Welcome to a World of New Solutions (A RWBY AU quest)

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Location: Airship, on route to Beacon

Well, isn't this interesting? So many bright young...
1.0: Who?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Location: Airship, on route to Beacon

Well, isn't this interesting? So many bright young adults here, each brave and ready to give their all to defend their world. Seems like something out of an increasingly-popular Web Show, doesn't it? In fact, I believe I can see a girl with a red hood and her older sister over by the side of the windo-

Oh? It was a trick of my mind, neither of them are here. And, looking around, I don't think I recognize any of these people. But I could've sworn this was supposed to be the year that Beacon fell-

What's that? It is?

Well... huh. It would seem that this is an alternate universe where those two teams we have grown to know and love-as well as their families- don't seem to exist! That's... weird. And in their places are these new people, people who I assume never existed in the universe we know. And yet...

It feels like 8 of these people... they're important, in some form or another. Perhaps we ought to take a closer look at one of them and see who they really are.

[] Azure

[] Gray

[] Lime

[] Orange

[] Lilac

[] Maroon


[] Aquamarine

OoC: And welcome, one and all, to my new quest! I literally have no idea where the plot of this quest is going to go, nor what teams will be formed... basically the only things I know are all the stuff about the various potential protagonists. ...This'll end badly, won't it? Anyways, whoever ends up being the protagonist of this tale, I'm sure it's going to be a fun ride!
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution~

[x] Lime
Ooooh, each character already has a predetermined Semblance.
Aww alright, darn, I had this cool idea for a Momentum Semblance.
Adhoc vote count started by Lone Courier 6 on Nov 27, 2017 at 5:49 AM, finished with 24 posts and 12 votes.
Would it be correct to assume that this vote determines our character?