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Long Live The Kings,
May They Reign... Forever.
May Their Strength...
Fail Them Never.
First In Battle.
Last In Retreat.
Even In Death...​

Requiem for a Grand Admiral
As the last remnants of the Kul Tiran expedition reach Kul Tiras the population, from the lowest beggar, to the highest noble, is filled with rage. Not only is the Orcish Horde rebuilding itself but the Lord-Admiral's daughter helped slay her own father. Such an act had made her reviled among the people of Kul Tiras and helped add to the cries for an eventual war with the Horde. Many sya Kul Tiras will with draw from the Allaince unles Jiana denouced and the nations of the Alliance promise an eventual war with the Horde.

Ironforge promises to send troops to an eventual war with the Horde along with plenty of guns, mortars, siege engines, Dwarf-made armor and beer. All of which are the essential tools of war.

However We also council Kul Tiras to not be hasty in denouncing Jaina, she may have had reasons we do not know of until we fully understand her reasoning we should hold off on denouncing her. Also we cannot commit troops to war until the crises with the gnomes is solved, the Dark Iron scum is driven back from our lands and the Scarlet crusade is reinforced and is holding back the scourge with some degree of success.

We therefore recommend that Kul Tiras signs over their troops and land in the alliance expedition over to their command.

EDIT: (That is the Royal We when it is in Capitals by the way, gotta include that when RPing royalty)
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The Forsaken of Lordaeron.
Emissaries are sent across Azeroth seeking aid in the war against the Scourge

To: King Varian Wyrnn of Stormwind
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

The fallen of Lordaeron have not given up the fight, under my stewardship even in death we resist the Lich King. We have retaken the capital and seek to expel the Scourge from our homes. We seek allies in our fight to end this threat, the Scourge can not be permitted to spread, if we fail the scourge will expand and destroy all life on Azeroth. While King Terenas is dead at the hands of his traitor of a son just as i have fell his Alliance need not die with him. The Alliance of Lordaeron can yet stand against the darkness and I ask you to stand with the people who offered you shelter in your direst need in their direst need.

To: King Magni Bronzebeard of Khaz Modan
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

The fallen of Lordaeron continue the fight against The Scourge, even in death we will have our revenge, will reclaim our homes and free our people enslaved by the Lich King. While King Terenas has fallen, his people continue to fight, The Alliance of Lordaeron need not die with him. I ask the King of Ironforge to honour his alliance to the people of Lordaeron in their darkest hour and aid them in their quest to retake their homes.

To: High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque of Gnomergan
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

The fallen of Lordaeron continue the fight against The Scourge, even in death we will have our revenge against the Prince that betrayed us and free those he still has enslaved.

While King Terenas has fallen, his people continue to fight, The Alliance of Lordaeron need not die with him. I ask that you lord Mekkatorque honour your pledge to the Alliance.

To: Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron The kingdom of Quel'Thalas
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

Lord Regent even in death I fight to protect my people, I have not forsaken my oaths as Ranger-General of Silvermoon. I will continue the fight against The Scourge, I will continue to defend our home and will not rest until the Lich King pays for what he has done to our home.

Know that we will both one day stand in a Silvermoon free of the Scourge and once again home for our people.

@Orwelans III
To: High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

High Priestess your people have suffered under the Legion as have mine. Your victory must only be lauded but it was not complete. The legion still have agents in this world in the form of the Undead Scourge. We seek any aid you can provide to drive out this final holdout and affront tothe natural order.

To: High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

High Chieftain words of the victories you have won for your people have assured them a well earned peace. A threat however remains that may destroy all life on Azeroth. The Scourge unstopped will destroy all life on Azeroth. We seek to end this threat and free those who we have lost. I ask much in your time of peace, but can you aid us?

To: Thrall
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

Your victory over the Legion and the freedom you have won for your people can only be praised even for I who can still remember battling the Horde in the Second War. I now fight to do the same for my people and those of the people of Lordaeron who find themselves enslaved to the Lich King as you once did to the Legion. I ask you for help freeing my people from their own curse and in doing so defeat those who drew the legion to this world.
In the dead of Night a single letter was nailed to the gates of Stormwind, where it came from the Guards who were watching the area did not know as they say nothing and found no trace of the one who put it there

To: The Liar King @CommandoHowizter

For years we worked tirelessly to rebuild your city after it was devastated by the Orc. We risked everything, spent every coin we had making it even better than it was before and when our work was complete and we asked for the payment that was promised us, what did we get? Nothing! Good men and woman were left starving and penniless, all because you and your nobles refused to give us what we were owed! You drove us from your city, a city we have everything to rebuild.

Now we are united in Brotherhood and will not be cowed so easily! We will not stop until you have repayed what is owed and more. These are our demands:
  1. The Repayment of what was promised for the Reconstruction of Stormwind, along with 1/3rd more as recompense for the disbandment of the Stonemasons and expulsion from the city.
  2. Amnesty of All members of the Brotherhood for past crimes.
  3. Full access to Stormwind Harbor for Brotherhood vessels.
  4. The ceding of Westfall to the Brotherhood and acknowledgement as it's own independent kingdom.
  5. Exemption from Stormwind trade taxes for all Brotherhood merchants.
Signed The Defias Brotherhood.
To: Falstad Wildhammer High Thane of the Wild Hammer Clan
From Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

High Thane, Lordaeron fell but her people continue to fight to free themselves from their enslavement from dominion under the Scourge. The people of Lordaeron have seen for me to lead them. Through the people of Lordaeron and I the kingdom endures and we will fight to reclaim what we have lost. I ask you to honour your Oath to the Alliance of Lordaeron and her people. I ask for you aid in reclaiming what was lost and freeing those enslaved to the Lich King's will.
It was a dark chapter in Stromgrade's history, that much anyone could tell. The once proud kingdom, the birthplace of human civilization, was under siege with parts of the city already lost to the Trolls and Ogres, whilst rebellious elements layed claim to what was rightfully his!

This offense against his magnanimous self could not stand! Alas, arrogant and power-hungry he may be, the Prince -and he was a Prince for the Capital had yet to be freed- was no fool. He knew that the situation was less than tenable, and so, it was with a great amount of will that emissaries were called forth to implore help from the Alliance, with the promise of a rebuilt Stromgrade's return to the fold.

To: The Alliance
From: King Galen Stromgrade

We stand at the brink of a world changing event. The Kingdom of Stromgrade implore its former allies for what aid they can lend, for we fear for the loss of Stromgrade itself at the hands of rebellious knaves and invading ogres and trolls. Of course, we do not wish for this without an offering in return. Once the threats against our rule are dealt with, Stromgrade will find itself back amongst the Alliance's ranks.

The Wildhammer Clan​
From the mountains of the Hinterlands a squad of gryphon riders fly from the Aerie Peak forming a flock before breaking into two directions.

To: Falstad Wildhammer High Thane of the Wild Hammer Clan
From Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

High Thane, Lordaeron fell but her people continue to fight to free themselves from their enslavement from dominion under the Scourge. The people of Lordaeron have seen for me to lead them. Through the people of Lordaeron and I the kingdom endures and we will fight to reclaim what we have lost. I ask you to honor your Oath to the Alliance of Lordaeron and her people. I ask for you aid in reclaiming what was lost and freeing those enslaved to the Lich King's will.

To: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron
From: Falstad Wildhammer, The Dragonreaver and High Thane of the Wildhammer Clan

I can see the terrors of the scourge from my perch Windrunner, I can see the fallen Kingdom of Lordaeron. As much as I sympathize with your people's "condition", the Wildhammers face many threats from various sides of Azeroth. I need my men here in the Aerie to prepare against the scourge, to fight off the predators trying to prey off our land. The living need to fight for the living and not the dead Windrunner, Lordaeron is dead merely a shadow of it's formal self. We shall fight the scourge have no doubt about that but I won't waste the lives of my men saving the dead.

To: The Alliance
From: King Galen Stromgrade

We stand at the brink of a world changing event. The Kingdom of Stromgrade implore its former allies for what aid they can lend, for we fear for the loss of Stromgrade itself at the hands of rebellious knaves and invading ogres and trolls. Of course, we do not wish for this without an offering in return. Once the threats against our rule are dealt with, Stromgrade will find itself back amongst the Alliance's ranks.

To:King Galen Trollbane
From: Falstad Wildhammer, The Dragonreaver and High Thane of the Wildhammer Clan

The Wildhammer's hear your plea King of Stromgarde, We have many mutual enemies in the Arathi Highlands. The Clan is willing to join forces with you and destroy the trolls and ogres going after both our lands in this time of dire need. For now I shall prepare and wait for news of anymore allies willing to join in the Arathi.

The Forsaken of Lordaeron.
Emissaries are sent across Azeroth seeking aid in the war against the Scourge

To: King Varian Wyrnn of Stormwind
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

The fallen of Lordaeron have not given up the fight, under my stewardship even in death we resist the Lich King. We have retaken the capital and seek to expel the Scourge from our homes. We seek allies in our fight to end this threat, the Scourge can not be permitted to spread, if we fail the scourge will expand and destroy all life on Azeroth. While King Terenas is dead at the hands of his traitor of a son just as i have fell his Alliance need not die with him. The Alliance of Lordaeron can yet stand against the darkness and I ask you to stand with the people who offered you shelter in your direst need in their direst need.

To: King Magni Bronzebeard of Khaz Modan
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

The fallen of Lordaeron continue the fight against The Scourge, even in death we will have our revenge, will reclaim our homes and free our people enslaved by the Lich King. While King Terenas has fallen, his people continue to fight, The Alliance of Lordaeron need not die with him. I ask the King of Ironforge to honour his alliance to the people of Lordaeron in their darkest hour and aid them in their quest to retake their homes.

To: High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque of Gnomergan
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

The fallen of Lordaeron continue the fight against The Scourge, even in death we will have our revenge against the Prince that betrayed us and free those he still has enslaved.

While King Terenas has fallen, his people continue to fight, The Alliance of Lordaeron need not die with him. I ask that you lord Mekkatorque honour your pledge to the Alliance.

To: Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron The kingdom of Quel'Thalas
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

Lord Regent even in death I fight to protect my people, I have not forsaken my oaths as Ranger-General of Silvermoon. I will continue the fight against The Scourge, I will continue to defend our home and will not rest until the Lich King pays for what he has done to our home.

Know that we will both one day stand in a Silvermoon free of the Scourge and once again home for our people.

@Orwelans III
To: High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

High Priestess your people have suffered under the Legion as have mine. Your victory must only be lauded but it was not complete. The legion still have agents in this world in the form of the Undead Scourge. We seek any aid you can provide to drive out this final holdout and affront tothe natural order.

To: High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

High Chieftain words of the victories you have won for your people have assured them a well earned peace. A threat however remains that may destroy all life on Azeroth. The Scourge unstopped will destroy all life on Azeroth. We seek to end this threat and free those who we have lost. I ask much in your time of peace, but can you aid us?

To: Thrall
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

Your victory over the Legion and the freedom you have won for your people can only be praised even for I who can still remember battling the Horde in the Second War. I now fight to do the same for my people and those of the people of Lordaeron who find themselves enslaved to the Lich King as you once did to the Legion. I ask you for help freeing my people from their own curse and in doing so defeat those who drew the legion to this world.
You don't even know Cairne exists at this point.

The Bronzebeard clan
The keepers of the greatest forge in the world​
To: King Magni Bronzebeard of Khaz Modan
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

The fallen of Lordaeron continue the fight against The Scourge, even in death we will have our revenge, will reclaim our homes and free our people enslaved by the Lich King. While King Terenas has fallen, his people continue to fight, The Alliance of Lordaeron need not die with him. I ask the King of Ironforge to honour his alliance to the people of Lordaeron in their darkest hour and aid them in their quest to retake their homes.

To: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron
From: King Magni of Ironforge and Master Smith of the Alliance

Ach, I spit on your calls for aid! I heard plenty of what you do to the living who aid you from my troops in the expedition! You would rather deal with demons than have Alliance races on your side! While I cannot blame ya for slaughtering that idiot Garithos given what my own troops have said about him, your actions in chasing out and killing many of the Alliance soldiers under his command including many Ironforge Dwarves has ensured that we will NEVER come to your aid!

However neither will we be attacking you given the greater threat of the scourge. So long as you do not harm a member of the Alliance including the Scarlet Crusade we will not attack you either. Do so and you will face the full wrath of Ironforge and any other Alliance members we can call to join us! So choose your next actions wisely False Queen, for they will determine the fate of you and your 'people'.

To: The Alliance
From: King Galen Stromgrade

We stand at the brink of a world changing event. The Kingdom of Stromgrade implore its former allies for what aid they can lend, for we fear for the loss of Stromgrade itself at the hands of rebellious knaves and invading ogres and trolls. Of course, we do not wish for this without an offering in return. Once the threats against our rule are dealt with, Stromgrade will find itself back amongst the Alliance's ranks.

To:King Galen Trollbane
From: King Magni of Ironforge and Master Smith of the Alliance

I will not be aiding ya for your murder of your father! No true dwarf is able to condone such an act. Some may be able to look past it to a degree but I find mahself unable to do so.

I will not however take my disgust about you out on your people however so you need fear no attack from us. We will be too busy to send you aid anyway dealing with these Dark Irons and the Problems of my Gnomish allies.
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To Jaina Proudmoore
From Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

Jaina Proudmoore, Lordaeron the kingdom you fought to defend endures. We have retaken the capital and freed ourselves from the Lich King. We now fight in death to free those still enslaved.

The people of Lordaeron and I welcome you and any of their families who journeyed west with you. We also humbly ask you for aid.

The Legion maybe gone for now but Arthas and the Scourge endure. That fight will be fought in Lordaeron and we trust you and yours will be there to protect the people of Lordaeron.

To: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron
From: King Magni of Ironforge and Master Smith of the Alliance

Ach, I spit on your calls for aid! I heard plenty of what you do to the living who aid you from my troops in the expedition! You would rather deal with demons than have Alliance races on your side! While I cannot blame ya for slaughtering that idiot Garithos given what my own troops have said about him, your actions in chasing out and killing many of the Alliance soldiers under his command including many Ironforge Dwarves has ensured that we will NEVER come to your aid!

However neither will we be attacking you given the greater threat of the scourge. So long as you do not harm a member of the Alliance including the Scarlet Crusade we will not attack you either. Do so and you will face the full wrath of Ironforge and any other Alliance members we can call to join us! So choose your next actions wisely False Queen, for they will determine the fate of you and your 'people'.

To: King Magni of Ironforge and Master Smith of the Alliance
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

You disappoint me. I will not forget my oaths as easily.

An Ever-Burning Flame
To the Noble Leaders of the Alliance,

These are dark times. Lordaeron's people remain prisoners and exiles, the resurgence of the Dark Irons has shaken Khaz Modan, and the vile orcs once again threaten us. Not least of these sorrows is the death of Admiral Proudmoore. He was a good man, a hero, with the best of intentions and the greatest of honour. Azeroth is poorer for his death, and we in Lordaeron pray to the Light that Admiral Tandred may find good fortunes and strong winds in this time of grieving.

In such times as these however, we must stand as one. I understand if you are wary of us. Our goals are so far removed from you as to seem irrelevant to your cause. But in the spirit of unity, of strength and of the shared peace we wish to revive, I submit the humble request of friendship between the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron and the Alliance. We are brothers and sisters in arms, each and every one of us, and the Crusade will remember any aid given.

We are not invincible, and we will need assistance. I am sure that you are loathe to part with the forces and land you command in Tirisfal, but if they could be placed under our command it would be an invaluable boon. One with which we could then make clear the way for assistance to Arathor and the Wildhammers. But I only ask you to consider it.

But know this well: we will take what you provide for us, and we will reclaim Lordaeron. The monstrosities and abominations that tread its soil will be cast out, burned by the glory of the Light and sent reeling to the nether from whence they sprang. And when Lordaeron is strong again, we shall be part of the Alliance in full. We may not be able now, but a day will dawn when the royal flag once more flies over Lordaeron City, and we will stand shoulder to shoulder alongside you.

To the people of Kul Tiras: our hearts and prayers go to you.

To the people of Stormwind: may you ever find prosperity, and know that you do not walk alone.

To the people of Ironforge: may your forges burn hot, and may the Dark Irons know no victory.

To the people of Gnomeregan: may you always find opportunity in all things.

May you all walk in the Glory of the Light, and may you find good fortune in all your days.

United in prayer,

Saidan Dathrohan,
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron

The Scarlet Crusade sends condolences to Kul Tiras and her new Admiral on the death of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore.

The Scarlet Crusade also sends offers of alliance to Kul Tiras, Gnomeregan, and Ironforge, and offers friendship to Stormwind. The Grand Crusader will not turn down the resources of the Expedition if the leaders of the Alliance nations offer them, but understands if they are hesitant.

Grand Crusader Dathrohan promises aid to Kul Tiras in battle against the Horde, but cannot fulfill that promise at the present time, possessing neither the resources nor the geographic access to assist. Once more land and resources are secured, and the Crusade is less easily threatened, they will happily aid Admiral Tandred in his endeavor.​
Bronzebeard-Turn One

The Bronzebeard clan
The keepers of the greatest forge in the world

Current Ruler:
King Magni Bronzebeard
Current Heir: Prince Brann Bronzebeard
Population: 500,000
Capital: Ironforge
Allies: Gnomeragan, The Scarlet Crusade, The Wildhammer clan.
Armies: 3 (5) Regen of .5 per turn
Fleets: 1 (3) Regen of .5 per turn

Major Actions
  • Two armies of Ironforge are to fortify the passes into Dun Morogh and any outlying towns still in Ironforges control alongside as many of its builders and architects as are in Ironforge and the surrounding lands. Also all mortars currently owned and being built are getting sent to help defend the passes and then the immidiate areas beyond them in Dun Morogh. Also the first upgrades being made will be gates on every tunnel entrance and exit to ensure nothing can sneak past the guards. Also the gates will be locked and barred from the side moving towards Ironforge.
  • One army of Ironforge is to the defense of Gnomeregan against the Troggs. Ironforges troops will take the front against them in close up fighting and help train the Gnomes up as a better fighting force. Ironforges troops will bring most of its blunderbuss to increase their effectiveness in the city as well given its layout.
  • Ironforge is building up its armies strength by creating enormous numbers of mortars and many extra blunderbuss and training both new mortar teams and attaching them to its currently existing armies and training troops that already use guns in the use of Blunderbuss as well so they may switch between the two weapons depending on the situation and terrain. Ironforge expects this to increase its ability to deal with large numbers of enemies that are more grouped up, its ability to tear down defenses and its troops capabilities in short and extreme range combat.
  • Ironforge is using its builders and workers in Menethil Harbor outside of what are needed to increase its navy, to build Cannon tower into the walls surrounding the city. This is to greatly improve the defenses of the Harbor. They are also to keep the fleet ready to fire its cannons against any enemy that attacks the city.
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Gnomes of Gnomeregan

It was night.. or was it? You never knew in Gnomeregans Streets, as the Light was always on and only the window shuts gave the relieveing darkness that let its inhabitants come to sleep. But although ti was 12 O'clock, many Gnomes couldn't sleep. The danger was too close and they waited only for the next news that would tell them to move again a level up. Escaping from the imminent danger once more, one step.
Thats, when the Loudspeakers began to start, the static noise howling the floor before a far too wellknown voice spoke to everyone that listened.

"Fellow Gnomes, it is your High Tinker Mekkatorque speaking.
I speak to you in our darkest hour, i won't deny that. The troggs are strong, and our peaceful life never prepared us for such a threat.
However, that doesn't mean we will give up our beloved City. Gnomeregan, fellow Gnomes, lives in us all.
It is build by every single of us, animated and maintained by everyone. It's idea of endless possbilities comes to life through us.
And that is why, the council and i decided to evacuate the City. Every Citizen that doesn't work in a Key Industry
Like Transport, R&D and Military Manufacturing,
is hereby ordered to evacuate to the surface in Tinkertown. Please register so that we can provide livingquarters, rations and work opportunities for everyone.
You also have the opportunity to volunteer for Military service, be it as a combatant or support cast. We can use every hand we get.
Thanks for listening."

And thats, when the city came to life again, at one of the msot unusual times and with the msot unpleasant reason it could come up with. But they wouldn't be Gnomes, if that would't be done with kindness and a spark of hope that it was worth it.

To: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron @Atomicwalrus
From: Secretary Mindy Cooperwheel under the Authority of High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque

Greetings Lady Windrunner,

we have received your message and are happy that Lordaeron is not dead. Well, technically i mean! Sadly, our High Tinker is currently invested in some major developments that require his immediate attention, so we were forced to ask our Lawyerbot 1500 about the situation. He concluded, to our surprise, that Lordaeron in itself ceased to exist as soon as the central power fell apart and so it's membership in the alliance is expired.
So unfortunately we can't help you, as long as a new grand council of the alliance has decided about a new membership application form you or has taken an official stance towards your new Nation.
We are very sorry!

With this letter, send as a punch card that you can read with your own, personal - she has none? Well, then we need to print a copy. Oh, its still recording?
Aaaaaaanyway. We hope you endure, as we do and give your best. Maybe we can meet one day!

With best regards,
Secretary Mindy Cooperwheel,
under the Authority of High Tinker Mekkatorque​
To: Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron The kingdom of Quel'Thalas
From: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

Lord Regent even in death I fight to protect my people, I have not forsaken my oaths as Ranger-General of Silvermoon. I will continue the fight against The Scourge, I will continue to defend our home and will not rest until the Lich King pays for what he has done to our home.

Know that we will both one day stand in a Silvermoon free of the Scourge and once again home for our people.
Queen Sylvanas,

We have heard about you taking command over a significant portion of the undead army, but we mostly dismissed it as a rumor. It is of a strange pleasure for me to hear that it is indeed true after all and that you remain a commander at heart even after this heart stopped beating. Having served under you for a while, I have first-hand experience about your abilities.
However, many of us here, especially the Farstriders, are wary about your motives and the nature of your new existence. How can we be sure that, even in undeath, you still have a certain sense of duty... dare I say even loyalty... to the Throne of Quel'Thalas? How can we be sure that you truly care about your former homeland?

Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron
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To Jaina Proudmoore
From Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron

Jaina Proudmoore, Lordaeron the kingdom you fought to defend endures. We have retaken the capital and freed ourselves from the Lich King. We now fight in death to free those still enslaved.

The people of Lordaeron and I welcome you and any of their families who journeyed west with you. We also humbly ask you for aid.

The Legion maybe gone for now but Arthas and the Scourge endure. That fight will be fought in Lordaeron and we trust you and yours will be there to protect the people of Lordaeron.
To: Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Queen of the Forsaken of Lordaeron
From: Jaina Proudmoore

It is good to hear of the retaking of Lordaeron's capital from the Scourge, as it; alongside the Legion is the greatest threat to our world more than any other. Rest assured that the people of Theramore will fight the Scourge as and when we are able, but as of right now, our position here in the West is not yet secure, so we can only offer minor assistance at best. The tension between myself and my homeland would no doubt be exacerbated should my ships show in strength anywhere in the Eastern Kingdoms right now; and until such a time there is little to be done. We can only hope that Arthas does not move in strength yet.

Further; Lady Windrunner, we have heard rumours from the Alliance forces fighting to retake Lordaeron, that your forces attacked rather than assisted them. I must know; if there is any truth to such an accusation.

Theramore remains a refuge for those wishing to flee the war,


Jaina Proudmoore.

The Scarlet Crusade and Order of the Silver Hand


To High Tinker Mekkatorque of Gnomeregan,

Hail, distant friend! We hope that your endeavors go well. If not, then know that, separated though we be, the Crusade and the Silver Hand hold you to be stalwart allies, as it was when our people fought alongside you in the past.

In our mission to reclaim the Kingdom of Lordaeron from the curse which grips it, the Crusade will need such stalwart friends. May we extend the honor of alliance between us?

We shall aid you however possible when we can, but understand if you are wary. If you are willing to grant us aid through your forces in the Expedition, it would be a welcome boon.

May you walk always in the Light.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron


To King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge,

Greetings, Your Majesty. I hope this missive finds you well in these dark days. I have heard of the threats that plague your realm and your people, and offer my best wishes, fleeting though they be.

If the Crusade could send you aid in this, we would. By the Light, we would. The dwarves have been friends to Lordaeron in the past, and no matter what any may say, we are Lordaeron.

In that spirit, I wish to rekindle the friendship between our peoples. I offer an alliance between Ironforge and Hearthglen, and promise that when we are strong again, we shall help however we can.

I have also heard rumors that you suggested we take command of the Expedition to the Council? I thank you for that, Your Majesty, even if the motion does not pass.

May your forges ever burn and your hearts never tire.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron


To Admiral Tandred Proudmoore of Kul Tiras,

As I said in my letter to the Council, the hearts and prayers of all of us go to you in this tragic time. Your father was a good man, Admiral. He was a hero of the highest order, deserving of every honor we can give.

In the spirit of unity and the friendship our realms once shared, I offer an alliance between the Scarlet Crusade and the Admiralty of Kul Tiras. When we are able to divert resources enough, I promise that we shall take part in the battle against the Horde.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron


To King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind,

Hail, Your Majesty. I hope that this letter finds you well. May I offer my best wishes in your efforts to uphold the peace and stability of your kingdom.

I know that Lordaeron must be a source of mixed emotions for you, Your Majesty, considering the events of the past both recent and more distant. And with your realm in such a time of trial, I will not burden you with hopes of alliance. Instead, I offer friendship between the Crusade and Stormwind, in the hopes that we may find comradeship again in the future. If you could please consider the place of the Order of the Silver Hand - and the new order I have founded around it - in the Alliance, I would be deeply grateful.

And I do not mean to sound callous, Your Majesty, but I do ask you to consider the proposal King Magni has made to the Council. Any help we may receive is vital in this holy mission, and the sooner the Scourge is destroyed and driven from the domains of Lordaeron, the sooner we may look again to helping our friends and allies. And rest assured that we shall.

Good luck to you, Your Majesty, and may the Light guide your hand as you lead your kingdom into a new tomorrow.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
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The Scarlet Crusade and Order of the Silver Hand


To High Tinker Mekkatorque of Gnomeregan,

Hail, distant friend! We hope that your endeavors go well. If not, then know that, separated though we be, the Crusade and the Silver Hand hold you to be stalwart allies, as it was when our people fought alongside you in the past.

In our mission to reclaim the Kingdom of Lordaeron from the curse which grips it, the Crusade will need such stalwart friends. May we extend the honor of alliance between us?

We shall aid you however possible when we can, but understand if you are wary. If you are willing to grant us aid through your forces in the Expedition, it would be a welcome boon.

May you walk always in the Light.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron


To King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge,

Greetings, Your Majesty. I hope this missive finds you well in these dark days. I have heard of the threats that plague your realm and your people, and offer my best wishes, fleeting though they be.

If the Crusade could send you aid in this, we would. By the Light, we would. The dwarves have been friends to Lordaeron in the past, and no matter what any may say, we are Lordaeron.

In that spirit, I wish to rekindle the friendship between our peoples. I offer an alliance between Ironforge and Hearthglen, and promise that when we are strong again, we shall help however we can.

I have also heard rumors that you suggested we take command of the Expedition to the Council? I thank you for that, Your Majesty, even if the motion does not pass.

May your forges ever burn and your hearts never tire.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron


To Admiral Tandred Proudmoore of Kul Tiras,

As I said in my letter to the Council, the hearts and prayers of all of us go to you in this tragic time. Your father was a good man, Admiral. He was a hero of the highest order, deserving of every honor we can give.

In the spirit of unity and the friendship our realms once shared, I offer an alliance between the Scarlet Crusade and the Admiralty of Kul Tiras. When we are able to divert resources enough, I promise that we shall take part in the battle against the Horde.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron


To King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind,

Hail, Your Majesty. I hope that this letter finds you well. May I offer my best wishes in your efforts to uphold the peace and stability of your kingdom.

I know that Lordaeron must be a source of mixed emotions for you, Your Majesty, considering the events of the past both recent and more distant. And with your realm in such a time of trial, I will not burden you with hopes of alliance. Instead, I offer friendship between the Crusade and Stormwind, in the hopes that we may find comradeship again in the future. If you could please consider the place of the Order of the Silver hand - and the new order I have founded around it - in the Alliance, I would be deeply grateful.

And I do not mean to sound callous, Your Majesty, but I do ask you to consider the proposal King Magni has made to the Council. Any help we may receive is vital in this holy mission, and the sooner the Scourge is destroyed and driven from the domains of Lordaeron, the sooner we may look again to helping our friends and allies. And rest assured that we shall.

Good luck to you, Your Majesty, and may the Light guide your hand as you lead your kingdom into a new tomorrow.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
In another time I would be delighted to help, but the loss of so many ships and men has forced us to lick our wounds.
To King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge,

Greetings, Your Majesty. I hope this missive finds you well in these dark days. I have heard of the threats that plague your realm and your people, and offer my best wishes, fleeting though they be.

If the Crusade could send you aid in this, we would. By the Light, we would. The dwarves have been friends to Lordaeron in the past, and no matter what any may say, we are Lordaeron.

In that spirit, I wish to rekindle the friendship between our peoples. I offer an alliance between Ironforge and Hearthglen, and promise that when we are strong again, we shall help however we can.

I have also heard rumors that you suggested we take command of the Expedition to the Council? I thank you for that, Your Majesty, even if the motion does not pass.

May your forges ever burn and your hearts never tire.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
To: Saidan Dathrohan, Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
From: King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge and Master Smith of the Alliance

These are indeed dark times for us all. While yes I did indeed recommend the Alliance expedition join forces with the Scarlet crusade, I will not be able to give aid beyond this. Thankfully the High tinker of Gnomeragan has agreed with me in this matter and also signed off on this, so if nothing else you will gain the aid of both of our armies in the expedition. However Stormwind and Kul Tiras have yet to reply or agree to anything on this matter.

Once my lands and the lands of my Gnomish allies are secure I will see about sending you some more aid than what I can currently spare. Good luck in you endevours and Lightspeed!
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To: Saidan Dathrohan, Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
From: King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge and Master Smith of the Alliance

These are indeed dark times for us all. While yes I did indeed recommend the Alliance expedition join forces with the Scarlet crusade, I will not be able to give aid beyond this. Thankfully the High tinker of Gnomeragan has agreed with me in this matter and also signed off on this, so if nothing else you will gain the aid of both of our armies in the expedition. However Stormwind and Kul Tiras have yet to reply or agree to anything on this matter.

Once my lands and the lands of my Gnomish allies are secure I will see about sending you some more aid than what I can currently spare. Good luck in you endevours and Lightspeed!

To King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge, Master Smith of the Alliance,

My thanks to you, Your Majesty. I am sorry that I cannot offer immediate aid in return, and I hope that you and your people weather this storm quickly, and with as little loss as possible.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
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To King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge, Master Smith of the Alliance,

My thnaks to you, Your Majesty. I am sorry that i cannot offer immediate aid in return, and I hope that you and your people weather this storm quickly, and with as little loss as possible.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
To: Saidan Dathrohan, Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
From: King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge and Master Smith of the Alliance

My thanks to you Grand Crusader, however if you need more aid I highly recommend contacting the night elves from across the sea. It is my understanding that they have a few more armies than the Horde does and should be able to send one or two of those armies to aid you through the port the Alliance expedition holds. This would greatly increase your ability to act in the south and should allow you to link up with both the Stormgarde remnants and the Wildhammer more effectively and clear out their lands for them. Once that is done I am sure that those combined armies will be able to come to your aid with great effect.
To: Saidan Dathrohan, Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
From: King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge and Master Smith of the Alliance

My thanks to you Grand Crusader, however if you need more aid I highly recommend contacting the night elves from across the sea. It is my understanding that they have a few more armies than the Horde does and should be able to send one or two of those armies to aid you through the port the Alliance expedition holds. This would greatly increase your ability to act in the south and should allow you to link up with both the Stormgarde remnants and the Wildhammer more effectively and clear out their lands for them. Once that is done I am sure that those combined armies will be able to come to your aid with great effect.

To King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge, Master Smith of the Alliance,

Thank you again for your swift reply.

Your advice is appreciated, and though these "Night Elves" have largely been a non-factor to me, I shall endeavor to make contact with them soon. if they are indeed willing to help, then this may well turn the tide.

United in prayer,
Saidan Dathrohan
Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron
Dark Iron-Turn One

Dark Iron Clan
Current Ruler: Emperor Dagran Thaurissan
Current Heir: General Angerforge/Shadowforge Senate
Armies: 4
Navies: 0
Diplomatic Deals: N/A
Allies: None

Major Actions:
-Send General Angerforge north with 2 armies to secure newly acquired territories and colonists once the land is so secured
-Create More Ironforge Golems and heighten production of weapons and armor
-Further Fortify Shadowforge City and its surrounding environs against threats from the Ironforge, Dragonmaw, and Dark Horde


To: The Boulderfist Ogres @Ceslas
From: Emperor Dagran Thaurissan

We share enemies and seek different conquests, so I would offer an alliance between the Boulderfist and Dark Iron Clans. In exchange for support in securing the area around Loch Modan and the swamplands to your Clan's south, we will pledge support to your efforts in securing Stormgarde and its surrounding territory with weapons and equipment, and possibly more direct support when we have fortified our control in Loch Modan and the swamplands.

To: Sylvanas Windrunner of the Forsaken @Atomicwalrus
From: Emperor Dagran Thaurissan

We two share more in common than some might suppose. Just as you seek to rid yourself of those who twisted you to their will and seek to destroy them, so we of the Dark Iron Clan would overthrow the tyrant who has enslaved us for centuries. I send you this offer by the most secure channels available to me. In return for aid in form of soldiers, magic, or knowledge that might help us rid ourselves of our own Overlords, we will pledge similar support against the Scourge to the far north. Though our troops are stretched thin now, I can pledge immediate support in the form of knowledge and magic we might provide, as well as the finest Dwarf-forged arms and armor available.
