What Comes & Goes (Soul Eater Quest)

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Power. Knowledge. Anger. Fear. Order. These things are not 'yours,' not personal. They are...
Cover and Summary


Smol Mustelid
New York

Power. Knowledge. Anger. Fear. Order. These things are not 'yours,' not personal. They are statuses of the sapient mind, temporary. They are things that come and go.

It's been twenty years since the second defeat of Asura, the Kishin, and Death the Kid has stepped up to his role as Lord Death and headmaster of DWMA proudly. The Madness of Boobs caused by the defeat of Asura has been... benign so far, thankfully.

In an effort to foster better relationships, DWMA has been allowing monstrous races to enter DWMA as Meisters. Bloodsuckers, Werewolves, Monster Cats, Demons, and even Witches and Sorcerers if they prove to be healing and supportive magic users. Even offensive spellcasters are allowed so long as they use their Pull of Magic for more acceptable and subtle means of destruction, such as heartbreaking, debates, or hardcore competitive gaming.

But even with these bolstered numbers and more diverse student body, threats still lurk in the shadows.

You are a person from Earth, about to meet a terrible fate. But you will be given a second chance at life. Your body is but something that comes and goes.

Pain. Sadness. Boredom. Heartache. Hate. These are all things that come and go.

But nothing that comes and goes... defines you. Nothing that comes and goes... is you.

What Comes & Goes
A Soul Eater Quest
By Cyberweasel89
Chapter 1: Part 1 (Character Creation)
Well, this is different. One minute you were out at the park with your friends, next you're sitting in a chair across from a desk, with nothing but white void around you. Sitting across from you at the desk is a small, petite, white-cloaked figure who almost seems to have a faint, partially-undefined outline. You cock an eyebrow at them.

"Um... H-Hello! Welcome to the Department of Reincarnation! W-We like to call it DoR for short! Let us be the DoR to your next life! Heh, sorry... My attempt at a slogan. A-Anyway, I'm your Reincarnation Omnipotent Being, o-or ROB. My name is Bob." Bob the ROB? "Um... I'm here to walk you through your reincarnation," they greet, their voice high-pitched and notably androgynous, sounding almost like a prepubescent boy.

The cloaked figure leans forward and picks up some papers from their desk, shuffling through them. Even their hands are completely white... "Uh... I-I know I put that speech somewhere... Uh... Oh! Um, okay, so..." They clear their throat. "We here at the Department of Reincarnation are dedicated to ensuring that you have an adventurous, fun, and exciting second life! With many destinations to choose from, we ROBs will ensure that everyone from Earth, upon death, will have an adventurous, fun, and exciting second... W-Wait, I already read that line."

The cloaked figure bangs their head on the desk. "I-I'm sorry... Th-This is my first day on the job! I'm only fresh out of training! C-Can I just make this easy for us both?"

You nod.

They raise their head and sigh in relief. "Okay, so... I'm afraid the only world we have available right now for reincarnation is Soul Eater. Are you familiar with it?"

You nod again.

"Oh, thank goodness... That makes this easier for me," they sigh in relief again. "So, I can allow you to choose your new form's gender, role, abilities, and appearance."


They nod. "Yes! Whether you're a Meister or a Demon Weapon! If you choose Meister, you can additionally and potentially be a Human, Bloodsucker, Werewolf, Witch, Sorcerer, Monster Cat, Demon, or Zombie. If you choose to be a Demon Weapon, I'll let you choose what form you take! For abilities, as a Meister you can pick up things like Soul Perception, Soul Menace, and Adjust."


"Oh, I'm sorry! That's a Meister technique that lets you adjust your own Soul Wavelength to cancel out an opponent's Soul Wavelength attack! A-Anyway, if you go Demon Weapon, you'll get to choose what effect your Weapon Form has, like elemental effect or status effect. Regardless, you'll get to choose whether you have a non-standard Soul type or Wavelength type, like Grigori or Anti-Demon Wavelength."

Huh. Sweet as.

"So first, let's start with your gender a-and role. Um... Do you want to be a Meister or Demon Weapon? And a-are you a boy or are you a girl?"

Reader Choice
[ ] Meister.
[ ] Demon Weapon.
[ ] Boy.
[ ] Girl.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
[ ] Stop asking me that, Professor!
Chapter 1: Part 2 (Character Creation)
[X] Demon Weapon.
[X] Girl.

"Okay, thank you. This makes my job easier. I've heard from some of the other ROBs some people say yes, just to be difficult..." your ROB says, sighing in relief.

They open a drawer on their desk and begin rifling through it. "Let's see... Demon Weapon... Demon Weapon... Oh, here! I swear, I'm so disorganized..."

They pull some papers out of the drawer and begin shuffling.

"Now, as a Demon Weapon, you'll get to choose what form of weapon you take. This includes both partial and full transformation, as well as an Effect if you want one. You'll also get to choose your Soul Type and Wavelength Type. D-Do you want to hear your options?"

You nod.

"Okay, so... A Demon Weapon's form can be just about anything that's a tangible object. Standard weapons like swords, guns, spears, chainsaws, and the much sought-after scythe are common. But unusual ones like guillotines, lanterns, vajras, mirrors, and even moving ballistas are also possible. Since just about anything is possible, just fill out what you want to turn into and I'll arrange for it, okay? Just... please, nothing that'll be difficult for me to clear with my supervisors?"

You nod.

"For Effect, this can also be a variety of things. The ability to conjure an element or optionally inflict a status with every strike are generally what constitute an Effect. Usually the Effect is related to your Weapon form, but such a phenomenon seems to be rather rare among Demon Weapons. However, get skilled enough, and you can even use your Effect in human form. This is also one you can fill out yourself, but... Again, nothing that my supervisors might frown on, okay?"

You nod.

"For Soul Type, you have three options.

Normal Soul: A normal soul. No special abilities.

Grigori Soul: A very rare Soul Type that appears to have wings and a halo when viewed with Soul Perception. A person with a Grigori Soul will be able to sprout flight-capable wings on their body or Weapon Form when performing Soul Resonance with their Meister.

Strong Soul: A very rare Soul Type that counts as ninety-nine souls for the purposes of being eaten by a Demon Weapon. Strong Souls symbolize great power and those with them tend to be very strong fighters, even without a Demon Weapon or Meister. However, as a Demon Weapon with a Strong Soul, you might overpower your Meister during Soul Resonance, but... You won't have issue if they also have a Strong Soul or if they're a Monster Cat."

"Why would my Meister being a Monster Cat matter?"

Your ROB grins. "They have nine souls!"

Makes sense.

"Anyway, Soul Wavelength Type. Your options are...

Normal Wavelength: No special qualities.

Anti-Demon Wavelength: The Anti-Demon Wavelength is a special, very powerful and rare type of Soul Wavelength. It is a special wavelength that specializes in driving away evil.

In defense, this Wavelength acts as a powerful barrier against Madness. It can be used through Soul Resonance on others who are about to be pulled into Madness, and restore their sanity. In offence it can be infused into attacks, causing them to be destructive against beings of Madness, even intangible ones or creations like Black Blood. Such offensive uses become very effective against Witches or any individual harboring dark powers. It is even possible to take on and heavily wound an Immortal.

The most practical use of an Anti-Demon Wavelength is spreading it through Chain Resonance over a user's team, protecting them from Madness and allowing them to combat opponents with Madness Wavelength. Similarly, it can be used to stabilize the sanity of users of Madness Takehold.

Healing Wavelength: A Healing Wavelength is a rare Soul Wavelength that specializes in healing wounds, minds, and hearts.

Through resonating with an individual, users of a Healing Wavelength can use their soul to heal the person's wounds, relieve their pain, soothe their emotions, and even calm the effects of Madness. They may also use their wavelength to enter a person's soul and heal what is needed.

Murderous Wavelength: A Murderous Wavelength is a wavelength type created from an individual's pent up anger.

Possessed by those who harbor a great amount of negative anger, a murderous quality is present within their soul and can be used to build up power. Those under the effect of the Murderous Wavelength also generate a heavy quantity of sound within their soul, making them resistant to outright immune to sound-based attacks such as a Siren's scream.

A Murderous Wavelength is generally only found in individuals who have outright unhealthy levels of pent-up rage, but it can be quite powerful. However, there is an incredible drawback to those with this wavelength. Due to the strain the Murderous Wavelength puts on the soul, if the carrier is too angry and unstable, the soul will burst and kill the carrier instantly. Thus, while it is a potential boon, DWMA generally has students with a Murderous Wavelength undergo therapy and Zen calming exercises to better control it, for their own safety."

Bob leans forward and passes a paper and pen to you. "J-Just fill out what you want, please."

Reader Choice
Soul Type
[ ] Normal Soul
[ ] Grigori Soul
[ ] Strong Soul
Wavelength Type
[ ] Normal Wavelength
[ ] Anti-Demon Wavelength
[ ] Healing Wavelength
[ ] Murderous Wavelength
Weapon Form
[ ] Write-in
[ ] Write-in
[ ] No Effect
Chapter 1: Part 3 (Character Creation)
[X] Strong Soul
[X] Healing Wavelength
[X] Chinese Guandao
[X] No Effect

You fill it out and pass the paper back to Bob. They look it over, nodding, then shuffle to the next page and pass it forward.

"Um... Okay, so... Next, mind telling me about yourself?" they ask.

"Like what?"

"Ummm... Bit about your appearance, how you would describe your personality, Madness affinity and resistance-"

"Wait, what?"

"Well, um... E-Everyone in the Soul Eater world has at least a little Madness in their souls, right? Well, some people have a natural affinity for a certain type and a natural resistance to others. It'll be useful when exposed to high amounts of Madness or if you want to use Madness Takehold. B-But choose one for affinity and one for resistance, and don't choose the same one for both! Please, don't make this hard on me..." They nearly beg.

You glance at the paper, contemplating the options.

Reader Choice
Personality (will not affect determination, willpower, or resolve to fight)
[ ] Cheerful
[ ] Shy
[ ] Stoic
[ ] Tease
[ ] Sarcastic
[ ] Jerkass
[ ] Down-to-earth
[ ] Write-in
[ ] White
[ ] Black
[ ] Hispanic
[ ] Asian
[ ] Native-American
[ ] Hawaiian
[ ] Biracial [Write-in]
[ ] Write-in
Height (will not affect physical ability)
[ ] Short
[ ] Average
[ ] Tall
[ ] Write-in
Build (will not affect physical ability)
[ ] Thin
[ ] Toned
[ ] Curvaceous
[ ] Chubby
[ ] Write-in
Madness Affinity (cannot be same as Madness Resistance)
[ ] Power
[ ] Knowledge
[ ] Anger
[ ] Fear
[ ] Order
[ ] Boobs
Madness Resistance (cannot be same as Madness Affinity)
[ ] Power
[ ] Knowledge
[ ] Anger
[ ] Fear
[ ] Order
[ ] Boobs
Chapter 1: Part 4 (Character Creation)
[X] Cheerful
[X] Asian
[X] Short
[X] Toned
[X] Knowledge
[X] Fear

"Okay, we're almost done. Thanks so much for making this easier on me," Bob says, sighing in relief. "Last orders of business... Please select your family life, method of entry, and name."

You cock an eyebrow at that.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'll explain. See, for family life, you have the following options...

Large Family: You will have two parents, four grandparents, and four younger siblings. Your parents won't have much time for you, and you'll often get stuck raising your younger siblings. Your parents will also be rather overprotective of you...

Small Family: You will have a loving and supportive mother and father, but they will be quite embarrassing and overbearing at times.

Single Parent: You will have been raised by a single father. He is loving and supportive, but knows how and when to keep enough distance to let you be yourself without overbearing you.

Foster Child: You'll spend your childhood bouncing from foster home to foster home.

Orphan: You'll have been raised in an orphanage.

Street Urchin: You'll have been raised on the streets with no home or parents, having to rely on whatever you can to survive.

For method of entry, we have...

Birth: You will start at your very birth. (Slow Start)

Puberty: You will start at puberty, when your Demon Weapon powers first manifest.

Arrival: You will start at your arrival at DWMA.

Feeling Partner: You will start a year into your DWMA studies, at a NOT class "Feeling Partner" game, where you will get to immediately select a Meister. (Quick Start)

Drop In: You will be dropped right into Death City, where you will be found by a special someone. (Wild Card Start)

In the event that you choose an option that isn't Birth, you will have appropriate memories of your childhood and adolescence.

For name, just fill in what you want!"

Bob slides another paper towards you along with a pen, and you take it and contemplate your options.

Reader Choice
-Family Life
[ ] Large Family
[ ] Small Family
[ ] Single Parent
[ ] Foster Child
[ ] Orphan
[ ] Street Urchin
-Method of Entry
[ ] Birth (Slow Start)
[ ] Puberty
[ ] Arrival
[ ] Feeling Partner (Quick Start)
[ ] Drop In (Wild Card Start)
[ ] Write-in!
Last edited:
Chapter 1: Part 5 (Character Creation)
[X] Large Family
[X] Puberty
[X] Sui Feng

You fill it out and hand it back Bob, who looks it over, nodding.

"Well, uh... this seems to be in order. Um... D-Did you have any questions before we left?"

"Uh... What, um... gender are you?"


Makes sense. "Can I give you a hug?"

"Um..." Bob sets your paperwork aside on their desk and taps their white fingers together. "M-Maybe before you go..."

Any other questions you had for Bob the ROB?

Reader Choice
[ ] Write-in!
Chapter 1: Part 6 (Arrival)
[X] Anything you think I should watch out for out there?
[X] How balls to the wall is this world? Or is my gut feeling after getting to know boob madness was a thing wrong?
[X] So are other ROB as bad as I heard? Granted my source is not that accurate. (Isekai fanfics)
[X] Any secrets that need to be kept?
[X] Any advice?
[X] Is there anything that goes bump in the night that should be avoided?
[X] Should I... try to stop people poking at things? Cause I don't want to find out if the Yellow King is a thing.
[X] Don't forget to collect on your hug... it isn't every life that you get to hug Bob the ROB.

"So, anything you think I should watch out for out there?"

Bob tilts their head to the side... You resist the urge to hnnnggghhh at how cute it is. "Oh! I suppose I should tell you a bit about how things might be different... See, this might not be the Soul Eater world you know. It's twenty years after the end of the series, so... Things might not be as dangerous. DWMA has been trying to maintain good relations with the Witches' Realm, monstrous races like Bloodsuckers and Werewolves are allowed to enter DWMA and be open about it, and the Madness of Boobs has been subtly, but benignly, affecting the world."

"...Manga canon?"

"Manga canon."

Thank fuck. "How balls to the wall is this world? Or is my gut feeling after getting to know the Madness of Boobs was a thing wrong?"

Bob sighs and slumps against their desk. "It's... Tiny Toon Adventures with bewbs. I-It's Bleach, on crack! And with comparable care to long-term planning and worldbuilding implications that Tite Kubo gives Bleach..."

Sonuva... Just what are you getting into? "So, are other ROBs as bad as I've heard? Granted my only sources are isekai fanfics..."

Bob sits up, almost looking surprised. "Oh! Um... I-I'm not that kind of ROB. I'm a Reincarnation Omnipotent Being, not a Random Omnipotent Being. we handle reincarnation as a postmortem event, we don't throw people into worlds just to be mean..."

Oh... That's a relief.

"The downside, though, is that unlike a Random Omnipotent Being, I really can't help or contact you once you're in your new world. Since we just handle reincarnation, us Reincarnation Omnipotent Beings have a more hands-off approach. Once the actual reincarnation is done, so is our job. We try to remedy this by making sure our clients are as prepared as possible for their new life."

Awww... So you won't see Bob again? "Any secrets I need to keep?"

Bob reaches for their papers and starts shuffling and straightening them. "Well, you can tell others you're reincarnated if you feel they can handle it or might believe you, but I ask that you not tell them about us ROBs. The fact that extradimensional deities exist is... probably not something a world with its own gods has to know. Might affect power balance."

Understandable. "Any advice?"

They smile. "Try to find a Meister as soon as possible. The sooner you do, the sooner you can get out of NOT and into EAT, and the sooner you can start hunting evil souls."

Makes sense. "Is there anything that goes bump in the night that should be avoided?"

Bob shrugs. "Well, with DWMA's new policies, a lot of Bloodsuckers, Werewolves, Monster Cats, Witches, Sorcerers, and Demons aren't just okay with the DWMA now, they've even joined it! But that doesn't mean evil humans and old grudges among the non-humans don't still exist. But join DWMA and find a good Meister and you should be able to handle most threats. Just... remember, no one is an island. People think asking for help is a sign of weakness, but... No matter how strong you are, allies can make you stronger."

Solid advice. You smile at Bob. "Heh... Cinnamon roll."

Is that a blush on their cheeks?

"Should I... try to stop people poking at things? Cause I don't want to find out if the Yellow King is a thing."

Bob giggles. "Don't worry. Trust in your Meister, trust in Shinigami-sama, trust in your instructors, trust in DWMA, trust in your fellow student body."

"Well, I think that's all my questions. One last thing, though."

"What is it?"

You stand from your chair and walk around the desk. Bob turns their chair around to face you, tilting their head in curiosity. You lean forward and wrap the ROB in a hug. Reluctantly, they return it.

"It's okay..." you say, patting their back. "You did wonderfully for your first client. I'm satisfied with my services."

Bob sighs in relief. "Thank you..."


As sunlight filters onto your face through the window, your eyes flutter open. You're... not in that white void anymore, and Bob's nowhere to be seen. Where are you?

A glance around the room finds you're in a bedroom. You're sitting on a bed and there's a closet, a dresser, a desk with a computer on it, a bookshelf, a vanity... Oh! You must've been reincarnated! And this must be your room!

A glance out the window and the architecture proves it... You're in Death City, Nevada.

Well, what should you do first? You need to get your bearings.

Reader Choice
[ ] Examine your memories. Who are you?
[ ] Examine your appearance. What do you look like?
[ ] Examine your room. What's your living arrangements like?
[ ] Whizz. You just woke up, and you gotta go!
[ ] Squee over how cute Bob was.
[ ] Write-in!

(Spoken A/N: I swear Bob is Weasel's secret SI, but she refuses to admit it. :p )