) The Child Brides of USA - YouTube ) and if world leader proven to be troublesome they would replace him and hid him away outside the public eye. Despite all most improving and fixing every problem in our lives and opening space exportation for us; there would be questions that need to be answered as a part of the main question. How would world react? What nations would surrender first and which ones would surrender the last? Which humans would gladly work with the aliens? Despite making our lives better why would humans rebel? What will you do this scenario? (for more info look here Benevolent Alien Invasion - TV Tropes )
How would world react?
Almost universally "Fuck".

What nations would surrender first and which ones would surrender the last?
Sliding scale of Authoritarianism, Democratic peeps surrender first, Orbital Supremacy is OP.

Countries like NK are getting *FUCKED* by Orbital Bombardment.

Which humans would gladly work with the aliens?
Most of them.

Peeps like Doomsday Prophets would get taken out and shot.

Which humans would gladly work with the aliens?
Most, with only a small minority trying anything funny.

Despite making our lives better why would humans rebel?
Because they're cultists/Conscripts/Stupid.

What will you do this scenario?
Stay my ass at home and mind my own business.

Though longer term would depend on the why of the invasion.

Uplifting is *expensive*

A/N: Am on phone.
Despite making our lives better why would humans rebel?
Revenge for the millions and millions of dead humans, and for the general oppressive behavior of the aliens. Somebody whose friends and family died in the invasion isn't going to care if the aliens make their lives "better". And humanity simply isn't going to go along with this without major and constant oppression, which will itself be a constant motivation for resistance.
If the aliens fix my healthcare I'll join them in a heartbeat. The benefits of becoming a vassal state under a benevolent ruler are immense in an unknown galaxy. It means protection from the unknown.

As for who surrenders first. Democracy's surrender first after trying to nuke the aliens and seeing it doesn't work. Interstellar civilizations would be so advanced we are apes in comparison.

Nations like China will go down fighting to the last man. They believe they are the future masters of mankind and the aliens will surely dismantle their brainwashing Orwellian society. They are also very racist against anyone not Han Chinese, to the point they are committing genocide against the Uighur's. I fully expect over 90% of the population gets drafted and dies trying to fight the aliens.
Revenge for the millions and millions of dead humans, and for the general oppressive behavior of the aliens. Somebody whose friends and family died in the invasion isn't going to care if the aliens make their lives "better". And humanity simply isn't going to go along with this without major and constant oppression, which will itself be a constant motivation for resistance.
I mean, no offense, but I seriously doubt that A) There would be Multi-Million casualties outside of a few exceptions, (considering what Shotgun has said,) and even then, I fully expect them to have precisely the issues that conscript armies fighting a superior for would have, especially since the Aliens would be mass deploying Less-Lethals and capturing people, hell, if they asked, I would bet that pretty much every other nation would jump China using Alien!Tech to keep them from risking Humanity's vassalage.

And there's no evidence of oppressive behavior beyond what's already expected and seen in human civilizations, ie: policing of laws and shit.

To further delve into Shotogun's idea, I honestly could see Humanity immediately going into WW3 between Pro-Xebo and Anti-Xeno factions. With the Aliens trying to stop it, since they're Benevolent.

now, there's 2 big differences in the scenario depending on whether the Aliens have some form of FTL or not.

FTL: Humanity is immediately going to accept Vassalage, Scifi has shown we're more or less fucked without Alien!USA backing us up.

STL: We'll probably be hitting WW3 by the time the Aliens arrive, Fusion Torches aren't *Subtle* in any manner. So they would be in a *very* good position from a PR perspective, helping to rebuild the planet after it likely gets nuked to hell and back.
I mean, no offense, but I seriously doubt that A) There would be Multi-Million casualties outside of a few exceptions, (considering what Shotgun has said,) and even then, I fully expect them to have precisely the issues that conscript armies fighting a superior for would have, especially since the Aliens would be mass deploying Less-Lethals and capturing people, hell, if they asked, I would bet that pretty much every other nation would jump China using Alien!Tech to keep them from risking Humanity's vassalage.
You don't subdue a world with orbital bombardment and EMP strikes without massive casualties, and you don't keep a population subdued without killing and terror tactics.

And you'd see people being killed by their own families for cooperating lots of places, not everyone just rolling over like you are saying. People just don't do that.
I feel that countries that have had a colonial history (on both sides) will look at these newcomers with great suspicion.
"Haven't we seen this before? When will the other shoe drop?"
You don't subdue a world with orbital bombardment and EMP strikes without massive casualties, and you don't keep a population subdued without killing and terror tactics.

And you'd see people being killed by their own families for cooperating lots of places, not everyone just rolling over like you are saying. People just don't do that.
That is only really case when a nation has surrender or not as the aliens are giving them choose, I think this video (218) Why Planetary Invasions Would Never Happen - YouTube and this video (218) Where are the Routs and Surrenders in Sci-Fi Space Battles? - YouTube best explains how in most cases people would rather surrender than fighting foe that can easily destroy them with ease. I am not saying that no humans would not fight to the end, I am just saying most would who love living rather live other day and accept their overlords gift then well die.
Frankly I'd be happier with supreme benevolent alien overlords than the corrupt and self-interested "leadership" we have around the world today.

My only hitch would be that they disallow things they view "disgusting." What sort of morality would an alien species have? Would it even align with our own? Perhaps they find working inside enclosures all day to be disgusting, so people are mandated to spend at least 12 hours a day outside. Meanwhile killing your neighbor for his money is considered an acceptable upwards strategy. If we want to honestly consider this scenario, we can't just use it as a soapbox for our own personal views. In order to seriously progress, we first have to more concretely define what sort of aliens these are. Are we talking blue-skinned humans with a few thousand years of head start? Or are these sapient energy fields who talk with colored lights and eat vibration? What is their history like? Are they haunted by a past of wars and genocides, or have they lived a blessed and peaceful life? Were resources scarce or plentiful? Are we the first species they've done this with?

All these things and more would have an influence on their culture, society and morality. Until there is a solid and comprehensive policy on the part of the aliens, we're really just talking past each other.
That is only really case when a nation has surrender or not as the aliens are giving them choose, I think this video (218) Why Planetary Invasions Would Never Happen - YouTube and this video (218) Where are the Routs and Surrenders in Sci-Fi Space Battles? - YouTube best explains how in most cases people would rather surrender than fighting foe that can easily destroy them with ease.
Except history shows differently. The world is full of regions occupied by vastly more powerful forces where the locals just keep on resisting and resisting and the bodies keep piling up. Just because the nation surrenders that doesn't mean the people will.
Frankly I'd be happier with supreme benevolent alien overlords than the corrupt and self-interested "leadership" we have around the world today.

My only hitch would be that they disallow things they view "disgusting." What sort of morality would an alien species have? Would it even align with our own? Perhaps they find working inside enclosures all day to be disgusting, so people are mandated to spend at least 12 hours a day outside. Meanwhile killing your neighbor for his money is considered an acceptable upwards strategy. If we want to honestly consider this scenario, we can't just use it as a soapbox for our own personal views. In order to seriously progress, we first have to more concretely define what sort of aliens these are. Are we talking blue-skinned humans with a few thousand years of head start? Or are these sapient energy fields who talk with colored lights and eat vibration? What is their history like? Are they haunted by a past of wars and genocides, or have they lived a blessed and peaceful life? Were resources scarce or plentiful? Are we the first species they've done this with?

All these things and more would have an influence on their culture, society and morality. Until there is a solid and comprehensive policy on the part of the aliens, we're really just talking past each other.
Oh I glad you ask these aliens call themselves Egvaks they look like this
Link: 5ce4c89b5826459d5a3895fe16f5316f.jpg (881×1208) (pinimg.com)
They have a few thousand years of head start from humans and are semi-aquatic and all doe they spend very long time on land they have go back to the water so that don't dry out but thanks to intelligence they have created special suits and buildings that allow them even longer periods on land. They even found ways to balance technology and nature. Egvaks worship the sea and nature as whole and due to this their technology is 99% renewable and very friendly to the environment. They believe in one Goddess and to them if they respect nature then they would respect their Goddess. This wasn't always case as the Egvaks was once like earth always divided and poisoning their planet with many religious groups always fighting in many cases they were worst then even earth. But after their a war left most of there population and planet in ruin, they have survivors came together and decide in order for their species to survive they deicide abandon everything they had before life and decide to borrow the benefits they form something new this has lead to create a new religion and new society in which they would never repeat the mistakes of the past. After 200 years of discovering warp drive they found other sentient race which was like earth divided. Seeing the mistakes of their past happing in front them they deicide to uplift the race and assimilate them into their government to prevent them doing same mistake as they did. While most of them religious they very accepting of other religions and atheism as long they don't harm them, themselves, or others. While most of their are like this not all them are same, some carry different views then others for example, while most are for assimilating races into their nation, others believe they should allow them to learn the lesson they did the hard way. They came to earth out curiosity as habitable planets are rare let alone one with sentient race.
You don't subdue a world with orbital bombardment and EMP strikes without massive casualties,
The EMP and OB hits are if someone tries to fuck around, not for general use. States as much in the OP.

And, I would assume that people's own self interest would be involved.

Don't get me wrong, I expect a *massive* death toll, since some countries would self-annihilate before the Aliens could depose their government.

But, by and large, Humanity will survive, and I would be one of them, since I'm not going to try and fuck around with the people with starships.

and you don't keep a population subdued without killing and terror tactics.
Historically, there have been cases where that is false, typically where the people trying to subdue the populace are given better standards of living, such as in this case.

The Aliens don't need to 'subdue' humans, we'll do it for them. Much like any case where a Sufficiently Advanced Society envelops a less advanced one, at least some of the population will cooperate.

And when you're given the opportunity to live a life more or less ripped out of Scifi, where you don't have to worry about any of your necessities, there's going to be a *lot* of people willing to cooperate.

Don't forget that large portions of the planet don't have the QoL of even a poor person in a 1st world country.

The upper crust of society are going to be in for a shock though, and probably be the ones pushing for resistance, because they want to keep their privileged positions.

And you'd see people being killed by their own families for cooperating lots of places, not everyone just rolling over like you are saying. People just don't do that.
I mean, yeah, but I was looking at the macro-scale, at what *countries* might do. I'm not qualified to say what anyone outside of myself and *maybe* my family might do.

But unless OP provides some more details about the Aliens, as well as their general tech level, we're not going to be able to discuss this much more.

They came to earth out curiosity as habitable planets are rare let alone one with sentient race.
Ah, cool, ninja's by the OP.
The EMP and OB hits are if someone tries to fuck around, not for general use. States as much in the OP.
Which means they'll be used all over.

And shows the mentality of the "benevolent" aliens, as there's no reason to use EMPs except as a terror tactic for collective punishment. The military uses equipment hardened against EMPs; they will hurt civilians while leaving the military basically untouched.

And, people living in bombed out cities with no power and massacred families don't have a "higher standard of living". This is "we'll be greeted as liberators" thinking, which doesn't work.
Except history shows differently. The world is full of regions occupied by vastly more powerful forces where the locals just keep on resisting and resisting and the bodies keep piling up. Just because the nation surrenders that doesn't mean the people will.
History also tells how that those people fight to death were are being treated unfairly, would been killed anyway, and have nothing loose the again these aliens not here kill all of them. They are here to approve ours lives better then any government on earth and again you ignoring that not humans want to die and again these aliens aren't here commit genocide on us and only cripple a nation fighting back like for example factories that make guns and OP any military targets like for example bases but I would admit I should hade detail in the bio
Which means they'll be used all over.

And shows the mentality of the "benevolent" aliens, as there's no reason to use EMPs except as a terror tactic for collective punishment. The military uses equipment hardened against EMPs; they will hurt civilians while leaving the military basically untouched.

And, people living in bombed out cities with no power and massacred families don't have a "higher standard of living". This is "we'll be greeted as liberators" thinking, which doesn't work.
No I said these aliens would shot the nation that doesn't surrender which means they would leave alone any nations that does surrender are you saying that all nations going to fight back to superior foe that they know have no chances that is not brave that is just dump.
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No I said these aliens would shot the nation that doesn't surrender which means they would leave alone any nations that does surrender are you saying that all nations going to fight back to superior foe that they know have no chances that is not brave that is just dump.
I'm saying that all nations will fight, it's what conquered people do. The military superiority of the aliens just means that it won't be open field battles. But you'll see everything from nuclear mines being detonated under enemy forces to snipers and car bombs.
And shows the mentality of the "benevolent" aliens, as there's no reason to use EMPs except as a terror tactic for collective punishment.
Actually, there are tactical+ scale EMPs being developed by Russia IRL capable of taking out military tech without breaking tech in a massive area.

You're thinking of a HANE, which *is* a Terror weapon. The Aliens would, as shown by the Clarification, have more advanced tech of equivalence to what we have IRL. Ergo, they can EMP things without taking out entire cities.

The military uses equipment hardened against EMPs; they will hurt civilians while leaving the military basically untouched.
We can already make EMPs capable of overwhelming Military Hardening, ergo, the Aliens will *also* be able to overwhelm Military Hardening, and most definitely do it more efficiently than we can.

And, people living in bombed out cities with no power and massacred families don't have a "higher standard of living".
Maybe, but the people in the refugee/aid camps would, especially in areas that aren't developed like Africa, or are heavily damaged like the middle east.

This is "we'll be greeted as liberators" thinking, which doesn't work.
And this is in bad faith.

Look, I prefer to think that Humanity wouldn't decide to kill itself trying to fight someone who is so far above us that it's not even like the Europeans and the Native Americans, especially considering that they'll be actively conducting humanitarian (Xenotarian?) aid projects across the planet, showing that they're not here to eat babies and murder civilians.

I'm saying that all nations will fight, it's what conquered people do. The military superiority of the aliens just means that it won't be open field battles. But you'll see everything from nuclear mines being detonated under enemy forces to snipers and car bombs.
Yes, and they will be terrorists, fighting a loosing war against a superior foe dedicated to winning the hearts and minds of the populace, and not Shock & Awe for the home front, (Which is what's stopping the wars IRL from making any real progress.)

Ergo, they will eventually be forced to either stop or die, hell, I would imagine that they would be forced to use the exact same tactics IRL Terrorists use, which will only exacerbate their issues with both support and supply.

You can't exactly conduct an extended asymmetrical campaign if you're not having the support/apathy of the general populace.
I'm saying that all nations will fight, it's what conquered people do. The military superiority of the aliens just means that it won't be open field battles. But you'll see everything from nuclear mines being detonated under enemy forces to snipers and car bombs.
I think the aliens would know that as I told to Peanuckle the aliens very similar history to earth aka they know of gorilla warfare, they also have experience in conquering a more primitive race and they have studied earth for while to better understand them but I do agree there would be humans fight back no matter what but will they win probably not especially when people soon see the benefits of becoming part of the alien's nation.
Yes, and they will be terrorists, fighting a loosing war against a superior foe dedicated to winning the hearts and minds of the populace, and not Shock & Awe for the home front, (Which is what's stopping the wars IRL from making any real progress.)
No, they are fighting alien invaders who will be busy making themselves extremely unpopular with all the killing they'll be doing, even aside from human xenophobia. You don't "win hearts and minds" by conquering people. And you don't keep control of a conquered populace without lots of violence and threats of violence.
No, they are fighting alien invaders who will be busy making themselves extremely unpopular with all the killing they'll be doing, even aside from human xenophobia. You don't "win hearts and minds" by conquering people. And you don't keep control of a conquered populace without lots of violence and threats of violence.

Well, let see where to start...
extremely unpopular with all the killing they'll be doing
Of people who are actively fighting against them, and are, by definition, valid targets.

They would also be offsetting this by the fact that they'll be conducting *the largest* Humanitarian Aid project *ever*

even aside from human xenophobia.
Again, they'll win a *lot* of PR points from basically singlehandedly uplifting parts of humanity that are willing to put aside their initial distrust to actually *talk*, and, as stated in the *first* post, they aren't immediately invading people.

You don't "win hearts and minds" by conquering people
And you do by providing them with a better life that they could've only dreamed of before.

Which is what they're doing, as stated in the *first post*.

And you don't keep control of a conquered populace without lots of violence and threats of violence.
Okay, but that's not true, look at the Romans, they managed to peacefully integrate most of their conquered people without having to constantly threaten violence

But, since it appears we're talking past each other, I suggest we just agree to disagree on this.
History also tells how that those people fight to death were are being treated unfairly, would been killed anyway, and have nothing loose the again these aliens not here kill all of them. They are here to approve ours lives better then any government on earth and again you ignoring that not humans want to die and again these aliens aren't here commit genocide on us and only cripple a nation fighting back like for example factories that make guns and OP any military targets like for example bases but I would admit I should hade detail in the bio

No I said these aliens would shot the nation that doesn't surrender which means they would leave alone any nations that does surrender are you saying that all nations going to fight back to superior foe that they know have no chances that is not brave that is just dump.
No, they are fighting alien invaders who will be busy making themselves extremely unpopular with all the killing they'll be doing, even aside from human xenophobia. You don't "win hearts and minds" by conquering people. And you don't keep control of a conquered populace without lots of violence and threats of violence.

Yeah that is why I add that detail it because the I want the aliens to be not perfect and little more realistic due to their history if you read their bio I recently posted in a way they are deep inside they are not different from humans on earth using the excuse of bettering the humans lives to conquer them. Also the aliens are playing long game here humans may hate them now but after decades rule and them not killing them all eventually most not all but humans wouldn't care what ancestors think about the aliens. It similar to Japan and America after WW2 once they hated each but after years of US occupation and trying to help fixing the damage of WW2 in Japan they became at the most friendly to each other while yes occupation and conquest is different it is the type game the aliens are trying to play with earth.
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Again, they'll win a *lot* of PR points from basically singlehandedly uplifting parts of humanity that are willing to put aside their initial distrust to actually *talk*, and, as stated in the *first* post, they aren't immediately invading people.
The talk consists of "surrender or we bombard you", and the lack of immediacy lasts for one week. The uplift only happens after the bombardment stage.
That is only really case when a nation has surrender or not as the aliens are giving them choose, I think this video (218) Why Planetary Invasions Would Never Happen - YouTube and this video (218) Where are the Routs and Surrenders in Sci-Fi Space Battles? - YouTube best explains how in most cases people would rather surrender than fighting foe that can easily destroy them with ease. I am not saying that no humans would not fight to the end, I am just saying most would who love living rather live other day and accept their overlords gift then well die.
There's a difference between battles and wars. Wars can be fought by a side that's losing or lost for decades or longer. This is especially true if the losing side in question doesn't really view itself as a 'side' at all.

You can go around performatively detonating landmarks or wiping cities off the map until 'earth' surrenders and some African militia dude is just not going to care.
So to add onto my last post I thought of how policing would work post bombardment. Given that OP hasn't stated a general tech level I'm just going to assume if they are FTL they have computer systems thousands of years more advanced than us.

Here's what I think happens. Earth is basically a closed system. Anything that happens inside it is essentially predestined unless outside elements are introduced (Aliens, meteors). With advanced scanning systems they could map earth down to the atomic level and use their computers to create a simulation one decade into the future. They will know not only what people are thinking in their own heads but everything they could possibly do under any circumstance.

Using this method they can use nanites to install kill switches in malcontents or subtly alter the neural chemicals of rebellious elements, making it so they never become rebels in the first place. The beautiful thing is no one will ever know the aliens did a thing.
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So to add onto my last post I thought of how policing would work post bombardment. Given that OP hasn't stated a general tech level I'm just going to assume if they are FTL they have computer systems thousands of years more advanced than us.

Here's what I think happens. Earth is basically a closed system. Anything that happens inside it is essentially predestined unless outside elements are introduced (Aliens, meteors). With advanced scanning systems they could map earth down to the atomic level and use their computers to create a simulation one decade into the future. They will know not only what people are thinking in their own heads but everything they could possibly do under any circumstance.

Using this method they can use nanites to install kill switches in malcontents or subtly alter the neural chemicals of rebellious elements, making it so they never become rebels in the first place. The beautiful thing is no one will ever know the aliens did a thing.
You do realize that you just violated the very premise of your argument as the earth is no longer a closed system due to both Aliens (the ones who showed up) and Meteors (the ones dropped on nations that don't surrender.)

Simulating 10 years ahead is a waste of time. If they can simply modify thought, then they release the nanites, then modify thought, and we're all happy campers unable to resist. But if they had that level of tech this entire thread is meaningless.

The real question is if their tech is good enough to protect them from suicide bombers, snipers, etc. Because there will be lots of people who do that, and the question becomes, can they, 'wait it out' without casualties, or do they have to take action?

Also they can't be too proactive about taking action because arresting my neighbor because in a week or two he would attack them might make me into the next bomber because I just saw my neighbor arrested for 'no reason'. IE thought crime.

So how do the aliens react to an alien being killed?
How do they react to a collaborating human being killed?