What FanFic Ideas Do You Want To See Written?

I know that there are a bunch of other fanfiction idea threads in the forum, but all the one I quickly looked through were either based around one specific media or were so old I didn't know if posting on them with anything less than a short story would get me flamed as a necro (I know the rules are different here, but just making sure :)).

There have been a few thread recently about analysing old stories and why we were drawn to them. This inspired me to make this thread where people can discuss ideas that they would like, show others fanfics that use those ideas or post links to the other fanfic recs threads/posts on the forum where a cool idea/fic already exists. (it's fine if it's your post/thread your linking, but I would prefer if you got permission from the original poster if its someone elses.)

The reasons I am making a new thread on this forum:
a) I want to have an area where ideas from different media could meet so that writers looking for one idea can be inspired by another from different media.
b) I am way to lazy to post this on every fanfic idea/recs thread in the forum.
c) The mods here a less likely to kick me for doing this if there is already a thread like this somewhere else I couldn't find (I did say it was a quick look).

Now I am new to making threads, so don't expect anything fancy like threadmarking for a while. In fact I encourage you to claim a post for use as personal index for your own ideas/snippets/recommendations as I miss the ability to look at a thread and see what my favorite authors have contributed in a post rather than the threadmarks, like in the older Worm threads or the current SpaceBattles Jumpchain thread. If this gets big enough (not likely but possible) those indexes are more likely going to be selected for threadmarking rather than individual posts.

If any of this is against the forum policy (again, I read the stuff but only quickly) Mods, I am happy to fix it if you let me know. Please be Gentle :oops:.


...Okay with all that set-up out of the way here are some fanfic ideas I would like to see done:

1) A Stargate/New X-COM crossover

I really really like Hotpoints XSGCOM however it is based off of the original X-com. With the X-com 2 DLC coming out in less than a week, I would really like to see someone take a different spin on the idea using the new franchise. It could be set as a crossover like Hotpoints with both the SGC and X-COM existing without knowing about the other initially, or it could be X-COM leaving Earth and finding the rest of the galaxy under rule of the Goa'uld. Starting post X-COM 1 or 2 with or without DLC, as long as it's not just a reskin of XSGCOM's plot.

Just imagine what Meld, Psionics or even the new factions from the DLC could bring in terms of interesting character moments. Is an Earthling Melded with alien DNA less human than a Jaffa? Is Ethereal Psionics the same as the ones that lead to Ascension? How would the renegade/remaining Advent troopers seek to integrate into Earth society or are they forced to make an uninhabited world their own? What does the Asgard Loki think of the Sectoids, from 1 or 2? (I would prefer he not be initially involved like in Hotpoints story but I'm not the one writing this.)

Heck maybe the threat the Ethereals are preparing for are the Ori, the Ethereals are implied to be partially ascended beings in the Bureau and X-COM 2.

EDIT: Are the Ethereals attacking other non Goa'uld worlds? Did one of the factions from Langaran (the three way civil war planet) give in to the invaders in return for domination over the other two? Do the Aschen work with or against the Ethereals?

2) A Campione or Infinite Stratos or other good idea reduced to harem comedy done "right" :rolleyes:.

I am not talking about a in canon fix-fic, bashing-fic or even a retelling. I want a fanfic that takes the basic premise of the story and tells it from a more realistic/interesting angle. Heck it would almost be called an Original work inspired by the premise rather than a fanfic. I know that there is a quest somewhere that does this really well (Battle High School, No SV- you are the waifu or something?) but there is still plenty of room.

Campione is easy enough, just make it so that the world magic societies don't kiss up as much to Godou, actually have some political issues/consequences between the different power blocks and not just have as much as a self-indulgent power fantasy. It's still a power fantasy and I wouldn't want it to go Grim-dark and edgy, but even Harry Potter had his Snape and/or Malfoy in the early books.

For Infinite Stratos, it's a bit more involved. I would like it if it didn't even go into highschool mode and was more of a high powered action/spy story. Think about it, some random knut just created super-flying shielded power armors that can only be used by women and the world decides to make a japanese style high school/battle arena to teach teenager how to use them without any form of military training. They might of had to because otherwise the mad-bunny would turn there IS off, but did nobody try to jailbreak them so that she couldn't? Is no-body looking into non-black boxed alternatives?

When the world finds that one male who could pilot these super weapons, they just let him go to this high school without at least trying to black-ops him out of there and into a Lab? Why isn't Japan using him as a bargaining chip to get more leverage over other nations?

I know most of these issues have in story reasoning (supper older sister is over protective) but wouldn't it be more interesting to see the background act out, where there is a shadow war to remove the control of the crazy-bunny scientist that's using the world as a personal playpen without her having unexplained plot armor. That the IS school now has evacuation drills to keep the students safe when North Korea sends its army to kidnap Ichika in the middle of class, creating tension between the older students who are inconvenienced by this upset to their scheduled. That Ichika doesn't rival Kirito from SAO in the "Just That Good Anime Protagonist" awards. Infinite Stratos abridged by something witty entertainment as a fanfic would be cool as well I suppose.

Just keep the gender topic balanced, I can't tell you how many fics I dropped because someone used them as a method of preaching. I'm not saying it is not an issue in the series, just don't make it seem like its written to support the views of the mythical/stereotypical fedora tipper.

3) A Xianxia/Wuxia/Eastern Fantasy deconstruction/re-construction comedy in the lines of what KonoSuba or DanMachi did for Western/JRPG Fantasy.

What it says in the title.


That it for now, I hope that you all find this NOT a waste of your time.
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I want to see a crossover between Gantz and Fate Stay Night. Or Fate Zero

A Master (pick one, two, or everyone) died in the course of the war. He/ she was resurrected in a room in Shinto. A room with black ball singing cheery song.

The Master kill alien and come back to the Holy Grail War armed with powered suit and beam gun and supersword. Yeah
I want to see a Wormfic written in the style of a history book, chronicling the history of Parahumanity, from Vikare to Golden Morning. Maybe even something like an AH.com timeline. Or maybe covering a more constrained topic, such as the history of the Protectorate, or the rise and fall of the Triumvirate, or the stories of the some of the major Endbringer battles we never saw in Canon. I really like Worm as a setting, so I want to see more stories that explore it.
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I want to see a crossover between Gantz and Fate Stay Night. Or Fate Zero
Haven't thought of a crossover like that...

I want to see a Wormfic written in the style of a history book, chronicling the history of Parahumanity, from Vikare to Golden Morning. Maybe even something like an AH.com timeline.

...or a worm fic like that either.

Those are both perfect examples for the thread. Thank-you:D.
I am a fan of Tenhawk's Journeyverse, yes it is essentially an action movie/tv show but it encompasses a lot of different shows and movies well
Follows primarily a Buffy/Angelverse but well written to include, Charmed, Hercules, Hacker's, Stargate, Alien, Predator's, Witchblade, The Darkness, Charlie's Angels, Knight Rider, Dark Angel, Highlander, Star Trek, Walker Texas Ranger's,Dogma, The X-File's, Roswell, Iron Eagle,Lara Croft, True Lie's, Eight Legged Freaks,Pretendor, Jack of all Trades. Their are other's but this is just off the Top of my head.
The thought has crossed my mind of what a Dr. Who/Smallville/Stargateverse/Buffyverse would look like.
then I found worm and could not get the thought of Contessa/Bonesaw/Amy creating clone taylor (baby) and droping her off in smallvile with all knowledge and power she had before her shard was Jailbroken.
Worm/One Piece
Either Miss Militia, Armsmaster or Taylor are stuck in One piece. That can eat a devil fruit but those are hard to find (get a barrel of a bunch of fruit and kill a df user. Surprisingly im not sure who is more broken Miss Militia or Armsmaster. But the DenDen mushi do act as relay bugs.

Buffy after the halloween fic(rest of the seasons)
dressed as members of agents of shield
Xander was Phil Coulson
Buffy Melinda May
Willow was Daisy
Oz was Fitz
Cordelia was Ophiela
Angel was Hive
it would be funny if Xander and the scoobs accidentally formed a new Shield branch from the students of the school. Angel would eventually become alive.
Subtle triangle between Buffy ,Angel,Xander. Willow and Oz get together but cordelia is conflicted between xander and oz.

OC Teacher in D.C. cinematic universe

Worm/Fate stay Zero-night: The Daunting path of Shinji Matou.
Shinji triggers with Dauntlesses power, this will change his personality some and the subtle urging passengers give might prevent him becoming the despicable person he became. He would have had about a decade with his power (enhancing pocket watch allows an ability like Kiritsugu's Time Alter)
I want more crossovers that aren't focused on power level as much as the fun interactions you can have between characters from different series.

I have an idea for a humerous Hunter x Hunter/FSN crossover that I've mentioned before (and have been trying to write but failing >.>). Shirou has been dropped in the HxH world somehow, not really important, and in the course of trying to get home he decides he'd benefit from a hunter license. During the food phase of the Hunter Exam, Shirou knocks Menchi's socks off by making delicious sushi, and since she passes somebody her verdict stands and everyone else fails that year.

I think it could be really funny to see everyone's reactions: Shirou's minor trait of being a great cook (and the fact that he's Japanese) now becomes his all-important skill as judged by everyone around him, and he's renouned as the Sushi Chef, master of speedily cooking up a spread of top-notch dishes and masterfully weilding knives that he never seems to be without; Hisoka was cocky and now has been blindsided, that's got to be fun; Killua is probably disappointed since the Hunter Exam didn't test for what he wanted and he's probably dissatisfied--maybe he and Gon could go on a trip together to become more well rounded individuals as that's what the world is telling them is important?

Anyway, there's more fun that can cascade from this change, I just think there's a lot of potential in these types of opportune crossovers that focus on a part of a character which doesn't get much screentime or relevance in canon. It's fun to make minor details the driving force/key influence behind all of their relationships. (Allen from D.Gray-Man meeting Mammon from KHR or Kakuzu from Naruto would be anthor example, to see how their positions on money and payments/debts would interact.)

Besides that, in general I find crossovers more interesting when they find foils between fandoms to contrast characters and see them in a new light. In one story the good guys might have certain traits that are only in the bad guys of another story, and it's fun to see how fic authors reconcile that.
BayonettaDMC fic with a MC that can regenerate parts of their soul, using the promise of Infinite food to get multiple demons willingly working together, with the plan to eventually make Inferno a better place (and have a huge army)
an idea that i had was for a worm crossover fic that doesn't involve the cannon setting...like having Harry Potter Trigger before Hogwarts, or having Izuku Midorya go to cauldron for powers...i would also like to see more FF14, KH(non romance) and M:tG fiction...not enough of that.
Had this premise running around in my head. I have no idea if it is of any merit but here it is:

When First Contact War arrived, the turians did not encounter humans, but artificial intelligences.

Of the hard singularity variety.

In seven weeks, the Asari Republics and the Salarian Union surrenders. The client races follow their example.

In seven months, the last major resistance cell in turain space is crushed. What follows is an AI administered surveillance state. So far, none have succeeded in overthrowing them.

And yet...

They draw no resources; their factories appear to make them out of nothing. They demand no labor; their synthetic bodies perform better by at least tenfold. They impose no culture. The Civil Enforcers are their only interaction with the AI community.

For twenty years, this unusual relationship continued unabated, yet questions claw ever deeper into the oppressed races of the galaxy. Who made these machines? Why have they done all this?

What is their endgame?

The answer lies at the place where it all began: Relay 314.


This is not an AU of a technologically advanced human civilization competing with the Citadel races. This is not a story of Shepard racing against time to stop the Reapers. The first is already resolved; the Citadel lost, everyone is now under the dominion of a synthetic empire. The second is uncertain, for there is no Shepard.

This is a story of alien cultures struggling to adapt to a regime that is both familiar and foreign to us as readers. It is a story of mystery as we wonder what agency humans had in this situation, or if they are even involved. Shepard may not exist, but the people that made the team still are.

Garrus Vakarian, a level 3 citizen and a loyal Civil Enforcer, caught between the worlds of synthetic masters and turian nationalists.

Liara T'soni, a former archaeologist whose work attracts the eyes of the planet's administrator.

Urdnot Wrex, a race-traitor that submits to the administration, so long as burying his rage and indignity ensures his species' survival.

Tali'Zorah, daughter of the Hero of Elysium, one of the last leaders in a twenty-year long guerrilla war.

These are but a few of the figures central in the mystery behind their robotic overlords. And it is their choices that affect the fate of their species.

Ascension Awaits
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I for one welcome our robot overlords. Through, at this point is there any reason the characters must be the canon ones. I doubt they would be the same ones we know and love or hate barring perhaps Liara.
I'd like it, if someone wrote an MCU fic set after Civil War which is pro-Accords and pro-Team Ironman in which, the Guardians of the Galaxy show up on Earth and to prove to the UN they have good intentions offer to help Team Ironman and SHIELD (Under Coulson's leadership) bring in Captain America and the Rogue Avengers to face justice. Main pairings if any would be Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson/Melinda May and Peter Quill/Gamora.

I've thought of writing this but I'm working on other fics right now.
Here's something that just popped up on another site:

Mass Effect's fandom is rife with HFY in the form of Humanity discovering lasers, plasma, non-eezo FTL, brain uploading, etc... What if you flip that?

Instead of just humanity having those techs, why not all the Mass Effect races? Essentially have all the ME races of the newest cycle look at the relays and go, 'yep, that's a trap' or at least acknowledge that it's highly suspect to build your civilization on an ancient relic you don't really understand. As a result, they build up non-relay reliant FTL, directed-energy weapons, and so forth.

One thing that I have been planning for an it is an AU version of Pfehisyoric Park, that 6 episode Dinosaur series back in 2007. I would probably use some concepts form other shows, and have Nigel actually be logically in his decision making.

The first major shift, saving the T-Rex is pushed off until they are certain that they can care for such delicate creatures...
Crossovers that try to seriously merge settings together and play themes off of each other rather than just have them bash into each other and go 'gosh how different you are!' are my jam.

More Bloodborne fanfiction. Just, generally.

I've been on a bit of a Naruto kick lately; an AU where Hinata was successfully abducted by Cloud and thinks she's always been a Cloud Kunoichi would be interesting. Equally, a 'no Madara / Zetsu' AU where... well, there isn't a Madara or Zetsu around to give a convenient bad guy, so its all Ninja Village subterfugue and warfare all the way down.

A Fire Emblem: Fates AU that quietly excises the dragons, leaving Nohr stuck between invading Hoshido for fertile land or going the way of the French Revolution, with a King who has completely given up hope for his country. Because seriously that game's story was badly handled.
Out of personal love for the series and my tendency to like crossovers a lot, and more so because of a lack of such things for it.

I'd like to see another series, crossover with the Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku series.

And I'd like to imagine it could have something going for it... but I'm not sure what it could mesh well with though...
The potential for action is always there for it and quite spectacularly if you can think of the how. It has quite the cast to do it with, more so if you include the historical spinoffs, Kenzan or Ishin. Maybe even the make the game mechanic of "Heat" be something acknowledged like ki or the sorts, in it or in another world.

Unfortunately the amount of crossover fics for the series is low but I feel like I can understand why somewhat because of the source's more serious tones possibly or outright lack of interest in the series itself sadly.
Though I hope to come across one at some point that manages to make sure the series works well with the others... even if I don't know the 2nd series all that well.
A lot more crossover fan art than stories, from what I've seen as a sidenote.

The only series I can think to really make some quick possibly crosses for some reason are... Persona and RWBY.
Reason? I'm not certain, just how I feel about it and I believe that there are possibly better alternatives.
Ok the one I have always wanted to read was a Worm/Kick-ass story. Taylor and Hitgirl would be an awesome vigilante team.

An FSN fic where Shirou? struggles to solve Rider's problem.

As in, yes lets try and save Sakura, avert the Grail disaster but somewhere in the way, somehow, with time travel? Substitute? shennanigans save her sisters from the chopping block.

Wish fullfilement yes but there are fics out there that deal with Saber, or Medea or...

I would like to see one dealing with Rider's issue.
I want a Legend of Zelda that ties most of the games together.

Possibly from the pov of ocarina of time Link finding out how Zelda messed up all of Hyrules history forever more by undoing Ganondorfs death and starting a cycle of repeating history as a splintering timelines fight against what she did with the ocarina of time.
I want Tower of God fanfics focusing on original characters. There are too little Tower of God fics and most of them are focussed on Baam or his non-existent love life.
A fic with a generation or two down the line. Seeing the grandchildren of the main characters and how the world changed after the main plot ended. Worm or Harry Potter would be my prefered settings.
Personally, I'd like to see something set in Strike Legion. Just something exploring one of the plot hooks, or even a crossover. Character interaction might be... a bit difficult considering that even a mediocre Legionaire is far above even other transhumans in both physical and mental ability, but I'd still like to see someone at least try it.