Seems pretty unanimous.
So Vault 23 was going to be full to the brim with patriots, but not just your average patriots. Like full blown McCarthyist "I will happily kill my neighbor if he was a pinko commie" patriots. Things would be okay for a week or two, most people in the Vault upset about the war obviously but the entire super patriotism atmosphere leading to generally positive vibes. Goal given to the Overseer would be to monitor social shifts amongst the populace as stimuli is introduced to the inhabitants. Things would seem normal for a few weeks w/ no sign of any stimuli. Then about 2 weeks or a month in an automated message would be sent to the Vault via the same means the "all-clear signal" is to be broadcast, informing them that there appears to have been Chinese spies amongst the pre-selected occupants and that surviving elements of the US intelligence community were able to get this information to Vault-Tec before their equipment failed from damage and radiation on the surface. Que paranoia/witch hunt vault.
Vault 89 meanwhile was going to have a few telling things at first. Despite being advertised as a Vault for veterans there would be a number of nuclear physicists w/ reserved spots and a good number of the veterans would all be from the Navy. Vault security would also be augmented by actual soldiers and there would be a stockpile of weapons including power armor deep in the Vault. Even deeper and more hidden would be a sub pen, a stockpile of ship construction materials, as well as a stockpile of ICBMs. Secret goal would be revealed to be that the Vault's current population are to both construct several SSBNs and make, raise, and train the next generation of soldiers and sailors who will after 20-25 years take the Vault's small flotilla of self-produced subs to launch a second strike on any surviving Chinese cities before linking up with any surviving elements of the US government/military (*cough*Enclave/Poseiden Oil Rig*cough*). Planned things to go wrong included a Soviet SSBN trying to blast open the sub pens in order for it's crew to gain refuge in the Vault, a potential revolt amongst veterans who view the entire goal as futile/don't want their kids forced into being soldiers/sailors, as well as a potential surprise arrival by the Enclave to check on progress and potentially abduct people needed to man the oil rig.