Welcome to Gotham (Batman Villain Quest)

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Gotham. Everyone agrees that this city has been circling the drain for the last few decades...


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Gotham. Everyone agrees that this city has been circling the drain for the last few decades. The deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne, the cities last great benefactors, is widely considered to be the last nails in the cities coffin. Once the sun goes down, the streets are filled with criminals of the worst type. Crime rates have never been higher. And the fact that the police are filled with corruption only further adds to the problem. The Police Commissioner and the Mayor are all crooked as can be, on the payroll of multiple mob bosses. Anybody sane would have given up on this city a long time ago.

But you are no great benefactor. This is not a story of a hero. For you are but one of the cities many villains.

Will you prove triumphant and complete your goals? Or will this city destroy you like so many others?

[ ] Male
[ ] Female

[ ] Marquis

Once upon a time, your mother and father believed in the future of Gotham. Your family has called the city home for centuries alongside other illustrious families like the Waynes and the Cobblepots. In their minds eye, they viewed a city of the future. Orderly, clean, wealthy, and of course, completely under their control. Your parents were sort of megalomaniacs. You are as well you suppose. It's why you killed them after all. Honestly, did they really expect you to sit back and let them remain in control once your training was complete? They were rather thorough in your teaching though. You traveled the world, learned from the best, even gathered a band of subordinates loyal only to you that believe in your vision. For you do believe in your parent's dream after all.

Gotham will be yours. It's only a matter of time. And no one will take it from you.

  • Minions are highly loyal to you (Also they wear suits which are very stylish)
  • Start with a successful company you use as cover for your criminal empire
  • Since you were born you have been taught by the finest teachers money could buy. You are exceptionally good at business management and personal combat.
  • Minions are very small in numbers
  • You despise other criminals and refuse to work with them even for mutual benefit. You believe the city will be much better off without them. Your minion standards are also very high.
  • The Penguin and Black Mask start off as enemies.
  • Seize control of Gotham either officially or unofficially.
  • Purge the city of any criminal element not loyal to you.
[ ] Voltage

You'd be the first to admit you were a bad person. You've committed every felony in the book, enough to get you sent away permanently if you were ever caught. And you know what? You were. Some call the Batman a myth. But you know he's real. He sent you away and now you're going to kill him for it. Blackgate was horrible. The guards was crooked. They let this deranged scientist perform tests on the inmates in secret. You don't know what you were injected with, but the next thing you woke up covered in blood and able to shoot lightning out of your hands. You got out of Blackgate and rejoined your old gang.

First things first, you're going to be rich.

Then, you're going to find the Batman, no matter how crazy it makes you seem. And kill him.

  • Your minions have the best weapons and firepower.
  • Your gang has a reputation throughout the city as a group that gets things done.
  • You actually have powers, which is more than anyone else can say in this city.
  • You keep your guys in line more with fear than love
  • You have an obsession with electricity and everything related to it.
  • Carmine Falcone and Bane start off as enemies.
  • Get rich or die trying
  • Kill the Batman
[ ] Street Rat

It's a rough life living at the bottom of the social totem pole. After you lost everything nobody cared about what happened to you. But it's only once you hit rock bottom that you finally got back up. You realized that the system failed you. And that it needed to be fixed. By force if necessary. You started talking, speaking what you thought. And what's strange is that people around you listened. They even agreed with you. Now you have an army at your beck and call of the dispossessed and downtrodden.

You're going to fix this city. No matter what it takes.

  • Your Minions are highly numerous
  • Your hideout in the sewers is hidden. No one knows where to find you. Not even Batman.
  • You are highly charismatic, able to play a crowd or make even the most stubborn opponents agree with you.
  • Your minions are not very powerful
  • You are obsessed with bringing down the existing order of Gotham. Even to the point it damages your operations.
  • Anarchy and Riddler start off as enemies
  • Tear down the existing order and create a Gotham that's safe and equal.
  • Get revenge on all everyone that wronged you.
This takes place in the Arkham verse. The time is a few months before Arkham Origins.
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The King is dead, long live the King
Like waves upon rock
Housing and business
Loot and pillage
Don't rock the boat
Band of misfits

Threat Ratings
Dossier: Petra Sykes

Illegal Operations:
Name: Hydra
Leader: Marquis

Old Gotham:
Park Row
- Several minor safe houses
The Bowery
- Several minor safe houses
Amusement Mile
- 3 Large Warehouses/Distribution Centers and 1 Dock Facility (Main import point for narcotics and black market goods)
Industrial District
- None
Sheldon Park
- None

New Gotham:
Diamond District
- 1 Underground Distribution Center
- 1 Large Warehouse/Distribution Center
- Several minor safe houses

Legal Operations:

CEO: Gloria Vain

Old Gotham:
Park Row
- None
The Bowery
- Various warehouses and stores for 'Vain Architecture and Construction'.
Amusement Mile
- 1 Dock Facility (4 registered ships)
Industrial District
- 1 Medium Chemical Plant 'Vain Industries'
- 1 Medium Steel Plant 'Vain Industries'
Sheldon Park
- None

New Gotham:
Diamond District
- Skyscraper housing 'Vain Architecture and Construction'
- Vain Foster Care Center
- 1 Upscale Club "The Crowned Stag"
- Various warehouses and stores for 'Vain Architecture and Construction'.


Loyalty: Unquestionable
Able: 187
Wounded: 11

190 Assault Minions
Threat Rating: 4
Equipment: Body armor, automatic rifles, shotguns, pistols, grenades

5 Sniper Minions
Threat Rating: 5
Equipment: Body armor, high-caliber sniper rifle

3 Heavy Gunner Minions
Threat Rating: 5
Equipment: Body armor, heavy machine gun

Gloria Vain

Position: Leader, CEO
Age: 24
Threat Rating: 10
Equipment: Anything

Saya Peters

Position: Personal Assistant, Maid, Second in Command, Underboss of the Diamond District
Age: 24
Threat Rating: 8
Equipment: Throwing knives, duel daggers, martial arts, pistol

Petra Sykes

Position: Minion Leader, Underboss of Amusement Mile
Age: 28
Threat Rating: 7
Equipment: Submachine gun, backup pistol, grenades
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[X] Male
[X] Marquis

While it is tempting to have UNLIMITED POWER!!!, I personally find it to be more useful to be intelligent, conniving, and to actually have the resources to back it up.
[X] Male
[X] Marquis

Super powers are tempting put in DC there are many ways to get them, maybe if we inspire enough fear we'll nab a yellow ring.

Also cool idea for a quest, I'm really looking forward to where this goes.
[X] Male
[X] Marquis

If the League of Assassins attempts to conquer or destroy our city, they will be crushed beneath our iron boot, as with any other challenges to our rightful rule.
Also, the two you don't pick? They will still be around even if you don't pick them. They'll carry out their own plans.
Go for super powers! We can literally turn ourselves into a railgun!

[X] Female
[X] Voltage