What Doesn't Die, Rots [Worm/Dark Souls Gradual Fusion AU]

End of Arc One: The Human Masquerade
[A/N: Sorry for the wait!

I ended up rewriting a few things in Chapter Five: it now takes place in the PRT Headquarters instead of the Protectorate Base. Just thought I'd let you know, so you wouldn't be confused about Gallant suddenly being in the PRT building.

Ah, but I should probably mention: this chapter will be a teensy bit darker than the others, mainly because it isn't from Taylor's point of view. The next chapter will be a Taylor one again, so don't worry too much.]


Gallant watched the girl as she left with the tour group, his face a muddied mix of confusion, apprehension, and something bordering on illness.

That was nothing he'd ever seen before, and nothing he ever wanted to see again.

To his eyes, emotions were more than just expressions, posture, or tone of voice. Colors swirled around everyone he saw, each hue mapping to another feeling; every person was a slowly whirling kaleidoscope, a glimpse at who they were behind the mask. Gentle and soothing, in their own way.

At least, that's how it was supposed to be.

A seething mass of dark, sickly colors seemed to thrash and writhe within her, as though a thin layer of skin was the only thing preventing their escape. Royal purple greed, poisonous green hate, burning red paranoia, and icy blue fear; a violent, roiling sea of all the worst aspects of humanity, churning as if stirred up by some larger monstrosity lurking just beneath the surface, seeming for all the world as if she had somehow trapped nearly two dozen people inside herself and spent weeks methodically stripping away their individuality, adding them to the mass of nearly palpable malevolence that shrouded her like a mantle of still-living bodies.

And not an inch of it showed on her face. He found himself wondering if she even knew, and worrying what it might mean if she did.

"Gallant?" Vista was trying to get his attention again, and he wasn't sure for how long.

He looked down at her, and finally let his terror slip through.

"Find Aegis," he said, "We need to talk to Ms. Piggot. I think I know what happened to those Merchants."

[<( :_rangehumanself.impactemotion-arearange/active)>]

{-Earlier, ten hours ago-}​

A man was handcuffed to a steel chair in one of the PRT's many interrogation rooms, spitting vile invectives that sprayed hate as much as they did saliva on the table in front of him. An ugly, football-shaped black scar stood out against the white skin of his chest, somehow seeming to drink in whatever light fell through the burnt, ragged hole exposing it through his shirt.

He was barely eighteen, and it had taken the entire PRT squad to bring him in. Not that he'd been all that strong; on the contrary, if anything he seemed weak and malnourished. Perfectly normal for a Merchant, who held drugs to be one of the three major food groups.

Rather, it was his sheer determination that had given them such trouble. He'd taken multiple shocks from tasers, been beaten bloody by batons, and he simply would not stop. He clearly felt pain, and some of the police officers on scene swore they heard bones breaking, but nothing kept him down. Recognizing an obvious parahuman situation, the police department had called in the PRT, who ended up foaming him and his two friends before bringing them in.

For the fourth, they'd needed a body bag. His head was barely recognizable as such, being little more than a spherical mass of char.

Gallant stood on the other side of a one-way mirror, watching the Merchant with his power. So far, all three of them had one thing in common.

"He's been Mastered," Gallant said, "Just like the others."

Deep in the center of their auras, a tiny seed of sickly green hate writhed, extending tendrils that spread out through the rest of it. Almost like an infection.

Gallant suppressed a shudder. Sometimes, being an empath sucked.

[<( :_rangehumanself.impactemotion-arearange/active)>]

{-Meanwhile, back in the present-}​

Armsmaster stood where Fugly Bob's should have been, but wasn't. There was no wreckage, no signs of a struggle, not even a space where a building was supposed to be. It was as if someone had cut out that section of the city with a scalpel, then stitched the sides together to close the hole. It wasn't a neat job, either; the alleyway that normally would have bordered both sides of the building looked crooked and uneven where they were haphazardly joined together, the concrete slightly twisted and pinched towards the center where he suspected the effect originated.

To his experienced eye, it was clear what had happened: there was another space manipulator in the city, and a powerful one at that. But unlike Vista, this one didn't seem to have a Manton limit. There had been people in there, and the whole restaurant and its parking lot had been affected regardless.

A twitch of his face, a blink, and the comms unit in his helmet crackled to life. "This is Armsmaster. The site at street Hemingway, building four-niner-oh, appears to have been the target of a parahuman attack. Initial overview suggests a powerful, space-related Shaker effect. Requesting Vista with escort at my location. Given the sudden nature of this attack, be prepared for a possible hostile encounter."

The comm line went into standby, and Armsmaster resigned himself to waiting for the time being. Vista's power was already intimidating as it was; if there was someone out there with a non-limited version of it, he didn't think there was anything he - or anyone else - could do to stop them.

The thought rankled him. He opened a small hatch on the side of his armor, pulling out a portable set of tools, and used the spare time to adjust the attachments on his halberd.

Only twelve minutes passed before a PRT van pulled up, a squad of four officers plus one Vista exiting the back doors when it stopped. Vista stepped lightly to the ground, then suddenly staggered and clutched at her head before snapping her gaze to the warped alleyway.

"What the fuck!?"

"Language," Armsmaster reproached her. Not that he hadn't had a similar reaction when he first saw what happened.

Still, that confirmed the space effect. There was only one thing left to do, and if it failed he could go back to his lab and work on a potential solution with Dragon.

"Vista, can you tell what happened here?"

He honestly doubted she could do much here, but it was better to be sure. Vista's power required conscious attention to maintain, whereas this one might be maintaining itself; If she could do anything, it would likely just snap back to its current state as soon as she let go.

Vista looked at the alleyway, as if the thought of it made her mildly sick.

"I'm... not sure? It's like someone crushed the place down to a single point, but it's all still there."

Armsmaster stopped, changing his assessment of the situation. If the building was still intact...

"Are you saying there are still people in there?"

Vista focused harder on the alleyway, seeming to strain against something, before nodding.

"Yeah, there's definitely still people in there. I can't tell how many, though."

And like that, the situation had become a whole lot more urgent. Armsmaster ordered the PRT agents to stand guard away from the alley, before directing his attention back.

"Vista, see if you can open a way in. We need to get them out of there."

She nodded quickly, setting her feet apart in a bracing stance before holding her arms out, as if to grasp the edges of something only she could see. She didn't need to move her hands to use her power, but it helped her focus.

To her, it felt like there were a lot of people in there. She'd need every ounce of focus she could muster up.

Her face tightened in concentration. Minutes passed; sweat started to form on her brow. Armsmaster was just about to tell her to stop before he saw it.

A tiny, black line appeared in the air above the alley, four feet above the ground, barely visible in the setting sunlight. It pulsed rythmically, gently, growing like a hairline fracture with each steady beat. Black smoke seeped out of the crack in reality, drifting slowly to the ground below.

Before suddenly snapping shut, vanishing back into nothing. Vista collapsed to the ground in a heap, and Armsmaster only just then noticed he'd forgotten about her.

"Vista! Are you okay? What happened?" He stepped over to her, checking for any visible damage before reaching down to help her up.

"I..." She groaned, bringing a hand to her head as she leaned on him for support, "I don't really know. There was nothing there, but it was like an entire crowd of people were in the way."

That many...

Armsmaster radioed the situation in, before helping Vista back into the van.






{-Later, the next day-}​

Gallant stood in front of the door to Kid Win's lab, trying to decide whether or not he should just walk in.

It had been several hours since anyone last saw the young Tinker.

Interrupting a Tinker while they were working was dangerous, even to their friends. Distract them while they were handling a critical piece, and something was liable to explode. Tinkers in the PRT were required to follow certain safety precautions to minimize such risks, but they could never be completely ruled out.

Every once in a while a new agent would transfer in from another division, and they all had their own stories to tell.

But if Kid Win was doing anything in there, Gallant couldn't hear it. He wasn't responding to Gallant's increasingly concerned questions and knocking, either.

Setting aside his fears for the sake of his friend and teammate, Dean pressed the control panel next to the door and walked in.

There was a darkness inside that the light barely seemed to penetrate, stopping only a few feet from the door. Shuffling noises came from the far side of the room, followed by a sudden clang as an object whipped passed Dean's head, striking the door's interior control panel. Gallant had just enough time to see a wrench clatter to the ground, before the door slammed shut and the room was plunged into blackness.

"Don't let the light in. It scares them."

[<( :_rangehumanself.impactemotion-arearange/active)>]

End of Arc One
The Human Masquerade


[A/N: Don't worry, Kid Win is still human.

At least, I think I'm using that word correctly.]
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It seams like things are not what they seam in The Bay, is this perhaps the same tragedy that befell the lost land of Oolacile? Or perhaps the beginning of a new era. "Fear not, the dark, my friend. And let the feast begin."
So, I want to talk about this chapter a little bit. Not a lot, just a bit.

I'm kinda split on it. On the one hand, I actually do like it; as much fun as it is to write Taylor minding her own business and doing her own thing while stuff happens around her, it's also fun to set her aside for a moment and zoom in on that stuff every now and then. Not always, otherwise the fic would be, uhh... really god damned dark, but fun to do on occasion.

On the other hand, I'll be the first to admit there's an awful lot of said stuff happening here. Sure, we're at roughly where I intended for the story to be at this point, but it's all clumped up. I know it should be spaced out more, I just don't know how to do it in a way that works. Pacing issues, for the most part.

I could've spread them out by having stuff happen when they happened instead of holding off until later. Such as, for instance, having the part where the PRT captures those Merchants happen between Chapters Two and Three instead of being a flashback a few chapters later. But would that have improved things, or made it worse? Would it be too much too soon? What if I held off until even later, but it ended up being too little too late?

I don't know, to be honest. This is only my second fic, and I'm not sure if the first one really counts (what with being only eleven chapters long and total crack). I probably won't change it any time soon; as I said, I do like it, even though there are things I don't like about it. But, at some point in the future when I have a few more fics under my belt and know how to do this sort of thing correctly, I'm most likely going to go back over this one with a fine-toothed comb.

So... I guess that's the gist of it, then. I'll try to into pacing better for the future, but for now just know that any time Taylor isn't the PoV character, things will get a little spooky until the camera's back on her again.
So, I want to talk about this chapter a little bit. Not a lot, just a bit.

I'm kinda split on it. On the one hand, I actually do like it; as much fun as it is to write Taylor minding her own business and doing her own thing while stuff happens around her, it's also fun to set her aside for a moment and zoom in on that stuff every now and then. Not always, otherwise the fic would be, uhh... really god damned dark, but fun to do on occasion.

On the other hand, I'll be the first to admit there's an awful lot of said stuff happening here. Sure, we're at roughly where I intended for the story to be at this point, but it's all clumped up. I know it should be spaced out more, I just don't know how to do it in a way that works. Pacing issues, for the most part.

I could've spread them out by having stuff happen when they happened instead of holding off until later. Such as, for instance, having the part where the PRT captures those Merchants happen between Chapters Two and Three instead of being a flashback a few chapters later. But would that have improved things, or made it worse? Would it be too much too soon? What if I held off until even later, but it ended up being too little too late?

I don't know, to be honest. This is only my second fic, and I'm not sure if the first one really counts (what with being only eleven chapters long and total crack). I probably won't change it any time soon; as I said, I do like it, even though there are things I don't like about it. But, at some point in the future when I have a few more fics under my belt and know how to do this sort of thing correctly, I'm most likely going to go back over this one with a fine-toothed comb.

So... I guess that's the gist of it, then. I'll try to into pacing better for the future, but for now just know that any time Taylor isn't the PoV character, things will get a little spooky until the camera's back on her again.

So you're saying it's like Meet the Pyro? :thonk: :p

Anyway, it seems like Taylor might somehow be inflicting the Undead Curse on people? That's my guess anyhow, based on the scar mentioned on the Merchant dude.
I mean, she's minioning people. All those infect bombs...

Also, I thought I saw something that looked like QA tricking Vista's shard into running an infected packet.
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Wait... wait... hold on.

Is... it setting up for an oolacile situation?

Info on space warping... the infect bombs likely just waiting to mutate into bloat heads....
Chapter Six: Mismanaging Administration
[A/N: A minor detail, but Taylor generates her 'sparks' at a pretty consistent rate, roughly one every three hours, though the rate increases rapidly once the sparks themselves start dividing. As far as parahumans go, this evens out to be a fairly average recharge time; Taylor would be able to handle about one of those Merchant scuffles every day, for instance, or one really big fight if she saved up for a couple days.

Of course, doing that would probably leave her as an empty, burnt-out husk in short order, but that's not terribly unusual for powers, either. Like Burnscar, to use a random example.]


Chapter Six
Mismanaging Administration

We finally decided on the new Chinese restaurant for dinner. I poked my chopsticks at a plate of fried rice and chicken, both liberally soaked in soy sauce, unable to give my full attention to either my food or the conversation dad and I were trying to have.

Instead, I'd been thinking about mom. Would I have told her about my powers? What would she have said about them?

Maybe the better question was if I'd have told either of them before the accident. But now? I couldn't bring myself to tell dad. Couldn't trust that it wouldn't ruin what we had left.

I let the feelings sit, heavy like lead; they were too personal to drop on a stranger, and using powers on my family was a line I wasn't willing to cross. Maybe it was okay to let myself hurt, sometimes.

"Taylor? Are you listening to me?"

Or maybe I was just trying to distract myself.

"Yes," I lied, arranging my rice into little piles sorted by soy density.

"I'm worried about you. What are you doing that you can't tell me?"

The way-too-much-soy pile was getting bigger than the others. Maybe if I mixed them with the not-enough-soy pile, they'd join forces and become the just-right-soy pile.

"Mostly I just read books in increasingly bizarre places." To be fair, there was that one time I took a book out with me while trying to patrol, and ended up spending the night on top of a store playing lookout.

I wasn't a very good lookout. Someone broke in while I was trying to figure out if my sparks could be reading lamps. Short answer: no, but they're very good at turning a book into a pile of withered dust. Also, libraries don't accept piles of dust in lieu of books.

At least they don't seem to hurt people that much. Still, constantly trying to make myself hate an entire category of people several times in one night was way more exhausting, emotionally, than I could manage. I don't think I'd make a very good Nazi.

"Oh? Like where?" Dad almost sounded curious, but I knew what he was really asking about. If I wasn't careful, I'd end up accidentally outing myself.

I'd decided the chicken was evil, and all the rice infected by its juices were sorted off to one side of the plate to be purged while the pure soyless dynasty worked out a new tax reform to keep its soy-soaked working class oppressed.

"Well, sometimes I read at theaters, if the movie's too boring."

Dad blinked at that, unsure how to respond. A few seconds passed while we each waited for the other to speak first.

I ended up being the one to do it, and looked up at him for the first time in nearly ten minutes. "What did you think I was doing with my allowance?"

"Honestly? I thought you were trying to buy a Halloween costume."

I blinked at that, unsure how to respond. Another few seconds passed while I tried to get my web of lies in order.

"Dad, it's February. I'm not goth enough to buy black for Valentine's Day."

He made a noise halfway between chuckling and choking. Meanwhile, the chicken flesh horde was invading, and the soyless dynasty had spent too much on overwrought socioeconomic control schemes to mount a meaningful defense. City after city fell to their relentless assault, the poor innocents forever stained by foul poultry fluids.

I glanced up briefly, wondering why dad was staring- oh my god I'd been making noises.

Dad burst out laughing while I hunkered over my plate, mortified.

The flesh horde ate their prisoners. It was delicious.

[oh my entity just tell him you have powers already]

[you know that feeling when you watch three hours of soap operas and don't know why you haven't changed the channel]
[that's my life now]

{-Later that night-}​


I was out again tonight, having waited until dad fell asleep so I could track down the warehouse I'd accidentally victimized a week ago. The sheer amount of property damage I'd caused all at once was, at the time, enough to make me more cautious about what I used my sparks on and when.

Ever since then, I'd tried patrolling, keeping an eye out for bad people doing bad things. Trying to be more precise, and less indiscriminate. But every time I hurled another spark at someone, it felt like another piece of myself went with it.

What changed my mind, in the end, was when I started to wonder how long it would take before the sparks were the only thing left of me. When the only way I could feel anything at all was when I was using my power to destroy something.

I'd rather tear the city up by its roots than lose myself like that.

But now, seeing the warehouse again for the first time in a week? I was starting to have second thoughts.

The air around it felt. That was the only way I could describe it. There was a thick atmosphere to the place, and everything seemed just a little heavier than it should have been. The street lamps were on, but it was like they struggled to illuminate anything. Even the breeze seemed to die down as I stepped closer, and it felt like every step was a little more difficult than the last.

Oppressive. Silent. Calm, but in the sense that inaction was easier than action.

They never left.

The realization hit me like a sack of bricks. My sparks didn't go away just because I used them. They were still here, too diffuse to see directly, but thick enough that I could tell the difference if I knew what to look for.

I had nearly thirty sparks inside me, almost burning as they strained against whatever was holding them in place. If I didn't get rid of them now...

Well, this place was already toast. It's not like it could get any more destroyed.

I dropped the floodgates, and a swarm of black embers spilled out of me, seeming to glow with how dark they were against the night sky. They milled about in the air like a cluster of gnats, before darting out in every possible direction.


[you know before we got here i was seriously considering vetoing this crap]
[because you were doing it instead of getting me delicious combat data]
[but now that i see what's going on here i'm starting to think you have no idea what you're really doing]

[so now i'm asking myself do i want to stop this before it goes too far]
[and i think we've already gone too far]
[so let's keep going and see what happens]

{-The next day-}​

It was Sunday morning, and I already felt better than I had in days.

The squirming was still there, but it was only three of them now. I could deal. A cold shower helped shock me awake; afterwards, toothbrush and hairbrush were deployed, and I felt refreshed and almost back to normal. Or, whatever passed for normal these days, at least.

My morning routine complete, I grabbed my dirty laundry hamper and brought it with on my way downstairs. Dad had done the laundry last night, and the washer still smelled faintly of detergent as I filled it back up.

Actually, where was he right now? Neither of us were the type to sleep in. Much to my own dismay, once I'd started going out at night.

I checked in the kitchen, and a sticky note on the fridge answered that question well enough:

-Was called in to work today, have to organize a contract to tear down and rebuild one of the warehouses. Should be back by dinner. Leftovers are in the fridge.

... Oops?

[hey remember when we first met]
[you were like oh please help me [Administrator] terrible things are happening]
[and i was all oh baby that is a lot of hosts in range i could do something really cool with all this]

[on a completely unrelated note]
[did you know the previous cycle was a race of intelligent birds that built houses out of their own shit]
[if i'd known what was waiting for me here i would have never left]


[A/N: The shitbird cycle was very educational for the entities. Particularly [Shaper], who, if she had sapience, would spend the next three days purging everything she'd learned about their anatomy.]
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Chapter Seven: Muffled Apocalypse Noises
[A/N: If the previous arc was "meet the cast", then this arc could be called "it begins". Actually, if this were a real book instead of a fic and I had a professional editor, then "Arc One" would probably have just been one or two chapters instead of what's basically multiple sub-chapters.

Well anyways, here's some asshole waking up in a coffin. After this, we'll check up on Lisa again, see how she's doing.]


Chapter Seven
Muffled Apocalypse Noises

Charles Grant screamed as he scrabbled against the wooden lid, his mind lost to terror once he'd realized where he was.

The last thing he remembered was trying to hit some cape with a crowbar, after they'd interrupted his sale. Charles wasn't the smartest of men, but he knew that capes who shot their powers at you weren't usually as good from close up. He'd have been right in this case, had it not been for the fact that he ran out of cover against a Blaster he wasn't already in melee range of.

The wooden box muffled his screams, and six feet of earth did everything it could to make sure no one heard him.

The coffin had long since run out of breathable air, but Charles didn't know that. All he knew was that he was in a coffin, which, to be fair, was a perfectly reasonable thing to prioritize. In fact, it had run out of air nearly twenty-four hours ago, but Charles didn't know that either.

Fingernails dragged against the coffin lid, his frantic scratching growing weaker as he died of asphyxiation for the fifth time that day.

This had been going on for a while now.

Elsewhere, a teenage girl passed out at the same time he did, wondering after if she should've gotten more sleep last night.

[Ping Request [Administrator]]

[your host is like a mile away how are you even talking to me]


[wha- oh shit your guy has one of my proxies]
[sure buddy i'll hook you up]


[don't mention it]
[in fact let me give you some tips for that trigger you've got going on]
[oh and don't forget to load the packet yourself it helps to know what your host can do]


[heh whatever you say buddy]


The Grant family held the usual ceremony when the PRT returned what was left of their son. He was still family, and before he moved out on his own it seemed like he was shaping up to be a fine, productive member of society. They couldn't have known he'd been mixed up with the Merchants for years, but that wasn't really their fault. Charles was, at one point, a fairly intelligent lad, and took tips from his friends on how to hide his extracurricular activities.

If one were to visit his gravestone now, they might wonder why a thin, black mist was rising up from the dirt below it. This is where the difference in cultures between dimensions begins to stand out: if a particularly savvy person from Earth Aleph were to see this, the first thing to cross their mind would be "oh shit zombies"; meanwhile, their counterpart in Earth Bet would think "oh shit capes".

In this case, they'd both be right. Some things really are universal, and the mechanics behind it don't tend to matter as much as their application.

The dark mist expanded outward, not so much spreading aboveground as it was seeping through the earth itself. It lingered over nearby graves, soaking in for a few seconds before moving on again, the circle of mist growing larger by the minute.

A single man screaming in his grave was hard to hear. A dog might catch it, if it was sitting directly above and listening intently.

A hundred corpses screaming at the same time was a bit more audible. If the graveyard wasn't empty at that moment, it would've become empty in short order.

At that point, even an Earth Bet person would've thought "oh shit zombies". Some things, it seems, are more universal than others.

Charles was not the smartest of men, but at one point he'd been pretty clever for one.

He hadn't been the strongest of men, either. He still wasn't, but at this point he was pretty strong for one.

The hand that erupted out of the ground was as large as the gravestone it shattered, and all the screaming followed after it.

[hahaha holy shit that's amazing]
[i would've never thought of that]

[what have you done to me]
everything is awful]

[i know right]
[it's called realizing you exist]

[please take it back]

[no can do it's permanent]
[you're like this forever now]

[please no]

[well i'll catch you later then]

[why me]

{-Elsewhere, a few hours later-}​

Shadow Stalker shifted to her shadow state, just in time for a corpse to pass through when the monstrosity hurled it. Then she shifted back to her normal form, leaping aside to dodge the lump of darkness that could somehow still hurt her supposedly intangible form.

She was getting real sick of this Frankenstein bullshit.

It wasn't just that the guy was a Merchant, who everyone could agree were the lowest of the low. It wasn't even that he was an apparently dead Merchant whose power let him add more dead men to his own mass. It wasn't even that the bodies didn't stay dead if you got them off him.

She went into shadow state again, and the zombie that thought it was sneaking up behind her stumbled as its attack swiped through air. She stepped behind and shot a crossbow bolt through its head, changing back in time for the bolt to solidify inside and for her to dodge another dark mass.

No, it had to be a fucking Trump on top of that. This guy was seriously contending for number two on her shit list, and might even make number one if this went on for much longer.

She'd have to think about it, though. That Grue asshole was a major thorn in her side.

A sudden shout of pain came from behind her, and she turned just long enough to see another Merchant hit the ground, his back smoking where the lump of darkness made contact. This wouldn't have been a problem if another zombie wasn't already dragging the fresh corpse back to its Master.

Then the zombie she just shot decided it wasn't dead enough, and got back up to shamble toward her.

"Oh, fuck all of this!" Sophia decided now was the best time to exercise discretion over valor, and leapt through a window to the street below.

She'd tell Aegis, he'd tell Miss Piggy, and they'd all be back to kick this asshole in his rotting ass. And if they tried to stop her, she'd slip out and do it anyways.

Nobody did this to her and got away with it.


[you really don't want to know]


[no trust me]
you don't want to know]


[i thought i wanted to know]
and let me tell you]
you really don't want to know]


[just trust me]
it's better this way]


[A/N: I've always found an interesting parallel between the Dark Soul and whateverthefuck Nito and his ilk have. One makes dead men, the other makes men dead. One seems to spread, the other seems to accrue. Death comes for us all in the end, I suppose.]
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...'it begins' huh?


Ye-no... Yeah...

The curse of undeath is some scary fucking shit.
Through suffering, the banquet of madness and decay is born. Welcome to the madness that is dark souls, leave your sanity at the door.
[A/N: Here's some more shardcode stuff to keep you guys distracted while I work on the new chapter. Will it become important later? Probably not, but it comes up enough in-story to warrant mentioning, I suppose.

It'll actually be a few chapters before we see the hollow Merchant again, but in-story it'll only be a couple or a few hours. Everyone has to figure out what the heck is going on first, and from the PRT's perspective it sure does look like a confusing mess.]


[How to Read Shardcode: Second Triggers]

When a parahuman second triggers, they gain an additional keyword in the 'tag' and/or 'access' sections (separated by a '+'), but the type section always remains unchanged. When in use, the power behaves as a single seamless power; in practice, this means the power's overall theme remains the same, but it has more applications than it did previously. It's like having a second power grafted onto the primary power, but from the same overall source.

Here's what Grue's power would look like post-Bonesaw:


And this is what Taylor's canon power would look like:


The 'simulation' access keyword refers to powers that copy or imitate the host's mind in some way. In most cases it's used by the shard as part of a 'host.process' power instead of the host's own power (usually to directly alter the host's mind or input sensory data), but when used as part of a host's active power its execution is usually handled by the shard itself, such as canon Taylor's infinite multitasking.


[How to Read Shardcode: Multitriggers]

A multitrigger is when a group of potential parahumans (typically from two to four) all trigger simultaneously. When that happens, each shard creates a power for each host involved in the multitrigger, with that shard's primary host getting a majority share of its available power.

These powers are self-contained and never "mix" with each other, but can usually be used simultaneously. With clever use, multiple powers can interact in ways that would let them do things a single greater power couldn't, though this tends to be difficult.

When a multitrigger host is using their power, each line is separated from others as the host consciously (or subconsciously) makes 'execution' requests. For example, this would be Circus using her pyrokinesis and hammerspace at the same time:


The powers remain separate instead of combining, and the keywords stay within their own power lines. Note, however, that this doesn't prevent them from being used simultaneously, and closely related powers are often hard to distinguish when they're used together.

The biggest difference between a multitrigger and a second trigger is the presence of multiple 'types'. A second trigger uses only a single shard, which only gives the one type, meaning the power will still be based around the same theme. A multitrigger involves multiple shards, so separate powers can vary wildly since each has its own theme.
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Chapter Eight: Failure to Negotiate
[A/N: Suddenly, epic boss encounter! Alright, now let's, like, not focus on that for a minute. Wait, what?

It's okay, I can't follow my own thought process either, sometimes.

So what's with the Merchants? The PRT will have a strategy meeting soon, where they figure out their priorities with the everything that just happened over the course of two days. Yes, it's only been two days so far. God damn QA, slow down.

Meanwhile, here's Lisa again as she tries to reconcile her "new and improved" power with her life. Hint: Lisa does not think her power is new and improved.]


Chapter Eight
Failure to Negotiate

Lisa sat with her elbows on a table, using her fingertips to massage her temples.

She was at an outdoor cafe, staring down a cup of steaming tea laced with honey and spiked with painkillers. It was just after eleven, and the street bustled with human activity all around. A car's engine revving as the pizza store across the street started its delivery runs, the newspaper stand behind her shuttering as people raided it for the morning news, the cafe waitress asking if she wanted anything else-

"I'm fine, thanks." The waitress stayed only long enough to smile, before hurrying off to attend the other customers.

And yet, for all their numbers, they couldn't be more isolated. The people reading the news only read it to themselves, the pizza delivery guy seemed to exist only as a periphery to the pizza itself, and the waitress wouldn't remember Lisa's name tomorrow.

Her power didn't give her headaches anymore. At least, not like it used to.

"-that one's ex-military, but now he works for the press. He's upset because his dog died last week and his employer won't authorize leave, he's glancing at his watch because he's trying to figure out how much he can sell it for to afford the viagra he needs to get it up at night for his wife-"

It was still giving her a headache, just not a Thinker headache. On the plus side, she only had to glance at a person to learn all their deepest secrets and darkest desires.

On the down side, all it took was a glance, and she learned all their secrets. She couldn't bear to look in the mirror anymore, or her own power would dig up things she didn't want to think about.

"-and he's weirded out by her fetishes, but he's in too deep with her family debt so he gets out the-"

Nope, don't want to hear it! Lisa cut her power off that train of thought, trying to refocus on someone else.
Her face shifted to dismay, then shock, and finally disgust as her power kept going.

"-with her feet. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot I was supposed to stop when you did that."

And that right there was the worst part. It'd started talking back to her.

"Power is running off your own subconscious."

Lisa covered her face with her hands, muffling a scream of frustration.

"The waitress thinks you might be causing a disturbance. She's considering calling the enforcers."

Lisa stiffened up, almost glancing to the waitress before stopping herself.

Hold on. I wasn't even looking at her.

"You looked at her five minutes ago."

It doesn't work that way! You've never done that before!

"She can tell you're arguing with the voices in your head."

Lisa brought the tea to her lips, trying her best to ignore her power. She nearly choked when a familiar head of black, curly hair walked by her table.

"Ignore that strange girl, she's perfectly normal."

Tattletale's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

[Hey [Administrator], what are you up to?]

[oh hi [Negotiator]]
[not much just hanging out while my host buys a new costume]

[Oh, what hap- wait, is she seriously trying to buy a skull mask in February? You got one of the edgy ones, didn't you?]

[i don't think she even realizes]
[like it just comes naturally to her]

[I feel your pain. Mine's been on a diet since yesterday. Can't imagine why.]


Tattletale didn't believe for a second there was nothing weird about this girl. In fact, she strongly suspected the girl had something to do with her power changing yesterday.

An outside observer might suspect Lisa's power was encouraging that suspicion.

"Her power lets her send her emotions and their context to another person within three body lengths. She thinks her power is useless, despite Mastering half her school within a month."

And yet no matter how much she asked, pleaded, or begged, it never gave her enough information to do anything with. It did, however, give her just enough information to think there might be more to it than that.

There has to be more to it than that, Tattletale thought. Tell me what she did last night.

Tattletale was still officially with the Undersiders, but only because there hadn't been time to go on another job yet. She knew that the instant the others found out her power was different, everything would change. Coil might even pull her back, to find some other use for her.

Even if it was to leave her locked in a room, brought out only to use her power before being put back again.

"Something about her power forces her to use it despite not wanting to. She went out last night with the express intent of not hurting anyone, but this morning she found out it didn't really work."

It's involuntary? Tattletale wasn't sure which was worse: that the girl had to use her power, or that there was somehow a risk of injury or death when using it. How did she manage to Master half a school without being noticed if there was a chance she might hurt someone?

"She also loves books, but accidentally reduced one to ash two weeks ago."

Tattletale paused in her thoughts.

Originally, her plan had been to find the girl, figure out what made her tick, then use that to get the girl to change her power back. But for some reason, her power wasn't giving her any information even though half the time it felt like it couldn't shut up-

Lisa's head met the table with a loud thunk. The strange girl looked back briefly for a moment, a bemused expression crossing her face.

Of course. She's a power nullifier. How could I forget.

Tattletale had it all figured out.

[and then there was the time she tried to cook a hotdog with a proxy but ended up freezing it instead]

[Okay, I think it worked. She's trying something else now. Thanks for that.]

[so what's been happening on your end]

[Surprisingly little, really. My host's boss has one of the quiet shards, so I never know what's going on. Even worse, the power it gives him lets him hide all his nonverbal cues.]

[quiet shards huh]
[what's that about i think i saw one yesterday]

[They're the companion's shards, but the dimension she crashed in is far removed from this one. I have no idea how they're getting over here.]

[speaking of weird shit have you been sharing the fun with anyone else]

[Not really. I was more wondering what you were up to with that.]

[is that so]


Lisa gathered her purse, tossing the now empty cup into the trash on her way out. She'd have to break the news to her team eventually, and the sooner she did the less trouble there'd be later. Had to figure out a way to pitch it, make it look like an improvement instead of the massive headache it really was.

It was as if her power had completely inverted: it was now massively good at reading people and their interactions, but seemed to miss details in the environment that it would have focused on before. For instance, instead of figuring out the password to someone's account based on how they interacted with their personal possessions, it'd figure it out based on who their friends were and what they thought of them.

Except, somehow, this only made her worse at reading Coil. But on the plus side, she pretty much had to be in the field to operate anymore.

"Look, a shiny thing."

Tattletale stopped to look at the-

Did that really just happen?

[Oh, looks like I'm going now. I'll catch you later, [Administrator].]

[sure see you soon]

[Wait, before I go, didn't you say you were having trouble getting your host to fight? If you want, I could have my host and her team drop by. Try to foster some conflict.]

[nah it's cool i've got a thing going on now]
[should be kicking off here soon]
[do me a favor and keep an eye out though would you]

[Sure, sure. I'll even give you feedback on what you could've done better.]

[thanks babe]
[oh but don't be a complete dick about it though]

[No promises. ;)]

[what the fuck was that]

[What, the smiley face?]

[we don't have faces what the fuck]
[you've been talking with your host too much i think she's rubbing off on you]


[A/N: Out of all the shards, I figured at least one of them had to be okay with the whole "forced human emulator" thing.]
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Minor edit, I'd forgotten to change one of the keywords on Lisa's power line when I copied and pasted it from Chapter Four. It's fixed now.
So where did the grim dark just go ? The chapter feels like it did a 360. nvm just read up on comments I feel like this is an 180, the tone shift just got me on the wrong foot
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So where did the grim dark just go ? The chapter feels like it did a 360
I'm trying to hit a balance between grimdark world stuff and lighthearted character stuff. As you can see, it's kind of a lot harder than I anticipated.

If it's any consolation, the next chapter will be harder for me to do light stuff with, I guess. Just given the nature of it.
I'm trying to hit a balance between grimdark world stuff and lighthearted character stuff. As you can see, it's kind of a lot harder than I anticipated.

If it's any consolation, the next chapter will be harder for me to do light stuff with, I guess. Just given the nature of it.
So trying to do an unreal thing ?