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it pains me to admit my people's failure. My artisans didn't have the chance to work with Mithril for centuries and now they don't really know how to handle it. So I have to ask for your help, your people's knowledge in crafting armors weapons out of it. In exchange I can offer you those Voodoo foci you asked for and can show you how to make them. If you have other wishes, I'll see if they can be fulfilled.

We will do what we can.
Dear Gelbin, @SalvaW

I know you're already coming to events happening here, but for the sake of being overly formal as we humans tend to be, this is the invitation to such. I can only hope the party is at least as good as your own, we've got some special things planned for it, so I hope you'll approve by the end of it all.

Your Friend,

Jaina Proudmoore

P.S: There are a number of projects I and my staff wish to discuss in person.

"Awwww, Jaina!

You shouldn't have been so formal, of course we will attend!And don't worry, this party will be a blast! I will bring one or two special
things myself, in case you want some extra fantastic effects! Not that i want to outclass you, just if you feel like you need something.


Best regards,

Scarlet Crusade-Turn Eighteen
Winter, 26 ADP

The Scarlet Crusade
and Order of the Silver Hand

Capital: Hearthglen (Redpine Basin), Tyr's Hand (Duchy of Avalon), Monastery of Light (Tirisfal)
Current Ruler: Grand Crusader Saidan Dathrohan
Current Heir: High General Lordain Abbendis
Armies: 1.5 (5)
Fleets: 3 (3)
Allies: The Alliance (Stormwind, Ironforge, Theramore, Gnomeregan, Kul Tiras, Wildhammers, Hillsbrad)
Diplomatic Deals:
-Trade with the Bilgewater Cartel
-Trade under Heavy Inspection with the Steamwheedle Cartel
-Trade with the Defias Brotherhood
-"Non-Aggression Pact" with Zul'Aman
-"Non-Aggression Pact" with the Forsaken
-Paladins sent to Silvermoon
-Priests sent on Missionary Effort to Alterac

Major Actions
  • Faith and Understanding: We began to make strides with Study of new techniques in the wielding of the Light a few seasons ago, but have not yet made further efforts to expand upon those revelations. This must be corrected. Using the lessons learned from that previous effort, we shall begin to expand it, studying the new methods of both priests and Paladins, and finding ways to both spread knowledge of these new ideas and to discover further possibilities.
  • A Clearer View: Lady Demetria's vision has proven reliable in the past, and so it will be sought out again now. Before the battle begins anew, her sight will be consulted on Stratholme: the state of the city, whether the most important structures still stand, and what defenses the undead have constructed. Light willing, the Silver Bastion and Alonsus Chapel will still stand, but even if they do not, we can use her insights to aid the efforts of our bombardment.
  • A Bitter Inquiry: With the death of Highlord Alexandros Mograine and the disappearance of his legendary weapon, a message has been sent to the Crusade and its allies. But any clues that can be found to help us recover the blade and avenge the Highlord's death must be sought out. Inquisitorial Intelligencers Invar and Yana will be placed in charge of the investigation, as will other resources available within the Inquisition as needed.
  • Coal and Cinders: SECRET

Side Actions:
  • The bodies of the Highlord and Lord Paladin are to be transported to Light's Hope, guarded by the elite soldiers of the Crimson Legion.


Grand Crusader, @King Tharassian

I am sorry. I fought as hard as I could, and yet it was only the...twisted mercy of the Lich King that we yet live. It was a mistake on its part, one we should both thank the Light for providing. I will not be around for the Winter, the various events running in my country demand my attendance, as well as…something else. I hope when the time comes, I can trust on your aid.

I'm looking forward to seeing your representatives in Theramore in these coming months.

Light be with you,

Jaina Proudmoore

Lady Proudmoore,

My Lady, I am afraid that I am the one who must apologize. The events of the last season were a success only in the barest sense, and that we were so overwhelmed is proof of the fact that we should have made more of an effort to remember the lessons of the first invasion.

And if this is mercy, then it is cruel indeed. A man fer better than I now lies dead, and one of my finest with him.

Keep the young sirs Mograine in your prayers, my Lady. Please. Theirs is the worst of the grief in this time.

I am sorry I cannot write more, but I am needed. I wish you the best, and I can promise that even if I am not there myself, my most qualified and ranking representatives will be.

Walk in the Light.

United in Prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
Blood Elves-Turn Eighteen

The Blood Elves / Sin'dorei

Current Ruler: Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron/Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider
Current Heir: Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider
Armies: 3 (3)
Navies: 4 (4)
Diplomatic Deals:
Blood Elven district in the Forsaken Capital, receiving the support of 1 Forsaken army
Receiving air support from The Bilgewater Cartel
Trade agreement with the Defias Brotherhood
Paladin trainings by the Scarlet Crusade
Shaman trainings by the Horde
Kaldorei mission, druid trainings
Ceasefire with the Amani Tribe

Friendly with:
  • The Forsaken
  • Theramore
  • The Bilgewater Cartel
  • The Defias Brotherhood
  • Scarlet Crusade
  • Kaldorei
  • The Horde
  • Amani Tribe
Special Features: N/A

Major Actions:​
  1. Nope.
  2. M'uru's is to be dispatched to Outland.​
  3. Proceed with constructing a fort in the Thalassian
  4. Keep monitoring bordering Undead territories.
Draenor-Turn Eighteen
Ruler: Illidan Stormrage, Lord of Outland
Current Heir: Kayn Sunfury
Capital: Black Temple, with a new seat of power (Citadel of Storms) buing built
Armies: 3/3
Allies: Orc Clans of Outland, Naga of Zangarmarsh, miscellaneous Ogre tribes, Arakkoa

Action 1)
We must continue with our construction of our own Forge Facilities. Unlike the Legion's that only produced a couple of Fel Reaver variants, we will work to make our Forges able to create more modular beasts with plans to create reavers that will fulfill different roles and be powered by sources other than just Fel.

Action 2)
Continue work on returning the Black temple to the Draenei. The upmost levels will be refitted to serve as a place of worship as soon as possible, with a longer remodeling in line for the rest of the building. The only ecxeption are the sources of Arcane Power that we keep there and the Temple's sewers which will remain under Naga guard. Draenei artisans from all over Outland will be invited to join in on the project. Plant some trees and such.

Action 3)
We will honour our deal with the Alliance about letting people who want to leave our realm leave it. However, we will invest great efforts into attracting people to our cause now that peace has been established. Shattarah and groups leaving the city will be bombarded with pamphlets explaining Illidan and Tyrande's numerous victories over the Burning Legion in the War of the Ancients and the Third War. We will also positively contrast Illidan's stubborn refusal to leave his Terokkar allies hanging against the Alliance's willingness to abandon an entire world.

Crystals with recordings of Illidan leading the Demon Hunters in the attack against Nathreza and Tyrande's defense of the portal versus Dreadlord counterattacks will be produced and shared with pamphlets contrasting this great victory against the Na'aru and Velen's history of failure against the Legion.

Citizens will be motivated to push their leadership to work with Illidan instead of leaving Draenor or to join the Illidari themselves and help defeat the Legion and rebuild Karabor.

Illidari defectors will be offered their old posts and ranks back if they promise to participate in further attacks on the Legion with us.

Our arcane magics will be spread to the Netherstorm to motivate any possible Blood Elven or Demon defectors to accept them in exchange for entering our service.

Action is a Warplan

Minor actions: Kul Tiran zombies will fill out vagons full of Alliance corpses, pull those corpses towards the Alliance's camps and then the zombies will turn into regular corpses themselves (-1 undead army)​
1. The forges will soon produced fel-soaked war machines.
2. The Broken slaves will appreciate the gesture.
3. There are very few defectors. Most want nothing to do with you and see flight as their only chance for survival.

Nation: Mok'Nathal Clan
Capital: Mok'Nathal Village
Leader: Leoroxx
Armies: 2 (2)
Diplomatic Deals: None.

Major Actions:
1. Secret

2. Secret

3. Secret

4. Secret​

Name:The TRUE Horde:
Current Ruler: Warchief Rend
Armies: 1.5
Current "allies": Atal'ai, Dark Iron Clan
Major Actions:
1)Joint Warplan
2) Settling in
3)Rend will take on those Challengers! Though since there were no notable challengers mention, it should be easy to beat them, Rend will still look into their background in order to accurately asses their threat level and how to beat them. He will use trickery if he has to, but such things should be kept to a minimum.
Rend and the Dark Horde shall begin integrating with the fel horde (if they live through the challenges) mostly by helping to build morale and in rebuilding the Fel Horde's portion of hellfire. Parades and rallies suited to orcs will do just that, though Rend and the orcs of the DH will not drink any demonblood. Rend will also be looking into the feasibility of making a new "Black Legion" in order to unite the elites of the two sides. Finally, he'll provide the Fel Horde with dark iron gear and goblin weaponry if possible. The gift of new tools of murder shall help build his reputation among the orcs in Draenor.
3. In a short but thunderous series of duels, Rend asserts his claim over the Fel Horde. They serve him now.
4. The new Horde will be ready to shed oceans of blood soon.

The Last War

As the Aldor and the Alliance fled from Outland, the Legion and the Illidari faced off in the Netherstorm. Despite efforts by the Blood Elves to destroy the Manaforges, Kil'jaeden was able to divine their potential and ordered Lord Kazzak to rebuild them and repower them. As they laid the Nether storm desolate they could be further powered to tear Outland to pieces, destroying Illidan and his minions. The Legion would have a hard fight on their hands as Illidan raced his forces north to crush the Legion before more reinforcements could arrive through the Portal they were building.
-2 Bladespire armies
-1 Araokka
-1 Ogri'la
-3 Illidari
-1.5 Naga
-0.5 Dragonmaw
-0.5 Horde
-1 Angorosh
-6.5 Legion Armies
-0.5 Dragonmaw Subverted and Slain
-0.5 Horde Slain
-7 Legion Armies Slain
-.5 Naga Slain
-1 Angorosh Slain
-.5 Arakkoa Slain
-.5 Bladespire Slain
-.5 Ogri'la Slain
.51 Illidari Slain

Illidan's decision to use Fel Orcs from the Draognmaw was a costly one as they betrayed him during a key part of the battle, allowing the Legion to regroup as the Portal widened...

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Gnomergan-Turn Eighteen
Turn: 18

Gnomes of Gnomeregan
Name: Gnomeregan
Capital: Gnomeregan-City
Leader: High Tinker Gelbin Mekkartorque
Consort: Data not available
Heir: will be elected if necessary

Grand Commander: Captain Tread Sparknozzle
Amount: 2/2
Reg.: 0.5
Special: Airpower
Grand Admiral: None
Amount: 0/0
Reg.: 0.5

Special Features:
A combination of clever detectors and robotic protectors ensures that Gnomeregan is relatively safe from Trogg attacks. Also, the new Military district is set near the usual fighting grounds, ensure that the gnomish soldiers defend and train at the same time! Crazy, hm?
TruCo: 5

Alliance: Ironforge, The Wildhammer Clan ,The Silver Hand (Scarlet Crusade), Theramore, Alliance Expedition
Allies: Stromgarde,
Cordial: Forsaken of Lordaeron
Friendly: Blood Elves
Distrust: Kaldorei
Enemy: -
Rival: The Steamwheedle Cartel, The Bilgewater Cartel
At War: Scourge, the Legion, Ahn'Qiraji

Where: Kalimdor, Tanaris, Wheelgear Falls (Ungoro)
With the established deep tram between Wheelgear Falls and Sandfort, we now getting serious We will send more settler, build a deeper and more sophisticated udnerground city, as a mental successor to Gnomeregan, under Toshleys Station and will make that claim to Wheelgears Falls a reality, once and for all.
Where: Eastern Kingdoms, Khaz Modan, Gnomeregan
With Ragnaros at our doorsteps, it is time to give him an ultimate blow. In order to accomplish this, our troops need to take th ehat. Luckily, we already know of a invention that can help: The Hyper-radiant Fire Reflector. We will mass produce them and hand them out to our troops and allies. Ragnaros will wish he had never f- fought with us!
Where: Kalimdor, Uldum
After the meeting between the dark pharao and Toshley, Toshley immediately reported back to his superiors. The orders are clear: Like before, Toshley will support the Theramorean troops to the ebst of his abilites. Sharing all the informations he possess, scouting, even assassinate targets via sharpshooting is soemthing he will try. We will help the Tol'vir, even if we have to make sacrifices!
Where: Eastern Kingdoms, Khaz Modan, Gnomeregan
We will start with Project New Gear, aiming at creating a new battle armor that makes use of the newly created mana generator to power additional, usually unrealistic and tiny features that give the armor a plus in its usability. Wanted features are strength enhancing via mechanical booster, light weightness via runes, additional support for the wearers magic by using the mana generator directly for it, default mana barrier against attacks and even an assiatnt to help analyse a battle for the soldier wearing it. We aim at something great, maybe madness, but we are Gnomes and we found one components that changes the game of invention completely! With the help of our allies, Theramore (@Duzzit) and the Kirin'Tor!
Minor Actions:
-Attend at the Theramore Party summit!
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Khaz Modan-Turn Eighteen
Turn: 18

Gnomes of Gnomeregan
Name: Gnomeregan
Capital: Gnomeregan-City
Leader: High Tinker Gelbin Mekkartorque
Consort: Data not available
Heir: will be elected if necessary

Grand Commander: Captain Tread Sparknozzle
Amount: 2/2
Reg.: 0.5
Special: Airpower
Grand Admiral: None
Amount: 0/0
Reg.: 0.5

Special Features:
A combination of clever detectors and robotic protectors ensures that Gnomeregan is relatively safe from Trogg attacks. Also, the new Military district is set near the usual fighting grounds, ensure that the gnomish soldiers defend and train at the same time! Crazy, hm?
TruCo: 5

Alliance: Ironforge, The Wildhammer Clan ,The Silver Hand (Scarlet Crusade), Theramore, Alliance Expedition
Allies: Stromgarde,
Cordial: Forsaken of Lordaeron
Friendly: Blood Elves
Distrust: Kaldorei
Enemy: -
Rival: The Steamwheedle Cartel, The Bilgewater Cartel
At War: Scourge, the Legion, Ahn'Qiraji

Where: Kalimdor, Tanaris, Wheelgear Falls (Ungoro)
With the established deep tram between Wheelgear Falls and Sandfort, we now getting serious We will send more settler, build a deeper and more sophisticated udnerground city, as a mental successor to Gnomeregan, under Toshleys Station and will make that claim to Wheelgears Falls a reality, once and for all.
Where: Eastern Kingdoms, Khaz Modan, Gnomeregan
With Ragnaros at our doorsteps, it is time to give him an ultimate blow. In order to accomplish this, our troops need to take th ehat. Luckily, we already know of a invention that can help: The Hyper-radiant Fire Reflector. We will mass produce them and hand them out to our troops and allies. Ragnaros will wish he had never f- fought with us!
Where: Kalimdor, Uldum
After the meeting between the dark pharao and Toshley, Toshley immediately reported back to his superiors. The orders are clear: Like before, Toshley will support the Theramorean troops to the ebst of his abilites. Sharing all the informations he possess, scouting, even assassinate targets via sharpshooting is soemthing he will try. We will help the Tol'vir, even if we have to make sacrifices!
Where: Eastern Kingdoms, Khaz Modan, Gnomeregan
We will start with Project New Gear, aiming at creating a new battle armor that makes use of the newly created mana generator to power additional, usually unrealistic and tiny features that give the armor a plus in its usability. Wanted features are strength enhancing via mechanical booster, light weightness via runes, additional support for the wearers magic by using the mana generator directly for it, default mana barrier against attacks and even an assiatnt to help analyse a battle for the soldier wearing it. We aim at something great, maybe madness, but we are Gnomes and we found one components that changes the game of invention completely! With the help of our allies, Theramore (@Duzzit) and the Kirin'Tor!
Minor Actions:
-Attend at the Theramore Party summit!
1. The outpost is expanded as the excavation of the city site begins.
2. These come in handy during the fight.
3. Will be processed with Theramore's actions.
4. A hollowed-out golem with a mana generator and a cockpit may supersede previous mech research.
Winter 26 ADP

The Bronzebeard Clan
Rightful Kings of Ironforge
Current Ruler: King Magni Bronzebeard
Current Heir: Prince Brann Bronzebeard
Capital: Ironforge
Allies: Gnomeragan, The Scarlet Crusade, The Wildhammer clan, Theramore, Kul Tiras, Stormwind, Hilsbrad, Stromgarde
Armies: 1.5(5) Regen of 0.5 per turn
Fleets: 2 (2) Regen of 0.5 per turn

Major Actions

Out of all the regions of Ironforge the Wetlands has undergone the most dramatic change during the recent year. Once a desolate backwater it is now a thriving hub of agriculture and industry, built upon a solid foundation of Human-Dwarven-Gnomish cooperation. In order to further develop this bustling region Ironforge seeks to intensify land reclamation efforts in the area and drive the swamps further back. Not only will this improve the habitability of the region and make life more pleasant for the settlers but it should also provide us with extensive new lands that we can both farm and host the new wave of exiles in should it be necessary. When pursuing this endeavor we will draw upon lessons learned from the Theramore/Wildhammer effort that eradicated Dustvallow March as well as the previous successful reclamation efforts in the Wetlands.
Following a series of....unfortunate events in Draenor it seems like we will have to host a significant amount of people in the near future. Luckily we just so happen to have a quite significant amount of infrastructure left over from the last time this happened. Immediately begin settling the evacuees in our lands. Have the League perform maintenance on all Stormwind buildings left empty since their return homeward and begin construction of additional housing in the Wetlands and Loch Modan if it is deemed necessary.
Phase III of the Redstone Plan (to be executed in tandem with Phase II) calls for aiding the industrialization of Stormwind. Ensuring that the Alliance vanguard in Azeroth is stable and prosperous is a crucial component in our ability to project power within the region. The fact that we as the primary trade partner of Stormwind would also benefit is merely a coincidence. Have engineers and industrial materials be sent along the restored Deeprun Tram and begin working immediately. In order to operate as efficiently as possible this initial effort will focus solely on Stormwind City itself. While there are many towns and cities that show promise for the future we deem it wisest to concentrate our efforts on the region where the Stormwind government is able to exercise the most control.
Continue working on the Stromgarde extension of the Deeprun Tram.
Continue working on the new textbooks. Refine and compile the current drafts into completed books

Diplomancy: Ironforge formally accepts the Theramore invitation.
1. Draining the swamps continues to unearth good farmland. Ironforge may ironically become the breadbasket of the Eastern kingdons at this rate.
2. Camps are established for the Mag'har and ogre refugees.
3. Stormwind is catching up with their rivals to the south.
4. Complete.
5. Complete.

At Long Last, Silence
In the wake of the Alliance retreat, massive amounts of troops were sent north to defeat Ragnaros and halt his plans to devastate the area by destroying the mountain. Though the timing was narrow, the battle was won and limited causalities, thanks to some new Gnomish tech.

-1.5 Bronzebeard
-1.5 Wildhammer
-1.5 Dark Iron
-1.5 Atal'ai
-2 Stormwind
-1 Gnome
-1 Maghar
-4 Fire Lord Minions
-4 Fire Lord Minions Slain
-.5 Dark Iron Slain
-.5 Bronzebeard Slain
-.5 Wildhammer Slain

While Shadowforge City was laid waste, rebuilding can commence and with the Fire Lord being cast into the earth, the Dark Iron are free from his reign for the first time in centuries.
Azeroth-Turn Eighteen
Winter-26 ADP

Capital:Swamp of Sorrows
Current Ruler: Jammal'an the Prophet
Heir: Jindoo the Hexer
Armies: 2 Troll, 1 Undead Army
Fleets: 2
Allies: The True Horde, The Dark Iron Dwarfs
Action 1: Warplan
Action2: Expand our secondary holdings, for they are after all in a difficult terrain and establish a new outpost while ensuring that the local flora and fauna is not to much of a danger by using our magic to start taming them to see if the other members of the colony could find peace and security there.
Action 3: Secret.
Action 4: We have learned much about how our old weapons and tool where not enough in these new trying times, so it is time to put our new knowledge to use and start building tools for these new age be it armor and weapons or other things. Start with the work to produce them, or at least try to learn how to do so, the dark Irons might be willing to aid us there if we share the bounty of our herbs and mines with them as they are currently in need.
2. The colony advances though human encroachment draws near...
4. The Dark Iron are willing to sell matierals to fund their reconstruction.

Kalimdor-Turn Eighteen
Winter-26 ADP

Nation: The Commonwealth of Theramore
Ruler: Jaina Proudmoore
Heir: Archmage Ysuria (Temporary), People's Assembly and Chamber of Knight's Decision in event of Jaina and Ysuria dissapearing without instructions.
Armies: 4 Armies / 4 Max
Navies: 4 Navies / 4 Max

Diplomatic Deals:
A variety of trade deals and the like.

Special Features:

Major Actions:

(Action 1):

(Action 2):

The Theramore Expo, Conference and Party:

It is time to host the events going on, with a focus on promoting the future, the possibilities of the expansion of magical and technical prowess and general hope for progress and what was coming. From Druid grown plants for public parks, to fireworks that had magical runes in them to allow mages to change their shape on detonation, to steam engines, to magical-technological fusions for items like gnomish goggles, stands will display proudly the various wonders, alongside the many independent stalls coming from all over the Alliance and elsewhere.

The Conference itself will be hosted in a centralised convention centre, for the various Alliance and permitted diplomats to visit their surroundings outside of the various diplomatic meetings happening at the time.

The Party, is to be a several day long affair; a public holiday for all within the Commonwealth's Territory. Free drinks and treats for all that participate, with many magical illusionary shows, theatre shows and other festivities prepared by both Theramoreans and Alliance members.

...[Secret PM INFO]

Jaina will cap things off with a speech or two. [Which I will write when I can]

(Action 3):

Anveena's Bizzare Magical Adventure:

(1 Army, 1 Navy, Anveena, Aegwynn, Krasus + Whatever forces Gnomes/Tol'Vir(Various tribes can spare?)

It was exciting and worrying in equal measure, but her Master was trusting her and the others, as well as the Gnomes under @SalvaW to deal with Nefarian and his schemes once and for all. For the sake of her new home, her teacher and the friends made along the way, the youthful girl (which, she found amusing at times given the bleed through of memories as the Sunwell) will do Jaina Proud. She snorted at the words, Aegwynn giving her a flat look.

Her first task would be to learn what she could from the Tol'Vir, given their current unstable nature, she would either attempt to stabilise one to talk to them peacefully with her...'strange' powers, that could only be attributed to her status, or talk to them through remote projections, to hopefully not trigger any negative instincts in them. After that, an attack must be launched at the cause of their infection. Given that the various people of the area up of the River had not accepted the deal to 'return to stone' as it were, perhaps they too would have more information about their enemy.

(Action 4):

Staying Protected and prepared:

The Alliance, Night Elven and Horde Armies in Silithus will be provided with additional supplies, logistical capability, and ward stones as well as construction crews to build even more mutually assisting fortresses in the area, and begin training harder than they already were to prepare for the inevitable offensive that will happen once additional Theramore, Night Elven (now that there is no civil war), Horde(and Goblin) forces pour into the area, especially given that there should now be a Train running from Theramore itself all the way to Wheelgear Falls entrance. (OTL Un'Goro)

(Action 5):

The Soldier of the Alliance's future:


Minor Stuff:

-Portal to be used to ferry various ppl/party goers/refugees to Theramore.
--Assist the resettlement efforts of Outland Populations where possible.
---Initial Train Network finish.

Magical Girl Actions! (IN PM @Ceslas):

1. Party!

2. Ritual.

3. Training with my friends and allies.

4. Alliance Conference etc.

5. Jaina Proudmoore does stuff (helps teleport alliance letters, governance, etc).

Army/Navy Locations:
0.5 In Lordaeron
0.5 in Theramore itself
3 South. (Of these, 2 in Silithus, 1 With Apprentice's Expedition)
By this point, 3.5 of the 4 navies are Ironclad Warships.
.5 in Lordaeron
.5 Stationed at the Rock.
1 In Theramore Territory
1 Providing Supplies to southern efforts/construction of outposts.
1 With Anveenas force


Member of the Alliance
Friendly or Neutral to most states
2. The leaders of the Alliance are treated to sights and spectacles equaling if not surpassing any that were seen in the Eastern Kingdoms. Theramore has more than proven itself to be one of the greatest realms in Azeroth.
3. Anveena found that she had affected more than she realized by her reignition of the Sunwell as she now had access to a power deep inside her that was able to remove the corrupting influence of the Old Gods from one of the Neferset. With his help along with that of the Gnomes she was able to kill the Air Elmental Siamat in the ruins on the delta in Uldum.
4. As further entrenchments are done an eerie calm descends in front of the Scarab Wall. It seems they are waiting for something.

As it Was, So Again
Lady Jaina Proudmoore had never been a woman to seek power. By her own admission, she would have been perfectly happy to study in Dalaran forever. Perhaps that is why fate was so intent on thrusting power on her. No one else was willing to lead the people of Lordaeron west, no she led them. No one else was able to take the refugees from the east, so she did. No one else had the ability to work on a few hours of sleep while teleporting across multiple continents so she did. In the end that is why she decided to gather the mages of the Alliance in a secluded area away from Theramore to perform a ritual that had not been done for centuries. Azeroth need more than a mage or even a Queen for the crises afflicting it. It needed a...


Lordaeron-Turn Eighteen
Winter, 26 ADP

New Flag might follow soon.​

Nation: Amani Tribe/ Nazmani Empire
Ruler: Zul'Jin
Heir: To be elected/ Daakara (interim leader)
Capital: Zul'Aman
Armies: 4/4 + 0.5 Frostmane
Fleets: 4/4


- Non-Aggression Pact with the Scarlet Crusade
- Trade with Bilgewater Cartel
- Ceasefire with the Blood Elves
- Trade/Conditional Alliance with the Frostwolves

1. To the Last
Our numbers are limited, our realm always under threat. Our armies can't be everywhere and there's always the possibility of an attack while they are absent. But nobody should think our cities to be easy prey. What we learned from the battle of Jintha'Alor is that every troll is a fighter, able to change the tide of battle. It is our job to give them the tools to realize their potential. Therefore we will enact two major programs.
First every non-warrior of our cities and possibly later our rural dwellers as well will partake in a military education to form them into a working militia. They will learn how to defend themselves, which positions to defend the best, how to fight as a unit and so on. The programm will be planned and adapted therein that the workers and clerics aren't hindered in their normal duties.
Second while we can't use Mithril yet, we still have more common ore and more than enough forges to use it. Every city shall build several armories for the militias in case of an attack. It is of utmost importance that they are outfitted soon.

2. Secret
A freezening wind comes from the north.

3. Secret
There is more than one way to gain knowledge.

4. Secret
Restricted area. Trespassers shall be sacrificed to Bwon'samdi.

Side Actions:

1. Continue the training deal with the Frostwolves.
2. Secret
1. Militas and stores of iron are formed.
Winter, 26 ADP

The Scarlet Crusade
and Order of the Silver Hand

Capital: Hearthglen (Redpine Basin), Tyr's Hand (Duchy of Avalon), Monastery of Light (Tirisfal)
Current Ruler: Grand Crusader Saidan Dathrohan
Current Heir: High General Lordain Abbendis
Armies: 1.5 (5)
Fleets: 3 (3)
Allies: The Alliance (Stormwind, Ironforge, Theramore, Gnomeregan, Kul Tiras, Wildhammers, Hillsbrad)
Diplomatic Deals:
-Trade with the Bilgewater Cartel
-Trade under Heavy Inspection with the Steamwheedle Cartel
-Trade with the Defias Brotherhood
-"Non-Aggression Pact" with Zul'Aman
-"Non-Aggression Pact" with the Forsaken
-Paladins sent to Silvermoon
-Priests sent on Missionary Effort to Alterac

Major Actions
  • Faith and Understanding: We began to make strides with Study of new techniques in the wielding of the Light a few seasons ago, but have not yet made further efforts to expand upon those revelations. This must be corrected. Using the lessons learned from that previous effort, we shall begin to expand it, studying the new methods of both priests and Paladins, and finding ways to both spread knowledge of these new ideas and to discover further possibilities.
  • A Clearer View: Lady Demetria's vision has proven reliable in the past, and so it will be sought out again now. Before the battle begins anew, her sight will be consulted on Stratholme: the state of the city, whether the most important structures still stand, and what defenses the undead have constructed. Light willing, the Silver Bastion and Alonsus Chapel will still stand, but even if they do not, we can use her insights to aid the efforts of our bombardment.
  • A Bitter Inquiry: With the death of Highlord Alexandros Mograine and the disappearance of his legendary weapon, a message has been sent to the Crusade and its allies. But any clues that can be found to help us recover the blade and avenge the Highlord's death must be sought out. Inquisitorial Intelligencers Invar and Yana will be placed in charge of the investigation, as will other resources available within the Inquisition as needed.
  • Coal and Cinders: SECRET

Side Actions:
  • The bodies of the Highlord and Lord Paladin are to be transported to Light's Hope, guarded by the elite soldiers of the Crimson Legion.


Lady Proudmoore,

My Lady, I am afraid that I am the one who must apologize. The events of the last season were a success only in the barest sense, and that we were so overwhelmed is proof of the fact that we should have made more of an effort to remember the lessons of the first invasion.

And if this is mercy, then it is cruel indeed. A man fer better than I now lies dead, and one of my finest with him.

Keep the young sirs Mograine in your prayers, my Lady. Please. Theirs is the worst of the grief in this time.

I am sorry I cannot write more, but I am needed. I wish you the best, and I can promise that even if I am not there myself, my most qualified and ranking representatives will be.

Walk in the Light.

United in Prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
1. The current frontiers of the Light remain static. The Draenei might know more.
2. The city has been burned over with all key structures laid to waste during the years of occupation. Nothing holy or human remains. On the bright side, the knowledge of the Scourge's positions proves invaluable.
3. The investigation makes it clear there is a traitor in the ranks of the Crusade. Someone manipulated the patrols to gain access to the Ashbringer that fateful night.

The Blood Elves / Sin'dorei

Current Ruler: Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron/Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider
Current Heir: Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider
Armies: 3 (3)
Navies: 4 (4)
Diplomatic Deals:
Blood Elven district in the Forsaken Capital, receiving the support of 1 Forsaken army
Receiving air support from The Bilgewater Cartel
Trade agreement with the Defias Brotherhood
Paladin trainings by the Scarlet Crusade
Shaman trainings by the Horde
Kaldorei mission, druid trainings
Ceasefire with the Amani Tribe

Friendly with:
  • The Forsaken
  • Theramore
  • The Bilgewater Cartel
  • The Defias Brotherhood
  • Scarlet Crusade
  • Kaldorei
  • The Horde
  • Amani Tribe
Special Features: N/A

Major Actions:​
  1. Nope.
  2. M'uru's is to be dispatched to Outland.​
  3. Proceed with constructing a fort in the Thalassian
  4. Keep monitoring bordering Undead territories.
2. M'uru plays a key role in removing Tempest Keep and its structures from Outland. The Elves were deposited in Silvermoon before the Aldor left for parts unknown.
3. The Fort is completed and eyes its trollish counterpart uneasily.
4. Hard to do when they no longer exist.

An End
Stratholme loomed before the armies of the Alliance. Looking up they could see green pulses form the towers of Naxxramas arcing north to some unholy end. Years of war had brought them here, to the end of the Scourge in the Eastern Kingdoms. There were no great speeches, no reaffirming battle cries, just the grim determination to finish the task set before them. The Scourge struck with all its fury and met the combined power of an Alliance tested in countless battles and honed with precision to a great and terrible end.

-1.5 Scarlet
-0.5 Theramore
-1.5 Hillsbrad
-1 Stromgarde
-2 Wildhammer
-2 Kul Tiras
-0.5 Gnome
-1 Gnomish Airship
-1 Kul Tiran Airship
-6 Scourge Armies
-Alliance Victory
-6 Scourge Armies Destroyed
-.5 Kul Tirans Slain
-.5 Wildhammers Slain
-.5 Scarlets Slain
-.5 Stormgarde Slain

Naxxramas fell beneath the bombardment of Alliance guns and as it did a great magical wave swept across the land. The remaining Scourge in Deatholme simply fell to pieces, the magics that animated them no longer there. A curious result, especially as Kel'Thuzad was nowhere to be seen...


On a glacier in Northrend a slumbering King opened his eyes...

An Karanir Thanagor...

Dear Lor'Themar, @Zeller

I must thank you once again, for allowing me to use your city as much as I have over the last few years and for that, I wish to invite you and your people not only to the Conference, but to the exhibition and the party. You are not allowed to decline Lord Regent, both of us have been working far too hard and you need some time off.

Jaina Proudmoore, Queen of Theramore
Your Grace,

Your commending words are much appreciated. I shall gladly participate along with a delegation.

Regent Lord Lor'Themar Theron
The standard adopted by the Lordaeron Provisional Government, later used by the Kingdom of Lordaeron.
Epilogue-Khaz Modan
Khaz Modan had seen the end of its wars with the fall of Ragnaros. Even the Lich King would overlook this land due to the population residing in underground fortresses. Though the rest of Azeroth would have its share of conflicts the dwarves and gnomes would know an unheard time of peace.

Ironforge would become the military center of the Alliance, not merely for its advanced artillery and air power but its maintaining of numerous academies to thoroughly train all races in the new arts of war. While the human and Mag'har refugees it sheltered would eventually leave for other lands they would bring the sciences and machines they saw with them, giving Ironforge influence through the world in the years after the fall of the Lich King. While Lordaeron would exceed Ironforge in troop numbers as resettlement continued, the Bronzebeard would be the most influential part of the Allaince in the east for decades to come.

Gnomergan continued its mad dash to technological excellence. With the Trogg threat ultimately dealt with Gnomergan was free to experiment without fear of harassment. It would work to replicate the Titan technologies found in Un'goro to create artificial climate zones for agriculture and use the new synthesis it has found for magic and technology to try to recreate the technology used in Tempest Keep. While cross-world flights are still beyond them the Gnomish team was able to launch itself into orbit and orbit Azeroth before crash-landing in Kalimdor. The observations made while in orbit would prompt further expeditions to the south as mist cannot entirely hide a continent from orbit...

The Dark Irons had been broken and humbled, yet the fall of Ragnaros meant they were free to plot their destiny for the rest time since the War of the Three Hammers. Slowly they would rebuild and accept the need to integrate themselves into the Alliance but it would take decades to truly achieve this...

As for the Wildhammers, life continued as it always did. While Grim Batol would be tamed with the aid of the Gnomes they were content to remain in their mountain villages, come what may.
Azeroth would be a land of simmering tensions in the coming years. The losses caused by the reign of King Varian, combined with the mass industrialization of Stormwind by Ironforge and the Defias Republic by the Steamwheedle would turn the Nazferiti river into a grim divider between north and south as both states would build up for a war they all viewed as inevitable. While Alliance disinterest and fears of the Republic having secret allies would prevent war form breaking out in this generation it is clear this is a powderkeg that will explode sooner or later...

The Hakkari would find they had no place in the increasingly industrialized land of Azeroth. While they acquired numerous useful items through puppets in the Republic this would lead to their downfall when their actions were finally exposed and the Swamp of Sorrows was invaded. However, this would not be the end. The Hakkari scattered but they would persist in shadows across the world from Kalimdor to Lordaeron and one day they vowed, they would return to Stranglethorn...

The Steamwheedle would officially return to their neutrality after the Alliance ultimatum but those we watched them noted that they were always quick to supply any anti-Alliance forces that could place enough gold in their hands. Competition was a key part of business after all and they had no intention of permitting a monopoly they didn't run.

The lands around the Dark Portal would prove to be chaotic in coming years as more and more refugees from Illidan's wars would stumble through the Portal. The Alliance would be strained to find new homelands for them many wondered what might have happened if the Alliance had done more to undermine Illidan while it had the chance...

As for the trolls of Stranglethorn Vale, their feuding was a constant. None cared for them and they cared for none. It was perhaps for the best. One troll empire was more than enough for the Alliance.
Kalimdor would remain a wild land where empires rose and fell. The war with the Ahn'Qiraji would reach a climax as the Alliance, now able to focus on the west, assembled their forces before the Scarab Wall, with the Horde and the Night Elves standing beside them. At the right moment, the Sceptre was activated and the Gates opened as legion after Legion of Qiraji swarmed forward, with Nefarian and his Black Dragons leading the way. However, while the orces opposing the Qiraji did not have the vast armies of dragons their forebears had, they had cannon, Orcs, steel, and a Guardian leading an army of mages. In the end the Qiraji broke on the defenses placed before them and this allowed the leaders of the Alliance to strike deep into Qiraji territory. There they found that the Old God C'thun had been been manifested in Ahn'Qiraji and had been driving the Qiraji on their murderous campaigns. Ultimately, the dark being was slain and without his influence the Qiraji were subdued. The Night Elves sought to resolve the issue their ancestors had left unfinished and so assumed the responsibility for watching the defeated people.

General Shandris Feathermoon would find herself faced with the uneviable task of trying to resolve the problems that had driven Tyrande mad and the Cenarion Circle into disorder. Her problems only began when she decided to inspect the prisoners returned from Outland, in particular Maive Shadowsong. Maiev's behavior had been unusual after her return and when she learned that all returned prisoners were to be tested for corruption, she fled into the wild, eventually emerging at Darnassus where she was finally captured, attempting an attack on Archdruid Staghelm. Examination revealed that "Maiev" was a puppet for the Illidari, her soul destroyed by their vile magicks. Yet Shandris was no foll and as other celebrated she wondered why Staghelm had been Maiev's target. Investigations revealed that Staghelm had been various parts of Darnassus and after these sites were inspected there were signs of Satyr magic. Comparing that to the Nightmare confirmed a connection.

Staghelm was ultimately slain while resisting arrest but investigation revealed that he had been preparing dark rituals on Darnassus for years and he was no doubt to blame for the decline of the druids. Working with Kul Tiran students and Lady Jaina she found a way to reach Malfurion Stormrage and the other druids in the Nightmare and free them. Malfurion would return to find his people changed and his beloved mad and in the arms of Illidan. Reeling with the revelation, many feared he would be unable to bear the loss. But in the end he stood by Shandris as she sought to chart a new course for their people.

To the south, in Desolace, the Centaur tribes rallied under a new Khan, blocking both the horde and the night Elves in their expansion west. The war with the Ahn'Qiraji and their desire to settle the lands they already conquered left the Horde willing to let the Centaurs strut around in Desolace as long as they did not try to corrupt the land once again. As for the Night Elves, they were secretly glad the Horde's expansion was stalled and were willing to support this turn of events.

This would allow the Mag'har supported by the Alliance to land in Feralas unopposed save for skirmishes with the Dire Maul ogres. However when they struck into the heart of Dire Maul territory they found something unexpected: Highborne Night Elves. These were the Shen'dralar and they had preceded the Blood Elves and the Illidari in draining magic from demons to sustain their powers. The cult was shattered by the Alliance but a repentant survivors were sent north to be reintegrated into Night Elf society. Shandris would accept their presence and gradually allow magic to return to the Kaldorei, arguing that the extremes of the past were what had brought the Night Elves to the brink. To advance the Kaldorei would have to be flexible.

As for the Mag'har they found the jungles of Ferelas to their liking and they would slowly begin to rebuild their numbers. They would find a use for them in the future...

The Tol'vir would ultimately be divided between stone and flesh as the adventures of Jaina's apprentice Anveena would prevent the Old Gods from driving the Neferset mad. They would reveal much of the titans to those who wished to know....

The Bilgewater would find they commanded a considerable market with Theramore and Kul Tiras unable to handle as much trans-oceanic shipping as they could. Tanaris would be divided amongst Bilgewater and Theramore propsectors and it said that the goblins are skulking around Azeroth, looking for the next big thing...

Thrall would lead the Horde to prosperity in Kalimdor as Durotar, the Barrens, and Azshara bloomed under the ministrations of Orc and Tauren Druids, driving back the corruption laid by the Naga and Centaurs and seeing Ogrimmar and Ratchet boom into might cities in their own right.

Finally, Theramore would be the shining light humanity in the west. Lady Jaina Proudmoore has made it into an industrialized center that welded magic and technology in a way that would make Gnomeragn and Ironforge proud. With her magic aiding her Jaina could have reigned forever but she wisely chose not to, handing power to her subordinates to turn Theramore in a republic where a regularly elected mage would serve as head of state. She and her her followers would strive to protect Azeroth throughout the many challenges that faced it.

Through years of bloody struggle, Lordaeron had finally been reconquered from the Scourge. For the first time in years men and elves could live without fear of plague in air or ghouls clawing at their doors. Ans as the world calmed the various realms adjusted to the status quo.

Alterac and the Frostwolves would continue to glare at each other or the ruins of a divided kingdom, neither willing to risk a war or abandon their claims in the mountains. Eventually events would give these tensions release but until then an uneasy peace reigned in the valley.

Gilneas, humbled by the Worgen plague would reluctantly return to the Allaince. King Greymane despised depending on other but after the Allaince was able to tame the Worgen he was in a great minority and he was wise enough to accept and make his peace with that. Gilean troops would prove to be prove useful during future wars.

Kul Tiras would remain the premiere naval power in Azeroth with only Theramore and the Reunited Kingdom of Lordaeron proving near equals to it. Its flirtations with empire were forgotten and trade and the navy returned to be the main sources of Kul Tiran strength.

The Blood Elves secured their homeland, restoring its old magical protections and building a mighty host with the veterans of Outland. With this force they were able to secure vengeance for their fallen in the wars to come and restore their kingdom.

As for Prince Kael'thas he had become a changed man and in the wake of his full recovery he sought out his old student, Jaina Proudmoore. With the two now both rulers with centuries long lifespans to look forward to it made since for them to rekindle their friendship. A friendship that in time become something more. This was a matter of great concern in Quel'thalas as while half-elves were tolerated the notion of the Sin'dorei being ruled by them in the coming millenium was not relished by many traditionalists. But when a man and a woman have enough magical power and political influence a certain skill at befriending opponents appears. Ultimately, years after the end of the conflict with the Lich King, the two would wed.

The Nazmani had come far but Zul'jin's thirst for vengeance would lead to him picking a fight he could not win. Attempting to undermine the Allaince through shapeshifting trolls would lead to the Alliance dealing with the Nazmani. Zul'jin's warrios were skilled in a variety of arts both magical and technological but the Alliance war machine ground them to dust, leaving the trolls of Lordaeron once again divided and dreaming of better days...

As for the Silver Hand which became the Scarlet Crusade and then the Kingdom of Lordaeron, it finally earned its reward for its hardships. King Lordain Abbendis was crowned in Tyr's Hand and would the beginning of a new era as the Lordaerians could finally focus on rebuilding their realms. The Silver Hand would return to being an order of Paladins while the forces of the Crusade would form the core of the new Lordaerian Army. But it would be the Inquisition that would be most important during these days as they would focus on unravelling a conspiracy that could have destroyed all they accomplished.

As it would turn out, Captain Orman of Stromgarde had been possessed by the Dreadlord Balnazzar when he fell during the Summertide Assaults and had been quietly manipulating the Crusade and the kingdom of Stromgarde for years in preparation for using the living and the dead to destroy each other during the invasion of Northrend aided by the creation of a Plague that could destroy the living and the dead based on earlier abandoned work by the Crusade. Balnazzar was exorcised and his followers were cured after that a frantic secret war that spanned Lordaeron, reaching as far as Princess Lynnia Abbendis. This experience would lead to the exposure of the Nazmani and as well as other plots in the future.

As for the Forsaken the problem surprisingly resolved itself. With the Alliance ascendant, Sylvanas decided to have her people focus on vengeance against the Lich King. When the invasion of Northrend began she returned the lands occupied by her forces in exchange for enough supplies to lead a massive assault in Northrend. The Forsaken would be the vanguard of the coming war.

With this, the King of Lordaeron could at last return to Lordaeron City and rule from the traditional seat of the Kingdom. In time Lordaeron would regain its former heights in power and majesty.
Epilogue-No King Can Reign Forever

In the end, it is impossible to separate the Lich King and Arthas for the final wars they fought entwined each other and thus, the fates of all. Illidan, secure in his position as Lord of Outland, was able to drive off the initial Legion incursion and began striking at the Legion's worlds after subjugating the rest of Outland. While the vast span of the Legion meant these attacks were fatal they were a source of immense frustration for KIl'jaeden and he was deeply concerned when Illidan and the Army of the Light crossed paths. He need not have been. Illidan, in his usual manner, believed everything and everyone should be corrupted into his service. The Army of Light violently disagreed and so Illidan found him having the unique distinction of being the only being to draw the ire of both of the Army of Light and the Burning Legion at the exact same time, ultimately hobbling his operations as the Legion's various foes throughout the Nether barred his ambassadors. Still, he had obtained a good deal of servants and even a Legion ship that he could put a giant statue of himself as the figurehead. It is likely he would have continued in this vein had the Lich King not finally made his move.

Years had passed since the recapture of Strathholme and the Alliance had not been willing to land troops on Northrend proper. Northrend and the Scourge had been disturbingly quiet and all dreaded the day when the Lich King finally went on the offensive. That day finally came when Necropolises appeared in the skies of the capital of the living and Death Knights and Liches led their forces out to end what the Third War had left unfinished. Each attack was devastating with great losses but in the end they were repelled and the nations of Azeroth began preparations for their own invasion before the Lich King could send another attack.

Illidan watched all this and believed the time had finally come to seek revenge on the man who had defeated him so many years ago. He took his ship and appeared above above Icecrown Citadel and ordered it to ram the fortress. Illidan was confident his forces could easily defeat the Scourge's elite guard and the Lich King. What he did not realize was that the Lich King had planned his defenses to deal with a Guardian with the rest of the world backing her including numerous brave warriors and powerful mages. The Lich King was prepared for anything and Illidan was not. His crashed ship was rushed by ghouls crawling into every crack as Nerubians conducted unliving swarms of insects through the vents and conduits of the ship. Though Illidan's warriors were powerful they were struck by the total fury of the Lich King's counterattack. Finally, the Lich King himself appeared and thus again Illidan and he crossed blades. And Illidan saw that while his own powers had not changed since his last fight the Lich King had become much more powerful. Wounded, Illidan barely escaped with his life and a few fortunatel followers in close pursuit.

Illidan's failed assault was too large to go undetected in Azeroth and it caused a surge in investigation by the Inquisition where it was revealed Illidari agents had infiltrated most of the lands around Baradin Bay, starting from Alterac. Fearing this marked the beginning of an Illidari offensive the agents were purged and Alterac itself faced a combined invasion from Hillsbrad and the Frostwolves. Illidan, his madness only sharped by his defeat ordered all his plans be deployed. An attempt to sink Theramore under the waves was narrowly thwarted by Theramore's best mages while an Illidari plot to place Moria Thaurissian on the throne of Ironforge would see the Three Hammers working to together to drive out the Illidari and a resurrected Ragnaros, just as Stormwind and the Defias had to fight an Illidari offensive from the Dark Portal. It thus seemed that Azeroth was condemned to a two-front war with the Illidari and the Scourge. But fate had other ideas.

The Mok'Nathal had been quietly working beneath Illidan's notice for years to undermine his rule and they found allies in the Sporelings, the Boulderfist Clan, the Ogres of Ogri'La, the Wyrmcult, the Ethereals, and even the the Arakkoa. They had grown tired of Illidan's rule of Outland and they realized this was their last chance to be rid of him. Across Outland they rose and in the chaos Rend Blackhand, Warchief of the Fel Horde saw his own opportunity and forged an unholy alliance with the rebels, bringing a vast Orcish army to their side. Noting the confusion the Alliance decided to focus on the Lich King first concluding Illidan had shot his bolt while the Lich King was still secure and rearming. However, not all of them were willing to do this as the Draenei and the Mag'har arrived through the Portal to aid the Mok'Nathal.

The Alliance would make its initial landings in the southeast where they would find the last remnants of Arthas's expedition being crushed by giant humans known as the Vrykul who worshiped the Lich King as a God and who blocked the Allaince's advance with the aid of the Scourge. Further landings would occur in the center of the continent where they would find that the dragonflights had been harassing the Scourge for years and gladly joined with the living who now had the Horde and the Night Elves joining the campaign. The Living would face a grinding battle every inch of the way towards Icecrown Citadel as the Lich King threw his finest warriors at them. As they did so Jaina was in the forefront, intent on finishing what she had seen start long ago. Ultimately, she and and other heroes of the Living would find themselves fighting the Lich King in the damaged but still formidable Icecrown Citadel. It was then the Lich King the true extent of his power as he absorbed their souls into Frostmourne, planning use the chaos caused by their death to destroy the Alliance's armies and drown the world in a plague of death. But the Lich King underestimated the strength of his runeblade as by now thousands of souls now clamored within for release. Aided by the ghost of King Terenas the souls shattered their prisons, resurrecting the fallen heroes so they end the Lich King forever.

With his final death the Scourge was broken but the aimless beasts needed to be hunted down and culled. Sylvanas and her Forsaken volunteered for the task and so the Livign departed Northrend, with the exception of Lorderaron and the Gnomergan who wanted to know more of humanity's ancestors.

Meanwhile, In Outland the the war against Illidan had been hard as well. Though Illidan had lost many of his subject he still possessed his Ogres and Naga and with them he waged a brutal battle against all who would oppose him and the rebellion tired under the struggle. Ultimately, Velen and the Aldor managed to locate and free the leaders of the Broken from Illidan's thrall and use them to infiltrate his seat of power, accompanied by the best warriors of the rebellion. Thus it was that son of Hellscream and the son of Blackhand faced Illidan and his bride in combat. Illidan, even in his weakened state was powerful and Tyrande's skill as a warrior had not dulled with her madness. But Rend had fought his whole life against towering odds and Garrosh had trained for years with the hope he would one day avenge his people. Aided by the magics of Velen and the skills of the Broken the two Orcish champions slew Illidan and thus Draenor belonged to its native sons once again.

But such different Orcs could not live together on the same world without destroying the other and both knew that. Rend was not willing to risk backstabbing Garrosh while the Aldor were present so he returned to his warriors and prepared for another war. A war that did not come for Garrosh and the Draenei returned through the Portal. They knew the Alliance had prevailed in Northrend and they knew Rend would not risk their wrath by attacking the other rebels. Learning from the Humans and the Draenei taught Garrosh the value of patience and knowing a victory that cost everything to achieve was no victory. Rend would be vulnerable one day but not now. Now a war with him would destroy all that was left of Draenor's peoples. So Garrosh and Velen would return to Azeroth and wait for the time to bring the Light to Draenor.

And so peace, uneasy though it may descended on Azeroth and Draenor. The various realms would bury the dead, rebuild, and restore what had been lost. There would be a time for warcraft but not today.
